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Milnor Fiber of a Plane Curve


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Milnor Fiber of a Plane Curve

Pierrette Cassou-Noguès and Michel Raibaut

Pour Antonio, en témoignage de notre amitié

Abstract In this article we give an expression of the motivic Milnor fiber at the origin of a polynomial in two variables with coefficients in an algebraically closed field. The expression is given in terms of some motives associated to the faces of the Newton polygons appearing in the Newton algorithm. In the complex setting, we deduce a computation of the Euler characteristic of the Milnor fiber in terms of the area of the surfaces under the Newton polygons encountered in the Newton algorithm which generalizes the Milnor number computation by Kouchnirenko in the isolated case.

1 Introduction

Letkbe an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. Letf be a regular map defined on a smoothk-varietyX. Using the motivic integration theory introduced by Kontsevich in [20], Denef and Loeser defined in [8,11], the motivic Milnor fiber of f at a pointxofX, denoted bySf,xas an element ofMkμˆ, a modified Grothendieck ring of varieties overkendowed with an action of the group of roots of unityμ. Theyˆ proved that the motiveSf,x is a “motivic” incarnation of the topological Milnor fiber of f at x denoted by Fx and endowed with its monodromy actionTx. For instance, whenkis the field of complex numbers, they proved in [8, Theorem 4.2.1,

P. Cassou-Noguès ()

Institut de Mathématiques de Bordeaux, (UMR 5251), Université de Bordeaux, Talence Cedex, France

e-mail:Pierrette.Cassou-Nogues@math.u-bordeaux.fr M. Raibaut

Université Grenoble Alpes, Université Savoie Mont Blanc, CNRS, LAMA, 73000, Chambéry, France


© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018 145


Corollay 4.3.1] that the motiveSf,xrealizes on usual invariants of(Fx, Tx)as the Euler characteristic, the monodromy zeta function or Steenbrink’s spectrum.

In [15] Guibert computed the motivic Milnor fiber at the origin of a polynomial which is non degenerate with respect to its Newton polyhedron. The computation is given in terms of the faces of the Newton polyhedron. For more general point of views we refer to the memoir of Artal-Bartolo, Cassou-Nogues, Luengo and Melle-Hernandez [2], the composition of a non-degenerate polynomial with regular functions with separated variables of Guibert, Loeser and Merle in [16] and the logarithmic approach of Bultot and Nicaise in [3,4].

In [15] Guibert computed also the motivic fiber at the origin of a function in two variables in terms of the Puiseux pairs of its branches and their orders of contact. This approach is generalized in [18], where the authors compute the motivic Milnor fiber at the origin of a composition of a polynomial with two functions with the same variables but transversality assumptions. More recently using resolution of singularites Lê Quy Thuong computed in [24] the motivic Milnor fiber in an inductive and combinatoric way using the extended simplified resolution graph. An other recursive approach is given by González-Villa, Kennedy and McEwan in [14].

The quasi-ordinary case is treated in the article of González-Villa and González- Pérez [13].

Inspired by the works of the first author and Veys in the case of an ideal of k[[x, y]]in [5,6], the aim of this article is to give in Theorem2an expression of the motivic Milnor fiber at the origin of a polynomial ink[x, y]in terms of some motives associated to the faces of the Newton polygons appearing in the Newton algorithm. The Newton algorithm is an algorithm which allows to compute the tree of the resolution of a germ at the origin in terms of Newton polygons.

We present the strategy of the proof of the theorem and the structure of the article.

LetGm be the multiplicative group ofk. We will work with a Grothendieck ring MGGmm of the category VarGGm

m ofGm-algebraic varieties endowed with a monomial Gm-action (see Sect.2for details). This ring is isomorphic to the ringMkμˆ (see [17,


We denote byL(A2k)the arc space of the affine planeA2kwhosek-rational points are formal series ink[[t]]2. The multiplicative groupGmacts canonically onL(A2k) byλ.ϕ(t)equal toϕ(λt)for anyλinGmand any arcϕ inL(A2k). For a non zero elementψink[[t]], we denote by ord(ψ)theorderofψand by ac(ψ)itsangular componentequal to its first non-zero coefficient with the convention that ac(0)is zero.

Letf be a polynomial ink[x, y]withf (0,0)=0. Themotivic zeta functionof f at the origin is the formal series

Zf(T )



mes(Xn(f ))Tn


inMGGmm[[T]], where for anyn≥1, mes(Xn(f ))is themotivic measureof the arc space

Xn(f )= {ϕL(A2k)|ϕ(0)=(0,0), ordf (ϕ)=n}

endowed with the arrow “angular component” ac(f )toGmand the standard action ofGmon arcs. Denef and Loeser show in [8,11] that this zeta function is rational by giving a formula of

Zf(T )

(0,0)in terms of a resolution off. It admits a limit whenT goes to∞and themotivic Milnor fiberoff at the origin is the motive of MGGmmdefined as


(0,0)= − lim


Zf(T )


Following the strategy of [6] we describe now how to compute the motivic Milnor fiber


(0,0) using the Newton algorithm and taking account ofGm-actions (see Remark7). Assume thatf is written asf (x, y)=

(a,b)∈N2ca,bxayb. The Newton diagram off at the origin, denoted byNf, is the convex hull of the set of points {(a, b)+R2+|ca,b = 0}. We denote bym the usual support function ofNf (see Proposition2). Letγbe a face ofNf andfγ be theface polynomialoff associated toγ and defined as

fγ(x, y)=





withc inGm,(p, q) ∈ N2 coprime, μi inGm all different and called roots of fγ andνi inN. The set of rootsμi is denoted byRγ. The last equality needs the assumptionk algebraically closed. The main remark is that for any arcϕ = (x(t), y(t))with ordx(t)and ordy(t)inNwe have

m(ordx(t),ordy(t))≤ordf (ϕ)

with equality if and only iffγ(acx(t),acy(t))is non zero, whereγ is the face of Nf whose dual cone Cγ contains the couple(ordx(t),ordy(t)). This implies a decomposition of the motivic zeta function

Zf(T )


γ∈N(f )

Zγ(T )=

γ∈N(f )

Zγ=(T )+Z<γ(T )

in terms of faces of the Newton polygon and a dichotomy based on the fact that the face polynomial vanishes or doesn’t vanish (see Sect.4.1and Proposition4).

The case of arcs such that the face polynomial evaluated on their angular compo- nents does not vanish is done in Sect.4.3.1. The other case, necessarily for one dimensional faces, is treated in Remark12. The main tool is the Newton map. For


instance, considerγa one dimensional face ofN (f )andμone of the roots of the face polynomialfγ. The faceγ is supported by a line with normal vector(p, q)in N2with gcd(p, q)=1. Let(p, q)be inN2such thatppqq =1. A Newton map ofγ andμis the map

σ(p,q,μ): k[x, y] −→k[x1, y1]

f (x, y)f (μqx1p, x1q(y1+μp))=fσ(x1, y1). Then in Proposition7we obtained the refined decomposition

Z<γ(T )=


Zfσ (p,q,μ)p,q(T )


in terms of roots and Newton transforms. Hereωp,qis the differential form induced by the Newton map and motivic zeta functions with differential form are recalled in Sect.2. The main step is Proposition6comparing a measure of arcs forf and for fσ. Finally, the motivic zeta function can be computed inductively using the Newton algorithm which consists in considering the Newton polygon offσ and applying the same process (see Lemma2). It is proven (see Lemma4) that after a finite number of steps, we end up with a monomial orxk(y+μxq+g(x, y))ν multiplied by a unit ink[[x, y]]withkinN,g(x, y)=

a+bq>qca,bxaybink[x, y]. These base cases are studied in Sect.4.3.3. After the proof of Theorem2, we conclude Sect.4by two interesting examples. Cauwergs’ example in [7] shows that two functions which have the same topological type can have different motivic Milnor fibers. Schrauwen, Steenbrink and Stevens example in [26] shows, on the other hand, that two functions with different topological type can have same motivic Milnor fiber.

In the last sections, we apply the previous results to the computation of invariants off using what is known for quasihomogeneous polynomials. We use in particular computations of the monodromy zeta function by Martin-Moralés in [23]. In Sect.5 we deduce from Theorem 2 a generalization of Kouchnirenko’s theorem which computes the Milnor number, in the isolated case, in terms of the area of the surfaces under the Newton polygons appearing in the Newton algorithm. Furthermore, in Sect.3we recover the formula for the monodromy Zeta function given by Eisenbud and Neumann in [12] and that of Varchenko in [27].

2 Motivic Milnor Fibers

Below we explain some definitions and properties that will be used throughout the paper. We refer to [10,17,21,22] and [16] for further discussion.


2.1 Motivic Setting

2.1.1 Grothendieck Rings

Letkbe a field of characteristic 0 and denote byGmits multiplicative group. We call k-variety, a separated reduced scheme of finite type overk. We denote byV arkthe category ofk-varieties and byV arGm the category ofGm-varieties, where objects are morphismsX→GminV ark. As usual we denote by MGmthe localization of the Grothendieck ring of varieties over Gmwith respect to the relative line. We will use also theGm-equivariant variant MGGmmintroduced in [17, §2] or [16, §2], which is generated by classes of objects Y →Gmendowed with a monomialGm-action.

In this context the class of the projection from A1k×Gmto Gmendowed with the trivial action is denoted byL.

2.1.2 Rational Series

Let Abe one of the rings Z[L,L1] or MGGmm. We denote byA[[T]]sr the A- submodule ofA[[T]]generated by 1 and finite products of termspe,i(T )defined as LeTi/(1−LeTi)witheinZandiinN>0. There is a uniqueA-linear morphism limT→∞ : A[[T]]srAsuch that for any subset(ei, ji)iI ofZ×N>0withI finite or empty, limT→∞(

iIpei,ji(T ))is equal to(−1)|I|.

We will use the following lemma similar to [5, §3] or [15, 2.1.5] and [17, 2.9].

Lemma 1 Letϕandηbe twoZ-linear forms defined onZ2withϕ(N2)andη(N2) included inN. Let C be a rational polyhedral convex cone ofR2\ {(0,0)}. We assume that for anyn ≥ 1, the setCn defined asϕ1(n)C ∩N2 is finite. We consider the formal series inZ"

L,L1# [[T]].

Sϕ,η,C(T )=




IfCis equal toR>0ω1+R>0ω2whereω1andω2are two non colinear primitive vectors inN2withϕ(ω1)=0andϕ(ω2)=0then, if

P =(]0,1]ω1+]0,1]ω2)∩N2 we have

Sϕ,η,C(T )=



(1−Lη(ω1)Tϕ(ω1))(1−Lη(ω2)Tϕ(ω2)) (1) andlimT→∞Sϕ,η,C(T )=1.


IfCis equal toR>0ωwhereωis a primitive vector inN2withϕ(ω)=0then we have

Sϕ,η,C(T )= Lη(ω)Tϕ(ω)

1−Lη(ω)Tϕ(ω) and lim

T→∞Sϕ,η,C(T )= −1. (2) Proof Assume thatC is equal toR>0ω1+R>0ω2 whereω1andω2 are two non colinear primitive vectors inN2withϕ(ω1)=0 andϕ(ω2)=0. LetPbe defined as(]0,1]ω1+]0,1]ω2)∩N2. For any(k, l)Cthere is a unique(k0, l0)P, there is a unique(α, β)inN2such that

(k, l)=(k0, l0)+αω1+βω2. As the setP is finite, we have

Sϕ,η,C(T )=


Lη(k0,l0)Tϕ(k0,l0)Sk0,l0(T )

where Sk0,l0(T )=


α0, β0 αϕ(ω1)+βϕ(ω2)=nϕ(k0, l0)

Lη(ω1)Tϕ(ω1) α

Lη(ω2)Tϕ(ω2) β



α0, β0 αϕ(ω1)+βϕ(ω2)=nϕ(k0, l0)

Lη(ω1)Tϕ(ω1) α

Lη(ω2)Tϕ(ω2) β

= m0

α0, β0 αϕ(ω1)+βϕ(ω2)=m

Lη(ω1)Tϕ(ω1) α

Lη(ω2)Tϕ(ω2) β

which implies the equality (1). Asϕ(1,0)andϕ(0,1)are non negative integers, for any(k0, l0)inP,ϕ(k0, l0)ϕ(ω1)+ϕ(ω2)with equality only in the case

(k0, l0)=ω1+ω2

which implies the result on the limit in (1). The proof of (2) is similar.

2.2 Arcs

2.2.1 Arc Spaces

LetXbe ak-variety. We denote byLn(X)thespace ofn-jetsofX. This set is ak- scheme of finite type and itsK-rational points are morphisms fromSpec K[t]/tn+1 toX, for any extensionKofk. There are canonical morphisms formLn+1(X)to Ln(X)induced by the truncation modulotn+1. These morphisms areAdk-bundles


whenXis smooth with pure dimensiond. Thearc spaceofX, denoted byL(X), is the projective limit of this system. This set is ak-scheme and we denote byπnfrom L(X)toLn(X)the canonical morphisms. For more details we refer for instance to [9,22].

2.2.2 Origin, Order, Angular Component and Action

For a non zero elementϕ in K[[t]] or in K[t]/tn+1, we denote by ord(ϕ) the valuation ofϕ and by ac(ϕ)its first non-zero coefficient. By convention ac(0)is zero. The scalar ac(ϕ) is called theangular componentofϕ. The multiplicative group Gm acts canonically on Ln(X) and on L(X) by λ.ϕ(t) := ϕ(λt). We consider the applicationoriginwhich maps an arcϕtoϕ(0)=ϕ modt.

2.3 The Motivic Milnor Fiber

Letf be a polynomial ink[x, y], withf (0,0)=0. For anyn≥1, Xn(f )=$

ϕL(A2k)|ϕ(0)=(0,0), ordf (ϕ)=n


is a scheme endowed with the arrow “angular component” ac(f )to Gmand the standard action ofGmon arcs. In particular, for anymnthe image ofXn(f )by the truncation mapπmis a variety in MGGmm denoted byX(m)n (f ). In particular, by smoothness of A2kwe have the equality


Xn(m)(f )


X(n)n (f )


this element is the motivic measure of Xn(f ) denoted by mes (Xn(f )) and introduced by Kontsevich in [20].

Denef and Loeser defined in [8] themotivic zeta functionoff at the origin as Zf(T )



mes(Xn(f ))Tn

in MGGmm[[T]]. They show that the motivic zeta function is rational by giving a formula forZf(T )in terms of a resolution off, see for instance [8,11]. It admits a limit whenT goes to∞and by definition themotivic Milnor fiberoff at(0,0)is


(0,0)= − lim


Zf(T )



Denef and Loeser proved that this motive contains usual invariants of the Milnor fiber off at(0,0)see for instance [8, Theorem 4.2.1, Corollary 4.3.1] or [11,19].

We will apply these theorems in Sects.5and6to compute the Euler characteristic and the monodromy zeta function of the Milnor fiber in terms of the Newton polygons off.

2.4 Motivic Zeta Function and Differential Form

Letf be a polynomial ink[x, y]withf (0,0)=0. Letωbe the differential form ω=xν1dxdywithν ≥ 1. Ifx does not dividef then we assumeν =1. For any(n, l)in(N)2, we define

Xn,l(f, ω)=$

ϕL(A2k) |ϕ(0)=(0,0),ordf (ϕ(t))=n,ordω(ϕ(t))=l


endowed with the arrow “angular component” ac(f )toGmand the standard action ofGmon arcs. We consider the following motivic zeta function

Zf,ω(T )





Xn,l(f, ω) Ll

TnMGGmm[[T]]. (3)

The assumption onωensures that the sum overlis finite. This zeta function is for instance studied in [2,5,7,28]. It is rational by Denef-Loeser standard arguments, and admits a limit whenT goes to∞, and we denote


(0,0)= − lim


Zf,ω(T )

(0,0). Proposition 1 The motives


(0,0)and Sf,ω

(0,0)are equal.

Proof By taking the limit whenT goes to infinity, this equality follows immediately from the expression of the rational form of the motivic zeta functions

Zf,ω(T )


and Zf(T )

(0,0)on a log-resolution of(A2, f1(0)∪ {x =0})adapted tox =0.

See for instance [7, §1.4].

3 Newton Algorithm

Let k be an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero, with multiplicative group denoted byGm.

Definition 1 Letf be an element ofk[x, y]written asf (x, y)=




We define thesupportoff by Suppf =$

(a, b)∈Z2|ca,b=0

% .

In this section (Lemma2), we define the local Newton algorithm for a polynomial f ink[x, y].

3.1 Newton Polygons

Definition 2 For any set E inN×N, denote by Δ(E) the smallest convex set containing


a+b, aE, b(R>0)2

% .

A subsetΔofR2is calledNewton diagramif there exists a setEinN×N, such thatΔis equal toΔ(E). The smallest setE0ofN×Nsuch thatΔis equal toΔ(E0) is called the set of verticesofΔ.

Remark 1 The set of vertices of a Newton diagram is finite.

Definition 3 LetE0be the set{v0,· · · , vd}withvi =(ai, bi)inN×Nsatisfying ai1 < ai andbi1 > bi for anyiin{1, . . . , d}. For suchi, we denote bySi the segment[vi1, vi]and bylSi the line supporting the segmentSi. We call the set

N(Δ)= {Si}i∈{1,...,d}∪{vi}i∈{0,...,d}

theNewton polygonofΔ. The integerh(Δ)=b0bdis called theheightofΔ.

Letf be an element ofk[x, y]equal to f (x, y)=



Definition 4 The Newton diagram of f is the Newton diagram Δ(f ) equal to Δ(Suppf ). TheNewton polygon at the originoff is the Newton polygonN (f ) equal toN (Δ(f )). Theheight of f denoted byh(f )is the heighth(Δ(f )).

Definition 5 Let l be a line inR2. Theinitial partoff with respect tol is the quasi-homogeneous polynomial

in(f, l)=

(a,b)l∩N(f ))



Notation 1 In the following, for a faceγ ofN (f )contained in a linel, instead of writingin(f, l)we will simply writefγ.

Remark 2 Letγ be a one-dimensional face ofN (f ). We have the equality fγ =xaγybγFγ(xq, yp),

where(aγ, bγ)belongs toN×N,pandqare coprime positive integers and Fγ(x, y)=c



withcink,μi ink(all different) andνi inN. We callfγtheface polynomialof f associated toγ.

Definition 6 We say thatf isnon degeneratewith respect to its Newton polygon N (f )if for each one dimensional faceγinN (f ), the polynomialFγ has simple roots.

Remark 3 The polynomialf is non degenerate with respect toN(f )if and only if for any one-dimensional faceγ, the initial partfγ has no critical point on the torus (k)2.

3.2 Newton Algorithm

Definition 7 (Newton map) Let(p, q)be inN2with gcd(p, q)=1. Let(p, q) be inN2such thatppqq=1. Letμbe inGm. We define the application

σ(p,q,μ): k[x, y] −→ k[x1, y1] f (x, y)f

μqx1p, x1q(y1+μp)

We say thatσ(p,q,μ)is aNewton map.

Remark 4 The Newton mapσ(p,q,μ)depends on(p, q)but this doesn’t affect our results. Indeed, if(p+lq, q+lp)is another pair, then


μq+lpx1p, x1q(y1+μp+lq) =f

μq(x1μl)p, (x1μl)q(y1μlq +μp)

. Furthermore, there is exactly one choice of (p, q) satisfying ppqq = 1 and moreoverpq andq < p. In the sequel we will always assume these inequalities. This will make procedures canonical.

In the well-known following proposition we introduce notations used in the rest of the paper.


Proposition 2 LetEbe a set of some(m, n) fornandminN. Let(p, q)be in N2withgcd(p, q) = 1. We consider the linear forml(p,q) which maps(a, b)on ap+bq.

1. The minimum ofl(p,q)|Δ(E), denoted bym(p, q), is obtained on a face of Δ(E) denoted byγ (p, q). In particular,l(p,q)is constant onγ (p, q).

2. For any faceγofΔ(E), we denote byCγthe interior, in its own generated vector space inR2, of the positive cone generated by the set{(p, q)∈N2|γ (p, q)= γ}. This set is a rational polyhedral cone, convex and relatively open.

For a one dimensional faceγ, we denote bynγ the normal vector toγ with integral non negative coordinates and the smallest norm. With that notation we have : 3. For a one dimensional faceγ,Cγ =R>0nγ.

4. A zero dimensional faceγ is an intersection of two one dimensional facesγ1and γ2, and Cγ =R>0nγ1+R>0nγ2.

5. The set of conesCγ is a fan, called the dual fan ofΔ(E).

Lemma 2 (Newton algorithm) Let(p, q)be inN2withgcd(p, q)=1. Letμbe inGm.

Let f be a non zero element in k[x, y] and f1 be its Newton transform σ(p,q,μ)(f )in k[x1, y1].

1. If there does not exist a faceSofN (f )of dimension1whose supporting line has equationpa+qb=N, for someN, then

f1(x1, y1)=x1m(p,q)u(x1, y1) withu(x1, y1)ink[x1, y1]andu(0,0)=0.

2. If there exists a face S of N (f ) of dimension1 whose supporting line has equationpa+qb=N, and ifFS(1, μ)=0, thenm(p, q)=N and

f1(x1, y1)=x1Nu(x1, y1) withu(x1, y1)ink[x1, y1]andu(0,0)=0.

3. If there exists a face S of N (f ) of dimension1 whose supporting line has equationpa+qb=N, and ifFS(1, μ)=0, thenm(p, q)=N and

f1(x1, y1)=x1Ng1(x1, y1)

withg1(x1, y1)ink[x1, y1]andg1(0,0) = 0, g1(0, y1) = dy1ν + · · ·,where d=0andνis the multiplicity ofμas root ofFS(1, Y )=0. In particular in that case,νh(σ(p,q,μ)(f )).


Proof We consider the linear forml(p,q)which maps(a, b)onap+bq. Writing f (x, y)=

(a,b)supp(f )ca,bxaybwe obtain f1(x1, y1)=

(a,b)supp(f )



Letm(p, q)be the minimum min(a,b)supp(f )l(p,q)(a, b). By convexity and defini- tion of the Newton diagram off, this minimum is reached on a zero dimensional or one dimensional faceγ. Then, we can write

f1(x1, y1)=x1m(p,q)


y1+μp b


(a,b) /γ



1 .

Remark that for any(a, b)not inγ,l(p,q)(a, b)−m(p, q) >0.

1. If there does not exist a faceSofN (f )of dimension 1 whose supporting line has directionpa+qb=0, then the faceγ is a vertex and the results follows.

2. If there exists a one dimensional faceS ofN (f )whose supporting line has equationpa+qb=N, thenγis equal toS. In particular we haveN =m(p, q) and



ca,bμqa(y1+μp)b=in(f, γ )

μqx1p, x1q(y1+μp)


and the result follows by computations.

Remark 5 Iff1(x1, y1)is equal tox1n1y1m1u(x1, y1), where(n1, m1)belongs toN2 anduk[x1, y1]is a unit in k[[x1, y1]], we say for short thatf1is a monomial times a unit.

Remark 6 From this lemma, we see that there are a finite number of(p, q, μ)such thatσ(p,q,μ)(f )is eventually not a monomial times a unit in k[[x1, y1]]. These triples are given by the equations of the faces of the Newton polygon and the roots of the corresponding face polynomials.

Notation 2 Ifσ =σ(p,q,μ)is a Newton map, we denote byfσ =σ(p,q,μ)(f ).

Lemma 3 (Lemma 2.11 [5]) If the height offσ is equal to the height off, then the Newton polygon off has a unique faceS withfS = xkyl(yμxq)ν, with (k, l, ν)inN×N2andq inN.

LetΣn = 1,· · · , σn)whereσi is a Newton map for all i, we definefΣn by induction:fΣ1 =fσ1,fΣi =(fΣi−1)σi.

Definition 8 If the height in the Newton process remains constant, we say that the Newton algorithm stabilizes.


Lemma 4 Letf be ink[x, y]. If the Newton algorithm off stabilizes with height νthen

f (x, y)=U (x, y)xk(y+xq+g(x, y))ν, with(k, q) ∈ N2, g(x, y)k[x, y], g(x, y) =

a+bq>qca,bxayb, U (x, y)k[[x, y]]andU (0,0)=0.

Proof Assume that the Newton algorithm off is stabilized in heightν. We can write

f (x, y)=



j <ν


withaν(x)= 1+ · · ·, forj < ν,aj(x)= j!ν!j )!μνjxq(νj )+ · · · where· · · means higher order terms. Letf1(x, y)be the−1)th derivative off with respect toy.

f1(x, y)=



(iν)!yiν+1ai(x)+ν!yaν(x)+−1)!aν1(x) f1(x, y)=ν!(y+μxq+g(x, y))

with g(x, y)k[x, y], g(x, y) =

a+bq>qca,bxayb. The hypothesis that the Newton algorithm is stabilized in height ν, implies that at each step the face polynomial is of the formxl(y+ ˜μxr)ν for somel,μ, r˜ and it implies thatf has a Puiseux series of the formy0=

cixi withi >0 as its unique root of multiplicity ν. This point follows from Puiseux theory, see for instance [29, 2.1]. Then, there is a formal seriesu(x, y)ink[[x, y]]withu(0,0)=0 such that

f (x, y)=u(x, y)(yy0)ν. Theny0is also the unique root of the polynomialf1, and

f1(x, y)=ν!(y+μxq+g(x, y))=u1(x, y)(yy0) withu1(x, y)k[[x, y]], u1(0,0)=0 . Then we obtain

f (x, y)=!)ν u(x, y)

u1(x, y)ν(y+μxq+g(x, y))ν =U (x, y)(y+μxq+g(x, y))ν withU (x, y)k[[x, y]], U (0,0)=0.

Theorem 1 For allf (x, y)in k[x, y], there exists a natural integern0, such that for any sequence of Newton mapsΣn =1,· · ·, σn)withnn0,fΣn is either a


monomial times a unit or there exists an integerνinNsuch thatfΣnis of the form U (x, y)xk(y+μxq+g(x, y))ν wherekis an integer inN,g(x, y)is a polynomial ink[x, y]equal to

a+bq>qca,bxayb,μbelongs toCandU (x, y)is ink[[x, y]]

withU (0,0)=0.

Proof From Lemma2, we first observe that the number of Newton mapsσ, such thatfσ is not a monomial times a unit is finite, bounded by the sum on all facesS of the number of roots ofFS.

We argue by induction on the height off. Ifh(f )=0,f is a monomial times a unit andn0=0. Consider the case whereh(f ) >0. In that case,N (f )has at least one face of dimension 1. Choose one,S, and a root ofFS with multiplicityν ≥1.

Letap+bq =Nbe the equation of the supporting line ofS. Then fσ(x1, y1)=x1Ng1(x1, y1),

withNinN,g1(x1, y1)ink[x1, y1]and the height ofΔ(f1)is equal toνh(f ).

Either we haveh(fσ) = 0, orh(f )h(fσ) ≥ 1. We continue the process and either the height vanishes or it stabilizes at a positive value.

Example 1 Letf be the polynomial

f (x, y)=(x3y2)2x2+y7.

The Newton polygon has two compact faces of dimension one. Then, we consider v0 =(0,7), v1 = (2,4), v2 =(8,0). The faceγ1 = [v0, v1]has supporting line with equation 3α+2β =14 and polynomial facey4(x2+y3). The faceγ2= [v1, v2] has supporting line 2α+3β = 16 and face polynomialx2(x3y2)2. Relatively to the faceγ1, the Newton map givesx = x13, y = x12(y1−1)and the Newton transform is

f11(x1, y1)=x114(3y1−2x15+g(x1, y1)).

The Newton algorithm stabilizes in height 1. Relatively to the faceγ2, the Newton map givesx =x12, y=x13(y1+1)and the Newton transform is

f12(x1, y1)=x116(4y12+x15+g1(x1, y1)).

There is a second stepx1= −x22, y=x25(y2+1/2)and the Newton transform is f22(x2, y2)=x242(−512y2+664x210+g2(x2, y2)).

The Newton algorithm stabilizes in height 1.


4 Motivic Milnor Fibers and Newton Algorithm

Notation 1 Letkbe an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. Letf be a polynomial ink[x, y]withf (0,0)=0. Letωbe the differential formω=xν1dxdywithν ≥1. Ifxdoes not dividef then we assumeν=1.

In this section, using the Newton algorithm Sect.3.1and the strategy of the first author and Veys in [6] we express the motivic zeta function(Zf,ω(T ))(0,0)and the motivic Milnor fiber


(0,0)in terms of the Newton polygons off and its Newton transforms.

Remark 7 Compared to [6], we work in this article relatively to the standard action on arcs, varieties involved are, then, endowed with an action of the multiplicative groupGm. Applying the Newton algorithm as in [6] we have to take into account these actions and use the construction of the Grothendieck ringMGGmm to identify classes[X→Gm, σ]and[X→Gm, σ]for different actionsσandσofGm. This identification allows factorization in zeta functions, see for instance Proposition5 and its proof.

Theorem 2 Let f be a polynomial in k[x, y] with f (0,0) = 0, let ω be the differential form xν1dxdy, with ν = 1 if x does not divide f. Denote by γh =(ah, bh)andγv =(av, bv)the zero dimensional faces contained respectively in the horizontal and vertical faces of N(f ). The motivic zeta function off in (0,0)relatively to the differential formωis equal to

Zf,ω(T )

(0,0) =

(a,b)∈{γhv}[xayb:Grm→Gm, σGm]Rxayb(T ) +

γ∈N(f )\{γhv}"

fγ :G2m\(fγ =0)→Gm, σγ

#Rγ ,ω(T ) +

γ∈N(f ),dimγ=1


Zfσ (p,q,μ)p,q(T )


(4) where

r=1ifa=0orb=0andr=2ifaandbare non zero,

σ (p, q, μ)are the associated Newton transforms andωp,qis the differential form ωp,q(v, w)=v(νp+q1)dvdw,

for a faceγ,Rγ ,ωare rational fonctions in formulas(12),(13),(14)and(15)of Proposition3and formulas(19)and(20)of Proposition5,

For a face(a, b)in{γh, γv}the actionσGmofGmis defined in Proposition3. For a faceγnot contained in{γh, γv}the actionσγ ofGmis defined in Proposition5.

Furthermore, the motivic Milnor fiber off in(0,0)is : Sf


(a,b)∈{γhv}(−1)r+1[xayb:Grm→Gm, σGm] +

γ∈N(f )\{γhv}(−1)dim(γ )1"

fγ :G2m\(fγ =0)→Gm, σγ

# +

γ∈N(f ),dimγ=1


Sfσ (p,q,μ)




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