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Annale d'Anglais LV1 (Nouvelle-Calédonie) - Bac STG-ST2S 2009


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Nouvelle-Calédonie - Novembre 2009 - Bac STG Lv1 - Proposition de corrigé

GENERAL COMPREHENSION A Choose the right answer.

1. The document appeared:

a) in a newspaper b) on the Internet c) in a novel

2. The text is:

a) a piece of fiction b) a press article c) a true life story

3. The two main topics of the text are:

a) a first professional experience b) coaching a match

c) basketball d) monsters

e) child-parent relationships

B. Pick out the following information about the narrator:

a) name: Veronica H.

b) place of residence: Jonesboro, AR (Arkansas, USA) c) age: 17


1. a. Which of these roles concerned the narrator before her "first night" (1. 12)





b. Which of these roles concerned the narrator on her "first night" (1. 12)





2. True or False? Justify your answers by quoting the text:

a. The narrator wanted to have more money.

True. "the opportunity to have more that just lint in my pockets" (ll. 2-3) b. The narrator questioned the quality of referees.

True. "I often found myself criticizing the referees" (l. 8) c. Before her first match, the narrator was apprehensive.


False. "I looked forward to my first night as a referee" (l. 12) d. She found the players very friendly.

False. "third-grade boys transformed into demon children" (ll. 13-14) e. The coaches were friendly from the beginning to the end of the match.

False. "the coaches, (...) revealed themselves as my worst nightmares" (ll. 19-20) f. At the end of the match, she admitted that being a referee was harder than she thought.

True. "I now realize how difficult refereeing is" (l. 30)

3. What was the children's attitude?

Match the following adjectives with the appropriate moments of the evening:

hostile lovable nice a. before the match: nice b. during the match: hostile c. after the match: lovable

4. How did the narrator feel?

Match the following adjectives with the appropriate moments of the evening:

Doubtful / self-confident / relieved / panicky / excited / realistic a. Before the match: excited and self-confident

b. During the match: panicky and doubtful c. After the match: relieved and realistic

La question suivante sera traitée uniquement par les candidats des séries STG et STSS.

5. Choose the correct answer:

a. "... right after the tip-off my fantasies faded"(l. 12-13) means:

I lost my illusions

my dreams were confirmed

the play was fantastic

b. "The horn sounded, and the nightmare ended" (l. 23) means:

the alarm bell rang

a car driver expressed his anger

the match was over

c. "... parents and coaches patted me on the back" (l. 25) means:

they turned their backs to me

they congratulated me

they beat me

d. "I cherished every dime I earned that night" (l. 28-29) means

I loved the time we had

I found the match expensive

I appreciated the money I got


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