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The Road to : Maternal Death


Academic year: 2022

Partager "The Road to : Maternal Death"


Texte intégral



The Road to : Maternal Death

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500,000 women die each year of com'F!ications connected with pregnancy, 494,000 p(llHlem in


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Pre-natal care



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Good nutrition

WORLD HEALTH. Aprii-May 1990


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Quoit-fled medical care and emergency services



Concept: Mahmoud Fathalla, WHO WORLD HEALTH, Aprii-May 1990

Artist: 8etsy True, Madison, Wisconsin, USA


Family planning services

They are forced to tread The Road to Maternal Death because they lack access to life-saving care.

For such women, access to maternity care; to essential obstetrical care for those at risk; to family

planning; and - in the long run - social equity, including access to good

nutrition, a basic education, and economic opportunity, would make

'i~l the difference between life

and death.



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