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Optimization: A Journal ofMathematical Programming andOperations Research


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Optimization: A Journal of

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Long-time behaviour for a model of porous-medium equations with variable coefficients

Tran Dinh Ke a & Ngai-Ching Wong b

a Department of Mathematics, Hanoi National University of Education, 136 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam

b Department of Applied Mathematics, National Sun Yat-sen University, Kaohsiung 804, Taiwan

Version of record first published: 13 Aug 2010.

To cite this article: Tran Dinh Ke & Ngai-Ching Wong (2011): Long-time behaviour for a model of porous-medium equations with variable coefficients, Optimization: A Journal of Mathematical Programming and Operations Research, 60:6, 709-724

To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/02331934.2010.505963


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Vol. 60, No. 6, June 2011, 709–724

Long-time behaviour for a model of porous-medium equations with variable coefficients

Tran Dinh Keaand Ngai-Ching Wongb*

aDepartment of Mathematics, Hanoi National University of Education, 136 Xuan Thuy, Cau Giay, Hanoi, Vietnam;bDepartment of Applied Mathematics, National Sun Yat-sen

University, Kaohsiung 804, Taiwan

(Received 10 November 2009; final version received 19 April 2010) By analysing the uniform attractor for multi-valued processes, we study the long-time behaviour of the solutions of a model of non-autonomous porous-medium equations. The result is obtained by using the a priori estimates and suitable compactness arguments.

Keywords: porous-medium equations; degenerate parabolic equations;

non-autonomous; uniform attractors

AMS Subject Classifications: 35B40; 35B41; 35B45; 35D05

1. Introduction

Letbe a bounded domain inRN(N52) with a smooth boundary@. We consider the following problem


@tdivððxÞr’ðuÞÞ þfðt,uÞ ¼gðx,tÞ, x2, t4, ð1:1Þ

uj ¼uðxÞ, x2, ð1:2Þ

uj@¼0, ð1:3Þ

where2R, and the functions,’,fandgsatisfy some conditions specified later.

The equation of type (1.1) represents the motion of gas through a porous medium whereu(x,t) stands for the gas density. The original model was established by the mass conservation law as follows. LetV be the velocity. Then

utþdivðuVÞ ¼fðuÞ, ð1:4Þ

where f(u) models the effects of reaction or absorption. In the case of a non-homogeneous medium, V ¼ (x)rP(u). Here, P is the pressure and is a given function.

*Corresponding author. Email: wong@math.nsysu.edu.tw

ISSN 0233–1934 print/ISSN 1029–4945 online ß2011 Taylor & Francis

DOI: 10.1080/02331934.2010.505963 http://www.informaworld.com

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There are literature works with different views on this type of equation. In many works, it is usually assumed that P(u)¼um with and mas constants and then Equation (1.4) assumes the form

ut m

mþ1divððxÞru1þmÞ ¼fðuÞ:

For a systematic investigation in the case of¼1, we refer the readers to [23]. In addition, for the problem withf¼0, there are several studies in the situation when m! þ1, in relation to the Hele–Shaw problem. See [3–5,10,12] and related works.

Recently, many works have been carried out for the problem with variants of nonlinearityf. Let us introduce some relevant studies in [7,15,19], among others. For more generalized equations, when m is a variable exponent, see [2,20]. Using an approach similar to that in [1], we study, in this article problem (1.1)–(1.3) when the derivative’0is a generalization of homogeneous function,may have zeros at some points inand the nonlinearity offhas the form of a power without upper bound.

Precisely, we assume that

(H1) The function ’2C1(R) and satisfies mjujp24’0(u)4Mjujp2, where m,M40 and p42.

(H2) 2L1locðÞsuch that lim infx!zjxzj(x)40 for some2(0, 2) and for everyz2.

(H3) f:RR!R is a continuous function and jf(t,u)j4Cf(jujq1þ1) for Cf40,q5pand for all t2R.

(H4) There existsMf40 such thatf(u)u5Mf(jujq1).

For the external forceg, we impose a restriction that (H5) The functiong2L2locðR;L2ðÞÞand satisfies

kgk2L2 b



Ztþ1 t


The class of functions satisfying (H1) includes the functions such that their derivatives are homogeneous of order p2, ’0(u)¼ jujp2 and some generalized forms, such as’0(u)¼ jujp2(u) where(u) is bounded,m4(u)4Mfor allu2R. Hypothesis (H2) is motivated by the work [6] in which a semi-linear elliptic problem was studied. It ensures that has at most finite zeros in . In various processes,(x) jxj. It is worth noting that the degeneracy made byprevents us from using the regularization method as in [2] to get the existence result. Moreover, since q has no upper bounds, we may have a set of solutions to (1.1)–(1.3) corresponding to each initial datum from the phase space. That makes our problem, in general, generating a multi-valued process (MVP). The aim of our work is to prove the existence result for (1.1)–(1.3) and study the asymptotic behaviour of solutions over a large amount of time. To this end, we employ the notion of uniform attractors for MVPs, with respect to the symbol (f,g). For the analysis details, see [13,17,18]

and a similar approach in [8]. This framework can be seen as an extension for the theory of global attractors which was developed in [9,11,21].

In order to study the problem (1.1)–(1.3), we introduce some weighted Sobolev spaces. ByD1,20 ð,Þwe denote the closure ofC01ðÞwith respect to the norm


0 ð,Þ¼


ðxÞjrvj2 12

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and letVbe the space of all functionsw2Lp() satisfying w@¼0 and @




2LpðÞ; i¼1,. . ., ,N, ð1:5Þ equipped with the norm

kwkV¼ Z


: ð1:6Þ


aðu,Þ ¼ Z

ðxÞr’ðuÞr, for2V, ð1:7Þ one can write

aðu,Þ ¼ Z

’ðuÞdivðrÞ, ð1:8Þ

aðu,uÞ ¼ Z

ðxÞ’0ðuÞjruj2: ð1:9Þ One observes from (H1) that j’(u)j4jujp1þ j’(0)j, and a(u,) is well-defined if u2Lp() and2V.


ðuÞ ¼ Zu




p ds ð1:10Þ

for u2R, it is obvious that is an increasing function. Furthermore, it follows from (H1) that


p jujp24jðuÞj4 ffiffiffiffiffi M p

jujp2: ð1:11Þ

From (1.9) and (1.10), we have aðu,uÞ ¼


ðxÞjrðuÞj2: ð1:12Þ Definition 1.1 We say that a function u(x,t) is a weak solution of (1.1)–(1.3) in Q,T¼[,T] if and only if

u2LqðQ,TÞ \Cð½,T;L2ðÞÞ, ðuÞ 2 D1,20 ð,Þ,


@t2Lp0ð,T;V0Þ þLq0ðQ,TÞ, uj¼u a.e. in,



aðu,Þdt¼ Z


gðx,tÞ fðt,uÞ @u


dxdt ð1:13Þ for every test functions2Lp(,T;V)\Lq(Q,T).

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Equation (1.1) can be seen as an equation in Lp0(,T;V0)þLq0(Q,T). HereV0is the dual space ofV;p0andq0are the conjugate exponents ofpandq, respectively. In this definition, we assume that ðuÞ 2 D1,20 ð,Þ since we need the definiteness of a(u,u), which is important for our arguments in Section 2.

We first show some compactness results for our purposes in Section 2. In the last section, we state and prove the main results.

2. Preliminaries

We recall the results of Caldiroli and Musina [6] related to the spaceD1,20 ð,Þ.

PROPOSITION 2.1 Assume that is a bounded domain inRN,N52,and satisfies (H2).Then the following embeddings hold:

(i) D1,20 ð,Þ,!L2ðÞcontinuously,

(ii) D1,20 ð,Þ,!LrðÞcompactly if r2 ½1, 2Þ, where2¼N2þ2N .

By Proposition 2.1, kkVin (1.6) is the well-defined norm. Indeed, it suffices to check that ifkwkV¼0 thenw¼0. Forw2V, we have


wdivðrwÞ ¼ Z

jrwj2 ¼ kwk2D1,2

0 ð,Þ5Ce1kwk2L2ðÞ: In addition


wdivðrwÞ4kwkL2ðÞkdivðrwÞkL2ðÞ 4Ce2kwkL2ðÞkdivðrwÞkLpðÞ

for someCe1,Ce240. Thus


Ce2kwkL2ðÞ: The following is the important tools for our arguments.

PROPOSITION 2.2 Let {vn}be a sequence such that a(vn,vn)4C,for some C40,and for all n2N.Then{vn}is precompact in Lp().

Proof From (1.12), we have

aðvn,vnÞ ¼ Z


Then we observe that the sequence {(vn)} is bounded inD1,20 ð,Þ. By Proposition 2.1, {(vn)} is precompact inL () for all satisfying 15 52and then(vn)! strongly in L (), by replacing with a subsequence if necessary. This ensures that (vn)!a.e. in. In addition, by the boundedness of {(vn)} inL () and (1.11), we see that {vn} is bounded in Lp 2ðÞ. It follows that vn*v in Lp 2ðÞ. By the monotonicity of, we deduce that vn!1()¼va.e. in.

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For any 40, by Egorov’s theorem, there exists a subset E with measure jEj5, such thatvn!vuniformly in\E. Taking r5p 2, we have


jvnvjr¼ Z


jvnvjrþ Z



4 Z


jvnvjrþ Z


jvnvjp 2

1, with¼2r p :

The last inequality shows that vn!v strongly in Lr(). Choosing such that 25 52 and then takingr¼p, we get the conclusion. g The next two propositions can be proved by using the arguments as in [16, Section 12, Chapter 1] with some slight modifications. In what follows, we denote by V¼V0þLq0().

PROPOSITION 2.3 For any40,there exists C40such that kuvkpLpðÞ4½aðu,uÞ þaðv,vÞ þCkuvkpV

for all u,v2S¼ fwðwÞ 2 D1,20 ð,Þg.

Proof Assume on contrary that there exist 040 and two sequences un,vn2S such that

kunvnkpLpðÞ40½aðun,unÞ þaðvn,vnÞ þnkunvnkpV: Putting

eun ¼ un

½aðun,unÞ þaðvn,vnÞ1p

, evn¼ vn

½aðun,unÞ þaðvn,vnÞ1p , we have

keunevnkpLpðÞ40þnkeunevnkpV: ð2:1Þ Noting that

aðtu,tuÞ ¼ jtj2 Z

ðxÞ’0ðtuÞjruj24Mjtjp Z

ðxÞjujp2jruj2 4M

mjtjpaðu,uÞ for allt2R, we get


m, aðevn,evnÞ4M m:

Therefore, by Proposition 2.2, there exist two subsequenceseunm andevnm such that eunm!eu, evnm!ev strongly inLpðÞ:

Since p42 and VLp(), it follows that Lp()Lp0()V0. Moreover, since q5p, one has Lp()Lp0()Lq0(). This implies that Lp()V. By (2.1) we have keuevkV¼0, and thereforeeu¼ev. Then keuevkLpðÞ ¼0, which

contradicts (2.1). g

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PROPOSITION 2.4 Assume that RT

aðunðtÞ,unðtÞÞdt4C and dun

dt is bounded in Lp0(,T;V0)þLq0(Q,T).Then{un}is precompact in Lp(Q,T).

Proof From Proposition 2.3, we have ZT

kunþ‘unkpLpðÞ4 ZT

½aðunþ‘,unþ‘Þ þaðun,unÞ þC


kunþ‘unkpV: Hence it suffices to show that the sequence {un} contains a subsequence, which is a Cauchy sequence inLp(,T;V).

We will prove a stronger claim: There exists a subsequenceusuch that u!u in Cð½,T;VÞ: ð2:2Þ By the hypotheses, there exists a set Z[,T] with measurejZj ¼0 such that, for t2[,T]\Z,


Hence for anyt2=Z, there exists a subsequence (dependent oft) such that

ukðtÞ !uðtÞ strongly inV: ð2:3Þ Now let {t1,t2,. . .} be a sequence which is dense in [,T], andti2=Z. Using (2.3) and a diagonal procedure, we can extract a subsequenceusuch that

uðtiÞ !uðtiÞstrongly in V for alli: ð2:4Þ Noting thatLp0(,T;V0)þLq0(Q,T)Lq0(,T;V), for all t2[,T], we have

kuðtiÞ uðtÞkV ¼



u0ðsÞds V

4 Zti


ku0ðsÞkqV0ds q10

jtitj1q4Cjtitj1q: Then

kuþrðtÞ uðtÞkV4kuþrðtÞ uþrðtiÞkV

þ kuþrðtiÞ uðtiÞkVþ kuðtiÞ uðtÞkV, 4kuþrðtiÞ uðtiÞkVþ2Cjtitj1q

for all t2[,T]. By the density of {ti} in [,T], it follows that {u} is a Cauchy sequence inVuniformly int2[,T]. The proof is complete. g We use the next proposition, which makes the initial condition in problem (1.1)–(1.3) meaningful.

PROPOSITION 2.5 If u2Lp(,T;V)\Lq(Q,T)anddu

dt 2Lp0ð,T;V0Þ þLq0ðQ,TÞthen u2C([,T];L2()).

For the proof, we refer the readers to [14].

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3. Main results

3.1. Existence of a global solution

THEOREM 3.1 Under the assumptions(H1)–(H5), the problem(1.1)–(1.3)has at least one weak solution for each u2L2().

Proof Consider the approximating solutionun(t) in the form unðtÞ ¼Xn



wherefejg1j¼1is a basis ofD1,20 ð,Þ \LpðÞ, which is orthogonal inL2(). We getun

from solving the problem dun

dt ,ek

¼ hAun,eki hfðunÞ,eki þ hg,eki, ðunðÞ,ekÞ ¼ ðu,ekÞ,


Sincef,’02C(R), the Peano theorem ensures the local existence of un. We now establish somea prioriestimates forun. We have

1 2


dtkunk2L2ðÞþaðun,unÞ þ Z

fðunÞun¼ Z

gun: Using hypothesis (H4) and the Cauchy inequality, we get

1 2


dtkunk2L2ðÞþaðun,unÞ þMf


junjq 4Mfjj þ1


2kunk2L2ðÞ: ð3:1Þ It follows that


dtkunk2L2ðÞ4kunk2L2ðÞþ kgk2L2ðÞþ2Mfjj:




Integrating the last inequality from tot, we get kunðtÞk2L2ðÞ4etkunðÞk2L2ðÞþ


etskgð,sÞk2L2ðÞdsþ2Mfðet1Þ 4etkunðÞk2L2ðÞþ2Mfjjðet

þ Zþ1

etskgð,sÞk2L2ðÞdsþ Z þ2



4etkunðÞk2L2ðÞþ2Mfjjðet1Þ þetð1þe1þe2þ Þkgk2L2 b

4etkunðÞk2L2ðÞþ2Mfjjðet1Þ þ et

1e1kgk2L2 b


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This allows us to state that {un} is bounded inL1(,T;L2()), thanks to the fact that kun()kL2()4kukL2(). Integrating (3.1) on [,T], we have

kunðtÞk2L2ðÞþ2 Z T


4kunðÞkL2ðÞþ Z T

kgð,sÞk2L2ðÞdsþ kunk2L2ðQ,TÞþ2MfjjðTÞ:

The last inequality implies that

fungis bounded inLqðQ,TÞ, ð3:2Þ ZT


is bounded: ð3:3Þ

Taking (H3) into account, we get the estimate Z


jfðunÞjq04 Z


Cð1þ junjq1Þq04 Z


Cð1þ junjqÞ:

Then {f(un)} is bounded inLq0(Q,T) and

fðunÞ* inLq0ðQ,TÞ: ð3:4Þ On the other hand, we rewrite the equation as


dt ¼aðun,Þ fðt,unÞ þgðx,tÞ and implement the following estimates:


aðun,vÞdt ¼


dt Z

’ðunÞdivððxÞrvÞ 4


dt Z

ðjunjp1þ j’ð0ÞjÞjdivðrvÞj 4C



p p0

LpðÞþ1 kvkVdt 4C


p p0


kvkLpð,T;VÞ, jhfðunÞ,vij4kfðunÞkLq0

ðQ,TÞkvkLqðQ,TÞ, jhg,vij4kgkLq0


for all v2Lp(,T;V)\Lq(Q,T). Then it follows that dun

dt is bounded in Lp0(,T;V0)þLq0(Q,T). Combining this with (3.3) and using Proposition 2.4 we conclude that {un} is precompact inLp(Q,T). Hence we can assume that

. un!ustrongly in Lp(Q,T), . un!ua.e. in Q,T.

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Sincef2C(R), it follows thatf(un)!f(u) a.e. in Q,T. Thanks to (3.4), one has fðunÞ*fðuÞ weakly inLq0ðQ,TÞ: ð3:5Þ Analogously, since {un} is bounded inLp(Q,T), one can see that {’(un)} is bounded inLp0(Q,T)Lp0(0,T;V0). Therefore’(un)*weakly inLp0(0,T;V0). Putting this together with the fact that’(un)!’(u) a.e inQ,T, we have’(un)*’(u)¼weakly inLp0(0,T;V0).

Finally, passing to the limit asn! 1in the relation ZT

hun0,vi þ Z T

dt Z

’ðunÞdivðrvÞ þ ZT

dt Z

fðunÞv¼ ZT

dt Z


forv2Lp(,T;V)\Lq(Q,T), and using Proposition 2.5 we conclude thatuis a weak

solution of (1.1)–(1.3). g

3.2. Existence of the uniform attractor

Let us recall some definitions and related results. The pair of functions (f(s,), g(,s))¼(s) is called a symbol of (1.1). We consider (1.1) with a family of symbols including the shifted forms (sþh)¼(f(sþh,), g(,sþh)) and the limits of some sequence {(sþhn)}n2Nin an appropriate topological space. The family of such symbols is said to be the hull ofin and is denoted byH(), i.e.

HðÞ ¼clfðsþhÞh2Rg:

If the hullH() is a compact set in, we say that istranslation compactin . Let E be a Banach space (which in our case will be L2()), Rd¼{(t,)2 R2jt5} andP(E)¼{BEjB6¼ ;}. Assume that is a subspace of.

Definition 3.1 A family of mappings {U:RdE! P(E)}2is called an MVP if there exists a continuous group {T(h) :!}h2R such that for all 2, x2E we have

(1) U(,,x)¼x, for all2R;

(2) U(t,,x)U(t,s,U(s,, x)) for allt5s5;

(3) U(tþh,þh,x)UT(h)(t,,x) for all (t,)2Rd,h2R. Denote by

Cq¼ f 2CðR;RÞ:j ðuÞj4C ð1þ jujq1ÞforC 40g, k kCq ¼sup


j ðuÞj 1þ jujq1:

ThenCqis a Banach space. We say thatfn!fin the spaceC(R;Cq) if

n!þ1lim sup


kfnðs,Þ fðs,ÞkCq¼0 for allt2R,r40.

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Let f02CðR;CqÞ, g02L2,wlocðR;L2ðÞÞand

Hðf0Þ ¼clR;CqÞff0ðsþhÞ jh2Rg, Hðg0Þ ¼clL2,w

locðR;L2ðÞÞfg0ðsþhÞ jh2Rg,

where the topology in L2,wlocðR;L2ðÞÞ is equipped by local weak convergence, i.e.

gn!g inL2,wlocðR;L2ðÞÞif

n!þ1lim Ztþr



ðgnðx,sÞ gðx,sÞÞðx,sÞdxds¼0 for allt2R,r40 and2L2(Qt,tþr).

Let us take¼ H(f0) H(g0). For each¼(f,g)2, we define Uðt,,vÞ ¼ fu¼uðtÞ juis the solution of (1.1)(1.3), uðÞ ¼vg:

Then {U}2is an MVP with respect to the translation groupT(h)¼( þh) by the arguments in [22]. In addition,Uis a strict MVP, that isU(t,,x)¼U(t,s,U(s,,x)) for allt5s5.

Denote by

Uðt,,vÞ ¼[


Uðt,,vÞ andBR¼B(0,R), the ball inEcentred at 0 with radiusR.

Definition 3.2 The set AE is called a uniform attractor of MVP {U}2 if A6¼Eand

(1) Ais a uniformly attracting set, that is, for anyR40, for all2R, distðUðt,,BRÞ,AÞ !0 ast! þ1;

(2) A is a minimal uniformly attracting set, that is, if is a uniformly attracting set thenAclE.

Here the notation dist(A,B):¼supa2Ainfb2BkabkE, that is the Hausdorff semi-distance between two sets inE.

We use the following theorem as a sufficient condition for the existence of a uniform attractor described above. For a proof, see [18].

THEOREM 3.2 If the family of MVP{U}2satisfies the following conditions (1) there exists R040 such that, for all R40, dist(U(t, 0,BR),BR0)!0 as

t! þ1,

(2) for all R40 and{tnjtn%þ1}, {njn2U(tn, 0,BR)}is precompact in E, then{U}2has a uniform attractor

A¼ \




Uðt, 0,BR0þ1Þ, which is compact in E.

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In order to deal with a uniform attractor, with respect to the family of symbols, one usually requires the translation compact property. Let us recall some discussions on this requirement. It is known that the hypothesis (H5) ensures thatgis translation compact inL2,wlocðR;L2ðÞÞ, (see [8] for details). In addition, the following statement gives a sufficient condition for the translation compact property inC(R;Cq).

PROPOSITION3.3 [8] The function f2C(R; Cq)is translation compact if, and only if, for all R40 one has

(1) jf(t,v)j4C(R)for all t2R,v2[R,R],

(2) jf(t1,v1)f(t2,v2)j4(jt1t2j þ jv1v2j,R)for all t1,t22R;v1,v22[R,R].

Here C(R)40 and(s,R)!0as s!0þ.

It is easy to see that, iff2C1(R2;R) such thatjf(t,v)j4C(R), @f@vðt,vÞ4CðRÞ and @f

@tðt,vÞ4CðRÞ for all t2R and for all v2[R,R] then the hypotheses in Proposition 3.3 are satisfied. For instance, the function f(t,u)¼ jujq2u arctan t is well-checked.

From now on, we suppose that fis translation compact. Together with the fact thatg is translation compact inL2,wlocðR;L2ðÞÞ, one has that is a compact set in CðR;CqÞ L2,wlocðR;L2ðÞÞ. Then it follows from [8] thatT(h) :!is continuous andT(h)for allh2R.

We need the following lemma to prove the dissipative property of MVP.

LEMMA 3.4 If u(t)is a weak solution of(1.1)–(1.3) then

kuðtÞk2L2ðÞ4eðtÞkuk2L2ðÞþM0ð1eðtÞÞ þ kgk2L2


1e1, where M0¼M0(q,jj,Mf)40.

Proof From (1.1), using (H4) and Cauchy inequality, we have d

dtkuðtÞk2L2ðÞþ2aðu,uÞ þ2MfkukqLqðÞ

42Mfjj þ kuðtÞk2L2ðÞþ kgðtÞk2L2ðÞ: ð3:6Þ Sinceq42, using Young’s inequality, one has

2kuðtÞk2L2ðÞ4CkuðtÞk2LqðÞ42MfkuðtÞkqLqðÞþMq, whereMq40. Putting this into (3.6), we obtain


dtkuðtÞk2L2ðÞþ kuðtÞk2L2ðÞ42Mfjj þMqþ kgðtÞk2L2ðÞ: Then


dtðetkuðtÞk2L2ðÞÞ4etð2Mfjj þMqÞ þetkgðtÞk2L2ðÞ:

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Taking integration over [,t], we arrive at

kuðtÞk2L2ðÞ4eðtÞkunk2L2ðÞþ ð1eðtÞÞð2Mfjj þMqÞ þ



4eðtÞkunk2L2ðÞþ ð1eðtÞÞð2Mfjj þMqÞ þ

Zt t1

eðtsÞkgðsÞk2L2ðÞdsþ Z t1


eðtsÞkgðsÞk2L2ðÞdsþ 4eðtÞkunk2L2ðÞþ ð1eðtÞÞð2Mfjj þMqÞ

þ ð1þe1þe2þ Þsup



4eðtÞkunk2L2ðÞþ ð1eðtÞÞð2Mfjj þMqÞ þ kgk2L2



So we complete the proof. g

LEMMA 3.5 Let the hypotheses(H1)–(H5)hold.Assume that{un}n2Nis a sequence of weak solutions of (1.1)–(1.3) with respect to the sequence of symbols {n}n2,n2N

such that

(1) un()*u in L2(), (2) n! in,

then there exists a solution u of (1.1)–(1.3) with respect to the symbol such that u()¼u and un(t)!u(t)in L2()for any t4.

Proof We will adapt the technique as in [13,22] to prove this statement. Let n¼(fn,gn). Sincefsatisfies (H3)–(H4) for allt2R andfn2 H(f), one sees thatfn, n2N also satisfies (H3)–(H4) with the same constants Cf and Mf. From (1.1), we have


dtkunðtÞk2L2ðÞþaðun,unÞ þ2MfkunkqLqðÞ

42Mfjj þ kgnðtÞk2L2ðÞþ kunðtÞk2L2ðÞ

for allt4. Using the same arguments as in the proof of Lemma 3.4, we have kunðtÞk2L2ðÞ4eðtÞkunðÞk2L2ðÞþM0ð1eðtÞÞ þ 1

1e1kgnk2L2 b

: Since {un()} is bounded and kgnk2L2


4kgk2L2 b

, we have {un} is bounded in L1(0,T;L2()) for givenT4. In particular,

unðtÞ*uðtÞ inL2ðÞfor eacht2 ½,T ð3:7Þ up to a subsequence. Now using the arguments as in the proof of Theorem 3.1, we have

. RT

aðun,unÞdtis bounded, . {un} is bounded inLq(Q,T),

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. {fn(un)} is bounded inLq0(Q,T),

. fun0g is bounded inLp0(,T;V0)þLq0(Q,T).

Using Proposition 2.4, one gets that {un} is precompact in Lp(Q,T) and then, by replacing {un} with a subsequence if necessary, we have

. un!ua.e in Q,T,

. ’(un)*’(u) inLp0(,T;V0), . un0*u0in Lp0(,T;V0)þLq0(Q,T).

Let n !¼ ðf,gÞ in. In order to prove that u is a weak solution of (1.1)–(1.3) with respect to the symbol, we need to pass to the limit in following relation:


hun0,vi þ ZT

dt Z

’ðunÞdivðrvÞ þ Z T

dt Z

fnðunÞv¼ Z T

dt Z

gnv forv2Lp(,T;V)\Lq(Q,T). Sincegn*ginL2(,T;L2()), it remains to prove that fnðunÞ*fðuÞ inLq0(Q,T). We have the stronger claim, that isfnðunÞ !fðuÞ strongly inLq0(Q,T). Indeed,



jfnðt,unÞ fðt, uÞjq0dxdt42q0 ZT


jfðt,unÞ fðt,uÞjq0dxdt þ2q0



jfnðt,unÞ fðt, unÞjq0

ð1þ junjq1Þq0 ð1þ junjq1Þq0dxdt 42q0



jfðt,unÞ fðt,uÞjq0dxdt þ

4 sup


jfnfjCq q0Z T


ð1þ junjqÞdxdt:

Then the boundedness of {un} in Lq(Q,T) and the continuity of fguarantee our claim. In addition, by Proposition 2.5, we getu2C([,T]; L2()). Then the initial condition makes sense.

We are in a position to show thatun(t)!u(t) inL2() for anyt4. Taking into account of (3.7), we have to check thatkun(t)kL2()! ku(t)kL2()inR.

Let us denote

JnðtÞ ¼ kunðtÞk2L2ðÞ2 Zt

ðgnðsÞ,unðsÞÞL2ðÞdtMjjðtÞ, JðtÞ ¼ kuðtÞk2L2ðÞ2



for someM40. ThenJn,J2C([,T];R). Arguing as in the proof of Lemma 3.4,un

satisfies the estimate d

dtkunðtÞk2L2ðÞ4Mjj þ2ðgnðtÞ,unðtÞÞL2ðÞ,

and the same estimate is valid foru. Hence,JnandJare decreasing on [,T]. We first show that

JnðtÞ !JðtÞfor a.e.t2 ½,T: ð3:8Þ

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JnðtÞ JðtÞ

4kunðtÞk2L2ðÞ kuðtÞk2L2ðÞbigj þ2 Zt

ðgn,unÞL2ðÞ ðg,uÞL2ðÞdt 4kunðtÞ uðtÞkL2ðÞðkunðtÞkL2ðÞþ kuðtÞkL2ðÞÞ

þ2 Zt

ðgn,unL2ðÞdt þ2

Z t

ðgng,uÞL2ðÞdt : Moreover, one has



as n! 1 since un!u strongly in L2(Q,t) and {gn} is bounded in L2(Q,t). In addition



as n! 1 since gn*g in L2(Q,t). Then (3.8) is proved due to the fact that un(t)!u(t) inL2() for a.e.t2(,T).

Suppose that {tm} is an increasing sequence in [,T] such thattm!tasm! 1.


. Jn(tm)!Jn(t) asm! 1, . Jn(tm)!J(tm) asn! 1.

So for40, we have eventually

JnðtÞ JðtÞ4JnðtmÞ JðtÞ ¼JnðtmÞ JðtmÞ þJðtmÞ JðtÞ5":

Similarly,J(t)Jn(t)5". ThereforeJn(t)!J(t) and then

kunðtÞkL2ðÞ! kuðtÞkL2ðÞ asn! 1: g The following theorem is the main result in this section.

THEOREM 3.6 Under the hypotheses(H1)–(H5),the MVP{U}2generated by the problem(1.1)–(1.3) possesses a uniform attractor which is a compact set in L2().

Proof Note that each symbol n¼(fn, gn)2 satisfies the same conditions as in (H3)–(H5). Furthermore, sincegn2 H(g), we havekgnkL2


b. Hence it follows from Lemma 3.4 that, if unis the weak solution of (1.1)–(1.3) with respect to the symboln, one has

kunðtÞk2L2ðÞ4eðtÞkunðÞk2L2ðÞþM0ð1eðtÞÞ þ kgk2L2



The last inequality ensures that, ifun()2BRthen there existsT0¼T0(,R) such that unðtÞ 2BR0, for allt5T0,

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R0¼2M0þ kgk2L2



That is U(t, , BR)BR0 for all t5T0(,R). This fulfils the first condition in Theorem 3.2. We now verify the second condition.

Lettn%þ1andn2U(tn, 0,BR). Then there exists a sequence of solutions {un} of (1.1)–(1.3) with respect to the sequence of symbols {n} such thatn¼un(tn). For givent40, we have

Unðtn, 0,BRÞ ¼Unðtþtnt, 0,BRÞ

Unðtþtnt,tnt,Unðtnt, 0,BRÞÞ Unðtþtnt,tnt,BR0Þ

fortn5T0þt. Hence

Unðtn, 0,BRÞ UTðtntÞnðt, 0,BR0Þ:

Nown2Unðt, 0,BR0Þwheren ¼TðtntÞn2. That is,n¼vn(t) wherevn

is the weak solution of (1.1)–(1.3) with respect to the symbol n. Suppose that n!in. By Lemma 3.5, there exists a solutionvof (1.1)–(1.3) with respect to the symbol, such thatn¼vn(t)!v(t) inL2() and thus the proof completes. g


This work is supported in part by Taiwan NSC grant (NSC96-2115-M-110-004-MY3).


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