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LTPCC-AddCoAuthors-2009-03 (June 9, 2009)

Licence to Publish (Crown Copyright)

Manuscript number:

No changes are to be made to this licence without prior consent of NRC Legal Services.

2. The authors (except those listed in this paragraph) contributed to the manuscript on behalf of the National Research Council of Canada ("NRC"), thereby establishing a copyright belonging to the Crown in Right of Canada, that is, to the Government of Canada.

NRC is not able to deal with the rights relating to the contribution of any co-authors listed below, and you should seek their permission separately.

(list author names as well as their respective organization, email address and phone number, if available)


1. D.M. KIrpalani


a. Institute for Chemical Process and Environmental Technology National Research Council of Canada

M-12 Montreal Road Ottawa, ON K1A 0R6 Tel: 613-991-6958

E-mail: deepak.kirpalani@nrc-cnrc.gc.ca

2. K. Suzuki


a. Institute for Chemical Process and Environmental Technology National Research Council of Canada

M-12 Montreal Road Ottawa, ON K1A 0R6


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