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GALAHAD, a library of thread-safe fortran 90 packages for large-scale nonlinear optimization


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GALAHAD, a library of thread-safe fortran 90 packages for large-scale nonlinear


Orban, D.; Toint, Philippe; Gould, Nick

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ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software



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Orban, D, Toint, P & Gould, N 2003, 'GALAHAD, a library of thread-safe fortran 90 packages for large-scale

nonlinear optimization', ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software, vol. 29, no. 4, pp. 353-372.


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Ni holasI. M.Gould

ComputationalS ien eandEngineeringDepartment,RutherfordAppletonLaboratory,



ECEDepartment, NorthwesternUniversity,EvanstonIl60208,USA


PhilippeL. Toint

DepartmentofMathemati s,UniversityofNamur,B-5000Namur,Belgium,EU

Wedes ribethe designofversion1.0of GALAHAD,a libraryofFortran90pa kages for

large-s alenonlinearoptimization. Thelibraryparti ularlyaddressesquadrati programmingproblems,

ontainingbothinteriorpointanda tivesetalgorithms,aswellastoolsforprepro essingproblems

priorto solution. It also ontainsan updated versionof the venerablenonlinear programming

pa kage,LANCELOT.

CategoriesandSubje tDes riptors: G.4[Mathemati alSoftware℄:Algorithmdesignand


GeneralTerms: Algorithms

AdditionalKey Words and Phrases: Fortran90, GALAHAD, LANCELOT, large-s ale nonlinear

optimization,large-s alequadrati programming


We released our large-s ale nonlinear programming pa kage LANCELOT [Conn,

Gould and Toint, 1992℄ late in 1991. Over the intervening years, LANCELOT A

has been used bya largenumberof people, bothvia freesour e downloads from

ourWWW sites and bymeans ofthe NEOS fa ility [Czyzyk, Mesnier andMore,

1998℄ from theOptimization Te hnology Center at Argonne National Laboratory

and Northwestern University in the USA. It is fair to say that we (and others)

re ogniseditslimitationsfromtheoutset,andithaslongbeenourgoaleventually

toprovideasuitablesu essor.

LANCELOTA waswrittenin Fortran77. Despitethewidespreadavailabilityof

goodFortran77 ompilers,thelimitationsofthelanguage,parti ularlytheabsen e

ofstandardisedmemoryallo ationfa ilities, provedto beaserious limitation,

es-pe iallyforlargeproblems. Workstartedin1995onaFortran90implementation,


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parti ularlytotakeadvantageofthenewlanguage'smemorymanipulationfeatures

and array onstru ts, and by 1997 wehad a working prototype of the improved

LANCELOTB. We had hosen to stay with Fortran rather than C, say, partially

be ausemanyofthepa kage'skey(external) omponents,mostespe iallytheHSL

[2002℄sparsematrix odes produ edbyour olleagues, areallFortranbased,and

also be ause webelieved (andstill believe) Fortran90 apable ofproviding allof

thefa ilitiesweneeded.

Regrettably,at oraroundthat time, anumberof our olleagueshadstarted to

release theresults of omparativetests of theirnew odes|for instan e SNOPT


[Byrd, Hribar and No edal, 1999℄, and FilterSQP [Flet her and Ley er, 2002℄|

againstLANCELOTA,and theresultsmadefranklyrather depressingreadingfor


LANCELOT often, but far from always, being signi antly outperformed. Quite

learly,the promisealwaysheld for large-s alesequentialquadrati programming

(SQP)methods, basedonhowtheyoutperformedotherte hniquesin omparative

tests su h asthosedue to (Ho k andS hittkowski 1981),wasnowbeingrealised,

and thelimitofwhat might bea hievedbyaugmentedLagrangianmethodssu h

asLANCELOTAhadprobablybeenrea hed.

Relu tantly,weabandonedanyplanstoreleaseLANCELOTBat thattime,and

turned our attention instead to SQP methods. To our minds, there had never

really beenmu h doubt that SQP methods would be moresu essful in the long

term,buttherehadbeengeneral on ernsoverhowtosolve(approximately)their

all-important (large-s ale) quadrati programming(QP) subproblems. Thus, we

de ided that ournextgoal should beto produ e high-quality QP odesfor

even-tualin orporationinourownSQPalgorithm(s). Sin ewebelievethattheremight

be onsiderableinterestfromothersinsu h odes,wehavede idedtoreleasethese

beforewehave nalisedourSQPsolver(s). Andsin ewerealisedthatfarfrom

pro-du ingasinglepa kage,wearenowine e t buildingalibraryofindependentbut

inter-relatedpa kages,wehave hosentoreleasean(evolving)large-s alenonlinear


In somesense GALAHAD Version 1.0 is a stop-gap, sin e, although it in ludes

the upgraded B version of LANCELOT, we doubt seriously whether LANCELOT

B is astate-of-the-artsolverfor generalnonlinearprogramming problems. What

GALAHAD V1.0 doesprovideare the quadrati programmingsolversand related

toolsthat we anti ipate will allowus to developthenext-generation SQP solvers

weintendtointrodu einVersion2ofthelibrary.


Ea h pa kagein GALAHAD is written asaFortran 90module,and the odesare

allthreadsafe. Thedefaultpre isionforrealargumentsisdouble,butthisiseasily

transformed to single in a UNIX environment using provided sed s ripts. Ea h

pa kagehasa ompanyingdo umentationandatestprogram. Thelatterattempts

toexe uteas mu h ofthepa kageasrealisti allypossible. (Thefa t thatsomeof

thepa kagesare intendedfornonlinearproblems makesit diÆ ultto ensurethat


pathologi albehaviourthat annot be ruledoutin theory but neverthelessseems

never to o ur in pra ti e.) Options to pa kages may be passed both dire tly,

through subroutine arguments, and indire tly, viaoption-spe i ation les. The

se ond me hanismis parti ularly usefulwhen there isahierar hyof pa kagesfor

whi hauserwishesto hangeanoptionforoneofthedependentpa kageswithout

re ompilation.

2.1 Overview

GALAHAD omprisesthefollowingmajorpa kages:

. LANCELOT B is a sequential augmented Lagrangianmethod for minimizing a

(nonlinear)obje tivesubje ttogeneral(nonlinear) onstraintsandsimplebounds.

. QPBisaprimal-dualinterior-pointtrust-regionmethodforminimizingageneral

quadrati obje tivefun tion overapolyhedralregion.

. QPAisana tive/working-setmethodforminimizingageneralquadrati

obje -tivefun tion overapolyhedralregion.

. LSQPis an interior-point method for minimizing a linearorseparable onvex

quadrati fun tionoverapolyhedralregion.

. PRESOLVE is a method for prepro essing linear and quadrati programming

problemspriortosolutionbyotherpa kages.

. GLTRis amethod for minimizing a general quadrati obje tivefun tion over

theinterioror boundaryofa(s aled)hyper-sphere.

. SILSprovidesaninterfa etotheHSLsparse-matrixpa kageMA27thatis

fun -tionallyequivalentto themorere entHSLpa kageHSLMA57.

. SCUusesaS hur omplementupdateto ndthesolutionofasequen eoflinear

systemsforwhi hthesolutioninvolvingaleadingsub-matrixmaybefoundbyother


Inaddition,GALAHAD ontainsthefollowingauxiliarypa kages:

. QPPreorderslinearandquadrati programmingproblemstoa onvenientform

priortosolutionbyotherpa kages.

. QPT provides a derived type for holding linear and quadrati programming


. SMTprovidesaderivedtypeforholdingsparsematri esinavarietyofformats.

. SORTgivesimplementationsofbothQui k-sortandHeap-sortmethods.

. RANDprovidespseudo-randomnumbers.

. SPECFILE allows users to provide options to other pa kages, using lists of

keyword-valuepairsgivenin pa kage-dependentoption-spe i ation les.

. SYMBOLSassignsvaluesto alistof ommonlyusedGALAHADvariables.

2.2 DetailsofmajorGALAHADpa kages

2.2.1 LANCELOT B. LANCELOT Ais fully des ribed in Conn et al. [1992℄,and

theresultsof omprehensivetestsaregiveninConn,GouldandToint[1996a℄. The

enlivenedLANCELOTBo ersanumberofimprovementsoveritsprede essor.New


|automati allo ationofworkspa e,

|anon-monotonedes entstrategy [seeToint, 1997,and Conn,Gouldand Toint,


|optionaluseofMoreandToraldo[1991℄-typeproje tions[seealsoLinandMore,


|aninterfa e to Linand More's[1999b℄ publi domainin omplete Cholesky

fa -torizationpa kageICFSforuseasapre onditioner,

|optionaluseofstru turedtrustregionstomodelstru turedproblemsbetter[see

Conn,Gould,SartenaerandToint,1996b,andConnet al.,2000a,x10.2℄,

|more exibilityoverthe hoi eofderivatives,whi hneedonlybeprovidedfora

subsetof theelementfun tions from whi h theproblem is built,theremainder

beingestimatedbydi eren esorse antapproximations.

The main reason for extending LANCELOT'slife is asa prototypefor what may

bea hievedusing Fortran90/95inpreparationforfutureGALAHADSQP solvers,

sin etheproblemdata stru tureandinterfa eisunlikelyto hangesigni antly.

Toillustratethee e tsofthenewfeatures,bothLANCELOTAandLANCELOT

B(usinganumberofnewoptions)wererunonalltheexamples(ex eptlinearand

quadrati programs)fromtheCUTErtestset[Gould,OrbanandToint,2002a℄. The

CUTErsetdi ersfromitsprede essorinCUTE[Bongartz,Conn,GouldandToint,

1995℄ both in the number of problems and by virtue of a long-overdue in rease

in default dimensions for all variable-dimensional problems. The options new to

LANCELOTBthat we onsideredwereasfollows:

|Thedefault: anon-monotonedes entstrategywithahistorylengthof1,aband

pre onditionerwithsemi-bandwidth5,andexa tse ondderivatives.

|Thedefault,ex eptthatamonotonedes entstrategyisused.

|Thedefault,ex eptthatSR1approximationstothese ondderivativesareused.

|Thedefault,ex eptthattheLinandMore's[1999b℄in ompleteCholesky

fa tor-izationpre onditioner,ICFS,with5extraworkve tors,isused.

|Thedefault, ex eptthat theMoreandToraldo[1991℄proje tedsear h, with5


|Thedefault,ex eptthatastru turedtrustregion[Connetal.,1996b℄isused.

|Thedefault,ex eptthatthehistorylengthforthenon-monotonedes entstrategy

isin reasedto5.

LANCELOTAwasrunwithitsdefaults,sin eanexhaustivetestofotherLANCELOT

Aoptionshasalreadybeenperformed[Conn etal.,1996a℄.

InFigure2.1theperforman epro les[DolanandMore,2001℄fortheCPUtime

(inse onds)andthenumbersoffun tionevaluationsfromthesetestsarereported.

All experiments were performed on a single pro essor of a Compaq AlphaServer

DS20with3.5GbytesofRAM,usingtheCompaqf90 ompilerwithfull

ma hine-spe i optimization. Runs wereregardedasunsu essful(andterminated)ifthey

rea hed30minutesCPUtimeor10000fun tion evaluations. Ofthe749problems


for that reason or be ause the evaluation of problem fun tions led to

oating-pointex eptions. Ofthoserequiringmorethan30minutes/10000 alls,most ould

ultimatelybesolvedbyin reasingtheCPU anditerationlimits.

Suppose that a given algorithm i from a ompeting set A reports a statisti

s ij

 0 when run on example j from our test set T, and that the smaller this

statisti thebetterthealgorithmis onsidered. Let

k(s;s  ;)=  1 if ss  0 otherwise.

Then,theperforman epro leofalgorithmiisthefun tion

p i ()= P j2T k(s i;j ;s  j ;) jTj with  1; wheres  j =min i2A s ij . Thusp i

(1)givesthefra tionofthenumberofexamplesfor

whi halgorithmiwasthemoste e tive(a ordingtostatisti ss ij

),p i


fra tionforwhi halgorithmiiswithinafa torof2ofthebest,andlim  !1

p i


givesthefra tionofexamplesforwhi hthealgorithmsu eeded. We onsidersu h

apro le to be averye e tive means of omparing algorithms and (in this ase)


Thebene tsof thenon-monotone strategyare apparentin termsof bothCPU

timeandfun tionevaluationredu tions. Likewise,theLin-More(forfun tionev


Inaddition,wearepleasedtoseethatthebest ofthenewoptionsshowsomegain

withrespe ttoLANCELOTA,parti ularlyaswewereinitially on ernedthat

mov-ingfromFortran77to90mightgiverisetosomeperforman epenalties. Theonly

new optionthat weare disappointedwith is theuseof astru tured trust region,

and,onthebasisofthesetests,we annotreallyre ommendthisstrategy. Thefull

setofresultsareavailableasaninternal report[Gould,OrbanandToint,2002b℄.

2.2.2 QPB. ThemoduleQPBisanimplementationofaprimal-dualfeasible

interior-pointtrust-regionmethodforquadrati programming.

Tosetthes ene,thequadrati programmingproblem isto

minimize x2I R n q(x) 1 2 x T Hx+g T x (2.1)

subje ttothegenerallinear onstraints

l i a T i x u i ; i=1;:::;m; (2.2)

andthesimplebound onstraints

x l j x j x u j ; j=1;:::;n; (2.3)

for given ve tors g, a i , l , u , x l , x u

and a given symmetri (but not ne essarily

de nite)matrixH. Equality onstraintsand xedvariablesareallowedbysetting

u i = l i and x u j = x l j

asrequired, and any or all of the onstraint bounds may

bein nite. The required solutionx to (2.1){(2.3) satis es the primal optimality























history = 1



Lin−More (5)

More−Toraldo (5)

Structured TR

history = 5






















history = 1



Lin−More (5)

More−Toraldo (5)

Structured TR

history = 5


Fig.2.1.Performan epro leforLANCELOToptions: CPUtimes(top)andnumberoffun tion

evaluations(bottom). Thehorizontalaxisgivestheargument,whiletheverti alaxisre ords p()forea hofthe ompetingoptions,i.


and l   u ; x l xx u ; (2.5)

thedualoptimality onditions

Hx+g=A T y+z; y=y l +y u and z=z l +z u ; (2.6) and y l 0; y u 0; z l 0 and z u 0; (2.7)

andthe omplementarysla kness onditions

(Ax l ) T y l =0; (Ax u ) T y u =0; (x x l ) T z l =0 and (x x u ) T z u =0; (2.8)

where isanadditionalve torofprimalvariables,theve torsyandzareLagrange

multipliersforthegenerallinear onstraintsandthedualvariablesforthebounds,

respe tively,andwhere theve torinequalitieshold omponentwise.

Primal-dualinterior-pointmethodsiterate towardsapointthat satis esthe

op-timality onditions(2.4){(2.8)byultimatelyaimingtosatisfy(2.4),(2.6)and(2.8),

whileensuringthat(2.5)and(2.7)aresatis edasstri tinequalitiesatea hstage.

Appropriatenormsoftheamountsbywhi h(2.4),(2.6)and(2.8)failtobesatis ed

areknownastheprimalanddualinfeasibility,andtheviolationof omplementary

sla kness,respe tively. Thefa t that(2.5)and(2.7)aresatis edasstri t

inequal-itiesgivessu hmethodstheirname,interior-pointmethods.

Theproblemissolvedintwophases. Thegoalofthe rst\initialfeasiblepoint"

phaseisto ndastri tlyinteriorpointthatisprimalfeasible(satis es(2.4)). The

GALAHADpa kageLSQP(seex2.2.4)isusedforthispurpose,ando erstheoptions

ofeithera eptingthe rststri tlyfeasiblepointfound,orpreferablyofaimingfor

theso- alled\analyti enter"of thefeasibleregion. Given su h asuitableinitial

feasible point, the se ond \optimality" phase ensures that (2.4) remainssatis ed

whileiterating tosatisfydual feasibility(2.6) and omplementarysla kness(2.8).

Itpro eedsbyapproximatelyminimizingasequen eofbarrierfun tions

q(x)  2 4 m X i=1 log( i l i )+ m X i=1 log( u i i )+ n X j=1 log(x j x l j )+ n X j=1 log(x u j x j ) 3 5 ;

for an appropriate sequen e of positive barrier parameters onverging to zero,

while ensuring that (2.4) remains satis ed and that x and are stri tly interior

pointsfor(2.5). Notethattermsintheabovesummations orrespondingtoin nite

boundsareignored,andthat equality onstraintsaretreatedspe ially.

Ea h of the barrier subproblems is solved using a trust-region method. Su h

amethod generates atrial orre tionstep (Æx;Æ ) to the urrentiterate (x; ) by

repla ingthenonlinearbarrierfun tion lo allybyasuitablequadrati model,and

approximatelyminimizingthismodelintheinterse tionof(2.4)andatrustregion

k(Æx;Æ )kforsomeappropriatepositivetrust-regionradiusandnormkk.

Thestepisa epted/reje tedandtheradiusadjustedonthebasisofhowa urately

themodelreprodu esthevalueofthebarrierfun tionatthetrialstep. Ifthestep

provesto be una eptable, a linesear h is performed along the stepto obtainan


barrier fun tion is almost always less su essful than an alternative primal-dual

model, and onsequentlytheprimal-dualmodelisusuallytobepreferred.

Thetrust-regionsubproblemisapproximatelysolvedusingthe ombined

onjugate-gradient/Lan zosmethod[seeGould,HribarandNo edal,2001andGould,Lu idi,

RomaandToint,1999a℄implementedintheGALAHAD module GLTR(see x2.2.6).

Su h amethod requires asuitable pre onditioner, and in our ase, theonly

ex-ibility we have is in approximating the model of the Hessian. Although using a

xed form of pre onditioningis sometimes e e tive, wehave provided theoption

of an automati hoi e that aims to balan e the ost of applying the

pre ondi-tioner against the need for an a urate solution of the trust-region subproblem.

Thepre onditionerisappliedusingtheGALAHADfa torizationpa kageSILS(see

x2.2.7)|oroptionallyusingHSL MA57fromHSLifthisisavailable|butoptionsat

thisstagearetofa torizethepre onditionerasawhole (theso- alled\augmented

system"approa h)ortoperformablo kelimination rst(the\S hur- omplement"

approa h). Thelatterisusuallytobepreferredwhena(non-singular)diagonal

pre- onditionerisused,but maybeineÆ ientifanyofthe olumnsofAistoodense.

The theoreti al justi ation of the overall s heme, for problems with general

obje tivesand inequality onstraints, is given by Conn, Gould, Orbanand Toint

[2000b℄, in whi h wealso presentnumeri al results that suggest it is indeed able

to solve some problems of the size we had been aiming for. More re ently, we

investigated the ultimate rate of onvergen e of su h s hemes, and have shown

that,underfairlygeneral onditions,a omponentwisesuperlinearrateisa hievable

forbothquadrati andgeneralnonlinear programs[Gould, Orban,Sartenaerand


Full advantageis takenofanyzeroelementsin thematrixH ortheve torsa i



some of the most re ent features in QPB) is available ommer ially as HSL VE12


2.2.3 QPA. ThemoduleQPAisanimplementationofase ondapproa htoquadrati

programming,thistimeofthea tive/workingsetvariety. QPAisprimarilyintended

withinGALAHADtodealwiththe asewhereagoodestimateoftheoptimala tive

set has beendetermined (so that relatively few iterationswill be required). The

methodisa tuallymoregeneralins ope,andisgearedtowardsolving` 1



minimize x2 IR n m(x; g ; b ) def = q(x)+ g v g (x)+ b v b (x) (2.9)

involvingthequadrati obje tiveq(x)and theinfeasibilities

v g (x)= m X i=1 max( l i a T i x;0)+ m X i=1 max(a T i x u i ;0) and v b (x)= n X j=1 max(x l j x j ;0)+ n X j=1 max(x j x u j ;0):


fun tion m(x; g ; b ) at x =x (k )

is sought. This isa hievedby rst omputinga

sear h dire tion s (k )

and thensetting x (k +1) =x (k ) + (k ) s (k )

, where thestepsize

(k )

is hosen as the rst lo al minimizer of ( ) = m(x (k ) + s (k ) ; g ; b ) as

in reases from zero. The stepsize al ulationis straightforward, and exploits the

fa t that( )isapie ewisequadrati fun tion of .

Thesear hdire tionisde nedbyasubsetofthe\a tive"termsinv(x),i.e.,those

for whi h a T i x = l i or u i (for i =1;:::;m) orx j = x l j orx u j (for j =1;:::;n).

The \working set" W (k )

is hosen as the interse tion of subsets of indi es i and

j fromthea tiveterms,andissu hthatits membershavelinearlyindependent

gradients. The sear h dire tion s (k )

is hosen asan approximate solution of the

equality- onstrainedquadrati program

minimize s2I R n m Q (s) def = q(x (k ) +s)+ g l (k ) g (s)+ b l (k ) b (s); (2.10) subje tto a T i s=0; i2f1;:::;mg\W (k ) ; and x j =0; j2f 1;:::; ng\W (k ) ; (2.11) where l (k ) g (s)= m X i=1 a T i x< l i a T i s + m X i=1 a T i x> u i a T i s and l (k ) b (s)= n X j=1 xj<x l j s j + n X j=1 xj>x u j s j :

Theequality- onstrainedquadrati program(2.10){(2.11)is solvedbyaproje ted

pre onditioned onjugategradientmethod[Gouldetal.,2001℄.Themethod

termi-natesifthesolutionisfound,orifapre-spe i editerationlimitis rea hed,orifa

dire tionofin nitedes entislo ated,alongwhi hm Q

(s)de reaseswithoutbound

within the feasible region (2.11). Su essively morea urate approximationsare

requiredassuspe tedsolutionsof(2.9)areapproa hed.

Pre onditioningof the onjugate gradientiterationrequires thesolution of one

ormorelinearsystemsoftheform  M (k ) A (k )T A (k ) 0  p u  =  g 0  ; (2.12) where M (k )

is a \suitable" approximation to H and the rows of A (k )


thegradientsofthetermsinthe urrentworkingset. Rather thanre omputinga

fa torizationof thepre onditioner at everyiteration,weuseaS hur omplement

method,re ognisingthefa tthatgradual hangeso urtosu essiveworkingsets.

Themain iteration is dividedinto asequen e of \major"iterations. At thestart

ofea hmajor iteration(say, theoveralliterationl),afa torizationof the urrent

\referen e"matrix  M (l) A (l)T A (l) 0  (2.13)


isobtainedusing theGALAHAD fa torizationpa kageSILS(see x2.2.7)|or,on e

again,optionallyusingHSL MA57fromHSLifthisisavailable.Thisreferen ematrix

may be fa torized as a whole (the augmented system approa h). Alternatively,

systemsinvolving(2.13)maybesolvedbyperformingablo keliminationofpand

thenfa torizingA (l) M (l) 1 A (l)T

(the\S hur- omplement"approa h). Thelatteris

usuallyto bepreferredwhena(non-singular)diagonalpre onditionerisused, but

maybeineÆ ientifanyofthe olumnsofA (l)

istoodense. Subsequentiterations

withinthe urrentmajoriterationobtainsolutionsto(2.12)viathefa torsof(2.13)

andanappropriate(dense)S hur omplement,obtainedfromSCUinGALAHAD(see

x2.2.8). Themajoriterationterminateson ethespa erequiredtoholdthefa tors

ofthe(growing)S hur omplementex eedsagiventhreshold.

Theworkingset hangesby(a)theadditionofana tivetermen ounteredduring

the determination of the stepsize, or (b) the removal of a term if s = 0 solves

(2.10){(2.11). Thede isiononwhi htoremoveinthelatter aseisbaseduponthe

expe tedde reaseupontheremovalofanindividual term,andthisinformationis

available from themagnitude and sign of the omponentsof the auxiliaryve tor

u omputed in (2.12). At optimality, the omponents of u for a i

terms will all

lie between0 and g

|and those for theother termsbetween0and  b

|and any

violationofthisruleindi atesfurther progressispossible.

Tosolvequadrati programsoftheform(2.1){(2.3),asequen eofproblemsofthe

form(2.9)aresolved,ea hwithalargervalueof g

and/or b

thanitsprede essor.

Therequiredsolutionhasbeenfoundon etheinfeasibilities v g

(x) andv b


beenredu edtozeroatthesolutionof(2.9)forthegiven g

and b


Having proposed and implemented two very di erent quadrati programming

methods,anobviousquestionis: howdothemethods ompare? Weexaminedthis

questionin Gouldand Toint[2001℄by omparing QPAandQPBonthe CUTErQP

testset[Gould etal.,2002a℄.

Whileformodestsizedproblems,startedfrom \random"points,thetwo

meth-odsareroughly omparable,theadvantagesoftheinterior-pointapproa hbe ome

quite lear when problem dimensions in rease. For problems involving tens of

thousands of unknowns and/or onstraints, oura tive set approa h simply takes

toomanyiterations,while thenumberofiterationsrequiredbythe interiorpoint

approa hseemsrelativelyinsensitivetoproblemsize. Forgeneralproblems

involv-inghundredsofthousandsorevenmillionsofunknowns/ onstraints,thea tiveset

approa h is impra ti al, while weillustrate in Table2.1 that QPBis ableto solve

problemsofthissize. QPBalsoappearstos alewellwithdimension,as anbeseen

seein Table2.2.

Whilesu h guresmightseem to indi ate that QPBshould alwaysbepreferred

to QPA, this is not the ase. In parti ular, if a good estimate of the solution|

moreparti ularly,theoptimala tiveset|isknown,a tive-setmethodsmayexploit

this, while interior-pointmethods are( urrently)lessableto doso. Inparti ular


problemsunlesstheproblemis( loseto)degenerateorveryill onditioned. Thus,

sin e nonlinear optimization (SQP) algorithms often solve a sequen e of related

problemsforwhi htheoptimala tivesetsarealmostora tuallyidenti al,thereis


Name n m type its time QPBAND 100000 50000 C 13 157 QPBAND 200000 100000 C 17 1138 QPBAND 400000 200000 C 17 2304 QPBAND 500000 250000 C 17 2909 QPNBAND 100000 50000 NC 12 32 QPNBAND 200000 100000 NC 13 71 QPNBAND 400000 200000 NC 14 156 QPNBAND 500000 250000 NC 13 181

Table2.1. QPBon large QPexamples. Runs performedon a Compaq AlphaServer DS20 (3.5

GbytesRAM), timeinCPU se onds. nisthe numberof unknowns,and m isthe numberof

general onstraints. C indi atesa onvex problem,while NCis a onvex one. Note that the

fa torizationforQPBAND llsin onsiderablymorethanthatforQPNBAND,andthisa ountsforthe

signi antlyhigherCPUtimes.

Name n m type its time

PORTSQP 10 1 C 11 0.02 PORTSQP 100 1 C 15 0.03 PORTSQP 1000 1 C 26 0.09 PORTSQP 10000 1 C 37 1.26 PORTSQP 100000 1 C 20 9.48 PORTSQP 1000000 1 C 11 72.31 PORTSNQP 10 2 NC 21 0.03 PORTSNQP 100 2 NC 30 0.04 PORTSNQP 1000 2 NC 39 0.17 PORTSNQP 10000 2 NC 32 1.70 PORTSNQP 100000 2 NC 107 58.69 PORTSNQP 1000000 2 NC 22 209.53

Table2.2. HowQPBs aleswithdimension.NotationasforTable2.1.

An enhan ed version of QPA (using HSLMA57 rather than SILS, see x2.2.7) is

available ommer iallyasHSLVE19within HSL.

2.2.4 LSQP. LSQPisaninterior-pointmethodforminimizingalinearor

separa-ble onvexquadrati fun tion

minimize 1 2 n X i=1 w 2 i (x i x 0 i ) 2 +g T x;

forgivenweightsw andgradientg, overthepolyhedral region(2.2){(2.3). Inthe

spe ial asewherew=0andg=0theso- alledanalyti enterofthefeasibleset

will be found, while linear programming, or onstrained least distan e, problems

may be solved by pi king w = 0, or g = 0, respe tively. The basi algorithm is

that of Zhang [1994℄. LSQP is used within GALAHAD by QPB to nd an initial

stri tly-interiorfeasiblepoint(seex2.2.2).

Note that sin e predi tor- orre torstepsare not taken, the method is unlikely

tobeaseÆ ientasstate-of-the-artinterior-pointmethodsforlinearprogramming.


2.2.5 PRESOLVE. The module PRESOLVE is intended to pre-pro ess quadrati

programmingproblemsoftheform(2.1){(2.3). Thepurposeisto exploitthe

opti-malityequations(2.4){(2.8)soastosimplify theproblemandredu etheproblem

toastandardform(thatmakessubsequentmanipulationeasier),de nedasfollows:


free x j non-negativity 0  x j lower x l j  x j range x l j  x j  x u j upper x j  x u j non-positivity x j  0

Fixed variables are removed. Within ea h ategory, the variables are further

ordered sothat those with non-zero diagonal Hessian entries o ur before the


|The onstraintsareorderedsothat theirboundsappearintheorder

non-negativity 0  (Ax) i equality l i = (Ax) i lower l i  (Ax) i range l i  (Ax) i  u i upper (Ax) i  u i non-positivity (Ax) i  0

Free onstraintsareremoved.

|Inaddition, onstraintsmayberemovedorboundstightened,toredu ethesize

of the feasible region or simplify the problem if this is possible, and bounds

maybetightened onthedual variables andthe multipliers asso iated withthe


Thepresolving algorithm [Gould and Toint, 2002℄ pro eeds by applying a

(po-tentially long)series ofsimple transformationsto theproblem. Theseinvolvethe

removalofemptyandsingletonrows,theremovalofredundantandfor ingprimal

onstraints,the tightening ofprimal and dualbounds, theexploitation ofempty,

singleton, anddoubleton olums, mergingofdependentvariables,row

\sparsi a-tion" and splitting equalities. Transformations are applied in su essive passes,

ea hpassinvolvingthefollowinga tions:

(1) removeemptyandsingletonsrows,

(2) trytoeliminatevariablesthatdonotappearin thelinear onstraints,

(3) attempttoexploit thepresen eofsingleton olumns,

(4) attempttoexploit thepresen eofdoubleton olumns,

(5) ompletetheanalysis ofthedual onstraints,

(6) removeemptyandsingleton rows,

(7) possiblyremovedependentvariables,

(8) analyzetheprimal onstraints,


(10) he k the urrent status of the variables, dual variables and multipliers for


All these transformations are applied on the stru ture of the original problem,

whi his onlypermuted tostandardform after alltransformationsare ompleted.

The redu ed problem may then be solved by aquadrati or linear programming

solver. Finally, thesolutionof thesimpli ed problem isre-translatedto the

vari-ables/ onstraintsformatoftheoriginalproblemina\restoration"phase.

Atthe overall level, the presolving pro ess followsone of thefollowingtwo

se-quen es:

initialize ! 

applytransformations !(solveproblem)! restore  ! terminate or initialize !  read spe le ! apply transformations !  solve problem  ! restore  ! terminate

where thepro edure's ontrol parametermaybemodi ed byreading anexternal

\spe le",andwhere(solveproblem)indi atesthattheredu edproblemissolved.

Ea hofthe\boxed"stepsinthesesequen es orrespondsto allingaspe i routine

of the pa kage, while a bra keted subsequen e of steps means that they an be

repeatedwithproblemshavingthesamestru ture.

GouldandToint[2002℄indi atethat,when onsideringall178linearandquadrati

programming problems in the CUTE test set [Bongartz et al., 1995℄, an average

redu tion of roughly 20% in both the number of unknowns and the number of

onstraints results from applying PRESOLVE. With the GALAHAD QP solverQPB

(seex2.2.2),an overall averageredu tionof roughly10%in CPU timeresults. In

some ases,thegainisdramati . Forexample,fortheproblemsGMNCASE4,STNPQ1,

STNQP2andSOSQP1,PRESOLVEremovesallthevariablesand onstraints,andthus

revealsthe ompletesolutionto theproblemwithoutresortingtoaQPsolver.

Currently PRESOLVEisnot embedded within QPA/BorLSQPandmust be alled

separately,butweintendto orre tthisdefe tforVersion2.0.

2.2.6 GLTR. GLTRaimsto ndtheglobalsolutiontotheproblemofminimizing

thequadrati fun tion(2.1)wherethevariablesarerequiredtosatisfythe onstraint

kxk M

 , where the M-norm of x is kxk M

= p

x T

Mx for some symmetri ,

positivede nite M, and where  >0is agiven s alar. This problem ommonly

o urs as a trust-region subproblem in nonlinear optimization methods, and is

used within GALAHAD by QPB. The method may be suitable for large n as no

fa torization of H is required. Reverse ommuni ationis used to obtain

matrix-ve torprodu tsoftheformHzandM 1

z. Thepa kagemayalsobeusedtosolve

therelatedprobleminwhi hxisinsteadrequiredtosatisfytheequality onstraint

kxk M

=. Themethod isdes ribedin detailin Gouldetal.[1999a℄,andGLTRis


2.2.7 SILS. The module SILSprovides a Fortran 90 interfa e to the Fortran

77 HSLsparse linearequationpa kage MA27(Du and Reid 1982). Theinterfa e

and fun tionality aredesigned to be identi alto the morere ent HSLFortran90

pa kage HSLMA57(Du 2002), enabling anyonewith HSLMA57 to substitute this

easilyforSILSthroughoutGALAHAD.Thereasonthatwearefor edtorelyonMA27


without hargefromtheHSLAr hive(http://hsl.rl.a .uk/hslar hive),while

thelatterisonlyavailable ommer ially. SILS(andhen eeitherMA27orHSLMA57)

isrequiredbyQPA/BandLSQP,andisusedoptionallybyLANCELOT B.

2.2.8 SCU. SCUmaybeusedto ndthesolutiontoanextendedsystemofn+m

sparsereallinearequationsinn+munknowns,  A B C D  x 1 x 2  =  b 1 b 2  :

inthe asewherethenbynmatrixA isnonsingularandsolutionstothesystems

Ax=b and A T


maybe obtainedfrom an external sour e, su h as an existing fa torization. The

subroutineusesreverse ommuni ationtoobtainthesolutiontosu h smaller

sys-tems. Themethod makesuseoftheS hur omplementmatrix


1 B:

TheS hur omplement is storedand updatedin fa tored form asadensematrix

(using either Cholesky or QR fa tors asappropriate) and the subroutine is thus

appropriateonlyifthere issuÆ ientstoragefor thismatrix. Spe ial advantageis

takenofsymmetryandde nitenessofthematri esA,DandS. Provisionismade

for introdu ing additional rowsand olumns to, and removing existing rows and


SCU is used by both LANCELOT B and QPA to ope with ore linear systems

thatariseas onstraintsandvariablesenterandleavetheira tive/workingsets. A

slightlysimpli ed versionof SCUisavailablein HSLasHSLMA69.


Justasforitsimmediateprede essorsCUTErandSifDe [seeGouldetal.,2002a℄,

GALAHADisdesignedtobeusedin amulti-platform,multi- ompilerenvironment

in whi h ore (sour e and s ript) les are available in a single lo ation, and

ma- hine/ ompiler/operatingsystemspe i omponents(mostespe ially ompiled

li-braries of binaries)are isolatedin uniquely identi ablesubdire tories. As before,

wehave on entratedonUNIX andLinuxplatforms, prin ipallybe ausewehave

noexperien ewithothersystems.

GALAHADisprovidedasaseriesofdire toriesand les,alllyingbeneatharoot

dire torythatweshall referto as$GALAHAD.Thedire torystru tureisillustrated

inFigure 3.1.

Beforeinstallationthesub-dire toriesobje ts,modules,makefiles,versions

andbin/syswill allbeempty. Thes riptinstall galahadpromptstheuserfor

theanswerstoaseriesofquestionsaimedatdeterminingwhatma hinetype,


$GALAHAD lanb qpb ...otherpa kages... dum makedefs sr makefiles seds obje ts versions ar h modules bin sys do man1 man examples ar hite ture ar hite ture2 ...otherar hite tures... double single double single ar hite ture ar hite ture2 ...otherar hite tures... double single double single


ar hsub-dire tory)tobuildGALAHADfor|we allthis ombinationofama hine,

operatingsystemand ompileranar hite ture. Ea har hite tureisassigneda

sim-ple(mnemoni )ar hite ture odename,sayar hite ture|forexampleaversion

fortheNAGFortran95 ompileronaPCruningLinuxis odedp .lnx.n95,while

another forthe CompaqFortran90 ompiler onan Alpha system runningTru64

Unixis alp.t64.f90. Having determinedthe ar hite ture, the installations ript

builds sub-dire tories of obje ts and modules named ar hite ture, as well as

furthersub-dire toriesdoubleandsingleofthesetoholdar hite ture-dependent

ompiledlibrariesandmodule leinformation. Inaddition,ar hite ture-dependent

make leinformationandenvironmentvariablesforexe utions riptsarepla edin

les named ar hite turein themakefiles and bin/sys sub-dire tories, and a

lere ordinghowthe odeisrelatedtothear hite tureisputin versions.

TheFortransour e odesforea hGALAHAD pa kageo urs inaseparate

sub-dire tory of the sr dire tory. The sub-dire tory ontains the pa kage sour e,

a omprehensivetest program (along with a simplerse ond test program, whi h

is used asan illustration on how to all the pa kage in the a ompanying

do u-mentation), and a make le. Sin e the order of ompilation of Fortran modules

is important,and as wehave seenthere is astronginterdependen y betweenthe

GALAHAD pa kages, the make les have to be arefully rafted. For this reason

(and in ontrast to CUTEr), we have hosen not to use variants of tools su h as

imaketo build and maintain the make les. Posts ript and PDF Do umentation

forallpa kagesis ontainedindo .

Not every omponent of GALAHAD is distributed as part of the pa kage. In

parti ular,theHSLAr hive odeMA27mustbedownloadedpriortotheinstallation


http://hsl.rl.a .uk/ar hive/hslar hive.html

beforeanyoftheQPpa kages anbeused(itisoptionallyusedbyLANCELOTB).

Additionally GALAHAD makesoptionaluse of theLin-Morepre onditionerICFS,

availableas partoftheMINPACK2libraryvia

http://www-unix.m s.anl.gov/~more/i fs/ ,

and theHSL odesMA57andMC61,whi h areonlyavailable ommer ially. If any

non-default ode is used, the le pa kages in the dire tory sr /makedefs must

beeditedto des ribewhere theexternal ode may be found|detailsare given in

pa kages. Default dummyversions ofall optional odesareprovidedin sr /dum

toensurethatlinking priorto exe utionworksproperly.

On e the orre t dire tory stru ture is in pla e, the installation s ript builds

a random-a ess library of the required pre ision by visiting ea h of the

sub-dire tories of sr and alling the Unix utility make. GALAHAD pa kages are all

written indoublepre ision,but ifauserprefersto usesinglepre ision,the

make- les all suitable Unixsed s ripts(stored in seds) to transform the sour eprior

to ompilation. A usermay hoose to installall ofGALAHAD, orjust theQP or

LANCELOT B omponents. There are also sed features to swit h automati ally

fromSILS(seex2.2.7)toMA57ifthelatterisavailable. The ommandmake tests



As well asproviding stand-alone Fortran modules, we provide interfa esbetween

LANCELOTB, QPA/B, LSQPandPRESOLVE and problems written in theStandard

Input Format (SIF) [Conn et al., 1992℄, most parti ularly the CUTEr test set

[Gouldetal.,2002a℄. Tousetheseinterfa esLANCELOTBuserswillneedtohave

installed SifDe (from http:// uter.rl.a .uk/ uter-www/sifde ),while users

wishing to use the interfa es to the QP pa kages will additionally need CUTEr

(fromhttp:// uter.rl.a .uk/ uter-www).

Torunoneofthesupportedpa kagesonanexamplestoredinEXAMPLE.SIF,say,

auserneedstoissuethe ommand

sdgal ode pa kage EXAMPLE[.SIF℄

where odeis thear hite ture ode dis ussed in x3, pa kage de nes thepa kage

tobeused|itmaybeoneoflanb,qpa,qpborpre,with a esstoLSQPprovided

viaqpb|and the suÆx[.SIF℄ is optional. This ommand translatestheSIF le

intoFortransubroutinesandrelateddatausingthede oderprovidedinSifDe ,and

then allstherequiredoptimizationpa kagetosolvetheproblem. On eaproblem

has been de oded, it may be re-used (perhaps with di erent options) using the

auxiliary ommand

gal ode pa kage

AfewSIF examplesaregivenintheexamplessub-dire tory,whilethesdgaland

gal ommandsareinthebinsub-dire tory,andhaveman-pagedes riptionsinthe

man/man1sub-dire tory.

Oneadditional feature isthat ifthe userhasa ess to theHSL automati

dif-ferentiationpa kagesHSLAD01orHSL AD02[Pry eandReid, 1998℄,these maybe

usedto generateautomati rstandse ondderivativesfortheelementand group

fun tions [Conn et al., 1992℄ from whi h the overall problem is re-assembled by

CUTEr and LANCELOT B. Of ourse it would be better to use one of the more

ommonlyo urringpa kagessu h asADIFOR[Bis hof, Carle,Corliss,Griewank

andHovland, 1992℄,andweplantodothisin thefuture.

Aswith LANCELOTA,optionsmaybe passeddire tlyto thesolversbymeans

of user-de nable option-spe i ation les. Ea h SIF interfa e has its own set of

options,butoverall ontrolismaintainedviatheGALAHADmoduleSPECFILE.


GALAHAD may be downloaded from http://galahad.rl.a .uk/galahad-www .

There arerestri tionson ommer ialuse, and allusersare requiredto agree toa

numberofminor onditionsofuse.


Wehavedes ribedthes opeanddesignofthe rstreleaseofGALAHAD,alibrary

of Fortran 90pa kagesfor nonlinearoptimization. Version1.0 of thelibrary

par-ti ularlyaddressesquadrati programmingproblems,althoughthereisanupdated


In future, we intend to use the quadrati programming pa kages as the basi


developingAMPL [Fourer,Gay and Kernighan,2003℄ interfa esfor the prin ipal

pa kagessothatuserswillbeabletouseamorenaturalinterfa ethanprovidedby

SIF.Inaddition,weplanto in orporatethe prepro essingtoolsasoptionswithin

theQPsolvers,ratherthanhavingthemstand-aloneasat present.

A knowledgement

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I.Bongartz,A.R.Conn,N.I.M.Gould,andPh.L.Toint. CUTE:Constrainedand

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R. H. Byrd, M. E. Hribar, and J. No edal. An interior point algorithm for large s ale


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Fig. 2.1. Performane prole for LANCELOT options: CPU times (top) and number of funtion
Table 2.1. QPB on large QP examples. Runs performed on a Compaq AlphaServer DS20 (3.5
Fig. 3.1. Struture of the GALAHAD diretories


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