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Conformation of liquid crystal side chain polymers in the smectic phase : models for anisotropic random walks


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Submitted on 1 Jan 1988

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Conformation of liquid crystal side chain polymers in the smectic phase : models for anisotropic random walks

Jens Rieger

To cite this version:

Jens Rieger. Conformation of liquid crystal side chain polymers in the smectic phase : models for anisotropic random walks. Journal de Physique, 1988, 49 (9), pp.1615-1625.

�10.1051/jphys:019880049090161500�. �jpa-00210842�


Conformation of liquid crystal side chain polymers in the smectic phase :

models for anisotropic random walks

Jens Rieger

Theoretische Physik, Universität des Saarlandes, 6600 Saarbrücken, F.R.G.

(Reçu le 3 mars 1988, accepté sous forme définitive le 26 mai 1988)



On propose trois modèles pour expliquer la dépendance en température de l’anisotropie du rayon de giration de polymères cristaux liquides à chaîne latérale dans leur phase smectique. Dans ces modèles, on suppose que la conformation du squelette dans les plans entre lamelles smectiques peut être décrite

respectivement comme une marche aléatoire, comme une marche sans recoupement, ou comme une

trajectoire directe. Dans chaque modèle, on permet des passages du polymère à travers les lamelles, en les

affectant d’un facteur de Boltzmann. Par rapport aux degrés de liberté du squelette dans les plans, les

situations extrêmes correspondent au premier et au troisième modèle. Tout autre modèle plus réaliste donne

une anisotropie intermédiaire entre celles de ces deux modèles. On montre que les résultats obtenus suivant

ces modèles diffèrent assez peu selon les propriétés à grande échelle des systèmes qui ont été étudiés en

diffusion aux petits angles. On discute également les effets de volume exclu, qui jettent un doute sur les

théories existantes, et les situations hors de l’équilibre thermodynamique, qui rendent difficile l’interprétation

des expériences réalisées jusqu’ici.



Three models are proposed in order to explain the observed temperature dependent anisotropy of

the radii of gyration of liquid crystal side chain polymers in the smectic phase. In these models it is assumed that the conformation of the backbone in the planes between the smectic lamellae can be described by a

random walk, by a self-avoiding walk, or by a straight path respectively. In each model crossings of the side chain polymer through the lamellae are allowed and weighted by a suitable Boltzmann-factor. The first and the third model are the extremes which may occur with respect to the degrees of freedom the backbone has in the

planes. Every other, probably more realistic, model will show an anisotropy intermediate between these two models. It is shown that the results derived with the use of these models differ little with regard to large scale properties of the systems which are examined in small angle scattering experiments. Excluded volume effects the consideration of which casts some doubt on existing theories and non-equilibrium effects which make the

interpretation of existing experiments difficult are discussed.


Physics Abstracts






1. Introduction.

During the last decade there has been growing

interest in liquid crystal side chain polymers (LSP).

On the one hand these materials are interesting from

the technological point of view because of possible applications, e.g., in optical storage devices [1], on

the other hand LSPs are fascinating for physicists in general as one is confronted with phenomena whose explanation involves both polymer and liquid crystal (LC) physics. A LSP can be defined as being built by

means of a long polymer chain functioning as a

backbone (BB) with mesogenic moieties being at-

tached to it via flexible spacers. The rigid side chains

are responsible for the occurrence of typical LC

mesophases. For a comprehensive review on differ-

ent LSP systems see the recent articles by Finkel-

mann [2] and Shibaev and Plate [3]. The interesting

aspect of LSPs is for a theoretical physicist the following: because of the many conformational

degrees of freedom of the BB there is a tendency for

the LSP to assume a random coil conformation. This conflicts with the side chains tendency to gain a partially ordered mesophase (in the suitable tem-

perature range).

In this paper we are interested in the construction of models for the conformation of the BB in the smectic (SA) phase. Concerning this problem the following experiments are relevant: (a) small angle

neutron scattering (SANS) experiments [4-7] showed

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphys:019880049090161500


that on length scales being large compared with the

monomer-monomer distance the BB might be con-

sidered as an anisotropic random coil with Rz R 1- ,

where R, and R 1- are the radii of gyration of the BB parallel and perpendicular to the director of the side chains respectively. Both radii of gyration are tem- perature dependent [5-7] ; (b) it was found by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) experiments that the

smectic order is affected by the constraint that the side chains are attached to the BBs [8, 9]. A further point must be mentioned here : Boeffel et al. [10, 11]

found by 2H-NMR methods that the local orientation of the BB depends on the specific chemical structure

of the BB. Assuming that the results by Boeffel et al.

are not misleading because they might be a conse-

quence of a superstructure of the BB it is clear from their results that the conformation problem is hard

to attack from a pure microscopical point of view

since a small change in the structure of the BB seems

to lead to a totally different conformational be- haviour [10, 11].

In the following we confine ourselves to the case

where the BBs are mainly located in the planes

between the smectic lamellae which are built by the

side chains. It is an observational fact [4-7] that Rz =F 0. For that reason it will be assumed that the BB runs through one or several lamellae on the

average. Such a crossing is energetically unfavour-

able for the BB with its appending side chains locally destroys the smectic order, because along a crossing

of the BB the side chains can not be arranged in such

a way that they fit into the smectic lamellae. Note that the distance between two adjacent side chains is of the order of 5 A whereas the thickness of one

lamella is of the order of 30 A. That implies that

about five side chains can not match the lamellar order during one crossing. In our theory the crossings

will be taken into account by weighting the appear-

ance of one of them by a suitable Boltzmann-factor

exp (- E/kT ) where E is the free energy of one


The issue of this paper is threefold : in the next section the packing (or excluded volume) problem of

the BBs in the interlamellar planes will be discussed

and two models will be proposed which take into account the excluded volume constraints. Further-

more it will be shown that the assumption that the

BB behaves like an ordinary two-dimensional ran-

dom walk in these planes [12, 13] is unrealistic. In sections 3 and 4 a theory for several types of random walks will be developed in order to understand the influence of the choice of a specific model on the

i predictions which are made for the experiment.

Section 5 provides a short discussion of the results and of the implications of our models for neutron

scattering experiments in the intermediate q-range.

Finally, in section 6 the influence of non-equilibrium

effects will be considered and the experiments on the

conformation problem of the BB will be discussed in the light of our results. Besides the possible applica- bility the presented models are interesting from the

basic research point of view because we provide in

section 3 the means to treat self-correlated random walks on non-cubic lattices with two different weights given to the random walk steps along different


2. The excluded volume problem.

The systems we consider have a well defined smectic

structure as can be seen in SAXS experiments [8, 14- 16]. So we are confronted with the following packing (or excluded volume) problem : each of the side chains by which the smectic lamellae are built is attached to one BB. From this it follows when

considering one interlamellar plane that on the

average half of the side chains adjoining this plane

have to be connected to one of the BBs which lie in this plane. That implies that there are on the average



holes » in the planes : the planes are filled in a compact manner with BBs. On the other hand since each BB carries its own side chains with itself which have to be embedded in the lamellae there is for steric reasons not place enough for packing more

than ko


2 or 3 BBs one on top of the other when

looking along the director of the side chains, see figure 1. The precise value of ko which may in some extreme situations even exceed the value of three

depends on the specific chemical structure of the

LSP under consideration. It is influenced, e.g., by

the respective effective diameters of the side chains and the BB, by the length of the spacer, and by the

curvilinear length of the BB between the points

where two adjacent side chains are attached.

There are two models which fulfill the above mentioned conditions. In the first model the BBs are

arranged in a sheaf-like structure [8], see figure 2. In

this model the BBs have the tendency to lie parallel

to each other in a plane. Their directional fields in two different planes are assumed to be uncorrelated.

Recent 2H-NMR experiments by B0153ffel et al. [11]

indicate that the BB is found in an elongated state in

the interlamellar planes. This speaks in favour of this

model. The second model maintains the idea of local random walk (RW) configurations. It can be ex- plained in terms of the k-tolerant compact RW in

two dimensions. The k-tolerant RW was introduced

by Malakis [17] and has recently found renewed

interest [18-20]. A k-tolerant RW is defined as a RW which may visit each point of a lattice at most k times (for k = 1 the case of the self-avoiding walk is regained). In our case we have the additional constraint that the lattice has to be completely

covered by several RWs in such a way that no point

is visited more than k


ko times by the same or by

two different RWs because of the packing con-


Fig. 1.


Schematic representation of a possible local configuration of two backbones (the thick lines) with the

side chains (the cylinders in the Fig.) being embedded in the smectic lamellae which are not shown for the sake of clearness. It shall be illustrated : (1) that it is difficult (if

not impossible) to find more than two backbones crossing

each other when projecting their respective paths onto the

x-y plane and (2) that with the aid of the appending side

chains very effective entanglements preventing the

backbone from longitudinal diffusion might be formed in smectic LSP systems.

straints. ko is a small integer larger or equal to two.

The precise value of ko depends on the specific

chemical structure of the LSP as was mentioned above. Within the coarse-grained point of view

which is mostly used in polymer physics and also

here several bonds of the real polymer or BB are

taken to define one statistical segment (Kuhn step)

of the RW in order to circumvent the consideration of the specific chemical structure of the polymer

chain [21]. That implies that k


ko is changed to

some effective k:> ko. Unfortunately the solution of the two-dimensional k-tolerant compact RW prob-

lem for some fixed k is presently far out of reach.

That is the reason why we must confine ourselves in the following to some more simple models for the conformational behaviour of the BB in the inter- lamellar planes.

In the next section we present a hierarchy of RW

models which begins with the unrealistic case of the

ordinary. two-dimensional RW. On the next level the two-dimensional self-avoiding walk (SAW) and the

two-dimensional compact self-avoiding walk ard con-

sidered. The use of single chain statistics in these three models is justified for the following reasons :

the ordinary RW model is discussed in order to obtain insight into the properties of the most simple

Fig. 2.


Typical conformation of one backbone (the

thick line) in the straight walk model. To make clear the sheaf-like structure also parts of other backbones are

depicted in the interlamellar planes. The lamellar thickness

(in the z-direction) is highly exaggerated.

model where the configurations the BB can exhibit

are only restricted by the lamellar structure of the system. Self- and mutual interactions (excluded

volume constraints) are neglected. This neglect also

underlies the existing theories [12, 13]. When discus- sing the SAW self-interactions are taken into ac- count : the fact that the BB must not pass through

itself is respected. The consideration of this effect is

important even for short sequences, i.e. in the case where the BB spends a small amount of arc-length in

the interlamellar plane between two consecutive

crossings. Recall that a SAW on the square lattice needs but four steps to form a forbidden configur-

ation. Turning to the many chain problem it must be

said that it seems presently not to be possible to treat

its influence on the present model since relatively

little is known of the statistics of a dense system of self- and mutual avoiding walks in two dimensions.

We end the hierarchy with the case where the BB has lost all its degrees of freedom in the planes namely the case where the BB is assumed to describe

a straight path between two crossings. Here the

mutual interactions of the BBs as regards the

excluded volume problem are taken into account

implicitely since the BBs are assumed to lie parallel

to each other in the respective planes. This last

model which is termed the straight walk model in the

following provides the theoretical treatment of the

picture of the sheaf-like structure which was pro-

posed above.

There are several reasons listed below from (i) to (iii) why we present our results despite the fact that

one of the two realistic models namely the k-tolerant

compact RW model presently can not be used for


the derivation of an expression for the radii of

gyration :

(i) it will be shown that all models yield similar expressions for the anisotropy factor a


R -; / R I.

Because of that it seems to be impossible to decide

from the knowledge of SANS data which kind of local structure is realised in the systems under consideration. This statement is of general nature

because the mentioned hierarchy contains the two

extremes of conceivable models (the simple RW and

the straight walk) ;

(ii) because the k-tolerant compact RW (kc-RW)

is located between the simple RW and the straight

walk (SW) with respect to this hierarchy the respec- tive anisotropy factors will obey the following re-

lation : a Rw - a kc-RW - aSW ;

(iii) concerning the existing theoretical ap-

proaches [12, 13] to the conformational problem of

LSP in the smectic phase the following point has to

be stressed : the description of the conformational behaviour of the BB in the interlamellar planes by a simple RW is highly unrealistic for a RW has fractal

dimension df


2, i.e. even one RW will eventually

cover the whole plane. This problem was addressed by Wang and Warner [22] in their theory for the

nematic phases of LSP but not in the paper of Renz and Warner [13] in their approach to the BB

conformation problem in the smectic phase. The

latter author argues [23] that the leading term in the expression for the entropy of the system (see next section) is in any case proportional to the length of

the part of the BB which is considered. This point of

view is useful when one attempts to describe models where the number of degrees of freedom increases

exponentially with the chain length. As will be

shown below the straight walk model does not

belong to this class of models. Furthermore, the parameters which appear in the simple RW approach

can not be interpreted in the microscopic sense as

was done in reference [5] because the consideration of restrictions on the number of BB conformations

as proposed in this paper affects the parameters which appear in the simple RW approach.

Before turning to the theory a comparison will be

made between the assumptions we make and the

ones used by Renz and Warner in their theory [13]

for the conformation problem of LSP in the smectics

phase. In the RW models which will be discussed in the subsequent sections the RW is strictly confined

to a plane between the smectic lamellae, i.e. except for the jumps through the lamellae the BB is assumed to be well localized in the interlamellar

planes. This assumption is of course only justified at

temperatures where the lamellae are well defined,

i.e. at temperatures sufficiently below the smectic- nematic transition. Even in that case the BB exhibits fluctuations in the z-direction which are neglected in

the present theory. As regards this point the Renz- Warner theory might be closer to reality than ours

since these authors allow for these fluctuations by introducing a sinusoidal potential [13] instead of the sharp step potential we use. The different assump- tions made in the respective theories lead to a slight

difference in the final results for the anisotropy of

the radii of gyration as will be shown below. But it

seems to be unlikely that this difference will play a significant role when interpreting the experimental

results. Another difference between the present and the Renz-Warner theory is the following : we argue that the BB crosses the lamella as « fast » as

possible, i.e. the arc-length consumed by a jump through a lamella is assumed to be equal to d, the

lamellar thickness. As was stated above the reason

for this assumption is that the crossing energy is assumed to be large compared with kT. If the BB

would give more arc-length for a crossing the smectic order would be destroyed further with the resulting large energy penalty. Renz and Warner allow for

arbitrary arc-length of the part of the BB being

involved in a lamellar crossing. The fact that the BB is repelled from the core of the lamellae is taken into account by the above mentioned sinusoidal potential.

Renz and Warner postulate a second energetic

contribution namely a




energy which is the larger the smaller the angle is which the BB includes with the z-axis. They argue that the segment of the BB which points into the z-direction during a crossing forces the appending side chains to lie in the

x-y-plane within the lamella perpendicular to the

other side chains which form the respective lamella,

compare figure 2b in reference [13]. In my opinion

this effect plays no role in the real physical system since the side chains are decoupled from the BB orientation via alkane spacers. It is thus possible for

the side chains to align during a crossing, provided of

course the spacers are not too short. It seems to be safe to assume that the energy needed for the

bending of the spacers is smaller than the energy

required for the disturbance of the smectic order by

side chains being oriented perpendicular to the side

chains which form the lamellae. In conclusion we

would like to state that it seems to be unlikely that a

BB spends much more arc-length than d for a crossing of a lamella but we admit that there might

be a class of LSP [10, 11] to which our theories do not apply in the present form.

3. The theory for lattice RW models.

The conformation of the BB is described by several

types of RWs. Such a RW is placed on a lattice with

lattice spacing a and coordination number qo in the

interlamellar x-y-plane and step length Da


d in the

z-direction, see figure 3 where the case qo = 4 (the

tetragonal case) is depkcted. One step of the RW


comprises several bonds of the real BB in order to receive RW steps which are statistically independent [21]. This means that the real BB with N bonds is

replaced by an equivalent chain with n N steps with the total length L of the BB not being affected,

i.e. Nb




L, where b is the monomer-mono- mer distance. This equivalent chain is assumed to show on a coarse-grained level the same behaviour

with respect to large scale properties as, e.g., the

mean squared end-to-end distance as the real BB


Fig. 3.


Typical conformation of one backbone on the

tetragonal lattice, as represented by a simple random

walk. As in figure (2) the lamellar thickness is highly exaggerated.

Fig. 4


An example of a typical entanglement. Some of

the side chains are depicted to show the distortion of the smectic lamellae by the crossings.

A crossing of the BB through a lamella is rep- resented by a step of length Da of the RW in the z-

direction. Each crossing costs the free energy E. We

assume that this crossing energy is considerably larger than kTsN, where TSN is the smectic to nematic transition temperature. This assumption seems to be justified for it was found by Volino et al. [24] that

even one mesogenic moiety in a classical LC which is displaced along its director in such a way that its center of mass is located between the lamellae contributes to the free energy with an amount of the

order of kTsN. Further contributions to the crossing

energy come from the fact that the smectic order is

locally destroyed by the crossing BB and from the bending of the spacers, see figure 4. In all models no

back tracing of the BB during lamellar crossing is

allowed since such a reversal is very improbable (in

the statistical sense) because of the high energy

being involved in such a process. Three models will

now be presented for the statistics of the RW on the interlamellar x-y-planes :

(1) the simple two-dimensional RW, i.e. a RW

which can move without constraint on the plane.

The number of configurations of a simple RW with k steps between two crossings is given by

(2) the two-dimensional self-avoiding walk (SAW). This is a first order approach to the packing problem. Vk is given by the following asymptotic


with y


43/22 [25] (we use in the following

y = 4/3 for simplicity) and ql being an effective

coordination number with 1 q1 qo [21] ;

(3) the two-dimensional compact self-avoiding

walk. This is the collapsed version of the SAW. This walk covers a certain region completely without leaving any place unvisited except the places beyond

the boundary of this region. There is evidence [26, 27] that the asymptotic form of vk is given by

where q2 is another coordination number with 1 q2 qo. The exponent y’ unfortunately depends

on the specific form of the perimeter of the collapsed

SAW [27]. Present results indicate 1 y’ 2 [27, 28]. The use of relations (2) and (3) requires the assumption that the crossing energy is large com- pared with kT since the segment of the walk between two crossings must comprise enough steps in order

to allow for the application of these asymptotic

relations. This problem does not occur when using

relation (1) which is exact.

This hierarchy with respect to the restrictions which are imposed on possible configurations of the

RW is bounded by the straight walk. In this case the

walk has no degrees of freedom between two


crossings except the choice of the direction in the x-

y-plane. The straight walk model can not be treated with the methods proposed in this section and will therefore be discussed seperately in the next section.

Because we are interested in the qualitative be-

haviour of the system we limit ourselves to the

asymptotic case of long BBs i. e. n, No >> 1. But the method proposed can be extended in principle to the

case of finite chain length [29].

Presently our aim is to calculate the canonical

partition function Qn of a RW with n steps. With the

aid of Qn the mean squared end-to-end distances in the x-y-plane and in the z-direction will be derived.

Qn will be derived from the generating function or

isobaric partition function G (x ), see equation (8)

below. G (x ) is on the other hand computed from the

sequence generating functions (or partial isobaric partition functions) U(x ) and V (x ). The method of

generating functions (GF) is explained in more

detail in references [30, 31]. The GF for one crossing

of a lamella is given by

with uk = 2 Sk,D exp(- (3E) where P


(kT)-1, 5 i, i is the Kronecker symbol. x acts as a counting

variable for the number of steps a sequence com-

prises (alternatively, x might be viewed as the activity). For the GF applying to the part of the RW being located in the interlamellar plane between two crossings we use

where Vk is given for the different models in

equations ((1)-(3)) respectively. The sum in equation (5) starts with k


0 in order to include the

possibility of crossing one or more lamellae without lateral excursions between such crossings. For con-

venience we consider a RW starting and ending in

the interlamellar planes. The influence of this choice is negligible in the asymptotic limit of long chains.

The GF for the starting sequence reads

The sum starts with k = 1 since the first step is assumed to lie in a interlamellar plane. The GF containing complete information about all configur-

ations for all walk lengths is given by

G (x ) is related to the partition function Qn by

Because the free energy F

= -

kT In Q n has to be proportional to n for n > 1 Qn must be of the form,

see reference [31]

Comparing equations (8) and (9) it can be seen that

xo is the pole of least modulus of G (x ). The average number of crossings is

The average number of steps in the x-y-plane is

We begin with the simple RW where uk


0 G(x)

is then given by

xo is given by the solution of the following equation

For D = 1, 2, 3 xo can be calculated in a straightfor-

ward (but tedious) manner. In the following we

consider the case where D > 1 because it can be shown [32] that the final results for the anisotropy

factors which are derived for D > 1 are close to the exact solutions for the cases where D = 1, 2, 3 respectively. The respective values differ by some percent if /3E$:2. It can be assumed that the

crossing energy satisfies this relation [24]. Because



1 it is possible to expand the left side of

equation (13) about xo


qo 1. Retaining the first two

terms of this expansion and using relation (9) we


Note that for D


1 and E


0 the exact result for the isotropic RW is regained. From equation (14)

nz and n-L are derived using equations ((10), (11)).

Omitting terms which are quadratic in qo D e- RE we


Because the successive crossings are not correlated

with respect to their directions the mean squared

end-to-end distance ri of the projection of the RW

onto the z-axis can be computed by regarding the


resulting one-dimensional RW with nz steps of

length Da :

In equation (17) we have again used the assumption

that qo De- PE 1. For the interlamellar RW se-

quences are also uncorrelated the mean squared

end-to-end distance rl of the projection of the RW

onto the x-y-plane is given by

The squared radii of gyration Rz2 and Rl which are

determined in small angle scattering experiments are proportional to r2z and ri respectively [33]. The anisotropy factor a is in the asymptotic limit there- fore given by

Now we proceed to the second case namely the

SAW model. The GF G (x ) is computed using the

coefficients Vk given by equation (2). Because we

know that the pole of G (x ) is located near x


q 11 1 *e can use the following asymptotic be-

haviour of the GF V (x ) [34]

T (y ) is the gamma function. xo is given by the

solution of the following equation

The partition sum is derived in the same way as before and we find

Comparison of this expression with the one given for

the model of the simple RW, see equation (14),

shows that the introduction of excluded volume constraints in the way done here essentially replaces

qo by ql and changes the lamellar thickness Da into

an effective thickness Da/y. This change is due to

the loss of degrees of freedom in the interlamellar

planes. The mean squared end-to-end distance in the z-direction is derived as described above and is given by equation (16) inserting

The asterisk labels in the following the SAW results.

When considering the mean squared end-to-end

distance of the projection of the BB onto the x-y-

plane we use a model which is known in polymer physics (in a different context) under the name blob picture [21] : over short distances, i.e. between two crossings, excluded volume constraints are taken into account while correlations between SAW se-

quences which are separated by one more or more crossings are disregarded. This point of view is of

course problematic since the excluced volume prob-

lem is much more severe in two-dimensional than in three-dimensional systems for the screening effects

which simplify the theory in dense systems of the latter type are less effective in two dimensions. We propose the SAW model nevertheless for it is a first step into the direction of the k-tolerant RW model which is on the one hand thought to be in the same universality class as the SAW [18]. On the other

hand screening effects are more effective in the k-

tolerant RW case for each point of the lattice is

allowed to be visited a finite number of times and not only once as in the SAW case.

The projection of the whole BB onto the x-y-plane

looks in our model like a succession of [nz + 1 ]

blobs. The mean squared end-to-end distances of the parts of the walk which form the blobs are now taken

as the elementary steps of a simple RW since it was

assumed that the different blobs are uncorrelated because of screening effects. The mean squared end-

to-end distance of the part of the BB in the i-th blob is given by

where mi is the number of RW steps inside this blob and v

* =

3/4 [25]. For the mean squared end-to-end

distance of the whole system in the x-y-plane we

obtain for a fixed set of {mi} with Y mi


n - Dn z *

where the subscript denotes the fact that no averag-

ing with respect to the possible sets {mi} has been performed. The procedure of averaging is simplified by proceeding to the continuous case. Using the

method which is described in reference [35] for a

somewhat different system we finally obtain up to a constant of the order of unity

From equations ((24), (27)) the anisotropy factor

can be computed

where we have retained again only the leading


terms. Inserting nz* from equation (24) and using



4/3 we obtain

where cp


3 / (2 y )


9/8. Comparing this ex- pression with the one derived for the simple RW we

find the somewhat surprising result that the apparent crossing energy is only weakly affected by the change to the SAW model. The main difference between the two respective anisotropy factors lies in

the fact that two different coordination numbers qo and ql appear which are at present not accessible by experiment, unfortunately. Accordingly the con-

clusion of these considerations is that it is not

possible to discriminate between the simple RW and

the SAW model by performing a small angle scat- tering experiment, even if the crossing energy were known. In principle it is of course possible to consider rz and r..L separately. But in that case two new problems occur when trying to compare the present theory with the experiments. First the value of the length of a statistical segment which appears

explicitly in the respective expressions via n and a must be known. Secondly it must be noted that the apparent crossing energy in the SAW case differs from the « true


crossing energy (the simple RW case) only by a factor of the order of unity. As there

is great uncertainty about the value of this energy and as there are problems of determining this value by scattering experiments (see also below) it seems

to be hopeless to attack the problem from this side,

at least presently.

The case of the compact self-avoiding walk will

not be considered further for two reasons. First, as

was mentioned above, the exponent y’ which ap- pears in equation (3) depends on the specific form of

the two-dimensional globule. We do not dare to

make ad hoc assumptions as regards the statistics of these globules. Secondly, and this point is more important, with regard to the results obtained for the

simple RW and the SAW we do not expect results which differ drastically from the ones presented.

4. The theory for the straight walk model.

The method of GF does not apply here since all the approximations we made are not allowed for the straight walk model. Therefore a different approach

is presented. First note that the only entropic

contribution to the free energy comes from the fact that the crossings can be located anywhere along the

BB. It is assumed that the direction of the straight path the BB describes is randomly oriented in one plane with respect to the orientation in the adjacent plane. But all BBs in one plane are assumed to have

the same direction and therefore the entropic contri-

bution from this orientational disordering process to the free energy of one BB approaches zero when

considering macroscopic systems. From this it fol- lows that the free energy of one BB in the straight

walk approach is given by

N and E are defined above. D is the thickness of one

lamella measured in units of b (note that we use the

same symbol D as a measure of the lamellar thickness as in Sect. 3 though the respective values

of D differ). ni denotes the number of crossings and

is provisionally kept constant. f2 (N, D, n’) is the

number of different configurations of nz sequences

of D adjacent particles in excited states, i.e. D

monomers of the BB forming a crossing, on a linear

chain consisting of N particles. Equation (30) gives just the free energy of Tonk’s gas. (Note that for

D = 1 the problem is reduced to the consideration of Boltzmann statistics on a two level system.)

n (N, D, n’) is given by

The average number of excited sequences (crossings)

nz is found by differentiating F (N, D, n’) with

respect to ni :

for N >> 1 and N > Dnz. These two conditions imply

that systems with long BBs and with a high crossing

energy are described. With the aid of equations (16)

and (32) r,2 can be immediately given. The present model has the advantage that there are no


phenomenological » parameters. b is the mono- mer-monomer distance of the real BB and D is given by D


d/b where d is the thickness of one lamella.

The derivation of rl is rather lengthy and will be

given elsewhere [35]. The result for nz being fixed is

found to be :

Neglecting the shortening of the part of the BB which lies in the interlamellar planes due to se-

quences which are involved in crossings and con- sidering the same limit as before we obtain after

averaging rl with respect to the probability density

function of nz [35]

with the weights p being given in (33). From equations (32) and (35) the anisotropy factor can

now be given


Note that for E/kT


0 one obtains the result of the

isotropic RW « = 1/2 if N > 1. Next we consider the behaviour of


in the high and low temperature limit in more detail :

where the second case is probably not accessible by experiment. Since the crossing energy is assumed to be large compared to KTSN we make in the following

a further approximation by setting the bracket term in (37) equal to unity. When comparing the straight

walk result for a with the previous results for the RW and the SAW one sees that the main difference lies in the different apparent activation energies.

The loss of all interlamellar degrees of freedom in the straight walk case leads to an effective crossing

energy Eeff


2 E whereas for the SAW model only

a small difference between the apparent and the

« true » crossing energy was found.

5. Discussion.

In this section we return to the above proposed hierarchy of models. The results for the anisotropy

factors can be depicted in the following illustrative way if we write a in the general form

a - D2 q- D exp (- (3 Eeff) where D is the number of statistical segments (simple RW, SAW) or BB

monomers (straight walk) needed for a crossing of

one lamella

Since the simple RW and the straight walk are the

most extreme cases with respect to the number of

degrees of freedom the LSP has we suppose that a

more realistic model will lie in this table somewhere between the simple RW and the straight walk.

Refering to the comparison of the present theories with the Renz-Warner theory [13], see at the end of

section 2, it is interesting to compare the D-depen-

dence of r,2. We find for all cases the relation

r2z ~ D 2 which derives from the assumption that the crossing of one lamella consumes an arc-length of

d - D. Renz and Warner obtain r; -- D3/2 [13] using a

different approach as regards the possible crossing configurations. Unfortunately it seems to be unlikely

that this difference can be examined experimentally.

Returning to the presented hierarchy of models

we would like to note that it might be possible to

discern between the RW-like models (which are in

the following represented for simplicity by the simple RW model) and the straight walk case by performing a neutron scattering experiment in the

intermediate q-range (ql Rl > 1). If the BB

assumes a RW-like conformation in the planes

between the lamellae one should observe when

choosing the Kratky representation of the scattering

data (i.e. I (q) q2 vs. q, where I (q ) is the scattered intensity) the typical plateau over a wide q-range. If,

on the contrary, the straight walk model applies this

should show in a crossover from the plateau to a straight line with finite slope reflecting the rod-like structure of the BB configurations. In this latter case one should find I (qi ) - q- 1 for q J > (1) - 1 where (1) is the average length of the straight path the BB

describes between two crossings which is approxima- tively given by (I) = L/(Np + 1) with p being

defined in equation (33). Another difference be- tween the predictions of the two models as regards

the form of the scattering curve concerns its tempera-

ture dependence. When using the RW approach

there should be essentially no change in the

I (ql )-curve when changing the temperature since the local structure of the projection of the RW onto the x-y-plane is not affected. On the contrary the straight walk model predicts a decrease of the

ql -regime where I (qJ.. ) ’" q -2 (the plateau in the Kratky representation) when lowering the tempera-

ture. This prediction stems from the fact that the average length of the respective rod-like sequences of the BB increases with decreasing temperature which leads to rod-like scattering for qJ.. > (/) * B as

was stated above.

6. Non-equilibrium effects.

The experiments concerning the conformation of the BB of the LSP were done on LSPs with a degree of polymerisation from about 60 to several hundreds.

As is well known from polymer physics the ordering

of systems, e.g. the crystallisation of polyethylene, is

the more dominated by non-equilibrium effects the longer the polymers are. Constraints such as the

incomplete disentangling of the chains prevent the systems from reaching their ground state when lowering the temperature. The same non-equilib-

rium effects will probably affect the statistics of BB conformations during the nematic to smectic tran- sition if the experiments are done on the usual time

scales on LSP systems with a high degree of polymerisation. In that case most of the crossings

will not be thermally activated states but will be

induced and fixed by entanglements which can not

be resolved on the time scale of the experiment, see

figure 4. This problem is even more severe witch


LSPs than with classical linear polymers since the

side chains of different BBs may form very effective

topological barriers to relaxational motions, see figure 1. In reference [36] we explain briefly how the presented theories can also be applied to the case of entanglement induced crossings. We do not go into detail here because these considerations are still very

speculative. Especially it is not known what the critical BB length is at which the topological effects

which hinder the mutual rearrangement of the LSP molecules become dominant. In the case of ordinary

linear polymers these topological effects determine the properties of the systems from a polymerisation degree of a few hundreds on. For the hindering

mechanismes are probably much more effective in LSP systems we conjecture that this critical chain

length is of the order of or less than one hundred. If this is so it is safe to say that the reported exper- iments have been performed on LSP samples which

lie just in this critical range ; and indeed there is a recent experiment by Moussa et al. [5] which seems

to confirm this hypothesis. They report that for their PMA-CN sample in the smectic phase both Rz and Rl decrease with decreasing temperature. The de-

crease of R, which was also found for different other

samples [7] implies that at least a part of the crossings are thermally activated states. If the system has not the time to reach the equilibrium state when varying the temperature i.e. if some of the crossings

can not disappear when lowering the temperature due to entanglements the value which is derived for the apparent activation energy via an Arrhenius plot

will be too high with respect to the


true » crossing

energy. But this point is difficult to pursue further for presently almost nothing is known about the value of the crossing energy in LSP systems. The decrease of R 1. with decreasing temperature men- tioned above seems to be a typical non-equilibrium

effect for the disappearance of crossings (i.e. the

decrease of R,) should naturally yield an increase in

R1. because the segments which formerly built the crossings are now part of the BB which lies in the x-

y-planes and this should lead to an increase in the overall size of the BB projected onto the x-y-plane.

That this in fact is not the case might be explained as

follows : if a BB runs somewhere along its extension from one plane to an adjacent one and returns from

that plane to the original one two crossings appear.

When lowering the temperature there is a certain probability that this sequence which lay in one of the adjacent planes collapses together with the part of the BB which was




in the crossings to the original plane. This collapse produces a segment density in the x-y-plane which is larger than that

found in the equilibrium state. If the system has time

to react this surplus mass will diffuse to the ends of the BB. But if this diffusional process is hindered by

a special kind of entanglement which is produced by

side chains, see figures (1, 4), there will be an

increased BB density for the overall size can not

change in the x-y-plane. This leads by definition of the radius of gyration to the observed decrease of


In conclusion we claim that non-equilibrium ef-

fects are likely to occur when varying the tempera-

ture since it might take a very long time until the system has found its new equilibrium state. For it is

not known how large the influence of these effects is it is difficult to state to which extent it is possible to

compare the theories which all have been developed

for systems in equilibrium state to experiments.

What is needed is a theory which describes the

dynamics of LSPs in the smectic phase. But the

construction of such a theory seems presently to be a

very difficult task for up till now it has not been

possible to present a theory describing in a satisfying

manner the related problem of crystallisation in




polymeric systems.


I would like to thank Dr. J. Krfger and Dr. M.

Dettenmaier for interesting discussions and Prof.

A. Holz for a critical reading of the manuscript.

This work was supported by the Deutsche

Forschungsgemeinschaft within Sonderforschungs-

bereich 130.


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mun. 8 (1987) 59.

[2] FINKELMANN, H., Polymer Liquid Crystals, Eds. A.

Ciferri, W. R. Krigbaum, R. B. Meyer (Academic Press, New York) 1982.

[3] SHIBAEV, V. P. and PLATÉ, H. P., Adv. Polym. Sci.

60/61 (1984) 173.


BERT, M., MOUSSA, F. and PÉPY, G., J. Phys.

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