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Estimating the volume of a convex set


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Preprint submitted on 21 Apr 2015

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Estimating the volume of a convex set

Salim Rao

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Salim Rao. Estimating the volume of a convex set. 2015. �hal-01144492�


Estimating the volume of a convex set

Salim Rao

Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur


A new estimator for the volume of the convex set inRdis proposed.

Our approach is based on a Poisson point process model. We also prove that the convex hull is a sufficient and complete statistic.

1 Introduction

Estimating the support of a density or a function is a central statistical ques- tion, for instance in image analysis. In many cases it is natural to assume a convex shape for the support set. First fundamental results for convex sup- port estimation have been achieved by [63, 62] who prove minimax-optimal rates of convergence in Hausdorff distance for a set estimator. In particu- lar, [63] prove that the convex hull of the points Cbn, which is a maximum likelihood estimator for the set C, is rate-optimal. Interestingly, the volume

|Cbn| of the convex hull is not rate-optimal for estimation of the volume

|C| of the convex set and an alternative two-step estimator, optimal up to a logarithmic factor, was proposed. A fully rate-optimal estimator for the volume of a convex set with smooth boundary was then constructed based on three-fold sample splitting.

The contribution of this paper is the construction of a very simple vol- ume estimator which is not only rate-optimal over all convex sets without boundary restrictions, but even adaptive in the sense that it attains almost the parametric rate if the convex set is a polytope. Our approach is non- asymptotic and provides much more precise properties. The analysis is based on a Poisson point process (P3) observation model with intensityλ > 0 on the convex setC⊆Rd. We thus observe

X1, ..., XN i.i.d.∼ U(C), N ∼Poiss(λ|C|), (1.1)


where X1, ..., XN, N are independent, see Section 2 below for a concise introduction to the P3 model. Using Poissonisation and de-Poissonisation techniques, this model exhibits the same asymptotic properties as a sample of n=λ|C| uniformly on C distributed random variables X1, . . . , Xn. The beautiful geometry of the P3 model, however, allows for much more concise ideas and proofs. From an applied perspective, P3 models are often natural, e.g. for spatial count data of photons or other emissions.

For known intensityλof the P3, we construct in Section 3 anoracleesti- matorϑboracle. Then, Theorem 1 shows that this estimator is UMVAUE (uni- formly of minimum variance among unbiased estimators) and rate-optimal.

To this end, moment bounds from stochastic geometry for the missing vol- ume of Cb as well as the result of independent interest that Cb forms a suf- ficient and complete statistic are essential. For the more realistic case of unknown intensity λ, we analyse in Section 4 our final estimator

ϑbdef= N+ 1

N+ 1|C|b , (1.2)

whereCb= conv{X1, . . . , XN}denotes the convex hull of the observed points and N denotes the number of points in the interior of C. We are able tob prove a sharp oracle inequality, comparing the risk of this estimator to that ofϑboracle.

The lower bound showing thatϑbis indeed minimax-optimal is proved in Section 5 by constructing an asymptotically least-favourable Bayesian prior.

The proof of Lemma 4 is deferred to the appendix.

2 Theoretical background

We fix a compact convex set E in Rd with non-empty interior as a state space and denote by E its Borel σ-algebra. We define the family of convex subsets C = {C ⊆ E,convex,closed} (this implies that all sets in C are compact). It is natural to equip the space C with the Hausdorff-metric dH and its Borel σ-algebraBC. Then (C, dH) is a compact and thus separable space and the mapping (x1, . . . , xk) 7→ conv{x1, . . . , xk}, which generates the convex hull of points xi ∈E, is continuous fromEk to (C, dH).

On (E,E) we define the set of point measures M={m measure on E : m(A)∈N, ∀A∈ E} equipped with the σ-algebra M=σ(m7→m(A), A∈ E) . Fix a probability space (Ω,F,P) and a convex set C ∈ C. We call a measurable mapping N :Ω→M a Poisson point process (P3) of intensity λ >0 onC if


• for any A ∈ E, we have N(A) ∼ Poiss λ|A∩C|

, where |A∩C|

denotes the Lebesgue measure ofA∩C;

• for all mutually disjoint sets A1, ..., An ∈ E, the random variables N(A1), ...,N(An) are independent.

A more constructive and intuitive representation of the P3 N is N = PN

i=1δXi for N ∼ Poiss(λ|C|) and i.i.d. random variables (Xi) , indepen- dent of N and distributed uniformly P(Xi ∈ A) = |A∩C|/|C|, so that N(A) =PN

i=11(Xi ∈A) for any A∈ E.

We shall consider the convex hull of the P3 points Cb = conv{X1, ..., XN}, which by the above continuity property of the convex hull is a random element with values in the Polish space (C, dH). In the se- quel, conditional expectations and probabilities with respect to Cb are thus well defined. We can also evaluate the probability


= X k=0

e−λ|C|λk k!



1(conv{x1, ..., xk} ∈A)d(x1, ..., xk) for A ∈ BC. Usually, we only write the subscript C or sometimes (C, λ) when different probability distributions are considered simultaneously. The likelihood function dPdPC,λ


for C ∈C and λ, λ0 >0 is then given by dPC,λ


(X1, ..., XN) = dPE


(X1, ..., XN)dPC,λ dPE

(X1, ..., XN) (2.1)

= eλ0|E|−λ|C|(λ/λ0)N1(∀i= 1, ..., N : Xi ∈C)(2.2)

= eλ0|E|−λ|C|(λ/λ0)N1(Cb⊆C). (2.3) For the last line, we have used that a point set is in C if and only if its convex hull is contained inC.

3 Known intensity

For a P3 onC ∈Cwith intensityλ >0, we know N ∼Poiss(λ|C|). In the oracle case, when the intensity λ is known,N/λestimates|C|without bias and yields for λ→ ∞the classical parametric rate λ−1/2:

E[(N/λ− |C|)2] =λ−2Var(N) = |C|

λ . (3.1)


Another natural idea might be to use the plug-in estimator |C|b whose error is given by the missing volume and satisfies

E[(|C| − |C|)b 2] =E[|C\C|b2] =O(|C|2(d−1)/(d+1)λ−4/(d+1)), (3.2) where the bound is obtained similarly to (3.8) and (3.10) below. This means that its error is of smaller order thanλ−1 ford62, but larger ford>4. For any d > 2, however, both convergence rates are worse than the minimax- optimal rateλ−(d+3)/(d+1), established below.

The way to improve these estimators is to observe that by the likelihood representation (2.3) forλ=λ0 and the Neyman factorisation criterion the convex hull is a sufficient statistic. Consequently, by the Rao-Blackwell the- orem, the conditional expectation of N/λ given the convex hull Cb is an estimator with smaller mean squared error (MSE). The number of points N can be split into the number of points on the convex hull NCb, which is measurable with respect to the convex hull Cb, and the number of points in the interior of the convex hull N. Using independence (the convex hull can be constructed by sweeping the space from the outside, the so called gift-wrapping algorithm, N is, conditionally on the convex hull Cb, Poisson- distributed:

N bC∼Poiss(λ) withλdef

= λ|C|.b (3.3)

The law can also be derived directly from the likelihood representation (2.3).

Thus, we obtain theoracle estimator ϑboracle def= EhN

λ bCi

=EhN+NCb λ


=|C|b +NCb

λ . (3.4)

Theorem 1. For known intensity λ >0, the oracle estimator ϑboracle is un- biased and of minimal variance among all unbiased estimators (UMVAUE).

It satisfies

Var(bϑoracle) = 1

λE[|C\C|]b .

Its worst case mean squared error overCdecays asλ↑ ∞like λ−(d+3)/(d+1)

in dimensiond:

lim sup


λ(d+3)/(d+1) sup



(ϑboracle− |C|)2o

<∞. (3.5) Remark 2. The theorem implies that the rate of convergence for the RMSE (root mean-squared error) of the estimator ϑboracle is λ−(d+3)/(2d+2). In Theorem 9 below, we prove that the lower bound on the minimax risk in


the P3 model is of the same order implying that the rate is minimax- optimal. Even more, the oracle estimator is adaptive to the class of poly- topes: E[|C\C|]b ∼ λ−1(log(λ|C|))d−1 when the true set C is a polytope, which implies a faster (almost parametric) rate of convergence for the RMSE of the oracle estimator.

Proof. The unbiasedness follows immediately from the definition (3.4). By the law of total variance, we obtain

Var(ϑboracle) = VarN λ


VarN λ


= |C|

λ −Eh


λ bCi


= |C|

λ −Ehλ λ2

i= 1

λE[|C\C|]b . (3.7)

Proposition 3 below affirms that the convex hull Cb is not only a sufficient, but also a complete statistic such that by the Lehmann-Scheff´e theorem, the estimator ϑboracle has the UMVAUE property. Finally, we bound the expectation of the missing volume |C\C|b by Poissonisation, i.e. using that the convex hull Cb in the P3 model conditionally on the event {N =k} is distributed as the convex hull Cbk = conv{X1, ..., Xk} in the model with k uniform observations onC, for which the following upper bound is known:





i=O k−2/(d+1)

. (3.8)

Thus, it follows by a Poisson moment bound sup


Eh |C\C|b


i = sup







i (3.9)

= O λ−2/(d+1)

. (3.10)

This bound, together with (3.7), yields the assertion.

Proposition 3. For known intensity λ > 0, the convex hull Cb = conv{X1, ..., XN} is a complete statistic.

Proof. We need to show the implication

∀C ∈C:EC T(C)b

= 0 =⇒ T(C) = 0b PE−a.s. (3.11) for any BC-measurable function T :C→ R. From the likelihood in (2.3) forλ=λ0, we derive

EC T(C)b

= EE

hT(C) expb λ|E\C|


. (3.12)


Since exp(λ|E\C|) is deterministic, EC T(C)b

= 0 for allC∈Cimplies


T(C)1(b Cb⊆C)

= 0. (3.13)

For C ∈C, define the family of convex subsets of C as [C] ={A∈C|A⊆ C} such that Cb ⊆ C ⇐⇒ Cb ∈ [C]. Splitting T = T+−T with non- negative BC-measurable functions T+ and T, we infer that the measures µ±(B) = EE[T±(C)1(b Cb ∈ B)] , B ∈ BC, agree on {[C]|C ∈ C}. Note that the brackets {[C]|C ∈ C} are ∩-stable due to [A]∩[C] = [A∩C]

and A∩C ∈ C. If the σ-algebra C generated by {[C]|C ∈ C} contains BC, the uniqueness theorem asserts that the measures µ+, µ agree on all Borel sets in BC, in particular on {T > 0} and {T < 0}, which entails EE[T+(C)] =b EE[T(C)] = 0. Thus, in this case,b T(C) = 0 holdsb PE-a.s.

It remains to show that the brackets [C] generate the Borel σ-algebra BC. Let us define the family hCi ={B ∈C|C ⊆B} of convex sets containing C. Then the closed Hausdorff ball with center C and radiusε > 0 has the representation

Bε(C)def= {A∈C|dH(A, C)6ε}={A∈C|U−ε(C)⊆A⊆Uε(C)}, (3.14) withUε(C) = {x ∈E|dist(x, C) 6ε}, U−ε(C) = {x∈ C|dist(x,E\C) 6 ε}. Noting that Uε(C), U−ε(C) are closed and convex and thus in C, we obtain

Bε(C) =hU−ε(C)i ∩[Uε(C)]. (3.15) Since (C, dH) is separable, our problem is reduced to proving that all angle sets hCi for C ∈ C are in C. A further reduction is achieved by noting hCi = T

x∈Chxi = T

x∈C∩Qdhxi setting hxi = h{x}i for short such that it suffices to prove hxi ∈ C for all x ∈ E. Now, x /∈ C implies by the Hahn- Banach theorem that there are δ >0, v∈Rd such that hv, c−xi>δ holds for all c∈C. By a density argument, we may choose δ ∈Q+ and v ∈Qd. Denoting the corresponding hyperplane intersected withE by Hδ,v ={ξ ∈ E| hv, ξ−xi>δ}, we conclude

hxi= [





| {z }


∈ C. (3.16)

Consequently, hxi ∈ C and thus BC⊆ C hold.


4 Unknown intensity

In the case, when the intensity λ is unknown and the oracle estimator ϑboracle in (3.4) is inaccessible, the maximum-likelihood approach suggests to use N/|C|b as an estimator forλin (2.3). This yields theplug-inestimator for the volume,

ϑbplugin def= |C|b +NCb

N |C|b . (4.1)

In the unlikely event N = |C|b = 0, we define ϑbplugin = 0. This estimator has a significant bias due to the following result, which is proved in the appendix.

Lemma 4. For the bias of the plug-in MLE estimator ϑbplugin, it follows with some universal constant c >0

|C| −E[ϑbplugin]>cE[|Cb\C|]2, ∀C ∈C. (4.2) The maximal bias over C ∈ C is thus of the order λ−4/(d+1), which is worse than the minimax rate λ−(d+3)/(2d+2) for d > 5. We surmise that ϑbplugin is rate-optimal for d65 , but we leave that question aside because the final estimator we propose will be nearly unbiased and will satisfy an exact oracle inequality. In particular, it is rate-optimal in any dimension.

The new idea is to exploit that the number of interior points ofCb satisfies N bC∼Poiss(λ), see (3.3).

There is no conditionally unbiased estimator for λ−1 based on observing N bC ∼ Poiss(λ) for λ ranging over some open (non-empty) interval.

Otherwise, an estimator µ(Ne ) for λ−1 would satisfy E[µ(Ne )|C] =b λ−1 implying

X k=0


k!µ(k)ee −λ−1 ⇒ X k=0


k! µ(k) =e X k=0


k! . (4.3) The coefficient for the constant term in the left and right power series would thus differ (0 versus 1), in contradiction with the uniqueness theorem for power series.

We provide an almost unbiased estimator for λ−1 by noting that the first jump time of a Poisson process with intensityλ is Exp(λ)-distributed and thus has expectationλ−1 . Taking conditional expectation with respect to the Poisson process at time 1, we conclude that


µ(N, λ)def=

((N+ 1)−1, forN>1, 1 +λ−1 , forN= 0


satisfies E[µ(Nb , λ)|C] =b λ−1 . Omitting the term depending on λ in the unlikely caseN= 0, we define our final estimator

ϑbdef= |C|b + NCb N+ 1|C|b . For the proofs, we also define thepseudo-estimator

ϑbpseudodef= |C|b +|C|Nb Cb 1

N+ 1+ e−λ λ


Theorem 5. The pseudo-estimator ϑbpseudo is unbiased and the estimator ϑb is asymptotically unbiased in the sense that with constants c1, c2 > 0 whenever λ|C|>1:

06|C| −E[bϑ]6c1|C|exp −c2(λ|C|)(d−1)/(d+1)

, ∀C∈C. (4.4) Proof. We have

Eh 1

N+ 1+e−λ λ


= e−λλ−1 X



(k+ 1)k!+ 1

−1 , (4.5) which by|C|λb −1−1andE[ϑboracle] =|C|implies unbiasedness of ϑbpseudo. Thus, it follows that

|C| −E[bϑ] =E

|C|Nb Cbe−λλ−1


NCbe−λ|C|b .

We exploit the deviation inequality that can be written in our setting, using the conditioning argument similarly to (3.10), as and derive the bound for the exponential moment of the missing volume in the model with fixed number of points

E[exp (λ|C\Cbk|)]6b1exp (b2λ|C|k−2/(d+1)), k>2, (4.6) for positive constants b1, b2 depending on the dimension. For the cases k = 0,1 , we have the identity E[exp (λ|C\Cbk|)] = exp (λ|C|) . By Pois- sonisation, similarly to (3.10), we derive

exp(−λ|C|)E[exp (λ|C\C|)]b 6b3exp −c2(λ|C|)(d−1)/(d+1)

, (4.7) for positive constants b3, c2 depending on the dimension. Hence, using the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and the bound for the moments of the points on the convex hull,


C] =O (λ|C|)q(d−1)/(d+1)

, q∈N. (4.8)


we derive for a constant c1>0 λ−1E


6 λ−1e−λ|C|E[NC2b]1/2E[e2λ|C\C|b]1/2 (4.9) 6 c1λ−2/(d+1)|C|(d−1)/(d+1)exp −c2(λ|C|)(d−1)/(d+1)

(4.10) 6 c1|C|exp −c2(λ|C|)(d−1)/(d+1)

. (4.11)

The next step of the analysis is to compare the variance of the pseudo- estimator ϑbpseudo with the variance of the oracle estimator ϑboracle, which is UMVAUE.

Theorem 6. The following oracle inequality holds with constantsc, c1, c2 >

0 for allC ∈C withλ|C|>1:

Var(bϑpseudo)6(1 +cα(λ, C)) Var(ϑboracle) +r(λ, C), (4.12) where

α(λ, C) = 1




E[|C\C|]b +E[|C\C|]b ,

r(λ, C) =c1(λ|C|)2(d−1)/(d+1)exp −c2(λ|C|)(d−1)/(d+1) . Proof. By the law of total variance, we obtain

Var(bϑpseudo) = Var E[bϑpseudo|C]b



= Var(bϑoracle) +Eh

(NCb|C|)b 2Var 1

N+ 1|Cbi


In view of N|Cb∼Poiss(λ) , a power series expansion gives E[(N+ 1)−2|C] =b λ−1 e−λ

Z λ 0

(et−1)/t dt . The conditional variance can forλ→ ∞ thus be bounded by

Var((1 +N)−1|C)b 6λ−1 e−λ Z λ


et/t dt−(λ)−2+O(e−λ/4)

= (λ)−1 Z λ/2


e−s 1

λ−s− 1 λ


−3 (1 +o(1)),


where we have used (λ−s)−1−λ−1 =sλ−1−s)−1,R

0 se−sds= 1 and dominated convergence. Thanks to (N+ 1)−1 ∈[0,1] we conclude for some constantc>1

Var((1 +N)−1|C)b 6c(1∧λ−3 ).

Consequently, we have

Var(bϑpseudo) 6 Var(ϑboracle) +E

(NCb|C|)b 2c(1∧(λ|C|)b −3)


= Var(ϑboracle) +cE

(NCb|C|)b 2∧λ−3(NCb)2|C|b−1 , (4.16) and with (3.7)


Var(ϑboracle) 6 1 +cE

(NCbλ|C|)b 2∧(NCb)2(λ|C|)b −1

λE[|C\C|]b (4.17)

= 1 +cE

(NCb)2 (λ|C|)b 2∧(λ|C|)b −1

E[NCb] . (4.18) Define the ‘good’ event G={|C|b >|C|/2}, on which (λ|C|)b 2∧(λ|C|)b −1

6 2(λ|C|)−1. On the complement Gc, we infer from A2∧A−1 61 for A >0


(NCb)2 (λ|C|)b 2∧(λ|C|)b −1 1Gci

6E N2b


(4.19) 6E[N4b

C]1/2P(|C\C|b >|C|/2)1/2 (4.20) 6c1(λ|C|)2(d−1)/(d+1)exp −c2(λ|C|)(d−1)/(d+1)

, (4.21) for some positive constant c1 and c2, using (4.7) and (4.8). It remains to estimate the upper bound (4.18) onG

2c λ|C|


C] E[NCb] = 2c



E[NCb] +E[NCb]

. (4.22)

Using the identity for the factorial moments for the number of vertices NCb, we derive Var(NCb) 6 λ2Var(|C\C|) +b λE[|C\C|] in view ofb E[NCb] = λE[|C\C|] . Thus, (4.22) is bounded byb

2c λ|C|


C] E[NCb] 6 2c




E[|C\C|]b +E[|C\C|]b

, (4.23)

which yields the assertion.

As a result, we obtain an oracle inequality for the estimator ϑb.


Theorem 7. It follows for the risk of the estimator ϑb for all C∈Cwhen- ever λ|C|>1:

E[(ϑb− |C|)2]1/2 6(1 +cα(λ, C))E[(ϑboracle− |C|)2]1/2+r(λ, C), (4.24) with constant c >0 and α(λ, C), r(λ, C) from Theorem 6. For any C ∈C andλ >0 we have α(λ, C)61 +λ|C|1 .

Proof. In view of λ = λ|C|, we haveb ϑb= ϑbpseudo−λ−1NCbe−λ|C|b and we derive as in (4.11) and (4.21) with some constantsc1, c2>0


C]1/2E[e−4λ|C|b]1/2 6c21exp −2c2(λ|C|)(d−1)/(d+1) . To establish the oracle inequality, we apply the triangle inequality in L2- norm together with Theorems 1 and 6.

The universal bound on α(λ, C) follows from the rough bound E[|C\ C|b2]6|C|E[|C\C|].b

Note that the remainder term r(λ, C) is exponentially small in λ|C|.

Therefore, an immediate implication of Theorem 7 is that asymptotically our estimator ϑb is minimax rate-optimal in all dimensions, where the lower bound is proved in the next section. Yet, even more is true: the oracle in- equality is in all well studied cases exact in the sense that α(λ, C) → 0 holds for λ → ∞ such that the the UMVAUE risk of ϑboracle is attained asymptotically.

Lemma 8. We have tighter bounds on α(λ, C) from Theorem 6 in the following cases:

1. for d= 1,2 and C∈C arbitrary: α(λ, C).(λ|C|)−2/(d+1),

2. for d > 2, C with C2-boundary of positive curvature: α(λ, C) . (λ|C|)−2/(d+1),

3. for d>2 and C a polytope: α(λ, C).λ−1(log(λ|C|))d−1.

Proof. Let us restrict to |C| = 1 , the case of general volume follows by rescaling. In view of the expectation upper bound (3.10), the main issue is to bound Var(|C\C|)/E[|Cb \C|] uniformly. Case (1) follows fromb λVar(|C\ C|)b ∼ E[|C\C|] .b

For case (2) with smooth boundary, the upper bound for the variance, Var(|C\C|)b . λ−(d+3)/(d+1), while the lower bound for the first moment, E[|C\C|]b &λ−2/(d+1).


For the case (3) of polytopes, the upper bound Var(|C \ C|)b . λ−2(logλ)d−1, while the lower bound for the first moment, E[|C \C|]b &

λ−1(logλ)d−1. The expectation upper bound from Remark 2 thus yields the result.

5 Lower bound and rate optimality

The lower bound in the P3 framework requires a specific treatment although the result for the lower bound in the model with a fixed number of observa- tions is not new.

Theorem 9. For estimating |C| in the P3 model with parameter class C, the following asymptotic lower bound holds

lim inf

λ→∞ λ(d+3)/(d+1)inf




EC[(|C| −ϑbλ)2]>0, (5.1) where the infimum extends over all estimators ϑbλ in the P3 model with intensity λ.

Proof. First, we reduce the class C to a properly constructed smaller class of convex sets. Then, we bound the supremum of the mean squared risk by the Bayes risk and carefully bound the Bayes risk at its minimum from below.

For simplicity, we consider the case (E,E) = ([0,1]d,B[0,1]d) . Following the scheme, define the class Ce of closed convex sets G

G={X= (x, y)∈[0,1]d:x∈[0,1]d−1, y∈[0,1],06y6g(x)} (5.2) for a concave smooth function g : Rd−1 → R with support in [0,1]d−1 satisfying 0< g(x)<1 , ∀x∈[0,1]d−1. Then it follows,



λ(d+3)(d+1)EC[(|C| −ϑbλ)2]> sup


λ(d+3)(d+1)EC[(|C| −ϑbλ)2]. (5.3) To bound the mean squared risk by the Bayes risk, consider the partition of [0,1]d−1 into cubes with sizes of length hλ, denote by qk the center of the k-th cube Ik and let M = (1/hλ)d−1 ∈N be the number of cubes. Then, for the prior on Ce, define the random variables ξk i.i.d.∼ Bernoulli(p) , i.e.

P(ξk= 0) =p, P(ξk = 1) = 1−p and set g(x) =

XM k=1

ξkgk(x)− kxk2, gk(x) =ah2λux−qk hλ/2

, (5.4)


where a > 0 , u : Rd−1 → R+ is smooth and has support in [−1,1]d−1. Choosinga >0 sufficiently small, the Hessian

2g(x) = XM


4aξk2u(v)|v=2(x−qk)/hλ−2IId−1, (5.5) is negative-definite for all x ∈ [0,1]d−1 because the function ∇2u is bounded. This implies that the corresponding sets C(ξ) with boundaries g are convex and



λ(d+3)(d+1)EC[(|C| −ϑbλ)2]>λ(d+3)(d+1)EξEC(ξ)[(|C| −ϑbλ)2] (5.6) follows. Note that the volume of any convex set C ∈Ce with the boundary (5.4) can be written as

|C|= Z


g(x)dx= XM


ξk Z


gk(x)dx− Z


kxk2. (5.7) The Bayes-optimal estimator for (5.6) is the conditional expectation ϑbB = E

|C|(X1, ..., XN)


[0,1]d−1bg(x)dx with b

g(x) =E

g(x)(X1, ..., XN)

= XM



ξk(X1, ..., XN)

gk(x) +kxk2. (5.8) Using the Bayes formula and the likelihood function (2.3), we derive

ξbk def= E

ξk(X1, ..., XN)

=P ξk= 1(X1, ..., XN)


= (dPgk/dP0)(dPg0/dP0)−1p

1−p+ (dPgk/dP0)(dPg0/dP0)−1p (5.10)

= peλ






∀Xi(1:d−1)∈Ik:Xi(d)>gk(Xi(1:d−1)) , (5.11) where the superscript in Xi(1:d−1) and Xi(d) denotes the correspond- ing components of the vector Xi, gk(x) = gk(x) − kxk2, g0(x) = 0 and Pgk, Pg0 stand for the measures associated with the convex sets whose boundaries are gk(x) and g0(x) in the k-th cube Ik. Observing


ϑbB =PM k=1ξbkR


[0,1]d−1kxk2 and Var ξk(X1, ..., XN)

= ξbk(1−ξbk) , the Bayes risk can be calculated as

EξEC(ξ)[(|C| −ϑbB)2] = XM






= XM



Var ξk(X1, ..., XN)iZ




= XM


p(1−p) 1−p+peλ






.(5.14) Note, that λR

Ikgk(x)dx 6 λR

Ikgk(x)dx 6 λb1hd+1λ 6 b2 for some con- stants b1, b2 > 0 if we choose hλ ∼λ−1/(d+1). This implies the bound for b3, b4, b5>0

EξEC(ξ)[(|C| −ϑbB)2] > M b3 Z



>M b3h4λa2 Z


u(x−qk hλ )dx2


> b4hd+3λ >b5λ−(d+3)(d+1), (5.16) which completes the proof.

6 Appendix

Proof of Lemma 4. Using that the bias of the oracle estimator ϑb = |C|b + NCb/(N+1)|C|b is exponentially small, it remains to compare its expectation with the expectation of the plug-in estimator ϑbplugin to show (4.2):

E[bϑ−ϑbplugin] = E

|C|(b NCb

N+ 1−NCb N )


|C|b N2b

C−NCb (N+ 1)(N+NCb)


> d d+ 1E

|C|Nb 2b


(N+ 1)2λ|C|1(N 62λ|C|)

, (6.2)

where in the last line we have used |C|b >0 only ifNCb >d+ 1 and in this case N2b

C −NCb > d+1d N2b

C. Using E[(N + 1)−1|C] =b λ−1 (1−e−λ) from


above, we obtain after writing1(N 62λ|C|) = 1−1(N >2λ|C|) E[ϑb−ϑbplugin]> d

d+ 1

E N2b

C|C|(1b −e−λ) 2λλ|C|

−E N2b


2λ|C|1(N >2λ|C|)

> d d+ 1



2|C| − E

N21(N >2λ|C|) 2λ


By Cauchy-Schwarz inequality and large deviations similarly to (4.11), the first term is bounded from below by a constant multiple of E[|C\C|]b 2/|C|

in view of E[N2b

C]>λ2E[|C\C|]b 2. Because of N ∼Poiss(λ|C|), the second term is of orderλ|C|2e−λ|C|and thus asymptotically of much smaller order.


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