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X Cerda, J Retana, J Bosch, A Alsina

To cite this version:



Vie et Milieu / Life & Environment, Observatoire Océanologique - Laboratoire Arago, 1989,

pp.207-212. �hal-03033917�














{2) ' Departamento de Biologia animal, Biologîa Végétal y Ecologia, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad Autônoma de Barcelona, Bellaterra, 08193 Barcelona, Espaha

121 Departamento de Biologia Animal, Facultad de Biologia, Universidad de Barcelona,

c/Diagonal 645, 08028 Barcelona, Espaha




RÉSUMÉ — L'activité de récolte et le régime trophique de la Fourmi Cataglyphis

cursor ont été étudiés sur une pelouse xérophyle sur la côte méditerranéenne. C. cursor

est une Fourmi zoonécrophage qui se nourrit principalement de cadavres d'Insectes, surtout de Fourmis. La coopération entre les ouvrières pour le transport des proies est très rare, ce qui explique que le poids des proies ne surpasse pas celui que les ouvrières peuvent transporter individuellement. L'activité journalière est strictement diurne. Il s'agit d'une Fourmi très thermophile qui atteint son maximum d'activité lorsque la température est la plus élevée. Cette niche thermique constitue un grand avantage pour l'espèce car aux heures les plus chaudes, les autres Fourmis ne sortent pas et l'efficacité de la récolte des Cataglyphis est maximale.




ABSTRACT — Foraging activity and diet of the scavenger ant Cataglyphis cursor have been studied in a savanna-like grassland on the Mediterranean coast. C. cursor is a zoonecrophagous ant that collects mainly corpses of insects, specially ants. Coopé-ration in food transport is very rare in this species so that the weight of items does not exceed what workers can drag individually. Daily activity is strictly diurnal. It is a highly thermophilic species whose greatest activity takes place when the température is highest. This thermal niche confers an important advantage to the species, because at the hottest times of the day, they are the only ants présent on the ground surface and its foraging efficiency is at its highest.


Cataglyphis cursor Fonscolombe is a

Mediterra-nean ant characterised by its relatively large size (mean body length of workers 7.2 ± 1.8 mm, Cagniant, 1983), its dark colour and fast movements. From the systematic point of view, the group C.

cursor, including C. cursor var. cursor Fonsc, 1846, C. cursor vax. piliscapa Forel, 1901, and C. cursor var. tibialis Bondroit, 1918, is now under review, and

preliminary results indicate that the studied popu-lations of Canet de Mar should be assigned to the variety piliscapa, probably to be regarded as a good species (Espadaler, pers. com).

C. cursor piliscapa is found on the Mediterranean

coast, from west of the Rhône and the whole Camargue to the proximity of Barcelona in Spain.

In the last years, several studies on C. cursor have been published, dealing with the thelytokous par-thenogenesis of its workers (Cagniant, 1979, 1980, 1982; Lenoir & Cagniant, 1986); its distribution and life cycle (Cagniant, 1976 a,b); intra and inter-colony récognition by workers (Lenoir et ai, 1982; Lenoir, 1984; Isingrini & Lenoir, 1984; Nowbahari & Lenoir, 1984); and several aspects of its foraging ecology in the field (Pondicq, 1983; Retana et ai, 1984, 1986; Bosch et ai, 1987). In this paper we shall describe the dietary spectrum and foraging activity of this ant in the field.


208 CERDA, X. ET AL.


This study has been carried out in Canet de Mar (40 km northeast of Barcelona, on the Catalan coast) in a grassland of Hyparrhenia hirta, one of the most disturbed communities of the original live-oak grove coastal ecosystem.

During four years (1983 to 1986), on a total of 45 sampling days, the activity and behaviour of C.

cursor workers were observed and five nests were

monitored. At each nest entrance, the number of entries and exits was registered during the first ten minutes of each hour on every sampling day. From thèse data, the values for every hour and sampling day were calculated. The average mean of entries and exits has been used as an index of activity. Besides, the following environmental parameters have been hourly registered : température at the soil surface in the shade, température of the soil at différent levels, relative humidity and light intensity. Items brought to the nest by workers of C. cursor were collected for later identification and measure-ment in the laboratory. To ascertain whether or not there existed some food préférences on the part of the workers, they were offered différent types of items they could easily find in the field : dead arthropods, dead snails, excréments of vertebrates, plant remains and seeds. Responses were considered positive when the ant seized the item and tried to carry it to the nest, and négative when, after encoun-tering the item, the ant abandoned it having not made any attempt to collect it.

Présence of liquid food in the crop of workers was studied by gently pressing their gaster as explai-ned in a previous paper (Retana et al., 1986). Censuses at liquid food sources (nectar of flowers and honeydew of aphids) were carried out every two hours on previously marked plants of différent species.

To compare the density of workers of C. cursor on the ground with regard to other ant species, six squares of one m2 were laid out, and every two hours

the number of ants of each species on each square was noted.

We also distributed, ail over the study area, several food items (mainly corpses of arthropods that could be carried by workers), and waited for an ant to find and collect them. When this happened, we noted the ant species and the time elapsed. This way, foraging efficiency of C. cursor workers depen-ding on time of day and présence of other ants could be evaluated.

Dietaiy spectrum

As ail other species of the genus (Delye, 1968; Harkness, 1977; Wehner et ai, 1983) C. cursor is a zoonecrophagous ant that collects mainly corpses of insects and other arthropods (Retana et al,

1986)(Table I). There are no significant différences between three successive years (chi square test, p < 0.001). Ants account for most of the diet of C.

cursor, which has also been observed in other species

of the genus (Harkness, 1979; Cerda, 1986). This is in agreement with the fact that C. cursor workers collect any dead arthropod they find (see below) and that ants are the most abundant group in the area (Bosch et al., 1987). Other important groups in the diet of the species are heteropterans and homopte-rans, specially aphids which are collected in their period of greatest abundance (June). Other groups of items usually account for less than 3 %, but seeds (most of them of Centaurea aspera) attain higher percentages.

Table I. — Number and percentage of each type of item brought to the nest by C. cursor workers in three consé-cutive years. N % N % N % N % = Animal remains Ants 128 53.1 323 47.4 114 53.0 565 49.7 Heteropterans ' fr 8.8 34 5.1 7 3.2 62 5 4 Homopterans Aphids s 3.3 69 10.1 15 7.0 92 8.1 Homopterans Others 2 0.8 19 2.8 2 0.9 23 2.0 Spiders 8 3.3 18 2.6 7 3.3 33 2.9 Coleoptcrans 6 2.5 14 2.1 8 3.7 28 2.4 Dipterans S 2.1 16 2A 6 2.8 27 2.3 Lepidopterans 3 1.2 6 0.9 3 1.4 12 1. 1 Orthopterans 3 1.2 7 1.0 2 0.9 12 1.1 Other Hymenopterans 1 0.4 6 0.9 4 1.9 11 1.0 Dictyopterans 1 0.4 1 0.1 2 0.2 Snails 1 0.4 7 1.0 3 1.4 II 1.0 Neuropierans - - 3 0.4 - - 3 03 Thysanopterans - - 2 03 - - 2 0,2 Psocopterans - - 2 03 - - 2 0.2 Diplopoda - 1 0.1 - 1 0.1 Unidentified remains 28 11.6 84 123 24 11.2 136 11.9 = Plant remains Seeds 18 7,6 53 7.8 14 6.5 85 7.5 Other 8 3.3 16 2.4 6 2.8 30 2.6 Totals: 241 100 681 100 215 100 1137 100

According to Bosch et al. (1987), the dietary spectrum of C. cursor dépends on the interaction of three factors : a) the simultaneity between the ap-pearance of potential prey and the period of higher food requirements of colonies, b) the accessibility of this prey, and c) a certain sélection on the part of workers. Table II shows that there is no préférence between différent types of arthropods since those of hard cuticula such as coleopterans and hymenopte-rans, as well as those of soft integument such as orthopterans, dipterans and larvae, are equally accepted. They are only refused at the beginning of the season, when colony requirements are very low and items taken to the nest by workers are scarce.


Table II. — Items accepted or rejected by C. cursor workers in the field.

Type of item Accepted Rejected Hard arthropods corpses 82 7 Soft arthropods corpses 84 8 Snails 16 15 Excréments of vertébrales 0 21 Plant remains 1 21

Centaurea seeds 24 1

Centaurea seeds without elaisome 0 25 Other seeds 0 15

Results concerning snails, which are actively collected by other ants such as Aphaenogaster senilis and Tapinoma nigerrimum, are not so clear : nearly half of the times they were offered to C.cursor workers, they triggered a négative response. The rest of items tested (excréments of vertebrates, plant remains and most seeds) are only very rarely ac-cepted : workers walk onto them without paying them any attention. On the other hand, seeds of

Centaurea aspera are always collected. However,

when we removed the elaiosome placed at the base of the seed, they were ignored. From the point of view of ants, elaiosomes are analogous to insect corpses (Carrol & Janzen, 1973), which indicates that

Centaurea seed collection by C. cursor is not a sign

of granivory.

Besides the above-mentioned préférences, size of the items is another factor influencing its collection. Mean length of preys brought to the nest by C. cursor workers is 4.2 mm, with more than 95 % of the items ranging from 1 to 8 mm and only 5 % between 8 and 15 mm (Fig. 1A). This is attributable to the fact that coopération in food transport is very rare in this species (Querard, 1985, and pers. obs.) so that a single worker is unable to carry prey exceeding a certain weight. Although body weight of C. cursor ranges from 2 to 15 mg (Cagniant, 1983), they can easily drag items of 50 mg (nearly up to 25 times its own body weight for small ants). Heavier prey such as bees (about 60 mg) are only carried to the nest with difficulty and provided the surface of the ground is more or less even and bereft of obstacles. Food items weighting more than 80-90 mg cannot be transported by individual workers, which end up by abandoning the prey, that are eventually collected by other ants of the area such as Aphaenogaster senilis and Pheidole pallidula.

The proportion of C. cursor workers that go back to the nest with a solid item is relatively small (13-27 %) in Canet de Mar (Retana et ai, 1986). This low efficiency is normal in other insectivorous ants (Levieux, 1983; Cerda, 1986) which according to Carrol & Janzen (1973) is due to the fact that insect corpses are an unpredictable food source, both from the point of view of location and quantity.

However, in C. cursor, many of the foragers that do not carry an item to the nest, do transport liquid food in their crops (50 % of them in 1984, Retana et

ai, 1986). The origin of this liquid food is still

FREQ 1SOj 100 50 X-4 2mm N-741 11 13 15 SIZE mm ACT 20 H 15 10 B 20 30 40 50 TEMPERATURE

Fig. 1. — A, distribution of size (body length) of items brought to the nest by workers of C. cursor. Y-axis : frequency. X-axis : length in mm. Arrows indicate range of body length of C. cursor workers. B, activity of C. cursor (Y-axis) as a function of open ground surface température (X-axis). Dots represent average mean values for each température (for ten minutes).

unclear. Workers of C. cursor are only occasionally found collecting nectar or honeydew. They only appear in considérable numbers on fennel plants

(Foeniculum vulgare) where they usually collect

nectar (80 % of observed workers) and sometimes tend aphids of the species Aphis fabae (20 % of observed workers). The number of foragers involved in such duties is very small when compared with those of other more specialized ant species. For instance, we found 50 workers of the nectarivorous ant Camponotus foreli on flowers, and nearly 600 workers of the aphids tending ant Camponotus



sylvatkus tending aphids per every worker of C. cursor collecting the same types of food.

The lack of correspondence between the high numbers of workers going back to the nest with filled crops and the scarcity of them at flowers or groups of aphids seems to imply the existence of some other food source which has not been moni-tored. Harkness (1977) and Wehner et ai (1983) report that many of the workers of Cataglyphis

bicolor that brought liquid food to the nest licked

leaves, shoots and other plant surfaces. A similar explanation could be given in the case of C. cursor, since foragers usually walk into the undergrowth, but we have not observed such licking behaviour.

Foraging activity

Seasonal activity of C. cursor has already been described in a previous paper (Bosch et ai, 1987), where the influence of available food and of life cycle (présence of larvae increasing energetic requi-rements of colonies) on it is discussed. Seasonal activity starts, in Canet de Mar, at the end of March, when mean températures rise to about 20°C and colonies end hibernation. In the first months, from March to May, ants are not very active and collect few food items. In June and July, when larvae are most abundant in nests, there is a strong increase in foraging activity. In August, values decrease consi-derably until the end of the cycle in November when hibernation starts.

As far as daily activity is concerned, C. cursor is strictly diurnal ail through the season. Figure 2a shows a typical activity curve on a summer day : at about 9.00 a.m. (LST) workers open the nest en-trance, from 11.00 to 14.00 most foraging activity takes place, then decreases until workers close the nest entrance in late afternoon. Variation throughout the day of open surface température is shown in the same Figure. C. cursor is, as ail other species of the genus (Delye, 1968; Harkness, 1977; Cerda, 1986), a highly thermophilic ant since its greatest activity takes place when open ground surface température is highest. This pattern is unalterable along the season. An exception of this rule is seen in figure 2b : on this unusual day there was a sudden drop of activity of the colony at midday (also observed in other nearby colonies) caused by high tempéra-ture registered at that time. This phenomenon, unique in four years of field work in the study area, shows that there exists an upper thermal limit for C.

cursor, at least in Canet de Mar, the southern limit

of the distribution of the species, because such high températures are not attained in other areas where

C. cursor occurs.

Among ail the environmental parameters registe-red, open ground surface température is the one which has the highest corrélation with activity of the species (R = 0.7286, P<0.001). C. cursor's activity

ACT a TEMP 40-A i -50 30 j j



f I 40 £ j \ '■. 20 I »


30 / /


/ /

\ Si 10-î


-20 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 ACT b TEMP 40- -50 30 i ; \ 40 20



30 10 20 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 HOUR

Fig. 2. — Two daily activity curves of a C. cursor colony in 1985; (a) July 1, (b) July 24. Right scale : ground surface température in the sun, in "C (dashed line). Left scale : activity measured as the average mean of entries and exits per ten minutes (solid line). X-axis : time of day.

(Fig. 1 B) drops below 28°C and above 53°C. Between thèse values it increases as the température rises, giving a régression line of ACT = 0.98 T - 27.98 (R = 0.7371, P< 0.0001). Thèse results are in agreement with those obtained by Delye (1967), who establishes the température limits of C. cursor normal activity in the laboratory between 18°C and 45°C, and the critical température of the species at 48°C (53°C at ground surface température correspond to 46-47°C at 0.5 cm above the ground, which is the température that foraging ants sensé).

The other ants of the area cannot withstand such high températures, so at the hottest times of day, C.

cursor are the only ants présent on the ground

surface. This thermal niche confers an important advantage to the species. Table III shows the proportion of food items laid out on the ground that were collected by C. cursor workers at différent times of the day; they are also indicated the mean time spent in finding them and the absolute and relative abundance of the species with regard to other ants (measured at the squares). As we can see, in early morning there are few C. cursor workers and they find few items. As the température increases, the proportion of items found by C. cursor rises as well


Table III. — Foraging efficiency of C. cursor workers depending on time of day and présence of other ants. Data from May 9, 1986. (1) time of the day (LST). (2), air température in the shade in "C. (3), number of prey collected by C. cursor workers and percentage (in brackets) of total prey offered in this hour. (4), mean time (± standard déviation) spent in finding them (in seconds). (5), number of C. cursor workers found at six squares (lxl m) and percentage that is represented of the total number of ants found there (in brackets).

Time of day (i) Air température (2) Items collected by C cursor (3) Mean time (4) C. cursor workers counted (5) 10 27 1 19» 600 ±0 1 (04» 11 27.5 5 (71» 418 t 120 7 (28.0» 12 28 13 (100» 242 1192 7 (70.0» 13 29 26 (100» 164 i 134 8 (88.9» 15 25 4 (40» 264 t 121 9 (56.2» 16 23 2 (10» 260 1140 8 (20.4» 17 21 5 0 (0» 1 (0.4»

as its relative abundance on the ground, although the absolute number of workers is almost the same. This indicates that when there are no other species, foraging efficiency of Cataglyphis is at its highest and time spent in finding food items diminishes considerably.


Two aspects are essential to understand C cursor foraging ecology : the type of food it exploits, mainly dead arthropods, and the particular thermal conditions it is able to withstand.

Corpses of insects are distributed widely and unpredictably in space and time (Carrol & Janzen, 1973; Wehner et al., 1983). Individual foraging is a sensible strategy to deal with such a food distribu-tion (Wehner et al., 1983; Fresneau, 1985), and there is no kind of communication or group action, because the fact that the food items being searched for are single, distributed at random and not indivi-dually renewable at the site, may of itself tend to separate activities of individuals (Harkness & Maroudas, 1985). Oster & Wilson (1978) refer to such type of food searching behaviour as diffuse foraging. As a conséquence of its individual foraging strategy, C. cursor workers must exploit in a very efficient way food sources corresponding to their transport capability, since memory confers on other species a greater efficiency at collecting large-sized items (Deneubourg et al., 1985). In thèse species, the size range of prey is expanded by social mechanisms beyond the relatively small range that individual foragers can retrieve (Traniello, 1983).

This compels C. cursor workers to concentrate their foraging times to the hours at which there are few other ants on the ground surface. The fact that

Cataglyphis and other ants with similar thermal

niches, such as Ocymyrmex barbiger (Marsh, 1985) withstand températures at which most other insects

die (Delye, 1967), confers a great advantage on them, since they are able to forage at times of day when there are probably plenty of corpses of insects killed by heat, and no other ants, which are obliged to seek shelter in their nests. This places C. cursor in a unique position among ail ant species co-occurring in the study zone.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS — We are grateful to X.

Espadaler (Bellaterra) and to A. Lenoir (Paris) who

made helpful comments on a draft of the manus-cript.


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Reçu le 22 mai 1987; received May 22, 1987


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