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Academic year: 2022



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E-doc: 3840953






On 4 2011, Services Canada ("SSC") was by Order Council under the Financial Administration in order to adopt an approach to email, network and data centre services the Government of Canada.

This Business Continuity Framework (the "Framework") is intended to a cooperative to ensure the continuity operations is being

It is intended to ensure that transition is seamless to users of the affected network and data centre services for all organizations listed in Annex B (the


This Framework is to ensure all corporate, and other

support associated with email, network and data centre continues during the transition. To facilitate a smooth transition, the delegations described in Annex A have been put in place.

In light the a cooperative approach, the following applies during the Transition Period:


This Framework is a temporary framework that applies to SSC and each of the

Departments. as indicated, this Framework from 16 November 1 until 31 March 2012 (the "Transition Period"). as otherwise noted in this Framework, if SSC to on the Framework beyond 31 March 2012, SSC will provide advance notice to the Departments.


the Transition Period, SSC will provide network centre services to the Departments in the same manner, with the same level of service, as they were

provided the Transition Period. the Transition Period, employees co..-,"'..."'", to SSC will continue to be subject to any policies in effect in respective Departments. anticipates in due course, a more detailed <;Opr'\1""'p

will established with the Departments. Each of the will involve SSC in any new procurements, strategic decisions or long-term commitments relating to the services that SSC is providing to Department.

Shared Services Canada Business Continuity Framework Page 1 of6



The appropriations deemed to transferred from each of the Departments to


pursuant to Section 31.1 of the Financial Administration include amounts in

connection with administrative and other support for email, networks and data centre Further, by of s. 132 of the Public Service Employment

employees who occupied certain positions in portions of the Departments whose control and supervision are transferred to


will, following the transfer, occupy those positions within

However, at the beginning of the Transition Period, not all the individuals who have to will necessarily have been identified. Therefore, during the Transition Period, in some Departments, there will be individuals supporting


without knowing whether they are employees of or employees of the Departments. Also, it will not always clear in advance which appropriation is being for particular

during the Transition Period, during which time will be structure, controls and systems, the following applies:

a. All corporate, administrative and other support to email, networks and data centre that was being provided internally within each Department

immediately prior to Transition Period will continue with the same level of and with the same standard of pro bity, expediency and transparency.

b. set out in Annex spending other financial authorities, including

delegations pursuant to ss. 32, and 34 of the Financial Administration Act, will continue to be exercised in respect of the appropriations of


in the same manner as they do with respect to the Department's own appropriations, until new

delegations are put in place. Although each of the Departments will

transactions and provide financial support to


the President, as the Accounting Officer, will remain accountable to Parliament for the financial management of

Each Department and


will work cooperatively to prepare any nec:essar reconciliation or to right alignments consistent with the



directions, and to the accounts and other financial matters regarding the fiscal year ending on 31 March 2012.

c. With respect to human resources' authorities that stem from the Financial Administration Act, the Department will support based on the Department's existing instrument of delegations, as well as Department's existing policies and directives, and


personnel will do the same for the but all

decisions will be made by whichever deputy head is empowered to take that decision respect of the particular employee, or his or her delegate. Departments whose employees do not have the Treasury as their employer and the undertake to work together to find mutually acceptable solutions for the provision of human resources support services to those employees transferred from a

' . H T P n " " or a employer to the


Each the Departments will involve

Shared Services Canada Business Continuity Framework Page 2 of6


E-doc: 3840953

SSC in any strategic decisions or long-term commitments regarding human resources relating to the individuals who have transferred to SSC.

d. With respect to appointment and appointment-related authorities from the Public Service Employment Act, the Deputy of will sub-delegate all appointment and appointment-related authorities (except for any appointment to the

Group) to all Departments' sub-delegated officials who presently have authorities from their respective Deputy Head, and who are presently responsible for the hiring of SSC personnel who continue to work in the

Department. Where the Deputy Head of the Department does not have aelegalea appointment and appointment-related authorities stemming from the Public Service Employment the Deputy Head of SCC will such authorities SSC. The Departments and all sub-delegated officials of the Departments will involve SSC in any decisions or commitments regarding appointments to SSC positions.

e. With respect to access to information and privacy, each of the Departments will support with respect to requests for access to records under its control, and SSC personnel will the same with to for access to records

control of the Department, but all decisions will by the head of whichever government institution controls the records in question or his or her delegate.

f. If SSC no longer requires support from any of the Departments with respect to any corporate, administrative and functions and the President will provide reasonable notice to that Department.


Nothing in this Framework is intended to <1""·",o"j-,,, from any legal obligation of either SSC or of the Departments.


Each of the Departments will update and maintain its Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plans and in a state of implementation readiness should an emergency occur that affects the employees of located on that Department's premises.

of the Departments will ensure that the capacity for information recovery and crisis management that it has in place, together with any

protocols, will continue during the Transition and Department will work together to establish a protocol within their respective Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plans to manage emergencies that may directly affect service delivery.

Shared Services Canada Business Continuity Framework 30f6



In the spirit of partnership and collaboration, SSC and each of the Departments will make every reasonable effort to resolve locally, and at the lowest possible level, any dispute or issues resulting from the implementation of this Framework. Should a resolution not be possible, the issue under dispute should be referred to Mr. Graham Barr, Director General, Strategic Planning and Transition Coordination of SSC. If the issue remains unresolved, it may be brought to the President and the deputy head of the relevant Department for a final decision.

~ a-e-·l-B~in-d-e-r---­

Liseanne Forand

President President and Chief Executive Officer

Shared Services Canada Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

Shared Services Canada - Business Continuity Framework Page 40f6


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Annex A

Delegation of Authorities Instrument Related to Shared Services Canada

16 November 2011

This delegation of authorities instrument applies to all spending authorities and financial authorities, including expenditure initiation, transaction authority, and the authorities under Sections 32, 33 and 34 of the Financial Administration Act.

For each of the respective Departments listed in Annex B, given that the specific individuals being transferred to SSC may not immediately be identified in each of the Departments, effective immediately, I adopt the existing delegations in place in each of the Departments, such that the individuals occupying the positions named in those delegations (other than the respective ministers and deputy heads of those Departments) may continue to exercise the authorities connected with their respective positions in respect of the funds that are now deemed to have been appropriated for the purposes of Shared Services Canada pursuant to Section 31.1 of the Financial Administration Act and any other SSC appropriations, regardless of whether those individuals become employees of SSC or whether they are providing support to SSC during the period of transition while SSC is establishing its own governance structure, controls and systems.

These delegations will remain in effect until replaced.

Liseanne Forand President

Shared Services Canada

Shared Services Canada - Business Continuity Framework Page 5 of6


Annex B The Departments

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency Canada Border Services Agency Canada Revenue Agency Canada School of Public Service Canadian Food Inspection Agency

Canadian International Development Agency Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission

Canadian Space Agency Correctional Service of Canada Courts Administration Service

Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Department of Agriculture and Agri-Food

Department of Canadian Heritage

Department of Citizenship and Immigration Department of Finance

Department of Fisheries and Oceans

Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade Department of Health

Department of Human Resources and Skills Development Department of Industry

Department of Justice

Department of National Defence Department of Natural Resources

Department of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness Department of Public Works and Government Services Department of the Environment

Department of Transport Department of Veterans Affairs

Department of Western Economic Diversification

Economic Development Agency of Canada for the Regions of Quebec Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario Financial Transactions and Reports Analysis Centre of Canada Immigration and Refugee Board

Library and Archives of Canada National Research Council of Canada Office of Infrastructure of Canada Parks Canada Agency

Privy Council Office

Public Health Agency of Canada Public Service Commission Royal Canadian Mounted Police Statistics Canada

Treasury Board

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2 1 NOV. 2011



4 aofit 20 II, Services partages Canada (( SPC ») a cree par dec ret en vertu de la Loi sur fa gestion des finances puhliques pour etablir une demarche commune en matiere de services de courriel, et de centres de

du Canada.

Cadre de continuite operations, « Ie Cadre », vise


une structure

collaborative qui permettra Ia poursuite activites au cours de l'etablissement de SPC.

Le Cadre do it assurer une transition harmonieuse pour utilisateurs des

de et de centres de organisations qui

B (les «ministeres »).

doit aussi assurer que Ie soutien organisationnel, administratif et autre des services de comriel, de et de centres soient maintenus au cours de la

tranSitIOn. delegations


l'annexe ont pour faciliter

une souple transition.

En vue du besoin d'une demarche collaborative, conditions suivantes s'appliquent au cours de la Peri ode de transition:

1. DUImE

s'applique fayon temporaire


et aux


moins d'jndication contraire, Ie Cadre s'applique du 16 novembre 2011 au 31 mars 2012 (la «Periode de transition »).


d'indication dans Ie Cadre, si SPC doit s'appuyer sur Cadre du 31 mars 2012, it en avertir les



Au cours de la Periode transition, SPC foumira les de de et de centres de donnees aux ministeres la meme fayon et avec meme niveau de

qU'avant Periode de transition. Au cours de Periode de transition, les employes mutes


SPC continueront d'etre assujettis aux politiques en vigueur dans leur

SPC prevoit qu'un accord de sera etabli en temps

et lieu avec des impliquera SPC dans les nouvelles

les approvisionnements et ou


long terme relatifs aux services fournis


chaque ministere.

Services nnrln"p.~ Canada Cadre de continuite des operations Page 1 de 7



credits alloues comme ministeres


SPC en vertu

Particle 31.1 de la Loi sur fa gestion des finances pub/iques comprennent des montants lies au soutien organisationnel, administratif et aux autres services de soutien de courriel, de et de centres de donnees. De plus, en vertu de l'article 1 de la Lot sur

f 'emploi dans fa fonction pubfique, les employes qui occupaient certains postes dans des portions des ministeres dont la et supervision sont


occuperont, suite au des postes au sein de SPC.

Toutefois, au debut de la Peri ode de transition, la liste complete des employes avaient ete mutes


SPC n'aura peut-etre pas ete determinee. Par consequent, au cours de la Peri ode de transition, des employes certains ministeres appuieront SPC sans savoir

sont employes SPC ou Ie plus, on ne pourra pas toujours


l'avance credit alloue correspond it une transaction particuliere. Au cours la Periode transition, en consequence, pendant que etablit sa propre structure de gouvemance, ses controles et ses les conditions suivantes s'appliquent :

a. du soutien organisationnel, aux ,,,,,,,.''',,"'''' courriel, de reseaux et de centres donnees qui


l'inteme au sein de chaque ministere


la veille de la Periode de transition continuera d'etre foumi selon Ie meme niveau de et memes normes de probite, de rapidite et de transparence.

b. pouvoirs de et les autres pouvoirs

financiers, y pouvoirs delegues en vertu articles 33 et 34 Loi sur fa gestion des finances pub/iques, continueront d'etre par rapport aux credits de SPC de la meme falton que les credits des ministeres jusqu'a ce que de nouveaux pouvoirs soient Bien que chacun des ministeres traitera les transactions et foumira un soutien financier


SPC, la Presidente,



d'administratrice comptes, continuera compte au Parlement la gestion financiere SPC. et SPC collaboreront pour rapprocher et rajuster les alignements pour arriver au bon nombre de personnes compatible avec Ie mandat et orientations SPC et finaliser les comptes ou les autres aspects financiers ayant trait


financier se terminant 31 mars 201

c. des pouvoirs ressources qui decoulent de la Lot sur fa gestion des finances pub/iques, Ie ministere appuiera SPC en fonction ses instruments de delegation, de ses politiques et de ses et Ie personnel de SPC appuiera Ie ministere de la meme fayon, mais les decisions devront prises par l'administrateur general qui a Ie pouvoir de decision par rapport a l'employe touche ou par Ie delegue de l'administrateur SPC et ministeres dont les employes n'ont pas Conseil du Tresor comme employeur

AF,U.F,,",AH a collaborer pour trouver solutions mutuellement acceptables de

prestation de ressources humaines aux employes mutes a

nnrtna,,,< Canada - Cadre de continuite des operations 2 de7


E-doc 3840956

SPC d'un organisme ou d'un employeur distinct. Chaque ministere fera participer SPC aux decisions strategiques et aux engagements a long tenne en matiere de ressources humaines relativement aux employes mutes a SPC.

d. En matiere des pouvoirs de nomination et des pouvoirs connexes qui decoulent de la Loi sur l'emploi dans lafonelion publique, I'administrateur general de SPC sous­

deleguera ces pouvoirs (saufpour les nominations au groupe des cadres) aux sous­

delegues des ministeres qui ont reyu ces pouvoirs de leur administrateur general et qui sont actuellement responsables de I' embauche de personnel de SPC qui travaille encore au sein du ministere. Lorsque les pouvoirs de nomination et les pouvoirs connexes qui decoulent de la Loi sur I 'emploi dans lafonelion publique n'ont pas ete delegues a l'administrateur general du ministere, I'administrateur general de SPC sous-deleguera ces pouvoirs au sein de SPC. Les ministeres et les sous­

delegues des ministeres feront participer SPC aux decisions et aux engagements strategiques lies aux nominations a des postes au sein de SPC.

e. En matiere d'acces a I'infonnation et de protection des renseignements personnels, chaque ministere appuiera SPC par rapport a l'acces aux dossiers sous son contr61e et Ie personnel de SPC appuiera Ie ministere de la meme fayon; les decisions seront prises par Ie chef de l'organisation gouvemementale qui gere les dossiers vises ou par son delegue.

f. Lorsque SPC n'aura plus besoin du soutien d'un ministere par rapport aux fonctions et aux services organisationnels, administratifs ou autres, la Presidente donnera un preavis raisonnable a l'organisation.


Rien dans Ie present Cadre ne doit etre interprete de fayon a pennettre a SPC ou a I'un des ministeres d'ignorer ses obligations existantes en vertu de la loi.


Chacun des ministeres devra mettre ajour et maintenir ses plans de continuite des activites et de reprise des activites apres un sinistre, et etre prete a intervenir en cas d'urgence qui touche Ie personnel de SPC travaillant dans les locaux du ministere.

Pendant la Periode de transition, chacun des ministeres s'assurera de maintenir ses capacites en securite de l' infonnation, reprise des activites apres un sinistre et gestion des crises, ainsi que tout protocole connexe. SPC et chaque ministere etabliront ensemble un protocole, dans Ie cadre de leur plans respectifs de continuite des activites et de reprise des activites apres un sinistre, afin de gerer les urgences qui peuvent toucher directement la prestation des services.

Services partages Canada - Cadre de continuite des operations Page 3 de 7



Dans l'esprit du partenariat et de la cooperation, SPC et chacun des ministeres

s'efforceront de resoudre localement, et au niveau hierarchique Ie plus bas, tout probleme ou differend decoulant de la mise en place du present Cadre. S' il est impossible de

resoudre un probleme, il sera soumis


M. Graham Barr, Directeur general, Planification strategique et coordination de la transition de SPC. Si M. Barr ne peut trancher la

question, elle pourrait etre soumise


la Presidente et


I 'administrateur du ministere en question, qui prendront la decision finale .

. ~

~-l-B-in-d-e - r---

Liseanne Forand

Presidente President et Premier dirigeant

Services partages Canada Commission canadienne de surete nucleaire

Services partages Canada - Cadre de continuite des operations Page 4 de 7


E-doc 3840956

Annexe A

Instrument de delegation des pouvoirs lies it Services partages Canada

Le 16 novembre 2011

Le present instrument de delegation des pouvoirs vise tous les pouvoirs lies aux depenses et aux finances, y compris les pouvoirs d'engagement des depenses et d'execution d'une operation ainsi que les pouvoirs des articles 32, 33 et 34 de la Loi sur fa gestion des finances publiques.

Comme Ie personnel precis a transferer a SPC peut ne pas etre immediatement identifie dans chacun des ministeres repertoriees a I' annexe B, j'adopte les delegations de pouvoirs existantes de chacun des ministeres, en vigueur immediatement, afin de permettre au personnel occupant les postes vises par ces delegations de pouvoirs (a I' exception des ministres et administrateurs generaux des organisations en question) de continuer a exercer les pouvoirs attribues a leur poste respectif relativement aux fonds ayant ete credites a Services partages Canada en vertu du paragraphe 31.1 de la Loi sur fa gestion des finances publiques et a tout autre credit de SPC, que ces employes deviennent employes de SPC ou qu'ils foumissent un appui a SPC pendant la Peri ode de transition au cours de laqueUe SPC etablira ses propres structures de gouvemance, contr6les et systemes.

Ces delegations des pouvoirs resteront en vigueur jusqu'a leur remplacement.

LiseaIllle Forand Presidente

Services partages Canada

Services part ages Canada - Cadre de continuite des operations Page 5 de 7


B Ministeres

canadienne d' inspection des aliments

canadienne de developpement economique du Nord Agence canadienne de developpement international

Agence de developpement economique du Canada pour les regions du Quebec de la sante publique du Canada

de promotion economique du Canada atlantique de revenu du Canada

des services frontaliers du Canada

Agence federale de developpement economique pour Ie Sud de "Ontario Parcs Canada

spatiale canadienne Bibliotheque et Archives Canada Bureau de l'infrastructure du Canada Bureau du Conseil prive

Centre d'analyse des operations et declarations financieres du Canada Commission canadienne de sfirete nucleaire

Commission de I'immigration et du statut de Commission de la fonction publique Conseil du Tresor

Conseil national de recherches du Canada de la fonction publique du Canada Gendarmerie royale du Canada

Industrie Canada

Ministere de I'Agriculture et de l'Agroalimentaire

Minish~re de ]'Environnement

Ministere de la et de I'Immigration Ministere de la Defense nationale

Ministere de la Diversification de l'economie de !'Ouest Ministere de la Justice

Ministere de la Sante

Ministere de la Securite publique et de la Protection civile

Ministere des Affaires autochtones et du Deveioppement du Nord canadien Ministere des Affaires et du Commerce international

Ministere des Anciens Combattants Ministere des Finances

Ministere des Peches et des Oceans

Ministere des Ressources humaines et du Developpement des competences Minist(:re des Ressources nature lies

Ministere des

Ministere du Patrimoine canadien

Services nm'tm;ri's Canada Cadre de continuile des operations 6 de 7


E-doc 3840956

Service administratif des tribunaux judiciaires Service correctionnel du Canada

Statistique Canada

Travaux publics et Services gouvemementaux Canada

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