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Identifying codes in hereditary classes of graphs and VC-dimension


Academic year: 2021

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Submitted on 2 Mar 2016


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Nicolas Bousquet, Aurélie Lagoutte, Zhentao Li, Aline Parreau, Stéphan Thomassé

To cite this version:

Nicolas Bousquet, Aurélie Lagoutte, Zhentao Li, Aline Parreau, Stéphan Thomassé. Identifying codes

in hereditary classes of graphs and VC-dimension. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Soci-

ety for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2015, 29 (4), pp.2047-2064. �10.1137/14097879X�. �hal-




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Anidentifying odeof a graph is a subset of its verties suh that every vertex of the graph isuniquely

identiedbythesetofitsneighbourswithintheode. Weshowadihotomyforthesizeofthesmallestidentifying

odeinlassesofgraphslosedunderinduedsubgraphs. OurdihotomyisderivedfromtheVC-dimensionofthe

onsideredlassC,thatisthemaximumVC-dimensionoverthehypergraphsformedbythelosedneighbourhoods ofelementsof C. Weshowthat hereditarylasseswithinniteVC-dimension haveinnitelymanygraphswith an identifyingodeof sizelogarithmi inthenumberof verties while lasses withnite VC-dimension havea


Wethenturntoapproximationalgorithms. WeshowthatMin IdCode (theproblemof ndingasmallest

identifying ode ina givengraph from somelass C) islog-APX-hard for any hereditary lassof innite VC- dimension. For hereditary lasses of nite VC-dimension, the only known previous results show that wean

approximate Min Id Codewithin a onstantfator insomepartiularlasses, e.g. linegraphs, planar graphs

andunitintervalgraphs. WeprovethatMinId Codeanbeapproximatewithinafator6forintervalgraphs.

Inontrast,weshowthat MinId Code onC4-free bipartitegraphs(alassofnite VC-dimension)annotbe approximatedtowithinafatorofclog(|V|)forsomec >0.

Keywords. Identifyingode,VC-dimension,Hereditarylassofgraphs,Approximation,Intervalgraph

AMSsubjet lassiations. 05C69,05C85,05C62

1. Introdution. Let G = (V, E) be a graph. Anidentifying ode of G is a subset C of

vertiesofGsuhthat,foreahvertexv∈V,theset ofvertiesinC atdistaneatmost1from v, is non-empty and uniquely identies v. In other words, for eah vertex v ∈ V(G), we have N[v]∩C6=∅(Cisadominatingset)andforeahpairu, v∈V(G),wehaveN[u]∩C6=N[v]∩C

(C is a separating set), where N[v] denotes the losed neighbourhood of v in G (v and all its

neighbours). WesaythatasetX ofvertiesdistinguishes u∈V(G)fromv∈V(G)ifN[u]∩X 6=

N[v]∩X. Thisoneptwasintroduedin1998byKarpovsky,ChakrabartyandLevitin[21 ℄and hasappliationsin variousareas suh as fault-diagnosis[21 ℄, routingin networks[23 ℄ oranalysis

ofRNAstrutures[19 ℄. Foraompletesurveyontheseresults,thereaderisreferredtotheonline


Two vertiesuand v are twinsifN[u] =N[v]. Thewhole vertexset V(G)is anidentifying odeifandonlyifGistwin-free. Sinesupersetsofidentifyingodesareidentifying,anidentifying odeexistsforGifandonlyifitistwin-free. Anaturalprobleminthestudyofidentifyingodes is to ndone of a minimum size. Given a twin-free graph G, thesmallest size of anidentifying odeofGis alled theidentifyingodenumber of Gandis denotedby γID(G). Theproblemof

determiningγIDisalledtheMin Id Codeproblem,anditsdeisionversionisNP-omplete [8 ℄.

LetX ⊆V. WedenotebyG[X]thegraphinduedbythesubsetofvertiesX. Inthispaper,

we fous onhereditary lasses ofgraphs, that is lasseslosed under taking indued subgraphs.

Weonsiderthetwofollowingproblems: ndinggoodlowerboundsandapproximationalgorithms


1.1. Previouswork. Inthelassofallgraphs,thebestlowerboundisγID(G)≥log(|V(G)|+

1), sineall thevertiesof the graphs havedistint non-empty neighbourhood within the ode.

Monel[27℄haraterizedallgraphsreahingthislower bound. Asforapproximationalgorithms,















thegeneralproblemMin Id Codeisknowntobelog-APX-hard [22 ,23 ,33℄. Inpartiular,there

is no (1−ε) log(|V|)-approximationalgorithm for Min Id Code. The problem Min Id Code remainslog-APX-hard even insplit graphs, bipartite graphsor o-bipartitegraphs(omplement ofbipartitegraphs) [14 ℄.

Onthepositiveside,therealwaysexistsaO(log|V(G)|)approximationforMinIdCode[33 ℄.

Moreover, evenif in thegeneralaseMin Id Codeis hardto evaluate, thereexist several on-

stantapproximationalgorithmsforrestritedlassesofgraphs, suh asplanargraphs [29℄orline

graphs[15 ℄.

For the remainder of this artile, n denotes the number of vertiesof G. Table 1 gives an

overviewoftheurrentlyknownresultsforsomerestritedhereditarylassesofgraphs. Theorder


lowerbounds). Min Id Codeforlinegraphsandplanargraphshavea polynomialtimeonstant

fatorapproximation algorithmwith thebest known onstantwritten in parenthesis. Fromthis

table,weobservetwobehaviours: alasseither

1. has a logarithmi lower bound on the size of identifying odes, and Min Id Code is

log-APX-hardinthislass(forexamplesplit, bipartite,o-bipartitegraphs),or

2. there isa polynomial lower-bound onγID(G)and aonstantfatorapproximationalgo- rithmtoomputeγID(G).

Graphlass Lowerbound Complexity Approximability Referenes

Allgraphs Θ(log(n)) NP- log-APX-hard [21 ,22 ℄

Chordal Θ(log(n)) NP- log-APX-hard [14 ℄

Splitgraphs Θ(log(n)) NP- log-APX-hard [14 ℄

Bipartite Θ(log(n)) NP- log-APX-hard [14 ℄

Co-bipartite Θ(log(n)) NP- log-APX-hard [14 ℄

Claw-free Θ(log(n)) NP- log-APX-hard [14 ℄

Interval Θ(n1/2) NP- open [16 ,17 ℄

Unitinterval Θ(n) open PTAS [13 ,16 ℄

Permutation Θ(n1/2) NP- open [16 ,17 ℄

Linegraphs Θ(n1/2) NP- APX(4) [15 ℄

Planar Θ(n) NP- APX(7) [3 ,29 ℄



1.2. Our results. The aim of this paper is to shed some light on the validity of suh a


VC-dimension. LetH= (V,E)beahypergraph. AsubsetX⊆V ofvertiesisshatterediffor

everysubsetSofX,thereissomehyperedgeesuhthate∩X =S. TheVC-dimensionofHisthe

sizeofthelargestshatteredsetofH. WedenetheVC-dimensionofagraphastheVC-dimension of thelosedneighbourhood hypergraphof G(vertiesare thevertiesofGand hyperedges are

thelosedneighbourhoodsofvertiesofG),alassialwaytodenetheVC-dimensionofagraph (see[1,6℄).

By a shattered set of a graph G, we mean a shattered set of the hypergraph of the losed

neighbourhoods of G. The VC-dimension of a lass of graphs C, denoted by dim(C), is the

maximumoftheVC-dimensionofthegraphsoverC. Ifitisunbounded,wesaythatChasinnite


Dihotomy for lower bounds. First we will prove in Setion 2 that there is indeed suh a

dihotomyontheminimumsizeofidentifyingodes: itisalwayseitherlogarithmiorpolynomial,

where the exponentof the polynomial depends on the VC-dimension of the lass of graphs. In


graphs,unitdiskgraphsandundiretedpathgraphs. Moreover,theseboundsaretightforinterval

graphsandgraphs ofgirthatleast5.


Graphlass VCdim IC-lower bound IC-approx

Girth≥5 2 Θ(n12)(opt,new) open

Interval 2 Θ(n12)(opt) 6(Thm. 5.3 )

Chordalbipartite 3 Ω(n13)(new) open

Unitdisk 3 Ω(n13)(new) open

C4-freebipartite 2 Θ(n12)(opt,new) noclog(n)-approx(Thm. 4.3 )

Undiretedpath 3 Ω(n13)(new) open



Approximation hardness. We then try to extend this dihotomy result for onstant fator

approximations. First,weshowinSetion3thatMinIdCodeislog-APX-hardforanyhereditary

lasswith alogarithmilower bound. Theproofessentiallyonsistsin provingthat a hereditary

lass with innite VC-dimension ontains one of these three lasses, for whih Min Id Code

has been shown to belog-APX-hard [14℄: the bipartite graphs, the o-bipartite graphs, or the split graphs. Unfortunately, the dihotomy does notextend to approximation sineweshow in

Setion 4 thatC4-freebipartite graphshavea polynomial lower bound onthesize ofidentifying odes but Min Id Code is not approximable to within a fator clogn for some c > 0 (under

some omplexityassumption) in thislass. Thus, a onstant fatorapproximationis notalways

possiblein theseond ase.

Approximationalgorithm. Finally,inSetion5 ,weonludethepaperwithsomepositivere-

sultwhenthelowerboundispolynomialbyprovingthatthereexistsa6-approximationalgorithm forintervalgraphs,a problemleftopenin [14 ℄.

Theresultsobtained inthispaperaredetailed inTable2.

2. Dihotomy for lower bound. Most of the results using VC-dimension onsist in ob-

tainingupperbounds. However,in thelastfewyears,severalinterestinglower boundshavebeen

obtainedusingVC-dimension,forinstaneingametheory(e.g.[10 ,28 ℄). Alltheseproofsonsist

inanappliationofalemma,duetoSauer[30 ℄andShellah[32 ℄,oroneofitsvariants. Ourresult

hasthesameavoursineweusethislemmatoprovethat thesizeofanidentifyingodeannot

betoosmalliftheVC-dimensionisbounded. Thetrae ofa setX onY isX∩Y. Byextension,

the traeof avertexxonY istheintersetionofN[x]withY.

Lemma 2.1 (Sauer'slemma [30, 32 ℄). Let H= (V,E)be an hypergraph of VC-dimension d.

Foreveryset X⊆V,the numberof (distint)traesof E on X isatmost




|X| i

≤ |X|d+ 1.


Theorem 2.2. Forevery hereditary lassof graphs C,either

1. for every k ∈ N, there exists a graph Gk ∈ C with more than 2k −1 verties and an


2. there existsε >0 suhthat no twin-free graph G∈ C with n vertieshas an identifying odeofsizesmallerthannε.

Proof. Let C bean hereditary lass of graphs. Thelass C either has nite or innite VC-

dimension. First,supposethatChasinniteVC-dimension. WewillshowthatCsatisestherst

onlusion. Bydenition ofinniteVC-dimension,thereisagraph Hk ∈ CwithVC-dimensionk








Fig.1.Thesetx1, x2, x3 isshatteredinthis


Fig. 2. Aset of three verties shatteredby


foreahk. Sothere existsa set ofvertiesX of sizek ofHk whihis shattered. LetY bea set

of 2k −1 verties whose losed neighbourhoods haveall possible traes on X exept the empty

set, meaning that for every X ⊆X, adda vertex y in Y suh that N[y]∩X =X. ChooseY

so that |X∩Y| ismaximized. LetGk =Hk[X∪Y]. The graphGk hasat least 2k−1 verties

sine|Y|= 2k−1. ByhoieofY,X dominatesX∪Y andX distinguisheseverypairofverties ofY. By maximalityof |X∩Y|, X alsodistinguishes every vertexin X from every vertex inY

(otherwiseavertexofY wouldhavethesameneighbourhoodinX asavertexx∈X andthusan

bereplaedbyx, ontraditingthemaximalityof |X∩Y|). For eah x∈X, thevertexyx ∈Y

whoselosedneighbourhoodintersetsX inexatly{x}distinguishesxfromallvertiesinX−x.

SoX∪ {yx|x∈X}isanidentifyingodeofsizeatmost2k,asrequired.

Now suppose that the VC-dimension of C is bounded by d. For any identifying ode C of

a twin-free graph G ∈ C, the traes of verties of Gon C are dierent. Hene, by Lemma 2.1, n≤Pd

i=0 |C| i

≤ |C|d+ 1. Therefore,|C| ≥(n−1)1d,provingthatC satises theseondlaim.

Theproofgives in fat the lower bound γID(G)∈ Ω(ndim1(C)) for theseond item. So ifwe

an boundthe VC-dimensionof thelass, then weimmediately obtain lower bounds onthesize

ofidentifyingodes. Lemma 2.3providessuh bounds forseveral lassesofgraphs.

Letusgivesome denitions. Thegirth ofagraphisthelengthofashortestyle. Ahordal

bipartite graph is abipartite graph withoutinduedyleof lengthatleast 6. A unitdisk graph

is agraph of intersetion ofunitdisks in theplane. Aninterval graph is a graph ofintersetion

of segmentson a line. Anundireted path graph is a graph of vertex-intersetion of paths in an

undiretedtree(i.e. twovertiesareadjaentiftheirorrespondingpathshaveatleastonevertex


Lemma 2.3. The following upperboundsholdandaretight:

The VC-dimension of graphsof girth atleast5isatmost 2.

The VC-dimension of hordal bipartite graphs isatmost 3.

The VC-dimension of unitdiskgraphsisatmost 3.

The VC-dimension of intervalgraphsisatmost2.

The VC-dimension of undiretedpathgraphsisatmost3.


LetGbeagraphofgirthatleast5. Assumebyontraditionthataset{x1, x2, x3}ofthree

vertiesisshattered. Sinethegirthisatleast5,x1x2x3 isnotalique. Wemayassume

withoutlossofgeneralitythatx1andx2arenotadjaent. Sine{x1, x2, x3}isshattered,

there is a vertex y1 adjaent to both x1 and x2 and not x3 (one losed neighbourhood must have trae {x1, x2} on {x1, x2, x3}) and a vertex y2 adjaent to {x1, x2, x3} (one

losedneighbourhoodmusthavetrae{x1, x2, x3}). Notethatbothy1andy2aredistint

from x1 andx2 sinex1 andx2 arenotadjaent. Moreover y1 andy2 aredistint sine

they do not have the same neighbourhood in {x1, x2, x3}. So x1y1x2y2x1 is a yle of

length4,a ontraditionwiththegirthassumption.

Thisboundistight,forinstane withthepathonsixverties.

LetG= (A∪B, E)beahordalbipartitegraph.Assumebyontraditionthat{x1, x2, x3, x4}








Fig.3. PathsP1, P2, P3 areshatteredbytheeightpointswhiharepathsoflength0.

isashatteredsetoffourverties. Sinethereisavertexwhoselosedneighbourhoodon-

tains the whole set of verties, it means that at least three verties, say x1, x2, x3 are

on the same side of the bipartite graph. Sine a subset of a shattered set is shattered,

{x1, x2, x3} is shattered. Thus there is a vertex inident to x1, x2 and notx3, a vertex

inidentto x1, x3 and notx2,and a vertexinidentto x2, x3 and notx1. Itprovidesan


Moreover theboundistight,seeFigure1.

LetG bea unit diskgraph. Letus rephrase theadjaenyand shatteringonditions in

this lass: letx1 and x2 beany two verties ofa unit diskgraph anddenote by c1 and

c2 their respetiveenters in a representation of the unitdisk graph in the plane. The verties x1 and x2 areadjaentifand onlyifc1 and c2 are atdistane at most2. Thus

ifa set ofunitdisksis shatteredthenforeverysubsetof enters, thereexists a pointat

distane atmost2 fromthese enters andmore than2 fromtheothers. Inotherwords,

thereexist pointsin allpossible intersetionsofballsofradius2.

A lassialresult ensuresthat theVC-dimension of ahypergraphwhose hyperedges an

berepresentedasa setofdisksin theplane(andvertiesaspointsoftheplane)hasVC-

dimensionat most3(see[26 ℄forinstane). ThusunitdiskgraphshaveVC-dimensionat most3,andtheboundanbereahed(seeFigure2).

Let G be an interval graph. Assume by ontradition that there is a shattered set

{I1, I2, I3} of G. Assume that I1 starts before I2 and that I2 starts before I3. Sine

there is an intervalJ interseting bothI1 and I3 but not I2, J must startafter I2 and

thusI1ontainsI2. Thenthereisnointervalinterseting I2 but notI1,aontradition.

ThusintervalgraphshaveVC-dimensionatmost2,andthebound isagainreahedwith


LetP ={P1, P2, P3, P4} bea shattered set offour pathsof a treeT. Assume rstthat P2, P3, P4allintersetP1andonsidertherestritionofTtoP1,whihisinfataninterval

graph. ToensureallpossibleintersetionswithP1,theset{P2, P3, P4}isa shatteredset

ofsizethree inanintervalgraph,a ontradition.

Thusat leastonepath, sayP2, doesnotinterset P1 and liesina onnetedomponent

C oftheforestF =T \P1. IfP3 doesnotintersetC,thenthere isnopathinterseting bothP2 andP3but notP1. ThusP3intersets C. IfmoreoverP3 intersetsP1, thenno

pathan interset bothP1 andP2 butnotP3. Thus P3 isalso inludedin C. LetP be

a pathintersetingP1,P2 andP3. Assume rstthat P intersetsthethree pathsin the

orderP1,P2andP3(theaseP1,P3,P2)isthesame. ThennopathanintersetP1and

P3 withoutinterseting P2. Assume now that P intersets thethree paths in theorder P2,P1,P3. Similarly,nopathanintersetP2andP3withoutintersetingP1. Henethe

pathP annotexist,aontradition. Finallytheboundof3anbereahed,asshownin

Figure3 .

Lemma2.3andTheorem2.2implynewlowerboundsformanylasses: Ω(n12)forgraphswith


graphs,Ω(n13)forpermutation graphs,andΩ(n13)forundiretedpathgraphs.

Theexponentgivenby Theorem2.2 is sharpfor several lassesof graphs. Indeed, Fouaud


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