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Co-operation between the Economic Commission for Africa and the United Nations Development Programme for intercountry programming and multinational projects


Academic year: 2022

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Texte intégral




ITNITFn NATIONS UMlfcU NAUUNb ^" ' "'• ■> -

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^■>=—.. -- E/CN.14/629 30 October 1974




Note by the secretariat


1. Pursuant to Economic and Social Council resolutions 153O(XLIX) and \^>Y\{V^)^

representatives of UNDP and the ECA secretariat held a series of consultations on the question of the arrangements needed to strengthen co-operation between the two organizations and agreed on the role of BCA in the formulation, implementation and evaluation of intercountry programmes financed by UNDP.

2. In accordance with the agreement reached, the following principles will govern ECA participation in the various stages of UNDP intercountry programming:

(a) At both the programme and project formulation stages, ECA will, at least initially, limit its interest to intercountry programmes and project proposals and will therefore be concerned with only those country projects which have a clear and direct relationship to intercountry activities.

At the project execution stage, ECA may be asked to administer selected intercountry projects in Africa, either by itself as participating and executing agency on behalf of UNDP or in association with such an agency. Projects for direct ECA execution wi31 initially be selected from amongst those-which are at the same time intercountry and multidisciplinary-

(°) At the evaluation and follow*up stage, ECA may be asked by UNDP to assist

in impact evaluation studies of selected intercountry projects and to participate in any broad programme evaluation exercises in Africa.

3- It was also agreed that the UNDP Office at Addis Ababa will enlarge its func tions to include liaison with ECA and that UNDP will invite the comments of ECA on all the intercountry programmes for Africa initiated by other organizations and will take account of those comments when formulating its own views for submission to the Governing Council.

ECA interpountry projects financgd by UNSP

4« Within the framework of these arrangements, the following intercountry projects are being implemented by ECA with financial resources made available by UNDP:




Page 2

(a) Multilateral trade and related monetary negotiations - RAF/73/OO2/D/O1/4O;

(b) ECA course on commercial policy and trade promotion - RAF/73/031;

(c) Development of intra-African trade - RAF/73/029/A/01/40.

5. In addition to the above-mentioned projects, other intercountry projects which are either jointly executed by ECA and other United Nations agencies or in which ECA has been invited to participate by other United Nations agencies during the imple mentation stage are described below.

ECA/UNCTAD seminars

6« Under the UNDF-financed interregional projects entitled "Training and Advisory

Services on the Generalized System of Preferences", two joint ECA/UNCTAD seminars

for the African Region were held at Addis Ababa in December 1972 and June 1973*

Among other things, these seminars were aimed at identifying areas for possible action at the national level in order to promote industrialization and export

development in the context of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP). ECA also participated in the meeting of the Group of Experts on the Effects of the GSP on Economic Integration Among Developing Countries, organized by UNCTAD in July-August

1972- Under the GSP interregional project, an interregional seminar on GSP was held at Brasilia in October 1973 in which ECA participated.

ECA/lTC trade promotion activities

7« In addition to several annual training courses for English- and French-spreaking African countries which ECA and ITC have jointly organized and conducted at Addis Ababa and Geneva, both ECA and ITC, in co-operation with the East African Community, propose to establish a subregional training centre in export promotion for States members of the East African Community and other neighbouring countries. Funds for the establishment of this Centre have already been obtained through bilateral technical assistance from the Swedish International Development Authority (SIDA)*

In consultation with the East African Community, a joint ECA/lTC mission is at

present working out the steps to be taken for the establishment of the Centre as well as the first year's programme of work.

ECA/UHCTAD intra-African trade development activities

8. A major project entitled "the development of intra-African trade" (project RAF/73/O29/Rev,l) submitted by ECA has been approved by UNDP, The project is of

three years duration and is due to commence on 1 July 1975* The UWDP input for the project for the three years is iVS 766,000. The project is an integrated prog ramme of activities comprising trade promotion advisory services (including assist ance to African countries in establishing export credit financing schemes), market research, training and intra-Afrioan trade negotiations.

Multilateral trade and related monetary negotiations project

9- This project is being executed by UNCTAD in co-operation with ECA. It is

initially of two years duration (1974 and 1975)- The UNDP input for the project is

&US 419,5OO« It is aimed at assisting African Governments to participate in multi

lateral trade negotiations with a view to expanding their trade and improving their


e/cn. 14/629

export earnings. UNDP has already approved the financing of the project and funds for 1974 have been authorized. Among the initial steps towards its implementation, the first Africa Laminar on Multilatsral Trade Negotiations is to be held at Addis

Ababa m January 1975*

-_ deve lopj"^jt_j£t_iviii e s

X+\£* %ht ia8t Regi01;a-L Meeting of UNDP Resident Representatives for Africa held

at Addis Ababa m June/July 1973, UNLP circulated a tentative list of projects included in its mtercountry programmes for Africa for the period 1974 to 1976.

U^P iLt* inJerC0Unt^pr?dects initiated and submitted by ECA appeared among the

UNDP intercountry projects listed under UNIDO as the Executing Agency, This

r^lTnmlnV°Xfet °Ut dUr±ng Mpaprte discussions between senior officials of

ECA and UNIDO and it was agreed that UNIDO would ensure that some of the ECA-

initiated intercountry projects would be included for implementation whenever funds

S""ftiS! °f mOdifiCaUOn ^^itti in UNIDO's inter-

11. ECA and UNIDO have already co-operated in organizing the following projects:

(i) Regional Workshop for Industrial Administrators in English-speaking

African countries, held at Addis Ababa in October I972 ;


(iv) Training Workshop for Project Evaluation, held at Addis Ababa in

January 1974-=

12. Project submission data were transmitted to UNDP by UNIDO concerning the following ECA-initiated intercountry projects: concerning the

(i) Promotion of multinational industries in the African region; and

(ii) Establr hment of Joint ECA/UiJII; > Advisory Group o* Industrial Technology

ECa/FAO Format Industries Advisory■n-

li\^eJrHFfltF0"eS± f'dUStries Advisory Gro"P continued to provide assistance

the Sd° ion nf ,° TVUrlng 1974> The MviSOry GrouP was strengthened by

the add-.ion of a Regional Adviser in Kschanical Forest Industries in Octobe- 1971

and a F.gxonal Adviser in Charcoal Industi g Aier in Kschanical Forest Industries in Octobe- 1 i At 197 " ?

and a F.gxonal Adviser in Charcoal Industries in August 1974, thus enabling"he



Group- to expand its activities., UNDP has also agreed in principle to further

strengthening of the ECA/FAO Forest Industries Advisory Group try the addition of a

Regional Adviser in Wood Panels.

ECA/FAO. Agriculture and foo.d processing industries advisory group

15. This project has been initiated with the help of "bilateral donors (United States of America and the Netherlands) and UNDP has approved the appointment of the Project Manager who is expected to be in post before the end of 1974.

Intercountry projects proposed for implementation during 1974 to 1976 under the UNDP tentative j^gional progranime for the African region

16. At the Regional Meeting of UNDP Resident Representatives for Africa, held at Addis Ababa in June/july 1973, the UNDP Regional Bureau for Africa submitted for consideration document RBA/Vorking Paper/73/l2 outlining the tentative regional

programme for the African region for the period 1974 to 1976. This programme con tains the intercountry project proposals (initiated by various United Nations

agencies) "which the UNDP Africa Bureau has considered as possible projects for

assistance in the light of the agreed criteria on the use of regional funds in the Africa Region". It was also indicated that, in the process of screening the

project proposals submitted by the United Nations agencies, the following "types

of projects which fulfilled the UNDP criteria would be given priority:

(a) Projects fostering economic integration through the establishment of subregional organizations (e.g., UNDP institutional support to the Liptako-Gourma

Authority, the Lake Chad Basin Commission).

(b) Projects encouraging co-operation among neighbouring countries for the joint solution of common problems (e.g., Development of the basins of Lake Chad and the Senegal and Kagera rivers; telecommunications links between Senegal and the Gambia; pest or:disease control programmes as in the projects of onchocerciasis,

treponematosis and schistosomiasis).

(c) Projects affecting economies of scale and efficiency in the use of high- level technical personnel, by sharing their time among several countries where national projects would not be justified (e.g., advisers in the field of civil

aviation, telecomm, .nications and meteorolo^; ILO experts in the fields of social securityr labour administration and co-operatives).

(d) Projects providing training in branches of study where either the number of students is too email to justify a country project, such as in telecommunications, postal training, civil aviation and meteorology, or where overheads might be very high for individual countries as in the training of science teachers.

(e) Projects designed to overcome the shortcomings in intercountry communica


(f) Projects designed to solve research problems which arise in more than

one courtry and for the solution of which joint efforts should be organized (e.g., measures to control locusts and grain-eating birds which breed in one group of count" .gs and despoil crops in others).



Page 5

(g) Projects fostering intra-African trade and trade between African countries

and the rest of the world.

(h) Projects supporting multinational co-operation in the field of industry.

Annexed to this document is a ;op;> of the UNDP tentative regional programme for the

African region, listing intercountry projects proposed for implementation by ECA or by other United Nations agencies with ECA participation during the period 1974 to


17. It has been established also that the following types of projects which do not meet the criteria recognized by UNDP should not be included in intercountry prc«-

rammes: °

(a) Projects creating multicountry institutions without financial support other than external aid or for which only the support of the host Government is


(b) Projects primarily intended to expand the regional offices of participat

ing and executing agencies.

(c) Projects attempting to apply prematurely or too broadly untested or

experimental programmes.



Page 6



Title and symbol Executing



Costs 1976 Remarks

Advisory Group on Food and agri cultural Indust ries Development

RAF/72/020 il

Advisory Group on Forest Industries

Development ,

RAF/68/444 fao/eca-'

West African Live stock Development


Development and Improvement of Postal Services,


Implementation of Pai>-African Teleoommunica tions Network


Development of

Intra-Africa TradeT RAF/73/






tion with ECA

42,000 Approved in Joly 1974

initially for one year,

107,500 130,500 143,500 Continuing project (tentative)

29,500 175,200


New project, included in UNKP list of tentative pro-

jecte* ECA has been actively

involved in the preparation

of this project and will be participating with FAO in its implementation

62,600 New project, officially in

cluded in UNDP list of tentative projects

145;000 122,000 New project, officially in

cluded in UNDP list of tentative projects

140,000 328,500 New project approved by UNDP


1/ Both these projects are already being implemented, in the ECA/UNIDO Joint

Industry Division.


E/CN. 14/62?

Page 7

Annex (cont(d)

Title and symbol of project



1974 .1975

Costs 1976 Remarks

African Monetary Co-operation in Support of Trade

Expansion, RAP/73/

030/Rev,l ECA

Training Courses in Commercial Policy and Trade

Promotion RAF/73/


90,500 149,000

UNCTAD in co operation

with ECA 117,000 110,000 110,000

Multilateral Trade and Related Monetary Negotiations


01-40 UNCTAD in


tion with


176,000 241,000

New project, included in UNDP list of tentative projects

Continuing project approved by UNDP

New project: Funds for

1974 have already been sub-

allotted to ECA.



Annex II Page 13


Non-governmental organizations in categories I and II may designate authorized representatives to sit as observers at }.^blic meetings of the Conference. Organiza tions on the Roster may have representatives present at such meetings which are concerned with matters within their field of competence.


Written statements relevant to +He work of the Conference or its subbidiary bodies may be submitted by organizations in categories I and II on subjects for which these organizations have a special competence., Such statements shall be circulated "by the fixeoutive Secretary of the Commission to the members of the Con- ference except those statements which have become obsolete, e»g»t those dealing with matters already disposed of and those which have already been circulated in some other form to members of the Conference, its committees or its subsidiary bodies. ■


The following conditions shall be observed regarding the submission and circulation of such written statement:

(a) The written statement shall be submitted in one of the working languages

of thfe Commission;

(b) It shall be submitted in sufficient time for appropriate consultation to

take place between the Executive Secretary of the Commission and the organization before oiroula'tionj

(c) The organization shall give due consideration to any comments which the

Executive Secretary of the Commission may make in the course of such consultation before transmitting the statement in final form;

(d) A written statement submitted by an organization in category I will be

circulated in full if it does not exceed 2,000 words. Where a statement is in excess of 2,000 words, the organization shall submit a summary which will be circulated or shall supply sufficient copies of the full text in the working

languages for distribution^ A statement will also be circulated in full, however7 upon the specific request of the Conference;

(e) A written statement submitted by an organization in category II will be

circulated in full if it does not exceed 1,500 words. Where a statement is in excess of 1,500 words, the organization shall submit a summary which will be circulated, or shall supply sufficient copies of the full text in the working languages of the Commission for distribution, A statement will also be circulated in full, however, upon the specific request of the Conference or its subsidiary bodies;


,14/626 Annex II


Page 14

(f) The Executive Secretary of the Commission, in consultation with the

Chairman or the Conference itself, may invite organizations on the Roster to submit written statements. The provisions of paragraphs (a.), (b), (c) and (e) above shall apply to such statements;

(g) A written statement or summary, as the case may be, will be circulated by the Executive Secretary of the Commission in the working languages of the Commission.


The Conference and its subsidiary bodies may consult with organizations in

category I or II either directly or through a committee or committees established for the purpose. In all cases, such consultations may be arranged on the invita

tion of the Conference or on the readiest of the organization.

On the recommendation of the Executive Secretary of the Commission and at the

request of the Confetence or one of its committees, organizations on the Roster may also be heard by the Conference or its subsidiary bodies.

Rule 66

Subject to rule 24» the Conference may recommend that a non-governmental organization which has special competence in a particular field should undertake specifics studies or investigations or prepare specific papers for the Conference.

The limitations of rule 64 (d) and (e) shall not apply in this case.


Rule 67 . ]

Any of these rules may be amended or suspended by the Conference.


These rules /.-.ay not be amended until the Conference has received the report

on the proposed amendments from a committee of the Conference.

Rule 69

A rule of procedure may be suspended by the Conference provided that twenty-

four hours' notice of the proposal for the suspension has been given- The notice

may be waived if no member objects.


Documents relatifs

Recommends that within the limits of its budgetary resources the Economic Commission for Africa co-operate with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, other United

terms of the good offices resolutions adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations. Refugees meeting these conditions are entitled to the protection of the Office of the

17. Efforts todate to develop the resources of the basin - particularly its water resources - has been rather on ad-hoc and sporadic basis and did not enjoy the support

commissions, region&.] projE'cts (e.g. regional seminars or workshops) are suggested by the functional commissions themselves. fOI' example statistics and population matters,

13. The functions of the Bank have been defined to include its participation in equity capital and grant loans deemed for productive projects and enterprises along with providing

This logical framework, which is annexed to this report, is articulated around the following subprogrammes: Trade, finance and economic development; food security and

It was therefore open to question whether these models could be widely and safely replicated, Could it then be the reasonable objective and tantet of governments and communities

The government recognizes that although these policy changes are inducirg a turn-around in the performance of the Gamtian economy generally with the improvements registered