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The Regina Rexx Interpreter – File System Routines – Cours et formation gratuit


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The Regina Rexx Interpreter – Rexx Utility Functions

Patrick TJ McPhee (ptjm@interlog.com)

Version 3.9.1- Regina Packaged, 5 April 2015




1 Introduction 1

1.1 Installation . . . 1

1.1.1 Win32 . . . 1

1.1.2 Unix . . . 1

1.1.3 Notes on Compiling . . . 2

1.2 Reporting Bugs . . . 5

1.3 Using RxFuncAdd . . . 5

1.4 Licencing . . . 6

2 Housekeeping Routines 7 2.1 SysLoadFuncs . . . 7

2.2 SysDropFuncs . . . 7

3 File System Routines 7 3.1 List of File System Routines . . . 7

3.2 Example . . . 8

3.3 SysCopyObject . . . 8

3.4 SysCreateShadow . . . 8

3.5 SysFileDelete . . . 9

3.6 SysFileSearch . . . 9

3.7 SysFileSystemType . . . 9

3.8 SysFileTree . . . 9

3.9 SysMkDir . . . 10

3.10 SysMoveObject . . . 11

3.11 SysRmDir . . . 11

3.12 SysSearchPath . . . 11

3.13 SysTempFileName . . . 11

3.14 SysGetFileDateTime . . . 12

3.15 SysSetFileDateTime . . . 12

4 System Routines 12 4.1 List of System Routines . . . 12

4.2 SysIni . . . 13

4.3 SysBootDrive . . . 14

4.4 SysWinVer . . . 14

4.5 SysOS2Ver . . . 14

4.6 SysLinVer . . . 14

4.7 SysVersion . . . 15

4.8 SysUtilVersion . . . 15

4.9 SysDriveInfo . . . 15

4.10 SysDriveMap . . . 15

4.11 SysGetErrorText . . . 16

4.12 SysSetPriority . . . 16

4.13 SysQueryProcess . . . 16



4.14 SysSleep . . . 17

4.15 SysSwitchSession . . . 17

4.16 SysSystemDirectory . . . 17

4.17 SysVolumeLabel . . . 18

4.18 SysWaitNamedPipe . . . 18

5 Macro-Space Manipulation Routines 18 5.1 List of Macro-Space Manipulation Routines . . . 18

5.2 SysAddRexxMacro . . . 19

5.3 SysClearRexxMacroSpace . . . 19

5.4 SysDropRexxMacro . . . 19

5.5 SysLoadRexxMacroSpace . . . 19

5.6 SysQueryRexxMacro . . . 20

5.7 SysReorderRexxMacro . . . 20

5.8 SysSaveRexxMacroSpace . . . 20

6 Console I/O Routines 20 6.1 List of Console I/O Routines . . . 20

6.2 Example . . . 21

6.3 SysCls . . . 21

6.4 SysCurPos . . . 21

6.5 SysCurState . . . 22

6.6 SysGetKey . . . 22

6.7 SysTextScreenRead . . . 22

6.8 SysTextScreenSize . . . 22

6.9 RxMessageBox . . . 23

7 Stem Manipulation Routines 23 7.1 List of Stem Manipulation Routines . . . 24

7.2 Example . . . 24

7.3 SysDumpVariables . . . 25

7.4 SysStemCopy . . . 25

7.5 SysStemDelete . . . 25

7.6 SysStemInsert . . . 25

7.7 SysStemSort . . . 26

7.8 RegMultiStemSort . . . 26

7.9 RegStemDoOver . . . 27

7.10 RegStemRead . . . 28

7.11 RegStemWrite . . . 28

7.12 RegStemSearch . . . 28

8 Semaphore Routines 29 8.1 List of Semaphore Routines . . . 30

8.2 SysCloseEventSem . . . 30

8.3 SysCloseMutexSem . . . 30

8.4 SysCreateEventSem . . . 30



8.5 SysCreateMutexSem . . . 31

8.6 SysOpenEventSem . . . 31

8.7 SysOpenMutexSem . . . 31

8.8 SysPostEventSem . . . 31

8.9 SysPulseEventSem . . . 31

8.10 SysReleaseMutexSem . . . 32

8.11 SysRequestMutexSem . . . 32

8.12 SysResetEventSem . . . 32

8.13 SysWaitEventSem . . . 32

9 Character Set Conversion 33 9.1 List of Character Set Conversion Functions . . . 34

9.2 SysToUnicode . . . 34

9.3 SysFromUnicode . . . 34

9.4 SysWinEncryptFile . . . 35

9.5 SysWinDecryptFile . . . 35

10 Trigonometric Routines 35 10.1 List of Trigonometric Routines . . . 36

10.2 SysPi . . . 36

10.3 SysSqrt . . . 36

10.4 SysExp . . . 36

10.5 SysLog . . . 37

10.6 SysLog10 . . . 37

10.7 SysSinH . . . 37

10.8 SysCosH . . . 37

10.9 SysTanH . . . 37

10.10SysPower . . . 37

Index 38





1 Introduction

This paper describes an implementation of IBM’s Rexx Utility functions for Unix and Windows/NT. The Rexx Utility functions extend the capabilities of Rexx programs in useful ways, and it’s desirable to have compatible interfaces available for all implemen- tations. This implementation is meant for the Regina interpreter, however it should also work with other interpreters. An earlier version of the library was binary compatible with Rexx/IMC on Solaris.

Although I have access to the rexxutil source code through the OS/2 developer’s kit, this implementation contains new code, and is based on the documentation for IBM’s implementation, rather than its internals. The routines here are generally compatible with IBM’s, although some IBM functions or options are not implemented, and in some cases, the regutil version provides minor enhancements. Please see the file status.txt in the distribution for claims of completion.

The manual, and the source code, are divided along the lines of functionality, the major groupings being housekeeping (regutil.c), file system (regfilesys.c), general system (regini.c), macro-space manipulation (regmacrospace.c), stem manipulation (regstem.c), console I/O (regscreen.c, regscreenux.c), semaphore handling (regsem.c, regsemux.c), and character set conversion (regunicode.c).

1.1 Installation

The regutil package includes a pre-compiled binary for Win32 platforms and source code which should compile on NT and most Unix systems. It should also compile on other platforms which provide the POSIX API, but some configuration may be required in areas not covered by POSIX (or not adequately supported on the platform in question). See section 1.1.3 for configuration suggestions.

1.1.1 Win32

The distribution does not include an installation program. To install the pre-compiled library, extract regutil.dll from the installation zip file and copy it to either a directory in your program search path or the directory containing the rexx executable (this is usually regina.exe unless you are using a rexx-enabled application, in which case it’s the application executable).

Only regutil.dll is required to use the library, and applications using RegUtil can be distributed with only this file. The documentation file, regutil.pdf, should also be distributed if end users are expected to write macros using these functions.

See section 1.1.3 for information about compiling the library from source code.

1.1.2 Unix

The distribution does not include a configuration script, but it includes make files which have been known to work using the stock vendor compiler on several Unix systems. If you have one of those systems, link the appropriate make file to the name ‘Makefile’

and build the ‘dist’ target. For instance, on Solaris:



ln Makefile.sun Makefile make dist

On most platforms, this builds a shared library called libregutil.so. On HP-UX, the file is called libregutil.sl, and on AIX, it’s called libregutil.a. The path to this library can be set in three ways:

Most Unix systems allow a shared library search path to be embedded into program files. If you build regina (or your rexx-enabled application) such that this path is set to include a directory such as /opt/regina/lib or /usr/local/lib, you can install regutil by copying the shared library to this directory (see section 1.1.3 for more information). If this is not possible, you need to either set an environment variable or change the way the system searches for shared libraries.

Unix systems typically use a different path for shared libraries than they do for program files. The name of the environment variable used for the shared library path is not standardised, however most systems use LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Notable excep- tions are AIX (LIBPATH) and HP-UX (SHLIB_PATH for 32-bit executables, LD_

LIBRARY_PATH for 64-bit executables). To install regutil, add an appropriate direc- tory to the shared library path for your machine and copy the shared library to that directory.

Finally, some systems provide a utility (often called ldconfig) which can be used either to set the standard search path for shared libraries, or to provide a database of shared libraries. On such a system, regutil can be installed by copying the shared library to an appropriate directory and using this utility to add it to the search database.

You’ll need to consult your system documentation for more information.

1.1.3 Notes on Compiling

I provide make files for the stock vendor compilers on several Unix systems. On Win- dows, I provide make files for visual c++ (Makefile.nt) and the MinGW port of gcc (Makefile.mingw). The Unix make files set platform-specific variables and then load Makefile.inc, which contains the rules for building the libraries. The win32 make files contain all the rules for building the library with their respective compilers. I find it convenient to either link or copy the platform-specific make file to the name Makefile.

By default, the library is built with optimisation disabled and debugging symbols included. This is convenient for library development, however the library will give better performance if you build the dist target (with the command ‘make dist’).

To port the library to a new platform or to a new compiler on a platform for which a make file exists, it should be sufficient to copy an existing make file and change some of these variables. On Unix, to change the compiler for an existing platform, it should be sufficient to redefine PCFLAGS and POPT. If the new compiler is gcc, the values can be taken from Makefile.bsd. The intent of each variable is indicated in the table:

Variable Specific to Purpose

PDEBUG Compiler Flags in addition to -g required for creating programs which can be examined in the debugger. This is irrele- vant if only dist builds will be performed;


1.1 Installation 3

Variable Specific to Purpose

POPT Compiler Flags which cause optimisation to be performed by the compiler. At least -O should be used for all production code, in my opinion;

PCFLAGS Compiler Compiler flags which should be set for both debug and optimised compilation. This should include a flag for generating relocatable (sometimes called position- independent) code;

PCDEFS Operating System Definitions which either report the capabilities of the sys- tem or modify the behaviour of the library. These are explained more fully below;

PLDFLAGS Operating System Flags for ld. This must include something to cause ld to create a shared library. On most platforms, it is not necessary to link to the Rexx shared library, but this may require special ld flags;

PLIBS Operating System Libraries required to resolve symbols used in the library.

This does not generally have to include -lregina, but will generally have to include libraries for the terminal inter- face;

so Operating System The extension for shared objects (defaults to so);

REXX_INCLUDE Operating System The directory containing rexxsaa.h (defaults to


The win32 make files have a different set of make variables. Due to the nature of the win32 development environment, the distinction between platform-specific and compiler-specific values doesn’t exist.

Variable Purpose

DEBUG Flags required for creating programs which can be examined in the de- bugger. This is irrelevant if only dist builds will be performed;

DOPT Flags which cause optimisation to be performed by the compiler;

CFLAGS Compiler flags which should be set for both debug and optimised com- pilation. This should include $(OPT) and $(DEBUG), and may include flags for creating relocatable code;

CDEFS Definitions which either report the capabilities of the system or modify the behaviour of the library. These are explained more fully below;

LDFLAGS Flags for linking. This must include something to cause ld to create a DLL. The NT make files use the compiler to link;

INCDIR The directory containing rexxsaa.h (defaults to ../include);

LIBDIR The directory containing the regina library (defaults to ..\include).

The code included in the library can be affected by defining several manifest con- stants, by adding -Dnameto the CDEFS variable. These are:



Name Used on Purpose

AIX AIX Allows alloca( ) to be used by the IBM compiler, and af- fects the definitions included compiling mount-point in- formation routines;

_WIN32 Win32 Defined by many win32 compilers. Used to distinguish between Win32-specific and Unix-specific code;

SYSDI_RETURNS_BYTES All Causes SysDriveInfo to return the size of the drive in bytes, which is compatible with IBM’s implementation;

USE_STATFS Unix Indicates that the system supports either the statfs( ) or statvfs( ) system call. If this is not defined, SysDriveInfo will not return any information. Must be used in conjunc- tion with INCL_MOUNT, INCL_STATVFS, or INCL_


INCL_MOUNT Unix Indicates that the statfs( ) call is defined in sys/mount.h;

INCL_STATVFS Unix Indicates that the statvfs( ) call is defined in sys/statvfs.h;

INCL_VFS Unix Indicates that the statfs( ) call is defined in sys/vfs.h;

HAS_F_MNTFROMNAME Unix Indicates that the statfs structure has a member called f_


MACROSPACE All If this is not defined, the Sys*Macro*( ) functions are stubs. It is not defined by default because some Regina releases do not include the necessary API functions, and no current Regina release provides working versions of the API functions;

NOT_LIKE_IBM Win32 Affects the output of SysGetKey( ) when processing non- glyph keys. If it is defined (the default), pressing, e.g., an arrow key will return a string greater than one byte in length describing the key that has been pressed. Other- wise, such keys return 0 on the first call to SysGetKey( ) and some non-zero value on the second call;

USE_TERMCAP_DB Unix If set, screen clearing, positioning, etc., are performed using the termcap or terminfo database, which provides escape sequences specific to each type of terminal. If not set, the library assumes the terminal understands ANSI control sequences;

USE_TERM_H Unix If both this and USE_TERMCAP_DB are set, the system uses termcap-compatible routines which are part of the curses screen update library;

THREAD_SAFE Unix Define this name if you intend to use semaphores to sup- port inter-thread communication on Unix. It causes cer- tain operations to be protected by mutex locks;

_SEMUN_DEFINED Unix Define this name if sys/sem.h defines ‘union semun’;

MMAP Unix Enables memory-mapped I/O for certain operations. De-

fine this if your system supports the mmap( ) call;

MAPVIEWOFFILE Win32 Enables memory-mapped I/O for certain operations;


1.2 Reporting Bugs 5

Name Used on Purpose

HAS_WCHAR Unix Define this if your system has defines wchar_t and pro- vides mbstowcs( ) and wcstombs( ). Otherwise, the de- fault unicode conversions assume ISO 8859-1;

HAS_ICONV Unix Define this if your system has iconv.h. Otherwise, the only allowable unicode conversions are to and from ISO 8859-1, UTF-7, and UTF-8;

ICONV_UTF16 Unix Define this string if your system has iconv.h and your iconv implementation uses a string other than UCS-2 for Unicode;

HAS_GETBOOTFILE Unix Define this if your system has getbootfile in paths.h;

DYNAMIC_STATIC All Define this to allow static linking with the Rexx ex- ecutable (a Regina-specific extension). This defines the function getRexxUtilFunctionAddress( ). You must define HAVE_REXXUTIL_PACKAGE when compiling Regina’s staticld.c.

1.2 Reporting Bugs

Theorem A: Every program can be reduced by at least one line.

Theorem B: Every program contains at least one bug.

Corollary: Every program can be reduced to one line which doesn’t work correctly.

Regutil undergoes very little testing before new releases are shipped. I have not had the time to produce a regression test, for instance, and although it is on my list of things to do, the pressures of work and life keep me from doing it. Since the first ‘full’ release of Regutil (1.0.4) in February 1999, there have been surprisingly few bugs discovered, given the amount of testing it undergoes at this end. When bugs are reported, I do my best to fix them and to get a new release out within a short time. My time tends to be very tight, though, so I can’t make any guarantees.

If you do find a bug, an error in the documentation, or you simply have a suggestion for improving the distribution, please send me details at ptjm@interlog.com. It’s useful to know the operating system you’re using, the version of Regina (or Rexx/IMC), and the version of regutil, and to have a set of steps for reproducing the bug.

If you are using regutil for a serious purpose and therefore take the time to produce a test suite for your own use, I would appreciate it if you’d contribute it to the cause.

1.3 Using RxFuncAdd

To register all the routines in RegUtil with the Rexx interpreter use the following code:

call rxfuncadd ’sysloadfuncs’, ’regutil’, ’sysloadfuncs’

call sysloadfuncs

Note that the second argument to rxfuncadd can also be ’rexxutil’. Regina will translate

’rexxutil’ to ’regutil’ to correctly find the shared library.



RxFuncAdd returns 0 on success, or 1 on failure. Regina has a function called RxFuncErrMsg which can give useful information about the reason for a load failure.

A few common reasons for failure are:

Path issues: the library is called regutil.dll on Win32 platforms, libregutil.a on AIX, libregutil.sl on HP-UX, and libregutil.so on other Unix platforms. On Win32, this file needs to be in the path, or in the directory containing regina.exe. On Unix systems, it needs to be in a directory listed in LIBPATH on AIX, SHLIB_PATH on HP-UX 32-bit, or LD_LIBRARY_PATH on most other Unix systems. Some systems have an ldconfig utility which allows you to forego setting this environment variable.

Rexx.exe: Regina includes two executables, one called ‘rexx’, and the other called

‘regina’. The difference is that ‘rexx’ includes the Rexx interpreter as part of the exe- cutable, while ‘regina’ loads the interpreter from a shared library. RxFuncAdd works only with the ‘regina’ version of the interpreter (the ‘rexx’ version is slightly faster, though).

1.4 Licencing

Regutil is distributed free of charge in the hopes that it will be useful, but without any warranty. Previous versions of the library have been distributed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License. This version is distributed under the terms of the Mozilla Public License. The precise details of the licence are found in the file MPL-1.0.txt in the distribution.

If you use the library purely as distributed by me, then you can cheerfully ignore the licencing change. If you modify the source code or adopt portions of it in your own programs or libraries, you should be aware of and fulfill your obligations under the licence. I believe that the restrictions placed by the Mozilla licence are less onerous than the ones in the GNU Library licence, and they are more in the spirit in which I would like my work to be distributed.

Although there are no obligations or restrictions related to use of the library, I would prefer that you do not use regutil in applications which cause injury or hardship to others. Also, if you derive a significant monetary benefit from the use of regutil, please share a portion with someone less fortunate. For instance, if you save $10,000 by implementing an application with Regina and regutil, rather than buying a commercial Rexx interpreter, you could give $1,000 to Unicef.



2 Housekeeping Routines

These are routines which help you use the other routines.

2.1 SysLoadFuncs

sysloadfuncs() -> 0

SysLoadFuncs registers all the other routines in the utility package with the Rexx interpreter. Before sysloadfuncs can be called it needs to be loaded into the interpreter using RxFuncAdd.

call rxfuncadd ’sysloadfuncs’, ’regutil’, ’sysloadfuncs’

2.2 SysDropFuncs

sysdropfuncs() -> 0

SysDropFuncs removes the registration of all the utilities in the package from the Rexx interpreter. I don’t feel there’s a compelling reason for doing this, and it has the potential to be positively harmful in the IBM interpreters, since they don’t do proper reference counting for load/drop. It’s safe to call SysDropFuncs even if you didn’t load all the functions using SysLoadFuncs.

3 File System Routines

The file system routines manipulate files and directories in useful ways.

3.1 List of File System Routines

SysCopyObject (from,to)→0 or failure: copies a file

SysCreateShadow (from,to)→0 or failure: creates a link to a file SysFileDelete (file)→0 or failure: deletes a file

SysFileSearch (target,file,stem, [options])→0 or failure: searches a file for some text SysFileSystemType (file)→string: returns the name of the file-system in use for file

SysFileTree (filespec,stem, [options], [tattrib], nattrib])→0 or failure: search for files match- ing filespec

SysMkDir (directory)→0 or failure: creates a new directory SysMoveObject (from,to)→0 or failure: renames a file

SysRmDir (directory)→0 or failure: removes a directory



SysSearchPath (var,file) →full filename: searches a list of directories from an environment variable for a file

SysTempFileName (template, [filter])→name: returns a temporary name based on a template;

SysGetFileDateTime (name[, which])→timestamp: returns a timestamp for a file;

SysSetFileDateTime (name[, date[, time]])→0 or failure: sets the modification timestamp for a file;

3.2 Example

Here’s a script which creates a directory with a temporary name, finds the file rgb.txt somewhere on the system, searches it for all different kinds of blue, and writes them out to another temporary file in the temporary directory.

call rxfuncadd ’sysloadfuncs’, ’regutil’, ’sysloadfuncs’

call sysloadfuncs

/* make a temporary directory */

dir = SysTempFileName(’dir?????’) call SysMkDir dir

/* find an rgb.txt out there somewhere */

if SysFileTree(’/rgb.txt’, ’RGB.’, ’SO’) = 0 & rgb.0 > 0 then do if SysFileSearch(’blue’, rgb.1, ’BLUE.’) = 0 then do

file = SysTempFileName(dir’/blue?????’) do i = 1 to blue.0

call lineout file,blue.i end

end end exit 0

3.3 SysCopyObject

SysCopyObject(from,to) -> 0 or failure

Copies the file named byfromto a new nameto. The access and modification times are preserved, for file systems that maintain that sort of arcane information. Under OS/2, this file will also copy workplace shell objects. Obviously, that doesn’t work on other systems. Returns 0 on success. See SysFileDelete, section 3.5, for the meanings of the non-zero failure codes.

3.4 SysCreateShadow

SysCreateShadow(from,to) -> 0 or failure


3.5 SysFileDelete 9

Under Unix, SysCreateShadow creates a link to thefromfile, under the nameto. If possible, this is a hard link, but a symbolic link is made if necessary (e.g., if thefrom andtodirectories are on different devices). Note that the symbolic link will not work correctly unless thefromfile is specified as a full path, so it’s best to specify full paths if the potential to cross devices exists.

Under NT, I intend for SysCreateShadow to create short-cuts. Currently, to create a short-cut, you can use my other package, w32funcs.

Returns 0 on success. See SysFileDelete, section 3.5, for the meanings of the non- zero failure codes.

3.5 SysFileDelete

SysFileDelete(file) -> 0 or failure

Deletes the file specified by file. Returns 0 on success. On failure, it returns 1 (unknown cause of failure), 2 (no such file), 3 (path to file does not exist), 5 (insufficient rights), 32 (file in use by another process), 36 (too many symbolic links on the way to the file), 87 (invalid file name), and 206 (file name is too long).

3.6 SysFileSearch

SysFileSearch(target,file,stem, [options]) -> 0 or failure Searches the filefile for the text in target, and puts the matching lines in stem.

Stem.0receives a count of the lines, and lines are indexed sequentially starting with stem.1. By default, the search is case-insensitive, however it can be made case sensitive by specifying the option ‘c’. The other option ‘n’ causes each output line to have the line number infileto be prepended to it.

The function returns 0 on success. On failure, it returns 2 (insufficient memory) or 3 (could not openfilefor reading).

3.7 SysFileSystemType

SysFileSystemType(file) -> string

Returns the file system type used for the specified file. For NT, this should be just the drive letter and a colon, although it may be a full path to a file (I believe this is an enhancement over IBM’s implementation, so be careful). For Unix, it should be the full path to the file of interest.

On success, returns the file system name if it could be determined (or ‘UFS’ if it couldn’t be), or the empty string if the drive or mount point is not accessible.

3.8 SysFileTree

SysFileTree(filespec,stem, [options], [tattrib], [nattrib]) -> 0 or failure



Finds all files whose names matchfilespec, and writes their names intostem. file- specmay contain wild-card characters such as are normally allowed on the platform in question. On NT, I believe this limits you to ‘*’, which matches 0 or more occurances of any character, and ?, which matches exactly one occurance of any character. On Unix, the glob() routine, which usually follows the rules of /bin/sh, is used. This al- lows character classes ([a-e] matches any letter from a to e, for instance), and probably other features which don’t come to mind. Iffilespecends with a directory separator character (slash on Unix, back-slash or slash on NT), the routine acts as if the pattern had ended with ‘*’.

optionscontrols how directories are searched, and how the output is delivered. By default, the output is the time-stamp, size, file attributes, and full path to the file, for every file and directory which matchesfilespec. Ifoptionsincludes an ‘f’, only files are reported. If it includes a ‘d’, only directories are reported. If it contains ‘b’, both files and directories are reported. If more than one of these is given, the right-most one wins.

Ifoptionscontains ‘s’, SysFileTree searches sub-directories for files matchingfilespec.

If it includes ‘o’, only the full path to the file is reported. If it includes ‘t’ time-stamp is returned in the format yyyy/mm/dd/hh/mi. Note that IBM’s implementation uses 2-digit years. Ifoptionsincludes ‘l’, the time-stamp is returned in the format yyyy- mm-dd hh:mi:ss, which can be processed with the Rexx date() and time() functions.

If it includes ‘h’ the file size column can handle files with 16 significant digits, rather than the current 10 which causes a columnar misalignment of following data.

On Unix systems, the attributes are returned in the usual format from ls -l: the first byte is ‘-’ for a normal file or ‘d’ for a directory, and it is followed by three ‘rwx’

pairs indicating the read, write, and execute permissions for each of the user, group, and others. On NT, the attributes are ADHRS, matching the archive, directory, hidden, read-only, and system bits.

tattriballows the user to specify the file attributes which should be matched. For each position in ADHRS, ‘*’ means match regardless of the state of the bit, ‘+’ means to match if it’s set, and ‘-’ means to match if it’s not set. Thus ‘*-*+*’ would match all non-directories with the read-only bit set. For Unix systems, the DOS attribute positions are preserved, but they’re given meanings which are specific to this imple- mentation:

Attribute ‘+’ match files ‘-’ match files

A with more than one hard link with exactly one hard link;

D with execute permission without execute permission;

H without read permission with read permission;

R without write permission with write permission;

S with owner id less than 10 with owner greater than or equal to 10.

In IBM’s implementation,nattribuses the same scheme to specify how these at- tributes should be changed by this function (which otherwise has no effect on its envi- ronment).nattribis not supported by this implementation.

3.9 SysMkDir

SysMkDir(directory) -> 0 or failure


3.10 SysMoveObject 11

Creates a sub-directory with the specified name. On Unix systems, this is created with the permissions rwxr-xr-x, masked with the value of the process’s umask.

On success, returns 0. On failure, it returns 1 (unknown cause of failure), 2 (no such file), 3 (path to file does not exist), 5 (insufficient rights, quota exceeded, or the directory already exists), 36 (too many symbolic links on the way to the file), 87 (invalid file name), 108 (file system is read-only), and 206 (file name is too long).

3.10 SysMoveObject

SysMoveObject(from,to) -> 0 or failure

SysMoveObject renames the filefromtoto. If these files are on different devices, the file is copied and then the original file is deleted, otherwise only the diretory entries are manipulated.

Under OS/2, this function will also move workplace shell objects. Obviously, that doesn’t work on other systems. Returns 0 on success. See SysFileDelete, section 3.5, for the meanings of the non-zero failure codes.

3.11 SysRmDir

SysRmDir(directory) -> 0 or failure Removes the sub-directory with the specified name.

On success, returns 0. On failure, it returns 1 (unknown cause of failure), 2 (no such file), 3 (path to file does not exist), 5 (insufficient rights, quota exceeded, or the directory already exists), 16 (some other process is using the directory), 36 (too many symbolic links on the way to the file), 87 (invalid file name), 108 (file system is read- only), and 206 (file name is too long).

3.12 SysSearchPath

SysSearchPath(path,file) -> full filename

Searches the list of directories specified bypathfor the file specified byfile. Each element of the path is separated by the usual path separator for the platform (e.g., ‘:’ on Unix and ‘;’ on NT). The full file name must be specified (that is, ‘regina.exe’ rather than just ‘regina’).

On success, returns the full path to the file. On failure, returns the empty string.

3.13 SysTempFileName

SysTempFileName(template, [filter]) -> name

Given a prototype filenametemplate, with up to five wild-card characters, return a the name of a file which does not already exist, replacing the wild-card characters with numbers. By default, the wild-card characters is the question mark (?), but it can be any character specified byfilter.



The routine works by first generating a pseudo-random number and using Digits from this number to replace the wild-card characters, and then incrementing the number until there’s no file matching the name generated from the template.

If it’s not possible to generate a unique temporary file name, returns the empty string (which is a step up on previous releases, which simply kept trying until you happened to delete a file or killed the process).

3.14 SysGetFileDateTime

SysGetFileDateTime(name [, which]) -> timestamp

SysGetFileDateTime returns a time-stamp associated with the file identified by name. The timestamp is returned in the format ‘yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss’.

Ifwhichis ‘modify’, the time of the last modification is returned. If it’s ‘access’, the time of last access is returned. If it’s ‘create’, the file creation time is returned.

Only the first letter of each of those options is significant. If the file system doesn’t support access and creation times, the function returns the last modification time for everything.

3.15 SysSetFileDateTime

SysSetFileDateTime(name [, date [, time]]) -> success

SysSetFileDateTime sets the last modification time of the file specified bynameto the date and time specified bydateandtime. The format ofdateis ‘yyyy-mm-dd’, and the format oftimeis ‘hh:mi:ss’.

If neitherdatenortimeare specified, the last modification time is set to the current time. Ifdateis specified buttimeis not, only the date is changed. Iftimeis specified bydateis not, only the time is changed.

Returns 0 on success, or –1 on failure.

4 System Routines

The system routines return information about the operating system, library, or active processes, or perform process-control operations. This is the major area of incomplete- ness in the library.

4.1 List of System Routines

SysIni ([inifile],app,key,val[,stem[,sensitivity]])→value: set or retrieve values from .ini files;

SysBootDrive ()→value: returns the drive from which NT was booted, or the name of the Unix kernel file;

SysUtilVersion ()→value: returns the regutil version;


4.2 SysIni 13

SysVersion ()→value: returns the operating system version;

SysWinVer ()→value: returns the operating system version;

SysOS2Ver ()→value: returns the operating system version;

SysLinVer ()→value: returns the operating system version;

SysVersion ()→value: returns the operating system version;

SysUtilVersion ()→value: returns the version of this library;

SysDriveInfo (drive) → returns the free space on the drive, or the partition containing the argument;

SysDriveMap ([drive],[opt])→list: lists accessible drives;

SysGetErrorText (errno)→text: returns the standard system error text for an error number;

SysSetPriority (class,delta)→0 or success: set the priority of the current process;

SysQueryProcess (thing)→0 or success: get the process ID, or some canned data;

SysSleep (time)→0 or success: block for the specified period of time;

SysSwitchSession (name)→0 or success: brings a named application to the foreground;

SysSystemDirectory ()→value: returns the name of the system directory;

SysVolumeLabel (drive)→returns the label on a specified drive;

SysWaitNamedPipe (name,[timeout])→0 or failure: waits on a named pipe.

4.2 SysIni

SysIni([inifile],app,key[,val[,sensitivity]]) -> value SysIni([inifile],app,’all:’,stemname) -> value

SysIni([inifile],’all:’,stemname) -> value

Retrieves a value from or sets a value in a Windows 3.1-style .ini file. The original intent of this function was to retrieve values from the NT Registry as well, but that would lead to incompatibility with IBM’s implementation. To read the registry, you can use Patrick McPhee’s other package, w32funcs. SysIni was first made available for windows in version 1.1.8, and for Unix in version 1.1.12 of the library.

inifileis the name of the .ini file. The default is ‘win.ini’. If you don’t specify a path, the .ini file is expected to be in the system directory on Windows, but the current directory on Unix.

appis the name of a block of parameters in an .ini file. The block names appear in brackets in the file. keyis the name of the parameter being retrieved or set. valis the value to set the parameter to.stemnameis the name of a stem variable into which application or key names can be enumerated.



Ifappandkeyare specified, butvalis not, the current value of the specified key is returned.

Ifvalis ‘delete:’, the specified key is deleted. Ifkeyis ‘delete:’ or not specified, the entire block of parameters is deleted. Note that ifkeyis not specified, the ‘delete:’

keyword is optional. The entire block of parameters will be deleted. It’s not me, it’s IBM.

Ifkeyis ‘all:’, the names of the keys in the block are returned instemname, follow- ing the numeric index convention. Ifappis ‘all:’, the names of all the blocks in the file are returned instemname.

sensitivitycan be ‘sensitive’ or ‘insensitive’, which determines whether the values of app andkey are converted to uppercase or not. The default is ‘sensitive’ which results in uppercased values. Inconsistent behaviour can occur if you add a value to an .ini file for the sameappandkeyusing different values forsensitivity.

4.3 SysBootDrive

SysBootDrive() -> value

Under NT, SysBootDrive returns the letter of the drive from which the system was booted (e.g., ‘C:’ if the system was booted from drive c). This is mostly useful under OS/2 when you want to change the correct config.sys file. Under Unix, SysBootDrive() will return the name of the kernel from which the system was booted, or ‘/vmunix’ if it isn’t implemented.

4.4 SysWinVer

SysWinVer() -> value

Returns the system id and version in the format ‘id major.minor’. For NT,idis

‘Windows95’ or ‘WindowsNT’. For Unix, it is the value returned by the command

‘uname -s’.

4.5 SysOS2Ver

SysOS2Ver() -> value

SysOS2Ver is a synonym for SysWinVer. Lesson 1 in writing portable APIs: don’t change the function names when you move from one platform to another, the way IBM did.

4.6 SysLinVer

SysLinVer() -> value

SysLinVer is another synonym for SysWinVer.


4.7 SysVersion 15

4.7 SysVersion

SysVersion() -> value

SysVersion is yet another synonym for SysWinVer. (Lesson 1 learned, I suppose).

4.8 SysUtilVersion

SysUtilVersion() -> value

SysUtilVersion returns the version number of the regutil library. Because the li- brary is not strictly compatible with IBM’s RexxUtil library, it does not return the same version numbers. The value returned by SysUtilVersion is the major version number followed by the minor version and release numbers, concatenated together. For in- stance, for version 1.1.5, the return value is 1.15. For 1.1.10, the return value would be 1.1101 (the extra digit is to distinguish it numerically from 1.1.1).

4.9 SysDriveInfo

SysDriveInfo(drive) -> value

Under NT, returns the free space on the specified drive in the format ‘drive free total label’.labelis the label of the drive, if any.freeandtotalare the number of bytes free, and the total number of bytes on the drive.driveis the argument.

Under Unix, instead of drive, any file or directory name can be specified, and the information for the file’s partition will be returned. Thedrivereturned is the volume’s mount point, and thelabelis the actual device name.

4.10 SysDriveMap

SysDriveMap([drive],[opt]) -> list

This function is not implemented for most Unix systems.

Under NT, SysDriveMap returns a list of accessible drives. Under Unix, it returns a list of mounted partitions. The optionaldriveargument specifies the first drive to consider under NT, but has no effect on Unix.

optcan be one of the following values:

USED List all accessible drives or mount points;

FREE For NT, lists available drive letters (that is, if you have only a C: drive, it will list all the letters from D: to Z:). Under Unix, it does nothing;

LOCAL Lists only local files systems. Under NT, this means drives which are actually on the local machine and use a standard file system;

REMOTE Under Unix, returns only NFS and Samba-mounted drives. Under NT, returns LAN drives, and drives mounted using an installable file system;



REMOVABLE Lists drives which are not fixed or network drives, such as floppies and ZIP drives, but excluding CD-ROM drives;

CDROM Lists CD-ROM drives;

RAMDISK Lists ram disks.

4.11 SysGetErrorText

SysGetErrorText(errno) -> text

SysGetErrorText returns the standard system error message associated with the er- ror numbererrno. If there is no such text, it returns the empty string.

The intent is that when another routine returns an error number, you can get some idea of what the error number means, however the return codes from the rexxutil rou- tines are not always system error numbers, so it might not be as useful as it sounds at first.

4.12 SysSetPriority

SysSetPriority(class,delta) -> success code

Sets the priority of the current process. Possible values forclass(NT only) are:

0 Don’t change priority class;

1 Change class to idle;

2 Change class to normal;

3 Change class to ‘real time’;

4 Change class to ‘server’.

Don’t use any value other than 0 unless you know what you’re doing.

deltacan be any value between -31 and 31. 31 tries to increase the priority as much as it can, and -31 tries to decrease the priority as much as it can.

On success, SysSetPriority returns 0. On failure, it returns a return code which I may document some day.

4.13 SysQueryProcess

SysQueryProcess(thing) -> data

SysQueryProcess returns information based on its input:

PID process id;

TID thread id (currently always returns 0 on Unix);


4.14 SysSleep 17

PPRIO process priority (currently always returns NORMAL);

TPRIO thread priority (currently always returns NORMAL);

PTIME process time used;

TTIME thread time used (currently always returns process time used);

Currently, only PID and PTIME give anything like useful information. TID works for NT.

4.14 SysSleep

SysSleep(time) -> success code.

SysSleep blocks the current process for time seconds. Time may be a fraction of a second (e.g., .24 or 6.5), but note that this is incompatible with IBM’s original SysSleep. It is compatible with the Object Rexx SysSleep, and it’s useful.

Calling SysSleep is better than, say, looping on calls to time(). This is called ‘busy waiting’:

endtime = time(’s’)+2

do while time(’s’) < endtime nop


and it’s bad because it uses all kinds of CPU cycles simply testing the current time.

The equivalent code using SysSleep:

call SysSleep 2

has the same effect on the program, but doesn’t use additional cycles because the block- ing is handled by the system scheduler, which is constantly testing the current time anyway.

4.15 SysSwitchSession

SysSwitchSession(name) -> success code

SysSwitchSession is supposed to bring the session identified bynameto the fore- ground. Under NT, where it is implemented,nameis the name on the title bar. I’ll tell you more about the Unix implementation when it’s done.

This function is not implemented on Unix.

4.16 SysSystemDirectory

SysSystemDirectory() -> value

Under NT, returns the name of the system directory, which is generally WinNT on the boot drive. On Unix, it returns ‘/etc’.



4.17 SysVolumeLabel

SysVolumeLabel(drive) -> name

On NT, returns the label on a specified drive. On Unix, returns the device file associated with the specified volume.

This function is not implemented on Unix.

4.18 SysWaitNamedPipe

SysWaitNamedPipe(name [, timeout]) -> 0 or success

Waits for the specified named pipe to become readable. The named pipe name must have the format\\server\pipe\nameon NT, whereserveris the name of a server machine (or ‘.’ for the local machine),pipeis ‘pipe’, andnameis a name which doesn’t include any slashes or back-slashes. On Unix, a named pipe is just a fifo and can have any name. timeoutis specified in milliseconds. –1 means there is no timeout. 0 and omitting the timeout value cause the operation to wait some default period of time.

If there is data to read on the pipe, returns 0. If the operation times out, returns 1460. Otherwise, it returns a system-defined error number.

5 Macro-Space Manipulation Routines

The macro-space manipulation routines allow a program to control the macros avail- able in the execution environment. Most usefully, they allow external macros to be loaded in to the local macro address space, and they allow collections of macros to be saved to, and loaded from, a compact, binary format. This allows library functions to be stored externally and loaded quickly, and it may allow proprietary code to be shipped in a format which is not susceptible to casual inspection.

As of version 2.2, the necessary API is provided only as a set of ‘stub’ routines in Regina, so these routines are not yet functional. They are not included in pre-compiled versions of regutil, since this would force people to upgrade to Regina 2.2. They can be included in a build for use with a later version of Regina or with another interpreter, by adding “-DMACROSPACE” to the CFLAGS line in the appropriate make file.

5.1 List of Macro-Space Manipulation Routines

SysAddRexxMacro (name, file, [order])→0 or failure : adds a macro;

SysClearRexxMacroSpace ()→0 or failure : clears all macros;

SysDropRexxMacro (name)→0 or failure : drops a macro;

SysLoadRexxMacroSpace (file)→0 or failure : initialises a macro-space from a file;

SysQueryRexxMacro (name)→‘B’, ‘A’ or ‘’ : determines whether a macro is defined;

SysReorderRexxMacro (name,order)→0 or failure : moves the search order of a macro;

SysSaveRexxMacroSpace (file)→0 or failure : saves a macro space to a file.


5.2 SysAddRexxMacro 19

5.2 SysAddRexxMacro

SysAddRexxMacro(name, file, [order]) -> 0 or failure

Reads a macro called name from a file called file and makes it available to the current program. If orderis specified and starts with ‘A’, the macro name will be added to the end of the macro space. Otherwise, it will be added to the beginning. See SysReorderRexxMacro5.7 for a discussion of what this means.

Macros loaded using SysAddRexxMacro have the useful characteristics of external functions (they are stored in a separate file) but act like locally defined procedures (they can access global stem variables, for instance).

Returns 0 on success. The other possible return codes from the macro-space func- tions are 1 (not enough storage available), 2 (requested function not found), 3 (file extension required for save), 4 (macro functions exist), 5 (file I/O error in save/load), 6 (incorrect format for load), 7 (requested cannot be found), 8 (invalid search order position), and 9 (API not initialized).

5.3 SysClearRexxMacroSpace

SysClearRexxMacroSpace() -> 0 or failure

Clears all macros previously loaded using SysAddRexxMacro or SysLoadRexx- MacroSpace from the macro space.

Returns 0 on success. See SysAddRexxMacro, section 5.2, for the other possible return values.

5.4 SysDropRexxMacro

SysDropRexxMacro(name) -> 0 or failure

Drops the named macro fromt he macro space. The macro must have previously been loaded using SysAddRexxMacro or SysLoadRexxMacroSpace.

Returns 0 on success. See SysAddRexxMacro, section 5.2, for the other possible return values.

5.5 SysLoadRexxMacroSpace

SysLoadRexxMacroSpace(file) -> 0 or failure

Loads all macros from the filefile, which must have been saved using SysSave- RexxMacroSpace. It’s not guaranteed that macro space files will be compatible be- tween releases of Regina. Itisguaranteed that they will not be compatible between different Rexx implementations.

Returns 0 on success. See SysAddRexxMacro, section 5.2, for the other possible return values.



5.6 SysQueryRexxMacro

SysQueryRexxMacro(name) -> ’A’, ’B’, or ’’

Searches the macro space for a function calledname. If it finds it, it returns ‘A’ if the macro was loaded using load order ‘after’ or ‘B’ if it was loaded using load order

‘before’. If it doesn’t find it, returns the empty string.

5.7 SysReorderRexxMacro

SysReorderRexxMacro(name,order) -> 0 or failure

Changes the search order for macroname. Iforderbegins with ‘B’ (‘before’), the function from the macro space will override any locally-defined function of the same name. If it begins with ‘A’ (‘after’), any locally-defined function will over-ride the version loaded into the macro space.

Returns 0 on success. See SysAddRexxMacro, section 5.2, for the other possible return values.

5.8 SysSaveRexxMacroSpace

SysSaveRexxMacroSpace(file) -> 0 or failure

Saves all macros loaded using SysAddRexxMacro or SysLoadRexxMacroSpace to a file calledfile. The file name must include an extension.

Returns 0 on success. See SysAddRexxMacro, section 5.2, for the other possible return values.

6 Console I/O Routines

The console I/O routines allow simple terminal-mode updates. The Curses library gives more flexibility, and will be more efficient over slow connections. Rexx/TK is currently the best option for implementing GUI interfaes.

I originally considered implementing these routines using curses, but the value added would be slight (SysCurPos and SysTextScreenRead are the only functions which would be fixed by this), and the availability of the full curses package makes the effort redundant.

6.1 List of Console I/O Routines

SysCls () : clears the screen;

SysCurPos ([row],[column])→row column: moves the cursor, and returns its current posi- tion on the screen;

SysCurState (state): makes the cursor visible or invisible;

SysGetKey ([echo],[timeout]): retrieves a keystroke;


6.2 Example 21

SysTextScreenRead (row,column,len)→text: reads the screen;

SysTextScreenSize ()→rows columns: gets the size of the screen;

RxMessageBox (text, [title], [button], [icon])→button id: displays a message box and returns the button selected.

6.2 Example

Here’s a script which prints an X of screen positions on the screen, then waits for a keypress.

call rxfuncadd ’sysloadfuncs’, ’regutil’, ’sysloadfuncs’

call sysloadfuncs call syscurstate ’off’

call syscls

parse value systextscreensize() with rows cols top=min(rows,cols)-1

do i = 1 to top call syscurpos i,i

call charout ’stdout’, ’(’i’,’ i’)’

call syscurpos i,top-i+1

call charout ’stdout’, ’(’i’,’ top-i+1’)’


call SysGetKey ’noecho’

call syscurstate ’on’

call SysDropFuncs say ’’

6.3 SysCls


SysCls clears the screen as quickly as possible.

6.4 SysCurPos

SysCurPos([row],[column]) -> row column

SysCurPos sets the cursor position torowandcolumn, and returns the former posi- tion. Ifrowandcolumnare not returned, it doesn’t move the cursor. I don’t know how to retrieve the current position on Unix, so it always returns 0 0 on that platform. For more advanced screen handling, consider using the RxCurses package.



6.5 SysCurState


SysCurState makes the cursor visible or invisible. Ifstateis ‘on’, the cursor is made visible. If it is ‘off’, the cursor is made invisible.

6.6 SysGetKey

SysGetKey([echo],[timeout]) -> keystroke

SysGetKey returns a keystroke. If echo is specified, and it is ‘n’ or ‘no’, the keystroke is not displayed on the screen. Otherwise it is.

Iftimeoutis specified, it is a number of seconds to wait for input. As with SysSleep, fractions of seconds are allowed. iftimeoutseconds pass without a key being pressed, SysGetKey returns the empty string. By default, or iftimeoutis 0, SysGetKey waits until a key has been pressed before returning. This behaviour is incompatible with IBM’s implementation.

For compatibility with IBM’s implementation, function keys can be returned in an ugly, system-dependent manner. For NT, this means that if SysGetKey returns a 0, you must call it again, and the second return value tells you what key was pressed. For Unix, it means something different again – generally, alt-keys will return either a high- ascii value, or escape followed by the ascii value of the key, while function keys return different escape sequences depending on the terminal.

The current release tries to return ‘f1’ for F-1, ‘Home’ for the home key, and so forth. To figure out what gets returned, you have to press the keys and print it out.

6.7 SysTextScreenRead

SysTextScreenRead(row,column,len) -> text

SysTextScreenRead returns the characters printed on the screen forlencharacters, starting at positionrow,column. The end of line is indicated by a new-line character (ascii value 10).

SysTextScreenRead is not implemented for Unix systems, because I don’t know how to retrieve the information from a tty terminal.

6.8 SysTextScreenSize

SysTextScreenSize() -> rows columns

SysTextScreenSize returns the number of rows and columns in an NT text window, or a Unix terminal. For NT, the size is the size of the buffer behind the window, so if you have a scroll-back set up, for instance, the value will be larger than the actual screen size. For Unix, the size is the size the kernel believes the terminal to be. This will generally be accurate for xterms and many terminal emulators, but can be wrong if you’re using a terminal emulator which uses non-standard sizes, on a system (HP-UX comes to mind) which doesn’t account for that. The problem can be fixed by using the stty command to tell the system the actual size of the window.


6.9 RxMessageBox 23

6.9 RxMessageBox

RxMessageBox(text, [title], [button], [icon]) -> button id.

RxMessageBox displays a message box on the screen and waits for the user to press a button. It’s not a console I/O function, but it doesn’t seem to fit in anywhere else, so I document it here.

Textis the text that will be written in the message box. The system will wrap long text at around 120 characters, or 60% of the screen width (this is from observation – I haven’t seen any system documentation on this). This tends to look ridiculous, so you can force line breaks by adding a line-feed (character 10) to the string. See the example for. . . an example.

Titleis the text that is put on the title bar. By default, the title is ‘Error!’, meaning that you really should specify something.

Iconis one of ‘hand’, ‘question’, ‘exclamation’, ‘asterisk’, ‘information’, or ‘stop’;

the default is ‘hand’. Note that ‘hand’ and ‘stop’ present the same icon, and on my machine, it’s a sort-of X in a red circle, which is nothing like a hand or a stop-sign.

‘Question’ presents a question mark in a bubble. “Asterisk’ and ‘information’ present the same icon, which is a lower-case i in a bubble, and exclamation is an exclamation point in a yellow rhombus.

Buttonspecifies which buttons appear on the message box. It is one of ‘ok’ for an OK button, ‘okcancel’ for an OK button and a Cancel button, ‘abortretryignore’, for an abort button, a retry button, and an ignore button, ‘yesnocancel’ for a yes button, a no button and a cancel button, ‘yesno’ for a yes button and a no button, and ‘retrycancel’

for a retry button and a cancel button.

The return code is a number from 1 to 7 indicating which button was selected by the user. The numbers correspond to ‘OK’, ‘Cancel’, ‘Abort’, ‘Retry’, ‘Ignore’, ‘Yes’, or ‘No’, respectively.

rcc = RxMessageBox(’Things are going badly, which is ’ ||,

’my fault, but your problem.’ || d2c(10) ||,

’Press cancel to give up, or retry to take ’ ||,

’another stab at it.’, ’Oops’, ’RetryCancel’) /* cancel */

if rcc = 2 then do say ’good choice’

exit 1 end else do

say ’your funeral’

redo() end

7 Stem Manipulation Routines

The stem manipulation routines are used to manipulate stem variables. Not all of the options in IBM’s routines are supported, and regutil has a few extra functions which



are not available in IBM’s version.

Generally speaking, the stems must follow the numeric index convention. This is a long-standing way of emulating numeric arrays in Rexx, where the .0 stem element holds the number of entries in the array (count), and elements 1 throughcounthold the data.

I include sysdumpvariables() here even though it’s not specifically anything to do with stems.

7.1 List of Stem Manipulation Routines

SysDumpVariables ([filename])→0 or -1: dump the names and values of all variables to a file;

SysStemCopy (from, to[, fromindex, toindex, count, insertoverlay])→0 or -1: copy a stem to another stem;

SysStemDelete (stem, index[, count])→0 or -1: delete elements from a stem;

SysStemInsert (stem, index, value)→0 or -1: insert a value into a stem;

SysStemSort (stemname[, order] [,sensitivity] [,startpos,endpos] [,firstcol,lastcol])→0 or -1:

sort the elements of a stem;

RegMultiStemSort ([order], [sensitivity], [startpos], [endpos] stemname1, stemname2 [,stemname3, ...])→0 or -1: sort the elements of stemname1 keeping other stems in sync;

RegStemDoOver (stem, variable[, outstem])→0 or 1: enumerates the indexes of a stem;

RegStemRead (filename, stemname[[, minlen[, maxlen]])→0 or 1: read file into stem;

RegStemWrite (filename, stemname)→0 or 1: write file from stem;

RegStemSearch (needle, haystack[, start] [, flags])→0 or index: search a stem for a value.

7.2 Example

Here’s a script which reads a file into a stem, sorts the stem, and then writes it out to the file again:

call rxfuncadd ’sysloadfuncs’, ’regutil’, ’sysloadfuncs’

call sysloadfuncs

call regstemread ’bob’, ’bob’

call sysstemsort ’bob’

call regstemwrite ’bob’, ’bob’


7.3 SysDumpVariables 25

7.3 SysDumpVariables


SysDumpVariables is a debugging aid which dumps all variables to the filefilename in the format

Name=GREETING, Value="Have a nice day."

Nothing special is done with variables that include new-lines or quotes. If no file is specified, the dump is written to standard output.

7.4 SysStemCopy

SysStemCopy(from, to[, fromindex, toindex, count, insertoverlay]) SysStemCopy copies stemfromtoto. The stems must currently follow the numeric index convention (this might change in the future).

fromindexis the index number of the first element infromwhich should be copied.

toindexis the index number of the first target element in to. The default for both indices is 1. countis the number of elements to copy. The default is all of them. If insertoverlayis ‘I’, the elements fromfromare inserted intoto, and existing elements intoare shifted. Otherwise, existing elements intoare overwritten.

Iftoindexis beyond the end ofto, the array is extended and filled with zero-length strings. Iffromindex+countis greater than the number of elements infrom, only the number of elements betweenfromindexand the end offromare copied.

If the default options are given forfromindex,toindex,count, and insertoverlay, fromis copied exactly on top ofto. So, iftohas 20 elements, andfromhas 10 elements, the last 10 elements oftowill be deleted. Probably, this is a bug, but you can work around it by passingcountasfrom.0.

7.5 SysStemDelete

SysStemDelete(stem, index[, count]) -> 0 or -1

Deletescountentries from a stem, starting at indexindex. The default count is 1.

The stem must follow the numeric index convention.

7.6 SysStemInsert

SysStemInsert(stem, index, value)

Insertsvalueat index positionindex. If there are elements with larger indices than index, they are shifted up one. The stem must follow the numeric index convention.



7.7 SysStemSort

SysStemSort(stem[, order] [, sensitivity] [,startpos, endpos]


SysStemSort sorts a stem. This is a pure ASCII sort, which doesn’t take into ac- count any language-based collation sequence. ordercan be ‘ascending’ or ‘descend- ing’, the default is ‘ascending’.sensitivitycan be ‘sensitive’ or ‘insensitive’, which de- termines whether to fold upper-case letters into lower-case letters. Again, this doesn’t take into account accented characters, although it might if Regina were to call setlo- cale(3). Only the first letter of each of these options is significant.

Ifstartposandendposare given, only elements fromstartpostoendpos(inclusive) will be sorted.

Iffirstcolandlastcolare given, elements will be sorted based on thefirstcolth to lastcolth characters, inclusive. We start counting characters at 1.

The stem must follow the numeric index convention.

7.8 RegMultiStemSort

RegMultiStemSort([order], [sensitivity], [firstcol], [lastcol], stemname1, stemname2[,stemanme3,...])

RegMultiStemSort sorts the first stem and keeps the other stems in sync. This is a pure ASCII sort, which doesn’t take into account any language-based collation se- quence.ordercan be ‘ascending’ or ‘descending’, the default is ‘ascending’.sensitivity can be ‘sensitive’ or ‘insensitive’, which determines whether to fold upper-case letters into lower-case letters. Again, this doesn’t take into account accented characters, al- though it might if Regina were to call setlocale(3). Only the first letter of each of these options is significant.

Iffirstcolandlastcolare given, elements will be sorted based on thefirstcolth to lastcolth characters, inclusive. We start counting characters at 1.

All stems must follow the numeric index convention.

/* setup stems */

firstname.1 = ’Mary’

firstname.2 = ’Fred’

firstname.3 = ’John’

firstname.0 = 3

lastname.1 = "d’Angelo"

lastname.2 = ’Bloggs’

lastname.3 = ’Doe’

lastname.0 = 3 age.1 = ’25’

age.2 = ’44’

age.3 = ’32’

age.0 = 3

/* sort on lastname */

call regmultistemsort ’a’, ’i’, , ,’lastname.’, ’firstname.’, ’age.’


7.9 RegStemDoOver 27

/* show our results */

do i = 1 to firstname.0

say firstname.i lastname.i ’is’ age.i end

This will result in:

Fred Bloggs is 44 Mary d’Angelo is 25 John Doe is 32

7.9 RegStemDoOver

RegStemDoOver(stem, variablename[, outstem]) -> 0 or 1

RegStemDoOver simulates the object rexx construct ‘do x over y.’. It allows the indices of a stem to be treated as data by retrieving each index in turn. It returns 1 while there are additional elements, and 0 after the last element has been returned.

stemis the name of the stem. variablenameis the name of a variable to set to the next stem index. If given,outstemis the name of a stem to set to the complete set of indices ofstem, using the numeric index convention.

/* read values into a stem */

do until name = ’end’

parse linein name otherstuff data.name = otherstuff end

/* process the values */

do while regstemdoover(’data.’, ’i’)

/* skip the ‘end’ element. This is something

* to do with this dumb example, not a feature

* of regstemdoover */

if i \= ’end’ then

call somefunction i, data.i end

The stem doesnot have to follow the numeric index convention (otherwise the function would be a bit pointless, but I thought I’d mention it). You can’t nest calls to RegStemDoOver. For instance, this code will not work as desired:

/* loop over indices of data */

do while regstemdoover(’data.’, ’i’) /* and now loop over mana */

do while regstemdoover(’mana.’, ’j’

call somefunction i, j end




Instead, you must first store the indices of ‘data’ in another stem.

Also, RegStemDoOver does not pick up changes which have occurred to the stem since the first call to the function.

7.10 RegStemRead

RegStemRead(filename, stem[[, minlen[, maxlen]])

RegStemRead reads the contents of filefilenameinto stem stem using the numeric index convention (number of lines in the 0 element, data in numbered elements starting at 1). When possible, it uses memory-mapped I/O to read the values, which should be the most efficient method possible. As a result, RegStemRead is expected to be measurably faster than, eg, using linein, as well as being more convenient.

The minimum length of a line in the file is returned in the variable name specified byminlenif supplied.

The maximum length of a line in the file is returned in the variable name specified bymaxlenif supplied.

7.11 RegStemWrite

RegStemWrite(filename, stem)

RegStemWrite reads the contents of stemstem to file filename. The stem must follow the numeric index convention. This might be faster than using lineout, and it’s convenient, but it’s mostly included as a companion to RegStemRead.

7.12 RegStemSearch

RegStemSearch(needle, haystack [, start] [,flags]) -> 0 or index RegStemSearch searches the stemhaystackforneedle. It returns the index position of a stem element which matchesneedle, or 0 if there are no such elements. The stem must follow the numeric index convention.

Startis the starting index position (the default is 1).Flagscan be any combination of ‘C’, ‘E’, and ‘S’. ‘C’ indicates that the search should be case-sensitive (the default is case-insensitive). ‘E’ indicates that an exact match is required (the default is to perform a substring match). ‘S’ indicates that the stem is sorted. When the stem is sorted, RegStemSearch uses a binary search, otherwise it uses a linear search.

RegStemSearch is primarily a convenience function. In its fastest mode of oper- ation (performing exact matches on a case-sensitively sorted stem), the overhead of looking up Rexx variable values makes it slightly slower than the equivalent code writ- ten in Rexx, and much slower than a more sensible use of stems. What I mean by this is that this code:

colour = ’green’

colours.0 = 3 colours.1 = ’blue’



colours.2 = ’green’

colours.3 = ’red’

if regstemsearch(colour, ’colours’,,’ces’) \= 0 then say colour ’is a colour’

would be more sensible and also much faster as colours. = 0

x = ’blue’

colours.x = 1 x = ’green’

colours.x = 1 x = ’red’

colours.x = 1

if colours.colour then say colour ’is a colour’

In its default mode of operation, it can be used along with RegStemRead to replace SysFileSearch, but again the overhead of setting and retrieving Rexx variables from the library makes it slower.

8 Semaphore Routines

A semaphore is an inter-process communications mechanism which allows information to be signalled between processes. Generally speaking, semaphores are counters which can be shared between processes, and which allow processes to block while waiting for the semaphore to reach special values (normally 0 and not-0).

RegUtil provides two specialised kinds of semaphores: mutual exclusion, or mutex semaphores, and event semaphores.

You use mutex semaphores to cooperatively control access to shared resources. For instance, if two programs use the same log file to record their progress, they might use a mutex to ensure that log messages don’t overlap. The routine that writes to the log would first ‘lock’ the mutex by calling SysRequestMutexSem, then write the log mes- sage, flush the log file, and finally release the semaphore using SysReleaseMutexSem.

An event semaphore allows a process to wait efficiently until another process lets it know that there’s something to do. For instance, a server process which accepts requests in the form of text files could call SysWaitEventSem when it has nothing to do.

A client process which has created input for the server would call SysPulseEventSem to notify the server that an new file has been written.

There are two kinds of event semaphores. Manual-reset semaphores have their states changed to ‘posted’ or ‘reset’ and the state stays that way no matter how many other processes wait for the semaphore. Auto-reset semaphores (the default) automat- ically change from ‘posted’ to ‘reset’ as soon as a waiting process has been released.

A manual-reset semaphore is a bit like a door which is always either open or shut, while an auto-reset is like a turnstile that lets one person through, then locks. See SysPulseEventSem and SysPostEventSem for more details.



8.1 List of Semaphore Routines

SysCloseEventSem (semid)→0 or failure: close an event semaphore;

SysCloseMutexSem (semid)→0 or failure: close an mutex semaphore;

SysCreateEventSem ([name],[manualreset])→handle: create an event semaphore;

SysCreateMutexSem ([name])→handle: create a mutex semaphore;

SysOpenEventSem (name)→handle: open an event semaphore;

SysOpenMutexSem (name)→handle: open a mutex semaphore;

SysPostEventSem (semid)→0 or failure: set the semaphore status to ‘on’;

SysPulseEventSem (semid)→0 or failure: set the semaphore status to ‘on’ then ‘off’ again;

SysReleaseMutexSem (semid)→0 or failure: unlock a mutex semaphore;

SysRequestMutexSem (semid, [timeout])→0 or failure: lock a mutex semaphore;

SysResetEventSem (semid)→0 or failure: set the semaphore status to ‘off’;

SysWaitEventSem (semid, [timeout])→0 or failure: wait for an event semaphore to be turned ‘on’.

8.2 SysCloseEventSem

SysCloseEventSem(semid) -> 0 or failure

Closes the event semaphore associated withsemid.semidmust have been returned by SysOpenEventSem or SysCreateEventSem. A return code of 0 means success. Any other return code means ‘not success’.

8.3 SysCloseMutexSem

SysCloseMutexSem(semid) -> 0 or failure

Closes the mutex semaphore associated withsemid.semidmust have been returned by SysOpenMutexSem or SysCreateMutexSem. A return code of 0 means success.

Any other return code means ‘not success’.

8.4 SysCreateEventSem

SysCreateEventSem([name],[manualreset]) -> handle

Creates a new event semaphore keyed on name. If name is not specified, the semaphore is private to the process, and so completely useless until Regina supports multi-threading. Ifmanualresetis set to a non-zero value, it changes the behaviour of SysPulseEventSem and SysPostEventSem as described later.

On success, SysCreateEventSem returns a handle to the semaphore, which should be used in subsequent semaphore calls. On failure, it returns the empty string.


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