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EB14.R18 Medical Selection (Examination) of Migrants The Executive Board, Having considered the report of the Meeting of Experts on Medical Selection of Migrants ;


Academic year: 2022

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Texte intégral


EB14.R18 Medical Selection (Examination) of Migrants The Executive Board,

Having considered the report of the Meeting of Experts on Medical Selection of Migrants ; 1

Recalling that the Director-General, under the provisions of resolution EB9.R15, transmitted to Member governments the " Basic principles and criteria for medical examination of migrants " ; and

Recalling that the Executive Board in the same resolution requested the Director-General to collaborate with the International Labour Organisation in making further studies relating to this subject,

REQUESTS the Director-General to communicate this report to Member governments for consideration in connexion with the medical examination of migrants who are to carry out ordinary or heavy work or work requiring special physical ability.

Handb. Res., 2nd ed„ (Second meeting, 27 May 1954)


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