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Exercice 1. Let J ⊂ k[X 0 , . . . , X n ] be a homogeneous ideal. Show that the radical rac(J) is homogeneous.


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Master 2 MPA Introduction to algebraic geometry

Exercise sheet 4

Let k be an algebraically closed field.

Exercice 1. Let J ⊂ k[X 0 , . . . , X n ] be a homogeneous ideal. Show that the radical rac(J) is homogeneous.

Exercice 2. Let f 0 , . . . , f m ∈ k[X 0 , . . . , X n ] be homogeneous polynomials having all the same degree d. Suppose that the vanishing locus V P (f 0 , . . . , f m ) is empty.

a) Show that the map

f : P n → P m , x = (x 0 : . . . : x n ) 7→ (f 0 (x) : . . . : f m (x)) is well-defined.

b) Show that f is continuous (for the Zariski topology).

Exercice 3.

a) Let J ⊂ k[X 0 , . . . , X n ] be an ideal generated by homogeneous polynomials g 1 , . . . , g r . We denote by J [ ⊂ k[X 1 , . . . , X n ] the ideal generated by the deshomogenized polynomials g 1 [ , . . . , g r [ . Show that

V (J [ ) = V p (J ) ∩ k n

where k n ⊂ P n is the complement of the hyperplane H = {x 0 = 0}.

b) Let J ⊂ k[X 1 , . . . , X n ] be ideal, and let J # ⊂ k[X 0 , . . . , X n ] be the ideal generated by {g # | g ∈ J arbitrary}

Set Z := V (J ) ⊂ k n ⊂ P n , and denote by ¯ Z ⊂ P n its Zariski closure. Show that Z ¯ = V P (J # ).

Exercice 4. We consider the quadric Q ⊂ P 3 defined by Q := V P (X 0 X 1 − X 2 X 3 ).

a) For every (λ : µ) ∈ P 1 the equations

µX 1 + λX 2 = 0, µX 3 + λX 0 = 0

define a line P 3 . Show that these lines are contained in Q. Construct a second family of lines contained in Q.



b) Show that for every point x ∈ Q there exists a unique line of each family passing through this point.

c) Show that two distinct lines in the same family are disjoint, and that two lines from different families intersect in a unique point.

d) Let D 1 , D 2 , D 3 ⊂ P 3 be three projective lines that are pairwise disjoint. Show that there exists a unique quadric Q that contains D 1 ∪ D 2 ∪ D 3 .

Hint : start by proving that for 9 arbitrary points in P 3 there exists a homogeneous polynomial of degree two F such that the projective set X = V P (F ) contains these nine points. Show that if X intersects a line l in three distinct points, then l is contained in X .

Exercice 5. Let R be a ring, and let S ⊂ R be a multiplicative subset. Denote by f : R → S −1 R the natural map.

a) Show the universal property of the localised ring S −1 R : if g : R → B is a morphism of rings such that g(s) is invertible for every s ∈ S, then there exists a unique morphism of rings g 0 : S −1 R → B such that g 0 ◦ f = g.

b) Let p ⊂ R be a prime ideal and denote by S −1 p ⊂ S −1 R the ideal generated by f (p). Let S ¯ ⊂ R/p be the image of S by the quotient map R → R/p. Show that ¯ S ⊂ R/p is a multiplicative set and

S ¯ −1 (R/p) ' S −1 R/S −1 p.

Exercice 6.

a) Let f ∈ k[X 1 , . . . , X n ] be a non-zero polynomial. Show that the localised ring k[X 1 , . . . , X n ] f is isomorphic to

k[X 1 , . . . , X n , T ]/(1 − T f ).

b) Let X be an affine set and Γ(X) its function ring. Let f 1 , f 2 ∈ Γ(X) be polynomials such that V X (f 1 ) = V X (f 2 ). Show that

Γ(X ) f


' Γ(X ) f





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