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Birds of a tag flock together


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Birds of a tag flock together"


Texte intégral


Our goal: to help the user navigate in a social tagging graph

Navigation-based query construction

Online incremental query execution

Offline and online ranking and clustering

+ @serge + #social

- #marketing

Birds of a tag flock together

Workshop on Search in Social Media 2010

Social tagging data R(user,tag,item)

Affinity between

users, tags and items

Clusters of users, tags and items

CiteULike, delicious, MovieLens Serge Abiteboul, Sihem Amer-Yahia, Alban Galland, Amélie Marian, Pierre Senellart

Item partition



Tag partition

User partition

#SSM Item cloud

Tag cloud

User cloud


Chi07Understanding Harvey09Folksonomic









Online Offline

Top-k ranking

Cluster selection

Social graph analysis

Labeled clustering

Challenges and on-going work

• Affinity: domain-dependent definition based on experiments on real dataset

• Top-k: incremental query evaluation based on user interaction

• Labeled clustering: adaptation of subspace clustering to social graph

• Cluster selection: efficient evaluation based on user interaction

• User navigation: affinity-based ranking and zooming

Another query example:

query(@u,(top-10) $X) = Friends(@serge,@u)


Near(G,$X,#CarlaBruni) Near(G,$X,#Sarkozy)


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