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We give the conditions under which an almost Hermitian structure (G, J) of gene- ral natural lift type on the cotangent bundle TM of a Riemannian manifold (M, g), is K¨ahlerian. First, we obtain the algebraic conditions under which the manifold (TM, G, J) is almost Hermitian. Next we get the integrability condi- tions for the almost complex structureJ, then the conditions under which the associated 2-form is closed. The manifold (TM, G, J) is K¨ahlerian iff it is al- most K¨ahlerian and the almost complex structureJ is integrable. It follows that the family of K¨ahlerian structures of the above type onTM depends on three essential parameters (one is a certain proportionality factor, the other two are parameters involved in the definition ofJ).

AMS 2000 Subject Classification: 53C07, 53C15, 53C55.

Key words: cotangent bundle, Riemannian metric, general natural lift.


The fundamental differences between the geometry of the cotangent bun- dleTM and that of the tangent bundleT Mof a Riemannian manifold (M, g), are due to the different construction of lifts to TM, which cannot be defined just as in the case ofT M(see [14]).

The possibility to consider vertical, complete and horizontal lifts onTM leads to interesting geometric structures that were studied in the last years (see [5], [8], [9], [10], [11], [12], [13], [14], [15], [16], [17], [18]). Due to the duality tangent bundle-cotangent bundle, some of these results are very much similar to previous results for the tangent bundles.

In the present paper we study the conditions under which a structure (G, J) of general natural lift type on the cotangent bundle TM of a Rie- mannian manifold M, is a K¨ahlerian structure. The similar problem for the tangent bundle was treated by Oproiu [6] (see also [7] for the diagonal case).

Part of the results from the papers [12], [15], [16], can be obtained as particular cases from those in the present paper.

First, we consider a tensor fieldJof type (1,1) onTM which is a general natural lift of the Riemannian metricg. The condition onJ to define an almost

REV. ROUMAINE MATH. PURES APPL.,54(2009),1, 13–23


complex structure onTM leads to certain algebraic relations between the pa- rameters involved in its definition. Four out of the eight parameters involved in the definition of J may be obtained as (rational) functions of the other four parameters. The integrability condition for the almost complex struc- ture J implies that the base manifold must have constant sectional curvature.

Then some other relations fulfilled by the parameters and their derivatives are obtained, so that the number of the essential parameters involved in the definition of the integrable almost complex structure is 2.

We next study the conditions under which a Riemannian metricGwhich is a general natural lift of g, is Hermitian with respect toJ. We get that the structure (G, J) on TM is almost Hermitian if and only if the coefficients c1, c2, c3 involved in the definition of the metric G are proportional to the coefficientsa1,a2,a3involved in the definition of the almost complex structure J, with proportionality factor λ, and the combinations c1+ 2td1, c2 + 2td2, c3+ 2td3are proportional toa1+ 2tb1,a2+ 2tb2,a3+ 2tb3, with proportionality factor of the form λ+ 2tµ. The main result is that the structure (G, J) is K¨ahlerian if and only if µ = λ0 and the coefficients b1, b2, b3 of the almost complex structure J can be expressed as certain rational functions of a1, a2, a3 and their derivatives. The condition for (G, J) to be K¨ahlerian is obtained from the property for (G, J) to be almost K¨ahlerian and the integrability property for J.

Some quite long computations have been done by using the MATHE- MATICA package RICCI for tensor calculations.

The manifolds, tensor fields and other geometric objects we consider in this paper are assumed to be differentiable of class C (i.e., smooth). We use the computations in local coordinates in a fixed local chart but many results may be expressed in an invariant form by using the vertical and hori- zontal lifts. The well known summation convention is used throughout this paper, the range of the superscripts and subscripts h, i, j, k, l, m, r being always {1, . . . , n}.


Let (M, g) be a smoothn-dimensional Riemannian manifold and denote its cotangent bundle byπ :TM →M. Recall that there is a structure of a 2n- dimensional smooth manifold onTM, induced from the structure of smooth n-dimensional manifold of M. From every local chart (U, ϕ) = (U, x1, . . . , xn) on M, a local chart (π−1(U),Φ) = (π−1(U), q1, . . . , qn, p1, . . . , pn) is induced on TM as follows. For a cotangent vector p ∈ π−1(U) ⊂ TM, the first n local coordinatesq1, . . . , qnare the local coordinates of its base pointx=π(p) in the local chart (U, ϕ) (in fact, we have qi = πxi = xi ◦π, i = 1, . . . n).


The last n local coordinates p1, . . . , pn of p ∈ π−1(U) are the vector space coordinates of pwith respect to the natural basis (dx1π(p), . . . ,dxnπ(p)), defined by the local chart (U, ϕ), i.e. p=pidxiπ(p).

AnM-tensor field of type (r, s) onTM is defined by sets ofnr+scompo- nents (functions depending onqi andpi), withr superscripts andssubscripts assigned to induced local charts (π−1(U),Φ) onTM, such that the local co- ordinate change rule is that of the local coordinate components of a tensor field of type (r, s) on the base manifoldM (see [4] for details in the case of the tangent bundle). A usual tensor field of type (r, s) on M may be thought as an M-tensor field of type (r, s) on TM. If the considered tensor field on M is covariant only, the corresponding M-tensor field onTM may be identified with the induced (pullbacked by π) tensor field onTM.

Some useful M-tensor fields on TM can be obtained as follows. Let v, w: [0,∞)→Rbe smooth functions and letkpk2=gπ(p)−1 (p, p) be the square of the norm of the cotangent vectorp∈π−1(U) (g−1 is the tensor field of type (2,0) with components (gkl(x)), which are the entries of the inverse of the matrix (gij(x)) defined by the components ofg in the local chart (U, ϕ)). The components vgij(π(p)), pi,w(kpk2)pipj defineM-tensor fields of types (0,2), (0,1), (0,2), respectively, on TM. Similarly, the components vgkl(π(p)), g0i = phghi, w(kpk2)g0kg0l define M-tensor fields of type (2,0), (1,0), (2,0), respectively, on TM. Of course, all the above components are considered in the induced local chart (π−1(U),Φ).

The Levi Civita connection ˙∇of gdefines a direct sum decomposition

(2.1) T TM =V TM⊕HTM.

of the tangent bundle toTM into vertical distributionsV TM = Kerπ and the horizontal distribution HTM.

If (π−1(U),Φ) = (π−1(U), q1, . . . , qn, p1, . . . , pn) is a local chart on TM induced from the local chart (U, ϕ) = (U, x1, . . . , xn), then the local vector fields ∂p

1, . . . ,∂p

n on π−1(U) define a local frame for V TM over π−1(U) and the local vector fields δqδ1, . . . ,δqδn define a local frame for HTM over π−1(U), where

δ δqi = ∂

∂qi + Γ0ih


, Γ0ih=pkΓkih, and Γkih(π(p)) are the Christoffel symbols ofg.

The set of vector fields{∂p

1, . . . ,∂p

n,δqδ1, . . . ,δqδn} defines a local frame on TM, adapted to the direct sum decomposition (2.1).


We consider the energy density defined by g in the cotangent vector p, namely,

(2.2) t= 1

2kpk2 = 1

2gπ(p)−1 (p, p) = 1

2gik(x)pipk, p∈π−1(U).

We have t∈[0,∞) for allp∈TM.

Roughly speaking, the natural lifts have as coefficients functions of the density energy only ([1], [2], [3]).

From now on we shall work in a fixed local chart (U, ϕ) onM and in the induced local chart (π−1(U),Φ) onTM.

We can easily prove

Lemma 2.1. If n > 1 and u, v are smooth functions on TM such that either ugij+vpipj = 0, ugij+vg0ig0j = 0, or uδji+vg0ipj = 0 on the domain of any induced local chart on TM, then u= 0, v= 0.



IfX is a vector fieldX∈ X(M), thengX is the 1-form onM defined as gX(Y) = g(X, Y), ∀Y ∈ X(M). Using the local chart (U, x1, . . . , xn), on M we can write X =Xi ∂∂xi. ThengX =gijXjdxi,g



Let us consider a 1-form θ ∈ Λ1(M). Then θ] = gθ−1 is a vector field on M defined by the musical isomorphism g(θ], Y) =θ(Y), ∀Y ∈ X(M). If θ=θidxi thenθ]=gijθj∂xi on the local chart (U, x1, . . . , xn) or M.

Forp∈TM we consider the vector p] tangent toM atπ(p).

The Liouville vector field pV on TM is, given by pVp = pi

∂pi at every point p of the induced local chart (π−1(U),Φ) onTM.

The similar horizontal vector field (p])H on TM is given by (p]p)H = g0i δδqi at every point p of the induced local chart (π−1(U),Φ) on TM (recall that g0i=phghi).

Consider real valued smooth functionsa1,a2,a3,a4,b1,b2,b3,b4defined on [0,∞) ⊂R. We define a general natural tensor J of type (1,1) on TM by its action on the horizontal and vertical lifts on TM by

J XpH =a1(t)(gX)Vp +b1(t)p(X)pVp +a4(t)XpH+b4(t)p(X)(p])Hp , J θVp =a3(t)θVp +b3(t)g−1π(p)(p, θ)pVp −a2(t)(θ])Hp −b2(t)g−1π(p)(p, θ)(p])Hp , at every point p of the induced local card (π−1(U),Φ) onTM,∀X ∈ X(M),



With respect to the local adapted frame {δqδi,∂p

j}i,j=1,...,n, the expres- sions of J are




 J δ

δqi =a1(t)gij


+b1(t)piC+a4(t) δ

δqi +b4(t)piC,e J ∂

∂pi =a3(t) ∂

∂pi +b3(t)g0iC−a2(t)gij δ

δqj −b2(t)g0iC,e

where we have denoted by C =pV the Liouville vector-field on TM and by Ce= (p])H,the corresponding horizontal vector field onTM.

We may also write




 J δ

δqi =Jij(1)

∂pj +J4ji δ δqj, J ∂




−J(2)ij δ δqj, where

Jij(1)=a1(t)gij+b1(t)pipj, J4ji =a4(t)δij+b4(t)g0jpi, J3ij =a3(t)δij+b3(t)g0ipj, J(2)ij =a2(t)gij+b2(t)g0ig0j.

Theorem 3.1. A natural tensor field J of type (1,1) on TM given by (3.1) or (3.2) defines an almost complex structure on TM if and only if a4 =−a3,b4 =−b3 and the coefficients a1, a2,a3,b1, b2 andb3 are related by (3.3) a1a2= 1 +a23, (a1+ 2tb1)(a2+ 2tb2) = 1 + (a3+ 2tb3)2.

Remark. By conditions (3.3), the coefficientsa1,a2,a1+ 2tb1,a2+ 2tb2 have the same sign and cannot vanish. We assume that a1 > 0, a2 > 0, a1+ 2tb1 >0,a2+ 2tb2 >0 for all t≥0.

Remark. Relations (3.3) allow to express two of the coefficients a1, a2, a3,b1,b2,b3,as functions of the other four; e.g., we have

(3.4) a2 = 1 +a23

a1 , b2 = 2a3b3−a2b1+ 2tb23 a1+ 2tb1 .

The integrability condition for the above almost complex structureJ on a manifold M is characterized by the vanishing of its Nijenhuis tensor field NJ defined by

NJ(X, Y) = [J X, J Y]−J[J X, Y]−J[X, J Y]−[X, Y] for all vector fields X andY on M.

Theorem3.2. Let(M, g)be ann(>2)-dimensional connected Rieman- nian manifold. The almost complex structure J defined by (3.1) on TM is


integrable if and only if (M, g) has a constant sectional curvature c and the coefficients b1, b2, b3 are given by










b1 = 2c2ta22+ 2cta1a02+a1a01−c+ 3ca23 a1−2ta01−2cta2−4ct2a02 , b2 = 2ta023 −2ta01a02+ca22+ 2cta2a02+a1a02

a1−2ta01−2cta2−4ct2a02 , b3 = a1a03+ 2ca2a3+ 4cta02a3−2cta2a03

a1−2ta01−2cta2−4ct2a02 . Proof. From the conditionNJ(∂p


j) = 0 we obtain that the horizontal component of this Nijenhuis bracket vanishes if and only if

(3.6) a02 = a2a03+ 2a3b2−a2b3 2(a3+tb3) while the vertical component vanishes if and only if (3.7) (a1a02−a1b2+ 2a03b3t)(δjhpi−δhipj)−

−a22g0kRhkij −a2b2g0kg0l(pjRkilh −piRhkjl) = 0.

Taking into account that the curvature of the base manifold does not depend on p, we differentiate with respect to pk in (3.7). Considering the value of this derivative at p= 0, we get

(3.8) Rhkij =c(δihgkj −δjhgki), where

c= a1(0)


which is a function depending on q1, . . . , qn only. According to Schur’s theo- rem, cmust be a constant when n >2 and M is connected.

Using the condition of constant sectional curvature for the base manifold, from NJ(δqδi,δqδj) = 0 we obtain






a01 = a1b1+c(1−3a23−4ta3b3) a1+ 2tb1

, a03 = a1b3−2ca2(a3+tb3)

a1+ 2tb1 .

If we replace in (3.6) the expression of a03 and relations (3.4), we get (3.10) a02 = 2a3b3−a2b1−ca22

a1+ 2tb1 .


The values ofa01,a03in (3.9) anda02 in (3.10) fulfil the vanishing condition of the vertical component of the Nijenhuis bracket NJ(∂p

i,δqδj). The same expressions also fulfil the relation

(3.11) a1a02+a01a2 = 2a3a03,

obtained by differentiating with respect to t the first relation (3.3).

We can solve the system given by (3.6) and (3.9), with respect tob1,b2, b3. Taking (3.11) into account, we get relations (3.5), which fulfil identically the expression of b2 from (3.4).

Remark. In the diagonal case, where a3 = 0, we haveb3 = 0, too, and a2 = 1

a1, b1 = a1a01−c

a1−2ta01, b2= c−a1a01 a1(a21−2ct).

We thus retrieve some results from [13] and [16], papers which have treated the diagonal case only.


In this section we introduce a Riemannian metric G of general natural lift type on the cotangent bundle TM, defined by






Gp(XH, YH) =c1(t)gπ(p)(X, Y) +d1(t)p(X)p(Y),

GpV, ωV) =c2(t)gπ(p)−1 (θ, ω) +d2(t)gπ(p)−1 (p, θ)gπ(p)−1 (p, ω), Gp(XH, θV) =GpV, XH) =c3(t)θ(X) +d3(t)p(X)gπ(p)−1 (p, θ),

∀ X, Y ∈ X(M),∀θ, ω∈Λ1(M),∀p∈TM. In local coordinates expressions (4.1) become









 G

δ δqi, δ


=c1(t)gij+d1(t)pipj =G(1)ij , G


, ∂


=c2(t)gij +d2(t)g0ig0j =Gij(2), G

∂pi, δ δqj

=G δ

δqi, ∂


=c3(t)δij+d3(t)pig0j =G3ji, where c1, c2, c3,d1, d2, d3 are six smooth functions of the density energy on TM. The conditions for Gto be positive definite are met if

(4.3) c1+ 2td1 >0, c2+ 2td2>0, (c1+ 2td1)(c2+ 2td2)−(c3+ 2td3)2 >0.


The metricGis almost Hermitian with respect to the general almost com- plex structure J, ifG(J X, J Y) =G(X, Y) for all vector fields X, Y on TM.

We now prove the result below.

Theorem 4.1. The family of natural Riemannian metrics G on TM such that (TM, G, J) is an almost Hermitian manifold is given by(4.2) pro- vided that the coefficientsc1,c2,c3,d1,d2,andd3 are related to the coefficients a1, a2, a3, b1, b2, and b3 by the proportionality relations

(4.4) c1

a1 = c2 a2 = c3


(4.5) c1+ 2td1 a1+ 2tb1

= c2+ 2td2 a2+ 2tb2

= c3+ 2td3 a3+ 2tb3

=λ+ 2tµ,

where the proportionality coefficients λ >0 andλ+ 2tµ >0are functions oft.

Proof. We use the local adapted frame {δqδi,∂p

j}i,j=1,...,n. The metricG is almost hermitian if and only if









 G

J δ

δqi, J δ δqj

=G δ

δqi, δ δqj

, G

J ∂


, J ∂


=G ∂


, ∂


, G

J ∂

∂pi, J δ δqj

=G ∂

∂pi, δ δqj


By Lemma 2.1, the coefficients of gij,gij, δji in conditions (4.6) must vanish.

It follows that the parameters c1, c2, c3, from the definition of the metric G satisfy a homogeneous linear system of the form




(a23−1)c1+a21c2−2a1a3c3 = 0, a22c1+ (a23−1)c2−2a2a3c3 = 0, a2a3c1+a1a3c2−2a1a2c3= 0.

The nontrivial solutions of (4.7) are given by (4.4).

From the vanishing condition of the coefficients of pipj, g0ig0j, g0ipj in (4.6), we obtain a much more complicated system fulfilled by d1, d2, d3. In order to get a certain similitude with system (4.7) fulfilled by c1, c2, c3, we multiply the new equations by 2t and substract the corresponding equations of system (4.7). The new system can be written in a form in which the new


unknowns are c1+ 2td1,c2+ 2td2,c3+ 2td3,namely,









[(a3+ 2tb3)2−1](c1+ 2td1) + (a1+ 2tb1)2(c2+ 2td2)

−2(a1+ 2tb1)(a3+ 2tb3)(c3+ 2td3) = 0,

(a2+ 2tb2)2(c1+ 2td1) + [(a3+ 2tb3)2−1](c2+ 2td2)

−2(a2+ 2tb2)(a3+ 2tb3)(c3+ 2td3) = 0,

(a2+ 2tb2)(a3+ 2tb3)(c1+ 2td1) + (a1+ 2tb1)(a3+ 2tb3)(c2+ 2td2)

−2(a1+ 2tb1)(a2+ 2tb2)(c3+ 2td3) = 0.

Then the nonzero solutions are given by (4.5).

Conditions (4.3) are fullfield, due to properties (3.4) of the coefficients of the almost complex structure J.

The explicit expressions of the coefficientsd1, d2, d3obtained from (4.5) are




d1=λb1+µ(a1+ 2tb1), d2=λb2+µ(a2+ 2tb2), d3=λb3+µ(a3+ 2tb3).

Remark. In the case wherea3 = 0, we havec3 =d3 = 0 and we obtain the almost Hermitian structure considered in [13] and [16]. Moreover, ifλ= 1 and µ= 0, we obtain the almost K¨ahlerian structure considered in the same papers.

Considering the two-form Ω defined by the almost Hermitian structure (G, J) on TM as Ω(X, Y) = G(X, J Y) for all vector fields X, Y on TM, we obtain

Proposition 4.2. The expression of the 2-form Ω in the local adapted frame {δqδi,∂p

j}i,j=1,...,n onTM, is given by Ω

∂pi, ∂


= 0, Ω δ

δqi, δ δqj

= 0, Ω ∂

∂pi, δ δqj


or, equivalently,

(4.9) Ω = (λδji +µg0ipj)Dpi∧dqj, where Dpi = dpi−Γ0ihdqh is the absolute differential of pi.

Next, by calculating the exterior differential of Ω, we obtain

Theorem 4.3. The almost Hermitian structure (TM, G, J) is almost K¨ahlerian if and only if µ=λ0.

Proof. The differential of Ω is

dΩ = (dλδji+dµg0ipj+µdg0ipj+µg0idpj)∧Dpi∧dqj+(λδji+µg0ipj)dDpi∧dqj.


We first obtain the expressions of dλ, dµ, dg0i and dDpi as dλ=λ0g0hDph, dµ=µ0g0hDph, dg0i=ghiDph−Γij0dqj,

dDpi= 1


Substituting these relations in dΩ, using the properties of the external product, the symmetry of gij, Γhij and the Bianchi identities, we get

dΩ = 1

2(λ0−µ)pk(gkhδij−gkiδhj)Dph∧Dpi∧dqj. Hence dΩ = 0 if and only if µ=λ0.

Remark. The family of general natural almost K¨ahlerian structures on TM depends thus on five essential coefficients a1,a3, b1, b3, λ, which must satisfy the supplementary conditionsa1 >0,a1+ 2tb1 >0,λ >0,λ+ 2tµ >0.

Combining the results from Theorems 4.1, 3.2 and 4.3 we can state Theorem4.4. An almost Hermitian structure(G, J) of general natural lift type on TM is K¨ahlerian if and only if the almost complex structureJ is integrable (see Theorem 3.2)and µ=λ0.

Remark. The family of general natural K¨ahlerian structures on TM depends on three essential coefficients a1, a3, λ, which must satisfy the sup- plementary conditions a1 >0,a1+ 2tb1 >0,λ >0, λ+ 2tλ0 >0, whereb1 is given by (3.5). Examples of such structures can be found in [12], [13], [16].

Acknowledgements.The author is gratiful to her PhD adviser, Professor V. Oproiu, for several discussions, hints and encouragements. This research was partly supported by Grant TD 158/2007 with CNCSIS, Romanian Ministry of Education and Resarch.


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Received 9 May 2008 “Al.I. Cuza” University

Faculty of Mathematics Bd. Carol I nr. 11 700506 Ia¸si, Romˆania simonadruta@yahoo.com


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We establish the ampleness of Schur powers of cotangent bundles of generic complete intersections in projective manifolds, with high enough explicit codimension and multi-degrees..