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Groups in which the derived groups of all 2-generator subgroups are cyclic


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Groups in which the Derived Groups of all 2-Generator Subgroups are Cyclic.

PATRIZIALONGOBARDI(*) - MERCEDEMAJ(*) - HOWARDSMITH(**) Dedicated to Guido Zappa on his 90th birthday

1. Introduction.

Let us denote byCthe class of groupsGfor whichhx;yi0is cyclic for all x;y2G. It is easy to check that a groupGbelongs toCif and only if, for all x;y2G, there is an integernˆn(x;y) such that [x;y]yˆ[x;y]n. Groups Gwith this property appear to have been first studied in [1]. Theorem 2 of that paper states that a finite nilpotent groupGof odd order in which every two-generator subgroup has cyclic derived group is metabelian, and it is remarked that it is not known whether the stated restriction on the order ofGis necessary. We show that it is indeed necessary, that is, we exhibit a finite 2-group inCthat is not metabelian (see Theorem 4 below). We also generalise the above result of Alperin by proving the following.

THEOREM1. If G is a finite group of odd order that belongs to the classC then G is metabelian.

Another result from [1] is that a torsion-free nilpotent group with our property is metabelian. It turns out that there is considerably more that may be said about torsion-free groups inC.

THEOREM2. If G is a torsion-free group in the classCthen G has a normal nilpotent subgroup N of class at most2and index at most2in G. In

(*) Indirizzo degli AA.: Dipartimento di Matematica e Informatica, UniversitaÁ di Salerno, Via Ponte don Melillo, 84084 Fisciano (Salerno), Italy.

E-mail: plongobardi@unisa.it E-mail: mmaj@unisa.it

(**) Indirizzo dell'A.: Department of Mathematics, Bucknell University, Lewis- burg, PA 17837, U.S.A. E-mail: howsmith@bucknell.edu


particular, a torsion-free locally nilpotent group inCis nilpotent of class at most2.

In fact, a satisfactory classification is available for torsion-free groups inC, as follows.

THEOREM3. Let G be a torsion-free group. Then G2 Cif and only if either G is nilpotent of class at most2or G=Z(G)ˆF=Z(G):hgiZ(G)=Z(G), where F=Z(G)is abelian, g22Z(G)and aga 1mod Z(G)for all a2F.

Our next result shows that Theorem 2 cannot be improved upon in at least one direction; it also provides us with a finite 2-group that answers the question from [1] referred to above. We make the obvious remark that subgroups and homomorphic images of a group inCare again inC.

THEOREM4. There exists a torsion-free group G that lies in the classC but is not metabelian. Furthermore, G has a homomorphic image of order 210that is not metabelian.

For p a fixed prime, it is easy to exhibit finite p-groups of arbi- trarily large nilpotency class that belong to C, for the group Gn

:ˆ ha;b:apnˆ1ˆbpn1;b 1abˆap‡1i is metacyclic and has class ex- actly n for each positive integer n. One might try to use these easy examples to construct a locally finitep-group in Cthat is not nilpotent but, at least for odd p, such a construction is not possible, as the fol- lowing result indicates.

THEOREM5. Let p be an odd prime and let G be a p-group in the classC.

Then G is nilpotent.

It is obvious that every two-generator subgroup of a group inCis su- persoluble, and by a result from [3] we have immediately that a finite group inCis supersoluble. This was pointed out in [2], where several structural properties were established for finite groups inC. Our next result shows that local supersolubility is a characteristic of many groups inC. It was established in [7] that a finitely generated hyper(abelian-by-finite) group in which every two generator subgroup is supersoluble is itself super- soluble, while our stronger hypothesis allows us to establish local super- solubility for an arbitrary locally gradedgroup, where each nontrivial fi- nitely generated subgroup is assumed to have a nontrivial finite image.


Indeed, we do not know whether even this extra hypothesis is necessary, but if there is a counterexample at all then it is easily shown that there is one that is finitely generated, infinite and simple.

THEOREM6. Let G be a locally graded group in the classC. Then G is locally supersoluble and has a finite series of characteristic subgroups 1LMNG where L is metabelian and consists of all the elements of G that have odd order, M=L is a (locally finite)2-group, N=M is torsion- free and nilpotent of class at most2, and G=N has order at most2.

Theorem 6 presents by no means a satisfactory description of locally supersoluble groups inC. We would like to know more about finite 2-groups in C- perhaps such a group always has its derived subgroup, or even its square, of bounded nilpotency class, though we have insufficient evidence to present this as a conjecture. We are, however, able to assert the fol- lowing, our final main result.

THEOREM7. If G is a2-group inCthen G2is hypercentral, of length at mostv:

It will be seen that this last result is an easy consequence of a lemma that is required in order to establish Theorem 6. We mention (without providing a proof) that, ifGis a 2-group inCthenG2is also soluble, and we conjecture that it is nilpotent. PossiblyGitself is nilpotent, but again we are reluctant to offer this as conjecture.

2. Finite groups in the classC.

In this section we prove Theorem 1. It is convenient to divide the proof into a sequence of lemmas as follows

LEMMA2.1. Let G2 Cand suppose that GˆPjhxi, with P a finite p- subgroup and x a p0-element of odd order, where p is an odd prime. If a;b2PnCP(x)and[a;x]xˆ[a;x]r;[b;x]xˆ[b;x]s, then rs mod p and 16r mod p:

PROOF. Letibe maximal such that neither [a;x] nor [b;x] is contained in Zi(P), theith term of the upper central series ofP. Working modulo Zi(P), we may assume that 16ˆ[a;x]2Z(P);[b;x]6ˆ1. Then for some in-


teger t we have [ab;x]ˆ[a;x][b;x];[ab;x]xˆ[ab;x]tˆ[a;x]t[b;x]t, and [ab;x]xˆ[a;x]x[b;x]xˆ[a;x]r[b;x]s. If h[a;x]i \ h[b;x]i contains a non- trivial elementcthencxˆcrˆcsandrsmodjcj, while if the intersection is trivial then [a;x]t rˆ1ˆ[b;x]s tandtrmodj[a;x]j;stmodj[b;x]j, and in particularrsmodp. Alsor61, for otherwise [a;jx]ˆ1 for somej and hence [a;x]ˆ1, a contradiction.

LEMMA2.2. Let G2 Cand suppose that GˆPjhxi, with P a finite p- subgroup and x a p0-element of odd order, where p is an odd prime. Then [P;hxi]is abelian.

PROOF. Supposing the result false, there exist a;b2P such that c:ˆ[[a;x];[b;x]]6ˆ1. AsGis supersoluble there is a normal subgroupNof Gthat has orderp, and by induction onjGjwe may assume that [P;hxi] is abelian moduloN. By Lemma 2.1 we have [a;x]xˆ[a;x]r;[b;x]xˆ[b;x]s withrsmodp. IfNCG(x) then 16ˆcˆcxˆcrsand sor2 rs1 mod p, a contradiction sincejxj is odd andr61 modp, by Lemma 2.1. Thus N6CG(x) and [n;x]xˆ[n;x]t for every nontrivial elementnofN, where trmodp, again by Lemma 2.1. Now 16ˆct ˆcx, ascˆ[n;x]vfor some n2N;v2Z, and sincecxˆcrswe haver2rmodp. Lemma 2.1 gives the required contradiction.

LEMMA2.3. Let G2 Cand suppose that GˆPjhxi, with P a finite p- subgroup and x a p0-element, where p is an odd prime. Then G is meta- belian.

PROOF. By Theorem 3.5 of [4] we have PˆCP(x)[P;hxi]. Moreover, [P;hxi]/G, and soG0ˆ(CP(x))0[P;hxi]:By Theorem 2 of [1] and Lemma 2.2 above, each of (CP(x))0 and [P;hxi] is abelian, and it suffices to show that (CP(x))0CG([P;hxi]). But ifa2P;g2CP(x) then we have [a;x]ˆ[ga;x]

and, sinceG2 C, each ofa;gaandxis in the normalizerKofh[a;x]iinG.

ThusCP(x)Kand (CP(x))0CG(h[a;x]i), and the result follows.

LEMMA2.4. Let G2 Cand suppose that GˆPjhxi, with P a finite p- subgroup and x a p0-element of odd order, where p is an odd prime. If Z(P)CG(x)then G is nilpotent.

PROOF. Assume the result false and let i1 be maximal such that Zi(P)CG(x). Thenxdoes not act nilpotently onZi‡1(P) and we may as- sume thatiˆ1. Leta2Z2(P),b2P. By Lemma 2.2, [[a;x];[b 1;x]]ˆ1,


and since G2 C it follows that [x;b 1] centralizes [a;x]x and hence that [a;x]bxˆ[a;x]xb: Also, h[a;x]iP is abelian, and we deduce easily that 1ˆ[a;x;b;x]ˆ[a;x;x;b], and since b was arbitrary it follows that [a;x;x]2Z(P). Thus [a;x;x]2CG(x) and so a2CP(x), and we have a contradiction to the fact thatxdoes not centralizeZ2(P).

We are now in a position to complete the proof of the theorem.

PROOF OFTHEOREM1. Let Gbe a counterexample of minimal order.

SinceGis supersoluble we haveG0nilpotent, and it follows by minimality thatG0is ap-group for some primep. LetPbe a Sylowp-subgroup ofG;

thus G0P and GˆPjX for some abelian p0-subgroup X, and G0ˆP0[P;X]. NowP0 is abelian, by [1], and by Lemma 2.3 P0[P;hxi] is abelian for everyx2XandXis not cyclic. Thus [P;X] is not abelian and we may choose elementsa;b2Pandx;y2Xsuch that [[a;x];[b;y]]6ˆ1.

By minimality we haveGˆ ha;b;x;yi ˆPhx;yi; alsoZ(P) is cyclic sinceG has just one normal subgroupN, say, of orderp. WriteNˆ hni.

If nxˆna and nyˆnb, with each of a;b61 mod p, then we have nxygˆnfor someg, and so ifzˆxygthenNCG(z), so thatZ(P)CG(z) (see Theorem 3.10 of [4]) and PCG(z) by Lemma 2.4. But then GˆPhy;zi and [Phyi;hzi]ˆ1, and so G0 is abelian. This contradiction concludes the proof of the theorem.

3. Torsion-free groups.

Our main objective in this section is the classification of torsion-free groups in C, as presented in Theorem 3. For much of the following dis- cussion we concern ourselves with C-groupsGwhose derived subgroups are torsion-free. We begin with an easy lemma, but one which has a very useful consequence. All we need for the proof is that, for elementsa;xof a groupG,h[a;x]ihaiˆ[hai;x]:

LEMMA3.1. Let G be a group, a;x2G, and suppose that[a;x]aˆ[a;x]

or[a;x]aˆ[a;x] 1.Thena2centralizes [hai;x]:

The next two results are also very straightforward.

LEMMA3.2. Let G2 Cand suppose thathx;yi0is either infinite or trivial for all x;y2G. Let g2G: Then, for each x2G; either [x;g2]ˆ1 or [x;g;g]ˆ1(with both holding if and only if[x;g]ˆ1).


PROOF. If g;x2G then h[x;g]i/hx;gi and so [x;g]gˆ[x;g] (and [x;g;g]ˆ1) or [x;g]gˆ[x;g] 1. In the latter case we have [x;g2

ˆ[x;g]2[x;g;g]ˆ[x;g]2[x;g] 2ˆ1.

LEMMA3.3. Let G be a torsion-free locally nilpotent group inC. Then G is nilpotent of class at most2.

PROOF. Ifx;y2Gthen each ofxandynormalizesh[x;y]iand hence centralizes it, by local nilpotency. ThusGis 2-Engel and hence nilpotent of class at most 2 (see, for example, [9; Theorem 7.14]).

COROLLARY 3.4. Let G2 C and suppose that G has no nontrivial normal torsion subgroups. Suppose further thathx; yi0is either infinite or trivial for allx; y2G. ThenG2is nilpotent of class at most2(and soG0is nil-2).

PROOF. Let a2G. If x2G then, using Lemma 3.1, we see that a2 centralizes [hai;x] and, sincexwas arbitrary,a2centralizes [hai;G]. Thus ha2iGis abelian. Since this is true for alla2Git follows thatG2is a product of normal abelian subgroups and hence locally nilpotent, and the result follows by Lemma 3.3.

We are almost in a position to establish a result that says much about the structure of certain groups inC. But first we must prove the following

``global version'' of Lemma 3.2.

LEMMA3.5. Let G2 Cand suppose thathx;yi0is either infinite or trivial for all x;y2G. Then, for each g2G, either g22Z(G)or[x;g;g]ˆ1for all x2G.

PROOF. Fixg2Gand letTgˆ fx2G:[x;g;g]ˆ1g:

Claim. Tg is a subgroup ofG.

Let x;y2Tg, so [x;g;g]ˆ1ˆ[y;g;g]; and suppose for a contra- diction that [xy;g;g]6ˆ1: Then [xy;g2]ˆ1, by Lemma 3.2, and we de- duce that [x;g2]ˆ([y;g2] 1)y 1and hence that [x;g2]2 hx;gi0\ hy;gi0and so N:ˆ h[x;g2]i is normal in H:ˆ hx;y;gi. In the following, all con- gruences are moduloN: since [x;g;g]ˆ1 we have [x;g]2[x;g2]1 and similarly [y;g]21: Also [x;g;x]ˆ1 or [x;g] 2 and so [x;g;x]1, and similarly [y;g;y]1. Next, [x;g;gy][x;g;y][x;g;xy] and, since y


normalizes h[[x;g];y]i and xy normalizes h[[x;g];gy]i it follows that hy;xy;gyinormalizesK:ˆ h[x;g;y]imod N, soHnormalizesKmod N, and hence H0 centralizes K mod N. In particular, [[x;g;y];[x;g]]2N, and so 1[[x;g]2;y][x;g;y]2, and it follows thatKhas order at most 2 mod N and hence that [K;H]N. We deduce that [x;g]N2Z2(H=N) and similarly that [y;g]N2Z2(H=N). Thus [xy;g]N2Z2(H=N) and we have [xy;g;g;g]2N. But [x;g;g]ˆ1 and Nˆ h[x;g2]i together imply [N;g]ˆ1 and hence [xy;g;g;g;g]ˆ1. But g2 centralizesxy and hence hxyihgi, and we get 1ˆ[xy;g;g;g2]ˆ[xy;g;g;g]2 and so [xy;g;g;g]ˆ1.

Similarly [xy;g;g]ˆ1 and this contradiction establishes the claim.

Again by Lemma 3.2 we haveGˆCG(g2)[Tgand so eitherGˆCG(g2) orGˆTg, as required.

PROPOSITION 3.6. Let G2 C and suppose that G has no nontrivial normal torsion subgroups. Suppose further thathx; yi0is either infinite or trivial for allx; y2G, and letF ˆFitt(G), the Fitting radical ofG:Then the following hold.

(i) If g2GnF then aga 1 mod Z(G)for all a2F.

(ii) G=F has order at most2:

(iii) F0Z(G):

PROOF. By Lemma 3.3 and its corollary,Fis (torsion-free) nilpotent of class at most 2 and containsG2, and soG=Fhas exponent at most 2. Suppose that there existsg2GnFand leta2F. If [u;ag;ag]ˆ1 for allu2Fthen [u;g;g]2F0for allu2Fand so [F;hgi;hgi]F0andFhgi=F0is nilpotent.

But then Fhgi is nilpotent (see [5]) and sog2F (since Fhgi/G), a con- tradiction. It follows from Lemma 3.5 that (ag)22Z(G) for alla2F(and in particularg22F). Thus, again for alla2F,aga 1modZ(G), and (i) is proved. Ifhandghare also inGnFthen we haveaha 1andagha 1 mod Z(G) for alla2F, but agha and so aa 1 for all a, and hence [F;hgi]Z(G) and again we have the contradiction thatFhgiis nilpotent.

ThusG=F has order at most 2. Finally, supposeF<G, chooseg2GnF and let a;b2F. Then, modulo Z(G), a 1abgˆ(a[a;b])ga 1[a;b] 1 and so [a;b] 12Z(G) and statement (iii) follows.

Theorem 2 follows immediately from Proposition 3.6 and Lemma 3.3.

Proposition 3.6 also establishes that a torsion-free group in C has the structure described in Theorem 3. Suppose now that Gis a torsion-free group; ifGis nil-2 then of courseG2 C, so assume thatGˆFhgiwhereF


andgare as described in Theorem 3. LetHbe an arbitrary two-generator subgroup ofG. IfHFthenH0is cyclic. Otherwise,Hˆ ha;bgifor some a;b2F; then agˆa 1z for some z2Z(G) and one checks easily that [a;bg]ˆz[a;b]a 2 and [a;bg]bgˆ[a;bg] 1, so H0 is again cyclic. Thus Theorem 3 is also proved.

PROOF OFTHEOREM4. LetAˆ hai hzi, a free abelian group of rank 2, and letHbe the group with presentationhx;y:[x;y]xˆ[y;x]ˆ[x;y]yi. It is routine to check that H is torsion-free; indeed, H is an extension hx;[x;y]i jhyi, wherexacts by inversion onh[x;y]iand the action ofyon hx;[x;y]iis viaxyˆx[x;y];[x;y]yˆ[x;y] 1. We define an action ofHonA by setting axˆa 1z;ayˆa 1;zxˆzˆzy. It is easily verified that ax 1ˆa 1z;ay 1ˆa 1;a[x;y]ˆaz2;a[y;x] ˆaz 2;axy 1ˆazˆaxy, and that the relations for H are thereby respected. With the above action, set GˆAjH, which is also torsion-free.

First let us observe that G0 is not abelian, for it contains both [a;x]ˆa 2zand [x;y], but (a 2z)[x;y]ˆa 2z 3. Next, it is clear thatx2and y2are central inG, as of course isz. Since [a;[x;y]]ˆz2, the centralizer of a in H is easily seen to be hx2;y2i, and so Z(G)ˆ hz;x2;y2i: Let Fˆ hA;x2;y2;[x;y];xy 1i. From the above calculations and the fact that [[x;y];xy 1]ˆ1 it is immediate thatF=Z(G) is abelian. AlsoGˆFhyi, and sinceyinverts every element ofFmoduloZ(G) we may apply Theorem 3 to deduce thatG2 C.

Finally, let N be the subgroup of G generated by a8;z8;x2;y2 and [x;y]4:Since [a;[x;y]]ˆz2we have [a;[x;y]4]ˆz8and it follows thatNis normal in G. Certainly jHN=Nj ˆ16 and jAN=Nj=64 and so G=N has order 210. Furthermore, [a;x;[x;y]]ˆz 462N and so (G=N)0 is not abe- lian, and the proof of Theorem 4 is complete.

4. p-groups in the classC, wherepis odd.

Our first result in this section is very easy to prove but is nonetheless of some interest. In any case, the special case whereGis ap-group will turn out to be an important ingredient in the proof of Theorem 5.

PROPOSITION4.1. Let Gbe a group, nan integer, and suppose that [x; y]yˆ[x; y]n for allx; y2G: ThenG is2-Engel and therefore nilpo- tent of class at most3, and of class at most2ifGcontains no elements of order3.


PROOF. Let x;y2G: Then [y;x]yˆ([x;y] 1)yˆ[x;y] nˆ[y;x]n ˆ

ˆ[y;x]x and so xy 1 centralizes [y;x] and hence centralizes h[y;x]i ˆ hx;yi0. In particular, [x;xy 1;xy 1]ˆ1. If a;b2G then we set xˆa;yˆb 1a in the above to get [a;b;b]ˆ1, as required. The consequences for the nilpotency class of G follow from Theorem 7.14 of [9].

COROLLARY4.2. SupposeGˆHKand thatG2 C. Suppose further thatH is finite but not nilpotent of class at most3, and letx; y2K. Then the order of[x; y]is less than the exponent ofH0. In particular, if K is finite and of odd order thenexp(K0)< exp(H0).

PROOF. First note that if K has odd order then K0 is abelian, by Theorem 1, and so all we need establish is the statement concerning each commutator of K. Suppose for a contradiction that x;y2K and j[x;y]j exp(H0). We have [x;y]yˆ[x;y]m for some integer m, and by Proposition 4.1 there are elementsa;bofHsuch that [a;b]b6ˆ[a;b]m, but [a;b]bˆ[a;b]n for some integer n. Now [ax;by]byˆ[a;b]n[x;y]m ˆ

ˆ([a;b][x;y])rfor somer, and we havernmodj[a;b]jandrmmod j[x;y]j, and by our choice of x;y this gives mn mod j[a;b]j and so [a;b]bˆ[a;b]m, a contradiction.

Suppose now thatpis an odd prime and thatGis ap-group inC. Every two-generator subgroup ofGhas cyclic derived subgroup and is therefore regular, and in particular [xpn;y]ˆ[x;y]pn ˆ[x;y]pn for all x;y2Gand for all positive integers n. (For these properties of regular p-groups we refer the reader to Chapter 4 of [8].) Now if x2G andjxj ˆp then we deduce that [x;y]pˆ1 and soycentralizes [x;y], soxis a 2-Engel element and, since p is odd, it follows that x lies in Z3(G) - see Corollary 2 to Theorem 7.13 of [9]. By induction, an element of order at most pn lies in Z3n(G), for each positive integer n, and so G is hypercentral, with hy- percentral length at mostv. In particular,Gis locally finite and therefore, by Theorem 2 of [1], metabelian. These facts about Gwill be used in our subsequent discussion.

LEMMA4.3. Let G be a p-group inC, where p is an odd prime, and let A be a normal nilpotent subgroup of G, with G=A abelian.

(i) If G=A has finite exponent then G is nilpotent.

(ii) If G=A is divisible then G is nilpotent.


PROOF. (i) By induction we may suppose thatG=Ahas exponent p. If G=A0is nilpotent then so isG[5], and so we may factor byA0and assume that A is abelian. Let a2A;g2G. Then 1ˆ[a;gp]ˆ[a;g]p and so [A;G]pˆ1 and [A;G]Z3(G), which givesAZ4(G) andGnilpotent.

(ii) As in part (i) we may suppose thatAis abelian. We shall show that AZ(G), and for this we may assume thatG=ACp1, and so there are elementsg1;g2; :::such thatGˆAhg1;g2; :::i;gp1 2Aandgpi‡1gimodA for each i1. Let a2A and suppose that a has order pn. Then, for in‡1, we have 1ˆ[apn;gi]ˆ[a;gpin]ˆ[a;gi n]. Thus [a;gj]ˆ1 for all j1 and the result follows.

PROOF OFTHEOREM5. We have seen thatGis metabelian; let Abe a normal abelian subgroup ofGsuch thatG=Ais also abelian, and letB=Abe a basic subgroup ofG=A- soB=Ais a direct product of cyclic subgroups andG=Bis divisible (see [10; 4.3.4]). Assuming for a contradiction thatGis not nilpotent, we have from Lemma 4.3 thatBis not nilpotent, so we may assume thatG=Ais a direct product of cycles. Choose a finite subgroupF1

ofGsuch thatF1is not nil-4 andF1A=Ais a direct factor ofG=A, and write G=AˆF1A=AM=A:

Mis normal inG, as therefore isMpn, wherepn is the exponent ofF1. SinceG=Mpnhas finite exponent we have from Lemma 4.3 thatN:ˆMpnis not nilpotent. Forx2F1 andy2Mwe have 1ˆ[xpn;y]ˆ[x;ypn], and it follows that [F1;N]ˆ1. Note thatN\F1Z(F1), therefore.

LetDˆ fa2A:apnˆ1g:If every finite subgroupF2ofNhas derived subgroup of exponent at most pn mod D then exp(F02)p2n and hence F20 Z6n for all such F2, and so N0Z6n(G) and we obtain the contra- diction thatNis nilpotent. Thus we may choose a finite subgroupF2ofN such thatexp(DF20=D)>pn.

Let EˆF1\F2. Then EZ(F1);[E;F2]ˆ1 andED (recall that F1\NA.) LetHˆ hF1;F2i:ThenE/HandH=EˆF1=EF2=E, and sinceEZ(F1) we see thatF1=Eis not nil-3. By means of Corollary 4.3 we deduce thatexp(EF02=E)<exp(EF01=E)exp(F01)pn. ButEDand so exp(DF20)=D)<pn, a contradiction that concludes the proof of Theorem 5.

5. Locally graded groups.

First letGbe a locally supersoluble group inC. The setLof elements of odd order inGforms a subgroup, which of course is characteristic inG, and ifM is the maximal normal torsion subgroup ofGthen M=Lis a locally


finite 2-group. NowG0 is locally nilpotent, and we may apply Proposition 3.6 to the groupG=Mto obtain a normal torsion-free nil-2 subgroupN=M of index at most 2 inG=M. Thus, in order to establish Theorem 6, it suffices to prove the following.

PROPOSITION5.1. LetGbe a locally graded group in the classC. Then Gis locally supersoluble.

This in turn requires a preliminary lemma.

LEMMA 5.2. Let G be a group in the class C and suppose that every torsion element of G has2-power order.

(i) If a2G andjaj ˆ4then[a2;x2]ˆ1for all x2G.

(ii) c2is in thev-hypercentre of G2for every2-element c of G.

PROOF. For (i), letabe as stated and letx2G. If [a;x] has infinite order then [a;x]aˆ[a;x] 1, for if [a;x]aˆ[a;x] then we obtain the contradiction that [a;x]4ˆ1. Thus [a2;x]ˆ1 and so [a2;x2]ˆ1 in this case. Now suppose that [a;x] is a 2-element; then [a;x]aˆ[a;x]1‡2sfor some integersand so [a;x]a2ˆ[a;x]1‡4h for someh, and it follows that 1ˆ[a4;x]ˆ[a2;x]2‡4hˆ

ˆ[a2;x]2t, wheretis odd. Thus [a2;x]2ˆ1, and we have [a2;x]xˆ[a2;x]

and hence [a2;x2]ˆ1, as required. Now suppose that c has order 2n. Statement (ii) follows by an easy induction on n, provided that G=Z(G2) inherits fromGthe property that there are no nontrivial elements of odd order. But if g2G and gk2Z(G2) for some odd k then it is clear that g2Z(G2), and the lemma is proved.

PROOF OFPROPOSITION5.1. We may assume thatGis finitely generated.

LetRdenote the finite residual ofGand suppose thatG=Ris supersoluble.

Nowhxihyiis finitely generated for allx;yinG, and we may apply Lemma 3 of [6] to deduce thatRis finitely generated. IfRis nontrivial then it has a properG-invariant subgroupSof finite index, and then G=Sis polycyclic and hence residually finite, giving the contradictionRˆS. Thus we may assume thatGis residually finite. Every finite image is supersoluble and hence nilpotent-by-abelian, and soG0is residually a finite nilpotent group;

it is also finitely generated, again by Lemma 3 of [6], and ifG0 is super- soluble then G is soluble and the result follows from [7]. Thus we may assume that Gis residually (finite nilpotent), and since the 20-radical of every finite nilpotent image is metabelian, we may suppose that Gis re- sidually finite-2.


Let Hbe the hypercentre of G2; by Lemma 5.1,c22Hfor all 2-ele- mentscofG. Letx;y2G; if [x;y] has infinite order then [x;y]yˆ[x;y] or [x;y] 1, but the same holds modHif [x;y] has 2-power order, for in that case we have [x;y]22H. Arguing as in the proof of Corollary 3.4, we de- duce that G2=His locally nilpotent. But G2 has finite index in G and is therefore finitely generated, soG2=His nilpotent, and another application of Lemma 3 of [6] givesHfinitely generated and hence nilpotent. SoGis soluble, and the result follows from [7].

Finally, it is clear that Theorem 7 follows immediately from Lemma 5.2.

Acknowledgments. The third author is grateful to the Mathematics Department at the University of Salerno for its splendid hospitality.


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Manoscritto pervenuto in redazione il 29 luglio 2005.


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