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Histoire de la tourbe et des tourbières


Academic year: 2022

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International symposium "History of Mires and Peat bogs"

2nd international Symposium of the GHZH (Wetlands History Group) Laon October 18th to 20th, 2007

Working sessions will start at 9 am Thursday october 18th and end at 5.30 pm Saturday october 20th.

They will take place in the great naturAgora hall (150 seats). Field excursion in La Souche Marshes is the Friday october 19th..

Accomodation in Laon.

On request, we can make a global reservation in two nearby hostels.

For any practical information about symposium organisation and last minute details (shuttles…), please contact naturAgora (adree@naturagora.fr)


Thursday october 18th and Saturday october 20th will take place in Barenton-Bugny village hall and will be served by a caterer.

Field excursion will take place in a La Souche Marshes restaurant.

Symposium dinnner will take place in a Laon medieval town restaurant on Friday 19th.

How to come to Laon : By Railway:

There are several trains daily between Paris and Laon Download time table on:

www.ter-sncf.com/images/af06_c_tcm7-20734.pdf Recommended schedule: From Paris to Laon (free shuttle) Paris Laon : 07h07 08h38

Recommended schedule: From Laon to Paris (free shuttle) Laon Paris : 18h00 19h37

Download Paris-Lille time table:



By car, refer to maps below

How to go to Laon

How to go from Laon to naturAgora



International symposium "History of Mires and Peat bogs"

2nd international Symposium of the Wetlands History Group Laon October 18th to 20th, 2007


Thursday october 18th, 2007 : First day 08h00 09h00 Reception of participants

09h00-10h Reception by the President of the Conseil Général de l’Aisne and the President of the GHZH

10h-12h45 Session 1 Peat exploitation, nature, localization and exploitation technics

10h00-10h20 V. Vergne, F. Brimont : Géohistoire de la tourbe et des tourbières du Nord de la France 10h20-10h40 B. Sajaloli et F. Grégoire : Les colloques national et international de la tourbe à Laon en 1927 et 1928 : le chant du cygne de l’or brun

10h40-11h20 L. Szajdak, M. Szczepański Influence of secondary transformation of peat - moorsh soils on the process of purification of ground water.

11h20-11h40 Coffee- break

11h40-12h00 F. Grégoire et A. Laplace-Dolonde : Un document de référence sur les tourbières : l’inventaire du Service des Mines de 1949

12h00-12h20 L. Deschodt : Mise en place des tourbes sur quelques sites dans le nord de la France 12h20 12h45 Discussion with the audience

12h45 14h30 Lunch (Barenton-Bugny village hall) 14h30-16h40 Session 2 : Peat and uses

14h30-14h50. J.M.Derex : Les usages de tourbage en Artois à la fin du XVIIIe siècle 14h50-15h10 0. Cizel : Histoire juridique des tourbières

15h10-15h30 T. Soens, D. Tys, E. Thoen : Entre stratégies de survie, enjeux commerciaux et prise de pouvoir. Usages et usagers des tourbières disparues en Flandre Maritime (Xe - XVIe siècle)

15h30-15h50 Coffee- break

15h50-16h10 F. Delleaux :L’usage des cendres de tourbes hollandaises ou « cendres de mer » par les fermiers du Hainaut au XVIIIe siècle

16h10-16h30 (communication en attente)


16h30 17h30 Discussion with the audience

17h30 18h00 Day balance and field excursion presentation Friday october 19th; La Souche Marshes field excursion 08h30 : Leaving hostels and naturAgora

09h00 : Arrival in Liesse, pools area visit 12h00 : Field excursion lunch in Liesse 14h00 : Vesles-et-Caumont Natural Reserve 17h00 : Return to Laon

17h30 : Medieval town visit

20h00 : Symposium dinner in medieval town October 20th : Third day

09h00- 12h00 Session 3 : Peat and Societies

09h00 09h20 Paul Allard : Le rôle de la tourbe dans l’économie européenne

09h20-10h00 C. Cornelisse:The importance of peat for the late medieval society in Holland

10h00-10h20 N.Todorov : Une entreprise dans l’exploitation des tourbières de l’Europe de l’Est : le cas de l’entreprise Buckau Wolf-Georgi Dimitrov

10h20-10h40 Coffee- break

10h40-11h00 J. Buridant : Crise forestière et exploitation de la tourbe en France, XVIIIe-XIXe siècle : essai de mise en parallèle

11h00-11h20 A. Zieglmeyer L’exploitation des tourbières d’Ardon à la fin du XVIIIe siècle 11h20-12h00 Discussion with the audience

12h00 13h30 Lunch (Barenton-Bugny village hall) Session 4 : Memory, peat and mires perception

13h30 -13h50 A. Gallice : Tourbe et identité brièronne dans la Grande Brière Mottière

13h50-14h10 C. Sacca : Les tourbières Rhône-alpines depuis le XIXe siècle : entre anonymat, convoitises et préservation

14h10-14h30 S. Dournel : De l’exploitation historique de la tourbe dans la vallée de la Somme à la symbolique naturelle des étangs dans l’agglomération amiénoise : mutations paysagères et sociales 14h30-14h50 Coffee- break e

14h50-16h20 Richard D Oram : Exhausting the ‘Inexhaustible’: from Abundance to Crisis in the Supply of Peat in Scotland c.1500 to c.1800

16h20-16h40 J. Canivé : L’évolution récente des marais de la Souche 16h40 17h 15 Discussion with the audience

17h15 17h30 Symposium conclusion

All the symposium time will stand, in the entrance hall, a lot of expositions on the theme of peat ancient uses and connecting themes.


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