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Differentiable PKC activation on pacemaking activity of cardiomyocytes derived from mouse embryonic stem cells


Academic year: 2021

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Figure 1.  Action potential of a working cardiac cell versus pacemaker cell  (Redrawn from Vander’s physiology: The mechanisms of body function, 2008)
Figure 2. The cardiac conduction system. The components are shown in the diagram as  well as directional activation patterns
Figure 3.  Connexin topology. a) The connexion topology within the lipid bilayer b)  illustrates the subclasses and the oligomerization of connexins into homomeric or  heteromeric hexamers with other connexins [13]
Figure 4.  Structure of PMA (the active phorbol is also referred to as tetradecanoyl  phorbol-13-acetate (TPA)) [32]


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