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Optimal diversity vs multiplexing tradeoff for frequency selective mimo channels


Academic year: 2022

Partager "Optimal diversity vs multiplexing tradeoff for frequency selective mimo channels"


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Abdelkader Medles Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies

The Quadrant, Stonehill Green Swindon, SN5 7DJ, UK Email: medles@lucent.com

Dirk T.M. Slock Eurecom Institute 2229 route des Crˆetes, B.P. 193 06904 Sophia Antipolis Cedex, FRANCE

Email: slock@eurecom.fr


In this paper we derive the optimal diversity versus multiplexing tradeoff for a frequency selective i.i.d. Rayleigh MIMO channel.

This tradeoff is shown to be better than the one of the frequency flat MIMO channel. Traditional approaches for frequency selective channels use OFDM techniques in order to exploit the diversity gain due to frequency selectivity. We show that although coding in OFDM over a sufficient subset of subcarriers allows to exploit full diversity as such (at fixed rate), such an approach leads to a suboptimal diversity vs multiplexing tradeoff.


Frequency selective channels, also known as inter-symbol interfer- ence (ISI) channels, are regarded in general as troublesome chan- nels from a performance point of view and practical systems as- sume the use of the OFDM approach to avoid this type of channels.

However, recent studies [1, 2] show that SISO/SIMO frequency selective channels improve performance and allow to achieve bet- ter diversity versus multiplexing gain compared to frequency-flat channels. In this paper, we generalize the optimal diversity ver- sus multiplexing tradeoff (introduced first for flat MIMO channels in [3]) to frequency selective MIMO channels. The tradeoff ob- tained provides at any rate more diversity gain than in the case of flat channels. Furthermore, this tradeoff is better than the one obtained via coding over a set of linearly independent or even un- correlated subcarriers of an OFDM system. Such a result is very surprising and suggests to stay in the time domain or code across more subcarriers for more efficient diversity exploitation.

Consider linear digital modulation over a linear channel with additive white circular complex Gaussian noise with varianceσ2v. The number of antennas isNtat the transmitter side andNr at the receiver side. The channel is frequency selective, with a delay spreadL. The complex received signal at antennaris


L−1 l=0



Hrtl xtk−l+vrk (1)

wherextkis the transmitted signal at antennatat timek,Hrtl , l= 0, . . . , L−1are the complex coefficients of the channel impulse response from antennatto antennar, andvrkis the noise at antenna r. Collecting the received signals in one vector symbol

The Eurecom Institute’s research is partially supported by its industrial members: Bouygues T´el´ecom, Fondation d’entreprise Groupe Cegetel, Fondation Hasler, France T´el´ecom , Hitachi, ST Microelectronics, Swiss- com, Texas Instruments, Thales.

yk= [y1k, . . . ,yNkr]T, we can then write yk=

L−1 l=0

Hlxk−l+vk (2)

wherexk = [x1k, . . . ,xNkt]T,Hl : Nr×Nt, l = 0, . . . , L−1 are the matricial coefficients of the channel impulse response, and vk = [v1k, . . . ,vNkr]T,vk ∼ CN(0, σ2vINr). Superscripts T, H denote transpose and Hermitian transpose respectively.

1.1. Block (Frame) Transmission

We consider a transmission over a large block of lengthT >> L, the channel is assumed to be constant over the block, and varying independently from one block to another. The received signal can be written as

Y=AT(H)X+V, (3) whereY= [yT1,yT2, . . . ,yTT+L−1]T,X= [xT1,xT2, . . . ,xTT]Tand V= [vT1,vT2, . . . ,vTT+L−1]T. AT(H)is the followingNr(T + L−1)×NtT block Toeplitz matrix

AT(H) =

H0 0 . . . 0

H1 H0 . .. ... ... H1 . .. 0 HL−1 ... . .. H0

0 HL−1 ... H1 ... . .. . .. ...

0 . . . 0 HL−1

. (4)

For a general input signal the mutual information per symbol pe- riod, is

IT(H) = 1

T+L−1I(X;Y|H). (5) LetRXX = E XXH be the input correlation. The power con- straint is given by trRXX ≤ T P, whereP is the maximum transmit power per symbol period. For a given color of the trans- mitted signal (RXX), the mutual information per symbol period is maximized for a Gaussian centered input, for which it is given by IT(H) = 1

T+L−1ln det(INr(T+L−1)+ 1

σv2AT(H)RXXAHT(H)). (6) Stationary Input

For large block lengthT >> L, we consider the case of stationary input. We can then define the second order statistics of the input


Si= ExkxHk−i. The power spectral density function of the input is thenS(z) = iSiz−i(S(z)is the z-transform ofSi).RXXis now a block Toeplitz matrix ofSi:


S0 S1 . . . SL−2 SL−1 SH1 S0 . .. . .. SL−2

... . .. . .. . .. ... SHL−2 . .. . .. S0 S1 SHL−1 SHL−2 . . . SH1 S0

. (7)

Frequency Selective Block Fading Rayleigh Model

We construct this model as a generalization of the flat Rayleigh MIMO channel model.Hl, l= 0, . . . , L−1are i.i.d, and eachHl has i.i.d. Gaussian componentsHrtl ∼ CN(0,L1)for1≤r≤Nr and1≤t≤Nt.

1.2. Continuous transmission (T→ ∞)

The mutual informationI(H)in this case corresponds to the limit ofIT(H), and is given in the following lemma.

Lemma 1:The limit ofIT(H),I(H) = lim

T→+∞IT(H), is I(H) = 1



z ln det(I+ 1

σ2vH(z)S(z)H(z)). (8) Proof:This is a generalization of the SISO case shown in [4], the proof is similar.

1.3. Bounds on the mutual information (MI) for white input LetJT(H)denote the MI for spatiotemporally white input,

JT(H) = 1

T+L−1ln det(INr(T+L−1)+ρAT(H)AHT(H)). (9) whereρ = σ2x

σ2v = P

Ntσv2. For large block lengthT,JT(H)con- verges to

J(H) = 1 2πj


z ln det(INrH(z)H(z)). (10) For finite block length, the following lemma gives useful bounds onJT(H)in terms of the infinite block length mutual information (J(H)).

Lemma 2 :For white input, the mutual information of a block of lengthT is bounded by

(1−T+L−1L−1 )J(H)≤JT(H)≤J(H). (11) Proof :The proof is omitted for lack of space.


In [3], Zheng and Tse give a new definition of the diversity and spatial multiplexing that considers adaptive SNR schemes. For the generalization of the tradeoff to frequency selective MIMO chan- nel we consider the same definitions. SchemeC(ρ)is a family of codes of block lengthT(one for each SNR level), that supports a bit rateR(ρ). This scheme is to achievespatial multiplexingrand diversity gaindif the data rate satisfies

ρ→∞lim R(ρ)

ln(ρ) =r , (12)

and the average error probability satisfies

ρ→∞lim lnPe(ρ)

ln(ρ) =−d . (13)

For eachr,d(r)is defined to be the supremum of the diversity advantage achieved over schemes. The maximal diversity gain is defined bydmax =d(0)and the maximal spatial multiplexing gain isrmax=sup{r:d(r)>0}.

We will use the special symbol .

=to denote the exponential equal- ity,i.e., we writef(ρ) .

bto denote

ρ→∞lim lnf(ρ)

ln(ρ) =b . (14)

Zheng and Tse considered aflat Rayleigh MIMO channel, and using properties of the distribution of eigenvalues they showed the following results.

Optimal Tradeoff Curve for a flat MIMO channel : Assume T ≥ Nr +Nt−1. The optimal tradeoff curved(r)is given by the piecewise-linear function connecting the points(k, d(k)), k= 0,1, . . . , p, where

d(k) = (p−k)(q−k). (15) withp= min{Nr, Nt}, q= max{Nr, Nt}. In particulardmax= NtNrandrmax = min(Nr, Nt).

2.1. Behavior of the diversity vs multiplexing optimal tradeoff for a frequency selective Rayleigh MIMO channel

In the case of a frequency selective channel the optimal tradeoff curved(r)has a behavior characterized by the following theo- rem.

(2,(LNr−2)(Nt−2)) (r,(LNr−r)(Nt−r))

(Nt,0) AsymptoticDiversityGain:dout(r)

Spatial Multiplexing Gain: r (1,(LNr−1)(Nt−1)) (0, LNrNt)

Fig. 1. Asymptotic diversity vs. multiplexing tradeoff for fre- quency selective channel andNt≤Nr

Theorem 1:AssumeT ≥Lq+p−1. The optimal tradeoff curve is characterized by a diversity advantage functiond(r)which is bounded as follows:

dout((1 +L−1

T )r)≤d(r)≤dout(r). (16) dout(r)is the asymptotic (inT) diversity advantage given by the piecewise-linear function connecting the points(k, dout(k)),k=


0,1, . . . , p, and

dout(k) = (p−k)(Lq−k). (17) Independently of the block length the maximum achievable diver- sity advantage isdmax =d(0) =LNrNt. However, the max- imal spatial multiplexing gainrmax depends on the block length T, and is bounded by(1−T+L−1L−1 )p≤rmax ≤p. Then asymp- toticallyrmax =p.

Remarks :

• This theorem defines a region in the plane of diversity vs multiplexing, whered(r)is situated. However, for large block lengthT >> L, this region is restricted to the curve dout(r),d(r) =dout(r).

• ForT >> Landr=k, k= 0,1, . . . , p,(p−k)(Lq−k)−

(p−k)(q−k) = (p−k)(L−1)qis the supplementary di- versity gain provided by a frequency selective channel w.r.t.

to a flat one with the same number of antennas.

• OFDM systems assume in general coding of the transmitted signal overLindependent subcarriers. This is equivalent to coding overLindependent blocks of a MIMO flat block fading channel. The optimal diversity gain is then [3] the piecewise-linear function connecting the points(k, L(p− k)(q−k)),k= 0,1, . . . , p. The difference(p−k)(Lq− k)−L(p−k)(q−k) = (p−k)(L−1)k, is the supple- mentary diversity gain provided by the frequency selective channel, and can be attained by exploiting the diversity in the time domain (TDMA) or by coding across more subcar- riers. The exact number of needed subcarriers is left here as an open problem . Note that coding acrossLindependent subcarriers in an OFDM system allows to attain the unre- duceddmax =LNtNr, which motivated the introduction of coding over such a reduced set of subcarriers.

In the following we present the proof of Theorem 1.

2.2. Preliminary Results

Bounds onI(H)for general input color

For a general input spectrum, under the power constraint ( 1

2πj dz

z tr{S(z)} ≤P), the mutual informationI(H)for infinite block length is given in (8). The following lemma gives an upper bound onI(H).

Lemma 3: The mutual information for infinite block length is bounded as follows

I(H)≤ln det(I+ρ LNtH¯H¯H), (18)

whereH¯ =

H0 ... HL−1

= [HT0, . . . ,HTL−1]T in the caseNt ≤ Nr, andH¯= [H0,H1, . . . ,HL−1]forNt≥Nr(for both casesH¯ has rankp= min{Nr, Nt}).

Proof : The proof is omitted for lack of space.

We introduce now a paraunitary precoder for white input (S(z) = σx2INt) that will allow us to characterizeJ(H)in (10).

Introduction of the STS precoder:

The STS precoderT(z)was introduced in [5].T(z)is aNt×Nt MIMO filter

T(z) = D(z)Q

D(z) = diag{1, z−L, . . . , z−L(Nt−1)}, (19)

whereQis a unitary matrix (QHQ=I)

Qs=√1 Nt

1 θ1 . . . θ1Nt−1 1 θ2 . . . θ2Nt−1

... ... ... 1 θNt . . . θNtNt−1

, (20)

where theθiare the roots ofθNt−j = 0, j =√

−1. T(z)is paraunitury (T(z)T(z) = INt), and so isT(zL), hence using it as a precoder does not modify the mutual information for white Gaussian input

J(H) = 2πj1 dzz ln det(INtxH(z)H(z))

= 2πj1 dzz ln det(INtxT(z)H(z)H(z)T(z))

= 2πj1 dzz ln det(ρ R(z))

= 2πj1 dzz ln det(ρL(z)ΣL(z))

= ln det(ρΣ) =




(21) whereJn= ln Σnnand in the fourth equality we replacedR(z) =


ρINtx+T(z)H(z)H(z)T(z)by its UDL matrix spectral factor- ization.L(z)is lower triangular, with diagonal elements,Lii(z), i= 1, . . . , Nt, causal, monic1and minimum phase2. The lower trian- gular elementsLij(z), i > j, are arbitrary (non causal) trans- fer functions. W.r.t. a classical causal MIMO spectral factor, the degrees of freedom of the strictly causal upper triangular el- ements have been transferred to the anticausal part of the lower triangular elements. In the fifth equality we exploit the fact that det(L(z)) =Nn=1t Lnn(z)is causal, monic and minimum phase.

Let us denoteVn = [en,en+1, . . . ,eNt], whereenis theNt×1 vector with 1 at thenthposition and all other entries are zeros.

By identification from the UDL spectral factorization of R(z), i.e. L(z)ΣL(z) = R(z), we show that([VHnR(z)Vn]−1)11 =


ΣnnLnn(z)Lnn(z), where the diagonal coefficientLnn(z)is causal, monic and minimum phase, hence it satisfies

1 2πj


z ln(Lnn(z)Lnn(z)) = 03. Finally Jn= lnρΣnn=− 1

2πj dz

z ln([VHnρR(z)Vn]−1)11. (22) Bounds onJ(H):

SIMO case Lemma 4:

For this case the mutual informationJ(H)is bounded by ln(1+ρ||h||2

γL )≤ 1 2πj


z ln(1+ρh(z)h(z))≤ln

1+ρ||h||2 (23) whereh=

h0 ... hL−1

represents the vectorized channel impulse response andγL=



L−1 l



1A monic SISO filter has first coefficient equal to 1

2A rationalf(z)is said to be minimum phase if all of its poles and zeros are inside the unit circle

3 1 2πj dz

z ln(f(z)f(z)) = 0forf(z)causal, monic and minimum phase


Proof : The proof is omitted for lack of space.

MIMO case Let us introduce first

cn= (q−n) ln

γqL(q−n+1) q−n


0 , n=q (24)

Lemma 5:

ForNt≥Nr,Jnis bounded by

−ln(NtNtL)−cn≤Jn−ln(1 +ρL sNt(L−1)+n)≤cn, (25) wheresn, n= 1, . . . , NtL,are the eigenvalues ofH¯HH¯sorted in a nondecreasing order.

Proof : The proof is omitted for lack of space.

Lemma 6:

Using the results of lemma 5, we conclude for anyNt,Nr,

−qln(qLγqL)−c≤J(H)−ln det(I+ρ LH¯H¯H)≤c (26) wherec=qn=1cn.

Proof : ForNt ≥ Nr, the derivation is straightforward from Lemma 5, in fact forNt ≥ Nrthere are onlyp=Nr non-zero eigenvalues inH¯HH:¯ sNtL−Nr+1, . . . , sNtL. This ensures that


n=1ln(1 +ρLsNt(L−1)+n) = ln det(I+ρ LH¯H¯H). For the caseNt ≤Nrwe observe that the instantaneous mutual information satisfies

J(H) = 2πj1


z ln det(IH(z)H(z))

= 2πj1


z ln det(I+ρH(z)HH(z))

= 2πj1


z ln det((I+ρH(z)HH(z))T)

= 2πj1


z ln det(I+ρHT(z)H(z)).


In the second equality we replacedbyHbecause the integral is done on the unit circle, the two operators are then equivalent. We conclude that the capacity is the same as for a new virtual channel HT(z). As a consequence the result of the first case,Nt ≥Nr, holds also here after interchangingNrandNt, and replacingHi byHTi fori= 0, . . . , L−1.

2.3. Outage Probability Behavior

An outage event occurs when the mutual information of the chan- nel does not support a target data rate

{H:IT(H) = 1

T+L−1I(X;Y|H)< R}. (28) The mutual information depends on the input distribution and the channel realization. Since the mutual information is maximized for Gaussian inputs, we can then define the outage probability as

Pout(R) = min

RXX≥0,tr{RXX}≤T PP(IT(H)< R). (29) Any covariance matrixRXXin the set{RXX ≥0,tr{RXX} ≤ T P}satisfiesRXX≤T PIT Nt, whereIT Ntis the identity ma- trix of sizeT Nt×T Nt.

From (6) we can then write that IT(H)≤ 1

T +L−1ln det(I+NtT ρAT(H)AHT(H)). (30)

The outage probability then satisfies

P[T+L−11 ln det(I+NtT ρAT(H)AHT(H))< R]

≤Pout(R)≤P[T+L−11 ln det(I+ρAT(H)AHT(H))< R], (31) where for the upper bound we have just chosenRXX=NP

tIT Nt. As has been observed in [3], the two constant scalings (NtT and 1) ofρlead to the same exponential equality, hence

Pout(R) .

=P[ 1

T+L−1ln det(I+ρAT(H)(AT(H))H)< R]. (32) Now, using the results of Lemma 2, namely (11), we get

P[J(H)< R]≤· Pout(R)≤· P[(1− L−1

T +L−1)J(H)< R]. (33) Finally, by the exploitation of Lemma 6, or hence (26), we con- clude

P[ln det(IH¯H¯H)< R]≤· Pout(R)≤·

P[(1−T+L−1L−1 ) ln det(IH¯H¯H)< R]. (34) Remarks :

• The scale factorNtT in (30) is very loose for large block length (T >> L), and no more valid forT → ∞. How- ever, for such cases practical signals are stationary and ad- mit a spectrumS(z),IT(H)then converges to the mutual information of infinite block lengthI(H)(8). We can then use the upper bound of (18) which leads directly to the lower bound in (34). By consequence the reasoning is still valid for infinite block lengthT, with the upper bound in (34) remaining the same.

• For large block length (T >> L), (34) becomesPout(R) .

= P[ln det(IH¯H¯H)< R]. The frequency selective chan- nel behaves as the flat MIMO channelH¯= [HT0, . . . ,HTL−1]T in the caseNt ≤ Nr and H¯ = [H0,H1, . . . ,HL−1]for Nt≥Nr.

Let the data rateR=rlnρ. In [3] it was shown that for aNr×Nt flat Rayleigh distributed MIMO channel

P[ln det(IHHH)< rlnρ] .

−dout(r), (35) wheredout(r)is given by the piecewise-linear function connecting the points(k, dout(k)),k= 0,1, . . . , p, with

dout(k) = (p−k)(q−k). (36) Recall thatp= min{Nr, Nt}, q= max{Nr, Nt}.

In our case,H¯ has the same probability distribution as that of a flat Rayleigh distributed MIMO channel of sizeNrL×Nt for Nt≤Nr, andNr×NtLforNt ≥Nr. These two cases lead to the same result

P[ln det(IH¯H¯H)< rlnρ] .

−dout(r), (37) where nowdout(r)is given by the piecewise-linear function con- necting the points(k, dout(k)),k= 0,1, . . . , p, with

dout(k) = (p−k)(Lq−k). (38) Using this results it is straightforward to derive the following the- orem.


Theorem 2: For a frequency selective and i.i.d. Rayleigh dis- tributed MIMO channel, the outage probability satisfies

ρ−dout(r)· Pout(R)≤· ρ−dout((1+L−1T )r), (39) wheredout(r)is given by the piecewise-linear function connecting the points(k, dout(k)),k= 0,1, . . . , p, and

dout(k) = (p−k)(Lq−k). (40) Remark :From (39) we can see that for large blockT >> L, the outage probability satisfiesPout(R) .

−dout(r). 2.4. Proof of Theorem 1

In order to prove Theorem 1, we characterize the error proba- bility of any coding scheme (for a given rateR = rlnρ) by Pe(ρ) = ρ−d(r). We recall that d(r) is the supremum of the diversity advantaged(r)achieved over all these schemes.

To show the upper bound in (16), we can use the same proof of lemma 5 in [3]. This will lead to the following result

Pe(ρ)≥· ρ−dout(r). (41) Or in other terms, for any schemed(r) ≤ dout(r). Hence, the supremum verifies

d(r)≤dout(r). (42) Proof of the lower bound in Theorem 1 :We need now to prove thatdout((1 +L−1T )r) ≤d(r), forT ≥Lq+p−1. To show this result we provide an upper bound on the error probability by choosing the input to be a random code from an i.i.d. Gaussian ensemble.

The proof is very similar to the one provided in [3] for the proof of theorem 2 of that paper. As has been done in [3], we can show that

Pe(ρ)≤Pout(R) +P(error, no outage). (43) Now using (39), we get

Pe(ρ)≤· ρ−dout((1+L−1T )r)+P(error, no outage). (44) In the same way as in [3], we can show that for a given channel, the error probability is upper bounded by

P(error|H)≤ρT rdet(I+ρ

2AT(H)AHT(H))−1. (45) Using (11) and results of Lemma 6, we then show that

P(error|H) ≤ ρT re−ln det(INr(T+L−1)+ρ2AT(H)AHT(H))

≤ ρT re−T2πj1 dzz ln det(INr+ρ2H(z)H(z))

≤ eT c1ρT rdet(I+ρ2LH¯H¯H)−T

(46) wherec1 = pln(qLγqL) +c. This bound depends onH¯ only through thepnon zero eigenvalues ofH¯H¯H, λi, i = 1, . . . , p sorted in a nondecreasing order. With the following change of variablesλiρ−αi, we then get

P(error|α)≤· ρ−T[


i=1(1−αi)+r]. (47) From the upper bound in (11) we can conclude that theno outage event is included in the event(A)c, complement of the event(A) :

{J(H)< R}={α1 ≥. . .≥αp≥0,and p

i=1(1−αi)+ <


P(error, no outage)≤·




i=1(1−αi)+−r]. (48) The remainder of the proof is the same as the one in [3]. For T≥Lq+p−1it leads to

P(error, no outage)≤· ρ−dout(r). (49) Finally

Pe(ρ) ≤· ρ−dout((1+L−1T )r)−dout(r)

· ρ−dout((1+L−1T )r),

(50) andd(r)≥dout((1 + L−1T )r). This completes the proof.


For a SIMO channel (Nt = 1) the optimal tradeoff curve is the linear functiond(r) =LNr(1−r),0≤r≤1. In [1] we show that the SNR at the output of the Decision Feedback Equalizer with a MMSE Zero-Forcing design verifies SNRDF Eρh2

γL , h2 =



hi22. We assume the use of a uniform QAM con- stellation of sizeρr(corresponding to a raterlnρ), and minimum distanced2= 3σ2x


The transmitted frame is of sizeT and no space time coding is used. The transmitted symbols are detected sequentially at the re- ceiver using the MMSE ZF DFE, which reproduces the same sit- uation as the detection over a SISO flat channel with a SNR = SNRDF E, and this at each step. Pe can then be upper-bounded byPe ≤T P(E), whereP(E)is the detection error probability over the equivalent SISO flat channel. A point in the QAM con- stellation has at most four nearest neighbors, theP(E)can then be upper-bounded by four times the Pairwise Error Probability with minimum distance. Finally using the PEP expression in[1] we get

Pe≤4T(1 + 3

8cLr−1)ρ)−LNr .

−LNr(1−r)−d(r). (51) This shows the optimality of the MMSE ZF DFE equalizer for SIMO channels.


[1] A. Medles and D.T.M. Slock. Decision-Feedback Equaliza- tion Achieves Full Diversity for Finite Delay Spread Chan- nels. InIEEE ISIT 2004, Chicago, Illinois, Jun-Jul 2004.

[2] L. Grokop and D.N.C. TSe. Diversity/Multiplexing Tradeoff in ISI channels. InIEEE ISIT 2004, Chicago, Illinois, Jun-Jul 2004.

[3] L. Zheng and D. Tse. Diversity and multiplexing: a funda- mental tradeoff in multiple-antenna channels. IEEE Trans.

Info. Theory, 49(5):1073 –1096, May 2003.

[4] R. Gray.Toeplitz and circulant matrices. Stanford University, Palo Alto, 1977.

[5] A. Medles and D.T.M. Slock. Linear Convolutive Space-Time Precoding for Spatial Multiplexing MIMO Systems. InProc.

39th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Monticello, Illinois, Oct. 2001.


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