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LETTER fram the EDITeR


Academic year: 2022

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LETTER fram the EDITeR

~is first issue of

..1iI NewStandpointsfor the new

"school year intertwines five rich -themes. The first focus is on the eventful history of the relationship between Britain and Europe, from de Gaulle"; veto to Blair's "bridge"

between the EU and the US. As an interesting counterpoint, we aise look at Scotland, which bath wants more independ- ence from the UK, and is more wholeheartedly European than its neighbour to the south.

Sport is another theme this issue, in honour of this season's Rugby World Cup, which is leading to cross- Channel language-Iearning situations and school exchanges.

Autumn and its seasonal festivities are here tao.

Of course, many autumn events are related to the harvest, which leads us to our final theme, food, a major concern in western societies. Although this Gan seem paradoxical when compared to the food short- ages in much of the world, food is nevertheless an important issue ln the wealthier nations, tao. From worries about obesity (especially in the upcoming generation) to concerns about the nutritional quality of what we eat, is science blinding us to the most basic qualities of food, like teste and sharing?

We hope you'lI notice and enjoy the changes we have made to New Standpoints, which has been refurbished to better meet the needs yeu, our read- ers, have expressed: improved legibility, new rubrics devoted to topical issues, practical advice for devel- oping spoken interaction in class, tips about common problems in classroom life, and material that Gan be used directly with your students in class.

We hope you'lI agree that there's great food for thought in this issue. Enjoy!


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erie-France Chen-Géré


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