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Performance analysis of an AOA estimator in the presence of more mutual coupling parameters


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Performance analysis of an AOA estimator in the presence of more mutual coupling parameters"


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Ahmad Bazzi


Dirk T.M. Slock


Lisa Meilhac


EURECOM Mobile Comm’s Dept., 450 route des Chappes, 06410 Biot - Sophia Antipolis, France Email: {bazzi,slock}@eurecom.fr

CEVA-RivieraWaves, 400, avenue Roumanille Les Bureaux, Bt 6, 06410 Biot - Sophia Antipolis, France Email:{ahmad.bazzi, lisa.meilhac}@ceva-dsp.com


The problem of Angle-of-Arrival estimation of multiple sources in the presence of mutual coupling is addressed. In this paper, we derive a Mean-Squared-Error (MSE) expression of a recently pro- posed algorithm that could estimate the Angles-of-Arrival of mul- tiple sources in the presence of more mutual coupling parameters, compared to traditional methods. The MSE expression is compared with the MSE of MUSIC with known mutual coupling parameters and to theCramer-Raobound (CRB) of any unbiased estimator that estimates the Angles-of-Arrival in the presence of mutual coupling.

It is shown that the proposed method is asymptotically unbiased.

In addition, it is also shown that the method attains CRB for large number of antennas with fixed coupling parameters and uncorre- lated sources. For high SNR, the CRB is not necessarily attained, however, we study the gap between the derived MSE and the CRB.

Index Terms— Angle-of-Arrival, Performance Analysis, Mu- tual Coupling, Mean-Squared-Error


The presence of mutual coupling is a well-known problem in the context of array signal processing. This problem arises when an- tennas are close to each other [1], and thus the current developed in an antenna element depends on its own excitation and on the con- tributions from adjacent antennas. As a consequence, the perfor- mance of high resolution algorithms that perform Angle-of-Arrival (AoA) estimation, such as MUSIC [2], ESPRIT [3], etc., degrades in a significant manner. It is also worth mentioning other phenomena that perturb an ideal model, when not taken into account, such as different gain/phases [4] across antennas, synchronization and jitter effect [5], local scattering [6], etc. In the open literature, calibra- tion methods that tackle the problem of mutual coupling are divided into two categories: Offline and Online. In an offline calibration ap- proach, one estimates the mutual coupling parameters using known locations, such as the techniques in [7–9]. In contrast, online calibra- tion consists of jointly estimating the coupling and AoA parameters.

In this paper, our main focus is on the latter.

In the literature, several techniques deal with the online calibra- tion problem. A RAnk-REduction estimator, known as RARE, was first proposed in [10] in the context of partly calibrated arrays. The same idea was used for totally uncalibrated Uniform Circular Arrays This work was supported in part by RivieraWaves, a CEVA company, and a Cifre scholarship. EURECOM’s research is partially supported by its industrial members, by the French ANR project DIONISOS and by the EU projects ADEL (FP7) and HIGHTS (H2020).

(UCA) in [11, 12] and Uniform Linear Arrays (ULA) in [13, 14].

This method makes use of the MUSIC algorithm to estimate AoAs in the presence of mutual coupling via rank reduction of an appropriate matrix. The method in [14] is a Recursive-RARE (R-RARE), which was shown to achieve better perform than the traditional RARE.

Other techniques we could mention are those in [15–18]. From a performance analysis point of view, several authors have studied the effect of mutual coupling, or modelling errors in the more general case, such as [19, 20]. More specifically, these modeling errors in- duce a bias in the MUSIC estimator and could result in large mean- squared errors, when the errors are large enough [20].

In this paper, we derive a Mean-Squared-Error (MSE) expres- sion of a recently proposed algorithm in [25] that could estimate the Angles-of-Arrival of multiple sources in the presence of more mu- tual coupling parameters, compared to the above mentioned meth- ods. More specifically, letNandpdenote the number of antennas and coupling parameters, respectively. It was shown in [23] that the above methods, except for [18], do not function properly when p > N2. Furthermore, we have proposed an algorithm that is able to estimate the AoAs, even whenp > N2. After deriving the MSE of the proposed method, we study the performance loss, compared to the MUSIC algorithm with known mutual coupling parameters.

Also, the MSE expression is compared with theCramer-Raobound of any unbiased estimator that estimates the Angles-of-Arrival in the presence of mutual coupling. It is shown that the proposed method is asymptotically unbiased and attains theCramer-Raobound for large number of antennas with fixed coupling parameters and uncorrelated sources. For high SNR, theCramer-Raobound is not necessarily at- tained, however, we study the gap between the between the MSE and theCramer-Raobound. Simulation results gave validated the derived MSE expression, as the experimental and theoretical (or de- rived) MSE quite agree for sufficiently high SNR.

Notations: Upper-case and lower-case boldface letters denote matrices and vectors, respectively. (.)T,(.)and(.)H represent the transpose, conjugate and the transpose-conjugate operators. The ma- trixIis the identity matrix with suitable dimensions. For any matrix B, the(i, j)thentry ofBis represented as(B)i,j. The vectorekis thekthcolumn ofI. For any matrixB, the operatorkBkdenotes theFrobeniusnorm. AlsoB+ denotes pseudo-inverse ofB. The statementX =⇒ Y means that ”if statementX is true, thenY is true.”


Considerqnarrowband sources impinging a Uniform Linear Array (ULA), composed ofN > qantennas. The angles are denoted as


Θ= [θ1. . . θq]. GivenLtime snapshots, we can write

X=A(Θ)S¯ +W (1) whereX∈CN×Lis the data matrix withlthtime snapshot,x(tl), stacked in thelthcolumn ofX. The matrixS∈Cq×Lis the source matrix. Similar toX, matrixScontains thelthtransmitted source vectors(tl)in itslthcolumn. The matrixW ∈ CN×L is back- ground noise. Moreover, the steering matrixA(Θ)¯ ∈ CN×q is composed ofq steering vectors, i.e. A(Θ) = [¯¯ a(θ1). . .¯a(θq)], where¯a(θi)is the array response in the presence of mutual cou- pling. Moreover, in the absence of mutual coupling, the response is a(θ), where itskthentry iszθk−1 andzθ = e−j2πλdsin(θ),dis the inter-element spacing andλis the wavelength. Following [1,24], we can say


a(θ) =Tp(m)a(θ) (2) whereTp(m)∈CN×Nis a banded symmetric Toeplitz matrix, i.e.



(m|i−j| if|i−j|< p

0 else (3)

Note that the matrixTp(m) is independent from the AoAs. The model in equations (2) and (3) suggest that antennas that are placed at leastpinter-element spacings apart do not interfere, i.e.mi= 0 for alli≥p.

Throughout the paper, we assume the following:

• A1:A(Θ)¯ is full column rank.

• A2: The transmitted signalss(tl)are fixed within a snapshot.

The signals are allowed to be highly, but not fully, correlated.

• A3: The number of sources is known.

• A4: The vector w(tl) is Gaussian noise with zero mean and covarianceσ2Iand independent from the sources.

We are now ready to address our problem:

”GivenX, pand q, estimate the AoAs Θ in the presence of mutual couplingTp(m).”


This section makes use of the MUSIC algorithm in order to estimate the angles of arrivalsΘin the presence of mutual coupling. We start by exploiting the structure of the received signal covariance matrix.

Under assumptionA4, we have

Rxx=E{x(t)xH(t)}=A(Θ)R¯ ssH(Θ) +σ2I (4) By spectral decomposition, we can writeRxxas


Us Un

Σs 0 0 Σn

Us Un


=UsΣsUHs +UnΣnUHn


MatrixRxxis composed of two major parts: The signal part, namely A(Θ)R¯ ssH(Θ), which under assumptionsA1andA2, is rankq.

Therefore, due toσ2Iin equation (4), the matrixΣsis aq×qdi- agonal matrix composed of eigenvalues strictly greater thanσ2. The corresponding eigenvectors ofΣs, which are the columns ofUsis called the signal subspace. The second part is the noise subspace, whose eigenvalues are easily verified to beΣn = σ2I, and eigen- vectors are the columns ofUn. The MUSIC algorithm is based on the orthogonality between the two subspaces, viz.

¯aHi)UnUHn¯a(θi) = 0, for alli= 1. . . q. (6)

In practical scenarios, one estimates the covariance matrix thru sam- ple averaging, i.e.Rbxx=L1XXH. The MUSIC algorithm estimates Θas follows

{bθi}qi=1= arg max




aH(θ)UbnUbHn¯a(θ) (7) where Ubn is an estimate of Un and is extracted from Rbxx by eigendecomposition. Unfortunately, MUSIC doesn’t directly apply as in equation (7) because the functional form of¯a(θ)is not known.

Fortunately, the following theorem turns out to be useful:

Lemma: Let α = [α0, α1. . . αp−1]T and a ∈ CN×1. Define the corresponding matrixTp(α), then

Tp(α)a=Bpα (8) where


a Π1a . . . Πp−1a

(9) whereΠk∈CN×Nis an all-zero matrix except at thekthsub- and super-diagonals, which are set to 1.

Proof. See [17, 24].

Therefore, we can say¯a(θ) = Tp(m)a(θ) =B(θ)m, where B(θ)is defined as in equation (9). Note the equation (6) could be re-written as

zHK(θ)z= 0 =⇒ {θ∈Θandz=m} (10) whereK(θ) = BH(θ)UnUHnB(θ). Therefore, one way to formu- late the problem of estimating the AoAs in the presence of mutual coupling is to


z,θ zHK(θ)zb subject to eH1B(θ)z= 1

(11) whereK(θ) =b BH(θ)UbnUbHnB(θ). The constraint prevents the vec- torzto fall in the null-space ofB(θ). The solution to the above optimisation problem is given as [23]



k=1= arg min



f(θ) (12a)


f(θ) =aTp(θ)Kb−1(θ)ap(θ) (12b) whereap(θ)is ap×1vector defined as in equation (2). For more information on why the proposed method could estimate AoAs in the presence of more coupling parameters given thatp+q≤N, the reader is referred to [23, 25].


Theorem 1: The estimates θbk


k=1estimated as in equation(12) are asymptotically unbiased. Furthermore, the MSE expression E

(eθk)2 , whereθek = θk−θbkis the estimation error onθk, is given as


(eθk)2 ,var(p)f (bθk) = σ2 2L



¯dHk)UnPkUHn¯d(θk) (13) where

U=UsΣs Σs−σ2I−2

UHs (14)


0 20 40 60 80 100 N

-18 -16 -14 -12 -10 -8 -6 -4 -2 0


Behaviour of.1as a function ofNand di,erent AoAs 31= 10/ 31= 30/ 31= 50/ 31= 70/

(a)q= 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

p 0

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1


.1as a function ofp

31= 1/ 31= 10/ 31= 40/ 31= 70/ 31= 80/

(b)N= 10 Fig. 1: The behaviour ofγk

andPk =I−Pkwith

Pk=UHnB(θk)K+k)BHk)Un (15) Also¯d(θk) = ∂θ


Proof. See [23].

It is interesting to see that whenp= 1, the above MSE expres- sion coincides with the MSE expression of MUSIC derived in [21],

var(1)f (bθk) = σ2 2L


dHk)UnUHnd(θk) =varMU(bθk;a) (16) where varMU(bθk;a)is the variance (or MSE) ofθbkobtained by MU- SIC by utilising a steering vectora(θ). We adopt this notation be- cause the MSE expression, var(p)f (bθk), could be also written as

var(p)f (bθk) = 1 1−γk

varMU(bθk;¯a) (17) where


Hk)UnPkUHnd(θ¯ k) d¯Hk)UnUHnd(θ¯ k) =R


<1 (18) where the bounds in equation (18) are due to the fact thatγk is a Rayleigh quotient, which is always bounded between the minimum and maximum eigenvalues ofPk. SincePkis a projector matrix, then the eigenvalues are either0or1.

Observation: It is very important to observe that varMU(bθk;¯a) is, indeed, the MSE ofbθkestimated thru MUSIC withknown mutual coupling parameters. Therefore, the quantity 1−γ1

k quantifies the loss of performance between the proposed method in equation (12) and the MUSIC algorithm withknown mutual coupling parameters.

TheCramer-RaoBound (CRB) of any unbiased estimator ofθbkin the presence of mutual coupling was given in [22], i.e.

varCRB(θbk) = σ2 2L


k,k (19)

wherePA¯ =I−PA¯andPA¯is given by

PA¯ =A(Θ)¯ A¯H(Θ)A(Θ)¯ −1H(Θ) (20) and

D¯=h ∂¯a(θ


∂θ1 . . . ∂¯a(θ∂θq)



(21) Following similar steps as in [21], we re-write the MSE equation, var(p)f (bθk), in a way that turns out to be useful when comparing to the CRB

var(p)f (bθk) = σ2 2L


k,k2 R−1ss (A¯HA)¯ −1R−1ss


Hk)UnPkUHnd(θ¯ k) (22) 4.1. Large Number of Antennas

We study the performance of the proposed algorithm in the asymp- totic regime when Np →0, i.e. N → ∞for fixedp. We have the following Theorem, which is a generalisation of the case with no mutual coupling in [21]:

Theorem 2: The limits of varCRB(bθk), var(p)f (bθk), andγkare given as follow


p N→0

2 N3L|hHkm|2

1 Rss


(23) var(p)f (bθk)−−−−p



N3L|hHkm|2 R−1ss

k,k (24)



0 (25)


hk=apk) +apk)−e1 (26) Proof. See [23]

Note that the factorγk→0as Np →0. Using this theorem, we have that

var(p)f (bθk)

varCRB(bθk) = Rss

k,k R−1ss

k,k (27)

Hence the CRB is attained for uncorrelated signals, whenNp →0.


-20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 SNR in dB

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40

var(p) f(^31)indB

MSE as a function of SNR for di,erent values ofp p= 1 p= 2 p= 3 p= 4 p= 5

(a)N= 6,q= 1, andθ1= 50

0 2 4 6 8

SNRin dB -40

-35 -30 -25 -20 -15 -10 -5 0 5 10 15


Theoretical and experimental MSE of MUSIC andf(3)

:10log10 !

1!.11 "


1!1.1 "

Experimental MSE off(3) Experimental MSE of MUSIC var(p)f (^31)


(b)N= 6,q= 1,θ1= 10, andp= 3 Fig. 2: MSE of the proposed method as a function of SNR.

4.2. High SNR

For high SNR, the analysis here is similar to [21]. For the case of uncorrelated signals, one could show the following relation

var(p)f (bθk) varCRB(bθk) =

1 +

(A¯HA)¯ −1



1 1−γk

(28) where SNRk= (Rssσ2)k,k. For high SNR, the ratio in equation (28) is controlled by the factor1−γ1

k, which is not necessarily equal to1 for anypandN. However, as discussed in the case of largeNwith fixedp, if the ratioNp is relatively small, then the above ratio could be argued to be close to1.


In Fig. 1, we study the behaviour ofγkgiven in equation (18) as a function ofpandN. In Fig. 1a, we set the coupling vectormto


1;−0.08 + 0.5j;−0.14−0.3jT

(29) Fig. 1a plotsγ1for one sourceq = 1, but different AoAs. We see thatγk → 0as Np → 0. Furthermore, the rate of decay depends on the AoA. It should also be noted that this rate depends on other factors such as the number of sourcesqand the coupling vectorm.

In Fig. 1b, we study the behaviour ofγk by fixingN and increas- ingp. The coupling parameters are generated by first forming a vectorm, where¯


mk = k+11 ej2πφk Nk=1, whereφkis randomly chosen. Then, in order to computeγk, forp =p0, we choose the firstp0elements ofm¯ to form the vectorm∈Cp0×1. We have set N = 10. We also observe thatγkis increasing aspincreases for fixedN. This results in an increase of the MSE, var(p)f (bθk)given in equation (13), whenpincreases due to the factor 1−γ1



The MSE of the proposed algorithm in equation (13), namely var(p)f (bθk), is simulated in Fig. 2. In Fig. 2a, we setN = 6,q= 1, andθ1 = 50. The number of snapshots isL= 103. The coupling parameters are chosen from vector


m= [1;−0.08+0.5j;−0.14−0.3j;−0.04+0.04j; 0.03−0.02j]T (30) as done in the case of Fig. 1b. This figure tells us that a higher MSE is obtained aspincreases. In Fig. 2b, we quantify this loss of per- formance. We haveq = 1source impinging an array ofN = 6 atθ1 = 10. The number of snapshots isL = 102. The num- ber of coupling parameters isp = 3withmequal to that in the scenario depicted in Fig. 1. We have plotted the experimental and theoretical MSE of MUSIC and the proposed algorithm. For the experimental MSE, we have averaged over103Monte-Carlo simu- lations. A nice observation is to see that that the gap between the MSE of MUSIC of the propsed algorithm is about 1−γ1

1, for suffi- ciently high SNR. Computingγ1 using the related parameters, we get10log10 1−γ1


' 6dB. This factor is the loss of performance compared to theCoupling-freeMUSIC. Furthermore, we could also observe that the experimental and theoretical MSE curves are in agreement, for sufficiently high SNR.


We have first revised a recently proposed method that could estimate AoAs in the presence of more mutual coupling parameters, com- pared to the mentioned methods in the Introduction. We have first derived the MSE expression of the proposed method, which is an un- biased estimator. Moreover, we have compared it with the MSE of the MUSIC estimator with known coupling parameters and with the CRB of any unbiased estimator that estimates the AoAs in the pres- ence of mutual coupling (at high SNR and high number of antennas).

It was shown that the MSE of the proposed method could attain the CRB, for uncorrelated sources, for high number of antennas at fixed number of coupling parameters, but not at high SNR.



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