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<span class="mathjax-formula">$p\left(x\right)$</span>-Harmonic Functions With Unbounded Exponent in a Subdomain


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p(x)-Harmonic functions with unbounded exponent in a subdomain

J.J. Manfredi


, J.D. Rossi


, J.M. Urbano


aDepartment of Mathematics, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA 15260, USA bIMDEA Matemáticas, C-IX, Campus UAM, Madrid, Spain

cCMUC, Department of Mathematics, University of Coimbra, 3001-454 Coimbra, Portugal Received 12 November 2008; received in revised form 5 July 2009; accepted 21 August 2009

Available online 30 September 2009 To the memory of Oded Schramm


We study the Dirichlet problem−div(|∇u|p(x)2u)=0 inΩ, withu=f on∂Ω andp(x)= ∞inD, a subdomain of the reference domainΩ. The main issue is to give a proper sense to what a solution is. To this end, we consider the limit asn→ ∞of the solutionsunto the corresponding problem whenpn(x)=p(x)n, in particular, withpn=ninD. Under suitable assumptions on the data, we find that such a limit exists and that it can be characterized as the unique solution of a variational minimization problem which is, in addition,∞-harmonic withinD. Moreover, we examine this limit in the viscosity sense and find the boundary value problem it satisfies in the whole ofΩ.

©2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

MSC:35J20; 35J60; 35J70

Keywords:p(x)-Laplacian; Infinity-Laplacian; Viscosity solutions

1. Introduction

The goal of this paper is to study the elliptic problem −p(x)u(x)=0, xΩ⊂RN,

u(x)=f (x), x∂Ω, (1.1)

wherep(x)u(x):=div(|∇u(x)|p(x)2u(x))is thep(x)-Laplacian operator and the variable exponentp(x)verifies

p(x)= +∞, xD, (1.2)

for some subdomainDΩ. We assume thatΩ andDare bounded and convex domains with smooth boundaries, at least of classC1. On the complementary domainΩ\Dwe assume thatp(x)is a continuously differentiable bounded function.

* Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses:manfredi@pitt.edu (J.J. Manfredi), jrossi@dm.uba.ar (J.D. Rossi), jmurb@mat.uc.pt (J.M. Urbano).

1 On leave from Departamento de Matemática, FCEyN UBA (1428), Buenos Aires, Argentina.

0294-1449/$ – see front matter ©2009 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.



On the variable exponent, apart from (1.2), we also require that p:= inf

xΩp(x) > N, (1.3)

so that we will always be dealing with continuous solutions for (1.1); to fix notation, we define p+:= sup



The boundary dataf is taken to be Lipschitz continuous.

Our strategy to solve (1.1) is to replacep(x)by a sequence of bounded functionspn(x)such thatpn(x)is increas- ing and converging top(x). For definiteness, we consider, forn > N,


p(x), n .

We will use the notation (1.1)nto refer to problem (1.1) for the variable exponentspn(x).

Sincep(x)is bounded inΩ\D, we have, for largen, specifically forn > p+, pn(x)=

p(x), xΩ\D, n, xD.

Moreover, still for largen, the boundary of the set{p(x) > n}coincides with the boundary ofDand thus does not depend onn. This fact is important when passing to the limit.

Using a variational method, we solve (1.1)nobtaining solutionsun; if the limit

nlim→∞un (1.4)

exists, we call it u. It is a natural candidate to be a solution to (1.1) with the original variable exponent p(x).

A crucial role in this process will be played by the set S=

uW1,p(Ω): u|Ω\DW1,p(x)\D),u L(D)1 andu|∂Ω=f and by the infinity Laplacian



· ∇u= N i,j=1






∂xixj. Our main results are contained in the following theorem.

Theorem.There exists a unique solutionunto(1.1)n. IfS= ∅, then the uniform limit u:= lim


exists and is characterized as the unique function that is a minimizer of the integral



p(x) dx (1.5)

inSand, in addition, verifies

u=0 inD,

in the viscosity sense. Moreover,uis a viscosity solution of







p(x)u(x)=0, xΩ\D,

u(x)=0, xD, sgn

|∇u|(x)−1 sgn



=0, x∂DΩ,

u(x)=f (x), x∂Ω,

whereνis the exterior unit normal vector to∂DinΩ.


Finally, if∂ΩD= ∅and the Lipschitz constant off|∂ΩDis strictly greater than one, thenS= ∅and we have lim inf



|∇un|n n dx




hence, the natural energy associated tounis unbounded.

Remark 1.1.The boundedness ofΩ is used to ensure compactness of minimizing sequences for (1.5), while the convexity ofΩandDguarantees that the Lipschitz constant ofW1,functions coincides with theLnorm of their gradients, which will be instrumental in some of the proofs.

Remark 1.2.The characterization of the non-emptiness ofSis an interesting open problem that strongly depends on the geometry ofΩandD, and on the boundary dataf. When∂ΩD= ∅,Sis always non-empty. When∂ΩD= ∅, the condition that the Lipschitz constant off|∂ΩD is less than or equal to one is necessary but, in general, it is not sufficient (cf. Section 4).

Partial differential equations involving variable exponents became popular a few years ago in relation to appli- cations to elasticity and electrorheological fluids. Meanwhile, the underlying functional analytical tools have been extensively developed and new applications,e.g.to image processing, have kept the subject as the focus of an intensive research activity. For general references on thep(x)-Laplacian we refer to [10], that includes a thorough bibliogra- phy, and [14], a seminal paper where many of the basic properties of variable exponent spaces were established. The delicate regularity properties ofp(x)-harmonic functions have been established in [1] and [2].

In the literature, the variable exponentp(x)is always assumed to be bounded, a necessary condition to define a proper norm in the corresponding Lebesgue spaces. To the best of our knowledge, this paper is the first attempt at analyzing a problem where the exponentp(·)becomes infinity in some part of the domain. For constant exponents, limits asp→ ∞inp-Laplacian type problems have been widely studied, see for example [7], and are related to optimal transport problems (cf. [3]).

Organization of the paper. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: in Section 2 we show existence and uniqueness of solutions withp(x)=pn(x)=pnusing a variational argument; moreover we find the equation that they verify in the viscosity sense and prove some useful independent ofnestimates; in Section 3 we pass to the limit in the variational formulation of the problem and we deal with the limit in the viscosity sense; in Section 4 we discuss necessary and sufficient conditions related to the non-emptiness ofS and present examples and counter-examples.

Finally, in Section 5 we present a detailed analysis of the one-dimensional case.

2. Weak and viscosity approximate solutions

To start with, let us establish the existence and uniqueness of the approximationsunin the weak sense.

Lemma 2.1.There exists a unique weak solutionunto(1.1)n, which is the unique minimizer of the functional Fn(u)=


|∇u|pn(x) pn(x) dx=


|∇u|n n dx+



p(x) dx (2.1)



uW1,pn(x)(Ω): u|∂Ω=f

. (2.2)

Proof. Although the exponent pn(·) might be discontinuous, functions in the variable exponent Sobolev space W1,pn(·)(Ω)are continuous thanks to assumption (1.3). Indeed, fornsufficiently large, we havepn(·)(pn) p> Nand the continuous embedding in

W1,pn(·)(Ω) W1,p(Ω)C(Ω) (2.3)


follows from [14, Theorem 2.8 and (3.2)]. That the boundedness away from the dimension is not superfluous when the exponent is not continuous is shown by a counter-example in [11, Example 3.3].

We can then take the boundary conditionu|∂Ω=f in the classical sense (recall thatf is assumed to be Lipschitz) and the results of [12] apply since the jump condition (cf. [12, (4.1)–(4.2)]) is trivially satisfied by the variable expo- nent becausepn(·)N. This is a sufficient condition for apn(·)-Poincaré inequality to hold inW01,pn(·)(Ω)which, in turn, is instrumental in obtaining the coercivity of the functional. The lower semi-continuity is standard as is the strict convexity, that also gives the uniqueness.

It is also standard that the minimizer ofFninSnis the unique weak solution of (1.1)n, i.e.,un=f on∂Ω and it satisfies the weak form of the equation, namely,


|∇un|pn(x)2un· ∇ϕ dx=0, ∀ϕC0(Ω). 2 (2.4)

Lemma 2.2.Problem(1.1)ncan be rewritten as






p(x)un(x)=0, xΩ\D,

nun(x)=0, xD,


∂ν (x)=∇un(x)p(x)2∂un

∂ν (x), x∂DΩ,

un(x)=f (x), x∂Ω,


whereνis the exterior unit normal to∂DinΩ.

Proof. Just notice that the weak form of this problem is exactly the same as the one that holds for (1.1)n. This follows since after multiplying by a test function and integrating by parts one arrives at (2.4) for both problems. 2

Next, we investigate the problem satisfied byunfrom the point of view of viscosity solutions.

Let us recall the definition of viscosity solution (see [9] and [6]) for a problem like (2.5), which involves a trans- mission condition across the boundary∂DΩ. Assume we are given a family of continuous functions

Fi:Ω×RN×SN×N→R. The associated equations


x,u, D2u

=0 are called (degenerate) elliptic if

Fi(x, ξ, X)Fi(x, ξ, Y ) wheneverXY.

Definition 2.3.Consider the problem F1

x,u, D2u

=0, inΩ\D, F2

x,u, D2u

=0, inD, (2.6)

with a transmission condition

B(x, u,u)=0, on∂DΩ, (2.7)

and a boundary condition

u=f, on∂Ω. (2.8)

A lower semi-continuous function u is a viscosity supersolution of (2.6)–(2.8) ifuf on∂Ω and for everyφC2(Ω)such thatuφhas a strict minimum at the pointx0Ω, withu(x0)=φ(x0), we have



x0,φ(x0), D2φ(x0)

0 ifx0Ω\D, F2

x0,φ(x0), D2φ(x0)

0 ifx0D,




F1(x0,φ(x0), D2φ(x0)) F2(x0,φ(x0), D2φ(x0)) B(x0, φ(x0),φ(x0))


⎪⎭0 ifx0∂DΩ.

An upper semi-continuous function uis a viscosity subsolution of (2.6)–(2.8) ifuf on∂Ω and for everyψC2(Ω)such thatuψhas a strict maximum at the pointx0Ω, withu(x0)=ψ (x0), we have


x0,ψ (x0), D2ψ (x0)

0 ifx0Ω\D, F2

x0,ψ (x0), D2ψ (x0)

0 ifx0D,




F1(x0,ψ (x0), D2ψ (x0)) F2(x0,ψ (x0), D2ψ (x0)) B(x0, ψ (x0),ψ (x0))


⎪⎭0 ifx0∂DΩ.

Finally,uis a viscosity solution if it is both a viscosity supersolution and a viscosity subsolution.

In the sequel, we will use the notation as in the definition:φwill always stand for a test function touching the graph ofufrom below andψfor a test function touching the graph ofufrom above.

Proposition 2.4.Letunbe a continuous weak solution of (1.1)n. Thenunis a viscosity solution of (2.5)in the sense of Definition2.3.

Proof. To simplify, we omit in the proof the subscript n. Letx0Ω \Dand a let φ be a test function such that u(x0)=φ(x0)anduφhas a strict minimum atx0. We want to show that

p(x0)φ(x0)= −∇φ(x0)p(x0)2φ(x0)



|∇φ| (x0)



Assume,ad contrarium, that this is not the case; then there exists a radiusr >0 such thatB(x0, r)Ω\Dand

p(x)φ(x)= −∇φ(x)p(x)2φ(x)



|∇φ| (x)



for everyxB(x0, r). Setm=inf|xx0|=r(uφ)(x)and letΦ(x)=φ(x)+m/2. This functionΦ verifiesΦ(x0) >


p(x)Φ= −div


<0 inB(x0, r). (2.9)

Multiplying (2.9) byu)+, which vanishes on the boundary ofB(x0, r), we get


|∇Φ|p(x)2Φ· ∇u) dx <0.

On the other hand, takingu)+, extended by zero outsideB(x0, r), as test function in the weak formulation of (1.1)n, we obtain


|∇u|p(x)2u· ∇u) dx=0,


sincepn(x)=p(x)inΩ\D. Upon subtraction and using a well-know inequality, see for example [15], we conclude 0>


|∇Φ|p(x)2Φ− |∇u|p(x)2u

· ∇u) dx



|∇Φ− ∇u|p(x)dx,

a contradiction. Herecis a constant that depends onN,pand supxB(x0,r)p(x).

Ifx0Dthe proof is entirely analogous, albeit simpler due to the absence of the logarithmic term, and we obtain

nφ(x0)= −∇φ(x0)n2φ(x0)(n−2)∇φ(x0)n4φ(x0)0.

The constantcin this case depends onNandn.

Ifx0∂DΩ we want to prove that






|∇φ(x0)|n2∂φ∂ν(x0)− |∇φ(x0)|p(x0)2∂φ∂ν(x0)



If this is not the case, there exists a radiusr >0 such that

p(x)φ(x) <0 and −nφ(x) <0,

for everyxB(x0, r). Setm=inf|xx0|=r(uφ)(x)and letΦ(x)=φ(x)+m/2. This functionΦverifiesΦ(x0) >


p(x)Φ <0 inB(x0, r)\D) (2.10)


nΦ <0 inB(x0, r)D. (2.11)

Moreover, we can assume (takingrsmaller if necessary) that ∇Φ(x)n2∂Φ


∂ν(x) <0 inB(x0, r)∂D. (2.12) Multiplying both (2.10) and (2.11) byu)+, integrating by parts and adding, we obtain


|∇Φ|p(x)2Φ· ∇u)+dx+


|∇Φ|n2Φ· ∇u)+dx




∂ν − |∇Φ|p(x)2∂Φ



taking also into account that the test function vanishes on the boundary ofB(x0, r). Using (2.12), we finally get


|∇Φ|p(x)2Φ· ∇u) dx+


|∇Φ|n2Φ· ∇u) dx <0.

On the other hand, taking u)+, extended by zero outsideB(x0, r), as test function in the weak formulation of (1.1)n, we reach a contradiction as in the previous cases. This proves thatuis a viscosity supersolution.

The proof thatuis a viscosity subsolution runs as above and we omit the details. 2


We next obtain uniform estimates (independent ofn) for the sequence of approximations(un)n. Proposition 2.5.Assume the set


uW1,p(Ω): u|Ω\DW1,p(x)\D),u L(D)1andu|∂Ω=f is non-empty. Thenun, the minimizer ofFninSn, satisfies



|∇un|pn(x) pn(x) dx


|∇v|n n dx+


|∇v|p(x) p(x) dx,

for everyvS. Hence, the sequence(Fn(un))n is uniformly bounded and the sequence(un)nis uniformly bounded inW1,p(Ω)and equicontinuous.

Proof. Recalling (2.2), the definition ofSn, observe thatSSn, for everyn. Sinceunis a minimizer, we have Fn(un)Fn(v),vS.

Hence, picking an elementvS= ∅, Fn(un)=


|∇un|pn(x) pn(x) dx


|∇v|pn(x) pn(x) dx



|∇v|n n dx+


|∇v|p(x) p(x) dx

|D| +



p(x) dxC.

In order to estimate the Sobolev norm, we first use Poincaré inequality and the boundary data, to obtain un W1,p(Ω) unf

W01,p(Ω)+ f W1,p(Ω)

C(unf )

Lp(Ω)+ f W1,(Ω)

Cun Lp(Ω)+(C+1) f W1,(Ω).

We proceed, using Hölder inequality and elementary computations, to get ∇un Lp(Ω)=


|∇un|pdx p1


|∇un|pdx 1




|∇un|pdx 1




|∇un|pdx 1




|∇un|pdx 1




|∇un|pdx p1



|∇un|n 1

n+ |Ω| +


|∇un|p(x)dx 1




Since we have the bounds


|∇un|n 1

n =n1n


|∇un|n n dx




n 2C and





p(x) dxp+Fn(un)p+C,

we conclude that the sequence(un)nis uniformly bounded inW1,p(Ω)and, recalling the embedding in (2.3), that it is equicontinuous. 2

3. Variational and viscosity limit

We first analyze the case in which ∂ΩD= ∅and the Lipschitz constant off|∂ΩD is greater than one. Note that, in this case,S= ∅since any Lipschitz extensionuof this datum toDverifies ∇u L(D)>1.

Theorem 3.1.Assume that∂ΩD= ∅and the Lipschitz constant off|∂ΩDis strictly greater than one. Then, we have

lim inf




hence,Fn(un)→ ∞and the natural energy associated tounis unbounded.

Proof. Consider the absolutely minimizing Lipschitz extension (AMLE) off|∂ΩDtoD, which is well defined even if the datumf|∂ΩDis not given in the whole∂D. In this case, the AMLE is characterized, as proved in [16] and [8], as the unique solution of the problem




u(x)=0, xD, u(x)=f (x), x∂ΩD,


∂ν(x)=0, x∂D\∂Ω.

Letλ >1 be the Lipschitz constant inDof this AMLE. Suppose that lim inf



=β < λ and consequently that

lim inf



|∇un|n n dx



Fixmpand taken > m. By Hölder’s inequality,


|∇un|m 1

m |D|m11n


|∇un|n 1

n |D|m11nnn1


|∇un|n n dx




Taking the limit inn, we conclude lim inf



|∇un|m 1



so, for a subsequence, there exists a weak limit inW1,m(D), that we denote byu. This weak limit has to verify the inequality


|∇u|m 1

m |D|m1β

for everym. Thus, taking the limitm→ ∞, we get thatuW1,(D)and, moreover,

|∇u|β, a.e.xD.

But this is a contradiction sinceλis the Lipschitz constant inDof the AMLE off|∂ΩDtoD. We conclude that lim inf



n λ and the result follows. 2

Remark 3.2.The AMLE problem has been extensively studied in the literature: see [4,13], the survey [5], and the recent approach using tug-of-war games of [8,16] and [17].

Remark 3.3.If∂ΩD= ∅, thenS= ∅; indeed, we can consider a function that is constant inDand coincides with f on∂Ω, and extend it as a Lipschitz function to the whole ofΩ, thus obtaining an element ofS.

We now focus on the main caseS= ∅. Recall that solutions to (1.1)nare minima of the functional Fn(u)=


|∇u|pn(x) pn(x) dx in


uW1,pn(x)(Ω): u|∂Ω=f .

The limit of these variational problems is given by minimizing F (u)=



p(x) dx (3.1)



uW1,p(Ω): u|Ω\DW1,p(x)\D),u L(D)1 andu|∂Ω=f .

Theorem 3.4.Assume thatS= ∅and letunbe minimizers ofFninSn. Then, along subsequences,(un)nconverges uniformly inΩ, weakly inW1,m(D), for everymp, and weakly inW1,p(x)\D)tou, a minimizer ofF inS.

Moreover, the limituis∞-harmonic inD, i.e.,

u=0 inD,

in the viscosity sense. Finally, the limit u is unique, in the sense that any other minimizer ofF inS that is ∞- harmonic inDcoincides withu.

Proof. We use the estimates obtained in the previous section. Since the sequence(un)n is equicontinuous and uni- formly bounded, by Arzelà–Ascoli theorem it converges (along subsequences) uniformly inΩ; the weak convergence in the spaceW1,m(D), for everymp, is obtained as in the proof of Theorem 3.1 and the weak convergence in W1,p(x)\D)follows from the estimates in Proposition 2.5.


Also as before, we get thatuW1,(D), with|∇u|1, a.e.xD, thus concluding thatuS. On the other hand, also from Proposition 2.5, we get



p(x) dxFn(un)Fn(v)


|∇v|p(x) p(x) dx

and we conclude that F (u)=


|∇u|p(x) p(x) dx



p(x) dx=F (v),vS so thatuis a minimizer forF inS.

That a uniform limit ofn-harmonic functions is∞-harmonic is a well-known fact (cf., for example, [7] or [13]).

To prove the uniqueness, suppose we have two minimizers inS,u1andu2. Then, considering v=u1+u2

2 ∈S,

we obtain that they coincide inΩ\DsinceF is a strictly convex functional inS. Using the uniqueness of solutions of the Dirichlet problem for the∞-Laplacian inD(note thatu1coincides withu2on the whole of∂D), we conclude thatu1=u2also inD. We conclude, in particular, that the whole sequenceunconverges uniformly inΩ. 2

Our next task is to pass to the limit in (2.5), the problem satisfied by un in the viscosity sense, to identify the problem solved byu. We are under the assumptionS= ∅and we recall that

unu uniformly inΩ.

Theorem 3.5.Every uniform limit of a sequence{un}of solutions of (1.1)nis a viscosity solution of







p(x)u(x)=0, xΩ\D,

u(x)=0, xD, sgn

|∇u|(x)−1 sgn



=0, x∂DΩ,

u(x)=f (x), x∂Ω.


Proof. Sinceun(x)=f (x), forx∂Ω, it is clear thatu(x)=f (x), forx∂Ω.

Letube a uniform limit of{un}and letφbe a test function such thatu(x0)=φ(x0)anduφhas a strict minimum atx0Ω. Depending on the location of the pointx0we have different situations.

Ifx0D, we encounter the standard fact the uniform limit ofn-harmonic functions is∞-harmonic.

Ifx0Ω\D, consider a sequence of pointsxnsuch thatxnx0andunφhas a minimum atxn, withxnΩ\D fornlarge. Using the fact thatunis a viscosity solution of (2.5), we obtain


Now we observe thatpn(x)=p(x)in a neighborhood ofx0and hence, taking the limit asn→ ∞, we get


That is,uis a viscosity supersolution of−p(x)u=0 inΩ\D.

Ifx0∂DΩ, we have to show that










Again, sinceunconverges touuniformly, there exists a sequence of pointsxnconverging tox0such thatunφhas a minimum atxn. We distinguish several cases.

Case 1. There exists infinitely manynsuch thatxnD.

Then we have, by Proposition 2.4,

nφ(xn)= −∇φ(xn)n2φ(xn)(n−2)∇φ(xn)n4φ(xn)0.

If∇φ(x0)=0, we get−φ(x0)=0. If this is not the case, we have that∇φ(xn)=0, for largen, and then

φ(xn) 1

n−2∇φ(xn)2φ(xn)→0, asn→ ∞. We conclude that


Case 2. There exists infinitely manynsuch thatxnΩ\D.

Then we have, by Proposition 2.4,


Proceeding as before, we get


Case 3. There exists infinitely manynsuch thatxn∂DΩ.

In this case, we have ∇φ(xn)n2∂φ



Hence, we get




Takingn→ ∞, we deduce that

|∇φ|(x0) >1 ⇒ ∂φ

∂ν(x0)0, and

|∇φ|(x0) <1 ⇒ ∂φ


That is sgn

|∇φ|(x0)−1 sgn




This concludes the proof thatuis a viscosity supersolution.

The proof thatuis a viscosity subsolution runs as above and we omit the details. 2


4. More on the setS

We have already observed the following two facts concerning the non-emptiness of the setS:

(1) If∂ΩD= ∅, thenS= ∅.

(2) If∂ΩD= ∅and the Lipschitz constant off|∂ΩDis greater than one, then any Lipschitz extensionuof this datum toDverifies ∇u L(D)>1 and, consequently,S= ∅.

The question naturally arises of whether the condition that the Lipschitz constant off|∂ΩDis less than or equal to one is, not only necessary, but also sufficient to guarantee thatS= ∅.

Suppose we are given a Lipschitz boundary dataf such that the Lipschitz constant off|∂ΩDis less than or equal to one. A natural attempt to construct a function inSwould be the following:

• consider the unique AMLE off|∂ΩDtoD, which is such that theL-norm of its gradient is less than or equal to one;

• extend it to the whole ofΩ using any function inW1,p(x)\D)that coincides with it on∂Dand withf on


The boundary datum on∂(Ω\D)that one has to extend is given byf on∂Ω\Dand by the restriction of the AMLE to∂DΩ. The problem is that the extension toΩ may not always be possible. However, if this boundary data on

∂(Ω\D)is Lipschitz, then we could indeed consider a Lipschitz extension toΩ.

We first give an example of a particular geometric configuration for which this is the case. Therefore the condition that the Lipschitz constant off|∂ΩD is less than or equal to one does indeed suffice to guarantee thatS= ∅. Let Ω=B(0,1)inR2and let

D=B(0,1)∩ {x >0}

be the right half-ball (here,(x, y)denote coordinates inR2). We still denote byf the obtained boundary datum on the boundary of the half discB(0,1)\D, which is Lipschitz on∂B(0,1)∩ {x0}and on∂D= {(x, y): x=0,−1 y1}, and continuous on the whole boundary. Let(0, y)∂DB(0,1)and(z, w)∂B(0,1)withw0 andy0 (the other possible cases would have to be considered separately). Adding and subtractingf ((0,1))in the numerator we obtain

|f ((0, y))f ((z, w))|

(0, y)(z, w) |f ((0, y))f ((0,1))|

(0, y)(0,1) +2|f ((z, w))f ((0,1))| (0,1)−(z, w) C,

since (0, y)(0,1) (0, y)(z, w) , (0,1)−(z, w) 2 (0, y)(z, w) andf is Lipschitz on∂Dand∂Ω. This shows thatf is Lipschitz on the whole boundary ofB(0,1)\D.

This construction does not always work since it may happen that the obtained boundary data is not a Lipschitz function. Here is a counter-example: letΩ=B((0,0),1)andD=B((1/2,0),1/2)inR2. These two balls are tangent at the point(1,0). Now letf be given in polar coordinates by

f (θ )=

|θ|, 0|θ|π/2, π− |θ|, π/2<|θ|< π.

This function is Lipschitz on∂Ω. The unique AMLE off|(1,0)toDis given byu≡0. Now, we have the function f (x)˜ =

f (x), x∂B((0,0),1), 0, x∂B((1/2,0),1/2),

defined on∂(Ω\D). Observe that there are points on∂Dof the formr(θ )=cos(θ ), withθ∼0. Forθ >0,


f (cos(θ ),˜ sin(θ ))− ˜f (cos(θ )(cos(θ ),sin(θ ))) (cos(θ ),sin(θ ))−(cos(θ )(cos(θ ),sin(θ ))) = lim



1−cos(θ )= +∞, hence the function is not Lipschitz.


5. The one-dimensional case

In this section, we analyze with some detail the one-dimensional case, which is easier since the equation reduces to an ODE.

LetΩ=(0,1)and assumep(x)≡ ∞forx(0, ξ ). Then the problem at levelnreads



unpn(x)2un (x)=0, un(0)=f (0),

un(1)=f (1).

To simplify, we assume thatf (0)=0 andf (1) >0. Then, integrating the equation, we get unpn(x)2un(x)=C1.

Assuming thatun0, we get un(x)=(C1)pn(x)−11 . Thus

un(x)= x


(C1)pn(s)−1 1ds

and the constantC1(that must be positive and depends onn) verifies

f (1)= 1 0

(C1)pn(s)−1 1ds.

Sincef (1)is finite, we conclude thatC1must be bounded; if not,

nlim→∞un(x)=u(x)= +∞

in the whole interval(ξ,1]and this contradictsun(1)=f (1). Therefore, we can assume (taking a subsequence if necessary) that


Case 1. WhenC>0, we conclude that the limit ofunis given by u(x)= lim


x, x∈ [0, ξ], ξ+x



p(s)1ds, x∈ [ξ,1]. Asun(1)=f (1), we realize that the constantCis determined by

ξ+ 1 ξ

(C)p(s)−1 1ds=f (1).

This case,C>0, actually happens whenf (1) > ξ. SinceCis uniquely determined, we obtain the convergence of the whole sequenceun.

Note that in this case we can verify that u is a minimizer of the functional F given by (3.1). Indeed, since

|u|(x)1, forx∈ [0, ξ], we have thatuSand sinceuis a solution of |u|p(x)2u

(x)=0, u(ξ )=ξ, u(1)=f (1),


we have that it minimizes the functionalF, which in this case is given by F (u)=

1 ξ



p(s) ds,

among functions that verifyu(ξ )=ξ andu(1)=f (1).

Now, for any functionwS, we have|w|(x)1, forx∈ [0, ξ], and we getw(ξ )ξ. Letzbe the solution of |z|p(x)2z

(x)=0, z(ξ )=w(ξ )ξ, z(1)=f (1).

Then we have

F (w)F (z)F (u).

To see that the last inequality is true just use the monotonicity of the function C

1 ξ

(C)p(s)p(s)1 p(s) ds with respect toC.

Case 2. WhenC=0, we have that


Kx, x∈ [0, ξ], Kξ, x∈ [ξ,1]. HereK1 is given by

K= lim



(recall that we are takingpn(x)=p(x)n).

Asun(1)=f (1)we get that the constantKis given by =f (1).

This case actually happens whenf (1)ξ. SinceKis uniquely determined, we obtain the convergence of the whole sequenceun.

Note that in this case the limituis not differentiable, but it is Lipschitz. Also note that it is easy to verify thatu is a minimizer of the functionalF given by (3.1). Indeed,F (u)=0 andF (w)0, for everywS.


We thank Peter Hästö for conversations on variable exponent Sobolev spaces related to Lemma 2.1 and the referees for carefully reading the manuscript, and making various suggestions that helped improving the exposition.

Part of this work was done during a visit of JDR to University of Pittsburgh. He wants to thank for the friendly and stimulating atmosphere found there.

JJM partially supported by NSF Award DMS-0500983. JDR partially supported by project MTM2004-02223, MEC, Spain, by UBA X066 and by CONICET, Argentina. JMU supported by CMUC/FCT.


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