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Academic year: 2022



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The reducedC-algebraCr(R) associated with an ´etale equivalence relationRon a compact metrizable spaceX contains a canonical Cartan algebraCisomorphic toC(X). In this paper we will prove that, whenRis amenable, anyC-subalgebra ofCr(R) containing C is isomorphic toC(S), for some unique subequivalence relationS ofR.

AMS 2010 Subject Classification: Primary 46L05, Secondary 22A22.

Key words: ´etale equivalence relation, reducedC-algebra.


The reducedC-algebras of ´etale equivalence relations are generalizations of the usual matrix ∗-algebras. Given an ´etale equivalence relation R on a compact metrizable space X, one can associate the reduced and the full C- algebra, denoted withCr(R) andC(R), respectively. These twoC-algebras, which in general are different, coincide whenRis amenable, as we will assume throughout this paper. The elements of Cr(R) can be regarded as elements of C0(R), the space of continuous functions defined on R and vanishing at infinity. Inside Cr(R) there exists a canonical Cartan algebra C, consisting of those continuous functions defined on Rand supported on the diagonal of X ×X, that can be identified with C(X), the C-algebra of the continuous functions on X. If S is a subequivalence relation of R, the C-algebra A(S) consisting of those elements of Cr(R) supported on S is a C-subalgebra of Cr(R) that containsC. In [3] it was proved that anyC-subalgebra of Cr(R) containingCis of the formA(S), whereSis a uniquely determined subequiva- lence relation of R. In this paper we will prove that for any subequivalence relation S, A(S) is isomorphic to Cr(S). Therefore, we will obtain that any subalgebra of Cr(R) containing C is isomorphic to Cr(S), with S being a uniquely determined subequivalence relation of R. Thus, such subalgebras

REV. ROUMAINE MATH. PURES APPL.,55(2010),5, 381–386


can be studied by using the theory developed for reduced C-algebras of ´etale equivalence relations.

The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we introduce the notation and we recall some definitions and constructions. In Section 3 we prove the main result.


LetX be a compact metrizable space and Ran equivalence relation on X with countable equivalence classes. We denote bysandr the two canonical projections from R toX, given bys(x, y) =x and r(x, y) =y.

Definition 2.1. IfX is a compact metrizable space, R is an equivalence relation on X, and T a topology on R, we say that (R,T) is ´etale if

(i)T is Hausdorff, second countable andσ-compact;

(ii) the diagonal ∆ ={(x, x)|x∈X}is open in R;

(ii) the mapsr, s:R →X are local homeomorphisms; that is, for every (x, y) inR, we may find an open setU inT such thatr(U) ands(U) are open in X and r:U →r(U) ands:U →s(U) are homeomorphisms;

(iv) if U and V are open sets as above, then the set U V = {(x, z) | (x, y)∈U, (y, z)∈V, for somey} is also open and

(v) if U as above is open, then so is U−1={(x, y)|(y, x)∈U}.

It follows that the diagonal ∆ ={(x, x)|x∈X}is a clopen subset ofR.

Also, ∆ is homeomorphic toX, and so we are justified to identify ∆ with X.

WhenT is understood, we simply say thatRis ´etale. An equivalence relation is also a principal groupoid. The term “´etale” is relatively recent; in the past these have also been known as r-discrete groupoids with counting measure as Haar system (see [3], [4], [5]).

LetCc(R) denote the set of continuous, compactly supported complex- valued functions onR. This is a linear space in an obvious way. The product and the involution are defined by

f∗g(x, y) =X


f(x, z)g(z, y), f(x, y) =f(y, x),

for all f,g inCc(R) and (x, y) in R. In order to show that the product f∗g is again in Cc(R) we use the ´etale property of R.

Letµ be aσ-finite measure on X and let νR(C) =R


The measure µis assumed to be quasi-invariant in the sense ν−1 ∼ν, where ν−1 is the image ofν under the inversion (x, y)→(y, x). For f inCc(R) and


ξ inH=L2(R, νR), we set

IndRµ(f)ξ(x, y) = X


f(x, z)ξ(z, y).

It is easy to check that IndRµ is a bounded representation and the collection of such representations is faithful on Cc(R). The completion of Cc(R), in the norm defined by the equation

kfkr= sup{kIndRµ(f)k, µis a measure onX}, is denoted byCr(R) and is called the reducedC-algebra of R.

Definition 2.2 ([5]). An ´etale equivalence relation is called amenable if there is a net (fi) in Cc(R) such that

(i) the functions x 7→ P


|fi(x, y)|2 are uniformly bounded in the sup- norm;

(ii) the functions (x, y)7→) P


fi(x, z)fi(y, z) converge to 1 uniformly on any compact subset of R.

Because our equivalence relations are assumed to be second countable, sequences suffice in the definition of amenability.

To an ´etale equivalence relation R one can also associate the so-called theC-algebra ofRthat is denoted by C(R). In general,C(R) and Cr(R) are different. WhenR is amenable, Cr(R) =C(R).

We recall that the elements of Cr(R) can be regarded as functions in C0(R), the space of continuous functions on R which vanish at infinity [5, Proposition 4.2]. The set of continuous function defined on R and supported on the diagonal ∆ of X×X form an abelian subalgebra of Cr(R), that we denote by C. The restriction map P : C(R) → C is a faithful conditional expectation [5, Proposition 4.8]. The properties of the subalgebra C may be summarized by the notion of Cartan algebra.

Definition 2.3 ([6]). A ∗-subalgebra B of a C-algebra A is called a Cartan algebra if

(i)B contains an approximate unit of A;

(ii)B is maximal abelian;

(iii) N(B) ={a∈A:aBa ⊆B, aBa⊆B}, the normalizer ofB inA, generates A;

(iv) there exists a faithful conditional expectation ofA onto B.

In [5], the concept of Cartan algebra for C-algebras was defined in a different way. The definition given here it is the natural analogue of the concept of Cartan algebra for von Neumann algebras, introduced by Feldman and Moore [1]. We have thatC is a Cartan subalgebra ofCr(R) [6, Theorem 5.2].


Since X is identified with ∆, a function f ∈ C(X) can be regarded as a function defined on R, supported on ∆ also denoted byf, and given by

(1) f(x, y) =

f(x, x) ifx=y, 0 ifx6=y.

In this way, C(X) can be identified with C⊆Cr(R).

Note that ifµis a quasi-invariant measure on Xand supp(µ) =X, then kIndRµ(f)k= kfkr, for allf ∈Cc(R). Therefore, Cr(R) can be seen as the completion of IndR(Cc(R)) inB(H).

ReducedC-algebras associated to ´etale equivalence relations are a kind of generalized matrix algebras. Notice that, if X = {1,2, . . . , n} and R = X×X, thenCr(R) is justMn(C) andC'C(X) is the subalgebra of diagonal matrices of Mn(C).

3. SUBALGEBRAS OF Cr(R) WHICH CONTAIN C 'C(X) In this section R is an amenable ´etale equivalence relation on X. We assume thatU in Definition 1 (iii), may be chosen to be open and compact.

Another equivalence relation S on X, which is an open subset of R, is called subequivalence relation of R. For a subequivalence relation S of R we define

A(S) ={f ∈Cr(R), f = 0 on R \ S}.

A(S) is aC-subalgebra ofC(R) that containsC 'C(X). Also, any function in Cc(S), the space of continuous compactly supported functions on S, can be seen as a function in Cc(R), by extending it with zero on R \ S. In [3], it is proved that any C-subalgebra of Cr(R) containing C is of the form A(S) for a unique subequivalence S and the correspondenceS 7→A(S) is an inclusion preserving bijection between the collection of subequivalence of R and C-subalgebras ofCr(R) containingC. In this section we prove that any C-subalgebra of Cr(R) of the form A(S), with S a subequivalence relation of R, is isomorphic toCr(S), and therefore, we will have the following result:

Theorem 3.1. Any C-subalgebra of Cr(R) that contains C 'C(X) is isomorphic to a certain Cr(S) for a unique subequivalence S of R.

Proof. The theorem results from [3, Theorem 4.1] and the following proposition.

Proposition3.2. Let S be a subequivalence ofR. ThenA(S)'Cr(S).

Proof. Consider µ a quasi-invariant probability measure on X with supp(µ) = X and let IndRµ and IndSµ be the representations induced by


µ corresponding to the equivalence relations R and S, respectively. Clearly, the measure νS is the restriction of the measure νR to S. Any function f defined on S can be seen as a function defined on R which is zero on R \ S and is equal to f on R. Thus, the Hilbert space L2(S, νS) can be regarded as a subspace of H = L2(R, νR), denoted by H0 and Cc(S) can be seen as a subspace of Cc(R) which is norm dense in A(S) (see [3]). Therefore, since supp(µ) =X, IndRµ(Cr(R)) can be identified with the norm closure of IndRµ(Cc(R)) in B(H) and A(S) ⊆Cr(R) can be identified with the norm- closure of IndRµ(Cc(S)) inB(H). Let π denote the restriction to H0 of the representation IndRµ of Cc(S). The identification of H0 with L2(S, νS), al- lows us to identify π with IndSµ and further, to identify the norm closure of π(Cc(S)) inB(H0) withCr(S). LetN be the von Neumann algebra acting on H, obtained as the weak closure ofπ(Cc(S)). We denote bye the orthogonal projection from H onto H0, which is given by e(f) =f|S, forf ∈H. We will show thate∈N0, whereN0 is the commutant ofN inB(H), and the central projection z(e) ofeis 1. This will imply thatNe'N. The isomorphism from N toNe is given byx7→exe. This correspondence is norm preserving, being a ∗-isomorphism. It follows that kIndRµ(f)k=kπ(f)k for all f ∈Cc(S) and so, A(S)'Cr(S).

The only thing remaing to be proved is thate∈N0andz(e) = 1. SinceN leaves H0 invariant, it follows thate∈N0. The weak closure of IndRµ(Cc(R)) in B(H) is M = M(X, µ,R), the von Neumann algebra associated with the equivalence relation Ron (X, µ) by Feldman and Moore [1]. Any function in L(X, µ), can identified with a function defined on Ras in (1). In particular, If A is a measurable subset of X, the characteristic function 1A is identified with 1A×A∩∆. With this identification, it makes sense to consider IndRµ(f), for f ∈ L(X, µ). Let A = {IndRµ(f), f ∈ L(X, µ)}. Then, A coincides with the weak closure of IndRµ(C) in B(H) and, by [1, Proposition 2.9], A is a maximal abelian subalgebra of M, isomorphic to L(X, µ). Since A ⊂ N ⊂ M, it results that A ' L(X, µ) is also maximal abelian in N, and consequently,Z(N) =N∩N0, the center ofN, is contained inA 'L(X, µ).

Therefore, we can identify z(e), the central support of e, with IndRµ(1A) for a certain measurable set A ⊆ X. We have 1A×A∩∆ = IndRµ(1A)1 = z(e)e(1) =e(1) = 1. It follows that A=X up to a set of measure zero, and so, z(e) = 1.

Acknowledgement.This work is part of author’s Ph.D. Thesis, written at the Uni- versity of Ottawa. The author is grateful to his Ph.D. supervisor, Professor Thierry Giordano, for guidance and support.



[1] J. Feldman and C.C. Moore,Ergodic equivalence relations, cohomology, and von Neu- mann algebrasIand II. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc.234(1977),2, 289–359.

[2] T. Giordano, I.F. Putnam and C. Skau,Affable equivalence relations and orbit structure of Cantor dynamical systems. Ergodic Theory Dynam. Systems24(2004),2, 441–475.

[3] P. Muhly, and B. Solel, Subalgebras of groupoid C-algebras. J. Reine Angew. Math.

402(1989), 41–75.

[4] A.L.T. Paterson,Groupoids, Inverse Semigroups, and their Operator Algebras. Progress in Mathematics170, Birkhauser, 1999.

[5] J. Renault,A groupoid approach toC-algebras. Lecture Notes in Math.793, Springer, 1980.

[6] J. Renault,Cartan subalgebras in C*-algebras. Irish Math. Soc. Bull.61(2008), 29–63.

Received 20 February 2010 University of Bucharest Faculty of Chemistry

Dept. of Physics and Applied Mathematics 4-12 Bd. Regina Elisabeta, Sector 1

Bucharest, Romania radubog@yahoo.com


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