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Comparison Between Control-Based Continuation and Phase-Locked Loop Methods for the Identification of Backbone Curves and Nonlinear Frequency Responses


Academic year: 2021

Partager "Comparison Between Control-Based Continuation and Phase-Locked Loop Methods for the Identification of Backbone Curves and Nonlinear Frequency Responses"


Texte intégral


Tribomechadynamics Research Camp

Rice University, Houston TX

June 25


– August 2


, 2019


Comparison Between Control-Based Continuation and Phase-Locked Loop Methods

for the Identification of Backbone Curves and Nonlinear Frequency Responses


F. Müller, G. Abeloos, E. Ferhatoglu, M. Scheel, M. Brake, P. Tiso, L. Renson, M. Krack

Experimental Setup

Phase-Locked Loop (PLL)



• Model-less experimental characterization of

nonlinear structures with PLL and CBC

 Backbone Curves

 Nonlinear Frequency Responses

• No direct comparison of the methods has

been performed until now

[1] Scheel, M., Peter, S., Leine, R. I., & Krack, M. (2018). A phase resonance approach for modal testing of structures with nonlinear dissipation. Journal of Sound and

Vibration, 435, 56-73.

[2] Peter, S., & Leine, R. I. (2017). Excitation power quantities in phase resonance testing of nonlinear systems with phase-locked-loop excitation. Mechanical Systems and Signal

Processing, 96, 139-158.

[3] Renson, L., Gonzalez-Buelga, A., Barton, D. A. W., & Neild, S. A. (2016). Robust identification of backbone curves using control-based continuation. Journal of Sound

and Vibration, 367, 145-158.

[4] Renson, L., Barton, D. A., & Neild, S. A. (2017). Experimental tracking of limit-point bifurcations and backbone curves using control-based continuation. International

Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 27(01), 1730002.

• Clamped-clamped

curved beam

• Base excitation

• Velocity measured

by laser

• Force measured by

impedance head







312 312.5 313 313.5 314 314.5 315 315.5 Excitation Frequency [Hz] 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 R es po ns e A m pl itu de [m /s ]

Nonlinear Frequency Responses

F = 1 N F = 2 N F = 3 N F = 4 N F = 5 N Backbone 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 Response Amplitude [m/s] 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 D am pi ng R at io [% ] 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 R es on an ce F re qu en cy n l [H z]

Change of Modal Properties of the First Mode

Linear Damping


n l

Nonlinear Damping

• Response amplitude is imposed by a PD controller  Control is made non-invasive by Picard iterations  Measured excitation force is made

mono-harmonic by Newton iterations

• Backbone curves are obtained by increasing the response amplitude and tuning the excitation frequency until the quadrature of phase

• S-curves are obtained by increasing the response amplitude at constant excitation frequency

• The full dynamics manifold is constructed by minimizing the distance between a Bézier surface and S-curves data points

Control-Based Continuation (CBC)

312 313 314 315 316 317 318 Frequency [Hz] 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.35 0.4 0.45 0.5 R es po ns e A m p lit ud e [m /s ] Backbone Curves CBC PLL

• Backbones obtained by both methods are consistent

• Nonlinear frequency response curves can be obtained by both methods

• Higher forcing harmonics can be cancelled with both methods

• Further studies could focus on:  comparison of performance  more complex nonlinearities

• Phaselag between excitation (=force) and response (=velocity) is evaluated online and controlled to a specific value

 Stepping from low to high excitation amplitude at phaselag = 0°yields backbone curve

 Stepping through phaselag at constant excitation amplitude yields frequency response including instable branches

• From the backbone measurement results:

 amplitude dependent damping is calculated  frequency response is synthesized

Excitation Frequency [Hz] R e sp o ns e A m p lit ud e [m /s ]


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