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African Development Bank


Academic year: 2022

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IC i


E/CN.14/EES/96" (VI)

29 February 1964

Original* ENGLISH/



Addis A."tyaba, 19 February - 3 March 1964


Resolution 96 (vi) adopted by the Commission at its Illth Plenary

" Meeting on 23 ffe'orv.' ry 1964 ;;-:'-:-

Determined to hasten economic and social development in Africa by means of concerted actian ajnong African States-, . . :: -

Considering the necessity of accelerating the establishment of those institutions which, because of their nature and functions, may serve in the promotion of harmonious co-operation in the field of development finance in the region,

Realizing the importance of uaki'n^ the economies of the African countries increasingly complementary in order to bring about an orderly development of their industries, together with an expansion of their trade,

fi that the establishment of the African Development Bank may usefully serve these ends,

Recalling the desire expressed by the African Heads 01" States at their meeting in May of 19^3 in Addis Ababa for "the rapid establishment of the African Development Bank",

Having roted "with satisfaction that the Agreement establishing the African Development Batik was adopted by ;\ Conference of Finance Ministers

called xor in resolution 52 (IV) of 1 March 1962 and has now been signed

by thirty countries out of the thirty-three eligible for membership,



E/CN.14/RES/95 (VI)

Page 2

, Having considered the Executive Secretary's progress report on the activities undertaken by the Committee of Nine on t.e work preparatory to

the establishment of the Bank,

1. Urftes all signatory Governments to expedite the ratification of the Agreement and deposit of the instrument thereof with the Secretary- General of the United Nations thus enabling the entry into force of the Agreement and the consequent early commencement of the Bank's activitie; ■

...V- ... ..2,- --■ ■•-Expresses- Its-gratitude- to -the Committee -of'&ifte -for -the work undertaken and to the Sxe&u44ve-Secretary-and--lile-: secretariat for the active role played ana the assistance afforded to the Committee in the preparation of the ground for an early functioning of'the Bank?

3» Invites member countries to remit -Iheir contributions' "already-

due to the Executive Secretary for the preparatory work as pledged at the

time of the "Conference of Finance Ministers in Khartoumv":' '■«"'-' ■'


Documents relatifs

The Conference of Finance Ministers on the Establishment of an African Development Bank, convened by the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa

The Trustee shall transfer the gold an:I funds received to the Bank not later than on the date of the first meeting of its Board of Governors and shall, at the same time, transmit

In accor-dance wi tIl tho Rulo;::; of Pr oc.xrur-e , a StGoring Commi ttiG8,. a Drafting Ccmmi,ttoo, a Cot.rri.asd.on on Capi t.a.L Subsoriptionr;

Previously, the Confe rence of African Ministers of Finance, .had met in Addis Ababa in June 1984 to consider Africa's External Indebtedness- The purpose of the Conference was twofold

The draft resolutions covered the following issues discussed by the Committee: (1) Assessment of Progress on Regional Integration in Africa; (2) Review of Progress Towards

(a) The Trustee shall at all tirr.8S koep all gold and currenoies rG- ceived frum the Signatories of the Agreement in pursuance of the provisions of Article 7 thereof as well as

Agroos that Zanzibar, Mauritius and othor African Associate Munbors of tho .rioonomio Commission for Africa may, if thoy so dosiro, acccdo to the Aer<;.>iacnt ^atatlisl-ing

These Rules of Procedure shall apply to the proceedings of the committees, commissions and working parties unless the Conference agrees otherwise in plenary session*.