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الشعور بالوحدة النفسية وعلاقته بإدمان الانترنت لدى عينة من الطلبة المعاقين بصريا


Academic year: 2021

Partager "الشعور بالوحدة النفسية وعلاقته بإدمان الانترنت لدى عينة من الطلبة المعاقين بصريا"


Texte intégral


يداهلب ةمطاف

رعزل ةيرخ

يطايع ةيواضلا


ريدقتو ركش

يحمشلا للها نسب { نٍحشلا يذلاً ىلعً ًلع جوعًأ تيلا لخوعً شنشأ ىأ نيعصًأ ًبس ًأ الحاص لوعأ ى كدابع في لخحمشب نيلخدأً هاضشح ينلحاصلا " } تٌَا 94 "لونلا ثالحاصلا وخوعنب نخح يزلا لله ذولحا ، انل شسٌ يزلا وقٍفٌحً وًٌع ىلعً وخوعً ىلع هشنشً .لوعلا ازى صانجلإ برصلا اًاطعأً شنشلاب مذقخً ً " تفششلما ةراخسلأا لىإ شٌذقخلا ةيرخ شعضل ىلع " اتهايٍجٌح .انل ايحئاصًً .ةساشخسا ًأ حاترقا ًأ تحٍصًً وٍجٌخب ةشمزلما هزى ماتمإ ىلع اًذعاس يه لم شنشً شنشلا ثاٌآ ىسمأب مذقخً ً يه لىإ شٌذقخلا ينخيمشنلا ينخٌَا نيقح في جلضً في ولٌق { لىاعح يٌذلاٌلابً اًاسحإ } . ثاٌنس تسخم تلٍط اًٌسسد يٌزلا لضافلأا انحزحاسأ لىإ شنشلا لم .نتهايٍجٌخب انٍلع اٌلخبٌ لم يٌزلا ةزحاسلأا عٍجم لىإً


: 30 03 92 90 RUSSEL 9441 03 13 t-test LSD



This study aimed to investigate the correlation between loneliness and internet addiction among the visually impaired students. The research problem is formulated as such:

Is there any statistical significance between the degrees of loneliness and those of internet addiction among the visually impaired students?

The two researchers conducting this study collected the available data on the two variables “loneliness” and “internet addiction”, as part of the theoretical aspect of this study. For the practical part, they conducted a field study at Hamma Lakhdar University (El Oued) and CFPA (Centre de Formation Professionnelle et d’Apprentissage).

In this study, we have employed the descriptive correlational research method whereby we have applied our field study to a sample of 30 visually impaired students (17 males and 13 females) who were selected on a simple random sampling basis. We have distributed the data collection tool which was Russel’s 1996 UCLA Loneliness Scale of 20 measures and Boshra Ismael Ahmed’s scale of 60 measures. Data collection was conducted using the following relevant statistical methods: Pearson correlation coefficient, Spearman correlation coefficient, Brown correlation coefficient, Guttman correlation coefficient, t-test, one-way analysis of variance, and LSD test.

The findings of this study are as follows:

There is a statistically significant correlation between the degrees of feeling loneliness and those of internet addiction among the visually impaired students. There are no statistically significant differences in the medium of loneliness among the visually impaired students that are due to the variable of sex (female/male).

There are no statistically significant differences in the medium of degrees of internet addiction among the visually impaired students that are due to the variable of sex (female/male).

There are no statistically significant differences in the medium of loneliness among the visually impaired students that are due to the variable of hours spent using the internet.

There are no statistically significant differences in the medium of degrees of internet addiction among the visually impaired students that are due to the variable of hours spent using the internet.

There are statistically significant differences in the medium of loneliness among the visually impaired students that are due to the variable of the most used platforms.

There are statistically significant differences in the medium of degrees of internet addiction among the visually impaired students that are due to the variable of the most used platforms.


1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


1 2 3 4-5 6 7 8 1 2 44 3 4 5 6 47 7 8 1 2 3 4


5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7


39 12 30 22 30 56 30 56 30 57 31 57 32 58 33 59 34 59 93 59 99 60 90 61 90 64 90 T-test 66 90 T-test 67 91 One Way ANOVA


92 One Way ANOVA


93 One Way ANOVA

70 94 71 03 LSD 72 09 One Way ANOVA


9 26

0 72


 



1 9440 0391 0 0391 0390 0099


0392 0392 . 03 0390 0390 2 9 0 0 0


0 1 2 3 9 0 0 0 0 1 2 4  


5        6 1



2016 033


2017 12


0390 582

(2018) 668


0390 150 00 0394 9441 0393 020 09 00


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


1 9 9 0392 9433 43 039 9 0 0391 1 3 9433 0333 00 0331 Weiss


0334 00 9423 0339 0330 0333 0339 0339 Rokach 0392 000 2 2 1 Alienation


2 2 Depression 9433 2 3 Isolution 2 4 Nigro 9422 9423 Weeksetol 0393 999 3 Wiess 0399 130 Roy


   0390 02 0330 Personal Factors Situation Factors     0390 40 03 03


9444 94 Rokach 12 : 0390 99 4 4 1 1988 0393 41


2018 562 0333 91 4 2 0390 01 4 3 2112


0393 4 4 1973 003 5 5 1 De Jong


0390 00 00 5 2 Wiess 1987 5 3 Wiess 1973 0334 090 5 4 2111 46 0390 00 0 0 0390


1 AelfAlientation selfvoid depersonalisation Interpersonal Isolation Abcence of Intimacy Percived Social Aliention

Abndonement Distress Reaction : 0390 6 6 1 Keepersad 2111


0391 00 7 7 1 93 30 930


0392 00 7 2 9404 9301 9419 9320 0390 13 7 3 Boman and Slater


0393 09


7 4 9323 9413 9430 7 5 : 0393 3 8 9240 1309 0393 Brunes et al (2019 6).



Brunes et al Lancaster

Thomas Pocklington Trust


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


1 0330 0 0390 091 0394 000 90 03 0393 09 0391 00 .


2 ARPANET 9414 0391 00 3


0391 00 0391 020 4 4 1 0393 03 4 2 4 3 4 4


4 5 4 6 Online 0 04 5 0390 93 0392 00


6 6 1 090 6 2 0393 01 6 3 0390 02 6 4 6 5 6 6 0393 03 7 fenichel DSM 0 33 DSM 0 9


0 0 0 0 1 2 3 0392 00 8


0390 92


1 2 3 4 5 6 7


1 1 1 03 033 Field of vision 933 03 1 2 03327990 1 3 Visual Acuity 03 033 03 0330 40 2 0 9 23 03 033 03 0 0


0332 909 3 3 1 10 3 2 91 4 4 1 4 2 : 4 3 4 4 0332 991 4 5 4 6


5 5 1 : 0399 090 5 2 92070333 5 3 93370333 5 4 5 4 1 5 4 2


0333 910 5 5 5 5 1 ) 0330 013 5 5 2 000 6 6 1 1 1 1 00 6 2


        7 2 9         0390 000 000 7 2 .


7 3 0333 930 7 4 8 31 8 1 8 1 1 braille 8 1 2 8 1 3


8 1 4 8 1 5 8 1 6 8 1 7 9429 8 1 8 8 2    0390 000


1 2 3 4 5


1 2 2 1 2 2 00 30 0303 93 30 0303 2 3 0 3 0333 920 03 92 90 4 0333 910


4 1 4 1 1 9441 Russel 9443 9003 03 0392 903 13 3-5-7-8-10-12-14-15-16-17 1-2-4-6-9-11-13-18-19-20 14 0 1 2 4 1 2 03


15 31 3 0.757** 1 0.610** 5 0.717** 2 0.718** 7 0.357 4 0.414* 8 0.866** 6 0.377* 10 0.594** 9 0.349 12 0.724** 11 0.801** 14 0.690** 13 0.615** 15 0.485** 18 0.393* 16 -0.189 19 0.750** 17 0.471** 20 0.609** 30 3030 3039 ⍺ 31 16 0.858** 0.01 -0.549** 0.01 31 30303 30004 3039 ⍺


 Cronbach's Alpha 32 17 31 0.809 0.805 0.776 0.756 0.800 0.800 32 30334 30201 30330 30333 30221 30333 4 2 4 2 1 1 000 930 03 1 13


18 1-7-13-19-25-31-37-43-49-55 2-8-14-20-26-32-38-44-50-56 3-9-15-21-27-33-39-45-51-57 4-10-16-22-28-34-40-46-52-58 5-11-17-23-29-35-41-47-53-59 6-12-18-24-30-36-42-48-54-60 19 0 1 2 4 2 2  03 11 1 0.254 2 0.528** 3 0.382* 4 0.584** 5 0.560** 6 0.575** 7 0.373* 8 0.677** 9 0.423* 10 0.617** 11 0.796** 12 0.565** 13 0.578** 1 4 0.552** 15 0.470** 16 0.525** 17 0.707** 18 0.743** 19 0.469** 2 0 0.703** 21 0.597** 22 0.450* 23 0.802** 24 0.542** 25 0.265 2 6 0.654** 27 0.701** 28 0.565** 29 0.678** 30 0.273 31 0.580** 3 0.707** 33 0.695** 34 0.485** 35 0.767** 36 0.640**


2 37 0.669** 3 8 0.706** 39 0.296 40 0.700** 41 0.646** 42 0.525** 43 0.724** 4 4 0.719** 45 0.572** 46 0.459* 47 0.200 48 0.741** 49 0.562** 5 0 0.796** 51 0.543** 52 0.446* 53 0.669** 54 0.736** 55 0.602** 5 6 0.761** 57 0.732** 58 0.784** 59 0.684** 60 0.659** 3039 3030 3039 3030 3003 11 0.867 0.01 0.910 0.01 0.908 0.01 0.910 0.01 0.897 0.01 0.916 0.01 99 30312 30491 3039 ⍺ 


Cronbach's Alpha


12 31 0.650 0.597 0.586 0.863 0.858 0.853 0.729 0.620 0.619 0.746 0.640 0.639 0.849 0.739 0.739 0.795 0.776 0.775 0.955 0.956 0.956 90 30400 30103 30310 30042 30303 30031 30300 5 spss t-test LSD


1 2 3 4 5 6 7


1 " 90 13 0.372* -0.311 0.314 0.224 -0.103 0.210 0.188 -0.157 0.155 0.349 -0.169 0.373* 0.263 -0.151 0.206 0.329 -0.266 0.275 0.311 -0.206 0.277 3030 90 30022 3030 30031 30020 3030 30933 30020


30933 30020 30099 30930 30099 30031 0393 0391 2 t-test 90

Independent samples T test


14 T.test 17 19.71 4.806 28 -1.385 0.177 13 22.54 6.411 17 20.47 2.896 -0.634 0.531 13 19.69 3.838 17 47.29 4.269 -1.327 0.195 13 49.85 6.270 90 3030 3030 0390 WESS 0399 0334 0390 0390



Independent samples T test

90 15 T.test 17 7.47 3.727 28 0.959 0.346 13 6.31 2.594 17 6.53 5.680 0.602 0.552 13 5.38 4.369 17 9.00 4.387 0.711 0.483 13 7.92 3.707 17 5.94 4.160 0.299 0.767 13 5.54 2.847 17 4.00 4.596 0.719 0.478 13 2.92 3.226 17 7.18 5.040 1.090 0.286 13 5.62 2.694 17 40.12 25.478 0.790 0.436 13 33.69 16.469 90 3030


3030 0390



". One Way ANOVA


16 One Way ANOVA

F.test Sig 21 20.95 5.536 0.001 0.978 9 9 0 20.89 6.214 21 20.48 3.203 0.750 0.394 9 9 0 19.33 3.571 21 49.00 5.413 0.898 0.352 9 9 0 47.00 5.000


91 3030


". One Way ANOVA


17 One Way ANOVA

F.test Sig 21 7.29 2.918 0.652 0.426 9 9 0 6.22 4.116 21 6.33 4.747 0.236 0.631 9 9 0 5.33 6.103 21 8.67 3.916 0.073 0.790 9 9 0 8.22 4.658 21 6.19 3.219 0.970 0.333 9 9 0 4.78 4.410


21 3.52 3.311 0.000 0.985 9 9 0 3.56 5.615 21 6.62 3.735 0.054 0.817 9 9 0 6.22 5.380 21 38.62 19.156 0.234 0.632 9 9 0 34.33 28.482 92 3030 0390 0023 0390 6 .



18 One Way ANOVA

F.test Sig 11 You Tube 21.82 5.980


16 Face book 19.38 4.938 2.107 0.141 3 Twitter 26.00 6.083 11 You Tube 19.55 3.984 0.297 0.745 2.732 20.56 Face book 16 3 Twitter 20.00 4.359 11 You Tube 48.45 4.390 4.124 0.027 4.953 47.00 Face book 16 3 Twitter 55.67 5.508 93 3030 F.test 00900 3030 LSD Post Hoc 19

Test of Homogeneity of Variances Levene

Statistic df1 df2 Sig.

Based on Mean ,078 2 27 ,925

Based on Median ,068 2 27 ,934

Based on Median and with adjusted df ,068 2 26,121 ,934 Based on trimmed mean ,080 2 27 ,923 Based on Mean 1,188 2 27 ,320 Based on Median ,762 2 27 ,476

Based on Median and with adjusted df ,762 2 24,340 ,477 Based on trimmed mean 1,248 2 27 ,303 Based on Mean 2,378 2 27 ,112


Based on Median ,342 2 27 ,714 Based on Median and

with adjusted df ,342 2 22,415 ,714 Based on trimmed mean 2,139 2 27 ,137 LSD 21 LSD P.value -7.212 0.029 -8.667 0.008 03 3030 30339 30 2


0392 2200








21 One Way ANOVA

F.test Sig 11 You Tube 6.64 3.906 0.123 0.885 3.151 7.06 Face book 16 3 Twitter 7.67 2.082 11 You Tube 7.00 5.404 0.346 0.711 5.413 5.31 Face book 16 3 Twitter 6.33 1.528 11 You Tube 9.18 3.093 0.235 0.792 4.959 8.06 Face book 16 3 Twitter 8.67 2.082


11 You Tube 6.82 3.737 1.059 0.361 3.686 4.88 Face book 16 3 Twitter 6.67 1.528 11 You Tube 4.45 5.447 0.545 0.586 3.038 2.81 Face book 16 3 Twitter 4.00 3.000 11 You Tube 7.55 4.947 0.581 0.566 3.804 5.75 Face book 16 3 Twitter 6.67 3.786 11 You Tube 41.64 24.455 0.416 0.664 22.051 33.88 Face book 16 3 Twitter 40.00 11.269 09 3030 0393 0392 9202 2


9441 0390 9 0 0 0 0 1 2     


0330 9 0333 9 0390 03 93 0093 -0003 . 0390 90 090 003 0393 01 0 140 200 0390 91 9 012 040 0390 90 0 933 030 0399 0392 0334 0393 00 0392 0393


0392 0 0392 0390 0393 0331 03 9 42 902 942 090 0390 0333 0393 0 0 000 013 0330 0390 0 0392 90 0 004 010 0334 9


0330 0393 0393 0391 9 0393 39 39 43 993 0390 0394 01 034 093 0390 09 090 000 0390 04 9 90 02 0334 32 0 033 009 0390 00 093 000 9444


0391 10 4 00 0330 0333 0393 0394 00 0 9 02 0399 03 0390 03 9 0333 0 0332 0393 90000 0399 94 39 042 193 0391 13 0393 0 0391 03


0390 3 0 9 04 0390 0391 00 9 00 0394 0393 0390 4 04 00 01 0391 0393 0390 0391

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