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G. Deutscher, M. Rappaport

To cite this version:


JOURNAL DE PHYSIQUE Zo'olloque C6, suppfiment au no 8, Tome 39, aolit 1978, page C6-581





G.Deutscher and M.L. Rappaport

Dept.of Physics and Astronomy, TeZ-AV~V University, Ramat-Aviv, Israel

Rdsum6.- On a observ6 une double transition supraconductrice dans des films minces Al-Ge obtenus par codvaporation. Cette double transition est observee dans la transition resistive en fonction de la temperature et dans la caractdristique courant-tension. Une interpretation des rdsultats est proposde en termes de la theorie de percolation.

Abstract.- A double superconducting transitioninco-evaporated A1-Ge films can be observed in both their resistance-temperature and current-voltage characteristics. An explanation is offered in terms of percolation theory.


Co-evaporated or co-sputtered metal-insulator spheres of very uniform diameters 200 A in a near- mixtures are normally found to be in the form of ly random close-packed structure /5,6/.

metallic grains imbedded in an insulating matrix /I/ The size and shape of the grains depend on the me- tallic volume concentration,^, the rate of deposi-


tion, and the substrate temperature 121.

If a single, isolated grain is large enough /3/ to have a superconducting transition at T 141,



then mixtures with x < xc would be expected to have 0.4

a double duperconducting transition : an incomplete transition at T and a second transition at T

co c j

<Tcodue to Josephson tunnelling between the grains o

1.56 1.60 16 5 LiQ L 75 180

which makes the whole sample superconducting. xc

T ( . .... K 1

is the "critical" concentration for which the grains

are no longer in metallic contact.




1 : Normalized resistance vs.temperature of T w i n be less than T~~ when the Josephson three s a ~ l e s from one slide.0 ,pn=2.~x~~-4y~-cm,

c j

energy ns~_(o)/2e of a grain to its nea- x=0-65; 0 , ~ ~ = 3 . 0 ~ 1 0 ~ UQ -em9 x=0-68;As P n =1.6x103

- -. C

rest neighbors, where I (0) is the T=O critical current of one such isolated junction


is less

than kTco. Figure 1 shows the normalized resistance as a function of temperature for three samples from We have observed such a double transition in

one slide. The double transition is clearlv seen. Al-Ge films with xW.64. The films were preparedby co-

evaporation from two electron-beam guns onto room temperature glass slides at a combined rate of


% 50 A/s. ~hede~ositionrate of each material was

independently controlled by feedback from a separate quartz crystal thickness monitor which was previous-

ly calibrated by interferometry


Each slide con- tained nine sainples with concentrations differing b y s 2 % due to their differing distances from the two sources. Electron microscope examination ofsi- milar concentrations evaporated onto Sio showed A1


This research was supported in part by the U.S. Navy, contract No. HE-77-1.

As expected, Tco is nearly independent of x while T decreases with increasing Ge concentration

c j

(decreasing x) .

Figure 2 shows the current-voltage charac- teristic of one sample from the same slide as in figure 1. Two main transitions are again apparent.

However, the fact that the resistance falls to less than 30% of its value at Tcoindicates that this first transition is not due to isolated grains alone. The resistivity of these samples is greater


than 10 lJQ -cm, so the contribution of the resis- tance of the grains is almost negligible.

Article published online by EDP Sciences and available at http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyscol:19786262


of identical Josephon junctions, thus indicating that even below T more junctions become supercon-

c j ducting as T decreases.

If the data near T from figure 1 is replot- c j

ted on log-log paper, it is found that the resistan-


ce obeys a power law dependence Ra (T-T . j with c J

t=0.7. Straley has recently shown by a percolation- type calculation that the resistance of a supercon- ductor-normal conductor mixture below the percola- tion threshold for the superconductor also obeys a power law ROC (x a) with t=0.7.

We therefore propose that A1-Ge mixtures with A1 concentrations near x and below T behave as


percolation systems whose concentration of supercon- ductor may be varied by both x and T.


/I/ Abeles,B.et al. Adv.Phys.L(l975) 407

/2/ Fontaine,A. and Meunier,F., Phys.Kondens.Materie 14 (1972) 119.


/3/ Deutscher,G., Phys. Lett.


(1971) 28 /4/ Tco may be larger than the bulk T of the super

conductor because of the grains' large surface to volume ratio. See, for example, Deutscher,G. et al., J.Vac.Sci.Techno1.


(1973) 697 / 5 / Deutscher,G.,Rappaport,M.L. and Ovadyahu,Z., to

be published.

161 It is noted that x for random close-packed spheres of uniformCdiameter should equal its Fig. 2 : Current-voltage characteristic at T=1.52 K packing fraction f=63.8%. See Finney,J.L., for a sample with x=0.78 from the same slide as the J.Physique


(1975) C2-1.

samples in figure 1. /7/ Shante,V.K.S.and Kirkpatrick, S.,Adv.Phys.z a) complete characteristic with final slope equal (1971) 325 and Kirkpatrick,S., Rev.Mod.Phys.45

to Rn. (1973) 574.

b) Increased current and voltage sensitivity showing 181 Scher,H. and Zallen,R.J.,Chem.Phys. 53 (1970)


the Josephson transition. 3759

/9/ Deutscher,G. and Rappaport,M. to be published. We therefore conclude that the transition /lo/ Straley,J.P., Phys. Rev.


(1977) 5733 at Tco includes a significant number of strongly

coupled junctions as well. These Buperconducting clusters then "short out" a large percentage of the sample. What percentage of the volume must be con- tained by these clusters before they will intercon- nect and short out the whole sample is one of the principle questions of percolation theory 171.

If we assume that the strongly coupled junc- tions are randomly distributed throughout the samples, then the answer is 15%


That the whole volume of the sample is not superconducting at T is sup-

c j

ported by measurements of the critical current den- sity below T /9/. They show a much stronger depen-

c j


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