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This gives the algebraic realization of the positive/negative part of a (Kac-Moody type) quantum group


Academic year: 2022

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Abstract. In this paper, we generalize the categorifical construction of a quantum group and its canonical basis by Lusztig ([16, 17]) to the generic form of whole Ringel-Hall algebra. We clarify the explicit relation between the Green formula in [7] and the restriction functor in [17]. By a geometric way to prove Green formula, we show that the Hopf structure of a Ringel-Hall algebra can be categorified under Lusztig’s framework.

1. Introduction

Based on the classical works of Hall ([8]) and Steineiz ([31]), the Ringel-Hall algebra H(A) of a (small) abelian category A was introduced by Ringel in [24], as a model to realize the quantum group. When A is the category RepF

qQ of finite dimensional representations for a simply-laced Dynkin quiverQover a finite field Fq, the Ringel-Hall algebra H(A) is isomorphic to the positive part of the corresponding quantum group ([24]). For any acyclic quiverQandA= RepFqQ, the composition subalgebra ofH(A) generated by the elements corresponding to simple representations is isomorphic to the positive part of the quantum group of typeQ.

This gives the algebraic realization of the positive/negative part of a (Kac-Moody type) quantum group. This realization was achieved by Green ([7]), through solving a natural question whether there is a comultiplication on H(A) compatible with the corresponding multiplication so that the above isomorphism is an isomorphism between bialgebras. Now it is well-known that Green’s comultiplication depends on a remarkable homological formula in [7] (called the Green formula in the following).

In the seminal papers [16] and [17], Lusztig gave the geometric realization of the positive/negative part of a quantum group and then constructed the canonical basis for it. LetQ= (Q0, Q1) be a quiver and

Ed:= M


HomK(Kds(α),Kdt(α)) be the variety with the natural action of the algebraic group

Gd:= Y



Date: September 13, 2016.

Key words and phrases. Hall algebra, induction functor, restriction functor, simple perverse sheaves.

Jie Xiao was supported by NSF of China (No. 11131001), Fan Xu was supported by NSF of China (No. 11471177) and Minghui Zhao was supported by NSF of China (No. 11526037).



for a given dimension vector d∈NQ0. Lusztig ([17]) defined the flagFi,a and the subvariety

Eei,a⊆Ed× Fi,a.

Fix any type (i,a), consider the canonical proper morphism πi,a: Eei,a → Ed. By the decomposition theorem of Beilinson, Bernstein and Deligne ([1]), the complex πi,a!1 is semisimple, where 1 is the constant perverse sheaf on Eei,a. Let Qd be the category of complexes isomorphic to sums of shifts of simple perverse sheaves appearing in πi,a!1, Kd the Grothendieck group of Qd and K = L

dKd. Lusztig ([17]) already endowed K with the multiplication and comultiplication structures by introducing his induction and restriction functors. He proved that the comul- tiplication is compatible with the multiplication inK and K is isomorphic to the positive part of the corresponding quantum group as bialgebras up to a twist.

By this isomorphism, the isomorphism classes of simple perverse sheaves inQd

provide a basis of the corresponding quantum group, which is called the canonical basis. The canonical basis theory of quantum algebras is crucially important in Lie theory. This basis has many remarkable properties such as such as integrality and positivity of structure constants, compatibility with all highest weight integrable representations, etc. Lusztigs approach essentially motivates the categorification of quantum groups (for example, see [12],[28] and [32]) or quantum cluster algebras (see [9],[21],[13], etc.), i.e., a quantum group/quantum cluster algebra can be viewed as the Grothendieck ring of a monoidal category and some simple objects provides a basis (see also [33]).

For a long time we have been asked what the explicit relation exists between the Green’s comultiplication and Lusztig’s restriction functor. As one of the main result in the present paper, the following Theorem 4.8 and the definition of the comultiplication operator ∆ provide us this strong and clear link. Thanks to an embedding property as in [14] and [27], we can lift the Green formula from finite fields to the level of sheaves. This is finally suitable to apply the Lusztig’s restriction functor to the larger categories of the so-called Weil complexes, whose Grothendieck groups realize the weight spaces of a generic Ringel-Hall algebra.

The second aim of this paper is to give the categorification of Ringel-Hall algebras via Lusztig’s geometric method. In Section 2, we recall the theory of Ringel-Hall algebras, focusing on the Hopf structure of Ringel-Hall algebras. In Section 3, we recall Lusztig’s construction of Hall algebras via functions invariant under the Frobenius map. Then we obtain an algebra CFF(Q). The comultiplication over CFF(Q) is just a twist of Green’s comultiplication. However, the proof of the compatibility of Lusztig’s comultiplication and multiplication for the whole Ringel- Hall algebra essentially depends on the proof of the Green formula. In the end of this section, we show that the twist ofCFF(Q) is isomorphic toHtw(A) as a Hopf algebra. Hence, Lusztig’s comultiplication can be applied to Ringel-Hall algebras.

In Section 4, we extend the geometric realization of a quantum group to the whole Ringel-Hall algebra under Lusztig’s framework. We obtain the generic Ringel-Hall algebra as the direct sum of Grothendieck groups of the derived categories of a class of Weil complexes. The simple perverse sheaves provide the caonical basis.

We show that the compatibility of the induction and restriction functor holds for these perverse sheaves. Therefore the generic Ringel-Hall algebra has a structure of Hopf algebra. In Section 5, we construct the Drinfeld double of the generic Ringel-Hall algebra.


Acknowledgments. The authors are very grateful to Hiraku Nakajima for telling us that Lusztig’s restriction is a hyperbolic localization and Reference [3]. The sec- ond named author thanks Sheng-Hao Sun for explaining the contents in Reference [14] and many helpful comments.

2. A revisit of Ringel-Hall algebras as Hopf algebras

We recall the definition of the Ringel-Hall algebra H(A) for the hereditary abelian category A= modkQ= RepkQ, wherek=Fq is a finite field withq=pe elements for some prime numberpandQis a finite quiver without oriented cycles.

For M ∈ A, we denote by dimM the dimension vector in NQ0 and define the Euler-Ringel form onNQ0 as follows:

hM, Ni= dimkHomA(M, N)−dimkExt1A(M, N).

ForM, N andL∈modkQ, we denote byFM NL the set{X ⊂L|X ∈modkQ, X∼= N, L/X ∼=M}and Ext1A(M, N)L the subset of Ext1A(M, N) with the middle term isomorphic to L. Write FM NL =|FM NL |and hM NL = |Ext|Hom1A(M,N)L|

A(M,N)|. ForX ∈ A, set aX=|AutAX|.

The ordinary Ringel-Hall algebra H(A) is a C-space with isomorphism classes [X] of allkQ-modulesX as a basis and the multiplication is defined by

[M]∗[N] =X



forM, N and L∈modkQ. We can endow H=H(A) a comultiplicationδ:H → H ⊗CHby setting

δ([L]) = X


hM NL [M]⊗[N].

The comultiplication is compatible with the multiplication via Green’s theorem.

Theorem 2.1. [7] The map δ is an algebra homomorphism with respect to the twisted multiplication onH ⊗ H as follows:

([M1]⊗[N1])◦([M2]⊗[N2]) =qhM1,N2i([M1]∗[M2])⊗([N1]∗[N2]).

The theorem is equivalent to the following Green formula holds:






= X


|Ext1A(X, Z)|

|HomA(X, Z)|FXYM1





Define a symmetric bilinear form on H by setting ([M],[N]) = δM,Na

M . We call the form Green’s Hopf pairing. It is clear that the Green Hopf pairing is a non degenerated bilinear form overH. The following proposition shows that the comul- tiplication is dual to the multiplication, i.e., the comultiplication can be viewed as the multiplication overH= HomC(H,C).

Proposition 2.2. The comultiplication is left adjoint to the multiplication with respect to Green’s Hopf pairing, i.e., fora, b, c∈ H, (a, bc) = (δ(a), b⊗c).


The proposition is equivalent to the Riedtmann-Peng formula FM NL aMaN =hM NL aL


It is easy to generalize the multiplication and comultiplication to the r-fold versions forr≥2.ForM1,· · ·, Mr, M ∈ A, setFMM

1,···,Mr to be the set

{0 =X0⊆X1⊆ · · · ⊆Xr=M |Xi∈ A, Xi+1/Xi∼=Mr−i, i= 0,1,· · · , r−1}


1···Mr =|FMM


[M1]∗[M2]∗ · · · ∗[Mr] =X



The r-fold comultiplication δr can be defined inductively. For r = 1,δ1 =δ and δr+1= (1⊗ · · · ⊗1⊗δ)◦δr forr≥1.Set

δr−1([M]) = X


hMM1···Mr[M1]⊗ · · · ⊗[Mr]

forr≥2. It is clear that the Riedtmann-Peng formula can be reformulated as hMM1M2···Mr =FMM

1···MraM1· · ·aMra−1M forr≥2.

Letσ:H → Hbe a map such that σ([M]) =δM,0+X


(−1)r· X



forM ∈ A. We callσthe antipode ofH.

One can also define the twisted version of the multiplication overH(A) by setting [M]·[N] =vhM,Ni[M]∗[N],

where v = √

q. Similarly, the comultiplication, the antipode and Green’s Hopf pairing can be twisted (see [34] for more details). We denote byHtw(A) the twisted version ofH(A).

Theorem 2.3. [24, 7, 34] The algebra Htw(A) is a Hopf algebra with the above twisted multiplication, comultiplication and antipode. Let gQ be the Kac-Moody algebra associated to the quiverQ andUv+(gQ)be the positive part of the quantum group Uν(gQ) specialized at ν = v with v = q12. Let Ctw(A) be the subalgebra of the twisted Ringel-Hall algebraHtw(A)generated by isomorphism classes of simple kQ-modules. Denoted by Ctw

Z[v,v−1](A) the integral form of Ctw(A). Then there is an isomorphism of Hopf algebras

Ψ :Uv+(gQ)→ CZtw[v,v−1](A) O


Q(v) sendingEi to[Si]fori∈Q0.


3. Lusztig’s construction of Hall algebras via functions In this section, we recall Lusztig’s construction of Hall algebras via functions in [19] and compare it with Ringel-Hall algebras. Let k=Fq as above and K=Fq. Given a dimension vectord= (di)i∈Q0,define the variety

Ed :=Ed(Q) = M



Any elementx= (xα)α∈Q1 inEd(Q) defines a representationM(x) = (Kd, x) ofQ withKd=L

i∈Q0Kdi. The algebraic group Gd:=Gd(Q) = Y


GL(di,K) acts onEdby (xα)gα∈Q

1 = (gt(α)xαgs(α)−1 )α∈Q1forg= (gi)i∈Q0 ∈Gdand (xα)α∈Q1 ∈ Ed.The isomorphism class of aKQ-moduleX is just the orbit ofX. The quotient stack [Ed/Gd] parametrizes the isomorphism classes of KQ-modules of dimension vectord.

LetF be the Frobenius automorphism ofK, i.e.,F(x) =xq. TheF-fixed subfield is justFq. This induces an isomorphismEd→Ed sending (((xα)ij)ds(α)×dt(α))α∈Q1

to (((xα)qij)ds(α)×dt(α))α∈Q1. We will denote all induced map by F if it does not cause any confusion.

For anyKQ-moduleM(x) = (Kd, x), set M(x)[q] =F(M(x)). The representa- tionM(x)∈Ed is F-fixed if M(x)∼=M(x)[q]. The last condition is equivalent to say that M(x) is defined over Fq, i.e., there exists a kQ-moduleM0(x) such that M(x)∼=M0(x)⊗FqK([10]). We denoted byEFd and GFd theF-fixed subset of Ed

andGd respectively. For akQ-moduleM ∈EFd, letOM denote the orbit of M in Ed andOFM theF-fixed subset ofOM.

Let l 6= p be a prime number and Ql be the algebraic closure of the field of l-adic numbers. Fix a square root v =q12 ∈ Ql. Define CFFd to be the Ql-space generated by GFd-invariant functions: EFd → Ql. We will endow the vector space CFF(Q) =L

dCFFd with a multiplication and comultiplication.

First we recall two functors: the pushforward functors and the inverse image functors in [19]. Given two finite setsX, Y and a map φ:X →Y. LetCF(X) be the vector space of all functionsX →QloverX.Define the pushforward ofφto be

φ!:CF(X)→ CF(Y), φ!(f)(y) = X


f(x) and the inverse image ofφ

φ:CF(Y)→ CF(X), φ(g)(x) =g(φ(x)).

Let E

00 be the variety of all pairs (x, W) where x ∈ Eα+β and (W, x|W) is a KQ-submodule of (Kα+β, x) with dimension vector β. LetE0 be the variety of all quadruples (x, W, ρ1, ρ2) where (x, W)∈E

00 andρ1:Kα+β/W∼=Kα, ρ2:W ∼=Kβ are linear isomorphisms. Consider the following diagram

Eα×Eβ E0

p2 //


oo E00

p3 //Eα+β

wherep2, p3are natural projections and p1(x, W, ρ1, ρ2) = (x0, x00) such that x0h1)s(h)= (ρ1)t(h)xh and x00h2)s(h)= (ρ2)t(h)xh


for anyh∈Q1.

The groups Gα×Gβ and Gα+β naturally act on E0. The map p1 is Gα+β× Gα×Gβ-equivariant under the trivial action ofGα+β onEα×Eβ.The map p2 is a principalGα×Gβ-bundle.

Applying the Frobenius map F, we can define the above diagram over Fq as follows:


p2 //


oo E00F

p3 //EFα+β. There is a linear map (called the induction)

m:CFGα×Gβ(EFα×EFβ)→ CFGα+β(EFα+β) =CFFα+β

sendinggto|GFα×GFβ|−1(p3)!(p2)!p1(g).Iteratively, one can define ther-fold version mrofmforr≥1 by settingm1=id,m2=mandmr+1=m◦(1⊗mr) forr≥2.

Now we can define the multiplication over CFF(Q). For fα∈ CFFα, fβ ∈ CFFβ and (x1, x2)∈Eα×Eβ, setg(x1, x2) =fα(x1)fβ(x2). Theng∈ CFFα+β and define the multiplcation

fα∗fβ =m(g).

Lemma 3.1. [15] Given threekQ-modulesM, N andL, let1OM,1ON and1OL be the characteristic functions over orbits, respectively. Then1OF


N(L) =FM NL . We now turn to define the comultiplication overCFF(Q).Fix a subspace W of Kα+β with dimW =β and linear isomorphismsρ1:Kα+β/W ∼=Kα, ρ2:W ∼=Kβ. LetFα,β be the closed subset ofEα+βconsisting of allx∈Eα+βsuch that (W, x|W) is aKQ-submodule of (Kα+β, x) with dimension vectorβ. Consider the diagram

Eα×Eβ Fα,β

oo κ i //Eα+β ,

where the mapiis the inclusion andκ(x) =p1(x, W, ρ1, ρ2).For (x1, x2)∈Eα×Eβ, the fibreκ−1(x1, x2)∼=L

h∈Q1HomK(Kαs(h),Kβt(h)) and thenκis a vector bundle of dimensionP


Applying the Frobenius map F, we can define the above diagram over Fq as follows:

EFα×EFβ oo κ Fα,βF i //EFα+β. There is also the restriction map

δα,β :CFGα+β(EFα+β)→ CFGα×Gβ(EFα×EFβ)

sendingf ∈ CFGα+β(EFα+β) toκ!i(f).It defines the comultiplicationδoverCFF(Q), i.e., for f ∈ CFFγ and α+β =γ, δ(f) = P

α,β;α+β=γδα,β(f). Iteratively, we can defineδr forr≥1 by settingδ1=δandδr+1= (1⊗ · · · ⊗δ)◦δrforr≥1.

ForM, N andL inA= RepkQ, we set DM NL =δ(1OF

L)(M, N) =κ!i(1OF

L)(M, N).

In order to compare this with the comultiplication of Ringel-Hall algebras, we define the twistδα,βtw =qPi∈Q0αiβiδα,β andδtw in the same way.

Lemma 3.2. With the notations in Lemma 3.1 and dimM =α,dimN = β, we haveδα,βtw(1OF

L)(M, N) =hM NL .


Proof. SupposeM = (Kα, x1) andN = (Kβ, x2). The linear isomorphisms ρ1, ρ2

induce the module structures ofKα+β/W andW, denoted by (Kα+β/W, yKα+β/W) and (W, yW) respectively. Consider the set

S={x∈Eα+β|(W, x|W) = (W, yW),

(Kα+β/W, x|Kα+β/W) = (Kα+β/W, yKα+β/W),(Kα+β, x)∼=L}.

Fix a decomposition of the vector spaceKα+β=W⊕Kα+β/W.Then S={x=

(yW)h d(h) 0 (yKα+β/W)h


|d(h)∈HomK(Kαs(h),Kβt(h)),(Kα+β, x)∼=L}.

SetD(α, β) =L

h∈Q1HomK(Kαs(h),Kβt(h)). Apply the Frobenius mapF, we have the following long exact sequence (see [4])

0 //HomkQ(M, N) //⊕i∈Q0Homk(kαi, kβi) //

//DF(α, β) π //Ext1kQ(M, N) //0.

We denote by DF(α, β)L the inverse image of Ext1kQ(M, N)L under the map π.

Then DLM N =|DF(α, β)L| =qPi∈Q0αiβihM NL . By definition,δα,β(1OF

L)(M, N) =

|DF(α, β)L|=DLM N.This completes the proof.

In order to compare these with Lusztig’s construction, we consider the subalgebra of CFF(Q) generated by 1Si = 1OF

Si for all i ∈ Q0, denoted by FF(Q). Then FF(Q) =L


Lemma 3.3. Given a sequence i = (i1, i2,· · ·, im) in Q0 such that ij 6= ik for j 6= k ∈ {1,2,· · · , m} and let f = 1Si1 ∗1Si2 ∗ · · · ∗1Sim ∈ CFF(Q). Then δ(f) =δtw(f).

The Riedtmann-Peng formula can be reformulated to the following form, which generalizes [19, Lemma 1.13] fromFF(Q) toCFF(Q).

Proposition 3.4. Letfi∈ CFFd

i fori= 1,2 andg∈ CFFd ford=d1+d2.Then




1,d2(g)(x, y) =|GFd




f1∗f2(z)g(z) wherex∈EFd1, y∈EFd2 andz∈EFd1.

Proof. Given a dimension vectord, takef ∈EFd, then f =Pl


Mi for some ai∈Ql,l∈ZandkQ-modulesM1,· · ·, Ml.With loss of generality, we may assume thatf1= 1OF

M,f2= 1OF

Nandg= 1OF

L for somekQ-modulesM, NandL.Following Lemma 3.1 and 3.2, the left side of the equation is equal to

|GFd| · |OFM| · |ONF| ·hLM N and the right side of the equation is equal to


1| · |GFd

2| · |OLF| ·FM NL

UsingaL=|GFd|/|OLF|and the Riedtmann-Peng formula, we prove the proposition.


By definition, dimkGFd =P

i∈Q0d2i and then we obtain the following lemma ([30, Section 1.2]).

Lemma 3.5. With the above notation, we have dimkGFd −dimkGFd


2= X


(d1)i(d2)i. Hence, the equation in the above proposition can also be written as


|gFd| ·X


f1(x)f2(y)δd1,d2(g)(x, y) =








2| X


f1∗f2(z)g(z) by substitutingδ for δtw, where gFd, gFd

1 and gFd

2 are the Lie algebras of GFd, GFd



2, respectively.

Fix dimension vectorsα, β, α0, β0 with α+β =α00 =d. LetN be the set of quadruplesλ= (α1, α2, β1, β2) of dimension vectors such that α=α12, β= β12, α011 andβ022. Consider the following diagram

EFα×EFβ E0Fα,β p1

oo p2 //E

00F α,β

p3 //EFd











λ∈NEF(λ) `

λ∈NE0Fλ p01

oo p02 //`


00F(λ) p


3 //EFα0×EFβ0

where EF(λ) =EFα1×EFα2×EFβ1 ×EFβ2, E0F(λ) =E0Fα11 ×E0Fα22 and E00F(λ) = E00Fα11 ×E00Fα22 for λ = (α1, α2, β1, β2). This induces the maps between F-fixed subsets and then the maps between vector spaces of functions as follows:

CFFα× CFFβ mα,β //





λ∈NEλ) m //CFFα0× CFFβ0

The following theorem can be viewed as the geometric analog of Green’s theorem.

Theorem 3.6. With the above notation, the above diagram is commutative, i.e., δtwα00mα,β =mδtw.

In order to prove the theorem, we introduce some notations. Set Cα,β,α0F 00 ={(x, W, ρ1, ρ2)∈E0Fα,β|x∈FαF00} and

Cα,β,α00F 00 ={(x, W)∈E




The sets can be illustrated by the following diagram W0

W //(Kd, x) //

(Kd, x)/W

(Kd, x)/W0

where (x, W0)∈E00Fα00.Consider the following diagram EFα×EFβ Cα,β,α0F 00

oo p q //Cα,β,α00F 00

r //FαF00

κ //EFα0×EFβ0 . Then by definition, we have



i∈Q0α0 iβ0

i(κ)!(r)!(q)!p. ForM ∈EFα, N ∈EFβ, M0 ∈EFα0, N0∈EFβ0, one can check

δαtw00mα,β(1OF M,1OF

N)(M0, N0) = X



Similarly, we can define the set

Sλ0F ={(xα, xβ, xα0, xβ0, W1, W2, ρ11, ρ12, ρ21, ρ22)|(xα0, W1, ρ11, ρ12)∈E

0F α22, (xβ0, W2, ρ21, ρ22)∈E


α11,(xβ, W2)∈E00Fβ12,(Kβ, xβ)/W2∼= (W1, xα0|W


∃W3,(xα, W3)∼= (Kβ

0, xβ0)/W2,(Kα, xα)/W3∼= (Kα

0, xα0)/W1}

where λ = (α1, α2, β1, β2) and W1, W2 and W3 are graded vector spaces of di- mensions β2, β1 and α1, respectively. The set can be illustrated by the following diagram:

W2 //


0, xβ0) //W3

(Kβ, xβ)

(Kα, xα)

W1 //(Kα

0, xα0) //(Kα, xα)/W3∼= (Kα

0, xα0)/W1. Set

Sλ00F ={(xα, xβ, xα0, xβ0, W1, W2)| ∃ρ11, ρ12, ρ21, ρ22, (xα, xβ, xα0, xβ0, W1, W2, ρ11, ρ12, ρ21, ρ22)∈Sλ0F}.

Then there is a projectionSλ0F →Sλ00F which is a principalGα1×Gα2×Gβ1×Gβ2- bundle. We also have the following diagram





oo `



oo q0 //`

λ∈NSλ00F r

0 //EFα0×EFβ0 . Then we have

tw =|GFα1×GFα2×GFβ1×GFβ2|−1q−hα21i−Pi∈Q0[(β1)i2)i+(α1)i2)i](r0)!(q0)!(p0)(i0).


ForM ∈EFα, N ∈EFβ, M0 ∈EFα0, N0∈EFβ0, one can check mδtw(1OF


N)(M0, N0) = X




1ZhXYM 1hYN2Z.

where [X]∈EFα2/GFα




1. We obtain the following diagram

EFα×EFβ C0F oo p






r0q0 //EFα0×EFβ0

and the proof of Theorem 3.6 is deduced to prove the identity X


FM NL hML0N0 = X



Applying the Riedtmann-Peng formula, it is equivalent to the Green formula in Section 2. The following we refer the reformulation of the proof of Green’s theorem in [29].

The left side of the identity is the number counting the set of crossings with the group action. More precisely, fixM, N, M0, N0 and consider the diagram




0 //N a //L b //


M //0




Q={(a, b, a0, b0)|a, b, a0, b0 as in the above crossing}.

By calculation,|Q| =P

[L]∈EFd/GFd FM NL hML0N0|GFd||GFα||GFβ|.Consider the natural action of GFd on Q, and the orbit space is denoted by Q.e The fibre of the map Q→Qe has cardinality |G

F d|



The right side of the identity is the number counting the squares with the group action. Consider the diagram



0 //Z e1 //


N0 e2 //Y1 //







0 //Y2

e3 //M0 e4 //X //


0 0


O={(e1, e2, e3, e4, u0, v0, x, y)| all morphisms occur in the above diagram}.

The groupGFα



1×GFβ2 freely acts onOwith orbit spaceO. Note thate

|O|e = X



There is a canonical mapfe:Qe→O, which the cardinality of fibre ise |Ext1(X, Z)|.

As Ringel-Hall algebras, we can define the analogue σ:CFF(Q)→ CFF(Q) of the antipode by setting

σ(f) = X


(−1)r X




1,···r(f) forf 6= 0∈ CFF(Q).

In order to compare Lusztig’s Hall algebras with twisted Ringel-Hall algebras.

We twistCFF(Q) by settingmtα,β =vhα,βimα,βα,βt =vhα,βiδα,βtw and σt(f) = X


(−1)r X




We denote the twist version by CFF,tw(Q).By applying Lemma 3.1, 3.2 and The- orem 3.6, we obtain the following result.

Theorem 3.7. The algebra CFF,tw(Q) is a Hopf algebra with the multiplication mt, comultiplication δt and antipode σt. Fix an isomorphism τ :Ql→C, there is an isomorphism of Hopf algebra Φ : CFF,tw(Q) → Htw(A)where A = RepkQ by settingΦ(1OF

M) = [M]forM ∈ A.


4. The categorification of Ringel-Hall algebras

LetFqbe a finite field withqelements. In the following,Kis an algebraic closure ofFq.

Let X be a scheme of finite type over K. We say thatX has an Fq-structure if there exists a variety X0 over Fq such that X = X0 ×spec(Fq) Spec(k). Let FX0 :X0→X0 be the Frobenius morphism. It can be extended to the morphism FX :X →X.LetXF be the set of closed points of X fixed byF, i.e., the set of Fq-rational points. For anyn∈N, let XFn be the set of closed points of X fixed byFn. Note thatXF1=XF.

Denote byDb(X) =Db(X,Ql) the bounded derived category ofQl-constructible complexes onX.

The morphismFX :X →X naturally induces a functorFX :Db(X)→ Db(X).

A Weil complex is a pair (F, j) such that F ∈ Db(X) and j : FX(F) → F is an isomorphism. Let Dwb(X) be the triangulated subcategory of Db(X) of Weil complexes andKw(X) be the Grothendieck group ofDbw(X).

Given a Weil complexF= (F, j)1in Dwb(X), let x∈XF be a closed point. We get automorphisms

Fi,x:Hi(F)|x→ Hi(F)|x.

One can define aF-invariant function χFF:XF →Ql via defining χFF(x) =X


(−1)itr(Fi,x,Hi(F)|x) =X



Similarly, one can defineχFFn:XFn→Ql via defining χFFn(x) =X


(−1)itr(Fi,xn ,Hi(F)|x) =X


(−1)itr(Fi,xn ).

In particular,χF1F.

Theorem 4.1. [14, Theorem 12.1] LetX be as above. Then we have

(1) Let K //L //M //K[1] be a distinguished triangle inDbw(X).


(2) Let g:X →Y be a morphism. Then forK ∈ Dbw(X)andL ∈ Dwb(Y), we haveχFRg

!K=g!FK)andχFgL =gFL).

(3) ForK ∈ Dwb(X), we have χFK[d]= (−1)dχFK andχFK(n)=q−nχFK.

By Theorem 4.1(1), the functionχFFn only depends on the isomorphism class of F inDwb(X). LetCF(XFn) be the vector space of all functionsXFn→Ql.Hence, we obtain a mapχFn:Kw(X)→ CF(XFn).

Let G be an algebraic group over K and X be a scheme of finite type over K together with an G-action. Assume that X and G have Fq-structures and X = X0×spec(Fq)Spec(k), G = G0×spec(Fq)Spec(k). Let FG0 : G0 → G0 be the Frobenius morphism. It can be extended to the morphism FG : G → G.

Denote byDGb(X) =DbG(X,Ql) theG-equivariant bounded derived category ofQl- constructible complexes onX andDbG,w(X) the subcategory ofDGb(X) consisting of Weil complexes. LetKG,w(X) be the Grothendieck group ofDG,wb (X).

1All Weil complexes considered here are induced by the complexes inDb(X0,Ql).


Assume that we have the following commutative diagram G×X




G×X //X

Then, the morphismFX :X →X naturally induces a functor FX :DG,wb (X)→ DbG,w(X).

Letx∈XF be a closed point. For any (F, j) in DG,wb (X), we get automorphisms Fi,x:HiG(F)|x→ HiG(F)|x.

In the same way, one can define the G-equivariant version of χFn for n ∈ N as follows:

χFF(x) =X


(−1)itr(Fi,x,HGi(F)|x) and

χFFn(x) =X


(−1)itr(Fi,xn ,HiG(F)|x).

In particular,χF1F.

Lemma 4.2. For any (F, j)∈ DbG,w(X),χFFn is aG-equivariant function.

Proof. For anyx andy in the same G-orbit of X, there exists an element g ∈G such thatg.x=y. Consider the following commutative diagram



Fx //HiG(F)|x


HGi(gF)|y Fy //HiG(gF)|y SincegF ' F, we have



Fx //HiG(F)|x


HiG(F)|y Fy //HiG(F)|y

By the definition ofχFnFFn(x) =χFFn(y). That isχFFnis aG-equivariant function.

In the G-equivariant case, we also have Theorem 4.1. Hence the functionχFFn also only depends on the isomorphism class of F in DbG,w(X). Hence, we obtain a mapχFn:KG,w(X)→ CFG(XFn).

LetQbe a finite quiver without loops. Given a dimension vector d= (di)i∈Q0, the variety Ed and the algebraic group Gd are defined in Section 3. Both of them have naturalFq-structures. Consider the following diagram

Eα×Eβ E0

p2 //


oo E

00 p3 //Eα+β .


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