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Water dynamics in a planar lithium hydrate in the interlayer space of a swelling clay. A neutron scattering study


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1984

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Water dynamics in a planar lithium hydrate in the interlayer space of a swelling clay. A neutron scattering


J. Conard, H. Estrade-Szwarckopf, A.J. Dianoux, C. Poinsignon

To cite this version:

J. Conard, H. Estrade-Szwarckopf, A.J. Dianoux, C. Poinsignon. Water dynamics in a planar lithium

hydrate in the interlayer space of a swelling clay. A neutron scattering study. Journal de Physique,

1984, 45 (8), pp.1361-1371. �10.1051/jphys:019840045080136100�. �jpa-00209874�


Water dynamics in a planar lithium hydrate in the interlayer space of a swelling clay. A neutron scattering study

J. Conard (*), H. Estrade-Szwarckopf (*), A. J. Dianoux (**) and C. Poinsignon (**)

(*) C.R.S.O.C.I., C.N.R.S. Orléans, France

(**) Institut Laue-Langevin, 156X, 38042 Grenoble Cedex, France

(Rep le 7 juillet 1983, révisé le 24 fevrier 1984, accepti le 21



Résumé. 2014 La structure dynamique de la première couche d’eau adsorbée dans les argiles


été étudiée par diffusion

quasiélastique des neutrons. Les données de la RMN du 1H et de 7Li ont permis d’établir


modèle d’hydrate plat

où les protons de l’eau sont impliqués dans deux mouvements de rotation. L’étude par diffusion quasiélastique des

neutrons réalisée


l’hectorite Li


confirmé la validité du modèle et précisé les temps de corrélation des deux rotations.

Les temps caractéristiques de la rotation lente de l’ensemble de l’hydrate par rapport à l’axe


du feuillet argileux

et de la rotation rapide de la molécule d’eau par rapport à

son axe

C2 ont été mesurés. La dépendance



rature de


mouvements est faible entre 300 et 240 K, forte entre 240 et 190 K ils


bloquent simultanément.

La structure bidimensionnelle de l’hydrate plan apparaît à travers l’anisotropie de l’amplitude de la partie quasiélastique des spectres obtenus pour des échantillons orientés.



Dynamical structure of the first water layer


clay has been investigated by quasielastic neutron scattering (Q.N.S.). Using


dynamical model built from N.M.R. data of 1H and 7Li, Q.N.S. studies have been



Li-hectorite to give correlation times of rotations.

Characteristic times for


slow rotation of the whole hydrate with respect to the c-axis of the clay platelet, and


fast rotation of water molecules around their C2 axis have been measured. Both motions stop at the



rature (190 K). Bidimensional structure of the flat hydrate is also proved through the anisotropy of the quasi-

elastic broadenings in clay oriented films of monovalent cations.


Physics Abstracts

61.50E - 61.50K - 61.12




The pioneering neutron scattering works on inter-

lamellar water dynamics in Li+ and Na+ exchanged

montmorillonite and vermiculite clays [1, 2] were mainly concerned with high water contents and the data were only interpreted in terms of translational fickian diffusion. Hall et al. [3] performed Q.N.S.

measurements on clay water systems at both medium and high energy resolution and these studies per-

mitted, for the first time, a separation of the rotational and translational motions in clay water systems, without nevertheless exhibiting any anisotropy in the proton motion. Our purpose was to determine the

dynamical nature of the first water layer on hectorite,

before studying more hydrated states such as the gel.

The starting point has been a 1 Hand ’Li N.M.R.

study of the (Li+, 3H20) [4] hydrate on the hectorite surface supported by I.R., X-ray and thermodynamics

measurements [5-7]. This study leads to a model

which was confirmed and precised by the reported

neutron quasielastic scattering experiments.

This paper is organized along four sections. We first describe the hectorite clay used for this microscopic study and report what was known about ion and water structure in this clay from thermodynamic, I.R. and

N.M.R. studies. The methods used for a water content estimation are then presented The Q.N.S. method, together with the spectra analysis for powder and

oriented-films measurements are given in chapter 2.

Chapter 3 describes experimental arrangement and results whereas discussion is presented in chapter 4.



Hectorite is a lamellar silicate, precisely a trioctahedral clay [8], its formula is deduced from that of talc, by substituting one OH by F

and some Mg2 + by Li+ in the octahedral sheets

Although the talc layer is neutral, isomorphic substitu-

tion produces in hectorite, an electric deficiency

balanced at the clay layer surface by exchangeable

cations (See Fig. 1).

Talc: Si8Mg6(OH)402o.

Hectorite : IS’13(Mg6 -.Li.,) (F, OH)2 0201 [Li+, nH20]x with

x =


Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019840045080136100


Fig. 1.


Talc and hectorite structure, after Hofmann, W., Endell, K. and Will, D., Z. Kristallogr. 86 (1933) 340.

By comparing the behaviour of hydrated talc and hectorite, it is clear that the water adsorption pro-

perties of hectorite result, as in other clays, from the, balancing cations.

Hectorite is a well micro-crystallized clay whose

structure and morphology have been described in electron microscopy studies [8] : the small crystals

appear like needles (with small coherent domains,

diameter - 2 000


500 A, giving rise to difficulties for X-rays studies). The similar ionic radius of Li+

and Mg2 + and the perfect continuity of octahedral and tetrahedral sheets explain the very low distortion in the network, and give rise to the very special local properties observed by I.R., E.P.R. and N.M.R.

Moreover, it must be noticed that, among all the natural minerals, hectorite has a very low iron content

( 4 ppm). In contrast to montmorillonite and ver-

miculite the N.M.R. and E.P.R. lines are narrow with

a well resolved structure due to high local symmetry.



The study of water

in the interlamellar space of clays is well documented [5-7, 9-13]. This space is limited by two negative charged oxygen surfaces [12]. It is clear that a study of

water adsorbed in clays must begin with the study of

the hydration nucleus formed by the cation hydration

shell. Thermodynamic and I.R. studies [5,13,14]

show the first hydration shell around the Li+ balan-

cing cation, to be composed of three water molecules firmly bound to the ion [15]. From theoretical calcu-

lations in the free hydrate [16], the bond length and

orientation of water molecules are known.

Using 7 Li and 1 H N.M.R., Conard [17] confirmed

the axially symmetric site for the Li+ cation and assumed that the water protons undergo two rapid

rotations around perpendicular axis : the firts one, related to the whole hydrate, around the c-axis of the

clay platelets and the second one related to the water molecule (Fig. 2). Both orthogonal rotations stop around 190 K. However due to very different moments of inertia, their correlation times must be very different.

Taking into account all the experimental results,


model has been proposed for the system. The tri-

hydrate is centred above and/or under



oxygen cavity of the phyllosilicate layer (Fig. 3). Thanks

to the very peculiar symmetry and the small distances between the different possible sites, the protons are

Figs. 2-3.


First proposed model for (Li-3H20) hectorite

(from [4]).


allowed to jump among 12 equivalent sites on a circle

of radius 2.13 A centred on the Li + cation : this motion is equivalent to


reorientation of the whole

hydrate around its symmetry axis parallel to the c-axis

of the layers. Moreover, the orientation of each water molecule towards the neighbouring oxygens permits


pseudo-rotation for the protons


circle of radius

1.23 A around an axis parallel to the a-b planes. This

relation can occur among 4 or 6 equivalent positions according to whether hexagonal holes in neighbouring layers superimpose or not. So we expect two rotational motions for the protons, with quite different charac- teristic ’times. The slow motion involves an oxygen atom motion whereas the fast one involves only hydrogen atoms hopping between sites. However

both motions are probably correlated since they stop

at the same temperature.



Hectorite is a natural mineral extracted from Hector’s (California) vein as a

calcite-hectorite mixture.

The pH equilibrium of hectorite in water is 9 and thus it is very sensitive to any chemical treatment :

purification by acid leaching must not be performed.

It is only involved by gravimetric treatment [18].

Even cation exchange must be performed very

smoothly to preserve mineral ordering of the local configuration.

Part of the so-obtained Li-hectorite has been used to prepare oriented self-supporting films from very dilute suspension : the films are 3 to 4 hundredth of


thick. The distribution of layer orientations is

± 15 deg. as revealed by X-ray diffraction and in derived Cu-hectorite by E.P.R. [23].

The water coverage, equivalent to half



or 3 water molecules per Li cation, was obtained by leaving the sample, powder or films to equilibrate at a

very rY low relative humidity k = Yp 0 10-2 [6]. The water

content was controlled by the N.M.R. spectra : a Pake doublet is observed whose distance between peaks is A 2

Gauss for a powder and A(3 cos’ 6 - 1) x - for

films, 6 being the angle between the magnetic field

and the c-axis of the layers. This distance A has been

found to depend upon water content and is 2.7 Gauss for 3 H20/Li+ water content : the theoretical one

for a powder of protons undergoing only two ortho- gonal rapid rotations (Fig. 4). For higher water contents

the doublet separation tends towards zero.

For Q.N.S. experiments, sample containers are thin walled aluminium cylindrical chambers with an air- tight 0-ring of 50


diameter and 1.5



About 1.5 g of powder was used, while only 0.6 g of oriented films were available, accumulating


great number of small rectangular (20


6 mm) thin film pieces in the same cell. This stacking did not increase noticeably the angular dispersion of the total c-axis orientations.

Fig. 4.


NMR doublet splitting observed at 300K in



water coverage. The water coverage has been estimated using the isotherms given in [6].

2.1 Q.N.S. METHODS. - Neutron scattering by H20 ,

adsorbed on clays is essentially incoherent Since


can neglect, in the quasielastic domain, the coherent

contribution, the double differential scattering cross-


can be written :

where k, ko are the incident and scattered wavevectors, k - ko


Q, the momentum transfer, E - Eo



the energy transfer and ar.h3l (fine the coherent and incoherent cross-sections.

The incoherent scattering law S.(Q, w) is related by Fourier transformation in space and time to the Van Hove [19] self correlation function G.(r, t) where G.(r, t) represents the ensemble average probability

of finding a particle at a position


at time t, given

that at t


0 the same particle was at the origin

It is useful to define the incoherent intermediate

scattering function

The protons in (Li+, 3 H20) hydrate can perform rotations, vibrations, translation. By assuming no

correlation between these different motions, the intermediate scattering function can be written as

the product :


In the quasielastic region the phonon contribution

to a Debye-Waller factor, Iv"(Q, t) may be written

where U2 > is the mean square amplitude of the

vibrations. After Fourier transformation, the inco-

herent scattering function is thus :

where S.(Q, w) describing each reorientation motion has been individualized as srotl and srot2 and where ®

symbols stand for convolution product


The best way of interpreting a Q.N.S. spectrum is to calculate the self scattering law for a given motional model, to fold it by the instrument resolution function,

and to compare it with experimental spectra. We started from the established model [4] of the (Li+,

3 H20) hydrate assuming that the protons undergo

two uniaxial planar reorientations. For random

jumps among N equidistant sites on a circle of radius a [20], the scattering function S(Q, co) is given by the following formula :


The scattering function is then a sum of an elastic

peak le and a quasielastic part IQ made up of (N -1 )

Lorentzian curves. The

quantity ie -- e + Q called elastic

incoherent structure factor (EISF) is a function of Q ;

its experimental variation versus Q can be used to

check the geometry of the motion [22].

The in values determining the reciprocal half-

width at half maximum of the nth Lorentzian curve are given by :

It must be noticed [20] that for a large number of jumps N, t 1 tends to the reciprocal 1 /DR of the rota-

tional correlation time, which can be measured by

other techniques, such as NMR. (In our model each planar rotation taking place in the Li-hydrate is

assumed to be completely independent from the

other one and may be described by such a formula.)

Each rotation is defined by its values for a, N and


(Table I).


mulae (8-9) have been established for powder, that

is for randomly distributed rotational axis. For a

crystalline sample, the scattering function depends

on the angle 9 between the displacement vector and

the neutron transferred momentum Q. For instance in

our oriented samples, assumed to be ideal platelets,

there would be no broadening with Q perpendicular

to the rotation planes, (Q1.) from the slow motion.

On the contrary broadening would take place with Q parallel to the layers (Qll) (Fig. 5). A complete calcu-

lation of the quasielastic spectra lineshape and intensity for all Q orientations is difficult to achieve but we can obtain an estimation of the anisotropy


This factor is defined by the ratio A ||A.L of the

quasielastic intensities of the spectra obtained respec-

tively for Q jj and Q 1. to the film planes. In crystalline samples, this factor would be infinite. However,

we know that our films are not perfectly oriented :

the c-axis of the individual particles are tilted around

the mean axis of the film. Such an orientation distri- bution has been measured by E.P.R. in Cu hectorite to have 1 5° half width at half maximum. Therefore,

the anisotropy factor would be no*longer infinite but

strongly reduced

In order to calculate this factor, we made use of

the formula (14) given by A. J. Dianoux et ale [20]

for the case of uniaxial rotational diffusion in liquid crystals. Indeed the site number N = 12 is great, the approximation of continuous rotation is quite valuable.

Moreover, instead of keeping the whole sum of Lorentzians, we only consider the first one giving

the main contribution in the explored Q-range. Its intensity is then given by the first order Bessel function

with a


rotation radius and 0 the angle between

the rotation axis and the Q direction.

To take account of the c-axis distribution of the

sample, we introduce an axially symmetric distribution function p(B) of the individual particles c-axis on the unity half sphere (see Fig. 5c).

0 being now the angle between the mean axis Oz of the sample and Q, the intensity A(O) of the quasi-

Table I.


Proposed model.



number of sites,

a =

rotational radius.


Fig. 5.


Estimation of the anisotropy factors expected from Q.N.S. measurements


(Li’3H,O) hectorite self supporting

films, related to a) the slow rotation of the whole hydrate, b) the fast rotation of protons in each water molecule.

elastic part of the spectra is then given by

(Q, c) is a function g/(0, P, cp) of 0 (experimentally fixed) and the spherical coordinates (p, cp) of the c

unit vector.


This double integration is not in general cases easy but we look only for an estimation of the anisotropy

factor A(n/2)/A(0)


AIIIA, in the case of the slow

rotation of the whole hydrate. This rotation has been,

as we will see later, observed at A


10.05 A for

which the transferred momentum Q is 0:85 A-1

when observing in reflexion geometry (Fig. 6). The

rotation radius a is equal to 2.18 A.

The orientation distribution function p(p) has

been written as either a square function

Fig. 6.


Q.N.S. experimental configuration



spectrometer at ILL.


either, as suggested in [20],


Maier-Saupe (M.S.)

continuous function

In both descriptions, Z is the normalization factor and 30, the HWHM of the distribution will determine

m in the second case. The anisotropy factor values so-obtained are given in table II for different HWHM flo and for both distribution shapes. In this

table II, we see that the calculated values are indeed

quite sensitive to flo but also to its shape.

For the fast rotation, anisotropy is not so easy to evidence as the rotation axis are distributed on


circle in the a, b plane (Figs. 3 and 5b). Therefore the calculation becomes much more complicated, with

an expected anisotropy smaller than for the slow motion. The only way we found to estimate easily

this anisotropy factor was to assume a simple Doppler

effect between the moving protons and the neutrons : the quasielastic intensity is then proportional to the projection of the proton displacement vector upon the Q direction. In that way, with


square angular

distribution of the platelets we find

with flo


150. (With the same description, A 11 IA,

would be 12 for the slow rotation, cf. Table II.) Thus, for the quick rotation, we expect only


small anisotropy, opposite to that of the slow rotation,

with All Aol.

3.1 EXPERIMENT. - The experiment was performed

at the high flux reactor of the Institut Laue-Langevin

with the Time-of Flight multichopper spectrometer IN5.

Our model led to a double rotational motion for the protons in the flat hydrate (Li+ 3 H20). From

the different order of magnitude of both correlation times, we expected, by using different resolutions,

to be able to observe independently both scattering

functions. The TOF spectra were measured with

two incident wavelengths, respectively A


10.05 A (0.020 meV resolution) and A


5.14 A (0.138 meV

resolution full width at half maximum).

The scattered neutrons are detected at twelve

scattering angles with Q values between 0.136 and

Table II. - Calculated anisotropy factor All IA,


A(x/2) A(0).

1.14 A-1 for low incident energy and between 0.27 and 2.28 A-1 for high incident energy. For the

powder sample study, the container was in reflexion geometry with an angle of 450 with respect to the incident beam. The oriented self-supported samples

were examined successively in reflexion and trans- mission geometry at an angle of 45°


1 35° relatively

to the beam (Fig. 6).

All measured spectra were corrected for sample

holder scattering, absorption, self-shielding and nor-

malized to each other by comparison with a Vanadium

standard and with the frozen sample spectra (for

T 180 K all proton motions are stopped [4]).

Comparing spectra in both orientations (transmission

and reflexion geometry) is thus valid.



Figure 7 shows

energy spectra obtained with the powdered hectorite (Li+ 3 H20), at room temperature. They are all composed of a ð(ro) function superimposed to


quasielastic part, convoluted by the apparatus reso- lution.

The full widths at half maximum of the quasi-

elastic broadening are a few tens of pev at A


10.05 A

and hundreds of pev at 5.15 A. They are almost Q-independent, in the experimental Q-range, however

the quasielastic intensities of the spectra increase with increasing Q-values.

All those spectra are almost temperature inde-

pendent down to 200 K ; at lower temperature the quasielastic parts disappear relatively abruptly.

Those features agreeing with the previously des-

cribed model,


conclude that both Q.N.S. spectra


due to a double rotational motion for the protons of the hydrate. Thanks to their quite different rates, the rotations could be observed separately by the

mean of two different resolutions and in a preliminary approximation, we tried to fit both experimental sets

of spectra, as due to independent planar rotations.

Thus we used the scattering functions described in

§ 2.2. For each wavelength the fits were obtained

in two steps :

a) The elastic part of the spectra is cut off and only quasielastic wings are analysed and fitted for all Q-values together. These fits yielded, for both rotations, the residence times Tr


(slow one) and Tf

(fast one) and corresponding radii a. and af, with

respectively N


12 and 6 equivalent positions on

a circle. The best fitted values are given in table III

in which we see th1it they are not far from the proposed


b) An elastic contribution (1) is introduced as


(1) Note : As


matter of fact, in this elastic contribution,


have introduced not only the structural 2014 OH groups but also


number taking into account the scattering which

arises from the disorder. 70 % of this elastic intensity


from the structural OH-groups, the remaining being this

disorder contribution.


Table III.


Proposed values deduced.from NMR experiment and adjusted ones obtained by fitting the quasi-

elastic part of ’ the experimental


with the assumed scattering junction (i


correlation time).

constant parameter and the whole experimental spectra (elastic + quasielastic parts) are fitted, for

all the Q-values together (Fig. 7).

Similar fits were performed for the different tempe-

ratures. The resulting Tr and if are given in figure 8.

We observe that both rotations have a similar small temperature dependence, but their rates slow down abruptly near a temperature of about 190 K, where both motions freeze.



As we saw in § 2.3, by using oriented films, it is possible to observe selectively the neutrons scattered with transferred moments parallel or perpendicular to the layer plane and thus to the assumed motion planes. These

observations are achieved by using spectra obtained

at 20


900 for samples in reflexion and trans- mission geometry (Q II and Q ) (Fig. 6), at both wave- lengths (A


10.05 and 5.15 A and at different tempe-


At room temperature, the slow rotation anisotropy

was evidenced through the intensity difference of the

quasielastic part of the spectra for Q and Ql (Fig. 9),

normalized to the frozen samples spectra.

In order to extract the intensity of the quasielastic

part of the spectra, it is necessary to fit them with an

analytical formula. However, as we saw in § 2.3,

the line-shape could not be calculated and for simpli- city, we assume the lines to be single Lorentzians.

Their linewidths are imposed in both configurations

(Q II and Q1), and fitted with the same shape assump- tions than for the 900 powder spectra.

The HWHM used values were thus : 40 J.1eV for slow rotation 150 J.1e V for the fast one.

The only parameter to be adjusted was then the amplitude A of the quasielastic line.

The ratio obtained of Q II and Ql configuration amplitudes are :



2.9 for slow motion All ~ 1 for fast rotation .

2013 = 2.9 for slow motion, A for fast rotation.

Thus, the slow rotation appears quite anisotropic

with A II > A1. Comparing with table II, we note that the square-law distribution would give an agreement with the experimental A II / A ol only for

Po > 300 while the Maier-Sampe shape fits it for



190. Of course the square-law cannot be


realistic model for our oriented sample and this

solution must be eliminated. The second one with



190 seems more realistic and agrees fairly

with previous E.P.R.-Po measurements (15 °) on similar samples (Cu-hectorite [23]).

However, we have to keep in mind that the experi-

mental as well as the theoretical values are obtained

by dividing a measurable term by a small one and

thus the ratio cannot be very accurate. Moreover

we saw the theoretical factor to be sensitive to the

shape and to the width of the assumed distribution function. In such conditions, it seems quite satis- factory to obtain


good agreement between experi-

mental and theoretical anisotropy factors. For the quick rotation, no experimental anisotropy could be

detected and in spite of the rough theoretical predic-

tion we will look for possible reasons leading to an

apparent isotropy of the motion.



The motion deduced from N.M.R. analysis is equivalent to two rotations

with orthogonal axis (Figs. 2-3).

This model has been built using the theoretical

proposal of a flat trihydrate [17] in which the Li atom lies in the oxygen mid-plane. However, the experi- mentally measured electric field gradient (EFG)

suffered by the 7Li nuclei, has been found smaller

than the one calculated from a completely flat confi-

guration of the 3 water dipoles [4]. In order to explain



discrepancy, it was assumed that those dipoles flip rather rapidly (t 10- 5 s), the Sp3 orbitals

remaining pointing towards the Li-atom. The appa-

rently planar hydrate configuration will thus result from


time average.

But at


short time scale (10-14 s) I. R. measure-

ments demonstrated definitely that no H-bonding

took place and that the Li-atom appeared to be out


Fig. 7.


Energy spectra obtained at 300 K for different Q values in powder. a) slow motion observed at 10.05 A, b) fast

motion observed at 5.14 A.


Fig. 8.


Q.N.S. correlation times T. and Tf




of the mid-position in the interlamellar space, the

dipolar moment of water molecule being 550 tilted relatively to c-axis [6, 14]. At 10-’o


time scale, powder Q.N.S. measurements has confirmed such rotations and their radii and allowed the determina- tion of their correlation times (Table II). Q.N.S.

by oriented films proved also the anisotropy of the planar slow rotation concerning the whole (Li +,

3 H20) hydrate about its c-axis. However the quick

rotation of the water-molecule about their Li-O bond did not appear as anisotropic as predicted by

the flat model and we have to modify it somewhat In our case, the trihydrate is no longer free but

lies in the interlamellar space of the hectorite-clay,

between two oxygen planes and more precisely,

between two oxygen hexagons (2 ).

The situation may be quite different from the free state. For Li+ in the interlamellar space some kind of equilibrium position is produced by the lattice oxygen atoms and the water molecules (Fig. 10).

The six lattice oxygen atoms (bound to silicium)

are pointing one of their free spl orbital towards

the cation, and provide a 12 electrons nest for the Li

cation. Indeed, such a configuration may give rise to

two equivalent potential wells on either side of the

hydrate symmetry plane.

Fig. 9.


Quasielastic intensity anisotropy observed at



(Li+, 3H,O) hectorite self supporting films at



10.05 A.

Fig. 10.


Cross sections of [Li+, 3H20] between two

oxygen hexagons by


[Li-0 water, A plane. L1

= c


L1 is ,the slow rotation axis of the whole hydrate. I is the guide rotation axis of the water molecule. When Li atom is in the average hydrate plane, then the H rotate along the circle, cutting it in A and B. There is


negative nest, out of the average hydrated plane of the Li +, due to the six sp’ orbitals

of the lattice oxygens 01, 02


pointing towards the L1 axis.

If Li+ stays in the nest, drawn out of the plane at 1,4 A,

water molecules rotate around the I’ axis. Then the protons




circle cutting the plane in A’ and B’. The proton motion is thus intermediate between circular and


(Z) Those assumptions may appear



However they may be justified Indeed,


pointed out in § 1.1,

in poorly hydrated hectorite, all spectroscopic techniques

confirm the high symmetry of the cation site. However, this high symmetry is not obtained immediately after


pertur- bation of the system, for instance of the water content :


very long waiting time (several months) is necessary to reach the equilibrium signal. Such


long time cannot be correlated

to the local organization of the sole water molecules. Heavier

systems like the whole clay layers must be involved, and the

equilibrium time may be considered


the time necessary

for the oxygen planes to superimpose

so as

to create the

highest symmetry at the cation site.


With the three water molecules of the Li hydrate

each Li cation is surrounded by 3 oxygen atoms 2 A apart and 6 ones at about 3 A, structure which is

very similar to the calculated free system (Li+,10 H20) (5 water molecules at 2 A, 3 ones at 3 A, and the last two further) [16].


TORITE. - Thus two equivalent sites separated by a

distance of the order of 1 A may be found for the balanc-

ing cation in the interlamellar space of hectorite.

If the Li atom is able to jump from one to the other site, the characteristic time of this oscillation must be such that 10-6


10 -14 s. With the IR time scale (10-14 s), the Li appears to be in one of those sites. At much longer time scale, by 7Li NMR, Li

atom will appear in an axially symmetric average position.

This Li-oscillation will induce an oscillatory mo-

tion of the symmetry axis I of 3 water molecules and thus of their protons. Therefore, the quick proton motion ( ~ 10-12 s) will appear as almost isotropic

as observed by Q.N.S. ratio. Moreover this implies

the Li displacement ( ~ 1 A) to be small relatively

to the radius of slow rotation ( ~ 2 A). On figure 10,

we see a representation of the described model.

Finally the Li-oscillation will hinder H bonding

to take place between the water molecules and the lattice oxygens as observed by I.R. Thus, the Li+

oscillation on either equivalent position, can account

for all the room temperature experimental results (NMR, Q.N.S. I.R.). However, is this Li oscillation between two wells real ? It assumes the cation site to be perfectly symmetric, i.e. an exact superposition

of the oxygen hexagons. But this has not been cris-

tallographically demonstrated We only develop-

ed here above, a lot of experimental results in agree-

ment with its

If the double well were not real, the Li-cation would then stay on one side of the free-hydrate mid plane.

Depending on the shape of potential well, we could find as well an agreement with I.R. and NMR results.

But the question of whether oscillations of the Li- cation in a single potential well are able to account

for the observed Q.N.S. isotropy, remains still open.



On figure 8, correla-

tion times T, and Tf are almost temperature indepen-

dent from 300 to 200 K and both increase abruptly

at lower temperature.

This thermal law appears to be unusual. Indeed,

one obtains frequently an Arrhenius law at ligh

temperature. At low temperature,


competing tunnell- ing mechanism can take place, helping the preceding

process and giving an almost temperature indepen-

dent law : both mechanisms act in parallel, the qui-

ckest one governing the thermal behaviour.

In our case, we find just the opposite. The motion

is temperature independent at ligh temperature. At low temperature the slopes of r


f (1/T) are conti- nuously increasing up to the freezing point of the

motion. Thus the motion rate is fixed by the slowest mechanism and both seem to act in series.

This conjecture is supported by the simultaneous stop of both motions around - 80 °C : the complete

motion needs a combination of the two elementary


The slower one, related to the rotation of the whole

hydrate requires evidently a thermal activation of the water oxygen atoms in order to pass over the lattice oxygen atoms. That means the quickest motion to

be temperature independent Beside the H-bonding,

which we saw above not to take place, the only possible temperature independent motion is a weakly

hindered rotation. This is to be constrated with the

case of free water, in which a correlation time of same

order of magnitude has been observed, but which is temperature dependent [24, 25].

5. Conclusion.

With these Q.N.S. results at low water coverage of

hectorite clay mineral, we have evidenced two motions for the water protons. The quickest one, has the same

order of magnitude and frequency as that observed

in normal water but is almost temperature indepen-

dent The slower one is related to the rotation of the whole hydrate around its c-axis. The anisotropy of the

slow motions is demonstrated This is, to our know- ledge, the first time that cation hydration shell rota-

tion has been observed by Q.N.S. in clay minerals.

It seems to be quite general and to persist even at higher water coverage as will be reported in a further publication where the correlation between the two rotations will be expressed in the scattering law.


P. Lauginie is sincerely acknowledged for his kind

help in « tricky ». numerical calculations.



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