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CATHOLIC PARISH. Served by the priests of the. Servido por los sacerdotes de la Diocese of Jefferson City, Missouri


Academic year: 2022

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Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays

lunes, martes , jueves y viernes

6:30am at Sacred Heart 8:15am or 8:30am during

the school year 8:00am at St. Patrick see schedule inside bulletin.

Wednesdays miércoles 8:30am at Sacred Heart

6:30pm at St. Patrick Spanish Saturdays sábados 4:00pm at St. Patrick 7:30pm at St. John Sundays domingos 8:00am and 10:00am at

Sacred Heart 9:00am (English) 11:30am (Spanish)

at St. Patrick Sacred Heart Church

Iglesia del Sagrado Corazón

421 W 3rd Street St. Patrick Church Iglesia de San Patricio

415 E. 4th Street St. John the Evangelist ȱ

San Juan Evangelista Jct. of Hwys M & V

Visit Our Website www.catholicsedalia.org Served by the priests of the

Diocese of Jeff erson City, Missouri Servido por los sacerdotes de la Diócesis de Jeff erson City, Missouri

St. Vincen de Paul



Existe una relación profunda entre la Primera Lectu- ra y el Evangelio de la Liturgia de hoy. Moisés, mandado por el Señor, habla a la asamblea de la siguiente manera:

“Sean santos, porque yo, el Señor, soy santo.” (Levítico 19:2).

Se daba la ley de la santidad donde toda la asamblea era invitada. Dios, por medio de Moisés, ordenaba al pueblo de Israel a ser santo como Él. Jesús daba a sus discípulos la misma dirección, no solo de santidad sino de perfección.

¡Santos y perfectos! Cada día es una oportunidad para ser mejor que el día anterior; es una oportunidad perfecta para escalar la santidad. Jesús, en el Evangelio, habla hasta de si alguien “te golpea la mejilla derecha, ofrécele también la otra.” (Mateo 5:39). ¿Qué significa esto? ¿Cómo vivirlo en la sociedad violenta en que vivimos?

Significa que todos debemos de poner un grani- to de arena yendo más allá de las necesidades de la otra persona; no se acepta el conformismo. La perfección es precisamente estirar el servicio al otro hasta que duela. Es decir, haciendo actos buenos sin dramatismo. Visitar un enfermo, saludar al vecino, escuchándose en familia sin gritos ni peleas que lastiman y amargan el día. La santidad se construye con actos pequeños; los santos así se forjaron.

Santa Teresa de Calcuta decía que: “Haz cosas ordinarias con un amor extraordinario. El amor comienza en casa, y no es cuánto hacemos, sino por la cantidad de amor que pon- emos en la acción que hacemos.” (Solía decir estas palabras, según un sacerdote amigo de ella). ©LPi





February 1-3: $15,820.49 February 4-10: $16,565.86 February 11-17: $12,869.50 Less Social Concerns: $1,583.96

Total: $43,671.99

Budgeted for February:



The Gospels continue to challenge us to the core.

This is especially true in the way our social relationships have developed. Feeling safe and secure in the world are not things that come easily these days. Actually, we may fi nd ourselves feeling more reservation, caution, reluctance, and fear than ever before. In a moment’s notice, life can drastically change. When someone has been intentionally and violently hurt, especially someone we love, we can all too easily fi nd ourselves very attracted to the Old Testa- ment philosophy of “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.”

Intellectually, we know this is not what Jesus wants us to do. But on some level it just seems to make practical or even political sense. After all, why should we allow some- one to get away with a heinously violent act? Yet, Jesus cannot be any clearer than he is with this! Off er no resis- tance to one who is evil. Turn the other cheek as well. When pressed into service, go two miles. Do not turn your back on one who wants to borrow. Love your enemies. Now, take a moment to refl ect on all of this. Consider a horrible act

of violence committed against someone you love. Listen.

Think. Be honest. Can you do as Jesus directs?

We want to be holy. But we are more comfortable with a defi nition of holiness that can keep us saying our prayers and on our knees in church. We are not comfort- able with a defi nition of holiness that has something to say about to how we react to and negotiate life. We like to keep a sharp and strong line between the secular and the sacred.

In fact, we would prefer that the doors between them be kept closed. God wants us to be holy as He is holy. If God sees this one way and we see it another, then where does this leave us on our journey to God?

Our minds like the practical, worldly, and secular answers to things. They are more black and white and at fi rst glance appear to make more sense. Holiness wells up from our souls and is beyond reason. It cannot be ex- plained. It is something we just simply know comes as a result of deep prayer. The truly contemplative eye knows inwardly that what Jesus asks is true and then willingly does it. It may not be easy. ©LPi

Adoration Chapel

Don’t forget: St. Vincent de Paul has an Adoration (of the Blessed Sacrament) Chapel! 

This would is a perfect opportunity for you to deepen your faith during Lent.

We always need people to commit to spending “An hour with our Lord,” and the church prefers there to always be two present, but there must be at least one.  Those who are in a

position to commit to a specific hour are a great grace and gift the rest of the community -- Thank you!  Because they commit to a certain hour, it means that while the chapel is open ANY of the rest of us can come and pray for any length of time, even a “visit” as little

as a minute or two!  If you would like to commit to an hour, please call Cathy Kelsey (660-827-1246) or the parish office.  For all others, simply stop by the

chapel while it’s open to spend any amount of time with our Lord!  

Sunday 11am-9pm; Mon-Thu 9am-9pm, Fri 9am-6pm.

Adoration at St. John’s Worship Site Wednesday 7:30pm to 8:30pm All Are Welcome!



You are invited to ask for prayer for yourself by calling the office or sending a note. Permission must be given to add someone else’s name Let’s pray for our brothers and sisters who re- quest our prayers. )U-RH )U'DYH Está invitado a pedir oración por si mismo ll- amando a la oficina o enviando una nota. Se deberá dar un permiso para añadir el nom- bre de alguien más. Oremos por nuestros hermanos y hermanas que solicitan nuestras oraciones. 3DGUH-RHDQG3DGUH'DYH

Please contact the office if you wish to add your name.

Pray For Vocations to the Priesthood and Religious Life

Please pray for seminarian Christopher

Hoff mann




Rick Koenig Lee Erfurth John Beck Bill Lehman Fred Bluhm P. Joseph Nevin Almquist Charlene Ferguson Ruth Barkas Dick Kraus Stephen VanVickle Rebecca Kolasky Sharron Yoakum Creedance Moon Gutierrez Pat Bahner

Kip Salmon Teressa Simon Rose Bahner Patricia Felten Virginia Martin Warren Kearney

Lillie Luebbering Patty Maple Porter Patricia Courtmanche Alice Brownfield Christina Braxton Mary Lou Behen Adam Moore

Fr. Keith Branson, C.PP.S.

Florence Westermier Earlene Twenter Micah Tanguay Melody Chapman Jane Johns Gray Stephanie Fajkus Greg Cravens Virginia Luebbering Shirley Schieberl Beth Meyer Julie Hopper Jeff Shipley Mary Staus

Larry Johnson, Jr.

Randy Dotson James Westermier Walt Mosby Barbara Mosby Torri Webb Walt Wypyszynski Jill Hughes

Dawn Newland Lewis Dixon Larimore John Brownfield Carrie Myers Marjorie Blasche Timothy Baker Elizabeth Schleicher Shirley Staton Charlene Poppinga Amanda Bain Prewitt Bertha Graves Jennifer Lewis Laura Mahan

Carole Salmon Shirley Roe Pat Wagner Sr.

Patricia Twenter Jim Harms Jim Cooney John Randall Larry Johnson Sandy Lueck Lucille Stone Jesse White Doris Wulff Anne Rayl David Staus Rosemary Hall Pat Kempf Nancy Paxton Shirley Thomason Cecelia Twenter Dan Staus  Mary Helen Staus

Kinser Hogan Daniel de León Humberto M. Reyes 2LT Andrew Turner Helmsmen Mason Johnson NDSN Ben Smeltzer Lcpl. Matthew Ong Tsgt. Jasen McLendon Staff Sgt. Natasha Thomas Levi Chettle

SSgt. Jacob George-Estes Olga L. Uvario

Major Nathan Meier Lt. Ben Waters SSgt Jackson Haskell Cpt Peter Bozynski USAF TSgt. Billy Swartz USAF Lcpl Jacob Weller Francis Ojeda Jonathan George

PFC Morgan Davis SPC Bradley Davis SSgt Joel Lewis Capt David Mauer Suzanne Bartok Wolfe Don Wolfe

Airman Jordan Cameron Shipley Captain Tyler Byrd

Sat., February 29

8:00am Men’s Bible Study - SP Rectory 1:00pm Escuela - SP Rectory

4:00pm Mass at SP—Larry Walter 7:00pm Confession - SJ

7:30pm Mass at SJ - James Keck Sun., March 1 - First Sunday of Lent 8:00am Mass at SH—Dick & John Whyte 9:00am Confession - SH

9:00am Mass at SP -Kathy Knox 9:00am RCIA - Rite of Sending - SP 10:00am Confession - SP

10:00am Mass at SH—Derek Moriarty 10:00am Children's Liturgy - SH 11:00am Adoration until 9pm 11:30am Mass at SP (Spanish)

People of the Parish 12:30pm Holy Hour - SP 3:00pm RCIA Rite of Election -

Cathedral of St. Joseph, Jefferson City


Sat., February 22 -

The Chair of St. Peter the Apostle 8:00am Men’s Bible Study - SP Rectory

9:00am Cursillo Workshop - SH Parish Center Main 9:00am Server Training - SP Church

10:00am Baptismal Prep Class - PC West 1:00pm Escuela - SP Rectory

3:00pm Reconciliation—SP 4:00pm Mass at SP—Kathy Knox 5:00pm Sacristan Training - SP Church 7:00pm Confession - SJ

7:30pm Mass at SJ - Milburn Staus Sun., February 23 - 7th Sunday in Ord. Time 8:00am Mass at SH—All Parishioners

in Nursing Homes

9:00am Mass at SP -Mary Makarewicz 10:00am Mass at SH—Carl Gramlich 10:00am Children’s Liturgy - SH 11:00am Sacristan Training - SH Church 11:00am Adoration until 9pm

11:30am Mass at SP (Spanish) People of the Parish 12:30pm Sacristan Training - SP Church 1:00pm Ultreya - Crusillo Group

2:00pm Confirmation NET Retreat - SH School Mon., February 24

6:30am Liturgy of the Word at SH 8:00am Liturgy of the Word at SP 9:00am Adoration until 6pm 6:30pm Spanish Music Practice- SP

6:45pm K of C 4th Degree Business Meeting - KH Tues., February 25

6:30am - Mass at SH -Kenny Zimmerschied

Tues., February 25 Continued 8:00am -Mass at SP - Martha McKee 9:00am - Adoration until 9pm 9:30am - Women's Catechism - PC 10:00am - L/W at Cedarhurst Wed., February 26 - ASH WEDNESDAY 6:30am Mass at SP - Living & Deceased

of the Gerke Family 8:30am Mass at SH - Helen Cook 9:00am Adoration until 9pm 9:30am Bible Study - PC Main 1:00pm Quilting - Newman House 5:30pm Mass at SH - Carl Gramlich 5:30pm Confession - SP

6:30pm Mass at SP (Spanish) Bernie Newton 7:30pm Mass at SJ - Leroy Freese

Thurs., February 27

6:30am Mass at SH - Isabelle Buchanan 8:00am Mass at SP - Dr. Robert Linsenbardt 9:00am Adoration until 9pm - SH

9:30am Women's Bible Study - PC Main 10:00am Healthy Ministry Office Open 6:30pm RCIA - PC Main

Fri., February 28

6:30am Mass at SH - Bradley O’Connor 8:00am Mass at SP - Pam Felten 9:00am Adoration until 6pm - SH Noon Stations of the Cross - SP 6:00pm Benediction at SH 6:00pm Stations of the Cross - SH

6:00pm Baptismal Prep Class (Spanish) SP Rectory 6:30pm Shroud of Turin Presentation - PC Main 7:00pm Renovacion Carismatica Catolica

Preciosa Sangre - SP




Sunday: Lv 19:1-2, 17-18/Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 8, 10, 12-13 [8a]/1 Cor 3:16-23/Mt 5:38-48 Monday: Jas 3:13-18/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 15 [9a]//Mk 9:14-29

Tuesday: Jas 4:1-10/Ps 55:7-8, 9-10a, 10b-11a, 23 [23a]/Mk 9:30-37

Wednesday: Jl 2:12-18/Ps 51:3-4, 5-6ab, 12-13, 14 and 17 [cf. 3a]/2 Cor 5:20—6:2/Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday: Dt 30:15-20/Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6 [Ps 40:5a]/Lk 9:22-25

Friday: Is 58:1-9a/Ps 51:3-4, 5-6ab, 18-19 [19b]/Mt 9:14-15 Saturday: Is 58:9b-14/Ps 86:1-2, 3-4, 5-6 [11ab]/Lk 5:27-32

Next Sunday: Gn 2:7-9; 3:1-7/Ps 51:3-4, 5-6, 12-13, 17 [cf. 3a]/Rom 5:12-19 or 5:12, 17-19/Mt 4:1-11 /DVOHFWXUDVGHODVHPDQDGHOGHIHEUHURGH

Domingo: Lv 19, 1-2. 17-18/Sal 103, 1-2. 3-4. 8. 10. 12-13 [8]/1 Cor 3, 16-23/Mt 5, 38-48 Lunes: Sant 3, 13-18/Sal 19, 8. 9. 10. 15 [9]//Mc 9, 14-29

Martes: Sant 4, 1-10/Sal 55, 7-8. 9-10. 10-11. 23 [23]/Mc 9, 30-37

Miércoles: Jl 2, 12-18/Sal 51, 3-4. 5-6. 12-13. 14 y 17 [cfr. 3]/2 Cor 5, 20—6, 2/Mt 6, 1-6. 16-18 Jueves: Dt 30, 15-20/Sal 1, 1-2. 3. 4 y 6 [Sal 40, 5]/Lc 9, 22-25

Viernes: Is 58, 1-9/Sal 51, 3-4. 5-6. 18-19 [19]/Mt 9, 14-15 Sábado: Is 58, 9-14/Sal 86, 1-2. 3-4. 5-6 [11]/Lc 5, 27-32

Domingo siguiente: Gn 2, 7-9; 3, 1-7/Sal 51, 3-4. 5-6. 12-13. 17 [cfr. 3]/Rom 5, 12-19 o 5, 12. 17-19/

Mt 4, 1-11


If you have not already made a donation, please prayerfully consider doing so.

The Diocese provides much assistance to our parish.

St. Vincent de Paul Parish Goal


Donated As of Feb.17, 2020


Thank You!

 On behalf of the Vocations Committee, we want to thank everyone who helped with the success of the 2020 Ham and

Bean Dinner, Country Store, and Theme Baskets. 

We had a wonderful array of Theme Baskets (25) and great attendance of 196 for the dinner!

The proceeds from this event netted over $2,618 and will be used toward funding future vocation efforts.

Blessing to you all for uniting together for a wonderful cause – VOCATIONS!!!

We remember…

Please pray for the family of Thomas Keating, who died on Saturday, February 15, 2020 . May God welcome him into His Kingdom and sur- round his loved ones with comforting peace. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen.


Ore por la familia de Thomas Keating, quien falleció el sábado 15 de febrero de 2020. Que Dios lo reciba en Su Reino y rodee a sus seres queridos con paz reconfortante. Oh Señor, concédele el descanso eterno y deja que la luz perpetua brille sobre él. Que su alma y todas las almas de los fieles difuntos, por la misericordia de Dios, descanse en paz. Amén.

Palm Recycling

Please be sure to bring last year’s palms back to church no later than NEXT weekend. Palms will be burned and used for Ash Wednesday.

Safe Environment Compliance

All volunteers who work with children, must be compliant with Virtus and all Safe Environment records. There are four requirements that need to be met in order to be compliant. They are online training, on- line background check, Child Abuse and Neglect form (CANR - paper form), and Pastoral Code of Conduct. If you have recently received an email or phone call from Dee Snurr (coordinator) or Liz Kehl please respond as soon as possible. Even if you feel you’ve done the training

and necessary paperwork, there may be additional step(s) that needs your attention. To reach Dee, please email: dee.svdpparish@gmail.com or call 660-826-2062.

Cumplimiento de Ambiente Seguro

Todos los voluntarios que trabajen con niños deben de cumplir con Virtus y todos los registros de Ambiente Seguro. Hay cuatro requis- itos que deben de cumplirse. Es capacitación en línea, verificación de antecedentes en línea, formulario de Abuso y Negligencia Infantil (CANR-formulario en papel) y Código de Conducta Pastoral. Si reci- entemente recibió un correo electrónico o una llamada telefónica de Dee Snurr (coordinador) o Liz Kehl, favor de responder lo antes posible. Incluso si siente que ha realizado la capacitación y la docu- mentación necesaria, puede haber pasos adicionales que requieran su atención. Para comunicarse con Dee, envíe un correo electrónico a dee.svdpparish@gmail.com o llame al 660-826-2062.

“Walk in Her Sandals” Saturday, March 7

ALL Catholic women are invited to a wonderful all-day con- ference sponsored by the Diocese of Jefferson City Women’s Ministry office!  The cost of the round-trip bus rid has already been paid by the Sedalia Circle, Daughters of Isabella!

We will board the bus at 7:15 a.m. at the Thompson Hills shopping center and return around 4 p.m.  Please call or email Jean Gallagher to make your reservation for your complimentary seat on the bus.  660-827-4016  OR   ĨĂƵƐƚƚŽƵƌΛŐŵĂŝů͘ĐŽŵ

Your registration fee for the conference includes lunch, snacks, inspirational talks by Kelly Wahlquist and a goodie bag filled with fun items!

Please register online at ǁǁǁ͘ĚŝŽũĞĨĨĐŝƚLJ͘ŽƌŐͬǁŽŵĞŶƐͲŵŝŶŝƐƚƌLJ  OR  call LeAn Korsmeyer at 573-636-9127.  LeAnn’s email is ><ŽƌƐŵĞLJĞƌΛ ĚŝŽũĞĨĨĐŝƚLJ͘ŽƌŐ

The only cost to ladies attending is $30 OR a $40 fee which includes the Walk in Her Sandals book bundle.  Kelly Wahlquist is a wife, mother and an outstanding and inspiring Catholic author and speaker who lives in Minnesota. This will be an excellent unforgetta- ble and caring encounter with Christ which every woman needs and deserves!


The mission is “Discerning how our community, as a center of charity and mercy, practicing stewardship and co-re- sponsibility to help inform the pastoral plans of our parishes and diocese”.

Bishop McKnight has asked each parish to participate this Lent in a four- week program to develop a pastoral plan to be submitted to the diocese after the parish’s small groups have submitted their ideas for their parish to the priests and parish council. This is an exciting oppor- tunity for everyone to have their voices heard. 

Each week is one 90-minute session held at the desired location of the small group. Small groups can be 2-8 peo- ple, more or less. One response per group is handed into the Sacred Heart office via email, written or handed to one of the priests at the end of each week.

The four topics are stewardship, co-re- sponsibility, charity and mercy. No dis- cussion of money. Handouts are available from Dianne in the office or on line at


We ask that you go to the website before the first meeting and watch Bishop Robert Barron’s video. It is only 20 minutes and will help get your juices flowing

Wherever two or more of you are gathered, form a small group and give us your opinion, whether you have been with us 4 days or 40 years or more. YOUR VOICE COUNTS. We start the first week of Lent.

May God Bless You and Your Small Group Deacon Turf D. Martin

Programa de Cuaresma Mejor-Juntos

La misión es “Discernir cómo nuestra comunidad, como centro de caridad y misericordia, practica la corresponsabilidad y la corresponsabilidad para ayudar a informar l os planes pasto- rales de nuestras parroquias y diócesis”.

El Obispo McKnight ha pedido a cada parroquia que participe esta Cuaresma en un programa de cuatro semanas para desarrollar un plan pastoral que se pre- sentará a la diócesis después de que los pequeños grupos de la parroquia hayan presentado sus ideas para su parroquia a los sacerdotes y al consejo parroquial. Esta es una oportunidad emocionante para que todos puedan escuchar sus voces.

Cada semana es una sesión de 90 minutos en el lugar deseado del pequeño grupo. Los grupos pequeños pueden ser de 2-8 personas, más o menos. Una respuesta por grupo se entrega a la oficina del Sagrado Corazón por correo elec- trónico, escrita o entregada a uno de los

Los cuatro temas son correspons- abilidad, responsabilidad compartida, caridad y misericordia. No hay discusión de dinero. Dianne puede obtener folletos en la oficina o en línea en www.diojeffc-

ity.org/better-together. Le pedimos que

visite el sitio web antes de la primera reunión y vea el video del Obispo Robert Barron. Son solo 20 minutos y le ayudará a sacarle todo el jugo a sus ideas.

Donde quiera que dos o más de ustedes se reúnan, formen un pequeño grupo y dennos su opinión, ya sea que hayan estado con nosotros 4 días o 40 años o más. TU VOZ CUENTA. Comenzamos la primera semana de Cuaresma. Que Dios los bendiga a ustedes y su a pequeño grupo Diácono Turf D. Martin

Made for More

Made for More is an inspired blend of live music, art, and presentation that taps the deepest desires of the human heart re- vealing their ulti-

mate purpose and goal. Join Chris- topher West and Mike Mangione as they offer a vision of the Gospel like you’ve never heard through the lens of St. John Paul II’s Theology of the Body. The event will be held at the Cathedral of St. Joseph in Jefferson City on Tuesday, May 5, 7-9:30pm Tickets are $25 each. For additional infor- mation please


Health Ministry Contacts Health Ministry

Bev Wilkerson 660-473-2033 Meals to families with a new baby

Camille Bawcom 404-918-5822 Bereavement Ministry

Ann Dove 660-527-3794 Prayer Shawl Ministry

Shari Brown 660-530-8405 Crochet & Sewing Tuesdays

Carol Schibi 660-620-3795 Contactos del Ministerio de Salud Ministerio de Salud

Bev Wilkerson 660-473-2033 Comidas para familias con un nuevo bebé

Camille Bawcom 404-918-5822 Ministerio del Duelo

Ann Dove 660-527-3794 Ministerio de Chales de Oración

Shari Brown 660-530-8405.

Martes de ganchillo y costura Carol Schibi 660-620-3795

Shroud of Turin

Friday Feb. 28th 6:30pm

Parish Center at Sacred Heart Chapel St. Vincent de Paul Parish, Sedalia, MO

presenter Jim Bertrand, M.Ed

American Confraternity of the Holy Shroud An actual-size replica will be available for viewing.

Sábana Santa de Turín Viernes, 28 de feb. 6:30pm

Centro Parroquial/Capilla del Sagrado Corazón Parroquia de San Vicente de Paul, Sedalia, MO

Presentador Jim Bertrand, M.Ed Cofradía Americana de la Sábana Santa

Una réplica de tamaño real estará disponible a la vista for viewing.


Lenten Regulations

As another Lenten journey of conversion begins with Ash Wednesday on February 26, and ends with the Mass of the Lord’s Supper on Holy Thursday, April 9, Holy Mother Church calls all Catholics to a deeper spirit of penance, fasting, almsgiving and prayer, “which express conversion in relation to oneself, to God, and to others” (Catechism of the Catholic Church # 1434 & 1969).

In order to foster a greater spirit of penance, of reparation for sin, to encourage self-denial, and so guide us more closely in the footsteps of Christ, Holy Mother Church reminds us of the following obligations of fast and absti- nence during Lent and also admonishes us all to deeper prayer and worship.

1. Abstinence: all persons who have al- ready celebrated their 14th birthday are bound to abstain from meat on Ash Wednesday, all Fridays of Lent and Good Friday.

2. Fasting: everyone, from the celebra- tion of their 18th birthday to their 59th birthday, is bound to fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday. Fasting is generally understood to mean eating only one full meal each day. 

Two other partial meals, sufficient to maintain strength, may be taken;

but together they should not equal another full meal.  Eating between meals is not permitted, but liquids are allowed.

Voluntary fasting on other weekdays of Lent is highly recommended.  But please note: when health or ability to work would be seriously affected, neither the law of fasting nor the law of abstinence obliges.  These are min- imal penitential practices and should not be lightly excused.  If in doubt, please consult your parish priest.

Other recommended forms of fasting, as regards alcoholic drink, needless television, video games, internet use, and social entertainment, are of true spiritual value and strongly encour- aged.

3. Almsgiving: The act of giving to the poor, in the most ancient tradition of the Church, is an expression of penance, a witness of fraternal charity, and an expression of Lenten conversion. Therefore, all Catholics are encouraged to support generous- ly the charitable works of the whole Church: through regular stewardship to their parish, support of charities, and their generous response to the diocesan Catholic Stewardship Appeal.

4. Prayer:  In order to deepen one’s love for Christ, Catholics are urged all the more to participate in the Sacramental life of the Church during Lent by attending daily Mass and frequenting the Sacrament of Penance and Reconciliation.

Baptism:  Infants are properly baptized on Easter Sunday or throughout Easter Time.

Lent is also a privileged time for celebrating

the Sacrament of Reconciliation, including its communal celebration.  At communal cel- ebrations of Reconciliation, however, general absolution is not permitted by the Law of the Church.

Regarding the Sacrament Of Penance For Baptized Adults Seeking Full Communion With The Church, any previously baptized adult to be received into the full communion of the Catholic Church should appropriately cel- ebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation before the Easter Vigil.

Holy Thursday Adoration:  The Roman Missal for Holy Thursday states: “The faithful are invit- ed to continue adoration before the Blessed Sacrament for a suitable length of time during the night, according to local circumstances, but after midnight the adoration should take place without solemnity.”

Easter Duty: All Catholics who have been initiated into the Holy Eucharist are bound to receive Holy Communion worthily at least once during Easter Time.  Of course, Catholics are encouraged to receive Communion as often as possible, not only during Eastertide. 

However, anyone conscious of a grave sin must receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation before approaching to receive Holy Communion.

Reglamento Cuaresmal

Mientras otro viaje de conversión cuaresmal comienza con el Miércoles de Ceniza el 26 de febrero y termina con la Misa de la Cena del Señor el Jueves Santo 9 de abril, la Santa Madre Iglesia llama a todos los católicos a un espíritu más profundo de penitencia, ayuno, limosna y oración, “que expresa conversión en relación con uno mismo, con Dios y con los demás”.

(Catecismo de la Iglesia Católica #1434 y 1969).

Con el fin de fomentar un mayor espíritu de penitencia, de reparación por el pecado, para alentar la abnegación y así guiarnos más de cerca en los pasos de Cristo, la Santa Madre Ig- lesia nos recuerda las siguientes obligaciones de ayuno y abstinencia durante la Cuaresma y también nos exhorta a todos a una oración y adoración más profunda.

1. Abstinencia: todas las personas que ya han celebrado su cumpleaños número 14 están obligadas a absten- erse de comer carne el Miércoles de Ceniza, todos los viernes de Cuares- ma y el Viernes Santo.

2. Ayuno: todos desde la celebración de su cumpleaños número 18 hasta el cumpleaños número 59, están obligados a ayunar el miércoles de ceniza y el Viernes Santo. Por lo gen- eral, se entiende que ayudar significa comer sólo una comida completa al día. Se pueden tomar dos comidas parciales, suficientes para mantener la fuerza pero juntas no deberían de igualar otra comida. No se permite comer entre comidas, pero se permit- en líquidos. Se recomienda encareci- damente el ayuno voluntario en otros días de la semana de Cuaresma.  Pero tenga en cuenta: cuando la salud o la capacidad de trabajar se vean seria- mente afectadas, ni la ley del ayuno

ni la ley de la abstinencia lo obligan. 

Estas son prácticas penitenciales mínimas y no deben ser excusadas a la ligera.  En caso de duda, consulte a su párroco.

 Otras formas recomendadas de ayuno, en lo que respecta a la bebida alcohólica, la televisión innecesaria, los videojuegos, el uso de Internet y el entretenimiento social, son de ver- dadero valor espiritual y altamente recomendables.

 3. Dar limosna: El acto de dar a los pobres, en la tradición más antigua de la Iglesia, es una expresión de penitencia, un testigo de caridad fraterna y una expresión de conversión cuaresmal.  Por lo tanto, se alienta a todos los católicos a que apoyen generosamente las obras de caridad de toda la Iglesia:

a través de la administración regular de su parroquia, el apoyo de organizaciones benéficas y su respuesta generosa a la Llamada de Administración Católica diocesana.

 4. Oración: para profundizar el amor de uno por Cristo, se insta a los católicos a participar en la vida sacramental de la Iglesia durante la Cuaresma asistiendo a la misa diaria y frecuentando el sacramento de la penitencia y la reconciliación.

Bautismo: los bebés se bautizan adecua- damente el domingo de Pascua o durante todo el tiempo de Pascua.

 La Cuaresma es también un tiempo priv- ilegiado para celebrar el Sacramento de la Reconciliación, incluida su celebración comunitaria.  En las celebraciones comu- nales de Reconciliación, sin embargo, la absolución general no está permitida por la Ley de la Iglesia.

 Con respecto al sacramento de la penitencia para los adultos bautizados que buscan la comunión plena con la Iglesia, cualquier adulto previamente ba- utizado para ser recibido en la comunión plena de la Iglesia Católica debe celebrar apropiadamente el Sacramento de la Rec- onciliación antes de la Vigilia Pascual.

 Adoración del Jueves Santo: El Misal Romano para el Jueves Santo dice: “Se invita a los fieles a continuar la adoración ante el Santísimo Sacramento durante un período de tiempo adecuado durante la noche, de acuerdo con las circunstancias locales, pero después de la medianoche la adoración debe tener lugar sin solem- nidad.  “

 Deber de Pascua: Todos los católicos que han sido iniciados en la Sagrada Eucar- istía están obligados a recibir la Sagrada Comunión al menos una vez durante el ti- empo de Pascua.  Por supuesto, se alienta a los católicos a recibir la comunión con la mayor frecuencia posible, no solo durante la Semana Santa.  Sin embargo, cualquier persona consciente de un pecado grave debe recibir el Sacramento de la Recon- ciliación antes de acercarse para recibir la Sagrada Comunión.


3rd Street Office

Office: 660-827-2311 Fax: 660-827-3941 Dianne Withers, Secretary

dianne.svdpparish@gmail.com Monday-Friday 8am-3pm (Closed Noon to 1pm) Jessica Pyle, Finance Director jpyle@gogremlins.com

4th Street Office

Office: 660-826-2062 Fax: 660-829-1085 Dee Snurr, Secretary dee.svdpparish@gmail.com English Mon. & Wed. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.; Tues. 1-5 p.m.

Thurs. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.; Fri. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m Rosalba Carranza, Sacramental Secretary


Spanish Mon. & Wed, 9am-Noon/Tues. Noon to 3pm Pastors

Fr. Joe Corel frjoe.svdpparish@gmail.com Fr. David Veit frdave.svdpparish@gmail.com

Permanent Deacons

Jerry Connery, Turf Martin, Arvol Bartok, Bob Watson & Nestor Montenegro

Religious Education

Parish School of Religion Director Mariela Messina, 826-2062 RCIA Coordinators Bob & Jean Simon, 221-4162

Adoration Chapel Cathy Kelsey, 827-1248 Baptism: Please call the rectory to register for class.

Catholic Marriage: To be arranged at least six months in advance. Please call the rectory.

Calvary Cemetery David Dick, 826-0031 6DFUHG+HDUW6FKRRO 827-3800 www.gogremlins.com Principal/Administrator Dr. Mark Register

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1) En este trabajo hemos puesto de manifi esto que, en la enseñanza de la representación gráfi ca de funciones en el bachillerato, se produce, con una cierta generali- dad,

Cuando se siembra el trigo tarde en el otoño, no desarrolla antes del invierno más que las dos ó tres primeras hojas, y la planta se nutre por las raíces inferiores, r r&#34;, que

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