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Academic year: 2022



Texte intégral



VOLUME 16 – No 1/2020


9 FOREWARD –VIVIANE COUZINET,WIDAD MUSTAFA EL HADI,FABRICE PAPY 15 A portrait of Robert Estivals in the mirror of the Revue de Bibliologie: theoretical

paths for a historical reflection GUSTAVO SALDANHA

This research aims to study the Estivals’s ideas from the time and space of production of the Revue de Bibliologie. This is a meta-methodological research that is part of a larger work, developed between 2017 and 2018.

The methodology, at the theoretical level, adopts the social, historical and critical information-communication approaches of V. Couzinet, R.

Marteleto, L. Wittgenstein, P. Bourdieu, M. Foucault, M. Weber, A.

Touraine, L.Boltanski and E. Chiapello, M. Blanchot. The main body of the study comes from two main perspectives: the Meyriat Fund's primary sources and theoretical sources from books and scientific journals. We have identified four directions for the reflection of the thought and the work of the Estivals : a critical epistemology, a social epistemology, the condition of the scientific journal as an infocommunication device and a philosophical-methodological approach based on the philosophy of the language.

35 Mobilizing the skills of a practitioner and a researcher to build a science: Jean Meyriat a hybrid mediator


The role of Jean Meyriat (1921-2010) in the construction of information science is examined on the basis of the analysis of his contribution to the

"Sciences de l'écrit: encyclopédie internationale de bibliologie" (1993). The articles he has written show his concern to make researchers aware of the vocabulary of practitioners and of researchers. He has thus helped to stabilize the concepts used by each of them. His position in the professional world as director of documentation services at the Fondation

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240 Les cahiers du numérique – n° 1/2020

nationale des sciences politiques (Paris) puts him in the position of a documentary mediator and enables him to use professional tools, particularly bibliographical ones, in the service of the academic world, of which he is also a member as a researcher and information theorist.

Belonging to both worlds, he is the hybrid mediator who brings them together.

59 From the "Robert Escarpit" archives to the laboratory archives. An example of transforming research practices


This research focuses on the many institutional constructions initiated by Robert Escarpit at the University of Bordeaux from the late 1950s to the early 1980s. Based on our knowledge on the archives of the Research Centres he founded and directed, the purpose of our contribution is to examine the transformation in the structures of research in the human and social sciences within the framework of the emergence of information and communication sciences in France.

73 Éric de Grolier and classification MICHÈLE HUDON

A prolific author, Éric de Grolier (1911-1998) has published hundreds of papers on various topics linked to his lifelong interest for the fields of Linguistics, Terminology, Political sciences, Reading and libraries, Communication and Information science (IS). This research focuses on de Grolier’s passion for the history, content and structure of bibliographic classification systems. We have identified six recurring themes in papers published between 1956 and 1992: the history of systems of science, taxilogy, classification schemes, symbolism and notation, information technologies and the future of classification, classification research. Each theme is developed to show that de Grolier’s place in the circle of Francophone pioneers of Documentation and IS is well deserved, and that his contribution to the advancement of bibliographic classification is undeniable.

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Summary 241 105 The little-known commitments and work of Eric de Grolier under the Vichy regime


If Eric de Grolier is recognized as one of the founders, in France, of studies on libraries and on documentary classification, one aspect of his pioneering work has been completely overlooked: his studies on propaganda intended to become a "science of public opinion ". This oversight is explained by the fact that his work was carried out under the Vichy regime, in an organization created directly by the Vichy regime’s secretary of state for propaganda. Which led him to be the driving force, at the same time, in an ambitious project of corporatist organization of the world of documentation. This article aims to bring to light this hidden period of Eric de Grolier's intellectual life.

135 Decontextualization, interaction, invention. On some pathways opened by Gabriel Naudé in “library science


A long forgotten figure of the 17th century, Gabriel Naudé (1600-1653) is today the object of great interest for his contributions to information and documentation. A scholarly practitioner, concerned with access to knowledge and its circulation knowledge, fully engaged in his time, in a fractured context, he is often presented as a precursor of an evolving Library Science. What do his writings and works, especially his famous Advis pour établir une bibliothèque/ Advice on Establishing a Library (1627), say about his project to re-found the library and his contribution to of knowledge organization? What is their role in the inauguration of a new library knowledge, potentially a bearer of modernity, at a time when an epistemological turning point is taking place? .

165 Paul Otlet a museologist? The patrimonialization of Paul Otlet's documentary utopia at the Mundaneum


This research, which is part of a series of works on knowledge organization of and its mediation in the museum, mobilizes the notion of documentary utopia and proposes to go reconsider three aspects of Paul Otlet's work:

their relationship to museums in his 1934 Traité de Documentation, their use of images in François Schuiten's drawings and their mediation towards the public at the Mundaneum in Mons (Belgium), a place that hybridizes museum, libraries, archives and interpretation centre. The reflection shows how Otlet's extremely profuse work, after a period of relative oblivion, entered into a process of patrimonialisation, which in turn involved a process of documentation.

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242 Les cahiers du numérique – n° 1/2020

181 Eliseo Veron's contribution to the notion of atmosphere: from cultural to ordinary working and learning spaces


In our technological world, at the time of the dematerialization, of the proliferation of screens, we feel the need to find the sensible relation to the object. Libraries and museums look after the way in which they present objects, these "species of documents" (Otlet, 1934), thus revealing the importance given to the arrangement of space within the knowledge spaces. At the same time, a real appropriation of these ordinary spaces and new ways of inhabiting these places of culture and knowledge is emerging.

How to approach this atmosphere made of enunciation and appropriation?

Return to two texts by E. Veron whose methods and inspiring notions allow to re-examine the practices and uses of these spaces in a sensitive approach.

201 Between theory and practice : the work of Edson Nery da Fonseca a Brazilian bibliographer


Edson Nery da Fonseca, Brazilian librarian, bibliographer, profesor and columnist was one of the most prominent figures in the history of librarianship and bibliography in Brazil. This research intends to verify in his life and work, according to time and space, the paths, sources and intellectual influences that made him a prominent figure in the field of librarianship. That is why the delimitation of the roles, actions and reactions that led him to give a sense to the status of bibliography, are at the core of this particular interest. The analysis of his bibliography served as the basis for the study.

231 Idées novatrices de quelques classificateurs francophones de l’après Deuxième guerre mondiale


Ce texte court discute quelques contributions d’auteurs francophones, plus particulièrement de Zygmunt Dobrowolski et de Désiré Kervégant, à la théorie classificatoire. Leurs idées sur la notation et l’expression des relations entre classes sont comparées avec des solutions similaires proposées par des systèmes classificatoires récents.

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