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Field theory for ARB2 branched polymers


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1981

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Field theory for ARB2 branched polymers

T.C. Lubensky, J. Isaacson, S.P. Obukhov

To cite this version:

T.C. Lubensky, J. Isaacson, S.P. Obukhov. Field theory for ARB2 branched polymers. Journal de

Physique, 1981, 42 (12), pp.1591-1601. �10.1051/jphys:0198100420120159100�. �jpa-00209356�


Field theory for ARB2 branched polymers

T. C. Lubensky, J. Isaacson

Department of Physics, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.19104, U.S.A.

and S. P. Obukhov

L. D. Landau Institute of Theoretical Physics, USSR

(Reçu le 23 juin 1981, accepté le 26 août 1981)



On étudie la statistique d’un système composé de dimères A-B et de trimères ARB2 où seules les réac- tions de condensation entre A et B sont permises. Ce système est décrit par une fonction de partition de théorie

des champs, correspondant à un ensemble grand-canonique de polymères branchés ARB2 avec des fugacités

contrôlant le nombre de dimères, trimères, extrémités et polymères. En l’absence d’interactions répulsives entre les monomères, la théorie du champ moyen donne des résultats identiques à ceux obtenus par Flory par une analyse

combinatoire. En présence d’interactions répulsives, la transition sol-gel est impossible. Dans le cas de solutions diluées, les propriétés critiques des grands polymères sont reliées à celles du problème des animaux sur un réseau.



The statistics of a system of condensed A-B dimers and ARB2 trimers, where only reactions between

A and B units are allowed is investigated. This system is described by a field theoretical partition function corres- ponding to a grand canonical ensemble of ARB2 branched polymers with fugacities controlling dimer, trimer,

end point and polymer number. In the absence of repulsive monomer-monomer interactions the mean field approxi-

mation gives results which are identical to the combinatorial analysis of Flory. If repulsive interactions are included,

no sol-gel transition is possible. In the dilute limit, the critical properties of large polymers are related to those of

the lattice animal problem.

Classification Physics Abstracts



36.20E - 61. 40K - 82.35

1. Introduction.


The introduction of reactive

polyfunctional units into polymeric reactions leads to the creation of polymers with nontrivial topologies

as shown in figure 1. If the degree of crosslinking is sufficient, a transition from the free flowing sol phase

to an infinite network gel phase occurs [1-2] and is

manifested by a divergent viscocity [3]. In addition

the cluster size distribution can be obtained experimen- tally for a special branched polymers [4]. The sol-gel

transition can be observed by the divergence of the viscosity at the transition point. Recent experiments

have observed a sharp transition with critical expo- nents conforming to the predicted theoretical values [4].

Recently a field theory was developed which repro- duces generating functions for the statistics of branched

polymers in solution [5-7]. The branched polymers

studied in this work consisted of condensates of bifunctional units (dimers) denoted by A-A and tri- functional units (trimers) denoted by RA3 (Fig. 2) [5-7].

In this paper we will discuss a similar class of branched

polymers which we will denote by ARB2 [8]. These polymers consist of ARB2 trimer units and A-B dimer

units (Fig. 3). Only reactions between A and B end- Fig. 1.


Schematic representation of branched polymers.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:0198100420120159100


Fig. 2.


Dimers (A-A) and trimers (RA3) comprising RA3 bran-

ched polymers.

Fig. 3.


Dimers (A-A) and trimers (ARB2) comprising ARB2

branched polymers.

groups are allowed. Note that an ARB2 polymer can

have at most one A endgroup or one internal loop.

Both the RA3 and ARB2 cases were studied in the

loopless, noninteracting limit (Gaussian, mean field)

over 35 years ago by Flory [8-9] and were found to

have greatly differing properties. The primary purpose of this paper is to investigate using field theoretic techniques, the effects of monomeric repulsion on the

statistics of ARB2 branched polymers in good solvents.

Let pabe the probability that an A endgroup has

reacted. In the Gaussian limit the RA3 system reaches

a sol-gel transition at a critical value of pA less than 1 [1].

Thus the sol-gel transition is readily reached, and at

the transition only an infinitesimal fraction of units

are on the infinite molecule [1]. In the Gaussian limit

the ARB2 system exhibits a transition when PA is

equal to 1. This transition occurs when all possible A endgroups have reacted except for one per molecule.

The field theoretical approach can be used to study

the behavior of a single isolated branched polymer [6].

This is accomplished by studying the limit in which

neighboring polymers are so far apart that interpoly-

mer interactions are unimportant. This dilute limit for the RA3 case is isomorphic to the lattice animal pro- blem which is of great importance to the theories of percolation and localization [10-13]. In this paper we will analyze a field theory that describes the statistics

of ARB2 polymers [5-6]. We show that in the nondilute

case when interactions are included, the transition to an infinite network becomes inaccessible. In the dilute limit a critical point corresponding to the presence of an infinite molecule can be reached. We will explore

this limit using general arguments and perturbation theory and relate the ARB2 critical exponents and scaling functions to those of the RA3 (animal) case.

Many points which are equally valid for this paper covered in more detail in two previous papers [6, 7]

on the statistics of RA3 polymers. In section 2, we discuss the grand canonical ensemble of reacting ARB2 polymers. In section 3, we introduce a field theory describing the statistics of ARB2 polymers.

In section 4 we analyze the mean field equations.

Finally in section 5 we analyze for the statistics of dilute ARB2 polymers.

2. Grand canonical ensemble.


In a previous

paper [6], a general formalism was developed for studying the grand partion function of reacting poly-

meric species. That paper dealt with molecules formed

by A-A dimers and RA3 trimers where the indistin-

guishable endgroups A can react to form chemical bonds. In this paper, we will treat the case of reactions among A-B dimers and ARB2 trimers where only A

and B endgroups can react (Fig. 4). The state Q of a

Fig. 4.


ARB2 polymers. Note that there can be at most one free A

end in any one polymer. The polymers in figures 4a and 4b both have three dimer units and four trimer units in different sequences and correspond to different states o.

single polymer is defined by the number of dimers,

trimers and free A and B ends it contains, and by the

sequence and topology of these elements. We will use

the notation n2(a), n3(u), n1A( Q) and nIB( a) to specify

the number of dimers, trimers and free A and B ends in a polymer in state Q. Note, however, that these numbers may be identical for different a’s representing

different topologies. For example the states of the two polymers represented in figures 4a and 4b are different

even though n2 = 3, n3 = 4, n1A = 1 and nlB = 5 in both cases. In a polymeric solution or melt there will in general be many polymers in each state u. There

are many possible ways to distribute dimers and tri-

mers among the possible polymer states, and in cal-

culating equilibrium properties of solutions, we per- form a weighted average over the ensemble of possible

distributions of polymer states. We will define the

macro state, G, of a member of this ensemble by the

number of polymers in each statuez it contains. Thus

a macro state G is specified by the set { np(03C3, G) }

where np( a ; G) is the number of polymers in state u

in G. The development of a grand partition function,

for A-B, ARB2 molecules proceeds in very nearly the

same way as for A-A and RA3 molecules. The potential

energy, U(G, { x(G) }), depends on the coordinates

{ x(G) } of all the A, B and R groups, and can be


decomposed into five parts,

U2 is the elastic energy between A and B on a dimer, U3 is the elastic energy between endgroups of a trimer

and its central group, UA is the energy of a free A group, UB is the energy of a free B group and Ur is

the repulsive energy between nearby groups. We assume each group A, B or R can be viewed as a

billiard ball of mass MA, MB and MR and that classical statistics can be applied to each ball. We measure all

lengths in units of the thermal wavelength of a reacted AB pair with mass MA + MB

Following the steps, detained in reference [7], the

constrained grand partition function can be written

where n1A(G), niB(G), n2(G), n3(G) and np(G) are

the number of free A ends, free B ends, A-B dimers, ARB2 trimers and polymers in state G, and C(G) is

the number of configuration in the state G. To be spe-

cific, np(G) = 03A3 np(u ; G), n1A(G) = L n1A( (J) np( (J; G),

« «

etc. C(G) is defined precisely in reference [7] (eq. (2 .17))

in terms of the contribution to the grand partition

function arising from the repulsive potential U,(G).

The potentials appearing in eq. (2.3) can be related

to chemical potentials and the potential energies via


where d is the spatial dimension and /JA’ /JB’ /J2, /J3 and yp are chemical potentials for A free ends, B free ends, dimers, trimers and polymers. The coordinates,

y, in eq. (2. 4c) and eq. (2. 4d) are measured in units of 03BBT and the coordinates yi, Y2, y3 in eq. (2.4d) are

coordinates of A and the two B’s relative to the central R group. In situations where the number of loops,

nl, rather than the number of endpoints is controlled,

the following relations are of use

We can then reexpress E as follows

where Q = volume and

Densities of dimers, endpoints, etc. are easily obtained

from F --_ In Q

In this paper, we will be particularly interested in the dilute limit in which individual polymers are spatially separated. In this case, we proceed along the

lines detailed in reference [7] and define


We will be interested in moments and reduced forms of C(n2, n3, ni)’ In particular


where n1A and niB are given by eqs. (2.5). Note that

in eqs. (2.9) to eq. (2.12), nl takes on only the values 0 and 1 since there can be at most one loop per polymer.

This can easily be seen by adding successive trimers

to any polymer. Each additional trimer produces one

additional free B end but no additional free A ends.

Thus any polymer can have at most one free A end which could react with one free B end to produce

a polymer with one loop and no free ends. Since B’s


cannot react with themselves, no further loop produc- ing reactions can occur. For large n2, C(n2) is expected

to obey a power law

where is a constant and 0’ is critical exponent. This


where W2,, = Â - ’. Other critical exponents can be introduced via the singular parts of Sa and S(lP

We use primes on critical exponents for this problem

to distinguish them from critical exponents of RA3 polymers. One of the principal goals of this paper will be to relate the above exponents for ARB2 polymers

to those from RA3 polymers.

3. Field theory. - E can be calculated from a field

theory in which the fields t/I Ai,j and t/lBi,j are introduced

to mark A and B free ends. As in the previous paper [7]

i = 1, ..., n and j = 1, ..., s. The limit n ~ 0 is taken to eliminate Hartree loops, and s is identified with the polymer fugacities eq. (2. 4e). The partition function

is evaluated via


The Hamiltonian is

As we will discuss shortly É differs slightly from z.

In eq. (3. 3) r(x, x’) is the matrix inverse of the bare A-B propagator

where P n2(X, x’) is the probability that an ideal linear

chain consisting of n2 dimers has A at point x and B

at point x’. Its Fourier transform is easily evaluated


Note that g(q = 0) = 1 so that r(q = 0) == r = 1 - w2.

W3(Xl, x2, X3) describes the ARB2 units,

where xo is the co-ordinate of R, XI is the co-ordinate of A and X2 and X3 are the co-ordinates of the two B’s.

Notice that the functional integral in eq. (3.1) is performed with respect to the variables Ai,j and Bi,j rather than t/J Ai,j and t/JBi,j’ This is to insure that É be real for positive r(q). Consider, for example, the

situation when w = w1A - W2A = u - 0. Thon would be proportional to the product, fl ( - r(q)) - 1/2,


of imaginary numbers if the measure in eq. (3.1) were dt/J Aij dt/JBij’ Defining the measure to be dÎf¡ Aij dÎf¡Bij

eliminates this problem but changes nothing else.

Another, and perhaps more élégant, way to deal with this problem is to introduce complex fields t/Jij and

in place of t/J Aij and t/JBij’ In this case the Hamiltonian would be non-Hermitian with a term W3 1 t/Jt t/Jj t/Jj’


Averages of functions f(t/J Ai,ix), t/JBi,ix)) with

respect to the weighting function e-pH are denoted by angular brackets

Of particular interest are the propagators

In the non-interacting limit (u = 0) in the absence of trimers (W3 = 0), this function is diagonal in ij

and i’ j’ and satisfies I/IBi,){X) 1/1 Ai,ix’) > = G,(x, x’).

We emphasize that correlations between 1/1 Ai,ix) and t/lBi,j(X) and not 1/1 Ai,j and I/IBi,j give the fundamental propagators G f(x, x’). Note that a factor of W 1 A(W 1 B)

is associated with each free A(B) end, and w1A(wla)

is conjugate to 1/1 Ai,iI/lBi,j)’ This implies via eq. (2.8) that 1/1 Ai,j > ( I/IBi,j z) is proportional to the density

of free A-ends (B-ends). W3 is associated with ARB2

units. It appears in 03B2H as a coefficient of I/IB 1/11 rather

than 1/1 A 03C82 B so that a single ARB2 unit which has one


trimer, one free A end and two free B ends will have a

weight W3 W1A Wi 2. as required by eq. (2. 3). This

can easily be verified by expanding É in powers of w3, w1A and wlB.

We now consider the difference between ans Since the sum in eq. (3.1) contains a term n2 = 0,

the partition function evaluated using eqs. (3.4)

includes contributions from point polymers with no

dimers. Each such polymer carries a weight SWIA W1B’

These unphysical polymers can be removed from the

partition function by subtracting out configurations

with point polymers yielding


were 30 and Fo are 3 and F evaluated at w2 = W3 = Q The external fields couple to E t/1 Al,j and E t/1Bl,j’


j j

It is, therefore convenient to introduce a rotated basis with orthonormal basis vectors a’j satisfying [14]

The order parameters can be expressed in the new basis

In equilibrium,

From eq. (2. 8) and (3. 9), it is clear that


Generating functions that are natural functions of QA

and QB can be obtained via a Legendre transformation

QA and QB are determined by the equation of state

As in the case of A-A and RA3 mixtures, there are

two types of correlation functions one can consider : those between endpoints on the same polymer and

those between endpoints on any polymer. The former

are described by fields t/1 1 (x) with 1 =1= 0 and the latter

by t/121 (x)

where a, fl = A or B. The inverse of GIla.,P can be

obtained by differentiation of r

Similarly we define

The topology of polymers that can be grown from A-B dimers and ARB2 trimers places a severe constraint

on Gl«a, as discussed after eq. (2.12). No molecule

can have more than one free A end. It is, therefore, impossible to propagate from one A to a second A

on the same polymer. Thus, we must have

On the other hand it is possible to propagate from an A

to a B or from a B to a B so that G .1 AB i= 0 and G.lBB = 0.

These conditions imply a constraint on G -’ :

It is possible, however, to propagate from an A on one polymer to an A on another polymer. Thus GIIAA 1= 0.

In the dilute limit, the density of polymers goes to zero and one would expect it to become increasingly

difficult to propagate from an A to an A on different polymers. Thus, we expect

We close this section with some expressions relating

correlation functions to moments of the cluster size

distribution in the dilute limit. From eqs. (3.12),

(3.13) and (2.9), we have


Introducing the Fourier transform of the propagators in eqs. (3.17) and (3.18), we have in the dilute limit

where S0152,p is defined in eq. (2.12b).

4. Mean field theory.




Before considering a mean field analysis of the field

theory discussed in section 3, it is useful to review some

aspects of Flory’s treatment of this problem [1]. Flory

locates the gel point by setting the probability, a,

that a trimer is connected to another trimer equal to

extends to infinity whereas for the mole- cule is finite. a is easily calculated in terms of the

probability, pB, that a B unit has undergone a reaction

and the fraction, pA, of A’s on trimers :

The system is characterized by the concentrations C2 >, c3 >, cA ) and CB > of monomers, trimers,

A-ends and B-ends. c2 ) and c3 ) remain constant whereas cA ) and CB > change as reactions proceed.


Thus we have

where ps is the probability that a B is on a trimer.

Each reaction that takes place reduces the number of A-ends and B-ends each by one. Thus we have


where PA is the probability that an A-unit has under- gone a reaction. Setting a = 1/2, we find

Thus, the gel point is reached only when all A-ends have reacted (apart from the one per polymer that are

not permitted to react because of the loopless approxi- mation).



Mean field theory

is obtained by neglecting spatial fluctuations and

replacing I/J Ai,j and I/JBi,j by their average values as defined in eqs. (3.12). Using eqs. (3.3) and (3.14),

we obtain


Using eq. (3.14), the equation of state can be written

The mean field expression for F121 and r (2) can also

be obtained in the usual way. We find



The gel point is determined by rAB = 0. Note that

implying that

This equation is a consequence of the fact that each

polymer has one and only one free A-end in the loopless approximation and can in fact be derived from a

Ward identity [15]. Eqs. (4.9) through (4.15) define

for us the mean field approximation.



This limit uAp = 0 corresponds either to dilute solutions

or to the total neglect of repulsive interactions among dimers and trimers and is the limit treated by Flory [1].

It does not correspond to a mean field 0-point because

at the 8-point, there would be three body terms in the potential which are important in branched polymers.

We first calculate densities and reaction probabili-

ties. When uAp = 0, we have Fo = SWLA W1B+O(uAp)

so that

From these we obtain


Thus the gel point occurs at PA = 1 as predicted by Flory.

Other functions of interest can be calculated ana-

lytically. We find

This implies that

We thus see that the critical exponents depend on the path to criticality. If pA is varied externally, the suscep-

tibility and correlation length exponents y and v

implied by eq. (4.20) obtain the usual mean field values of 1 and 1/2. This is the path that one would

use to describe percolation. If on the other hand A3 is

fixed and w2 is varied equation (4. 20) leads to y== 1/2

and v = 1/4. This is the path appropriate to the des- cription of polymer statistics in the dilute limit

(Ap -+ 0), and the exponents y and v are in agreement

with those for the animal problem. Since we will argue

shortly that the percolation critical point is inacces- sible when u # 0, we will concentrate on exponents for the dilute case. We find

Equations (4.19) to (4.23) imply

where the subscript a refers to exponents for the

animals problems. We will argue shortly that the

relations in eq. (4.25) between the exponents for the ARB2 problem and the RA3 problem are valid even

when mean field theory breaks down.



When uAp is non-zero, neighboring polymers interact

repulsively. This leads to a shift in the gel point and a


différence between correlations of endpoints on a single polymer and on different polymers which show

up mathematically as the splitting sT between F(2)

and rf¡2). In the case of A-A polymers, the shift leads to

percolation critical behavior. In the present case, the shift in fact makes the gel point inaccessible.

Using equations (4.12) and (4.15), we have

Solving for rAB, we find

the quantities r, W3, u, s and QA are related to physical potentials and all densities are real. One can easily

see from eq. (4.27) that for u > 0, rAB becomes zero

only for complex values of r for fixed values of the other parameters. r is, however, a linear function

(eqs. (3.4) to (3.6)) of the dimer fugacity and must be

real. We therefore, conclude that, at least within mean

field theory, the gel point (determined by rAB = 0)

cannot be reached in ARB2 polymers when repulsive

solvent effects are included. Stated differently, the equilibrium state of reacting A-B dimers and ARB2

trimers (or more generally Arbi - 1 f-mers) in a good

solvent will never contain an infinite network. We have

verified that this result does not change when lowest order fluctuations about mean field theory are inclu-

ded. We expect it to be true to all orders, in renorma- lized perturbation theory though we have not verified

this explicitly.

5. &yond mean field theory. Dilute limit.




In the last section,

we saw that mean field critical exponents for dilute ARB2 polymers are related to those for the animal

problem. In this section we will argue that these relations summarized in table 1 are in fact generally


Each polymer can have at most one loop or one

free A-end. In the dilute limit, this implies

where f i counts those single polymer configurations

with no loops and f2 those with one loop. We know

from our study of RA3 animals [6] that loop fugacity is

an irrelevant variable, i.e. that the leading critical exponents for loopless animals are identical to those

for animals with an arbitrary number of loops. We, therefore, expect f2 to have weaker singularities than fl. Now consider the diagrams determining fl. A single root is chosen to be the unreacted A-site and

Table 1.


Critical exponents for RA3 and ARB2

branched polymers. Column one gives the values to first

order in e = 8 - d. The second column gives the values obtained from the Flory approximation for}’ IX discussed

in reference [16] and the relations

and Pa = Ba - 1 discussed in references [6] and [13].

The Flory approximation gives the exact answer [12, 13]

in two and three dimensions and - remarkably good

results [13] in all dimensions between 2 and 8. Columns three and four give the exact answers for exponents obtained from the Flory formula for d = 2 and d = 3.

all possible branched polymers with arbitrary repulsive

interactions terminating in unreacted B ends are drawn

as shown in figure 5. It is clear that these are the

exactly the same diagrams as one would use to eva-

luate the order parameter Qa for loopless animals

Fig. 5.


Diagrams contributing to fl. Solid lines represent AB propagators. These diagrams are identical to those for the order parameter Qa for the case of RA3 polymers.

of RA2 polymers. The rules for evaluating the graphs

in the two cases are the same with GAB the propagator for ARB3 polymers and GAA for RA3 polymers. We

therefore argue that fl (W 1 B) m Qa(w1B) Using this

relation, we have (ignoring f2)


These equations immediately imply relations between ARB2’s and RA3’s critical exponents as was obtained in mean field theory eq. (4. 25).



In this section,

we will outline how the general results of the previous

section can be obtained using diagrammatic pertur- bation theory. This exercise is of interest since it is not obvious at the outset which potentials are the most important and how the animals fixed point is reached

under renormalization group transformations. We

begin by slightly simplifying the field theory. We ignore the non-critical fields t/J ij for i > 2 and shift the fields t/J IX Ij

and obtain the Hamiltonian

where rrxp and Trxp are given by eqs. (4.12) and (4.13)

and where h a is w - 1 la T 1MF where rMF is the mean


s aMF aMF

field form of La(1) given in eqs. (4.9). In eq. (5.4), we

have omitted fourth order terms and two third order terms with different symmetry, because, as shown

in detail in reference [6], they are irrelevant to the critical behavior under study. The omitted third order terms though irrelevant for branched polymers in good

solvents are relevant for branched polymers in 0-


We now develop rules for diagrammatic pertur- bation theory along the lines used by Parisi and Sourlas [12] in their treatment of the animal problem.

First, we note that the inverse bare and renormalized propagators satisfy



T. 42, ? 12, DÉCEMBRE 1981 1

where El’) and 1 (2) are self energies to be determined perturbatively. Eqs. (5.5) imply that bare and renor-

malized propagators have the form

We will do perturbation theory in terms of the unre-

normalized propagators Sflo and Rexop rather than in terms of the renormalized propagators SexP and R,,p

because some relations among critical exponents emerge more naturally in terms of the former. In the

limit s ~ 0, we have

Diagrammatic rules for evaluating El(’) and other

quantities in terms of S(X0) and R(X°p are similar to those

developed for the animal problem by Parisi and Sourlas in analogy with the problem of an Ising ferromagnet in a random external field [17]. In order

to survive the limit s ~ 0, each diagram can have at most 1, RflOp propagators where 1 is the number of loops

in the graph. Since R is more divergent than SI

for any oefl, the most divergence graphs will have 1,

R(X°p propagators. In the present problem, one should

also use the most divergent R(X, namely R3B or RAB

rather than AA whenever possible. However, the fact

that SAA = 0 severly restricts this choice.

In figure 6a we show the most divergent diagrams contributing to EXB to order w4. Note that only the propagators SXB and RXA appear and that the dia- grams are identical to those obtained by Parisi and

Sourlas [17] for the animals problem. One can see

what happens to arbitrary order in W3 as follows.

In order to survive the s ~ 0 limit, there must exist for

each W3 vertex in any graph for EAB a path along Sgo

propagators to the extemal legs of the graph. Thus,

the first step in the construction of arbitrary complex graphs for E AB would be to draw arbitrary trees emanating from a continuous line connecting the end points A and B of the graph as shown in figure 7a.

Each branch of the tree represents an S,,o ,, propagator.

The next step in constructing the graph is to close the



loop in figure 7a by drawing a continuous line connec-

ting A to B passing through all free ends of the trees in figure 7a with R’, propagators represented by

dotted lines as shown in figure 7b. It is clear that since

s 0 = 0 the Solo, R Op propagators can only be S 1

and AA propagators. Finally the most general graph

can be constructed from figure 7b by connecting any

pairs of SAB lines by RÂA lines as shown in figure 7c.

Thus we see that the most divergent contributions to each diagram for ’AB contains only SXB and R 0 pro- pagators and that each loop contains one and only one RÂA propagator as required to make the identification with the Yang-Lee problem [17] in two dimensions.

Fig. 6.


Diagrams contributing to ’AB (6a), ZAA (6b) and FB(’) (6c).

represents the SXB propagator, z. S3B, - - - - RÂA and

R 0 AB-

In figure 6b, we show low order diagrams contri- buting to ZAA. Note that they are identical to those

for E AB with one SÂB propagator replaced by an SBs

propagator in all possible places. An analysis similar

to that just discussed for EAB shows this to be true to

all orders in w3. We, therefore, conclude that

where the derivative is taken at constant QA and QB.

We have

Fig. 7.


a) Trees of S,,O ,, propagators connecting to a continuous

line of S.0 ,, propagators running from the endpoint A to endpoint B

of a graph for ZAB. b) Graph for EAB obtained by connecting A to B

with a continuous line of R0153op propagators passing through all free

ends of the trees of figure 7a. At this points it becomes clear that S0153,P

must be SXB(-) ) and R0153p must be RXA- c) A higher order graph

obtained from figure 7b by connecting pairs of SXB lines with R 0


where rO(Q0152) is evaluated at constant QA and QB and

where y(Q ) is the constant order parameter suscepti- bility exponents for the animals problem which is in turn equal to the constant order parameter suscepti- bility exponent for the Yang-Lee edge singularity in

two lèss dimensions [12,17].

To obtain SBB as a function of the fugacities wl A and W 1 B, we use the equation of state to express QA

and QB in terms of rAB, WlA and WlB. From references

[6, 13] we know that the constant order parameter exponent is related to the constant fugacity exponent


(In ref. [6] this was expressed as

where 1À. is a critical exponent controlling the behavior of the first order vertex. In reference [13] it was shown

that M3 = 1 + y(Q ) implying eq. (5 . 9).) Thus, we have

where rc(Wla) is the critical value of r evaluated as a

function of fugacities. Finally, we need to evaluate QB- Figure 6c shows diagrams contributing to ril).

They clearly correspond to QB -Y(AlB) implying that the


leading singularity in QB satisfies eq. (4.14) to all

orders in perturbation theory. Thus we have

in agreement with eq. (5.2).

6. Summary. - In this paper we have demonstrated how to express the statistics of polymers having both

AB dimers and ARB3 trimers using a field theoretical

partition function. This formalism is capable of trea- ting the effects of monomer-monomer repulsion. We

have studied these statistics within the mean field

approximation and by renormalization group tech-

niques. The mean field approximation in the absence of monomer-monomer repulsion (u = 0) is shown to produce exactly the results of Flory. If the monomer-

monomer repulsion is non-zero (u = 0) then the

transition is inaccessible. The dilute limit has a transi- tion and we relate it’s exponents and correlation functions to the exponents and correlation functions of the lattice animal problem. Note that correlation functions for this problem with no direct analog in

the lattice animals case e.g. GBB, diverge more strongly

than GAA of the lattice animal case. Nevertheless exponents for these functions can also be expressed

in terms of those for lattice animals.



Two of us (T.C.L. and J.I.)

are grateful for financial support from N.S.F. under contract # DMR79-10153 and O.N.R. under contract

# N0014-0106. This work was initiated at the US- USSR Research Group on Condensed Matter Theory

held at Lake Sevan in Armenia from Sept. 1 to Sept. 24,



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