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An exponential (matching based) neighborhood for the vehicle routing problem


Academic year: 2021

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An exponential (matching based) neighborhood for the vehicle routing problem

Eric Angel, Evripidis Bampis, Fanny Pascual

To cite this version:

Eric Angel, Evripidis Bampis, Fanny Pascual. An exponential (matching based) neighborhood for

the vehicle routing problem. Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, Springer Verlag, 2008, 15 (2),

pp.179–190. �10.1007/s10878-007-9075-3�. �hal-00341352�


Routing Problem

Eri Angel 1

, Evripidis Bampis 1

, and Fanny Pasual 1



ustomers'demands,and weshowthat itanbeexploredeÆientlyin polynomialtimeby

reduing its exploration to a partiular ase of the Restrited Complete Mathing (rm)

problem that weprovetobepolynomialtime solvableusing owtehniques. Furthermore,

weshow thatin the generalasewith non-unitustomers'demands theexploration ofthe


Keywords: loalsearh,exponentialneighborhood,vehile routingproblem, mathing

1 Introdution

The intratabilityof manyombinatorial optimizationproblems motivated theuse of heuristi

algorithms that aim to nda nearly optimal solution in a reasonable amount of omputation

time. An important lass of heuristis is the lass of loal searh algorithms [AL97 ℄. A loal

searh algorithm starts witha feasiblesolutionand iteratively tries to improve it by searhing

at eah iteration the \neighborhood" of the urrent solution, i.e. a set of feasible solutions

that are lose to the urrent solution. The qualityof the returned solution(loal optimum) as

wellasthe omputationtime of suh an algorithm are very losely related to thehoie of the

neighborhoodstruture. Animportantparameterof thestrutureofaneighborhoodisits size:

intuitively, the larger the neighborhood is, the better the quality of the returned solution is,

but at the same time the longer it takes to searh the neighborhood at eah iteration. Thus,

a larger neighborhooddoesnotneessarily impliesa more eÆient heuristi algorithm. This is

the reason why many reent worksare foused on exponentialneighborhoodsand try to iden-

tify the borderline between neighborhoods that an / that annot be explored eÆiently, i.e.,

in polynomial time with respet to the size of the input [AEOP02℄. Studies in this vein have

been onduted for dierent ombinatorial optimization problems, inluding sheduling prob-

lems [CPvdV02, Hur99℄, the traveling salesman problem [Gut99 , GYZ02 ℄ and generalizations

suh as the quadrati assignment problem [DW00℄. For some of these problems there exists

exponentialneighborhoodsthat an be searhedinpolynomialtime(TSP,sheduling)whereas


of varioustypes ofexponentialneighborhoodsleadsto NP-hardoptimization problems.

In thispaper,we fous on theVehile Routing Problem(vrp) [TV01 ℄. The designof expo-

nential neighborhoodsforthis problemhasbeenpreviously addressed. Ergunet al. [EOAF02℄


ing solution by proposing a heuristi forsearhing a onstrained shortest path on an auxiliary

graph(a similarapproahwasusedin[TP93 ℄). Xu andKelly[XK96 ℄proposedatabusearhin





Tel: 33160873906;Fax: 33160873789;E-mail: fe.angel,bampis,f.pasualgibis.univ-evry.fr


several deletions/insertionsof lientsourinasingleroute simultaneously,theostoftheow

mayonlyapproximatethe atualmove ost.

Inthispaper,weonsideranewneighborhoodofexponentialsizedenedbymathings that

adapts the exponentialneighborhood introdued by Gutin for the traveling salesman problem

[Gut99℄to thevrpproblem. Gutinproved that, intheaseof thetravelingsalesmanproblem,

the neighborhood is polynomial time searhable using a redution to the minimum weighted

perfet mathing problem in bipartite graphs. We prove in what follows that the exponential

neighborhood that we introdue here for the vrp an also be (fully) explored in polynomial

time inthe ase where eah ustomerasks for exatly one unit of goods. To do so, we give a

redutionto apartiularase oftheRestrited Complete Mathing(rm)problem[IRT78 ℄,the

min wprm problem dened below, that we solve by using ow tehniques. Furthermore, we

showthatthe problembeomesNP-hard fornon-unitdemands.

Overview. Intheremainingpartofthissetion,we introdueformallythevariantsofthevrp

that we onsiderthroughout thispaper, the min wprmproblem and some notations that we

use inthe sequel. InSetion2,we denetheexponentialneighborhoodforthevrp. InSetion

3,wegive aredutionof theproblemofexploringtheproposedneighborhoodforunit demands

to themin wprm problem, and inSetion 4, we solve this problem usingowtehniques. In

Setion 5 we show thattheonsidered neighborhood annotbe exploredinpolynomialtimein

the general ase of the vrp where theustomers areallowed to ask forany arbitrary quantity

of goods. Setion6 onludes thepaper.

Notation and denitions. The Vehile Routing Problem (vrp) is dened as follows: n

ustomers must be served from a single depot. Eah ustomer asksfor some amount of goods

andavehileofapaityCisavailabletodelivergoods. Sinethevehileapaityislimited,the

vehilehasto periodiallyreturnto thedepotforreloading. It isnotpossibleto splitustomer

delivery. Therefore, a vrp solutionis a olletion of tours where eah ustomer is visitedonly

one, and thequantityofgoodsdeliveredalong atour doesnotexeedthevehile apaityC.

In the rst part of the paper, we will onsidera restritedversionof thevrp in whih the

demand of eah ustomer is exatly one, and thusthe numberof ustomers served per tour is

at most C. We all this variant the vrp with unit demands. In the last part we onsiderthe

general vrpproblemasdened above.

From a graph theory point of view the vrp with unit demands may be stated as follows:

Let G(V;E) be aompletegraph withnode set V =f0;1;2;:::;ng and arset E. Inthisgraph

model, 0 is the depot and the other nodes are the ustomers to be served. Eah ar (i;j) is

assoiated withvalue d


representing thedistane (or travel time) between iand j. The goal

is to nd a set of tours of minimum total distane (travel time). Eah tour starts from and

terminates at the depot 0, eah node must bevisited exatly oneand thelength of eah tour

is at mostC.

Example 1. Figure 1 shows an instane of the vrp with unit demands, where there are 7

ustomers. The apaityof thevehileis 4 and the distane matrixis shown on Figure 1 Left.

A solutionof ost 16 is shown on Figure 1 Right (the ost is the total length of the tours, i.e.


0 0 2 1 4 4 1 4 2

1 4 0 3 4 1 4 4 4

2 4 4 0 2 4 4 1 4

3 1 4 4 0 1 4 4 4

4 1 4 4 2 0 4 4 4

5 4 1 4 4 4 0 3 4

6 4 4 4 4 4 4 0 1

7 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 0

1 2

1 3

1 2 2





4 0 2


5 3

Figure 1: Left: Distanematrix. Right: Asolutionof thevrp withunit demands.

the sum of the lengthsof the ars of thetours). There are 2 tours: inthe rst one the vehile

visits the ustomers 1, 2, 3, 4 and go bak to the depot, and in the seond tour it visits the

lients5,6,7 and go bakto thedepot.

The Restrited Complete Mathing (rm) probleman be denedas follows: in a bipartite

graphG(V;E),i.e. inagraphwhereV anbepartitionedintotwodisjointsets, V

1 andV

2 with





,asetM Eisamathingifno

vertexofV isinidentwithmorethanoneedgeofM. ThesizeofamathingM isthenumberof

itsedges. IfjV

1 jjV





is said to be omplete. Let E






be subsets of E, and r






positive integers.

The restrited omplete mathing problem(rm)onsistsindeterminingwhether thereexistsa

omplete mathing M forGwhihalso satisesthe restritions:

jM \E

j jr


8j 2f1;:::;kg:

Ithasbeenshownin[IRT78 ℄thatthisproblemisNP-omplete(redutionfromthesatisability

problem of Boolean expressions). For the ase of a single restrition, the authors presented a


We are interested inthefollowingsubproblem of rm: Theset of subsets E





k is

not arbitrary but it orrespondsto a partition of V

2 : T






. For every j 2f1;:::;kg,

let E


be thesetof all theedges of E whihhave an endpoint inT


. The Partiular Restrited

Complete Mathing problem(prm) isto determine whether there existsa ompletemathing

M forGwhih also satisestherestritions:

jM \E

j jr


8j 2f1;:::;kg:

In the weighted version of prm, every edge [v;w℄ has a weight


. Our aim is to nd a

minimum-weightpartiularrestritedompletemathing. We willallthisversionmin wprm

in thesequel. Asusually,m willdenote thenumberof edges ofG.

Example 2. Figure2 shows an exampleof an instane of min wprm: we have a (omplete)






1 [T

2 ,T




=f0 0

;1;3g. E



alltheedgeswhihhave0or6asendpoint: E


=f[2;0℄;[2;6℄;[4;0 ℄;[ 4;6 ℄;[5;0℄;[5 ;6℄ ;[7 ;0 ℄;[7 ;6 ℄g ,


and E


isthesetofedgeswhihhave0,1,or6asendpoint,thatistheremainingedges. Figure

2 Right represents thedistane matrix (or the ost matrix), i.e. it indiates theosts between

verties of V


and verties of V


. We x r


= r


= 2. Figure 2 Left represents a solution of

the min wprm problem: edges f[2;0℄;[4;1℄;[5;0 0

℄;[7;6℄g form a minimum-weight partiular

restritedompletemathing ofost -4.


3 1 0

6 2






V1 V2





0 6 0' 1 3

2 -2 4 3 1 7

4 4 1 6 -1 1

5 0 4 0 4 7

7 1 -1 3 4 4

Figure 2: An instane of the min wprm problem, with V


= f2;4;5;7g; V



f0;0 0

;1;3;6g; T


= f0;6g; T


= f0 0

;1;3g and r


= r


= 2. Left: An optimal solution with

ost 4. Right: Distanematrix.

2 An exponential neighborhood for the vrp


of thevrp. Letus onsiderthefollowingloalsearh algorithm:

We startwithan arbitrary feasiblesolutionS of thevrp. Then,inthissolution,wehoose

a subset of ustomers,whihwill be onsidered asmobile. The other ustomers and thedepot

will be xed. Let us all verties the set of lients and the depot. A neighbor solution of S is

a solution S 0

in whih eah mobile vertex has been inserted between two xed verties of the

initial solution(these two verties may possiblybe both the depot in the ase where the only

xed vertex of a tour is the depot). Note that we an insert at most one vertex between two


ofars inthegraphofxedverties,whihissmallerthanorequaltotwiethenumberofxed

verties. Note also thatthenumberoftoursannot inrease: it isonstant, ordereasesinthe

ase where the onlyxed vertex of atour is the depot and no mobilevertex is insertedinthis


We do notfousin thispaperon thebestway to determine theinitialsolutionand the set

of mobileverties. The set of mobileverties maybe forexample randomlyhosen among the


quantityofdeliverygoodsinthistour (numberofvertiesintheaseof unitdemands)isequal

to the apaity of thevehile. Indeedno mobilevertex ould be insertedin thistour. In suh

a tour,moving at leastafew vertiesfrom theset ofxed vertiesto theset ofmobileverties

ould onlyimprove thequalityof thebestneighborsolution, sineitwouldjust add some new

possible solutions inthe neighborhood. It is easy to hek whenever a ouple (initialsolution,

set of mobile verties) has a non-empty neighborhood. This is the ase if and onlyif the two

following onditions are satised. First, it must be possible to insert all the mobile verties

between two xedverties, i.e. thenumberof ars inthegraph wherethe mobilevertieshave

beenremoved hasto belargerthanorequaltothenumberofmobileverties. Moreoveritmust

be possible to obtain a neighbor solution where every tour has a quantity of delivered goods

(length, in the ase of unit demands) smaller than or equal to the vehile apaity C. In the

ase ofthe vrp withunit demands, if, step by step,we add a mobilevertex to the tourwhih

hasthesmallestlength,thenthelengthof thelongesttourmustbesmallerthanorequaltoC,

when all themobilevertieshave beeninserted.

Example 3. Figure3showsan initialsolutionof ost16 (Left). The xedvertiesforma new

graph (Right), in whih we an at most insert one mobilevertex between two (xed) verties.

Figure 4 shows a neighbor solution of Figure 3 Left. The ost of this new solution is 11 (the

distane matrixis theone given inFigure 1). The orientation of eah touris preserved during

the onstrution oftheneighborsolution.

5 7


4 6

3 1



1 2 2


3 1 2



3 1

0 4

4 2

4 1

Figure3: Left: asolutionofthevrp. Vertiesirledwiththiklinesaremobileverties. Right:

the orresponding graphwhere mobileverties have beenremoved.



3 6





1 2 1 1

1 1

2 1


Figure4: A solutionof ost11 forthevrp.

Letusdenotetheabovedenedneighborhoodthemulti-insertionneighborhood. Weonsider


of theurrentsolution. This solution(tiesare broken arbitrarily)is theurrent solutionof the

next step. Toobtainan eÆientalgorithm, thetimeneeded to nda bestneighborsolutionat

eah step mustbe polynomial.

Theorem 2.1 In the multi-insertion neighborhood, the number of neighbor solutions of a solu-

tion may beexponential, evenfor the vrp withunit demands.

Proof: Let us onsider the following Vehile Routing Problem: we have n lients to supply

(where n is an even number) and theapaity of thevehile is at least n. Let ussupposethat

the initial solution is a solution in whih there is only one tour and that we have n



verties. The numberof neighborsolutions isthen( n


+1)! 2

Sinethenumberof neighborsolutionsispossiblyexponential,weannotenumerate allthe

solutions and look for the best one, but we have to nd a method to get the best neighbor

solutioninapolynomialtime. Inorder todothat,wewillnowshowthatitispossibletoredue

the searh of the best solutionof the multi-insertion neighborhood into a partiular restrited

weighted mathing problem.

3 Redution of the neighborhood exploration to the min wprm

in the ase of unit demands

In thissetion, we will saythat, given a solution S and a set of mobile verties, S 0

is a neigh-

bor of S if and only if S 0

an be obtained by a step of the following loal searh algorithm:

S 0

is obtained from S byremoving the mobileverties and by inserting eah of them between

two xed verties. S 0

is a best neighborof S if and onlyif S 0

is a neighbor of S and there is

nootherneighborofSwhihhasaost(atotaldistaneofthetours)smallerthantheostofS 0


Let ussupposethat we have an instane of thevrp with unit demands: a distane matrix

D (where d


is the distane from i to j), a vehile apaity C, an initial feasible solution S

(representedas a graph G(V;E)) and a set of mobileustomers. Let k denotes the number of

toursinS. InS,eahxedvertexuhasasuessors(u)whihisthexedvertexwhihfollows

it inthe tour(we have s(u)=u ifu is thedepot and itis theonlyxed vertex ofa tour). For

example, ifS isthesolutionrepresentedinFigure 3Left, thesuessors(1) of vertex1,is 3. It

is thediret suessorof1 onewe removedthe mobileedges (see Figure 3Right).


Let G 0

(V 0

;E 0

) be a omplete bipartite graph suh that V 0


1 [V


, where the verties of V


are the mobile ustomers and the verties of V


are the xed ustomers plus k opies of the

depot. We have then E 0

= f[u;v℄ j u 2 V


;v 2 V


g. The weights of the edges are dened as

follows: let u 2 V


and v 2 V


, the weight of the edge [u;v℄ is equal to d

v;u +d

u;s(v) d

v;s(v) .

If an edge [u;v℄ belongs to the mathing we obtained, it means that the vertex u is inserted

between the verties v and s(v). Let fT






g be a partition of V


suh that for eah



arethexedustomersof thei th

tourofS andone opyofthe

depot. Let r


=C jT


j+1. Our aim is to nd in G 0

a minimum-weight omplete mathing


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