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lr-(COD)-pentamidine tetraphenylborate which has previously been studied on promastigote forms of Leishmania, was investigated for its antileishmanial properties compared with pentamidine used as reference compound. In vitro, the iridium complex had the same I C5 0 value on intracellular forms of Leishmania as pentamidine (15 µM). In vivo, the compound could not be injected intravenously due to the DMSO excipient so that the treatments were performed intraperitoneally or subcutaneously. On the L. donovani LV9 /Balb/C mouse model, the iridium complex was not toxic after intraperitoneal treatment at 232 mg/kg/day x 5 or 147 µmoles/ kg/day x 5, whereas all the mice died within five days when treated at the same dose with pentamidine isethionate.

However, only 23 % of parasite suppression was observed with the iridium complex. On a L. major MON 74/Balb/C mouse model, susceptible to intravenously administered pentamidine at 6.7 umoles/ kg/day x 5 (54 % of parasite suppression), the iridium complex exhibited 32 % of parasite suppression after a treatment at 76 umoles/ kg/day x 5 administered subcutaneously.

This slight activity is of interest since pentamidine isethionate is not active under these conditions. Transmission electron microscopy of amastigotes from infected and treated mice show aggregation of ribosomal material, distension of the nuclear membrane and kDNA depolymerization. The mechanism of action therefore involves several targets: membranes, ribosomes and kDNA. According to our results, the Iridium complex is a suitable candidate to be encapsulated in drug carriers such as liposomes or nanoparticles.


Iridium pentamidine complex, pentamidine, Leishmania, electron microscopy, mechanism of action.


complexe iridié de pentamidine, pentamidine, Leishmania, microscopie électronique, mécanisme d'action.

Résumé :


L'action antileishmanienne du tétraphénylborate d'Ir-(COD)- pentamidine qui a précédemment été étudiée sur les (ormes promastigotes de Leishmania est ici évaluée in vivo en comparaison de l'iséthionate de pentamidine, produit de référence. In vitro, le complexe iridié présente une valeur d'IC50

sur la forme intracellulaire de Leishmania équivalente à celle de la pentamidine (15 µM). In vivo, puisque le composé ne pouvait pas être injecté par voie intraveineuse du fait de l'utilisation du DMSO comme excipient, les traitements ont été réalisés par voie intrapéritonéale ou sous-cutanée. Sur le modèle à L. donovani LV9 chez la souris Balb/C, le complexe iridié ne s'est pas montré toxique après un traitement par voie intrapéritonéale à la dose de 232 mg/kg/jour x 5 soit 147 µmoles/kg/jour x 5, tandis que toutes les souris traitées avec l'iséthionate de pentamidine aux mêmes doses sont mortes dans les cinq jours. Cependant, on observe une suppression de la charge parasitaire de 23 % seulement avec le composé iridié. Sur le modèle à L. major MON 74 chez la souris Balb/C, qui est sensible à l'iséthionate de pentamidine administré par voie intraveineuse à la dose de 6,7 µmoles/kg/jour x 5 (54 % de suppression de la charge parasitaire), le complexe iridié a montré 32 % de suppression de la charge parasitaire après un traitement par voie sous-cutanée à la dose de 76 µmoles/kg/jour x 5. Cette activité, bien que légère est intéressante puisque l'iséthionate de pentamidine n'est pas actif dans ces conditions. La microscopie électronique d'amastigotes prélevés chez les souris traitées montre une aggrégation du matériel ribosomal, une distension de l'enveloppe nucléaire et une dépolymérisation de l'ADN kinétoplastique. Par conséquent, le mécanisme d'action de ce composé met en jeu plusieurs cibles : les membranes, les ribosomes et l'ADN kinétoplastique. A la suite de cette étude, le complexe iridié mériterait d'être encapsulé dans des vecteurs de médicaments tels que les liposomes ou les nanoparticules.



isceral a n d c u t a n e o u s leishmaniases are c a u s e d by hemoflagellate p r o t o z o a w h i c h are obligate parasites o f the m o n o n u c l e a r p h a g o c y t e system

* Biologie et Contrôle des Organismes Parasites, Faculté de Phar- macie, 92296-Châtenay-Malabry, France.

** Biologie parasitaire, Protistologie, Helminthologie, Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 75231 Paris, France.

*** Quimica Inorganica y Bioinorganica, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain.

Correspondence: P.M. Loiseau.

(MPS). Leishmaniases c a u s e c o n s i d e r a b l e morbidity and mortality worldwide. T h e first line treatments are pentavalent antimonials a n d amphotericin B , both o f w h i c h s h o w high potential toxicity. Moreover, failure a n d relapse u n d e r antimonials and amphotericin B have also b e e n reported ( M o d a b b e r , 1992). T h e treat- m e n t with pentamidine is not fully effective and has also t o x i c side effects ( S o t o et al, 1994). Thus, the search for n e w antileishmanial drugs remains a prio- rity s i n c e n o currently available drug is both safe a n d active. Several antitumor agents directed towards DNA as their m o l e c u l a r target have b e e n s c r e e n e d for their

Parasite, 2000, 7, 103-108

Mémoire 103

Article available athttp://www.parasite-journal.orgorhttp://dx.doi.org/10.1051/parasite/2000072103


trypanocidal activity, since the metabolic pathways o f Kinetoplastidae and tumor cells present some similarities.

B y this means, organometallic c o m p l e x e s w e r e found to have antitrypanosomal activity (Kinnamon et al, 1979).

T h e association o f a metallic structure with an organic c o m p o u n d decreases the toxicity and usually increases the biological activity (Fanell et al, 1984). S o m e metallic drug c o m p l e x e s have b e e n found to b e active against Leishmania donovani amastigotes in m o u s e peritoneal macrophages in vitro (Croft et al, 1992). Moreover, some organometallic compounds derived from pentamidine are active against African trypanosomes (Loiseau et al, 1992).

In addition, c o m p o u n d s combining platinum and pen­

tamidine appeared promising in the T. b. bruceil'sheep model (Dreyfuss etal, 1988; 1993). An antitrypanosomal s c r e e n i n g using Trypanosoma b. brucei CMP strain allowed a very active metallic pentamidine derivative, called pentamidine di-(iridium cyclo-octadiene) tetra- phenylborate or Ir-COD-pentamidine tetraphenylborate, to b e selected (Loiseau et al, 1992). This c o m p o u n d was found to b e 16-fold m o r e active than pentamidine ise- thionate and was well tolerated. Organometallic com­

plexes have interesting antimicrobial effects which could b e exploited, particularly against drug resistant Kineto- plastida strains. Previous pharmacokinetic studies in sheep plasma have shown that the metal part increases the half-life o f the drug compared to pentamidine ise- thionate, explaining the higher activity at low doses (Dreyfuss et al, 1993; 1995; Loiseau et al, 1997). Such c o m p o u n d s could b e o f potential interest as antileish- manial drugs, to replace pentamidine which is sometimes used in cases o f antimonial-resistance.




w o strains o f Leishmania w e r e used throughout this study:

• L. donovani ( M H O M / E T / 6 7 / L 8 2 ) or LV9 was routinely maintained in male golden hamsters (Wright's strain). After six-eight w e e k s amastigotes w e r e isolated from the spleen o f infected animals for in vitro and in vivo studies. This strain was provided by Dr S.L. Croft (London School o f Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, UK).

• L. major ( M H O M / P T / 9 2 / C R E 2 6 ) , zymodeme MON 74, w a s a c u t a n e o u s strain w h i c h regularly d e v e l o p e d a visceral infection in the hamster w h e n infected by the intraperitoneal route. This strain, kept in liquid nitro­

gen, was provided by Prof. M. Deniau (CHU Henri Mon- dor, Creteil, F r a n c e ) .


F e m a l e B A L B / c m i c e ( 1 8 ± 2 g ) w e r e p u r c h a s e d from Iffa Credo ( L A r b r e s l e , F r a n c e ) .

Fig. 1. - Chemical structure of Ir-(COD)-pentamidine tetraphenyl- borate. COD = cyclo-octadiene.


T h e structure o f Ir-(COD)-pentamidine tetraphenylbo­

rate is s h o w n in Figure 1. Pentacarinat® (Pentamidine isethionate) was kindly supplied b y Roger Bellon Labo­

ratory ( F r a n c e ) . Glucantime®, a pentavalent antimonial u s e d as the reference antileishmanial drug, w a s sup­

plied b y R h ô n e - P o u l e n c Rorer, France.


Leishmanicidal activity against intramacrophagic amas­

tigotes w a s performed o n infected m o u s e peritoneal m a c r o p h a g e s according to the m e t h o d o f Neal & Croft ( 1 9 8 4 ) .

In vivo evaluation

F e m a l e B A L B / c m i c e w e r e infected with 1 07 amasti­

gotes o b t a i n e d from the s p l e e n o f an infected hamster and injected into m i c e b y the retro-orbital sinus. O n e w e e k after infection, the m i c e w e r e randomly divided into groups o f ten. Ir-(COD)-pentamidine tetraphenyl­

b o r a t e in D M S O and pentamidine isethionate in ste­

rile water w e r e given b y the s u b c u t a n e o u s or intra­

peritoneal routes at d o s e s u p to 2 3 2 m g / k g ( 5 0 mg pentamidine equivalent/kg) and 8 7 m g / k g respectively.

Mice w e r e treated o n c e a day for five consecutive days and sacrificed three days after the e n d o f treatment.

Drug activity was estimated b y counting the n u m b e r o f amastigotes/500 liver cells in Giemsa stained impres­

s i o n s m e a r s p r e p a r e d from t h e w e i g h e d livers o f treated and untreated m i c e (Neal & Croft, 1 9 8 4 ) .


Liver samples w e r e p r e p a r e d for electron m i c r o s c o p y after intraperitoneal administration o f Ir-(COD)-penta- midine tetraphenylborate to infected B A L B / c m i c e at 2 3 2 m g / k g ( 5 0 mg pentamidine e q u i v a l e n t / k g ) . Sam­

ples w e r e also prepared from m i c e treated with e x c i - pient a l o n e .

Small portions o f liver w e r e cut into 1 m m3 p i e c e s and fixed at r o o m temperature for 6 0 min. in a 2.8 % glu- taraldehyde solution in a 0.1 M S o r e n s e n p h o s p h a t e buffer (pH 7 . 4 ) , w a s h e d twice in this buffer and post-


Parasite, 2000, 7, 103-108




fixed for o n e h o u r in a 2 % o s m i u m tetroxide solution in the s a m e buffer. Potassium ferricyanide w a s a d d e d to b o t h fixatives. T h e s a m p l e s w e r e then stained for 12 hours in 0.5 % uranyl acetate in distilled water. Fol­

lowing dehydration, the material w a s e m b e d d e d in a 1:1 mixture o f Araldite-Epon®. 5 0 n m sections w e r e cut with a d i a m o n d knife a n d stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate. T h e preparations w e r e e x a m i n e d with a Phillips EM 201 electron m i c r o s c o p e ( 1 0 0 Kv) at the Centre Interuniversitaire de M i c r o s c o p i e Électronique, (Université d e J u s s i e u Paris V I ) .



T iridium c o m p l e x h a d the s a m e IC50 value o n intracellular forms o f Leishmania as pentamidine ( 1 5 µM ) .


In vivo, the c o m p o u n d c o u l d not b e injected intrave­

nously due to the D M S O e x c i p i e n t so that the treat­

ments w e r e performed intraperitoneally or subcuta- neously. T h e iridium c o m p l e x w a s not toxic towards the L. donovani LV9 / B a l b / C m o u s e model after a treat­

m e n t at 2 3 2 m g / k g / d a y x 5 o r 147 u m o l e s / k g / d a y x 5 administered intraperitonealy w h e r e a s all the m i c e died within five days w h e n treated with the same d o s e with pentamidine isethionate. However, only 23 % o f parasite inhibition w a s o b s e r v e d with the iridium c o m ­ p l e x ( T a b l e I ) .

In the L. major CRE 2 6 / B a l b / C m o u s e model, s u s c e p ­ tible to intravenously administered p e n t a m i d i n e at 6.7 u m o l e s / k g / d a y x 5 ( 5 4 % o f parasite inhibition), the iridium c o m p l e x e x h i b i t e d 32 % o f parasite inhi­

bition after a treatment at 7 6 p m o l e s / k g / d a y x 5 sub- cutaneously administered ( T a b l e II). This slight activity is o f interest since pentamidine isethionate is not active under t h e s e conditions.

: n = 10 mice per group.

b : toxic dose: death of 4 mice at day 2 3 mice at day 3 2 mice at day 4 1 mouse at day 5.

c : Treatment with 0.2 ml excipient per day for five days.

Table I. - Effect of Ir-(COD)-pentamidine tetraphenylborate on the L. donovani LV9/BALB/C mouse model compared with reference drugs.

232 mg/kg of Ir-(COD)-pentamidine tetraphenylborate corresponds to 50 mg equivalent pentamidine/kg. 200 mg/kg of Glucantime® cor­

responds to 56 mg SbVkg.

a : n = 10 mice per group.

b : Treatment with 0.2 ml excipient per day for five days by the subcutaneous route.

Table II. - Effect of Ir-(COD)-pentamidine tetraphenylborate on the L. major CRY. 26/BALB/c mouse model compared with reference drugs.

Parasite, 2000, 7, 103-108

Memoire 105


Drug mg/kg/day

T r e a t m e n t

aDose (i.p.)


Stauber count x 1 0s (± SEM)

Percentage of parasites

Inhibition (mean)

Ir-(COD)-pentamidine t e t r a p h e n y l b o r a t e 232 x 5 147 x 5 5.13 ± 2.31 23

bPentacarinat® 87 x 1 147 x 1 / /

Glucantime® 200 x 5 546 x 5 0.02 ± 0.02 97

54 147 x 5 6.01 ± 1.04 10

c C o n t r o l / / 6.67 ± 1.33 0


T r e a t m e n t


mg/kg/day umol/kg/day

Stauber count x IO8 (± SEM)

Percentage of parasites

inhibition (mean)

Ir-(COD)-pentamidine t e t r a p h e n y l b o r a t e 120 x 5 (s.c.) 76 x 5 (s.c.) 1.50 ± 0.71 32

60 x 5 (s.c.) 38 x 5 (s.c.) 1.73 ± 0.94 22

Pentacarinat® 4 x 5 (i.v.) 6.7 x 5 (i.v.) 1.02 ± 0.72 54

bC o n t r o l / / 2.21 ± 1.33 0



Fig. 2. - Electron micrograph of sections of L. donovani LV9-infected liver of BALB/c mice three days after treatment with Ir-(COD)-pen- tamidine tetraphenylborate administered intraperitoneally at 50 mg pentamidine equivalent /kg/day x 5. Within these treated parasites, the most stricking features are:

a) a clear cytoplasm due to a depleted ribosomal material, a nuclear membrane convoluted and a kinetoplast presenting major alterations:

swollen mitochondrion, low electron density of probably depolymerized kDNA (x 15,000).

b) fragmentation of the kDNA in a deflated mitochondrion. In addition, the alterations already observed in Figure 2a can also be noted here (x 20.000).


T h e in vivo treatment with the Iridium c o m p l e x at 50 mg equivalent p e n t a m i d i n e / k g / d a y x 5 induced significant d a m a g e in a m a s t i g o t e s c o m p a r e d with controls treated with D M S O only. In the cytoplasm o f the parasite, many electron-lucent areas surrounded by aggregated ribosomes are observed. T h e peri-nuclear space (between the two nuclear membranes) is swollen.

T h e mitochondrion, deflated or swollen, appears amor­

phous and n o longer organized. T h e kinetoplast has b e c o m e less electron-dense and is sometimes disrupted into several fragments (Fig. 2a and 2b). Croft & Brazil ( 1 9 8 2 ) h a v e o b s e r v e d similar structural d a m a g e in L. m. amazonensis p r o m a s t i g o t e s and a m a s t i g o t e s treated with 10 pM o f pentamidine in vitro.



previous study has s h o w n that Iridium-(COD)- pentamidine tetraphenylborate enters and accu­

mulates within promastigotes ( M b o n g o et al, 1 9 9 8 ) . T h e apparent Km value w a s l o w e r than that o f p e n t a m i d i n e for the s a m e parasite strain (Basselin et al., 1 9 9 6 ) . T h u s , the apparent Km values o f Iridium- C O D - p e n t a m i d i n e tetraphenylborate and pentamidine


isethionate w e r e 17.4 pM and 7 3 pM, respectively and the apparent Vm w e r e 1.3 and 2 n m o l e s / m g protein per t w o hours, respectively ( M b o n g o et al, 1 9 9 8 ) . D a i g - m e t a l c o m p l e x e s are sensitive to pH and their structure can b e modified in the p r e s e n c e o f water (Van der V e e r & Reedijk, 1 9 8 8 ) . Several h y p o t h e s e s could explain the behavior o f Iridium-COD-pentamidine tetraphenylborate under acidic conditions o f extraction:

a) partial dissociation o f iridium c o m p l e x cation and tetraphenylborate anion; b) release o f ligands (i.e pen­

tamidine); c) formation o f a n e w c o m p l e x with hyper- chlorate anion (Fig. 3 ) . Considering the results obtained from HPLC experiments, w e c o n c l u d e d that the iridium


(a) [Ir2(COD)2(L)](BPh4)2 > [Ir2(COD)2(L)]2+ + 2(BPh4)-



(b) [Ir2(COD)2(L)](BPh4)2 > L + 2Ir + + 2 COD + 2(BPh4)-

2 ClOY

(c) [Ir2(COD)2(L)](BPh4)2 > [Ir2(COD)2(L)](C104)2 + 2H+ + 2(BPh4)- 2 H+

Fig. 3- - Hypothetical dissociation of Ir-COD-pentamidine tetraphe­

nylborate in acidic medium (HC104).

COD = 1,5 cyclooctadiene; L = pentamidine; Ph = C6H5.

Mémoire Parasite, 2000, 7, 103-108



c o m p l e x is taken u p b y the cells in its undissociated neutral form. This is consistent with the lipophilic pro­

perties o f tetraphenylborate w h i c h e n a b l e s the iridium c o m p l e x to cross the parasite m e m b r a n e s .

T h e s e previously obtained results ( M b o n g o etal., 1 9 9 8 ) suggest that the iridium c o m p l e x is relatively stable within the cells, p r o b a b l y b e c a u s e o f strong binding to intracellular c o m p o n e n t s such a s m a c r o m o l e c u l e s . Therefore, it could act as a carrier for pentamidine. T h e electron m i c r o s c o p y o f amastigotes reported in the pre­

sent study indicates an action o n several targets within the parasite: m e m b r a n e s , ribosomes and kDNA.

T h e undissociated neutral form o f the c o m p l e x c o u l d interact easily with m e m b r a n e s a n d t h e alterations o b s e r v e d b y e l e c t r o n m i c r o s c o p y confirm s u c h a n interaction.

W e h a v e previously c o m p a r e d t h e interaction o f pen­

tamidine a n d the iridium-complex with isolated ribo­

s o m e s . T h e o r g a n o m e t a l l i c c o m p l e x stabilised ribo­

s o m e s , w h e r e a s pentamidine h a d n o effect u n d e r t h e s a m e conditions. This difference b e t w e e n t h e b e h a ­ viour o f pentamidine and o f the iridium c o m p l e x is due to t h e distribution o f positives c h a r g e s a r o u n d t h e cation structure and their accessibility to anions groups o f n u c l e o p r o t e i n s . T h e iridium c o m p l e x is positively charged, thus it m a y interact m o r e strongly with o p p o ­ site c h a r g e s o f r i b o s o m e s than d o e s p e n t a m i d i n e . C h a n g e s in the cytoplasmic r i b o s o m e content o f drug treated- amastigotes in vivo a n d the effect o f iridium c o m p l e x o n stability in vitro w e r e not associated with a n y inhibition o f m a c r o m o l e c u l a r biosynthesis, indi­

cating that r i b o s o m e s are not t h e main target o f either the iridium c o m p l e x o r pentamidine.

As far as interactions with kDNA are c o n c e r n e d , they w e r e similar to t h o s e o b s e r v e d with p e n t a m i d i n e , w h i c h interacts with the AT b a s e s o f kDNA in Kine- toplastida ( B e l l et al., 1 9 9 0 ) .

D e s p i t e its toxicity, pentamidine remains a m o l e c u l e o f great interest for curing early stages o f African try­

p a n o s o m i a s i s , antimonial-refractory leishmaniasis a n d p n e u m o c y s t o s i s ( S a n d s et al, 1 9 8 5 ) . T h u s , n e w , less toxic, p e n t a m i d i n e derivatives w o u l d b e valuable in antiparasitic c h e m o t h e r a p y . Since organometallic c o m ­ p l e x e s h a v e previously s h o w n activity against L. dono- vanipromastigotes (Mesa-Valle et al, 1 9 8 9 ) a n d amas­

tigotes (Croft et al, 1992), the combination o f a metallic- structure with t h e p e n t a m i d i n e m o l e c u l e a p p e a r e d promising. In vitro, o n the both Leishmania strains eva­

luated, the advantage o f the iridium c o m p l e x c o m p a r e d with p e n t a m i d i n e c o u l d not b e e s t a b l i s h e d as clearly as in the case o f the trypanosomes ( M b o n g o etal, 1997,

1998; Loiseau et al, 1 9 9 2 ) .

Although its activity in vivo in m i c e is not strong e n o u g h , t h e iridium c o m p l e x is less toxic than penta­

midine isethionate. T h e relative selectivity o f these

c o m p o u n d s towards parasite cells remains to b e inves­

tigated. P h a r m a c o k i n e t i c data carried out in s h e e p h a v e s h o w n that after a single d o s e , the c o m p o u n d w a s eliminated slowly from the b l o o d (Loiseau et al, 1 9 9 7 ) . Further studies will b e undertaken, for e x a m p l e encapsulation in nanoparticles a b l e to c o n c e n t r a t e the active principle in the reticulo-endothelial system since previous encapsulation strategies w e r e successful for pentamidine ( D u r a n d et al, 1997; Fusai et al, 1 9 9 7 ) .


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