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OF 18


Academic year: 2022

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Spring 2000






The ElJropeall BIJIJeIItr of Hlmaloyan RuetlrCfI is tbe product of collaboration betweell aeademics 8IId researchers with III interest inlbe Himalayau. regiOIl ill several European COWltri". It was founded by the late Professor Richard Burgbart in 1991 ami has ap- peared twice yearly ever since. It is edited 011 a rotatlll8 basis betWecJl Germany, France aodthe UK.

The British editmship coasista of: Micbael Hun (Managing Editor), David Gellllef, William Douglas, Ben CampbcU (Reviews Editor), Christi811 McDoaaugh. J08JIIIe Moller, Maria PbylacloU, AIIdrew Russell ami Swya Subecli.

Email: mh8@soas.ac.uIc Col!IributiDg editors are:


Marie Lecomte-Tilouine. Pucale Dol\fus. AIIIIC de Sales CeIItre Natiooale de la Recherche Scientlftque. UPR 299 7. rue Guy Moquet F-94801 ViIlejuifceclex

cmaU: mlecomle@pop.vjfClln./i' Oermany:

Martin Oaenazlc. And'" HOfer Sildasien Instltut

Universilil Heidelbcrg

Im Neueohcimer Fold 330 D-69l20 Heidelberg email: monln.gaennfe@un.lJni-heldelberg.de SWilzedapd·

J08JIJI8 Pfalf-Czamecka

Et/mologiscbcs SemiIIar der Universilit Zurich Freienstoinstrasse S CH-8032 Zurich

cmail: jooMa·pfaff@llccIlSl.lJnlzh.ch

For subscription infonnation, please consult the EBHR website at hIIp:lldakini.orienl.ox.ac.lJlrlebhr

or comaet the publisher.

Publications Office

School of Oriental and African Studies Thornhaugh Street

Russell Square LOlldon WC I H OXO emaiI: aol@Soas.ac.llk


I nndcm

Centre Nallooale de la Recherche Scientiflque Paris

ISSN 0943 8254



Below the Surface of Private Property: Individual rights, common property. and the Nepalese kipar system in historical perspective.

Wemer M. Egli

Muslim Mobilization and Ihe Slate in Nepal, 1951-95.

Mollic. D.stider

Ethnic Categories and Their Usages in Byans. Far Western Nepal



Katsuo N.w. 36

On the Complexity of Oral Thldition: A reply to CI.us Peter Zoller's review essay 'Oral Epic Poetry in the Central Himalayas:

Jolm Leavin 58

RepnI1s Sakyadhita Conference in Lumbini

Britain-Nepal Academic Council


Nepalese Shamall Oral Texts by Gregory G. Mask.rinec.

Reviewed by Andras HOfer

79 80

82 Celebre/·le POltvoir. Dasai, ulle fite royale au Nepal edited by Gisele Krauskopff and Marie Lecomte-Tilouine.

Reviewed by Andr.s HOfer 88

On Ihe Edge of the Auspicious: Gender and Caste ill Nepal by Mary CameroQ.

Reviewed by Ben Caropbell 95

The Thakali; A Himalayall ethnography by Michael Vinding.

Reviewed by Mark Turin 97

Kalhmandtt Valley Painting- rhe Jllcker Collection by Hugo E. Kreijger.

Reviewed by lulia A.B. Hegewald 100

ca,.,,,. Door. ShY. Door: Pailllillgs of Mllstallg by RobeI1 Powell with an Illtroduction by Roberto Vitali.

Reviewed by Clare Harris 102


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