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Application of the linear sampling method to retrieve cracks with impedance boundary conditions


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Submitted on 6 Dec 2010

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cracks with impedance boundary conditions

Fahmi Ben Hassen, Yosra Boukari, Houssem Haddar

To cite this version:

Fahmi Ben Hassen, Yosra Boukari, Houssem Haddar. Application of the linear sampling method to retrieve cracks with impedance boundary conditions. [Research Report] RR-7478, INRIA. 2010.



a p p o r t

d e r e c h e r c h e


Thème NUM

Application of the linear sampling method to retrieve cracks with impedance boundary conditions


N° 7478

December 2010


Centre de recherche INRIA Saclay – Île-de-France Parc Orsay Université

4, rue Jacques Monod, 91893 ORSAY Cedex

Téléphone : +33 1 72 92 59 00

cracks with impedance boundary conditions

Fahmi BEN HASSEN , Yosra BOUKARI∗† , Houssem HADDAR

Th`eme NUM — Syst`emes num´eriques Equipe-Projet DeFI´

Rapport de recherche n➦7478 — December 2010 — 23 pages

Abstract: We use the Linear Sampling Method (LSM) to detect a crack with impedance boundary conditions. This paper extends the work of Cakoni and Colton [1] that uses the LSM to reconstruct a crack with mixed boundary conditions from measurements of the far field patterns associated with different incident plane waves. The performance of our method is illustrated through some numerical examples.

Key-words: Inverse scattering problems in electromagnetism and acoustics, detection of cracks, impedance boundary conditions, linear sampling method

LAMSIN, Ecole Nationale D’ing´enieurs de Tunis

INRIA Saclay Ile de France / CMAP Ecole Polytechnique, Route de Saclay, 91128 Palaiseau, Cedex FRANCE


cracks with impedance boundary conditions

esum´e : Nous utilisons dans ce travail la Linear Sampling Method pour reconstruire une fissure imp´edante dans le vide. Ce papier est une extension du travail de Cakoni et Colton [1]

qui applique la Linear Sampling Method pour reconstruire une fissure avec une condition mixte et ceci en utilisant plusieurs mesures de champs lointains associ´es `a diff´erentes ondes incidentes planes. Nous donnons dans ce travail une validation th´eorique et num´erique de notre m´ethode.

Mots-cl´es : Probl`eme inverse en ´electromagn´etisme, m´ethode d’´echantillonnage, condition d’imp´edance, d´etection de fissure


1 Introduction

We are concerned in this work by the inverse scattering problem from a crack with an impedance boundary condition. More precisely we shall investigate the application of the Linear Sampling Method (LSM) to retrieve the geometry of the crack from multi-static far field data at a given frequency. As compared to previous works on this type of problem and methods [1, 4, 8], the originality of the present one relies on considering the case of the impedance boundary conditions on both sides of the crack. This induces more technical difficulties in the justification of the method and also on the numerical side. For instance the algorithm proposed in [1] does not work if one of the impedance values is not infinite. The main difficulty relies on the choice of the orientation of the probing “ small “ crack. Based on the theoretical justification of LSM we propose a minimization procedure that enforces the correct choice of this orientation. Prior to considering the inverse problem, we propose a study of the forward problem using an integral equation approach. This part is then used in designing a numerical method to solve this problem. It is used for instance, to generate the synthetic data needed for the inverse scheme. The theoretical developments of this first part are inspired by [1]. We also quote the work of [9] for the study of the direct problem using an integral equation approach in H¨older spaces and the work of [10] for the study of the inverse problem using a different sampling method. The extension of the current work to the factorization method [7] and to the reciprocity gap sampling method [2] is under preparation.

The report is organized as follows. In section 2, the direct problem is introduced along with a study of the uniqueness and existence of the solution using an integral equation method. The validation of the numerical implementation of this problem is then presented by comparing the results to those given by a volumetric method (using FreeFem++ [6]). In section 3, we introduce the inverse problem and we describe our formulation of the LSM along with the mathematical justifications. Lastly, we propose and test different sampling schemes associated with section 3, for different shapes of the cracks and different values of the impedances.

2 The direct scattering problem for a crack with impedance boundary conditions

Let σ Rm, m = 2,3, be a smooth nonintersecting open arc. For further considerations, we assume that σ can be extended to an arbitrary smooth, closed curve ∂Ω enclosing a bounded domain Ω in Rm. The normal vector ν onσ coincides with the outward normal vector to ∂Ω, with simply connected complement.

Impedance type boundary conditions onσlead to the following problem ∆u+k2u= 0 inRm\σ

νu±±λ±u±= 0 onσ (1)

where the wave numberkis positive and λ± L(σ) are the given (complex-valued) impedance functions with non-negative imaginary part andλ++λ 6= 0. Notice thatu±(x) = limh→0+u(x± hν) andνu±= limh→0+ν· ∇u(x±hν) forxσ.

The total fieldu=ui+usis decomposed into the given incident plane waveui(x, d) =eikd·xwith unitary directiondand the unknown scattered fielduswhich is required to satisfy the Sommerfeld radiation condition

r=|x|→+∞lim rm−12 (∂rusikus) = 0, (2) uniformly in all directions ˆx= |x|x.

In order to formulate the scattering problem more precisely we need to define the trace spaces onσ. IfHloc1 (Rm\σ), H1/2(∂Ω) andH−1/2(∂Ω) denote the usual Sobolev spaces we define the following spaces (see [11]) :

H1/2(σ) =

u: uH1/2(∂Ω) H˜1/2(σ) =

uH1/2(σ) : supp(u)σ¯ .


Now we denote byH−1/2(σ) and ˜H−1/2(σ) the dual spaces of ˜H1/2(σ) andH1/2(σ) respectively.

Using the notation

g±=(∂νui±λ±ui) (3) the problem (1)-(2) is a special case of the

Impedance crack problem (ICP): Giveng±H−1/2(∂Ω) and (λ±)L(σ) withIm(λ±) 0 andλ+6=λ, findusHloc1 (Rm\σ) satisfying the Sommerfeld radiation condition (2) and

∆us+k2us= 0 inRm\σ (4)

νus±±λ±us± =g± onσ. (5) The aim of this section is to prove the existence of the solution of the (ICP) problem, since the following uniqueness result can be found in [9] and [4]

Theorem 1 The (ICP) problem has at most one solution.

To prove the existence of the solution of the (ICP), we use a boundary integral equations approach (see [4] for a sound soft crack and a sound hard crack, [1] for a partially coated crack and [9] for a 2D impedance crack whenλ+=λ is H¨older continuous).

We define [u] :=u+u and [∂νu] :=νu+νu, the jump ofuandνurespectively, across the crackσ.

Lemma 1 Further assume that±)−1L(σ). The scattered field us is solution of the (ICP) if and only if the vector([u],[∂νu])T solves the system of integral equations








where the matrix operator Aσ: ˜H1/2(σ)×H˜−1/2(σ)H−1/2(σ)×H−1/2(σ)is given by

Aσ :=

λ+λI+ (λ++λ)Tσ 1

2+λ)I++λ)Kσ 1

2+λ)I+ (λ++λ)Kσ I++λ)Sσ



Ifusis a solution of the (ICP) then [us]H˜1/2(σ) and [∂νus]H˜−1/2(σ) (see Lemma 2.2 in [1]).

Using the Green representation formula, the following relation holds forzRm\σ(see theorem 2.24 in [4])

us(z, d) = Z


[u(y, d)]∂Φ(z, y)


∂u(y, d)


Φ(z, y)

ds(y), (8)

where Φ is the fundamental solution to the Helmholtz equation defined by

Φ(x, y) :=



|xy| m= 3 i

4H0(1)|xy|) m= 2

with x6=y and H0(1) being the Hankel function of the first kind of order zero. Next by making use of the jump relations of the single and double layer potentials across∂Ω (see [11]), we obtain from (8)


2[u] (9)


2[∂νu] (10)


whereS∂Ω, K∂Ω, K∂Ω , T∂Ω are the boundary integral operators

S∂Ω:H−1/2(∂Ω)H1/2(∂Ω) K∂Ω:H1/2(∂Ω)H1/2(∂Ω) K∂Ω :H−1/2(∂Ω)H−1/2(∂Ω) T∂Ω:H1/2(∂Ω)H−1/2(∂Ω) defined by

S∂Ωψ(x) :=



ψ(y)Φ(x, y)ds(y), K∂Ωϕ(x) :=



ϕ(y)∂Φ(x, y)

∂ν(y) ds(y), K∂Ω ψ(x) :=



ψ(y)∂Φ(x, y)

∂ν(x) ds(y), T∂Ωϕ(x) :=

∂ν(x) Z


ϕ(y)∂Φ(x, y)

∂ν(y) ds(y)

andSσ, Kσ, Kσ, Tσare the corresponding operators defined onσ. These restricted operators have the following mapping properties (see [11])

Sσ:H−1/2(σ)H1/2(σ) Kσ :H1/2(σ)H1/2(σ) Kσ :H−1/2(σ)H−1/2(σ) Tσ:H1/2(σ)H−1/2(σ).

Moreover, from the boundary conditions (5) and (3), we have [∂νu] +λ+us++λus =++λ)ui,

λ+λ[u] +λνus++λ+νus =++λ)∂νui.


Finally, by combining the relations (9), (10) and (11), we show that ([u],[∂νu])T solves the system of equations (6).

Conversely, assume that ([u],[∂νu])T satisfies (6)-(7), so λ

Tσ[u]Kσ[∂νu] +[∂νu]





+λ+λ[u] =

++λ)∂νui (12) and


Kσ[u]Sσ[∂νu] +[u]





+ [∂νu] =

++λ)ui (13) The potentialus, defined by (8), belongs toHloc1 (Rm\σ) and satisfies the Helmholtz equation in Rm\σand the S¨ommerfeld radiation condition. It remains to show thatussatisfies the boundary condition (5). To this end, we first inject (10) in (12) and (9) in (13). We obtain

λνus++λ+νus+λ+λ[u] =++λ)∂νui (14) λ+us++λus+ [∂νu] =++λ)ui (15) Multiplying (15) byλ± and adding the results to (14), we show that

νus±λ±us±=(∂νui±λ±ui) onσ.

Therefore, the fieldusgiven by (8) is a solution of the (ICP).

Lemma 2 The operatorAσ given by (7) has a trivial kernel.


Letζ= (α, β)T H˜1/2(σ)×H˜−1/2(σ) satisfying Aσζ= 0. Define the potential v=



∂Φ(x, y)

∂n(y) α(y)ds(y) Z


Φ(x, y)β(y)ds(y); xRm\σ.


This potential belongs to Hloc1 (Rm\σ) and satisfies the Helmholtz equation in Rm\σ and the Sommerfeld radiation condition. Moreover, using the jump relations of the single and double layer potentials acrossσ, we get

v± =Kσ(α)Sσ(β)±α 2

νv±=Tσ(α)Kσ(β)±β 2 Hence,

[v] =αand [∂νv] =β. (16)

Therefore, as in the proof of Lemma 1, we show thatvHloc1 (R2\¯σ) satisfies

∆v+k2v= 0 inR2\σ,

νv±λ±v±= 0 onσ

and the S¨ommerfeld radiation condition. Then, from the uniqueness of the solution of this system,

we havev= 0 and we conclude, by (16), thatα=β= 0.

Lemma 3 The operator Aσ : ˜H1/2(σ)×H˜−1/2(σ) H−1/2(σ)×H−1/2(σ) given by (7) has a bounded inverse.


Let ϕ H1/2(∂Ω) and ψ H−1/2(∂Ω) be the extension by zero to ∂Ω of [u] H˜1/2(σ) and [∂νu]H˜−1/2(σ) respectively. We denote byT0the boundary integral operator corresponding to the Laplace operator, defined asT∂Ωby replacing the kernel Φ(x, y) by

Φ0(x, y) :=



|xy| m= 3


ln|xy| m= 2

The operatorT0 is coercive on∂Ω. Hence, we have for all ϕH1/2(∂Ω) Re(h−T0ϕ, ϕiH1/2(∂Ω),H1/2(∂Ω))≥ kϕkH1/2(∂Ω). Then

Re(h−T0[u],[u]iH1/2(σ),H˜1/2(σ))≥ k[u]kH˜1/2(σ), which leads to the coercivity of the operatorT0onσwhence the operator


++λ)T0 12++λ)I

0 I

is invertible. Consider now the operator


λ+λI+ (λ++λ)Tc ++λ)K∂Ω λ+λ

2 I+ (λ++λ)K∂Ω ++λ)S∂Ω.

The operatorTc:=T∂ΩT0 is compact since it has a continuous kernal.

Since the injection from H12(∂Ω) to H12(∂Ω) is compact and λ± L(∂Ω), the operators +λ)I andλ+λIare also compact fromH12(∂Ω) toH12(∂Ω).

In the other hand, K∂Ω is a compact operator from H12(∂Ω) toH12(∂Ω). The operator S∂Ω

is continuous from H12(∂Ω) to H12(∂Ω). Thus (λ++λ)S∂Ω is compact from H12(∂Ω) to H12(∂Ω) . The operatorK∂Ωis continuous fromH12(∂Ω) toH12(∂Ω), which implies that (λ++


λ)K∂Ωis compact fromH12(∂Ω) toH12(∂Ω). We conclude thatAc: ˜H1/2(∂Ω)×H˜−1/2(∂Ω) H−1/2(∂Ω)×H−1/2(∂Ω) is a compact operator. Thus the restriction ofActo ˜H1/2(σ)×H˜−1/2(σ) denoted byAc,σ is also compact.

FinallyAσ=A0,σ+Ac,σ is Fredholm with index zero and since by Lemma 2 Aσ is injective we

conclude that it has a bounded inverse.

As a consequence of these lemmas, we have the following result Theorem 2 The (ICP) problem has a unique solution given by

us(z, d) = Z


[u(y, d)]∂Φ(z, y)


∂u(y, d)


Φ(z, y)

ds(y), zRm\σ (17) where, ([u], ∂νu])T is the unique solution of the system of integral equations (6).

2.1 Numerical solution of the (ICP) problem

LetAσ : ˜H1/2(σ)×H˜−1/2(σ)H−1/2(σ)×H−1/2(σ) be the matrix operator given by (7). We use a Galerkin method to solve numerically the system of integral equations


ϕ ψ

= f1


. (18)

We multiply the two equations in (18) by test functions α and β H˜12(σ) respectively and we integer overσ (in the sense of the duality pairing betweenH−1/2(σ) and ˜H12(σ))



λ+λαϕ+ Z


C1αTσϕ Z


C2αψ Z


C1αKσψ= Z


αf1 (19)



C1βϕ+ Z


C2βKσϕ+ Z


λ+λβψ Z


C1βSσψ= Z


βf2 (20)

where we simplified the notations by denotingC1= (λ++λ),C2= 12+λ).

Then we discretize the spaceH−1/2(σ)×H˜1/2(σ) using finite elements P1×P1. To compute the integral involving the operatorTσ we use the following formula (see [5])




∂ν(x) Z


ϕ(y)∂Φ(x, y)

∂ν(y) ds(y)ds(x)

=κ2 Z




Φ(x, y)ν(x)·ν(y)α(x)ϕ(y)ds(x)ds(y)





Φ(x, y)(α(x)×ν(x))·(ϕ(y)×ν(y))ds(x)ds(y).

We end the study of the direct problem by some numerical tests obtained by the scheme described above. To validate our algorithm, we use also FreeFem++ to solve (ICP) problem using FEM method. To this end, we discretize the disk of radius 10 times the wavelength by P1 elements.

We compare the modulus of the far field pattern (see (21)), computed by the two methods (the scheme based on integral equations and that using FEM) for 100 observation points, different crack shapes and different incident plane wavesui(x) = exp(ik(x1cos(θ) +x2sin(θ))) with angle θ. We keep the wave number constantk= 2πfor all the tests and we choose two different values of the impedancesλ=λ+= 5 +iandλ=λ+= 1 +i.

We recall that the solution of the (ICP) problem has the asymptotic behaviour of an outgoing spherical wave (see [3])

us(x, d) =r1−m2 eikrux, d) +O(rm+12 ), (21) whereuis the far field pattern of the scattered wave,xRm\σ, ˆx=x/|x|andr=|x|.


Figure 1: The modulus ofucomputed by Freefem++ (red) and by the integral equations method (blue) forλ =λ+= 5 +i. The angle of incidenceθ=π/2 (left) andθ=π/6 (right). The crack is the segment [0.5, 0.5]× {0}.

Figure 2: The modulus ofucomputed by Freefem++ (red) and by the integral equations method (blue) forλ =λ+= 1 +i. The angle of incidenceθ=π/4 (left) andθ=π/3 (right). The crack is the segment{0} ×[0.5, 0.5].

Figure 3: The modulus ofucomputed by Freefem++ (red) and by the integral equations method (blue) forλ =λ+= 5 +i. The angle of incidenceθ=π/2 (left) andθ=π/6 (right). The crack is of shape L with peaks (0,1),(1,1),(1,0).


Figure 4: The modulus ofucomputed by Freefem++ (red) and by the integral equations method (blue) for λ =λ+ = 1 +i,θ =π/4 (left) and θ=π/3 (right). The crack is is of shape L with peaks (0,1),(1,1),(1,0).

Figure 5: The modulus ofucomputed by Freefem++ (red) and by the integral equations method (blue) for λ =λ+ = 5 +i, θ =π/2 (left) and θ=π/6 (right). The crack is an arc of the unit circle with an angle varying from 0 to 90 degrees.

Figure 6: The modulus ofucomputed by Freefem++ (red) and by the integral equations method (blue) for λ =λ+ = 1 +i, θ =π/4 (left) and θ=π/3 (right). The crack is an arc of the unit circle with an angle varying from 0 to 90 degrees.


We can clearly see that the results (compare Figure 1 to 6) obtained by the two methods are very close which validates our scheme. Note that the integral equation method is much faster than the finite element method since the size of the linear system is much smaller (even though, the matrix is not sparse).

3 The inverse problem

3.1 Settings and theoretical justification of the LSM

In this section, we adapt the LSM for scattering by a partially coated crack (see [1]) to the following inverse problem :

Inverse scattering by an Impedance Crack (IIC). Given the far field pattern u(·,·) on Sm−1×Sm−1 of the solution to (ICP), reconstruct the crackσ.

To solve the (IIC) by the LSM method, we first define the far field operator F : L2(Sm−1) L2(Sm−1)

g 7→



u(·, y)g(y)ds(y) (22) and consider the far field equation

F(gL)(ˆx) = ΦLx) for all xˆSm−1 (23) where ΦL L2(Sm−1) is given by

ΦLx) =γ Z



∂ν(y) +βL(y)e−iκˆx·y

ds(y), (24)



8πκ in 2D 1

in 3D


Notice that ΦL is the far field pattern of the potential ΦLdefined by ΦL(x) :=



αL(y)∂Φ(x, y)

∂ν(y) +βL(y)Φ(x, y)

ds(y) (26)

with densitiesαLH˜12(L) andβLH˜12(L), for any smooth non intersecting open arcLRm−1. We will characterize the crack σby the behaviour of an approximate solutiongL of the far field equation (23).

To prove the existence of an approximate solution of (23), we factorize the operator F as F =BHwhereB :H−1/2(σ)×H−1/2(σ)L2(Sm−1) maps the boundary data (g+, g) to the far field pattern of the solution of (ICP) andHis the trace operator defined by

H: L2(Sm−1) H−1/2(σ)×H−1/2(σ) g 7→ ((∂νλ)vg,(∂ν+λ+)vg) wherevg is the Herglotz wave function of kernalgL2(Sm−1),

vg(x) :=



eiκx·dg(d)ds(d), xRm. (27)

We will show that the traces of the solution of the (ICP) on both sides ofσcan be approximated by the appropriate traces of the Herglotz wave functionvg. We shall keep the same hypothesis on λ± as in section 2 and further assume that (λ++λ)(x)6= 0 for a.e xσ.


Lemma 4 The operatorHis injective and has a dense range.

Proof. LetgL2(Sm−1) be an element of the kernal ofH. Then, (∂ν±λ±)vg= 0 onσ.

Since by assumption (λ++λ) 6= 0 then vg = 0 and νvg = 0 on σ0 σ. From the unique continuation principle it implies that vg = 0 in Rm and thereforeg = 0 which proves that His one to one.

The main idea of the proof of the second part of the theorem is to show that H, the adjoint operator ofH, is injective.

To this end, we determine first the expression ofH. LetgL2(Sm−1) andα, βH˜1/2(σ), then H: ˜H1/2(σ)×H˜1/2(σ)L2(Sm−1) satisfies

hH(g),(α, β)iH,H =hg,H(α, β)iL2(Sm−1),L2(Sm−1)

whereH := ˜H1/2(σ)×H˜1/2(σ).

By changing the order of integration and using (27),

hH(g),(α, β)iH,H

= Z


g(d) Z








Therefore, fordSm−1, the operatorH is given by H(α, β)(d) =









We observe thatH is the far field pattern of the potential γ−1V(z) =





Φ(z, y) +β(y)


Φ(z, y))ds(y),

for z Rm\σ. This function is well defined in¯ Rm\σ¯ since αand β can be extended by zero to functions in H1/2(σ). Moreover, V Hloc1 (Rm\¯σ) satisfies the Helmholtz equation and the sommerfeld radiation condition.

Therefore, if H(α, β) = 0, the far field pattern ofV is zero and from Rellich’s lemma and the unique continuation principle we conclude thatV = 0 inRm\σ. Then, by the jump relations of¯ the layer potentials, we have [V] =γ(α+β) and [∂νV] =γ(λαλ+β). This implies that

α+β= 0 and λαλ+β= 0.

Finally, since by assumptionλ+(x)6=λ(x) for a.e xσ, α=β= 0 and the operatorHis


In the next step, we provide some properties of the operator B. We need to introduce the operatorsF : ˜H1/2(σ)×H˜−1/2(σ)L2(Sm−1) given by

F(ϕ, ψ)(ˆx) :=γ Z



∂ν(y) +ψ(y)e−iκˆxy

ds(y) (28)

andM : ˜H1/2(σ)×H˜−1/2(σ)H−1/2(σ)×H−1/2(σ) defined by M :=

T+λ+(K+12I) λ+SK+12I Tλ(K12I) λSK12I

. (29)

Lemma 5 The operatorM has a bounded inverse andB=γFM−1.


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