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HAL Id: jpa-00224607


Submitted on 1 Jan 1985

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L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.


A. Zelenskii, S. Kokhanovskii, V. Lobashev, V. Polushkin

To cite this version:

A. Zelenskii, S. Kokhanovskii, V. Lobashev, V. Polushkin. LASER SOURCE OF POLARIZED PRO- TONS. Journal de Physique Colloques, 1985, 46 (C2), pp.C2-699-C2-701. �10.1051/jphyscol:1985288�.




Colloque C2, supplément au n°2, Tome <f6, février 1985 page C2-699


A.N. Z e l e n s k i i , S.A. Kokhanovskii, V.M. Lobashev and V.G. P o l u s h k i n Institute for Nuclear Research, Academy of Sciences of the USSR, Moscow, U.S.S.R.

Heaume - Dana cet article sont présentes des résultats du développement de la source laser des protons polarisés.

Actuellement dans cette source on a obtenu 200 uA l'inten- sité' du faisceau des protons polarises avec la polarisa- tion 65±5ff.

Abstraot - She results of the development of a laser source of polarized protons are presented. Today in this source 200 M.A pulse intensity of polarized protons is obtained with polarization (>5±5%.

The new type of polarized protons source has been developed for Moscow Meson Factory. At this linear accelerator there is * fea- sibility of the simultaneous acceleration of protons and negative hydrogen ions H~. The laser source of polarized ions, which uses a charge-exchange reaction between a proton beam and electron spin polarized sodium atoms, should give rise to the increase of the polarized beam current in some mA range, and ST intensity up to 0.1 mA /1,2,3/.

likil aJ_5j M xJ iTUje/


—1 1

Pig.1 - Schematic layout of the laser source of polarized protonst 1,2,3 - source of neutral atoms; 4,8 - pulsed solenoids; 5,9 - helium ionizing cells; 6,11 - M a cells; 7 - deflecting plates;

12 - spin filter; 13 - H(2S) detecting system; 14 - Paradey cup;

15 - bending magnet; 16 - laser system.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyscol:1985288



!&e main f e a t u r e of the device i a the u t i l i s a t i o n of an intenae eource of neutral atoma and an auxiliary ionizing helium c e l l (Fig.1). The c e l l i a put i n t o the magnetlc f i e l d of the solenoid together with the c e l l of oriented aodium vapours. So the &if- f i c u l t y of the emittance growth is ovemome. I n t h i e aaae the Snput and output beema are In neutral a t a t e and no emittancre growth i a induced by the solenoid eage f i e l d . !l%e proton y i e l d

is 80% f o r helium. m e protona produced i n the c e l l are retarged by 1 kV potential applied t o the g r i d electrodes. Ehis i a made

t o r e j e c t a non-polwized proton beam which i s formed from neut- rals passing through the f i r a t c e l l without ionization by energy aeparatlon and by deflection t o a diaphragm in a bending magnet.

The protons produced i n the c e l l pick up polarized electrone from m d i u a$oma in the e e l l . Eleotron spine of Bia atoma beoome polwised when atoms are o p t i o d l y oriented by o i r c u l a r l y pola- r i s e d emieaion of a flaah-lamp-pumped dye l a s e r tuned at the wavelength 5896 A which eomceaponds t o the t r a n a i t i o n 35 - 32.

For measurezmnt of the eodium repin e l e c t r o n p o l a r i s a t i o n t h e method of analyaia of the spin-atatea of metastable hydrogen

atoma has been developed /3/. I n Fig.2 the dependence of pola- r i z a t i o n on the t a r g e t thiokneas i e ahom. Sinoe an e l e c t r o n transfered from odium t o hydrogen conaexves i t 8 apin direction, hydrogen atom8 produced by the charge-exchange are p o l w i s e d

along the electron ap-. !l!he deflecting p l a t e s are t o c l e a r out the charged p a r t i c l e a from the beam. Electron-spin polarization of hydrogen atoms i s transfered t o nuolear polarization by a Sona t r a n s i t i o n in a zero-oroeaing magnetic f i e l d . Ionization of atoma proceeds i n the second helium c e l l .

For proton polarisation meaeurement the charge-exchange of pro- tons Into metastable H(28) a t a t e a is used i n s eodium c e l l , me population of hyperf ine eublevels of H(2S) depends on proDon po1arieation.h analyaia of the epin e t a t e e d i a t r i b u t i o n of fi(2S) beam i a r e a l i s e d by means of transmission of t h e beam

through a epin f i l t e r and deteotion of the difference in a count r a t e of Lyman-d. detector which is connected with a v a r i a t i o n of the proton polarisation &Lrection./4,5/.


'Phedependence of proton current and polarisation on aodium

c e l l temperature is presented in PAg.2 ( B m 1 0 kff, 3-1 kO), A t

the tempera ure oopeponiling t o the eodiuen vapour density of

about 3-3015 atla. the sodium polarization i a 908, the proton

current is 200 PA. The h t e n a i t y of 7 key n e u t r a l beam paaaed

through the polarizer i s about 5 mA, i t was measured by the

ionizing of the beam i n the second helium c e l l . The s u b s t a n t i a l

Zosaes of polarized proton current occur i n a long gap between

the i o a l z e r and the bending magnet i n which the sodium polari-

meter is placed. The optimieation of the i n s t a l l a t i o n geometry

and the improvement of the n e u t r a l beam aource should %ncreaee

the current up t o 1 mA, !the values of proton polarization at

d i f f e r e n t magnetio f i e l d s have been measured. The polarisation

grows with inoreasing of B1 and achieves 65*5% at B1=lS kG.


Big.2r f - Spin electron eodium polarization a a function of .ell temperature; Solid line - Proton ourrent; 1 - Pmton



I I I I I I I I 1

I) f.0 2!o 7'

Pfg.3t Meaeured proton polarisation at different Jna&netie field8 in the eodfum oell.

1, L.W.Anderaon, - BUI, 167, 363 (1979)

2, A.Zelenakii, S.EokhoPavukii, - Proc. of the 1nt.Sylap. on Pola- rization Phenomena i n fUgh Energy Pbyeics, Dubna, USSR, Bovember

1981, Dub=* D l , 2-82-27, 1982, 9.234

3. A,Zelenekii et al, - Pie*mn Zh.Bkep.Teor.Fi8. 36.12, p.21 1982 4. 5. Y.Plie, L.Soroko, - hribory i te-a exep 3, p.44 619773

A. Zelenekil, S.gakb4uroveLii - m a . of the Int. Workshop on

Spin Phenomena in iUgh Energy Phyalee,Protvino, Ootober 1983,

SeWUkho~ 1981, pa39


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