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Impact of thermal aging on emission of a buck DC-DC converter


Academic year: 2021

Partager "Impact of thermal aging on emission of a buck DC-DC converter"


Texte intégral

(1)Impact of thermal aging on emission of a buck DC-DC converter Alexandre Boyer, He Huang, Sonia Ben Dhia. To cite this version: Alexandre Boyer, He Huang, Sonia Ben Dhia. Impact of thermal aging on emission of a buck DC-DC converter. 2014 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Tokyo (EMC’14/Tokyo), May 2014, Tokyo, Japan. pp.77-80. �hal-01006115�. HAL Id: hal-01006115 https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-01006115 Submitted on 13 Jun 2014. HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers.. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés..

(2) EMC’14/Tokyo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`31'+D!2<! ,+1/1'(,1!AG!%0D!AY!'*,(3.*!'*+!E++D2%&4!$/0:!. ()*+,%-#./+0$'123,+)%4 5,-)4 #6337*84 )7)'$%,5&9:)$0'4 )50##0,:84&'')7)%&$)-4&90:984)50##0,:45,-)70:9;444. ":!. 0+3! 4-5!*".

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aU:! J*+! (3'$3'! 8(-'%.+! ,/$$-+! /1! %-1(! #(0/'(,+D!O/'*!%0!(1&/--(1&($+:!J*+!&(08+,'+,!/1!#(30'+D!(0! %!D+D/&%'+D!'+1'!2(%,D!D+1/.0+D!'(!+013,+!,%D/%'+D!+#/11/(0!/0! JVQ!&+--!TbU:!9--!'*+!D+8/&+1!%,+!#(30'+D!(0!'*+!'($!-%<+,!()! '*+!'+1'!2(%,D:! 3"! !&&$:$'9)$;-9<*,<J*+! D/))+,+0'! D+8/&+1! ()! '*+! &(08+,'+,! %,+! 1+01/'/8+! '(! +-+&',/&%-! (,! '*+,#%-! (8+,1',+11! &(0D/'/(01:! "0! (,D+,! '(! %&&+-+,%'+!'*+!&(08+,'+,!%./0.=!/'!($+,%'+1!/0!%!0(#/0%-! #(D+! /0!%!*/.*!'+#$+,%'3,+!+08/,(0#+0':!E(3,!&(08+,'+,1!%,+!$-%&+D! +/.*'! D%<1! /0! %! '*+,#%-! (8+0=! O*/&*! ,+.3-%'+1! '*+! %#2/+0'! '+#$+,%'3,+!%'!GZIc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opyright ©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

(4) EMC’14/Tokyo @+-$% 6/0G! 6(3'G! 6/0Y=! 6(3'Y! B! 5!. A$3$'$1/$% 9-3#/0/3#!+-+&',(-<'/&!&%$%&/'(,!! VVVERGVHCI9R! 9-3#/0/3#!+-+&',(-<'/&!&%$%&/'(,! VVV>;9GIGK9R! \CA!&+,%#/&!&%$%&/'(,! e6QYG;ACG>GIH^9FCB! ?*/+-D+D!&(,+!$(OD+,!/0D3&'(,! ">BRHIHI5fGG! R(O+,!?&*(''4<!,+&'/)/+,! ?JR?FHI!. 13A2-A4 B+46$%. C+D=%'+.,12)%. HC!dE!. YZ!]=!GIZ!c&!. GII!dE!. GI!]=!GIZc&!. GII!0E!. ZI]=!GYZc&!. YY!d>!. Z!9=!GYZc&!. 77!. F!9=!GZIc&!. !. """:! V]NBKJ"N@!NE!VQ"??"N@!9EJVA!966VBVA9JV5!9e"@e!. E/.:!F:! 6(#$%,/1(0! ()! '*+! &(0D3&'+D! +#/11/(0! 2+'O++0! 1(30D! %0D! %.+D! &(08+,'+,1!. !"! 75+:1)*+,-+.-)/$-+1)(1)-5+:)9<$-'*((:$9)'+,! '*+! '*+,#%-! 1',+11=! %--! '*+! '+1'+D! 1%#$-+1! ,+#%/0! ($+,%'/(0%-! 23'! '*+! (3'$3'! 8(-'%.+! ,/$$-+! *%1! 1',(0.-<! /0&,+%1+D=! 2<! GII! (,! YII! g! PE/.:! YS:! 91! #+0'/(0+D! /0! 03#+,(31! $32-/&%'/(01! 13&*! %1! TCU=! /'! /1! %! D/,+&'! &(01+W3+0&+! ()! '*+! D+.,%D%'/(0! ()! '*+! )/-'+,/0.! +-+&',(-<'/&! &%$%&/'(,1! $-%&+D! %'! '*+! &(08+,'+,! (3'$3'! P6(3'GS:! J*+! */.*! '+#$+,%'3,+! &(0',/23'+1! '(! %0! /0&,+%1+! ()! /'1! VW3/8%-+0'! ?+,/%-! A+1/1'%0&+! PV?AS!&(#2/0+D!O/'*!%!D+&,+%1+!()!'*+!&%$%&/'%0&+:!! 0$4. !.  

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`(,!/0)-3+0&+!(0!'*+!&*%0.+!()!+#/11/(0!-+8+-:!J*+1+!2%1/&! '+1'1! *%8+! 1*(O0! '*%'! '*+! +-+&',(-<'/&! &%$%&/'(,! 6(3'G! %0D! /0D3&'(,!B!D+.,%D%'/(0!%))+&'1!'*+!+#/11/(0!-+8+-:!9--!'*+!('*+,! D+8/&+1!*%8+!%!#/0(,!/#$%&':!E/.:!Z!$,+1+0'1!'*+!+8(-3'/(0!()! &(0D3&'+D! +#/11/(0! )(,! D/))+,+0'! &(#2/0%'/(0! ()! 1(30D! %0D! %.+D!$%11/8+!D+8/&+1:!!.  . 0.   . /$&-3. 1$&-3. "#. 3$&-3. 5$&-3. !. E/.:!Y:! V8(-3'/(0!()!'*+!(3'$3'!8(-'%.+!,/$$-+1!#+%13,+D!(0!&(08+,'+,!hG!. 6"! 75+:1)*+,-+.-)/$-&+,;1&)$;-$8*%%*+,J*+! &(0D3&'+D! +#/11/(0! -+8+-! #+%13,+D! %'! '*+! &(08+,'+,! (3'$3'!%-1(!/0&,+%1+1!%)'+,!%./0.!(8+,!%!-%,.+!),+W3+0&<!,%0.+=! %1! 1*(O0! /0! E/.:! F:! E(,! &-%,/'<! $3,$(1+=! (0-<! '*+! ,+13-'1! #+%13,+D!(0!&(08+,'+,1!G!%0D!Y!%0D!'*+!+08+-($+1!()!+#/11/(0! 1$+&',%! %,+! $-(''+D:! ?/#/-%,! 2+*%8/(,1! %,+! #+%13,+D! (0! &(08+,'+,1!F!%0D!H:!J*+!%8+,%.+!/0&,+%1+!,%0.+1!2+'O++0![!%0D! YI!D;!2+'O++0!YII!^>X!%0D!GZI!Q>X:!! 3"! 75+:1)*+,-+.-)/$-'9;*9)$;-$8*%%*+,J*+! ,%D/%'+D! +#/11/(0! -+8+-1! #+%13,+D! /0! JVQ! &+--! ,/1+! %)'+,! %./0.! (8+,! %! O/D+! ),+W3+0&<! ,%0.+=! %1! 1*(O0! /0! E/.:! H:! J*+! %8+,%.+! /0&,+%1+! ()! ,%D/%'+D! +#/11/(0! -+8+-! /1! -+11! &(#$%,+D!'(!'*+!&(0D3&'+D!+#/11/(0!-+8+-!/0&,+%1+:!"'!/1!%2(3'! Z!D;!2+'O++0!YII!^>X!%0D!GZI!Q>X:!. !. "]:! V\RVA"QV@J9B!9@9Bi?"?!NE!J>V!!VBV6JANQ9e@VJ"6! VQ"??"N@!V]NBKJ"N@!NE!J>V!56756!6N@]VAJVA!. E/.:!Z:! VL$+,/#+0'%-!%0%-<1/1!()!'*+!/0)-3+0&+!()!'*+!D+.,%D%'/(0!()!/0D3&'(,! %0D!(3'$3'!)/-'+,/0.!&%$%&/'(,1!(0!'*+!&(0D3&'+D!+#/11/(0!!. J*+!,(-+!()!+-+&',(-<'/&!&%$%&/'(,1!/0!'*+!/0&,+%1+!()!?QR?! (3'$3'!8(-'%.+!,/$$-+!/1!O/D+-<!+L*/2/'+D!/0!1&/+0'/)/&!-/'+,%'3,+! TCU=!)(--(O+D!2<!'*+!1O/'&*/0.!D+8/&+!TGIU:!J*+!)(--(O/0.!'+1'1! %/#! %'! /D+0'/)</0.! '*+! &(#$(0+0'1! ,+1$(01/2-+! ()! '*+! VQV! /0&,+%1+:!. Copyright © 2014 IEICE. 6*%0./0.! 2('*! (3'$3'! )/-'+,/0.! &%$%&/'(,! P6(3'GS! %0D! /0D3&'(,! PBS! /1! +0(3.*! '(! 2,/0.! +#/11/(0! %0D! (3'$3'! 8(-'%.+! ,/$$-+! %'! '*+/,! /0/'/%-! -+8+-1:! J*+! ,+13-'1! &(0)/,#! '*+! $,+D(#/0%0'!/0)-3+0&+!()!'*+! (3'$3'! )/-'+,/0.!&%$%&/'(,!P6(3'GS! (0!'*+!(3'$3'!8(-'%.+!,/$$-+!%0D!(0!'*+!-(O!),+W3+0&<!,%0.+!()! '*+! +#/11/(0! 1$+&',3#! P),(#! YII! ^>X! 3$! '(! G:a! Q>XS:! "'! /1!. 78.

(6) EMC’14/Tokyo. 13A2-A4. /0'+,+1'/0.!'(!0('/&+!'*%'!'*+!/0D3&'(,!D+.,%D%'/(0!*%1!%!#%`(,! /#$%&'! (0! '*+! #+D/3#! %0D! */.*! ),+W3+0&<! ,%0.+! ()! '*+! +#/11/(0!1$+&',3#!P%2(8+!F!Q>XS:!. $+,)(,#+D!O/'*!9./-+0'j1!9D8%0&+D!5+1/.0+D!?<1'+#!P95?S:! ;%1/&! #(D+-1! ()! $%11/8+! D+8/&+1! 2%1+D! (0! 1+,/%-! (,! $%,%--+-! AB6! '($(-(./+1! T[U! %,+! 0('! 13))/&/+0'! '(! %&*/+8+! %! */.*! %&&3,%&<:! J(! #(D+-! '*+! ),+W3+0&<! D+$+0D+0&+! ()! '*+! +-+&',(-<'/&! &%$%&/'(,! V?A=! '*,++! $%,%--+-! ,+1/1'(,! &%$%&/'(,! $%/,1!%,+!$-%&+D!/0!1+,/+1!O/'*!%!&(01'%0'!,+1/1'%0&+=!%1!1*(O0! /0! E/.:! a:! ;+1/D+1=! '(! #(D+-! '*+! )-3&'3%'/(0! ()! /#$+D%0&+! ()! /0D3&'(,! (21+,8+D! %2(8+! GIIQ>X=! %! &(#2/0%'/(0! ()! ,+1/1'%0&+1=!/0D3&'%0&+1!%0D!&%$%&/'%0&+1!PAB6S!/1!%DD+D!PE/.:! bS:! J*+! 1/#3-%'/(0! ,+13-'! )/'1! $+,)+&'-<! O/'*! '*+! #+%13,+#+0'! PE/.:GIS:!!. 




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