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The 'FluxSAP 2010' hydroclimatological experimental campaign


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EMS, Berlin, 12-16 September 2011

The 'FluxSAP 2010' hydroclimatological experimental campaign

over an heterogeneous urban area

presented by Yves Brunet

EPHYSE, INRA, Bordeaux, France


The FluxSAP team

P. Mestayer1,3, I. Bagga3, I. Calmet3, G. Fontanilles3, D. Gaudin3, J. H. Lee3, T. Piquet3, J.-M. Rosant3, K. Chancibault2, L. Lebouc2, L. Letellier2, M.-L. Mosini2, F. Rodriguez2, J.-M. Rouaud2, M. Sabre4, Y. Tétard4, A. Brut5, J.-L. Selves5, P.-A. Solignac5, Y. Brunet6, S. Dayau6, M. Irvine6, J.-P. Lagouarde6, Z. Kassouk7, P. Launeau7, O. Connan8,

P. Defenouillère8, M. Goriaux8, D. Hébert8, B. Letellier8, D. Maro8, G. Najjar9, F. Nerry9, C. Quentin9, R. Biron10, J.-M. Cohard10, J. Galvez11, P. Klein11

1Institut de recherche en sciences et techniques de la ville (IRSTV), FR CNRS 2488, BP 92101, Nantes, France

2Département géotechnique, eau et risques (GER), IFSTTAR, Bouguenais, France

3Laboratoire de mécanique des fluides (LMF), UMR CNRS 6598, École Centrale de Nantes, France

4Département climatologie, aérodynamique, pollution et épuration (CAPE), CSTB, Nantes, France

5Centre d'études spatiales de la biosphère (CESBIO), UMR CNRS 5126, Toulouse, France

6Ecologie fonctionnelle et physique de l’environnement,UR1263 EPHYSE, INRA, Villenave d'Ornon, France

7Laboratoire de planétologie et géodynamique de Nantes (LPGN), UMR CNRS 6112, Nantes, France

8Laboratoire de radioécologie de Cherbourg-Octeville (LRC), IRSN, Cherbourg, France

9Laboratoire des sciences de l'image de l'informatique et de la télédétection (LSIIT), UMR CNRS 7005, Strasbourg, France

10Laboratoire d'étude des transferts en hydrologie et environnement (LTHE), UMR CNRS 5564, Grenoble, France

11School of Meteorology, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK 73072 USA


The context

VegDUD: the role of vegetation in sustainable urban development

Funded by the French National Research Agency (2010-2013)

Understanding and quantitatively assessing the impact of vegetation in present and future urban development projects

Mixed urban areas (built, unbuilt, green surfaces)

Climatology, hydrology, energy control, environment

Location: city of Nantes, around the permanent observation site of IRSTV ('Pin Sec' district)

Two ground and airborne measurement 'FluxSAP' campaigns:

2010, 2012


The objectives

FluxSAP objective: obtain reference data

for evaluating urban hydrology and microclimate models

for assessing quantitatively the role of vegetation on urban climate

FluxSAP 2010 objective: test the methods allowing

to measure sensible heat and water vapour fluxes over a heterogeneous urban district

to spatialize the measurements, taking into account landuse heterogeneity

to test footprint models over an urban area


Loire river Erdre river

Nantes region


'Pin Sec' measurement area


10 eddy covariance sensor systems








5 LAS, 1 SAS


14 T-RH sensors at z = 2-3 m


10 piezometers, 8 T- profiles


Set-up summary

T-RH (2 m)

⇑ EC mast –– Scintillo

☐ GIS limits

Ground-based measurements


Airborne (13 flights) and handheld (140 refs) TIR

TIR measurements


20 flight lines

Hyspex sensor and inertial plateform

Hyperspectral airborne measurements

VNIR (400-1000 nm) 160 bands (4 nm) 0.6 m resolution SWIR (1000-2500 nm) 256 bands (6 nm) 1.2 m resolution

95 ground meas


portable spectrometer


Meteo mast Tethered balloon

Emission sites

30 passive tracer dispersion experiments

Balloon DIAPEG


The meteorology (26 April – 7 june)


Temperature and humidity gradients from T-RH and surface sensors

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

21-mai 22-mai 23-mai 24-mai 25-mai

humidité air (%)

10 11 12

13 14 15

16 17 18

19 Dunant

10 15 20 25 30 35

21-mai 22-mai 23-mai 24-mai 25-mai

températures air (°C)

10 11 12

13 14 15

16 17 18

19 Dunant

Taupe 3

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45

21-mai 22-mai 23-mai 24-mai 25-mai

Températures ( °C)

Temp. air surface - 5 cm - 35 cm - 1 m

4 K 18 %


150 Wm -2

Heat flux measurements with EC turbulent sensors

-100 0 100 200 300 400 500

1-May 6-May 11-May 16-May 21-May 26-May 31-May

date sensible heat flux (W m-2)

G site_26 m G site_21 m E site_20 m M site_10m S site_32 m rain


Heat flux measurements with LAS scintillometers

300 Wm -2


Preliminary conclusions

Differences between measurement techniques but good coherence between sites

Differences between sites linked with different

distributions of land cover (buildings, pavement, bare soil, high and low vegetation)

Footprint analysis should allow us to identify the various flux contributions and quantify the influence of


Mestayer et al. (2011). Urban Climate News, 40:22-30 (www.urban-climate.org)

Mestayer et al. (2011). La Météorologie, 73:33-43 (www.smf.asso.fr)


Further analysis : the footprint issue

turbulent flux sensor

source area or footprint

wind U


Further analysis : the footprint issue

turbulent flux sensor

wind U

L and D = f(z, z 0 , U, z/L…)



Preparation for May-June 2012 campaign

More variable land cover within footprint

More EC masts over vegetated urban areas

More H


O turbulent sensors (Li-Cor)

More differentiated LAS paths (mineral, vegetal, mixed)

1 or 2 water vapour scintillometers?

Measure PTUV profile (0-150 m) with tethered balloon

Monitor water table (soil moisture profile)




EMS, Berlin, 12-16 September 2011

Thank you


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