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The post-harvest quality of bananas is determined by pre-harvest factors


Academic year: 2021

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of bananas, caused by

Colletotrichum musae and

crown rot of bananas, caused by a broad unspecific parasitic

complex, are the most important post-harvest diseases affecting

the quality of exported bananas. These diseases develop during

fruit transportation, conservation, ripening and marketing.

Like for most post-harvest diseases, the control of these diseases relies mainly on post-harvest practices like fungicide applications, fruit handling, cooling, CA or MA… Nevertheless, the regular observation of

seasonal (figure 1 et 2) and spatial (figure 1) variations in the performance of these practices highlights

the strong influence of pre-harvest factors. These pre-harvest factors determine a fruit potential quality

that is elaborated at field level (figure 3). This potential of fruit quality is constituted by a physiological

component (the fruit susceptibility) and by a parasitic component (the level of fruit contamination).

de Lapeyre de Bellaire L.1, Chillet M.2,3, Lassois L.4, Ewane C.4,5, Bastiaanse H.4, Jijakli M.H.4, Lepoivre P.4

1. CIRAD, UPR Systèmes bananes et ananas, F-34398 Montpellier, France


2. CIRAD,UMR Qualisud, F-34398 Montpellier, France

3. Universidade de Sao Paulo, Departamento de Alimentos e Nutriçao Experimental, Brasil 4. Faculté universitaire des Sciences agronomiques de Gembloux. Unité de Phytopathologie,

Passage des Déportés 2, B-5030 – Gembloux – Belgium

5. CARBAP – BP 832. Douala, Cameroon


re-harvest factors influence the physiologic

component of the fruit potential quality

•• The physiologic component is defined as the level of fruit susceptibility to

the post-harvest diseases and is evaluated through artificial inoculations (5).

•• Fruit grown in highland areas are less susceptible to anthracnose (6,8)

and also to crown rot than fruit grown in lowland areas.

•• The physiological age of fruit at harvest has a strong influence on fruit

susceptibility to both diseases: the youngest the fruits, the less susceptible (7,8).

•• The modification of source-sink ratio (fruit trimming), influences fruit

susceptibility to crown rot but has no influence on fruit susceptibility to anthracnose (6).

•• The level of development of Black Sigotoka (a fungal foliar disease) also

affects the level of fruit susceptibility to crown rot.

Figure 4. The parasitic component

Figure 5. The physiological component 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 Weeks % C ro w n ro t af te r sh ip m en t an d ri p en in g Dia-Dia Tiko no data in Dia-Dia no data in Tiko 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 44 48 52 4 8 12 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 48 52 4 8 12 16 20 Weeks % o f an th ra cn o se af te r sh ip m en t no data 2001 2002 2003 5 2000

Post-harvest factors

Marketting process Ripening rooms Packing station

Post harvest disease at commercial level

Artificial ripening

Conservation of fruits (temperature CA/MA)

Chemical control Prophylaxy

Wounds due

to manipulations

Shipment and conservation

C C C Cheeemicccaaal C Chheemmiiccaall ccccoooonnnttttrrroooolll to manipulatio p y y • Lower appreciation of the brand on the market

• Reject of the brand • Lowerprices


Pre-harvest factors

Production plot



component component



Anthracnose Crown rot

highlands highlands

lowlands old old lowlands

young young high

high low low Level of fruit susceptibilty Fi el d de ha nd in g O pt im al ha rv es t st ag e O pt im al ha rv es t st ag e Si ga to ka co nt ol

Evaluation of fruit susceptibility

Physiological age at harvest (d.d) Physiological age at harvest (d.d) Source-sink ratio Severity of Black Sigatoka Area of production Area of production Figure 3. Elaboration of fruit quality


re-harvest factors influence the parasitic

component of the fruit potential quality

•• The parasitic component is defined as the level of fruit contamination by the

pathogens. In the case of anthracnose, this level is the quantity of quiescent appressoria at the fruit surface and a specific method has been established for quantitative assessment before harvest (1).

•• It has been shown that floral remnants are the main inoculum sources for

fruit contamination by Colletotrichum musae (2, 3).

•• Most contaminations occur very early in the field, during the first month of

bunch emergence (2, 3).

•• Rainwater is essential for the dissemination of conidia, so the early

protection of bunches with a plastic sleeve reduces strongly fruit contamination (3,4). Inoculum sources Rainfall flowering harvest low high deflowering appressoria

Evaluation of fruit contamination

a a spore trap Anthracnose Level of fruit contamination anthracnose lesions Ethylene 1000 ppm 35°C – 6 days floral remnants and bunch bract are present Bu nc h sl ee vin g Ir rig at io n Pr ec oc ity of bu nc h ca re Fi el sa ni ta tio n Population dynamics C o n c e p ti o n : C IR A D , M ar t in e D up ort al , M a rc h 2 0 0 9 — P h o to s © H . B a st ia a n se , L . d e L a p e y re d e B e ll a ir e , R . D o m e rg u e , C . E w a n e , M . C h il le t


MOURICHON X. 2000. Elaboration of an early

quantification method of quiescent infections of Colletotrichum musae on bananas. Plant Disease, 84 (2) : 128-133.


pattern of fungal contamination of the banana bunch during its development and potential influence on incidence of crown-rot and anthracnose diseases. Plant Pathology (46) : 481-489.


C., MOURICHON X. 2000. Importance of different

sources of inoculum and dispersal methods of conidia of Colletotrichum musae, the causal

agent of banana anthracnose, for fruit contamination. Plant Pathology (49) : 782-790. (4) MOUEN BEDIMO J.A., CHILLET M., JULLIEN A., DE

LAPEYRE DE BELLAIRE L. 2003. Le gainage précoce

des régimes de bananes améliore la croissance des fruits et leur état sanitaire vis-à-vis de l'anthracnose (Colletotrichum musae).

Fruits, 58 (2) : 71-81.


-CHARLES Y. 2008. Determination of banana fruit

susceptibility to post-harvest diseases: Wound anthracnose, quiescent anthracnose and crown rot. Fruits, 63 (3) : 183-186.



Evidence for the variation in susceptibility of bananas to wound anthracnose due to

Colletotrichum musae and the influence of

edaphic conditions. Scientia horticulturae, 86 : 33-47.

(7) CHILLET M., HUBERT O., RIVES M.J., DE LAPEYRE DE BELLAIRE L. 2006. Effects of the physiological

ages of bananas on their susceptibility to wound anthracnose due to Colletotrichum

musae. Plant disease, 90 (9) : 1181-1185.


L. 2007. Relationship between physiological age, ripening and susceptibility of banana to wound anthracnose. Crop protection, 26 (7) :


Figure 1. Evolution of crown rot on untreated bananas exported from 2 banana plantations of Cameroon in 2006 (estimation over 900 banana clusters/week/plantation)

Figure 2. Evolution of anthracnose on fungicide treated bananas exported from one banana plantation of Guadeloupe from 2000 to 2003 (estimation over 250 fruits/week)


Crown rot

The post-harvest quality of bananas

is determined by pre-harvest factors


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