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Abelian groups that cannot be factored without periodic factor


Academic year: 2022

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Abelian Groups that cannot be Factored Without Periodic Factor.


ABSTRACT- The list of the finite abelian groups that cannot be factored into two of its subsets without one factor being periodic is the same as the list of the finite abelian groups that cannot be factored into any number of its subsets without one factor being periodic.

1. Introduction.

Throughout this paper we will use multiplicative notation for abelian groups. LetGbe a finite abelian group. We denote the identity element of Gbye. LetB;A1;. . .;Anbe subsets ofG. We define the productA1 An

to be

fa1 an:a12A1;. . .;an2Ang:

SupposeBˆA1 An. We say that the productA1 Anisdirectif eachb inBis uniquely expressible in the form

bˆa1 an; a12A1;. . .;an2An:

IfBis a direct product ofA1;. . .;An, then the equationBˆA1 An is said to be afactorizationofB.

A subsetAof a finite abelian groupGwill be callednormalizedife2A.

The factorizationGˆA1 An is called normalized if each factor is nor- malized. We say thatAisperiodicif there is an elementa2Gsuch that a6ˆeandaAˆA. The elementais called aperiodofA. Note that ifaand bare periods ofA, thenabis a period ofAunlessabˆe. It follows that the

(*) Indirizzo dell'A.: Institute of Mathematics and Informatics,University of PeÂcs, IfjuÂsaÂg u. 6 - 7624 PeÂcs, Hungary.

E-mail: sszabo7@hotmail.com

Mathematics Subject Classification (1991); Primary 20K01; Secondary 52C22


periods ofAaugmented with the identity element form a subgroupHofG.

Moreover there is a subsetBofGsuch thatAˆBHis a factorization ofA.

If the groupGis a direct product of cyclic groups of orders t1;. . .;ts re- spectively, then we express this fact shortly saying that G i s of type

(t1;. . .;ts). If from the factorizationGˆA1 Anit follows that one of the

factors is periodic for any possible choice of the factorsA1;. . .;An, then we say that G has the Hn-property. (Hn is an abbreviation for the HajoÂs property withnfactors.) Here we do not allow factors with only one ele- ment and do not consider groups with only one element.

In 1949, G. HajoÂs [4] called for determining all finite abelian groups with theH2-property. The complete list of these groups first appeared in 1962 A. D. Sands [8].












(p;q;r;s) (p;2;2;2;2);



Here p;q;r;s are distinct primes the pˆ2 and pˆ3 cases are not ex- cluded anda1 is an integer. Groups whose type is on list (1) and their subgroups have the H2-property and other groups do not have the H2- property.

This result has applications in various fields. In geometry [11], combi- natorics [5], coding theory [3], number theory [13], Fourier analysis [6].

If a group has theHn-property for each possible choice ofn, then we say thatGhas theH-property. It is plain that groups with theH-property have theH2-property. We will show that groups with theH2-property are in fact the same as groups with theH-property. We express this fact more formally as a theorem.

THEOREM1. Let G be a finite abelian group. If G has the H2-property, then G has the H-property.

2. Replacing factors.

We say that in the factorizationGˆABthe factorBcan bereplacedby B0 if GˆAB0 is also a factorization of G. If c is an element of G, then multiplying both sides of the factorization by c we get the factorization GˆGcˆA(Bc). In other wordsBcan be replaced byBcfor eachc2G.


Note thatBis periodic if and only ifBcis periodic. LetGˆA1 Anbe a factorization. Let a12A1;. . .;an2An multiplying the factorization by a11 an1 we get the normalized factorization Gˆ(a11A1) (an1An).

Thus when we study factorizations with periodic factors we may restrict our attention to normalized factorizations.

Note that GˆAB is a factorization if and only if jGj ˆ jAkBj and AA 1\BB 1ˆ feg. From this it is plain thatBcan be replaced byB 1. Let GˆAB be a factorization of G. Then each g2G is uniquely ex- pressible in the formgˆab,a2A,b2B. We callatheA-coordinateofg and we denote it bya(g). Similarly, we callbtheB-coordinateofgand we denote it by b(g). The coordinates of g make sense only relative to the factorizationGˆAB. IfAis a subset of a finite abelian groupGandqi s an integer, thenAq will denote the setfaq:a2Ag.

LEMMA1. Let GˆAB be a factorization of G and let Aˆ fa1;. . .;ang.

For each g2G the elements a(ga1);. . .;a(gan) form a permutation of a1;. . .;an.

PROOF. Clearly, a(gai)2A. So we will show that a(gai)ˆa(gaj) i m- pliesaiˆaj. From the equations

gaiˆa(gai)b(gai); gajˆa(gaj)b(gaj) we get the equations

gˆa(gai)b(gai)ai1; gˆa(gaj)b(gaj)aj1:

Then b(gai)ai1ˆb(gaj)aj 1 and ajb(gai)ˆaib(gaj). Now as ai;aj2A, b(gai),b(gaj)2B, from the factorizationGˆABit follows thataiˆaj.

This completes the proof.

LEMMA2. Let GˆAB be a factorization of G and let q be a prime such that q6 j jAj. Then GˆAqB is a factorization of G.

PROOF. Choose ana2A,g2Gand defineTto be the set of allqtuples (x1;x2;. . .;xq); x1;x2;. . .;xq2A

for which a(gx1x2 xq)ˆa. First note thatjTj ˆ jAjq 1. Indeed, choose x1;x2,. . .;xq 12Aarbitrarily, then by Lemma 1,a[(gx1x2 xq 1)xq]ˆa has a unique solution for xq. Next note that i f (x1;x2;. . .;xq)2T, then

(x2;. . .;xq;x1)2T. We defi ne a graphG. The verti ces ofGare the elements

of T and we draw an arrow from the node (x1;x2;. . .;xq) to the node


(x2;. . .;xq;x1). The graphG is a union of disjoint cycles. The cycles are of length 1 or of lengthq. Whenx1ˆx2ˆ ˆxq, then the node (x1;x2;. . .;xq) is on a cycle of length 1. Whenx1;x2;. . .;xqare not all equal, then the node (x1;x2;. . .;xq) is on a cycle of lengthq. Asq6 j jAjthere must be a cycle of length 1 inG. In other words there is anx12Asuch thata(gxq1)ˆa.

Consider the factorization GˆAB. From gxq1ˆa(gxq1)b(gxq1) using a(gxq1)ˆa we getgxq1ˆab(gxq1), thengˆax1qb(gxq1). Hereax1q2aA q, b(gxq1)2B and the equation holds for each g2G. It follows that Gˆ(aA q)B. Then GˆA qB. Note that jGj ˆ jAkBj, jA qj jAj imply jGj ˆ jA qkBjand soGˆA qBis a factorization. NowA qcan be replaced byAqand so it follows thatGˆAqBis a factorization.

This completes the proof.

LEMMA3. Let GˆAB be a factorization such that e2A,jAj ˆp is a prime. Then GˆA0B is a factorization of G, where A0ˆ fe;a;a2;. . .;ap 1g, a2An feg.

PROOF. Note thatGˆAtBis a factorization ofGwhenevert2,p6t.

Indeed, astis a product of primes we can apply Lemma 2 several times starting with the factorizationGˆAB. LetAˆ fe;a1;a2;. . .;ap 1g. The fact thatGˆAtBis a factorization is equivalent to that the sets

eB;at1B;at2B;. . .;atp 1B

form a partition ofG. SetA0ˆ fe;ak;a2k;. . .;apk 1g. The fact thatGˆA0Bis a factorization is equivalent to that the sets

eB;akB;a2kB;. . .;apk 1B

form a partition of G. Si nce G is finite it is enough to show that aikB\ajkBˆ ; for each i;j, 0i<jp 1. Assume the contrary that aikB\ajkB6ˆ ;. Multiplying by aki we get eB\aj ik B6ˆ ;. Set tˆj i.

Clearly, 1tp 1 and sotis prime top. NoweB\atkB6ˆ ;contradicts the fact thatGˆAtBis a factorization ofG.

This completes the proof.

3. Periodicity forcing factorization types.

IfGˆA1 Anis a factorization ofGandjA1j ˆq1;. . .;jAnj ˆqn, then we call then tuple (q1;. . .;qn) the typeof the factorization. If from each GˆA1 Anfactorization of type (q1;. . .;qn) it follows that at least one of


the factors is always periodic we call (q1;. . .;qn) a periodicity forcing factorization type for G. In 1965 L. ReÂdei [7] proved that a factorization type (q1;. . .;qn) is always periodicity forcing ifq1;. . .;qnare primes.

LEMMA4. Let q1ˆp1 ps, where p1;. . .;psare primes. If(q1;. . .;qn) is a periodicity forcing factorization type for an abelian group, then so is (p1;. . .;ps;q2;. . .;qn).

PROOF. Suppose that (q1;. . .;qn) is a periodicity forcing factorization type for the finite abelian groupGand consider a normalized factorization

GˆB1 BsA2 An; (2)


jB1j ˆp1;. . .;jBsj ˆps;jA2j ˆq2;. . .;jAnj ˆqn:

We would like to show that at least one of the factorsB1;. . .;Bs,A2;. . .;An is periodic. If one of the factors is periodic then there is nothing to prove so we assume that none of the factors is periodic.

If the order of each element inBiis a power ofpi, then we defineCito beBi. Assume that there are elements inBiwhose order is not a power of pi. In factorization (2), by Lemma 2,Bican be replaced by a normalized subsetCisuch that the orders of each element inCiis a product of at most two distinct primes andCi is not a subgroup ofG. Note that asjCij i s a prime ande2Ci,Ciis periodic if and only ifCiis a subgroup ofG. Setting CˆC1 Cs we get a factorizationGˆCA2 An. The type of this fac- torization is (q1;q2;. . .;qn). So by our assumption one of the factors

C;A2;. . .;Anis periodic. If one ofA2. . .;Anis periodic, then we are done

so we assume thatCis periodic. Now a periodic subsetCofGis factored into subsets C1;. . .;Cs. In addition, there is a subset A of G such that GˆCA is a factorization. Simply set AˆA2 An. The hypotheses of Theorem 2 of [2] are satisfied therefore this theorem gives that at least one of the factorsC1;. . .;Cs must be periodic.

This contradiction completes the proof.

IfAis a subset andxis a character ofG, then we will use the notation x(A) to denote the sum X



In this paper character ofGalways means irreducible character ofG. The set of all charactersxofGwithx(A)ˆ0 is called theannihilatorset ofA and will be denoted by Ann(A).


LEMMA5. Let G be a finite abelian group with the H2-property and let q1ˆp be a prime. In the p3case we assume that the p-component of G is cyclic. (In the pˆ2 case nothing is assumed about the p-com- ponent of G.) Then(q1;q2;q3)is a periodicity forcing factorization type for G.

PROOF. LetGˆA1A2A3be a normalized factorization ofGsuch that jA1j ˆq1,jA2j ˆq2,jA3j ˆq3. We would like to show that one of the factors A1,A2,A3is periodic. If one ofA1,A2,A3is periodic, then there is nothing to prove. So we assume that none of the factors is periodic. Assume thatp3.

In this case thep-component ofGis cyclic. By Lemma 3,A1can be replaced byA01ˆ fe;a;a2;. . .;ap 1gfor eacha2A1n feg. IfA01is a subgroup ofG for eacha2A1n feg, then as thep-component ofGis cyclic,A1is equal to the unique subgroup ofGthat haspelements. ButA1 is not a subgroup.

This contradiction gives that for somea2A1n fegthe subsetA01 is not a subgroup. This is equivalent toap6ˆe. For the remaining part of the proof we choose an A01 which is not a subgroup. In the pˆ2 case we set A01ˆA1ˆ fe;ag. Herea26ˆeasA1is not a subgroup. Thusap6ˆeholds in both of the casespˆ2 orp3.

From the factorizationGˆ(A01A2)A3, by theH2-property ofG, it fol- lows thatA01A2orA3is periodic. SinceA3is not periodic,A01A2is periodic, say with periodg, that is,A01A2gˆA01A2. We claim thatx(A2)ˆ0 holds for all charactersxofGwithx(g)6ˆ1 andx(ap)6ˆ1. In order to prove the claim assume that x(g)6ˆ1 and x(ap)6ˆ1. As x(g)6ˆ1 from x(A01A2)x(g)ˆ

ˆx(A01A2) we get 0ˆx(A01A2)ˆx(A01)x(A2). Fromx(ap)6ˆ1 it follows that x(A01)6ˆ0. Thereforex(A2)ˆ0. The fact thatx(ap)6ˆ1 andx(g)6ˆ1 imply x(A2)ˆ0 is equivalent to

Ann hapi

\Ann hgi


By Theorem 2 of [10], there are subsetsX,YofGsuch that A2ˆXhapi [Yhgi;

where the products are direct and the union is disjoint. Similarly, from the factorizationGˆA2(A01A3) it follows thatA01A3is periodic, say with period h. Then there are subsetsU,V ofGsuch that

A3ˆUhapi [Vhhi;

where the products are direct and the union is disjoint.

IfXˆ ;, thenA2is periodic with periodg. IfUˆ ;, thenA3is periodic with periodh. So we may assume that X6ˆ ; andU6ˆ ;. Choose x2X,


u2U. Multiply the factorization GˆA1A2A3 by gˆx 1u 1 to get the factorization

GˆGgˆA1(A2x 1)(A3u 1):

Now hapi A2x 1, hapi A3u 1 contradict the definition of the factor- ization.

This completes the proof.

4. Proof of Theorem 1.

We consider a finite abelian groupGwith theH2-property. ThusGi s a subgroup of a group whose type is on list (1) and we try to establish thatG has theHn-property for each possible choice ofn. Thenˆ1 case is trivial so we assume thatn2.

LetGbe a subgroup of a group of type (pa;q) and letGˆA1 Anbe a factorization ofG. IfGi s ap-group, thenjA1j;. . .;jAnjare powers ofp.

IfGi s not ap-group, thenqdivides one ofjA1j;. . .;jAnjandqcan divide only one ofjA1j;. . .;jAnj. SayqjA1jand plainly each ofjA2j;. . .;jAnjmust be a power of p. Now the p-component of G i s cycli c and each of

jA2j;. . .;jAnji s a power ofp. The conditions of Theorem 2 of [9] are met.

By this theorem, one of the factorsA1;. . .;Ani s peri odi c and soGhas the Hn-property. Sincen2 was arbitraryGhas theH-property.

By Theorem 1 of [12] (or by Theorem 10 of [1]), a group of type (2a;2) has theH-property.

We inspect the remaining groupsGin a case by case manner and sort out the arising cases using ReÂdei's theorem or Lemma 4 or Lemma 5.

(1) Suppose the type ofGis one of the following (p3;2;2); (p2;2;2;2); (p;2;2;2;2):


Note thatjGjis a product of 5 primes. This is why we treat these cases together. Let GˆA1 An be a factorization of G. If the type of the factorization is (q1;q2;q3;q4;q5), then eachqiis a prime and ReÂdei's the- orem gives that one of the factors is periodic. If the factorization type is (q1;q2;q3;q4), then only oneqican be composite, sayq4. TheH2-property ofGgives that (q1q2q3;q4) is a periodicity forcing factorization type forG.

Now by Lemma 4, (q1;q2;q3;q4) is a periodicity forcing factorization type forG. If the factorization type is (q1;q2;q3), then at least one of theqi's is a


prime, sayq1i s a pri me, and Lemma 5 appli es. IfGis a proper subgroup of a group whose type i s on li st (3), then we can use a si mi lar but to some extent simpler argument.

(2) Let us assume that the type ofGis one of the next (p2;q2)


(p2;q;r) (p;q;2;2)

(p;q;r;s) (22;22):


Note thatjGjis a product of 4 primes. LetGˆA1 Anbe a factorization of G. If the factorization type is (q1;q2;q3;q4), then ReÂdei's theorem implies that this factorization type is periodicity forcing. If the factorization type is (q1;q2;q3), then Lemma 4 is applicable. IfGis a proper subgroup of a group whose type is on list (4), then an analogous but slightly simpler reasoning can be used.

(3) The case whenGis of type (p;3;3), (32;3), (p;p), that is, whenjGji s a product of at most 3 primes is rather trivial.

This inspection completes the proof.


[1] K. AMIN- K. CORRAÂDI- A. D. SANDS,The HajoÂs property for2-groups, Acta Math. Hungar.89(2000), pp. 189±198.

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[3] C. DEFELICE,An application of HajoÂs factorization to variable length codes, Theoret. Comp. Sci.164(1996), pp. 223±252.

[4] G. HAJOÂS,Sur la factorisation des groupes abeÁliens, CÏasopis PeÂs. Mat. Fys.74 (1949), pp. 157±162.

[5] R. HILL- R. W. IRVING,On group partitions associated with lower bounds for symmetric Ramsey numbers, European Journal of Combinatorics 3(1982), pp. 35±50.

[6] J. C. LAGARIAS- Y. WANG,Spectral sets and factorizations of finite abelian groups, J. Funct. Anal.145(1997), pp. 73±98.

[7] L. REÂDEI,Die neue Theorie der endlichen abelschen Gruppen und Verallge- meinerung des Hauptsatzes von HajoÂs, Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hungar.16 (1965), pp. 329±373.

[8] A. D. SANDS,On the factorisation of finite abelian groups II, Acta Math. Acad.

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[9] A. D. SANDS,Factoring finite abelian groups, Journal of Alg.275(2004), pp.


[10] A. D. SANDS- S. SZABOÂ,Factorization of periodic subsets, Acta Math. Acad.

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[12] S. SzaboÂ, Factoring a certain type of 2-groups by subsets, Rivista di Matematica,6(1997), pp. 25±29.

[13] R. TIJDEMAN,Decomposition of the integers as a direct sum of two subsets, Number Theory (Paris 1992-1993) London Math. Soc. Lecture Note Ser. 215 Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge 1995, pp. 261±276.

Manoscritto pervenuto in redazione il 17 aprile 2004 e in forma finale il 19 ottobre 2005



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