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Integration of computer graphics into building science


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Integration of computer graphics into building science

Henry, R. P.; Vanier, D. J.


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National Research

Conseil national

C e



Council Canada

de recherches Canada


by R.P. Henry and D.J. Vanier


Reprinted from

Third Canadian Building Congress

Achievements and Challenges in Building

Science and Technology

Victoria, British Columbia, 18


20 October 1982







c : l a T I



DBR Paper No. 1269

Division of Building Research


T h i s p a p e r , w h i l e being d i s t r i b u t e d i n

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remains t h e c o p y r i g h t of

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o r i g i n a l p u b l i s h e r .


s h o u l d n o t


reproduced i n whole o r i n p a r t w i t h o u t t h e

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l i s t of a l l p u b l i c a t i o n s a v a i l a b l e from

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R.P. Henry, Public Works Canada, Ottawa

D.J. Vanier, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa

Computer d r a w i n g h a s been possible now f o r a m u p l e of y e a r s and t h e o p p o r t u n i t i e s for utilizing c o m p u t e r s h a v e a n t i n u e d to fasciriate system developers and potential u s e r s . Hiqh m s t s , unreliable equipment. and poor implementations have, until recently, led to disappointment in all b u t a few a r e a s . E a r l y e f f o r t s tried to i n c r e a s e productivity by seekinq o u t applications with many r e p e t i t i v e elements o r applications t h a t were within t h e limitations of t h e e a r l y equipment. Today t h e r e ace dozens of commercial s y s t e m s o n t h e market which o f f e r essentially automated d r a f t i n q , b u t l a r g e p r o d u c t i v i t y i n c r e a s e s


c o s t s a v i n g s with t h e s e s y s t e m s , a t least in t h e buildinq sciences, h a v e not been s u c c e s s f u l l y demonstrated.

More r e c e n t l y , s y s t e m s h a v e been emerqinq t h a t attempt to wmbine t h e capability of w m p u t e r graphics a n d computer modelllnq with roles that t h e w m p u t e r has been offering in w n v e n t i o n a l a r e a s . It is in some of t h e s e applications, and t h e r e a r e many in t h e buildinq sciences, that much l a r q e r productivity i n c r e a s e s a r e possible; herein lies t h e q r e a t e s t f u t u r e for m m p u t e r qraphics in t h e building field. T h e


w h e r e t h e g r e a t e s t advances a r e being made involve t h e integration of w m p u t e r m d e l l i n q with all a s p e c t s of t h e buildinq design p r o c e s s , specifically, where numerical t e c h n i q u e s a r e p r e s e n t l y being u s e d a n d also in t h e a r e a of planning a n d facilities manaqement. Associated with t h e s e applications, d a t a b a s e s c a n b e c r e a t e d t h a t a n t a i n not just t h e drawings but also physical r e p r e s e n t a t i o n of all buflding mrnponents. I t is this information t h a t can be manipulated and t r a n s f e r r e d by d e s i q n e r s . T h e potential impact o n e n g i n e e r i n g and a r c h i t e c t u r a l activities is enormous, b u t so too a r e t h e qains to be o b t a i n e d by t h e buflding i n d u s t r y .

Le d e s s i n informatisk e s t maintenant possible depuis q u e l a u e s annkes e t les possibilitits dlutilisation d e s o r d i n a t e u r s w n t i n u e n t de fasciner les m n c e p t e u r s d e systkmes e t les Q v e n t u e l s utilisateurs. Jusqu12

t o u t rkcemment, les w Q t s Blev6s. le manque d e fiabilite du materiel e t d e s r6:ultats m g d b c r e s avaient c a u s k beaucoup d e deception, d a n s t o u s les domaines


quelques exceptions p r e s . Les premiers e f f o r t s

ant p o r t 6 s u r llauqmentation de la productivite par la r e c h e r c h e dlapplications 5 c a r a c t k r e rkpktitif ou d'applications a d a p t e e s a u x possibilites du materiel alors disponible. I1 e x i s t e a u j o u r d t h u i d e s dizaines d e syst&mes wmmerciaux permettant le dessin essentiellernent informatis6; o n nla toutefois pas e n c o r e d6montr6 d e m a n d r e p r o b a n t e les importan t e s augmentations de productivit6 e t ks Qconornies r6alisables g r l c e


c e s systemes, du m i n s d a n s la science du bstiment.

Certains syst4mes mnCus plus r6cernrnent t e n t e n t d e w m b i n e r les possibilites d e l'infoqraphie e t de la modelfsation a v e c les s e r v i c e s s u e l'ordinateur o f f r e d a n s d e s domaines traditionnels. C1est d a n s c e r t a i n e s de c e s applications, et 11 en e x i s t e plusieurs d a n s la science du bstiment, q u e d e s a u q m e n t a t b n s de productivitk beaucoup plus i m p r t a n t e s sont possibles; ctest 1& q u e r e s i d e l'avenir d e ll{nfoqraphie dans l e domalne d\u bstirnent. Les plus q r a n d s p r o g r k s o n t Q t e rdalis6s q r s c e 2 l'int,&ration de la mad&lisation a tous les a s p e c t s du Processus de w n c e p t i o n d e s G t i m e n t s , e n p a r t i c u l i e r d a n s les c a s oC o n emplofe actuellement d e s techniques numeriques alnsi que d a n s les d o m d n e s d e la p l a n l f i c a t h n e t d e la qestion d e s installations. Parall6lement ces applications, on p o u r r a i t m e base de donnges m n t e n a n t non seulement d e s d e s s i n s , mais a u s s i d e s r e p r e s e n t a t i o n s p h y s i q u e s d e tous les Cl6rnents d e s hStiments. Ce Sont ceS donnges qui peuvent s t r e manipulkes e t t r a n s m s k s p a r les m n c e p t e u r s . Les e f f e t s possibles s u r 11inq6nierie e t l'architecture s o n t Bnormes,


Integration of Computer Graphics into

Building Science

R.P. Henry, Public Works Canada

D.J. Vanier, National Research Council Canada


Computers are becoming far more

commonplace and influencing almost every activity in life today. Early users were predominantly involved in research activities and then, later, efforts were concentrated o n large scale business needs. Successful applications tended t o involve enormous numerical

calculation requirements o r the storing and sorting of large volumes of

tabulated data. More recently, considerable effort has gone into development of both hardware and sof tware which allows the creation and storing of pictures o r drawings. Early users of these CAD/CAM systems usually were large aircraft o r automobile manufacturers who could afford

substantial in-house expenditures on development of specialized systems for

their own use. Improved accuracies associated with automated design and manufacturing processes justified use of such systems. Now, other industries have recognized the advantages offered to them by CAD/CAM; in many cases design approaches impossible without the computer are' made available. A good example is the design of electronic parts and circuits with CAD/CAM systems.

Although the building industry uses drawings extensively, it has been rather slow t o utilize the computer's potential

in this area. This has been due t o quite a number of reasons, but principally it was a result of the fragmented nature of the industry, the fact that most businesses in the industry are relatively small, and the difficulty o f bringing together all of the diverse activities that make up the building sciences.


is paper

will attempt t o review some of the developments to date in this area and demonstrate the potential for further progress based on experiences of Public Works Canada. Three broad areas will be

identified: intelligent drafting, building design and database systems; but first some consideration should be given to the benefits t o be obtained

from computer graphics.

Benefits of Using Computer Graphics Systems

In order to justify the large capital outlays associated with purchase and

installation of sophisticated computer graphics systems, consideration should be given to the benefits t o be

obtained. Often increased productivity alone is enough justification, but accurate cost/benefit figures are hard to pin down, due t o the relatively little experience in practice yet. Consideration, then, should be given to: 1. Increased Productivity.

Sometimes this is simply that two draftmen can now d o the work of four:

2. Better Products.

In one sense drawings produced are better because there is more

standardization. In a more far reaching sense, buildings produced are better since computer technique8 permit designers t o investigate more design alternatives.

3. Efficient Information Storage: Data used in design, such as material, equipment, o r engineering performance parameters can be stored in a

computer database, then retrieved instantly for design conaideration o r specification purpose8.


Uore Consi8tent Quality.


likely to be used. Drawings are easily corrected or updated, providing more accurate records of

construction features. A good

analogy is editing of word processor documents.

5. Shorter Construction Time.

Document production time can be greatly reduced, particularly if revision time is taken into

consideration. In addit ion, more

precise drawings result in better quality control which can reduce construction time considerably.

6. Better Coordination Between


There is less potential for error and less duplication of effort if drawing files are instantly accessible to the various disciplines involved in design and construct ion.

Intelligent Drafting

The industry has seen, in the last couple of years, the introduction of many simple computer drafting systems. There are at least twenty to thirty different suppliers in the market today, thus making the business very

competitive. These are usually

described as two-dimenional, stand-alone systems and the prices range from

$60,000. to $120,000. per workstation, depending on the number of workstations purchased and whether plotting

facilities are included. Productivity claims are in the range of two to three for simple drafting tasks, but this depends greatly on the skill of users and the nature of the tasks. In choosing a system one should be very careful since suppliers are in the habit of preparing eye-catching demonstrations but neglect to describe to the potential purchaser specific pitfalls associated with his system.

One basic difference in systems is associated with


type of terminal


raster o r storage tube


or without


capability). Although many users


happy with


storage tube

system, probably due to



high resolution that it offers, raster

systems have been improving and their

potential for displaying colour and moving objects a s well a a their quick






used, can

be o f

considerable advantage-

Also methods of input can vary



thumbwheels, joysticks, or digitizer pads for cursor control are often



a large degree the

choice is one of personal preference, but the imprecise control offered by a joystick, which although relatively inexpensive, has often been cause for complaint.

Hardware is improving continuously, whereas only a couple of years ago breakdowns were commonplace, our experience has been that modern, carefully-selected hardware is greatly improved and should present relatively few problems to the user.

The potential user is more likely to experience greater difficulty with software. It may be crude and not suited to easy creation and manipulation of drawings or it may be full of "bugs" and use unsupported or third party supported software, or both.

Drawing functions performed by a

designer can be greatly simplified on a graphics system by combining repetitive construction steps into a single

operator command. This command, then, becomes a new tool in itself that can be used repetitively in a production


A designer should feel comfortable

working many hours at a time at his workstation. He should not have to abandon all of his drafting habits or become a sophisticated computer

programmer himself. Systems should be tested with the type of work that will be done on them before purchases are made. Jobs with a lot of repetition or that employ numerous "standard cellsn, that may be created before hand and stored, lend themselves nicely to computer-aided drawings.

Building Design with Computers Design is an iterative, evolutionary process. First, the overall layout is conceived, then further.deve1opment of thought allows the details to emerge, and finally, at some point in time, the design is said to be complete. This point may be somewhat arbitrary depending on such constraints as:

economics, time, and other commitments, to mention a few. Each designer in the process works on given requirements, prerequisites, and known information, communicating when necessary with fellow project designers. In a properly


authority is selected and a chain o f command is established based o n

conventional professional relationships. Finally, information in the form of specifications and drawings is produced t o transfer a description o f the desired product t o the construct ion operation. Throughout the above process w e s e e the usefulness and even absolute necessity' of drawings. First, for the designer t o concept ionalize his specific problem, second, t o communicate between designers in their cooperative design endeavours and finally, t o transfer specifications t o the construction phase.

For some time now individual

disciplines have been using computers t o perform certain portions o f the onerous

calculations o r repetitive procedures pertinent t o their design tasks. Perhaps the most extensive list o f examples may be found in structural engineering, but many others exist in such diverse fields a s energy analysis, 1 ight ing design, and accoust ical

analysis. Common are programs that perform simulations o f real situations in order t o evaluate the effects of different design choices. Few programs d o actual optimization o r provide final design solutions, rather the designer uses the program as a "tool" t o evaluate options and help him select the best design. Unfortunately, many o f these "tools" are cumbersome t o use and should be made more user-friendly with simpler

input and more descriptive output, perhaps utilizing graphics. As an example several organizations are now looking into the introduction of graphics t o some o f the major building energy analysis programs. Handbook

information, building geometric

parameters, and building and equipment performance characteristics, all might be presented instantly t o the designer for h i s review and consideration. He need not search through numerous handbooks o r previous files t o locate

information pertinent t o his specific immediate need, but simply recall t h e information, probably in graphical form, directly from the computer.

Models o f building components o r sub- assemblies such a s structural details, lighting layouts, o r HVAC ductwork can be created by individual disciplines. Subsequently, overlay o r three-

dimensional layouts are available t o these groups at various stages o f the design process t o ensure that

interferences are avoided.

The most repetitive aspect o f design, the detailing o f similar but slightly different parts, can be streamlined using the flexibility of the graphics system. A parametric model can be stored, replacing dimensions with parameters which may take o n specific values depending on size alteratives available. In the extreme, for

instance, it should be possible t o place a schematic for a heat exchanger on a drawing simply by stating certain flow rates and heat transfer requirements. In this way system design and drawings could be produced in very short time with little call for specializd drawing


The most sophisticated systems today allow creation o f 3-D files for objects which in turn offer viewing from any point with true perspective in wireframe

format. These may be used for anything from perspective views o f subdivision plot plans t o renderings of interior modular office concepts. Systems

automatically eliminate lines o r parts o f lines which would appear hidden from an observer, o r may include them a s dashed lines o r apply colours t o enhance visualization. Scale and colour can be changed instantly. These systems are prominent in CAM, parts modelling, o r piping design, however, 3-D modelling in the building field is relatively new and is not ready for general usage in most disciplines.

Building Data Bases

The building is composed o f millions o f components, all possessing many

important characteristics such a s specific heat, cost, density, size, standard dimensions, tolerances, etc. These are tied t o the building by some absolute physical location o r sohe relative location within a larger o r more important component.


multi- dimensional computer model then becomes the information shell o r the data base handler. Typically computer-aided building design is handled now through what are known a s application p r w r a m s . These serve s o m e disciplines very well, but d o not satisfy the majority o f t h e


potential users. One of the reasons for

this 1s the requirement for each

discipline t o enter data that probably


been entered prev~ously In another

discrete package. The majority of the time is spent enterlng data, which may add up to elghty percent of the time Ln front of a terminal. In the

conventional card-image input, columns have to be lined up, rows have to be numbered, and check routines have to be done over and over. This has been the most frustrating part of computer usage. The second most frustrat ing time is w a ~ t i n g for the results to be spewed out.

All of this will be changed with the new

generat ion of CAD. The computer-aided

designer inputs the general building shape that is based on a conceptual design. The outline, along with certain

information, is passed to the structural designer who lays out the column lines and does all the structural

calculations. At approximately the same

time the mechancia1,engineer may be

doing duct design or piping design. On completion of that task he will go to a load analysis o r energy analysis program to ensure the building is within the design prerequisites. The electrical designers may input their information

into the data base, as may the interior layout designers and the office

planners. Drawings, whether they be elevation or plan, are obtained only when hard print copies are required. Other benefits of the automated system

include quantity surveying or bill of materials, perspective or isometric drawings, and buildings specifications. As well as providing the coordination between disciplines provided by such a system, not to be overlooked is the continuity provided along the time path

associated with the product delivery.


As a example, building energy analysis considerations developed at the concept . stage can be elaborated upon later and

eventually turn up in details of the design of a mechanical System, or even provide input a s t o the way the building is finally t o be occupied.

Such a system may sound quite

futuristic, however, computer memory speeds and disk storage capacities are

increasing rapidly, making possible inexpensive storage and retrieval of vast banks of information. Problems

now are mainly associated with the structuring and sorting of this

information from the numerous

disciplines involved in the building sciences. A controlling data base is necessary that will manage information and share portions with each discipline. This management system is necessary to ensure that there is no conflicting information, that data need only be entered once, that problem information be automatically flagged and brought to the user's attention, and that overall control of the information, or changes thereof, can rest at specific design decision levels.

Building owners and operators will reap the greatest benefits from computers when a system provides a complete description and record of a building's history. In such a system both graphic and non-graphic informat ion are 1 inked in an all-inclusive data base. This offers great benefits at all stages of the design process where detailed characteristics, drawings,

specifications, codes, prices, etc. are created and carried as a by-product of the design generation. Subsequently, tabulated reports, such as bill of material lists, can be automatically generated from the design data base. At later stages this and similarly

generated information is invaluable for the process of renovating or managing the facilities.

In addition to the design process described above, Public Works Canada has become quite interested in the application of interactive computer graphics to what may be described as facilities management. Information would be stored and manipulated

similarly in each of three broad areas: land management, buildings management and occupant (both people and objects) management.

Types of useful information include: for Land Management,


site data and location within

jurisdiction boundaries,


property ownership data and boundary



utility data and locations, including

elements such as drainage characteristics, etc.,



area screening including permissable land use data with locations,


tax data and locations ( i n PWC, municipal grants data),


building administration data and locations;

for Building Management,


building gross areas with designat ions a s t o usefulness, such a s building service areas, accessory areas, usable a reas,


rentable area classifications and costs,


further area designations o f usable spaces such as: workstations, support areas, circulation, special purpose areas, and building factors,


breakdown o f occupants by function for

management purposes,


location o f services and service equipment such a s lighting,

electrical, phone, HVAC equipment, for Occupant Management,


furniture, room contents and any special equipment designated a s t o type and t o location,


data representing actual names, titles, and functions o f people occuping o r controlling spaces,


other information associated with

people in spaces


such a s phone numbers, occupation periods, etc. Conclusion

In conclusion it must be stated that there is a vast potential t o apply interactive computer graphics in the building sciences. Turnkey systems available today, however, are aimed primarily only at t h e drafting

functions. In order t o get one's feet wet, s o t o speak, potential users should - b e aware that, even with these simple

drafting systems, investments are usually recoverable in less than t w o years. If a purchase is being



determine your requirements,


consult users with similar operations and determine exactly what they are doing and not doing with their systems,


be aware that vendors tend t o demonstrate there strong points and

leave weaknesses for the purchaser t o uncover



ask for benchmarks o r demonstrations from identified vendors, looking particularly at responsiveness of the system, (It is especially important that the system always be able t o keep pace with the creative thought processes o f the operator. )


look also especially at the vendor's product flexibility and support provided,


ensure that the long-range goals o f your organization can be satisfied by

the vendor through upward compatability of his systems. In the future w e can expect t o see small, powerful graphics workstations networked t o large main-frame computers in order t o combine the advantages o f fast graphics with the benefits o f a shared data base. Communications will make it possible t o access drawings at many locations, even on-site in the

field. At this stage, effects o n the process of design and construction will be far more significant than the simple replacement o f manual drafting skills with automated drawing techniques.


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