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PUBLICACIONS ONLINE SOBRE LA UNIÓ EUROPEA Recopilació del Centre de Documentació Europea UAB, Núm. 8 (març 2021)


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Recopilació del Centre de Documentació Europea UAB, Núm. 8 (març 2021)


Afers socials i Treball... 2

Agricultura, Desenvolupament Rural i Pesca ... 4

Brexit ... 6

Comerç Exterior ... 8

Economia i Finances ...10

Educació i Cultura ...16

Governança i Institucions ...17

Història ...23

Igualtat de Gènere ...24

Justícia i Dret ...26

Medi Ambient i Canvi Climàtic ...31

Mercat Únic i Empresa ...35

Migració i Asil ...38

Periodisme i Mitjans de Comunicació ...41

Política Exterior ...41

Política Regional i Desenvolupament Urbà ...47

Recerca i Innovació ...48

Salut ...49

Seguretat i Defensa ...52

Societat de la Informació ...54

Transport i Turisme ...56


Afers socials i Treball

Agricultura y silvicultura: sectores con serios desafíos en materia de seguridad y salud en el trabajo

Alun Jones, et al.

Agencia Europea para la Seguridad y la Salud en el Trabajo

Apoyo al empleo tras la crisis de la Covid-19. Una nota a la Recomendación de la Comisión Europea de 4 de marzo de 2021

Eduardo Rojo Torrecilla Blog

Community labor regulation. The role of the European labor Dan Top; Ana Maria Iancu

Revista Inclusiones, Vol. 8, n.2 abril-junio 2021

COVID-19: implications for employment and working life Tina Weber; John Hurley and Dragoș Adăscăliței


Demographic outlook for the European Union 2021 Monika Kiss

European Parliament

El ingreso mínimo vital a la luz del derecho de la Unión Europea y de los convenios internacionales de Seguridad Social vigentes en España

Cristina Sánchez-Rodas Navarro

Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional, vol.13, núm.1 (2021)

EU internal market law and private pensions: enhancing retirement provision through harmonisation

Graham Butler

European Business Law Review, Volume 32, 2021

EU structural funds and employment policy performance in Greece: impact and reform during the fiscal austerity years

Sifis Plimakis, et al.

European Politics and Society, 2 Mar. 2021 Family policies & Europe’s demographic future Gérard-François Dumont

In: Europe’s demographic winter, ECR Working Group on Demography, Intergenerational and Families Policies, Brussels, p. 28-31, 2019

If not us then who?

The Commissioner Dubravka Šuica Blog


Involvement of social partners in policymaking during the COVID-19 outbreak Ricardo Rodríguez Contreras


Non-standard workers and the self-employed in the EU: social protection during the Covid-19 pandemic

Slavina Spasova, et al.

ETUI Research Paper - Report 2021.02

Public policies of welfare state and child poverty in the European Union Angeles Sánchez; María Navarro

Sustainability 2021,13(5)

Relanzando el (postergado) pilar social europeo Juan Fernando López Aguilar

The Huffington Post, 18.3.2021

Self-employment, COVID-19, and the future of work for knowledge workers Milena Nikolova

Bruegel – Blog

Social rights in the European Union after the Lisbon Treaty Emina Hasanagić

Godišnjak Pravnog fakulteta, Tematski broj sa II naučne konferencije "Ljudska prava pred izazovima stvarnosti", Godina IV, broj 4, Mostar 2020, Pravni fakultet

Univerziteta "Džemal Bijedić" u Mostaru

Stand-by duties in the working time directive: window-dressing workers’ rights?

Jonas Bornemann European Law Blog

Strengthening minimum income protection in the EU Regina Anna Konle-Seidl

European Parliament SURE implementation Cristina Dias

European Parliament

The COVID‐19 crisis and policy responses by continental European welfare states Bea Cantillon, et al.

Social & Policy Administation, 16 March 2021

The impact of the coronavirus crisis on Roma and travellers Marie Lecerf

European Parliament


The unequal inequality impact of the Covid-19 pandemic Zsolt Darvas

Bruegel – Working Paper issue 6

Trabajo garantizado verde y morado: el principal componente de un Green New Deal Eduardo Garzón Espinosa

Revista Inclusiones, Vol.8, núm. especial (2021): abril-junio

Una geografía regional de la familia en la Europa de la Segunda Transición Demográfica

Recaño Valverde, Joaquín; Chacón-Martínez, Ana Scripta Nova, vol.25, n.1 (2021)

Wages in long-term care and other social services 21% below average Dubois, Hans


Wealth distribution and social mobility Zsolt Darvas and Catarina Midões Eurofound

Working life in the COVID-19 pandemic 2020 Eurofound

Agricultura, Desenvolupament Rural i Pesca

2021 International Year of Fruits and Vegetables Anna Caprile, et al.

European Parliamen

Advancing irrigation development in the European Union Rozalija Cvejić, et al.

Irrigation and Drainage, 23 March 2021

Forest resources management and sustainability: the specific case of European Union Countries

Vítor João Pereira Domingues Martinho; António José Dinis Ferreira Sustainability 2021, 13(1)

Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing Irina Popescu

European Parliament


La lucha contra el cambio climático y la agricultura María García Rodríguez

Economistas, n.171, 2021

Marketing standards for fishery and aquaculture products. Revision of Regulation (EC) No1379/2013

Alina Dinu with Lucia Salvador Sanz European Parliament

Measuring the immeasurable: the evolution of the size of informal economy in the agricultural sector in the EU-15 Up to 2019

Friedrich Schneider, et al.

CESifo Working Papers 8937

Neo‐endogenous rural development: a path otward reviving rural Europe Chatzichristos Georgios, et al.

Rural Sociology, 25.3.2021

Nuevas normas de la UE sobre el control de la pesca Irina Popescu

Parlamento Europeo

Options for keeping the Common Agricultural Policy within the Green Deal Rafael Leite Pinto

Blog Unio

Political and legal conditionalities for the cohesion policy and CAP post-2020.

Between real issues and unjustified fears Aurelia-Ioana Chereji, et al.

Annals of the University of Oradea, Fascicle: Ecotoxicology, Animal Husbandry and Food Science and Technology, Vol. XIX/A 2020

Pueblos inteligentes. Concepto, cuestiones que se plantean y perspectivas para las zonas rurales de la Unión Europea

Ana Martínez Juan y James McEldowney Parlamento Europeo

Revising the fisheries control system Irina Popescu

European Parliament



(Br)Exit from the European Union – Control, Autonomy and the Evolution of EU Law Kenneth Armstrong

University of Cambridge Faculty of Law Research Paper, 13/2021 Between two unions: Brexit and the secessionist challenges in the UK Nikos Skoutaris

Final Version Published in M Belov (ed), Territorial Politics. Constitutional and International Law Dimensions (London, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021) 165-190 Brexit and European xitizenship: welcome back to international law

Ignacio Forcada Barona

Spanish Yearbook of International Law (2020), 11 Mar 2021 Brexit brief issue 106

Tony Brown IIEA, 24.3.2021

Brexit, and the crisis of the Transatlantic relationship Michael Cox

Brexit Institute Working Paper Series, 8/2021 Brexit's constitutional dimensions

Asif Hameed

Southampton Law School, March 4, 2021

Canada and bust: Brexit and non-tariff trade barriers Miguel Carrión Álvarez

Agenda Económica, 8 marzo 2021

Could the European Parliament kill off the Brexit deal?

Francis Jacobs

Brexit Institute News, March 18, 2021 Europe after the Brits

Andrew Duff

European Policy Centre – Discussion Paper

EU-UK surrender agreement: a copy of the EU-Iceland and Norway one?

Yanhong Yin

European Law Blog

First appraisal of the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement Christian Scheinert, et al.

European Parliament


Hedging its bets? Portugal’s diplomatic strategies for a post-Brexit Europe António Raimundo, et al.

European Politics and Society, 9 Mar. 2021

Interpretation and implementation of Article 50 TEU. Legal and institutional assessment

Ioannis Papageorgiou European Parliament

Is the Northern Ireland Peace Process at risk?

Judy Dempsey Carnegie Europe

Post-Brexit UK has not ‘taken back’ control of immigration Emmanuel Comte

CIDOB Opinion 657

The delusions of global Britain. London will have to get used to life as a middle power Jeremy Shapiro and Nick Witney

Foreign Affairs, March 23, 2021

The effect of the Brexit referendum result on subjective well‐being Georgios Kavetsos, et al.

Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, 15 March 2021

The European Parliament flexes its muscles on the EU–UK trade deal Guillaume Van der Loo; Merijn Chamon

European Policy Centre – Commentary

The futures of cooperation in European governance: Brexit and the European knowledge policies

Amélia Veiga

European Journal of Education, 5 March 2021

Trade and sustainable development obligations in the EU-UK TCA and their practical implications

Ann-Evelyn Luyten

European-Views – Opinion

Why Brexit really means Brexit. Challenges still lie ahead for the EU-UK future economic relationship

Pedro Silva Pereira

The Parliament Magazine, 3 Mar. 2021


Why the protocol in Ireland and Northern Ireland is a complex political challenge Katy Hayward

The Political Quarterly, March 18, 2021

Why the UK’s system of government is vastly superior to the European Union David Elstein

Open Democracy, 28 March 2021

Comerç Exterior

Benefits of EU trade agreements for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) Thibo Clicteur, et al.

European Parliament

Canada and bust: Brexit and non-tariff trade barriers Miguel Carrión Álvarez

Agenda Económica, 8 marzo 2021

Challenges and concerns for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) doing business in third countries

Nazareno Braito, et al.

European Parliament

Control de las exportaciones, la transferencia, el corretaje, la asistencia técnica y el tránsito de productos de doble uso

Beatrix Immenkamp Parlamento Europeo

Es hora de que el Acuerdo de Mercosur cruce la línea de meta Anna Carle

Blog New Deal

EU trade policy: how can FTAs better deliver for SMEs?

Directorate General for External Policies of the Union European Parliament

Harmonising the public policy exception for international commercial arbitration along the Belt and Road

Weixia Gu

University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2021/007


Hidden European Union trade regulations: the case of the banana import regime and the lack of perception

Wolfgang H. Schulz, et al.

SSRN, 4 Mar 2021

La oportunidad de una cláusula ambiental de elementos esenciales en acuerdos comerciales de la Unión Europea con Estados terceros. A propósito del Acuerdo Unión Europea-Mercosur

Rosa Giles Carnero

Documentos de Trabajo: Fundación Carolina, n.44

La política comercial de la UE como palanca de desarrollo Ana de Vicente

Blog New Deal

La política comercial europea desde el prisma constitucional del principio democrático. ¿Qué política comercial común queremos?

Martínez Alarcón, María Luz, et al.

Revista de Estudios Políticos, n.191, 2021

No more Gouda in Moscow? Distributive effects of the imposition of sanctions Michal Onderco, et al.

JCMS, 22 March 2021

Raising the cost of doing business in lower income countries: trade agreements with stringent multilateral environmental regulations

Bentley Coffey, et al.

SSRN, Posted: 18 Mar 2021

Review of EU enforcement regulation for trade disputes Gisela Grieger

European Parliament

The impact of globalization and the interconnectedness with the comprehensive economic and trade agreement between Canada and the European Union Marija Fileva

Journal of Liberty and International Affairs, Mar. 24, 2021 Trade policy: a lever of the EU as a geopolitical global player Josep Borrell

European External Action Service Un instrumento de cambio

Entrevista a Jordi Cañas

The Parliament Magazine, 17 Mar. 2021


Unintentional neo-colonialism? Three generations of trade and development relationship between EU and West Africa

Michael E. Odijie

Journal of European Integration, 30 Mar. 2021

What will trade and global value chains look like in a post-pandemic world?

Anna Maria Pinna, et al.

LSE, March 29th, 2021

WTO rules: compatibility with human and labour rights Jana Titievskaia and Ionel Zamfir with Cecilia Handeland European Parliament

Economia i Finances

¿Cómo debería ser la estrategia de ejecución de los fondos europeos?

Alfonso Novales Cinca

Agenda Económica, 22 marzo 2021

A whole-economy carbon price for Europe and how to get there

Ottmar Edenhofer; Mirjam Kosch; Michael Pahle and Georg Zachmann Bruegel – Policy Contribution, issue 6

Aplicación de la decisión sobre el sistema de recursos propios Alessandro D’Alfonso

Parlamento Europeo

Balanced Withdrawal of policy support to avoid cliff effects Klaus-Jürgen Gern

European Parliament

Conjunto de medidas de titulización — Enmiendas relacionadas con el coronavirus Angelos Delivorias

Parlamento Europeo Crisis solutions

European Investment Bank Destellos de luz

Raymond Torres Funcas Blog


ECB-Global 2.0: a global macroeconomic model with dominant-currency pricing, tariffs and trade diversión

Georgios Georgiadis, et al.

European Central Bank – Working Paper Series 2530

Economic dialogue with the European Commission on EU fiscal surveillance J.Angerer, et al.

European Parliament

Economic policy uncertainty: are there regional and country correlation?

Peterson K Ozili

SSRN, Posted: 10 Mar 2021

Elementos de discusión para una reforma de la gobernanza de la Unión Económica y Monetaria

Carlos Martínez Mongay, et al.

Real Instituto Elcano – DT 4

Estimating the growth effects of 2004 Eastern enlargement of the European Union Andrzej Cieślik; Mehmet Burak Turgut

Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 20 March 2021 EU economic developments and projections

K. Grigaitė, et al.

European Parliament

EU/EA measures to mitigate the economic, financial and social effects of coronavirus.

State-of-play 8 March 2021 European Parliament

Euro area money markets over the past 15 years: changes, driving factors and implications for monetary policy

Stefano Corradin, et al.

European Central Bank – Research Bulletin n.82

Eurostatistics. Data for short-term economic analysis, 03/2021 Eurostat – Statistical Books

Fiscal policy, growth and entrepreneurship in the EMU Panagiotis Liargovas, et al.

European Politics and Society, 19 Mar. 2021

From black Wednesday to Brexit: macroeconomic shocks and correlations of equity returns in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, and the United Kingdom

Sylvia Gottschalk

International Journal of Finance & Economics, 19 March 2021


Getting bank governance right - The interplay between the resolution framework and the role of creditors, with an application to EU law

Edoardo D. Martino

Amsterdam Law School Research Paper No. 2021-08 How European banks can,support the recovery

Mai Chi Dao, et al.

IMF Blog

How has COVID-19 affected inflation measurement in the euro area?

Grégory Claeys, et al.

Bruegel – Blog

How the EU’s fiscal rules should be reformed Piotr Arak, et al.

LSE, April 16th, 2021

InvestEU programme. The EU's new investment support scheme Alessandro D'Alfonso

European Parliament

Investigating government lending during an economic crisis: a comparative analysis of four EU countries

Nikolaos Apostolopoulos, et al.

European Politics and Society, 4 Mar. 2021

Is the creation of major objectives in the European Union an objective that may constitute a challenge for the Member States of the European Union?

Constantin Anghelache, et al.

Theoretical and Applied Economics, Volume XXVIII (2021), No. 1(626) Italy and Germany: incompatible varieties of Europe or dissimilar twins?

Ton Notermans, et al.

German Politics, 3 Mar. 2021

Joint Committee report on risks and vulnerabilities in the EU financial system EIOPA

La Unión Europea busca su lugar en la economía internacional Enrique Fanjul

Elcano Blog

Los mimbres de la recuperación Raymond Torres

Funcas Blog


Low interest rates in Europe and the US: one trend, two stories Maria Demertzis and Nicola Viegi

Bruegel – Policy Contribution

Monetary policy during the pandemic: fit for purpose?

Christophe Blot, et al.

European Parliament

Money talks: EU strategic autonomy requires a strong euro Fraser Cameron

European Policy Centre – Commentary

National ratification of the own resources decision. State of play on 18 March 2021 Alessandro D'Alfonso

European Parliament

Next Generation EU. A Southern-Northern dialogue Edited by Gian Marco Bovenzi

European Liberal Forum On inequality

Tessa Bending EIB

On selling sovereigns held by the ECB to the ESM Emilios Avgouleas, et al.

SSRN, Posted: 24 Mar 2021

Path to recovery: dangers of cliff effects. Compilation of papers Charles Wyplosz, et al.

European Parliament

Political work in the stability and growth pact Frédéric Mérand

Journal of European Public Policy, 22 Mar. 2021

Principal agent problems in EU funds: a case study of patronage in Hungary Kevin Aslett, et al.

Europe-Asia Studies

Proceedings of the workshop on Use of big data and AI in fighting corruption and misuse of public funds - good practice, ways forward and how to integrate new technology into contemporary control framework. Budgetary Affairs

European Parliament


Programa InvestEU Alessandro D'Alfonso Parlamento Europeo

Public support for the European solidarity deal in EU debtor states: the case of Greece

Alexia Katsanidou, et al.

Journal of European Integration, 15 Mar. 2021

Public-private partnerships (PPPs) financed by the European Investment Bank from 1990 to 2020

European Investment Bank

Quand les gouvernements entachent la crédibilité du Parquet européen Lise Guillotin

EU Logos Athena

Recalibrated monetary policy instruments to address the economic fallout from COVID-19. Compilation of papers

Luigi Bonatti, et al.

European Parliament

Recovery and resilience facility Miroslava Karaboytcheva European Parliament

Reform of the EU own resources András Schwarcz

European Parliament

Réformer les politiques économiques européennes Olivier Marty; Damien Lentile

Question d’Europe n.588

Steady as she goes: Key takeaways from the Commission’s new fiscal guidance Marta Pilati; Frederico Mollet

European Policy Centre – Commentary

Tariff Wars, unemployment, and income distribution Elias Dinopoulos, et al.

SSRN, Posted: 17 Mar 2021 Technical support instrument Stefano Spinaci

European Parliament


The challenging cliff-edge Charles Wyplosz

European Parliament

The ECB’s measures in support of the COVID-19 crisis Pierpaolo Benigno, et al.

European Parliament

The EU’s fiscal stance, its recovery fund, and how they relate to the fiscal rules Zsolt Darvas, et al.

Bruegel – Blog

The EU’s management of the euro crisis: a discursive policy analysis Joan Miró

Tesi Doctoral – UAB, September 2019

The impact of political uncertainty on asset prices: the case of the United Kingdom's EU Membership referendum

Joseph Hanna, et al.

IMF Working Paper No. 2021/027

The PEPP Contribution to the Capital Markets Union (CMU) Jorik van Zanden, et al.

SSRN, 19 Mar 2021

The unequal inequality impact of the Covid-19 pandemic Zsolt Darvas

Bruegel, Working Paper, 6

Thinking beyond the pandemic: monetary policy challenges in the medium- to long- term

Marek Dabrowski European Parliament

Transatlantic economic relations under the Biden administration: be careful what you wish for?

Peter S. Rashish

European Policy Centre – Commentary

Un diseño institucional de la eurozona para un Green New Deal Miguel J. Arjona Sánchez

Revista Inclusiones, Vol.8, núm. especial (2021): abril-junio

When and how to unwind COVID-support measures to the banking system?

Alexander Lehmann, et al.

European Parliament


When and how to unwind COVID-support measures to the banking system?

Rainer Haselmann; Tobias Tröger European Parliament

Who Is discriminated most in the EU? An analysis of the COVID-19 compensation fund

Alfred Greiner, et al.

Working Papers in Economics and Management No. 05-2021

Educació i Cultura

An internationalised Europe and regionally focused Americas: A network analysis of higher education studies

Aliakbar Akbaritabar, et al.

European Journal of Education, 15 March 2021

Beginner Teachers in primary education: comparisons among European countries Eliza Spătărelu

Journal of Education Studies, 2020

‘Being’, ‘becoming’ and ‘challenging’ European: subject positions in the European heritage label

Sigrid Kaasik-Krogerus

Europe-Asia Studies, 5 Mar. 2021

Critical notes on ‘platformised’ education: untangling privacy and data protection in postpandemic universities

Alexandra Giannopoulou, et al.

European Law Blog

Early leavers from education and training Denise Chircop; Eulalia Claros

European Parliament

EFQEA implementation: a Cedefop analysis and main findings Cedefop

El aprendizaje profesional: ¿un remedio para todos los males?


European Cultural Heritage Green Paper. Putting Europe’s shared heritage at the heart of the European Green Deal

Potts, A. (Lead Author)

Europa Nostra in partnership with ICOMOS


How many apprentices are there in the EU? Estimates based on Cedefop database on apprenticeship schemes and reflections on available EU data sources


Making the European Education Area a reality: state of affairs, challenges and prospects

Jacques Lecarte, et al.

European Parliament

Opportunity, presence and entrepreneurship: why the EU acts externally on higher education

Carsten Gerards, et al.

JCMS, 15 March 2021

Perspectives on policy and practice. Tapping into the potential of big data for skills policy


Teachers in Europe. Careers, development and well-being Eurydice

The futures of cooperation in European governance: Brexit and the European knowledge policies

Amélia Veiga

European Journal of Education, 5 March 2021

Títulos universitarios internacionacionalizados: ¿es posible en pandemia?

Eva M. de la Torre

Universídad: el blog de Studia XXI

Governança i Institucions

¿Es Europa occidental realmente un faro para la democracia y las libertades civiles?

Xesc Mainzer Cardell

El Europeísta, 30 marzo 2021

Advancing the 2030 Agenda Post-Corona: what role for the G20 Italian Presidency?

Geert Laporte and Vera Mazzara IAI Commentaries

Blessing or curse for congruence? How interest mobilization affects congruence between citizens and elected representatives

Iskander De Bruycker, et al.

JCMS, 19 January 2021


Capitalising on a crisis? Assessing the impact of Covid-19 on populist parties in western Europe

Brett Meyer

LSE, March 16th, 2021

Conferencing about the Future of Europe Matej Avbelj

Brexit Institute News, March 11, 2021

Constitutional engineering of state of exception regimes within the European Union Jörg Gerkrath

SSRN, Posted: 8 Mar 2021

Constitutional patriotism as Europe’s public philosophy? On the responsiveness of post-national law

Paul Linden-Retek

iCourts Working Paper Series, No. 229

Countering democratic backsliding by EU Member States: constitutional pluralism and ‘value’ differentiated integration

Richard Bellamy, et al.

Swiss Political Science Review

Decentralized EU policy coordination in crisis? The case of Germany Christian Freudlsperger, et al.

JCMS, 18 March 2021

Defending checks and Balances in EU Member States von Bogdandy, Armin (editor)

Springer, 2021

Democratic institutions and prosperity: the benefits of an open society Gianluca Sgueo, et al.


Does the democratic performance really matter for regime support? Evidence from the post-communist Member States of the European Union

Thomas Karv

East European Politics, 11 Mar 2021

El retraso de las vacunaciones da alas a los euroescépticos y a los partidarios del Brexit

Alejandro Sánchez Berrocal, et al.

The Conversation, 29 marzo 2021


Europe in the age of permacrisis Fabian Zuleeg, et al.

European Policy Centre – Commentary European Government

Ferenc Gräff

Enlightened Europism

European leaders are facing their Armageddon Rosa Balfour

Carnegie Europe

European legal tradition and the (hidden) discretionary powers of Member States Monika Marton

SSRN, Posted: 10 Mar 2021

European outliers? Rethinking Europeanisation and Euroscepticism in Britain and Denmark

Adrian Favell, et al.

European Societies, 19 Mar 2021

European Parliament involvement in scrutinising the Recovery and Resilience Facility Cristina Dias; Isabel Lara Miranda

European Parliament

Europe's new technocracy: boundaries of public participation in EU institutions Matthew Wood

JCMS, 25 March 2021

Euroscepticism and the future of Europe

Michael Kaeding, Johannes Pollak, and Paul Schmidt (ed.) Springer, 2020

EU-topia? A critique of the European Union as a model Lenz, Tobias and Kalypso Nicolaidis

Culture, Practice and Europeanization 4(2): 78-101.

Evidence for policy-making. Foresight-based scientific advice Lieve Van Woense

European Parliament

From finalité politique to multifinalité: theoretical basis explaining the turn in the process of defining the future of the European Union

Janusz Ruszkowski

Romanian Journal of European Affairs, Vol 20, No 2, December 2020


Fundamental rights as constraints to and triggers for differentiated integration Elena Bertolini, et al.

Swiss Political Science Review, 14 March 2021

Holding frequent national elections may lead to lower turnout in European Parliament elections

Jeffrey Nonnemacher LSE, March 17th, 2021

How to achieve impact on policy?. Today we face major policy challenges, which cannot be solved without scientific evidence

European Commission’s Joint Research Centre

How transnational party alliances in the European Union facilitate learning between national political parties

Roman Senninger, et al.

LSE, March 10th, 2021

Illiberal trends and anti-EU politics in East Central Europe Lorenz, Astrid; Anders, Lisa H. (editors)

Palgrave Macmillan, 2021

Interest in European matters: a glass three-quarters full?

Francesco Papadia, et al.

Bruegel – Working Paper, issue 5

Introduction Poland and Germany in the European Union Kirch, Anna-Lena, et al.

Taylor and Francis, 2021

Les Verts feront tout pour que la Conférence sur l’avenir de l’Europe soit un succès!

Entretien avec Franziska Brantner Entretien d’Europe 106

Na “casa das máquinas” da União Europeia José Manuel Durâo Barroso

Nova Cidadania, n.73

Nationalism, patriotism, and support for the European Union Leonie Huddy, et al.

Political Psychology, 5 March 2021

One for one and none for all – The Radical Right in the European Parliament Matthias Diermeier; Hannah Frohwein & Aljoscha Nau

LSE ‘Europe in Question’ Discussion Paper Series 167


Outlook for the meetings of EU leaders on 25-26 March 2021 Suzana Anghel and Ralf Drachenberg

European Parliament Political system (vol. 3) Ferenc Gräff

Enlightened Europism Political system (vol. 4) Ferenc Gräff

Enlightened Europism

Political whistleblowing in the European Union: official secrets, freedom of expression and the rule of law

Vigjilenca Abazi

Transparency and Secrecy in European Democracies (Routledge, 2021) Political work in the stability and growth pact

Frédéric Mérand

Journal of European Public Policy, 22 Mar. 2021

Power and the COVID-19 pandemic: beyond the separation of powers?

Jan van Zyl Smit

Reconnect Blog, March 24, 2021

Presidência Portuguesa do Conselho da União Europeia Nova Cidadania N.º 73 (Janeiro 2021 - Abril 2021)

Problematising the role of the EU in territorial sovereignty conflicts Nikos Skoutaris

SSRN, Posted: 22 Mar 2021

Procedural politics revisited: institutional incentives and jurisdictional ambiguity in EU competence disputes

Michal Ovádek

JCMS, 16 March 2021

Public preferences for differentiated integration – The European “community of projects” as solution and challenge for European legitimacy

Martin Moland

SSRN, Posted: 19 Mar 2021

Reform of the Comitology Regulation Rafał Mańko

European Parliament


Should the Coronavirus Accelerate European Integration?

Judy Dempsey Carnegie Europe

Six ways to make the Conference on the Future of Europe a success Bent Noerby Bonde; Roger Casale

The Parliament Magazine, 19 Mar 2021

The ambiguity of leaks: transparency and secrecy in the EU Vigjilenca Abazi

Transparency and Secrecy in European Democracies (Routledge, 2021) The Conference on the Future of Europe: comparing the Joint Declaration to institutions’ expectations

Johannes Greubel European Policy Centre

The Conference on the Future of Europe: Mind the gaps!

Corina Stratulat; Janis Emmanouilidis European Policy Centre – Commentary

The Conference on the Future of Europe: Relaunching the EU after Brexit and Covid- 19

Federico Fabbrini

Brexit Institute News, March 10, 2021

The Conference on the Future of Europe: tackling differentiated integration Nicoletta Pirozzi

IAI Commentaries

The European Union and regional economic integration. Creating collective public goods – Past, present and future

Iain Begg

European Parliament

The European Union as ‘militant democracy’?

Signe Rehling Larsen

iCourts Working Paper Series, No. 232

The next 10 years: how Europe can shape and create a "good future"

Gerd Leonhard

European Liberal Forum – Policy Paper 2

The political attitudes of divided European citizens Lahusen, Christian

Taylor and Francis, 2021


The politics of differentiated integration: what do governments want? Country Report – Hungary

Anna Kyriazi

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Research Paper No. 2021/05

The promise and perils of direct democracy for the European Union: referendums and the European Citizens' Initiative

Fernando Mendez, et al.

Cambridge Yearbook of European Legal Studies (2017) Volume 19 The rhetoric of inaction: failing to fail forward in the EU’s rule of law crisis Cassandra Emmons, et al.

SSRN, Posted: 18 Mar 2021

The trap of geopolitics: rethinking EU strategic communication Domenico Valenza

CEPOB, #3.21 (March 2021)

Understanding the European Commission's right to withdraw legislative proposals Silvia Kotanidis

European Parliament

Understanding the role of European Council summits in reaching the Good Friday Agreement

Darren Litter

LSE, March 26th, 2021


Happy birthday ERTA! 50 years of the implied external powers doctrine in EU Law Graham Butler, et al.

European Law Blog, 31 March 2021 Henri Rieben 100 ans

Fondation Jean Monnet pour l’Europe

Memory and the integration. The European parliament’s 2019 resolution on European remembrance as a case study

Davide Barile

Journal of European Integration, 23 Mar 2021

Talking about Europe: exploring 70 years of news archives Enrico Bergamini, et al.

Bruegel – Working Paper, issue 4


The Potsdam Conference - An alternative to the Cold War?

Alexander Borisov

SSRN, Posted: 1 Mar 2021

Treaty of Rome - reading references Library Blog

General Secretariat of the Council, 25 March 2021 What if Covid-19 had happened under Jean Monnet?

Michael Meyer-Resende EuObserver, 31 Mar. 2021

Igualtat de Gènere

Breaking down barriers Frances Fitzgerald interview

The Parliament Magazine, 2 Mar 2021

Changes in the study abroad gender gap: a European cross‐country analysis Giorgio Di Pietro

Higher Education Quarterly, 13 March 2021

Combating gender-based violence: cyber violence. European added value assessment

Niombo Lomba; Cecilia Navarra and Meenakshi Fernandes European Parliament

Comunicación inclusiva en la Secretaría General del Consejo Oficina de Publicaciones de la Unión Europea, 2018

COVID-19 derails gender equality gains

European Institute for Gender Equality, 5.3.2021

EU urged to take action against ‘dark money’ targeting women’s rights Kerry Cullinan

openDemocracy, 26 March 2021

Gender equality in the college of the European Court of Auditors Michaela Franke; Leonor Casaca Franco

European Parliament

Gender equality in Tunisia: The EU’s tripartite dialogue Sarah Wolff

Mediterranean Politics, 23 Mar 2021


IWD 2021: The broken rung Grace McLoughlin

The Parliament Magazine, 8 Mar 2021

IWD 2021: The weight of the world on women's shoulders Evelyn Regner

The Parliament Magazine, 8 Mar 2021

Living, working and COVID-19: Impact on gender equality Maria Jepsen


Obstacles to the free movement of rainbow families in the EU Alina Tryfonidou, et al.

European Parliament

Persistent efforts and opportune moments: women’s groups and gender quota adoption in Central and Eastern Europe

Anja Vojvodic

East European Politics, 24 Mar 2021

The Bauhaus movement: where are the women?

Ivana Katsarova European Parliament

The coronavirus crisis: an emerging gender divide?

Giulio Sabbati and Marie Lecerf European Parliament

The EU and LGBTI activism in the MENA – The case of Lebanon Assem Dandashly

Mediterranean Politics, 4 Mar 2021

The gender gap in the EU’s public employment and leadership. Mapping promising measures for gender equality and equal opportunities in the EU27

Clara Cotroneo, et al.

European Parliament

Why Iceland isn't the gender paradise you think Grant Wyeth

EuObserver – Opinion, 6 Apr. 2021

Women in arts and culture − Artists, not muses Magdalena Pasikowska-Schnass

European Parliament


Women in foreign affairs and international security. Still far from gender equality Elena Lazarou and Ionel Zamfir

European Parliament

Women in front of and behind the camera: still struggling with inequality Ivana Katsarova

European Parliament

Women's rights and well-being in a post-Covid world: Internet of things (IoT) and related abuses, new ways of working, teleworking, tele-learning, unpaid care and housework, women in leadership and decision-making process

Martina Schonard, et al.

European Parliament

Justícia i Dret

¿Pasaportes covid? La protección de datos vuelve al debate europeo Juan Fernando López Aguilar

The Huffington Post, 25/03/2021

‘Déjà vu’ en Karlsruhe Guillermo Iñiguez

Agenda Pública, 27 marzo 2021

A German judge: my fears on rule of law in EU Dirk Wedel

EuObserver - Opinion, 7 Apr.

After 50 years, where do Roma rights stand now?

Romeo Franz

EuObserver - Opinion, 8 Apr.

Anti-money-laundering package 2021. Strengthening the framework Eckhard Binder

European Parliament

Crime, safety and victims’ rights – Summary European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Data protection clashes with data sharing: how will the EU reconcile its two aims?

Susanna Lindroos-Hovinheimo European Law Blog


Digital green certificate Maria Niestadt

European Parliament

Disability in EU Copyright Law Caterina Sganga

Research Handbook on EU Disability Law (Edward Elgar, 2020), pp.201-220 Eficacia horizontal de las reglas de competencia judicial internacional en el

Reglamento nº 1215/2012 (observaciones al hilo de una cuestión prejudicial retirada) Requejo Isidro, Marta

Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional, vol.13, n.1, 2021

El centro de intereses del deudor persona fisica en el Reglamento Europeo 848/2015 sobre procedimientos de insolvencia

Nerea Magallon Elósegui

Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional, vol.13, n.1, 2021

El derecho a la información de las ADR de consumo tras el caso C-380/19 Catalán Chamorro, María José

Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional, vol.13, n.1, 2021

El Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea como garante de derechos constitucionales en los Estados: la doctrina Taricco

Enrique de Miguel Canuto

Revista de Derecho Político, n.110, 2021 Electronic evidence in criminal matters Piotr Bąkowski and Sofija Voronova European Parliament

Establishing a computerised system for communication in cross-border civil and criminal proceedings (e-CODEX)

Vera Vikolainen European Parliament

Establishing a Corporate Responsibility Ombudsman: enhancing remedy through state-based non-judicial mechanisms?

Juho Saloranta

Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 1-21, 2021 EU Anti-Racism Action Plan: why we shouldn't judge a book by its cover Tineke Strik

The Parliament Magazine, 19 Mar 2021


EU legislation and policies to fight racial and ethnic discrimination David de Groot

European Parliament

EU rule of law practices – systemic implications of the EU legal order Barbara Grabowska-Moroz


EU Vaccination Certificates should NOT be Equated with COVID-19 Vaccination Passports

Strahinja Subotić

European Policy Centre

Examen de las cláusulas abusivas en el contrato de fianza. A propósito de la fianza solidaria y la renuncia a los beneficios de orden, división y excusión

Manuel Ángel Gómez Valenzuela

Actualidad Jurídica Iberoamericana, n.14, 2021

How the European Citizens’ Initiative ‘Water and Sanitation is a Human Right!’

changed EU discourse on water services provision Jerry van den Berge, et al.

Utrecht Law Review, Vol. 16, No. 2, p. 48-59, 2020

La aplicación del derecho extranjero en Iberoamérica y la Unión Europea:

paralelismos desde la diferencia Carlos Esplugues

Revista Boliviana de Derecho, 2021, nº 31

La Carta de Derechos Fundamentales de la Unión Europea en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal Constitucional Español en procesos de amparo

Santiago Ripoll Carulla

Freedom, Security & Justice: European Legal Studies, n.1, 2021

La ignorancia del reconocimiento automático de resoluciones en materia de derecho de alimentos europeo. Una resolución paralela

Silvia Recuenco Pérez

Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional, vol.13, n.1, 2021

La ley aplicable al divorcio y la elegancia de la norma de conflicto. Apostillas a la sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea de 16 julio 2020

Javier Carrascosa González

Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional, vol.13, n.1, 2021


La tutela transfronteriza de los derechos de la personalidad en la Unión Europea Marina Cedeño Hernán

Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional, vol.13, n.1, 2021 La UE ante el derecho antidiscriminatorio

Juan Fernando López Aguilar The Huffington Post, 11/03/2021

Las actividades del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo en 2019 Nikolai Atanassov

Parlamento Europeo

National Paths on implementing EU GDPR: a legal approach Tatiana Camelia Dogaru

Curierul judiciar

Perceptions of the independence of judges in Europe van Dijk, Frans

Palgrave Macmillan, 2021

Polonia ante el principio de confianza mutua en el Espacio de Libertad, Seguridad y Justicia de la UE

Justyna Bazylińska-Nagler

Revista de Derecho Político, n.110, 2021

Presumption of innocence and related rights ― professional perspectives European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Private law and housing justice in Europe Irina Domurath, et al.

Modern Law Review 2020

Protección de datos personales en el ámbito sanitario y de investigación biomédica:

una visión europea Aitziber Emaldi Cirión

Actualidad Jurídica Iberoamericana, n.14, febrero 2021 Racism kills in Europe too

Hilde Vautmans

The Parliament Magazine

Ready for racial justice: tackling structural racism in the EU Alfiaz Vaiya

The Parliament Magazine, 18 Mar 2021


Roma and travellers in six countries ― Technical report European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights

Schengen borders code revision of Regulation (EU) 2016/399 Hannah Ahamad Madatali

European Parliament, March 2021

Shadow opinion of former Advocate-General Sharpston: headscarves at work (Cases C-804/18 and C-341/19)

Eleanor Sharpston QC

EU Law Analysis, 23 March 2021

Some lessons from Transparency International’s 2020 Corruption Perceptions Index Celeste Kubasta and Claude Wendling

IMF PFM Blog, March 29, 2021

The added value of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: at the intersection of legal systems

Elise Muir

Jean Monnet Working Paper 15/20

The CJEU and EU (De)constitutionalization—Unpacking jurisprudential strategies Carolyn Moser, et al.

Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law & International Law (MPIL) Research Paper No. 2021-09

The EU’s contractual relations and the arbitration clause: disputes at the Court of Justice of the European Union

Graham Butler

European Law Review, Volume 46, 2021

The interaction of the medical device regulation and the GDPR: Do European rules on privacy and scientific research impair the safety & performance of AI medical devices?

Janos Meszaros, et al.

In: I. Glenn Cohen, Timo Minssen, W. Nicholson Price II, Christopher Robertson, and Carmel Shachar. The Future of Medical Device Regulation: Innovation and

Protection, Cambridge University Press

The quotation exception under EU copyright Law: paving the way for user rights Stavroula Karapapa

Rosati, E. (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of EU Copyright Law (Routledge: London and New York, 2021)


The right of reproduction Caterina Sganga

E.Rosati (ed), Research Handbook on EU Copyright Law, Routledge, 2021 (Ch.6) The systemic implications of the vertical layering of the legal orders in the EU for the practice of the rule of law

Barbara Grabowska-Moroz Reconnect

The tenacity of the couple-norm. Intimate citizenship regimes in a changing Europe Sasha Roseneil, et al.

UCL Press University College London, 2020

Towards stronger equality bodies for an equal Europe?

Tamás Kádár

Equinet, March 19, 2021

Tuning EU equality law to algorithmic discrimination: three pathways to resilience Raphaële Xenidis

SSRN, Posted: 8 Mar 2021

Medi Ambient i Canvi Climàtic

A desperate need for new solutions in the EU methane strategy Asger Christensen

The Parliament Magazine, 18 Mar 2021 A fossil-free TEN-E regulation

CAN Europe

A holistic approach for Europe's methane strategy Maria Spyraki

The Parliament Magazine, 18 Mar 2021

A whole-economy carbon price for Europe and how to get there Ottmar Edenhofer et al.

Bruegel – Policy Contribution, issue 6

An energy policy for ASEAN? Lessons from the EU experience on energy integration, security, and decarbonization

Ivan Diaz-Rainey, et al.

ADBI Working Paper 1217


Assessing the level of energy and climate sustainability in the European Union countries in the context of the European Green Deal strategy and Agenda 2030 Magdalena Tutak; Jarosław Brodny; Peter Bindzár

Energies, 22 March 2021

Can nature get it right?. A study on rights of nature in the European context Jan Darpö

European Parliament

Candidate projects for the 5th PCI list: a final push for fossil gas?

CAN Europe - Policy Briefing

Comparative energy regionalism: North America and the European Energy Community

Lior Herman, et al.

Review of Policy Research, 12 March 2021 Comparative renewables policy

Boasson, Elin Lerum, et al. (editors) Taylor & Francis, 2021

Domestic cats (felis catus) and European nature conservation law - Applying the EU Birds and Habitats Directives to a significant but neglected threat to wildlife

Arie Trouwborst, et al.

Journal of Environmental Law, 2020, 32(3) p. 391-415

Energy efficiency directive. Review and revision of Directive 2012/27/EU, amended by Directive 2018/2002/EU

Anna Zygierewicz with Lucia Salvador Sanz European Parliament

Energy, electricity and smart frids in Latvia and Portugal – Developments and concerns

Rafael Leal-Arcas, et al.

2 KY. J. Equine, Agri., & Nat. Resources L. Vol. 12, pp. 1-70 EU climate action policy. Responding to the global emergency Gregor Erbach

European Parliament

EU Methane Strategy: Prospects for a secure horizon Marcos Ros Sempere

The Parliament Magazine, 19 Mar 2021


EU’s Energy Taxation Directive review crucial to achieving transition to a clean, carbon-free economy

César Luena

The Parliament Magazine, 4 Mar 2021

Evaluation of the EIB Group Risk Enhancement Mandate European Investment Bank

Form a climate club: United States, European Union and China Simone Tagliapietra, et al.

Nature – Comment, 23 March 2021

How trade unions lobby the EU over emissions trading Adrien Thomas

LSE, April 12th, 2021

Improved framework conditions for a more entrepreneurial, innovative and sustainable EU

Niklas Elert, et al.

SSRN, Posted: 29 Mar 2021

La lucha contra el cambio climático y la agricultura María García Rodríguez

Economistas, n.171, 2021

Living in the EU: circular economy Giulio Sabbati, et al.

European Parliament

Measuring the progress towards circular economy in European Union countries Nicolae Pintilie

Business Excellence and Management, vol.11, issue 1

Plan de recuperación, estado de derecho, transparencia y evaluación ambiental Ana Barreira López

Agenda Pública, 3 marzo 2021

Régimen jurídico de los gaseoductos internacionales con terceros países en España, tras la reforma llevada a cabo por la Directiva núm. 692/2019, de 17 de abril de 2019, y su transposición mediante el Real Decreto-Ley núm. 34/2020, de 17 de noviembre de 2020

Iñigo del Guayo Castiella

Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional, vol.13, n.1 (2021)


Renewable Energy Directive. Revision of Directive (EU) 2018/2001 Anna Zygierewicz with Lucia Salvador Sanz

European Parliament

Shall we accept the precautionary principle in all fields of environmental protection?

Testing the customary international law status of the precautionary principle of international environmental law

Dessie Tilahun Ayalew SSRN, Posted: 4 Mar 2021

Shaping the Europe of 2050: healthier, cleaner and more resilient Hans Bruyninckx

EEA Newsletter 01/2021

Sustainability in the European Union: analyzing the discourse of the European Green Deal

Eva Eckert; Oleksandra Kovalevska

Journal of Risk and Financial Management, 17 February 2021

Technical assessment of progress towards a cleaner Mediterranean. Monitoring and reporting results for Horizon 2020 regional initiative

European Environment Agency – Report 8/2020

The city climate finance gap fund. The gap fund paves the way for low-carbon, resilient and liveable cities

European Investment Bank (EIB) and the World Bank, 2 Mar 2021

The disappearance of ice cover on temperate lakes (Central Europe) as a result of climate warming

Mariusz Ptak, et al.

The Geographical Journal, 13 March 2021

The EU can’t separate climate policy from foreign policy. How to make the European Green Deal succeed

Mark Leonard, et al.

Bruegel – Opinion, March 5, 2021

The European Investment Bank in China. 25 years of progress on climate and development

EIB, 11 Mar 2021

The future of clean energy. Hydrogen and Europe's energy system Roland Kulke; Stephen Schindler

Transform! Europe, 24 Mar 21


The role of the Commission in intergovernmental agreements in the field of energy.

A foot in the door technique?

Francesca Batzella JCMS, 10 March 2021

The Sustainable Energy Development Index—An application for European Union Member States

Magdalena Ligus, et al.

Energies, 20 February 2021

Urban sprawl and air quality in European cities: an empirical assessment Federica Cappelli, et al.

FEEM Working Paper No. 7.2021

Watering down the Aarhus Regulation – time to deliver an ‘adequate and effective remedy’

Tiina Paloniitty, et al.

European Law Blog, 11 March 2021

Mercat Únic i Empresa

A new era for antitrust market definition

Viktoria Robertson, A new era for antitrust market definition, February 2021, Concurrences N° 1-2021, Art. N° 98669, pp. 84-92

Ámbito material del Reglamento Bruselas I bis, prácticas comerciales desleales (B2C) y acciones colectivas de cesación: comentario a la STJUE MOVIC BV (C- 73/19)

Anna María Ruiz Martín

Cuadernos de Derecho Transnacional, vol.13, n.1 (2021) Ayudas empresariales: más fácil anunciarlas que ejecutarlas José Moisés Martín

Agenda Económica, 11 marzo 2021

Being numerous does not yield efficiency - Productivity and entry-exit determinants in European business services

Henk L.M. Kox, et al.

SSRN, Posted: 22 Mar 2021

Bridging the political divides over industrial strategy Frederico Mollet

European Policy Centre – Commentary, 17.3.2021


COVID-19 crisis and screening of foreign direct investments in EU privatized companies

Thomas Papadopoulos

International Trade Law & Regulation, 2021, issue 27(1), pages 54-75

Determinants of enterprises’ capital structure in energy industry: evidence from European Union

Jacek Jaworski; Leszek Czerwonka Energies, 28 March 2021

El traslado transfronterizo y la determinación de la ley aplicable (Lex Societatis) en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea

Álvaro Bueno Biot

Actualidad Jurídica Iberoamericana, n.14, febrero 2021

EU actions to overcome challenges of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) Nazareno Braito, et al.

European Parliament

EU-China Comprehensive Agreement on Investment. Levelling the playing field with China

Gisela Grieger

European Parliament

European Court of Justice scores a brace: analysing the Bosman ruling and its impact upon the emergence of a single market and unrestricted movement of free agents and foreign nationals in the light of transfer fee conundrum and '3+2' nationality rule

Devansh Garg

SSRN, Posted: 9 Mar 2021

Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on EU industries Jan Maarten De Vet, et al.

European Parliament

Key figures on European business. Statistics Illustrated - 2021 edition Eurostat

New EU insolvency rules could underpin business rescue in the COVID-19 aftermath Alexander Lehmann

Bruegel – Blog


On the competition and transparency in public procurement during COVID-19 Pandemic in European Union

Matus Kubak, et al.

SSRN, Posted: 28 Mar 2021

Políticas para la competencia en servicios de interés económico general. El caso del servicio postal en la UE

Carlos Pateiro Rodríguez, et al.

Economía UNAM, vol.18, n.52, enero-abril, 2021

Private enforcement of the EU rules on competition – Nullity neglected Hanns Ullrich

Max Planck Institute for Innovation & Competition Research Paper No. 21-09 Putting the China-EU investment agreement in perspective – and assessing the lessons for the UK

Robert Basedow

LSE, March 23rd, 2021

Reforming EU company law to secure the future of European business Beate Sjåfjell

University of Oslo - Faculty of Law Research Paper No. 2021-05 State aid to enterprises in France, Germany, Italy and Spain Raymond Torres

Funcas Europe, 30th. March 2021

Staying afloat: new measures to support European businesses Alfred Kammer and Laura Papi

IMF Blog

The Dovera-saga: Peace of mind for solidarity or cold feet for EU competition law?

Joris Gruyters European Law Blog

The EU’s unwarranted attack on big tech Tom Spencer


The EU-China comprehensive agreement on investment is oversold Bigyan Babi Regmi


The impact of COVID-19 on the internal market J. Scott Marcus, et al.

European Parliament


Updating the European industrial strategy for the post-pandemic world Marta Pilati; Frederico Mollet

European Policy Centre – Policy Brief

Migració i Asil

(De)politicizing the migration development nexus in Europe Nathan Lauwers, et al.

The JCMS Blog, 22 Mar 2021

Altruism, euro-expertise and open EU legal opportunity structure: empirical insights on legal mobilization before the CJEU in the migration field

Virginia Passalacqua

SSRN, Posted: 23 Mar 2021 Common procedure for asylum Anita Orav

European Parliament

COVID-19 vaccination for applicants and beneficiaries of international protection Situational Update (Issue n.1)


Data on returns of irregular migrants Maria Díaz Crego; Eulalia Clarós European Parliament

Desplazamientos transnacionales dentro de la UE: el requerimiento de visado de los nacionales de terceros países

Salamanca Caballero, Iván

Revista Jurídica de Castilla y León, n.53

Did international mobility boost the Covid-19 pandemic? Questioning a commonplace idea

Ettore Recchi and Alessandro Ferrara EUI Blogs

EASO Newsletter on Asylum Case Law, n.1/2021 European Asylum Support Office

EASO Strategy on Reception European Asylum Support Office


EU Pact on Migration & Asylum: how can we ensure the effectiveness of national monitoring mechanisms?

Birgit Van Hout

The Parliament Magazine, 15 Mar 2021 Eurodac – 2020 statistics

European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA)

Externalizing migration management through soft law: the case of the memorandum of understanding between Libya and Italy

Martino Reviglio Global Jurist, 20(1).

From the migration crisis to the New Pact on Migration and Asylum: the status quo problem

Leila Hadj-Abdou

BRIDGE Network Working Paper 11, 2021

Frontex investigations: what changes in the EU border agency's accountability?

Ilaria Aversa; Mariana Gkliati Statewatch – Analyses

Frontex operations outside the EU Statewatch – Analyses

Greece’s response to the European refugee crisis: a tale of two securitizations Dionysios Stivas

Mediterranean Politics, 30 Mar 2021

Immigration and voting patterns in the European Union: evidence from five case studies and cross-country analysis

Ethan Grumstrup, et al.

IZA Discussion Paper No. 14164

Interdiction in the Mediterranean sea: from unilateral to multilateral cooperation Maria-Louiza Deftou, et al.

in Amy Nethery, Asher Hirsch and Azadeh Dastyari(eds.), Externalisation as the new norm?, Routledge 2021

Micro-harmonisation of the fundamental right to an effective judicial remedy in the proposed return Directive and beyond: a dangerous path?

Elise Muir, et al.

Center for European Policy Studies 2020


Net migration and its skill composition in the Western Balkan countries between 2010 and 2019: results from a cohort approach

Sandra M. Leitner

Vienna Institute for International Economic Studies - Policy Notes and Reports 47 Pushbacks at The EU’s external borders

Anja Radjenovic EPRS Blog

Recast Eurodac regulation Anita Orav

European Parliament, March 2021 Recasting the return Directive Maria Diaz Crego

European Parliament, March 2021

Refugee allocation mechanisms: theory and applications for the European Union Petros Xepapadeas, et al.

SSRN, Posted: 29 Mar 2021

Refugee and forced migrant crisis: a European problem Pablo Rafael Banchio

SSRN, Posted: 17 Mar 2021

Report from 'Fortress Europe': the annulment of the right to asylum by the European Union and its Member States

Monika Mokre Transform! Europe SIS II – 2020 statistics

European Union Agency for the Operational Management of Large-Scale IT Systems in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (eu-LISA)

The EU Pact on Migration and Asylum: a missed opportunity to strengthen protection against human trafficking?

Gillian Kane

Crossroads Europe

The EU’s legal migration acquis: patching up the patchwork Tesseltje de Lange; Kees Groenendijk

European Policy Centre – Issue Papers


The politicization of the migration–Development nexus: parliamentary discourse on the European Union Trust Fund on Migration

Nathan Lauwers, et al.

JCMS, 9 March 2021

Periodisme i Mitjans de Comunicació

Exitomania, the propaganda machine that can destroy the European Union Tanase Tasente

Technium Social Sciences Journal, 1(1), 31–40

Facebook’s power to mobilize fans in the electoral campaign. Case study: 2019 European Parliamentary elections in Romania

Tanase Tasente

Technium Social Sciences Journal, 4(1), 55–62

Talking about Europe: exploring 70 years of news archives Enrico Bergamini, et al.

Bruegel – Working Paper, issue 4

Política Exterior

A more balanced US-EU strategic equation: reshaping the transatlantic relationship Brice DIDIER

CEPOB #2.21

A new neighbourhood, development and international cooperation instrument – Global Europe

Beatrix Immenkamp European Parliament

A new start for the Mediterranean Josep Borrell

European External Action Service

Back to democracy: Europe, Hamas, and the Palestinian elections Hugh Lovatt

European Council on Foreign Relations – Policy Brief, 18 March 2021


Between democracy and authoritarianism in Central & Eastern Europe and the Western Balkans

Miroslava Sawiris Globsec

China in the broader Black Sea region Alexandra Martin (coord.)


Claves para reactivar la asociación UE-CELAC y encauzar la globalización del futuro Anna Ayuso

CIDOB Notes internacionals 247

Conflict and renewed sanctions threaten Myanmar's pursuit of the sustainable development goals

Linda Calabrese

IAI Commentaries 14, March 2021

De-securitising and re-prioritising EU-Iraq relations Flavia Fusco

IAI Commentaries 18, March 2021

Elecciones en Kosovo: un voto de cambio que incomoda a la UE Pol Bargués-Pedreny

CIDOB Opinion 655

EU crash course in geopolitics: lessons from the foreign policy 'battlefield' Ricardo Borges de Castro

European Policy Centre – Commentary, 31/03/2021

EU democracy projection in the Southern Mediterranean a practice analysis Anna Khakee, et al.

Mediterranean Politics, 1 Mar 2021 Europa entre Estados Unidos y China Antonio R. Rubio Plo

Elcano Blog, 26.3.2021

European foreign policy in times of Covid-19 Josep Borrell Fontelles

EU External Action

European-Russian power relations in turbulent times

Cross, Mai'a K. Davis; Karolewski, Ireneusz Pawel (editors) University of Michigan Press, 2021


EU–Russia relations: adding insult to injury Amanda Paul; Ivano di Carlo

European Policy Centre – Commentary, 24/03/2021 EU-Turkey relations: the need to build bridges Josep Borrell

European Union External Action

External differentiated integration: the modalities of Turkey’s opting into the European Union

Meltem Müftüler-Baç

Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies Research Paper No. RSCAS 2021/19 Happy birthday ERTA! 50 years of the implied external powers doctrine in EU law Graham Butler, et al.

European Law Blog, 31 March 2021

How to revive multilateralism in a multipolar world?

Josep Borrell

European External Action Service, 16/03/2021

Is the EU-China comprehensive agreement on investment a diplomatic loss for the EU?

Ashley Tan

EPiCENTER, 26 February 2021

L’aide publique au développement doit se recentrer sur l’agriculture et l’éducation en Afrique

Louis Caudron

Question d’Europe 587

La peligrosa estrategia de Estados Unidos y la OTAN en Europa Manlio Dinucci

Red Voltaire, 3 Marzo 2021

La Unión Europea y América Latina. Por una alianza estratégica en el mundo post- covid-19

Javier López

Análisis Carolina, n.2, 2021

Le Partenariat oriental entre résilience et ingérences Pierre Mirel

Question d’Europe n.589


New EU-Africa strategy moves beyond donor-recipient relationship Janina Ochojska

The Parliament Magazine, 4 Mar 2021

No more Gouda in Moscow? Distributive effects of the imposition of sanctions Michal Onderco, et al.

JCMS, 22 March 2021

Nueva estrategia UE-África - Una asociación para un desarrollo sostenible e integrador

Eric Pichon

Parlamento Europeo

Operation IRINI and the search for peace in Libya Josep Borrell

European External Action Service, 21/03/2021

Outside‐in politicization of EU–Western Africa relations: what role for civil society rgoanizations?

Friedrich Plank, et al.

JCMS, 9 March 2021 Pandemia, vacuna y poder Eduard Soler i Lecha CIDOB Opinion 660

Política exterior de Turquía en el Mediterráneo: conflicto y continuidad Marc Saurina

Fundación Alternativas – Documento de Trabajo n.107

Politicization of EU development policy: the role of EU external perceptions (case of Ukraine)

Natalia Chaban, et al.

JCMS, 9 March 2021

Push back, contain, and engage: how the EU should approach relations with Russia Carl Bildt, et al.

European Council on Foreign Relations – Policy Brief, 25 March 2021

Rejecting the Transatlantic outsourcing of data protection in the face of unrestrained surveillance

Monika Zalnieriute, et al.

UNSW Law Research Paper No. 21-32


Sanctions extraterritoriales américaines. Vous avez dit autonomie stratégique européenne?

Marie-Hélène Bérard, et al.

Europe dans le monde, Mars 2021

Strategic autonomy: a spectrum of choices for the EU and Ireland Alexander Conway


Syria: ten years on we still need a political solution that addresses the root causes of the conflict

Josep Borrell

European External Action Service

The case for a Blue Dragon: facing China as a confident democracy Marie-Anne Brouillon, et al.

Wilfried Martens Centre – Blog

The economic implication of the EU-UA data privacy relationship on its bilateral digital trade activities

Seth Azubuike

SSRN, Posted: 30 Mar 2021

The EU can’t separate climate policy from foreign policy. How to make the European Green Deal succeed

Mark Leonard, et al.

Bruegel – Opinion

The EU Is a dishonest broker on Western Balkan demographics Allison Carragher

Carnegie Europe

The EU needs a strategic approach for the Indo-Pacific Josep Borrell

European External Action Service

The European Investment Bank in China. 25 years of progress on climate and development

European Investment Bank

The European Union and the multilateral system. Lessons from past experience and future challenges

David O’Sullivan European Parliament


The ICC probe into Palestine: where is the EU?

Rasmus Alenius Boserup EuObserver – Opinion, 30 Mar.

The occidental perspective of the accession negotiations between Turkey and the European Union

Emilia Nicoleta Schiop

Journal of Advanced Research in Social Sciences and Humanities, 4(6), 224-231 The other Russia – Europe’s best bet

Barbara von Ow-Freytag Wilfried Martens Centre – Blog

The price of a positive EU-Turkey agenda Marc Pierini

Carnegie Europe

The time for EU’s common foreign policy is now Kinga Brudzińska; Shane Markowitz


The trap of geopolitics: rethinking EU strategic communication Domenico Valenza

CEPOB, #3.21

Useful enemies: how the Turkey-UAE rivalry is remaking the Middle East Asli Aydıntaşbaş, et al.

European Council on Foreign Relations – Policy Brief, 15 March 2021 Vaccinating the world: the EU is doing more than it gets credit for Josep Borrell

European External Action Service

Why did they comply? External incentive model, role-playing and socialization in the alignment of sanctions against Russia in Albania and Montenegro

Tereza Marosková, et al.

Journal of European Integration, 29 Mar 2021 Why Europe need not fail over human rights Judy Dempsey

Carnegie Europe

Will the new EU-Africa strategy substantially improve relations with African countries?

Joachim Schuster

The Parliament Magazine, 4 Mar 2021


Política Regional i Desenvolupament Urbà

¿Existe sesgo político en el reparto municipal de los fondos regionales? El ejemplo de la Región de Murcia

Ana-María Ríos, et al.

Investigaciones Regionales n.49

Achieving the objectives of EU cohesion policy – The case of intra-regional disparities in Bulgaria

Dimitar Hadjinikolov

Romanian Journal of European Affairs, Vol 20, No 2, December 2020 Cohesion policy and climate change

Andrea Ciffolilli, et al.

Research4Committees – Blog

How are Europe’s cities adapting to climate change and moving to a sustainable future?

Ivone Pereira Martins

European Environment Agency

Islands of the European Union: State of play and future challenges Diána Haase, et al.

Research4Committees – Blog

La política de cohesión y el cambio climático Agnieszka Widuto

Parlamento Europeo

Political and legal conditionalities for the cohesion policy and CAP post-2020.

Between real issues and unjustified fears Aurelia-Ioana Chereji, et al.

Annals of the University of Oradea, Vol. XIX/A 2020

Promotion of electric mobility in the European Union—Overview of project

PROMETEUS from the perspective of cohesion through synergistic cooperation on the example of the catching-up region

František Pollák, et al.

Sustainability 2021, 13(3)

Réinventer les régions de France pour revivifier la citoyenneté Gérard-François Dumont

in: Jean-Philippe Atzenhoffer, Le Grand Est, une aberration économique, Barr, Le Verger éditeur, 2021, p. 9-19


Sustainable development goals in EU regions Agnieszka Widuto

European Parliamentary Research Service

Sustainable use of ICTs: regional opportunities and local action Rozália Klára Bakó

Reconect Working Papers, Vol. 10, No. 34, pp. 1–5.

Understanding the European Committee of the Regions Carmen-Cristina Cîrlig

European Parliament

Recerca i Innovació

A survey of the European Union's artificial intelligence ecosystem Charlotte Stix

SSRN, Posted: 2 Mar 2021

Analysis of innovation with data science: the case of Greece Thanasis Zoumpekas, et al.

SSRN, Posted: 15 Mar 2021

Artificial intelligence and governance. Going beyond ethics Michał Boni

Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies Artificial intelligence: reinforcing discrimination Sarah Chander

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Chips on our shoulder: is Europe neglecting design in its semiconductor strategy?

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European Policy Centre – Commentary, 04/03/2021

Commentary on “Regulatory Science and Innovation Programme for Europe (ReScIPE): A proposed model”

Alan Boyd

British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 20 March 2021

Comunicación científica en el espacio digital. Acciones de difusión de proyectos de investigación del programa H2020

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