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Electronic Supplementary Material Appendix S1 Appendix S1. Search strategies


Academic year: 2022

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Electronic Supplementary Material Appendix S1 Appendix S1. Search strategies

Search Terms for PubMed:

Mesh terms

(("Exercise"[Mesh] OR "Sports"[Mesh]) AND (("Climate Change"[Mesh]) OR "Natural Disasters"[Mesh]))

Free words

(("physical exercise"[Title/Abstract]) OR ("physical activity"[Title/Abstract]) OR (sport*[Title/Abstract]) OR (bik*[Title/Abstract]) OR (walk*[Title/Abstract])) AND (("climate change"[Title/Abstract]) OR (greenhouse[Title/Abstract]) OR ("natural disaster"[Title/Abstract]) OR ("extreme weather"[Title/Abstract]) OR (hurricane[Title/Abstract]) OR (flood[Title/Abstract]) OR (drought[Title/Abstract]))

Search Term for SPORTDISCUS

“natural disaster” OR "climate change" OR "greenhouse"" AND "physical activity" OR sport Search Term for GREEN FILE

"physical activity" OR sport OR walk OR biking AND "climate change" OR greenhouse OR “natural disaster”

Search Term for Transportation Research Board

("climate change" OR "natural disasters" "greenhouse") AND ("bike" OR "sport" OR "walk" OR "active transport" OR "physical activity")

Search Term for Scopus

ABS ( "climate change" ) OR ABS ( "natural disasters" ) OR ABS ( greenhouse ) AND ( ABS ( "physical activity" ) OR ABS ( "sport" ) OR ABS ( walk ) OR ABS ( bike ) OR ABS ( "active transport" ) ) AND NOT INDEX ( medline ) AND NOT ( SUBJAREA ( agri OR bioc OR immu OR neur OR phar ) ) AND NOT ( SUBJAREA ( eart OR ener OR engi OR envi ) ) AND ( LIMIT-TO ( DOCTYPE , "ar" ) ) AND ( LIMIT-TO ( LANGUAGE , "English" ) )

Search Term for JSTOR

((("climate change") OR ("natural disaster") OR (greenhouse))) AND ab:("sport") OR ab:("physical activity") OR ab:("active transport")



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