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Multiple description coding technique to improve the robustness of ACELP based coders AMR-WB


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To cite this version: Chaouch, Hocine and Merazka, Fatiha and

Marthon, Philippe Multiple description coding technique to improve

the robustness of ACELP based coders AMR-WB. (2019) Speech

Communication, 108. 33-40. ISSN 0167-6393

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a LISIC Laboratory, Telecommunications Department. USTHB University, P.O. Box 32 El Alia, Algiers, Algeria b ENSEEIHT Informatique, 2 Rue Camichel BP 7122, 31071 Toulouse Cedex 7, France


VoIP ITU-T G.722.2

Multiple description coding Markov model


a b







In this paper, a concealment method based on multiple-description coding (MDC) is presented, to improve speech quality deterioration caused by packet loss for algebraic code-excited linear prediction (ACELP) based coders. We apply to the ITU-T G.722.2 coder, a packet loss concealment (PLC) technique, which uses packetization schemes based on MDC. This latter is used with two new designed modes, which are modes 5 and 6 (18,25 and 19,85 kbps, respectively). We introduce our new second-order Markov chain model with four states in order to simulate network losses for different loss rates. The performance measures, with objective and subjective tests under various packet loss conditions, show a significant improvement of speech quality for ACELP based coders. The wideband perceptual evaluation of speech quality (WB-PESQ), enhanced modified bark spectral distortion (EMBSD), mean opinion score (MOS) tests and MUltiple Stimuli with Hidden Reference and Anchor (MUSHRA) for speech extracted from TIMIT database confirm the efficiency of our proposed approach and show a considerable enhancement in speech quality compared to the embedded algorithm in the standard ITU-T G.722.2.

1. Introduction

VoiceoverInternetProtocol (VoIP)hasgained agreatpopularity overtherecentyears,chiefly,duetoitslowcostanddeployment easi-ness.However,thequalityofservice(QoS)hasnotyetreachedalevel equivalenttotheoneofferedbytraditionalpublicswitchedtelephone network(PSTN)(Goode,2002).

VoIPusespacketized transmissionof speechovertheInternet(IP network)(Merazka, 2012)andtherefore,atthereceiver,some pack-etsmaybe lostdue tonetworkdelay,networkcongestion(jitter)or networkerrors.These lostpackets deterioratethespeechqualityand maycauseconversationinterruptions.Hence,itisnecessarytoemploy amechanismtorecoverthelostpackets.Severalpacketlossrecovery algorithms,alsoknownaspacketlossconcealment(PLC)techniques, whichcanbeeithertransmitterorreceiverbased,areusedtoreplace theselostpackets,(Perkinsetal.,1998a;Kostasetal.,1998).

Algebraic code-excited linearprediction (ACELP) coders, such as ITU-TG.722.2,alsoknownasadaptivemulti-ratewideband(AMR-WB), areoftenusedinVoIPsystemsbecauseoftheirgoodspeechqualityin theabsenceof packetloss.However,theirrelianceonlong-term pre-diction(LTP)causespropagationerrorsthroughspeechframesmaking ACELPcodersmoresensitivetopacketloss(ITU-TRec.,2003a).This

Multiple description coding technique to improve the robustness of ACELP based coders AMR-WBCorresponding author.

latterfactwillcausethequalityofthereconstructedspeechtodegrade underpacketlossconditions(KimandKleijn,2004).

Inliterature,PLCtechniquescanbeclassifiedintorepetition meth-ods(SerizawaandNozawa,2002),interpolation/extrapolationmethods (Perkinsetal.,1998b)andmore sophisticatedregenerationmethods basedonaspeechmodel(Sanneck,1996).

Inordertomitigatetheeffectsofpacketlossandtransmissionerrors inVoIP,multipledescriptioncoding(MDC)isused.MDCdividesdata intodistinctdescriptorswhichdependonanacceptabledecoding qual-ity.Inthiscase,thequalityisincreasedbyusingmorethantwo descrip-tors(Wahetal.,2000)andsincetheprobabilityoflosingallthe descrip-torsisconsideredtobesmall,additionaldelayisnotneededandmore bandwidthisonlynecessaryiftheeffectivechannelcodingisrequired. WhilesomepracticalMDCcodershavebeendevelopedforimageand video,relativelylittleattentionhasbeengiventoMDCspeechcoding. Orozcoetal.inOrozcoetal.(2006)havemadeacomparisonbetween codeexcitedlinearprediction(CELP)andsinusoidal coderswherea packetizationschemebasedonMDCwasappliedtothesinusoidalcoder ispresented.TheauthorshaveappliedtheirproposedMDCmethodin thelowerbitrates.Also,theadaptivemulti-rate(AMR)speechcoding standardbasedonCELPspeechwasintroducedbyYangetal.(2010). Thisstrategyis basedonerrorconcealmentwhichis appliedto con-secutiveframelosswhentransmissionenvironmentisnotreliableand

E-mailaddresses:chaouchhou@gmail.com(H. Chaouch), fmerazka@usthb.dz(F. Merazka), Philippe.Marthon@enseeiht.fr(P. Marthon).


thechannelcoding couldnot effectivelycontrolerror occurrence.In Zhipuetal.(2005), authorshaveintroducedmultipledescriptionsource codingschemestoimprovethestatisticalstabilityandperformanceof theestimationerrorcovarianceofKalmanfilterwithpacketloss. Au-thorsinLietal.(2012a)havecomparedtheperformanceofdifferent MDCschemesforAMR-WBcodecbasedonrate-distortion(R-D)theory whileconsideringtheparameterimportanceforhighpacketloss con-dition.TheirproposedMDCschemeachievedsubstantialrobustnessin bothlowandhighpacketlossconditions.InLietal.(2012b), the au-thorshaveproposedananalyticalandanexperimentalcomparisonof forwarderrorcorrection(FEC)andMDCperformancefortheAMR-WB codec.Consideringtheresultsofthiscomparison,theauthorsproposed anoptimizedapproachtoselecttheoptimalpacketlossrecovery tech-niquebasedonnetworkconditionstoachievethebestspeechquality.

Inthis paper,weintroduceanddescribeanewsender-basedPLC methodbasedonMDCintoACELPspeechcoder.Inthepreviousworks, theMDCapproachhasbeenusedonnarrowbandcoderatverylow,low andmediumbitrates(Orozcoetal.,2006)andonAMR-WBathighrates forcomparingMDCwithFECanalyticallyandexperimentally.OurMDC approachaimstoimprovethespeechqualitydeteriorationcausedby packetlossfortheAMR-WBcoderattwodesignedhighqualitybitrates 18.25kbpsand19.85kbpsoverthetechniqueembeddedinthestandard ITU-TG.722.2(Bessette,2002;MerazkaandFulvio,2015).Notethatthe suitablemodesareselectedaccordingtotherequiredtransmissionrate. Inaddition, anovelmodeling packetlossasaSecond-orderMarkov chainwithfourstatesisproposed andusedinsteadofGilbertmodel whichisaFirst-orderMarkovchainwithtwostates.

We compared the performance of the decoded speech obtained by our proposed PLC based MDC with the original G.722.2 codec using widebandperceptualevaluation ofspeech quality(WB-PESQ), enhancedmodified bark spectral distortion (EMBSD),mean opinion score(MOS) andmultiplestimuliwithhiddenreferenceandAnchor (MUSHRA)evaluation.TheperformancemeasuresprovethatourPLC approachbasedonMDCisbetterthantheoneembeddedinthestandard ITU-TG.722.2.

Thereminderofthispaperisstructuredasfollows.InSection2,a briefoverviewoftheAMR-WBG.722.2ispresented.InSection3,anovel packetlossmodelasasecond-orderMarkov chainis introducedand described.AreviewonourconcealmentmethodbasedMDCisprovided inSection4.InSection5,discussionsonsimulationresultsaregiven. Finally,asummaryofthemaincontributionofthispaperispresented intheSection6.

2. OverviewofTheAMR-WBG.722.2

TheG.722.2withAMR-WBalgorithmisusedasaninternet wide-bandaudiocodecforVoIPwithanaudiobandof50-7000Hzinstead ofthe200-3400Hzbandemployedinclassicaltelephony.Whenthe bandwidthisincreasedtheintelligibilityandnaturalnessofspeechare enhanced.TheITU-TG.722.2AMR-WBcodecissimilarto3GPP AMR-WBcodec.Therelative3GPPproprietiesaretheTS26.190standards ofthespeechcodecandtheTS26.194TheG.722.2withAMR-WB al-gorithmisusedasaninternetwidebandaudiocodecforVoIPwithan audiobandof50-7000Hzinsteadofthe200–3400Hzbandemployedin classicaltelephony.Whenthebandwidthisincreasedtheintelligibility andnaturalnessofspeechareenhanced.TheITU-TG.722.2AMR-WB codecissimilarto3GPPAMR-WBcodec.Therelative3GPPproprieties areTS26.190standardsofthespeechcodecandTS26.194fortheVoice ActivityDetector(VAD)(3GPPT.S.,2001)3GPPT.S.

G.722.2depictstheprecisemappingfrominputblocksof320speech samplesin16bitsuniformpulsecodemodulation(PCM)formatto en-codedblocksof132,177,253,285,317,365,397,461and477bitsand fromencodedblocksof132,177,253,285,317,365,397,461and477 bitstooutputblocksof320reconstructedspeechsamples(ITU-TRec., 2003a).


G.722.2 - Bit allocation of the AMR-WB coding algorithm modes 5 and 6 for 20 ms frame.

18.25 kbps VAD-flag 1 ISP 46 LTP-filtering 1 1 1 1 4 Pitch delay 9 6 9 6 30 Algebraic code 64 64 64 64 256 Gain 7 7 7 7 28 Total 365 19.85 kbps VAD-flag 1 ISP 46 LTP-filtering 1 1 1 1 4 Pitch delay 9 6 9 6 30 Algebraic code 64 64 64 64 288 Gain 7 7 7 7 28 Total 397

Thecodingschemefor themulti-ratecodingmodesis alsocalled algebraiccodeexcitedlinearpredictioncoder,hereinafterreferredtoas ACELP.Themulti-ratewidebandACELPcoderisreferredtoasAMR-WB (3GPPT.S.,2001).TheG.722.2alsousesanintegratedvoiceactivity detector(VAD)3GPPT.S.TheG.722.2alsousesanintegratedvoice activitydetection(VAD).Thesamplingrateis16000samples/sleading toabitratefortheencodedbitstreamof6.60,8.85,12.65,14.25,15.85, 18.25,19.85,23.05and23.85kbpswhichcorrespond,inpractice,to modes0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7and8,respectively.

G.722.2depictstheprecisemappingfrominputblocksof320speech samplesin16bitsuniformpulsecodemodulation(PCM)formatto en-codedblocksof132,177,253,285,317,365,397,461and477bitsand fromencodedblocksof132,177,253,285,317,365,397,461and477 bitstooutputblocksof320reconstructedspeechsamples(ITU-TRec., 2003a).

Inthispaper,weareinterestedinmodes5and6ofthecoderwhich correspondtobit rates18.25 kbpsand19.85 kbpsrespectively. The parametersofthesemodesaregiveninTable1.

3. Modelingpacketlossasasecond-OrderMarkovchain

Inthispaper,weintroduceanewpacketlossmodel.Ourscheme modelslostpacketsasasecondorderMarkovchain.LetXtdenotesthe 𝑡𝑡ℎpacketoutcomewhile𝑋=1and𝑋𝑡=0correspondtoapacket lossanderror-freetransmission(successful),respectively. Ourmodel canbeseenasasecond-orderMarkovchain.whereeachstateofthis modelisrepresentedbyacouple(𝑋𝑡,𝑋𝑡+1).Wedistinguishfour proba-bilitytransitions

𝑝00=𝑃(𝑋𝑡+1=1|𝑋𝑡=0,𝑋𝑡−1=0) (1)

𝑝01=𝑃(𝑋𝑡+1=1|𝑋𝑡=0,𝑋𝑡−1=1) (2)

𝑝10=𝑃(𝑋𝑡+1=1|𝑋𝑡=1,𝑋𝑡−1=0) (3)

𝑝11=𝑃(𝑋𝑡+1=1|𝑋𝑡=1,𝑋𝑡−1=1) (4)

ThecorrespondingtransitiongraphisshowninFig.1.Ourfourstate Markovchainmodelisirreducibleandaperiodic,andthus,itisergodic andconvergent.Thestationaryprobabilitydistributionisgivenby 𝜋00=𝑃((𝑋𝑡,𝑋𝑡−1)=(0,0))=1−𝑝01

𝑝00 𝜋01 (5)

𝜋10=𝜋01 (6)

𝜋11= 𝑝10


Fig.1. Second-order Markov Model with four states (00: good, 10: breacking, 11: bad, 01: recovery).

Fig.2. Multiple descriptions coding basic scheme.

𝜋01 = 1 𝑎 (8) with:𝑎=2+1−𝑝01 𝑝00 + 𝑝10 1−𝑝11

NotethatourmodelismoregeneralthanthesimpleGilbertmodel whichisaFirst-orderMarkovchainwithtwostates(Estradaetal.,2010; Bolot,1993).However,when𝑝00=𝑝01and𝑝10=𝑝11,ourmodelis re-ducedtothesimpletwo-stateGilbertmodel.Notethattheadvantagein ourcaseisthefactthatwecanadda“breaking” state(1,0)and “recov-erystate” (0,1)unliketheGilbertandGilbert–Elliotmodels(Ellisetal., 2014;Rahletal.,1986).

4. ConcealmentmethodbasedMDC

TheMDCbasicstructureisillustratedinFig.2.Thespeech,afterthe encoder,isdividedintotwoorseveraldescriptionswhichare indepen-dentlytransmitted.Eachdescriptionisseparatelydecodedtodecrease thequalityreconstructionoftheinputspeech.However,iftwoormore descriptorsareavailable,theycanbeconjointlydecodedfora higher-qualityreconstructionof outputspeech(Langetal.,2007; Choupani etal.,2012).

Inthiswork,wehavemodifiedthesourcecodeoftheoriginal stan-dardG.722.2codecinordertoobtainnewbitrateswhichrepresentthe descriptionsfortheMDCtechnique.Toachievethis,wehaveusedthe database“DARPATIMITAcoustic-PhoneticContinuousSpeechCorpus (TIMIT),trainingandtestdata”NIST(1990).Thereadspeech consti-tutesthecorpusof TIMITdatabasewhich wasintended todelivera speechdata,in ordertoachieveacousticphoneticknowledge andto develop,improveandevaluateanautomaticspeechrecognition mecha-nism.Thedatabasewasdividedintotwoparts,onefortraining,and an-otherfortest.Giventhatourcodeccontains10codebooksofimmittance spectralfrequency(ISF)parameters,itsrealizationrequiredtheuseofa testcore,whichiscomposedof29150frames,eachwithaframelength ofto20ms.Linde,BuzoandGray(LBG)algorithmhasbeenadoptedin

Fig.3. Block diagram of VoIP transmission.

ordertohavethedesiredbitsizeofthecodebook(Lindeetal.,1980; Merazka,2009).Notethat,theLBGalgorithmoutputdatatypeisfloat whichwillbeconvertedtointegerandthenusedbyourcodec.

Recall that,theAMR-WB G.722.2uses 6parameterstorepresent speech.Fortheotherparametersasalgebraiccoding,Pitchdelayand Gain,themoduleofamodehasbeenreplacedbyamoduleofanother different one.Tobedone,we havegeneratedfournewdescriptions. Forquantizingeachparameter,ourmodifiedAMR-WBG.722.2speech coderrequiresthebitallocationgiveninTable2.Notethatour pur-poseistogeneratetwonewmodesthatwillgivethesamemodeasthe originalcodec.

ThequantizationofISFresidualvector“r”,inourmodifiedcoder, isbasedontheuseofsplit-multistagevectorquantization(S-MSVQ)as showninTable3.Thevectorisdividedintotwosub-vectors“r1(n)” and “r2(n)” ofdimensions9and7,respectively.Thequantizationofthese sub-vectorsisperformedintwostages

-Thequantizationofthebitrate12.2kbps(12,6kbpsand7,25kbps), for thetwo sub-vectors “r1(n)” and “r2(n)” inthe first stage, is based on using “8” bits for each one. Inthe second stage, thequantization errorvector isdividedinto“3” and“2” sub-vectors, respectively, i.e. thenumber of bits is (8,8,6,7,6,3,3) ((8,8,6,7,7,5,4) and (8,8,6,7,7,5,5) respectively) which gives “41” bitsofISF(rep“45” bitsand“46” bits).

-Thequantizationofthebitrate6.05kbpsforthesub-vectors“r1(n)” and “r2(n)” is based on the use of “8” bits and “6” bits,

re-spectively.Inthesecond stage,wedividethequantization er-rorvectorsinto“2” and“1” sub-vectors,i.e. numberof bitsis (8,8,6,7,6,3,3)whichgives“25” bitsofISF.

Thereby,wehavegeneratedtwonewmodes(5and6)andforthe sakeofthesynchronicityofthesenderandthereceiver,wehaveused twosynchronouscodersandaddedapacketizermoduleasshown in Fig.3.Wecanselectthesuitablemodesaccordingtotherequired trans-missionrate.

Recallthat,MDCwithmultipledescriptionscanbeused(Wangetal., 2005).Inourwork,twodescriptionshavebeenused.Atthesender,the packetizationisdonebytheoriginalspeechsignalcoding.Inthiscase, weapplytwobitrates,whichrepresenttwodescriptorstransmittedin thesamepacket.Inthenewdesignedmode5(18.25kbps),forexample, thefirstoneusestheG.722.2codectoencodethepresentframeat12.2 kbpswhilethesecondoneusesanotherG.722.2toencodethefollowing frameat6.05kbps(ITU-TRec.,2003b).Thetwopacketswillthen,be arrangedasshowninFig.4.

Atthereceiverside,thedepacketizationisdone.WhentheMDCwith twodescriptorsisapplied,thelostframeissubstitutedbythereceived oneatthedecoder.

Fig.4showsthepacketization/depacketizationschemethat repre-sentsanexampleofourproposedMDCapproach,usingtwodescriptors (12.2kbpsand6.05kbps),inordertoconstructanewmode5allowing oflostframes.Infact,whenoneormoresuccessivepacketsarelost,the seconddescriptorallowsthereconstructionofthesynthesized



Bit Allocation of the modified AMR-WB G.722.2.

New bit rates for Mode 5 design (18.25 kbps) 12.2 kbps VAD-flag 1

ISP 45 LTP-filtering 1 1 1 1 4 Pitch delay 9 6 9 6 30 Algebraic code 64 64 64 64 144 Gain 7 7 7 7 28 Total 252 6.05 kbps VAD-flag 1 ISP 46 Pitch delay 8 5 8 5 26 Algebraic code 12 12 12 12 48 Gain 6 6 6 6 24 Total 145

New bit rates for Mode 6 design (19.85 kbps) 12.6 kbps VAD-flag 1

ISP 41 LTP-filtering 1 1 1 1 4 Pitch delay 9 6 9 6 30 Algebraic code 36 36 36 36 144 Gain 7 7 7 7 24 Total 244 7.25 kbps VAD-flag 1 ISP 25 Pitch delay 8 5 5 5 23 Algebraic code 12 12 12 12 48 Gain 6 6 6 6 24 Total 121 Table3

Quantization of ISP for 6.05, 7.25, 12.2 and 12.6 kbps. 12.2 kbit/s 1) unquantized 16-element-long ISP vector

2) Stage 1 ( r 1 ) 8 bits 2) Stage 1 ( r 2 ) 8 bits

3) stage 2 ( r (2) 1, 0-2) 6 bits 3) stage 2 ( r (2) 1, 3-5) 7 bits 3) stage 2 ( r (2) 1, 6-8) 6 bits 3) stage 2 ( r (2) 2, 0-2) 6 bits 3) stage 2 ( r (2) 2, 3-6) 3 bits

6.05 kbps 1) unquantized 16-element-long ISP vector

2) stage 1 ( r 1 ) 8 bits 2) stage 1 ( r 2 ) 6 bits

3) stage 2 ( r (2) 1, 0-4) 5 bits 3) stage 2 ( r (2) 1, 5-8) 3 bits 3) stage 2 ( r (2) 1, 0-6) 3 bits

12.6 kbps 1) unquantized 16-element-long ISP vector

2) stage 1 ( r 1 ) 8 bits 2) stage 1 ( r 2 ) 8 bits

3) stage 2 ( r (2) 1, 0-2) 6 bits 3) stage 2 ( r (2) 1, 3-5) 7 bits 3) stage 2 ( r (2) 1, 6-8) 7 bits 3) stage 2 ( r (2) 2, 0-2) 5 bits 3) stage 2 ( r (2) 2, 3-6) 4 bits

7.25 kbps 1) unquantized 16-element-long ISP vector

2) stage 1 ( r 1 ) 8 bits 2) stage 1 ( r 2 ) 8 bits

3) stage 2 ( r (2) 1, 0-2) 6 bits 3) stage 2 ( r (2) 1, 3-5) 7 bits 3) stage 2 ( r (2) 1, 6-8) 7 bits 3) stage 2 ( r (2) 2, 0-2) 5 bits 3) stage 2 ( r (2) 2, 3-6) 5 bits

Fig. 4. Packetization/depacketization process based on two descriptions of MDC : mode 5.

structed)speech.Thedepacketizationaimstoreplacethelostframes withthegoodonesoftheseconddescriptor.

5. Simulationsanddiscussions

Inourexperiments,awavefilewith198framesisusedtotestour proposedSecond-orderMarkovmodelresilienceagainstnetworkloss, foravarietylossratesasgiveninTable4.

Fig.5plotssimulatedframesfordifferentlossratescorrespondingto 11.11%,18.68%,32.32%and42.42%,wherethenumberoflostframes isrepresentedinthefigurewithwhiteverticalsegments,whilereceived framesareinblackverticalsegments.InFig.5,thex-axisrepresentsthe numberoftheframeinitstransmissionorder.Iftheframenumberkis lost,weplaceattheabscissa𝑥=𝑘,awhiteverticalsegment,else,ifthe framenumberkiswellreceived,weplace(attheabscissa𝑥=𝑘)ablack verticalsegment.Themorewhiteverticalsegmentsthereare,themore framesarelost,however,lossrateisimportant.



Simulated loss rates with our proposed second order Markov model.

Rate (%) Lost frames p00 p01 p10 p11

00 00 00 00 00 00

11.11 22 0.10 0.15 0.10 0.15 18.68 37 0.20 0.30 0.20 0.30 32.32 64 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.40 42.42 84 0.30 0.50 0.30 0.50

Fig.5. Simulated frames for different loss rates : (a) 11.11%, (b) 18.68%, (c) 32.32% and (d) 42.42%.

Fig.6. EMBSD values of the AMR-WB without and with packet loss for modes 5 and 6.

Forexample,inFig.5(b)correspondingtolossrateequalto18.68%, theframenumber60islost,whiletheframenumber180is well re-ceived.

Ouraimistoquantifytheperceptualvoicequalitybyemploying objectiveandsubjectivequalityestimation algorithms.Forthe objec-tiveones,theWB-PESQ(ITU-T,2005)andtheEMBSD(Yang,1999) havebeen usedwhereas forthesubjectiveones,we haveused MOS (ITU-T Rec., 2006) and confirmed our results with MUSHRA tests (RecommendationITU-R,2003).Recallthat

• TheEMBSDvaluesyield0foracomparisonwiththesamefile. • ThePESQscoreswhichlieintherangeof–0.5upto4.5yieldsa


• TheMOSscaleslieintherangeof1upto5.TheMOSscaleisdefined inITU-TRec.(1996)as5=Excellent,4=Good,3=Fair,2=Poor, 1=Bad,andyieldsascoreof4.54foracomparisonwiththesame file.

• TheMUSHRAis0-100scaleforacomparisonwiththesamefile. First,weevaluatetheperformanceoftheAMR-WBwithoutandwith packetlossformodes5and6.Weuseforpacketloss,thelossrates ob-tainedwithourproposedsecondorderMarkovmodelgiveninTable4. TheEMBSD,WB-PESQandMOSmeasuresareshowninFigs.6–8 re-spectively.Wecanconfirmfromthesefigures,thatthespeechqualityis generallygood,forbothmodes5and6,intheoriginalcodecandbad withpacketloss.

ASecondevaluationisconductedunderourproposedMDCbased concealmentmethod.Firstly,weprovidetheperformanceevaluationof thefournewbitrateswhicharegiveninTable5.

Fromthistable,wecansaythatthequalityofthenewdescriptions issatisfactoryasitvariesbetweenfairandgood.Secondly,theuseof theMDCyieldstheperformanceshowninFigs.9–12.TheResultsare almostsimilartotheoriginalspeech,whichindicatesthatthepresented methodhashasagoodperformance

TestsinFig.9,withEMBSDfordifferentlossrates,showthatthe speechqualitywithMDCforthetwomodesremainsalwayshigherthan theoriginalITU-TG.722.2withoutMDC.

InFig.10,theWB-PESQmeasurementconfirmstheefficiencyofour concealmentmethodbasedMCD.Itshowsthat,forthesamemode,the morethelossrateincreasesthemorethequalitydecreasesand deterio-ratesintheoriginalcoder.Ontheotherhand,theuseofMDCimproves thequalitycomparedtotheoriginalcodec.So,theintelligibilityofthe



Tests results with EMBSD, WB-PESQ, MOS and MUSHRA for the proposed concealment method based MDC.

New bit rates for mode 5 design (18.25 kbps) New bit rates for mode 6 design (19.85 kbps) 6.05 kbps 12.2 kbps 7.25 kbit/s 12.6 kbps

EMBSD 1.315 0.904 1.327 0.869

WB-PESQ 3.297 3.711 3.354 3.779

MOS 3.264 3.830 3.347 3.913

MUSHRA 60 84 61 89

Fig.7. WB-PESQ scores of the AMR-WB without and with packet loss for modes 5 and 6.

Fig.8. MOS scores of the AMR-WB without and with packet loss for modes 5 and 6.

signalispreservedaccordingtoMOSscalesdepictedinFig.11,with scoresvaryingbetweenfairandgoodliketheoriginalcodecwithout packetloss.Hence,theproposed MDCbasedconcealmentmethodis betterthantheembeddedoneinthestandardITU-TG.722.2coder.Itis

Fig.9. EMBSD values for different loss rates comparing the original G.722.2 (modes 5 and 6) with our proposed concealment method based MCD (new modes 5 and 6).

Fig.10. WB-PESQ scores for different loss rates comparing the original G.722.2 (modes 5 and 6) with our proposed concealment method based MCD (new modes 5 and 6).


Fig.11. MOS scores for different loss rates comparing the original G.722.2 (modes 5 and 6) with our proposed concealment method based MCD (new modes 5 and 6).

Fig.12. MUSHRA scores for different loss rates comparing the original G.722.2 (modes 5 and 6) with our proposed concealment method based MCD (new modes 5 and 6).

anewapproach,whichprovidesanexcellentspeechqualityandahigh accuracyoverlossynetworks.

Subjectivetestswerealsocarriedouttoevaluatetheperformance of our proposed MDC scheme. The subjective test method used in theexperiments is MUSHRA methodology. This testhas the advan-tage of requiring less participants than subjective MOS test in or-dertoobtainstatisticallysignificantresults(20listenersareenough) (RecommendationITU-R,2003).Listenersmustcomparethestandard PLC algorithm embeded in ITU-T G. 722.2 and our proposed MDC method bylistening and comparing themwith theunprocessed

sig-Fig.13. Audiogram portion mode 5 for loss rate 42.42%.

Fig.14. Audiogram portion mode 6 for loss rate 42.42%.

nal(reference)andthedegradedsignalwithlossrate50%(anchor). Theconfidence intervalshavebeen setto95%. Thetestset-up con-sistedof 14sentences evaluatedby22 listeners.Inourexperiments, listenersgavescoresaccordingtoqualityofdecodedspeechbyoriginal andimprovedMDCalgorithm.Thetestsentenceswerepresentedto lis-tenersatarandomizedorderandrepeatedforfourdifferentlossrates 11.11%,18.68%,32.32%and42.42%.Theperformanceevaluationsare presentedinFig.12.

It can be seen, from Figs. 9–12, that the MDC based conceal-mentmethodoutperformstheembeddedmethodintheoriginalITU-T G.722.2coderinlow andhighlossrates.Clearly,thedesignedMDC


techniquehighlyimprovestheintelligibilityandnaturalnessofspeech signal.

Figs.13and14showaudiogramsportionsofspeech,whichprove andconfirmtheefficiencyandtherobustnessofourapproach.

6. Conclusion

Inthispaper,wehavepresentedanMDCtechniquethatproperly ensuresagoodspeechqualityforanypacketlossrate.Wehave em-ployedourproposedSecondorderMarkovmodelwithfourstates(00: good,10:breacking,11:bad,01:recovery)tosimulatenetworkloss fordifferentlossrates.Themainpurposewastorealizeglobalbitrates of18.25kbpsand19.85kbpscorrespondingtomodes5and6 respec-tively.BasedonWB-PESQmeasurements,MOSscores,EMBSDtestsand MUSHRAscoresandunderavarietyofframeerasureconditions,we can clearlysee thatourproposed method significantlyimprovesthe speechqualitycompared totheembeddedalgorithminthestandard ITU-TG.722.2coder.Whiletheexperimentshavebeenperformedon theG.722.2speechcodecmodes5and6theproposedschemeisclearly applicabletoothermodesandcouldbeextendedtootherCELPbased speechcodersaswell.

Asforfuturework,wehavetwomaintracks.Firstly,weintendto ap-plyourproposedmethodtotherestoftheothermodes(bitrates)while makingmore comparisonswithotherpacketlossconcealment meth-ods.Secondly,weaimforcomparingtheperformanceofourproposed methodtorecentapproachessuchashiddenMarkovmodel(HMM).


Supplementarymaterialassociatedwiththisarticlecanbefound,in theonlineversion,atdoi:10.1016/j.specom.2019.02.002.


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Fig. 1.  Second-order  Markov  Model with four states (00:  good,  10:  breacking,  11:  bad,  01:  recovery)
Fig. 4.  Packetization/depacketization  process  based  on  two  descriptions of  MDC  :  mode 5
Fig. 6.  EMBSD values  of the  AMR-WB  without  and  with  packet loss for  modes  5  and  6
Fig. 9.  EMBSD values for different loss rates comparing the original G.722.2  (modes  5  and  6)  with  our  proposed  concealment  method  based  MCD  (new  modes  5  and  6)


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