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Résonances et états résonants pour des ensembles captés singuliers


Academic year: 2022

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Texte intégral


Resonances and resonant states for singular trapped sets

Thierry Ramond

Laboratoire de Math´ematiques d’Orsay, Univ. Paris Sud, CNRS, Universit´e Paris Saclay

after joint works with Jean-Fran¸cois Bony (Bordeaux 1), Setsuro Fujii´e (Ritsumeikan University) and Maher Zerzeri (Paris 13)

Nice, 2015/11/05


We are interested in quantum resonances in the presence of classical orbits that are singular. We consider the case where the Hamiltonian vector field has singular points of hyperbolic type, and some associated homoclinic or heteroclinic orbits.

We have proved

I semiclassical resolvant estimates, which imply the existence of some resonance free zone below the real axis of energies,

I the existence of resonances,

I that these resonances are given by a Bohr-Sommerfeld like

quantization rule. In particular they concentrate on curves ash→0.

I a precise localisation of these resonances.

I some knowledge on the microlocal localization of the corresponding resonant states


Example: the case of 1 homoclinic curve

ILetτ∈R. The pseudo-resonancesE, such thatReE=E0+τh+o(h), are given by



h h



−i τ λ1



+o h

|logh| ,

for somek∈Z.

2πλ1 h



E0Ch E0+Ch

1 2




λjh O |loghh|

IExistence of resonances:

dist Res(P),ΨRes(P)

=o h




Outline of the talk


Resonances for the Schr¨odinger operator The trapped set

The Homoclinic case The geometrical settings Assumptions and Notations Main results

Resonant States

The multi-bump case Settings

Pseudoresonances Resonances


Plan of the Lecture


Resonances for the Schr¨odinger operator The trapped set

The Homoclinic case The geometrical settings Assumptions and Notations Main results

Resonant States

The multi-bump case Settings

Pseudoresonances Resonances


Eigenvalues vs resonances,

Classical vs Quantum mechanics

ISuppose that a (1d) classical particle with energyE moves in one of the potential below. Its trajectory would be the same in both cases.

IFor a (1d) quantum particle, which is associated to anL2eigenfunction of the Schr¨odinger operator−h2∆ +V, the situation is drastically different: there could be noL2 eigenfunction in the case at the right.

IHowever the existence of a ”classical trap” will give rise to the existence of resonant states and corresponding resonant energies, or resonances.


Schr¨ odinger operators

IWe consider the Schr¨odinger operator onRn,n≥1, P=−h2∆ +V(x) =Opwh(p) = 1

(2πh)n ZZ

ei(x−y)·ξ/hpx+y 2 , ξ

dy dξ

wherep(x, ξ) =ξ2+V(x),V(x)∈C(Rn;R), andV(x) has an analytic extension to

Σ ={x ∈Cn; |Imx|< δ|Rex| and|Rex|>C}

for someδ,C>0. We suppose that V(x)−→0 as |x| → ∞,x ∈Σ.

IThenP=−h2∆ +V is self-adjoint onL2(Rn) with domain H2(Rn).

Its spectrum consists in negative eigenvalues (possibly), and in its essential spectrum [0,+∞[.


The resolvent and resonances

ISinceP is self-adjoint, forImz >0 in particular, the bounded operator R(z) := (P−z)−1:L2(Rn)→L2(Rn) is well defined.

Theorem and Definition:

The resolvent

{Rez >0,Imz >0} 3z

7→R(z) :L2comp(Rn)→L2loc(Rn)

can be meromorphicaly continued to the lower half-plane{Rez >0,Imz <0}. Its poles are called resonances ofP, and we denoteRes(P) their set.

0 Im z

Re z σess(P)





Analytic distortion

ILetF:Rn→Rn be such thatF(x) = 0 for|x|<C andF(x) =x for|x| 1.

Forµ∈Rsmall enough,Uµ:L2(Rn)→L2(Rn) is the unitary operator Uµϕ(x) =

det ∇(xeµF(x))1/2ϕ xeµF(x)

IForθ∈Rsmall enough, we denotePθ=UiθPUi−1θ the distorted operator. The set of resonances ofPinEθ={−2θ <ImE<0}is

Resθ(P) =σ(Pθ)∩ Eθ


xeiθF(x) Σ

Res(P) Eθ C


The trapped set


The trapped set at energyE0>0 is K(E0) =

(x, ξ)∈p−1(E0); t 7→exp(tHp)(x, ξ) is bounded

Hp is the Hamiltonian vector field onTRn=R2n associated top, given byHp=∂ξp∂x−∂xp∂ξ =



IKnown results:

- An empty trapped set (Helffer-Sj¨ostrand, Martinez).

- Le puits dans l’isle (shape resonances) (Helffer-Sj¨ostrand) - A hyperbolic closed trajectory (C.G´erard - Sj¨ostrand)

- A non-degenerate critical point (Briet-Combes-Duclos, Sj¨ostrand) - 1-dimensional situations.


Plan of the Lecture


Resonances for the Schr¨odinger operator The trapped set

The Homoclinic case The geometrical settings Assumptions and Notations Main results

Resonant States

The multi-bump case Settings

Pseudoresonances Resonances


The Homoclinic case



{V(x) =E0} π(H) 0


IWe assume thatV has alocal non-degenerate maximum at 0

V(x) =E0− Xn




with 0< λ1≤ · · · ≤λn.

IWe set


0 2Id


2diag(λ21,· · ·, λ2n) 0

Notice thatσ(Fp) ={−λn,· · ·,−λ1, λ1,· · ·, λn}.


Stable/unstable manifolds

IWe denoteΛ andΛ+the stableincomingandoutgoing manifoldat (0,0) respectively:


(x, ξ); exp(tHp)(x, ξ)→0 as t→ ∓∞

IΛ andΛ+are smooth, Lagrangian manifolds, stable under theHp flow, given near (0,0) by


(x, ξ); ξ=∇ϕ±(x) with ϕ±(x) =± Xn




IForρ±∈Λ±, one can see that

Πxexp(tHp)(ρ±) =g±±)e±λ1t+O e±(λ1+ε)t

ast→ ∓∞.



(A1)The trapped set at energy E0is

K(E0) ={(0,0)} ∪ H, withH= Λ∩Λ+\ {(0,0)} 6=∅.

His the set of the homoclinic curves.

(A2) ∀ρ, ρ+∈ H, g)·g++)6= 0.

IIn this section we consider the case where (A3)H=SK

k=1γk, where γk are homoclinic trajectories (A4)The intersection Λ+∩Λ is clean along each of theγk’s:

∀ρ∈ H TρΛ∩TρΛ+=Tρ∩Λ+) =RHp



IFork ∈ {1, . . . ,K}, we denote:

I gk± the asymptotic directions of the trajectoryγk,

I Ak =R

γjξ·dx the classical action alongγk,

I νk the Maslov index alongγk.

IWe set

L:= 1 2



λj andζ=ζ(z,h) = 1 λ1

(L−iz−E0 h ).

IConsider theK ×K matrixQ=Q(ζ,h) = (q`,k)`,k where

q`k(ζ) = eiA`/h

(iλ1g+j ·gk)ζ+12Kjk,


λ1Γ(ζ+ 12)eπ

2j+ 12)i|g k− |limt→−∞

Dj(t) e(λ1

2 +L)t

limt→+∞e(λ1 2−L)t

Dk(t) ·


Quantization rule and pseudo-resonances

Letµ1, . . . , µJ be the eigenvalues ofQ, and

ΨRes(P) ={z ∈C;∃j ∈ {1, . . . ,J} s.t.hζµj(ζ,h) = 1}.

IThis is a quantization rule: z is a pseudo-resonance if and only if 1∈σ hζQ(z,h)

Theorem (BFRZ)

Forτ∈R, the pseudo-resonancesz such that Rez =E0+τh+o(h) are given byz =zq,k(τ) +o



, where

zq,k(τ) =E0+ 2qπλ1


|lnh|−ih Xn



2 +iλ1ln(µk(τ,h)) h

|lnh| for someq∈Zandk ∈ {1, . . . ,J}.


Existence and asymptotics of the resonances

Theorem (BFRZ)

LetC, δ >0. In the domain

E0+ [−Ch,Ch] +ih

−hL−C h


\ Γ(h) +B(0, δh) ,

we havedist Res(P),ΨRes(P)




,ash→0. Moreover, for allχ∈C0(Rn), there existsM >0 such that


uniformly forhsmall enough andz such that dist(z,ΨRes(P))≥δ|lnhh|.


Let A,B,C be subsets ofCandε≥0. We say that dist(A,B)≤εin C, if and only if

∀a∈A∩C ∃b∈B |a−b| ≤ε, and ∀b∈B∩C ∃a∈A |a−b| ≤ε.


Existence and asymptotics of the resonances

Theorem (BFRZ)

LetC, δ >0. In the domain

E0+ [−Ch,Ch] +ih

−hL−C h


\ Γ(h) +B(0, δh) ,

we havedist Res(P),ΨRes(P)




,ash→0. Moreover, for allχ∈C0(Rn), there existsM >0 such that


uniformly forhsmall enough andz such that dist(z,ΨRes(P))≥δ|lnhh|.


Let A,B,C be subsets ofCandε≥0. We say that dist(A,B)≤εin C, if and only if

∀a∈A∩C ∃b∈B |a−b| ≤ε, and ∀b∈B∩C ∃a∈A |a−b| ≤ε.


Two scale asymptotics for the resonances




E0Ch E0+Ch

1 2

!n j=2

λjh 2πλ1 h


Figure 7. Two scale asymptotic of resonances of Theorem4.6.d8 f23

withRez∈E0+τ h+hδ(h)[−1,1]satisfy d94

d94 (4.10) z=zq,k(τ) +o" h


# , with


d95 (4.11) zq,k(τ) =E0+ 2qπλ1 h


!n j=2


2 +iln(µk(τ, h))λ1 h


for someq ∈ Z and k ∈ {1, . . . , K}. On the other hand, for each τ ∈ [−C, C], q ∈ Z and k∈ {1, . . . , K}such thatzq,k(τ)belongs to(4.9)d12 with a real part lying inE0+τ h+hδ(h)[−1,1], there exists a pseudo-resonancez satisfying (4.10)d94 uniformly with respect toq, k, τ.

We do not need to specify the determination of the logarithm ofµk(τ, h) in (d954.11). Indeed, a change of determination is balanced by a change ofq∈Z. Note also thatzq,k(τ) is in (4.9)d12 only for eigenvaluesµk(τ, h) outside a vicinity of 0.

To compare the set of the resonances and the set of the pseudo-resonances, we will use the following definition. Its flexibility avoids the problems which may occur at the boundary of the domain of study.

g80 Definition 4.5. LetA, B, C be subsets ofCandε≥0. We say that dist(A, B)≤εin C,

if and only if

∀a∈A∩C ∃b∈B |a−b| ≤ε, and ∀b∈B∩C ∃a∈A |a−b| ≤ε.

For a finite number of homoclinic trajectories, our main result is the following.

d8 Theorem 4.6(Asymptotic of resonances). Assume (H1)–h1 (H4),h4 (H7)h8 and let C, δ > 0. In the domain


d90 (4.12) E0+ [−Ch, Ch] +i$




2 h−C h



Γ(h) +B(0, δh)' ,


About the multiplicity


Lets>0 be small enough. Then, for any pseudo-resonance z, we have



z,2s h



(q,k)∈Z× {1, . . . ,K}; zq,k(τ)∈B z,s h

|lnh| o,

whereτ= (Re(z)−E0)/h. In the previous expression, the resonances are counted with their multiplicity.


Example: the case of 1 homoclinic curve

ILetτ∈R. The pseudo-resonancesE, such thatReE=E0+τh+o(h), are given by


2kπ−A h




−i τ λ1



+o h

|logh| ,

for somek∈Z.

2πλ1 h



E0Ch E0+Ch

1 2




λjh O |loghh|


Example: Two homoclinic curves

ISupposeg±1·g±2 <0 (i.e. the homoclinic trajectories are on the opposite side).

– Whenτ <<−1,Qis almost diagonal, hence|µ1| ∼ |q11|,|µ2| ∼ |q22|, and the ”resonance curve” consists of two lines on each of which the distance between two neighboring resonances is 2πh.

– Whenτ >>1,Qis almost anti-diagonal and|µ1| ∼ |µ2| ∼p

|q12q21|, and the ”resonance curve” consists of a unique line in which the distance between two neighboring resonances isπh.


Example: Three homoclinic curves


Vibration of the accumulation curves

Let us consider how accumulation curves depends onh.

Imσ=− Xn



2 + ln |µk(Reσ,h)| λ1

|lnh| where theµk(τ,h) are the eigenvalues of the matrix

Q= (mjk), qjk(ζ) = eiAj/h

(iλ1g+j ·gk)ζ+12Kjk,

which is quasi-periodic with respect toh−1.


– if all the actions are equal, the accumulation curves do not dependent onh.

– if exactly two actions are different, sayA1andA2, the accumulation curves are periodic with respect toh−1, with period 2π|A2−A1|−1. – else accumulation curves are no more periodic w.r.t. h−1but they are continuous functions ofei(A2−A1)/h, . . . ,ei(AK−A1)/h. This is what we call the vibration phenomenon.


Resonant States


Letv=v(h) be a normalized resonant state associated to a resonance z=z(h). Then there ishM ≤c(h)≤h−M, such that, ifu=cv,

I MS(u)⊂ {(0,0)} ∪Λ+.

I The function uis inI(Λ+,1) microlocally near any point ofH. We write

u(x,h) =e−iAk/heiz−Eh0tk Mk

Dk(tk)ak(x,h)e1+(x)/h, microlocally near ρk, for someak∈S(1).

I Let A0(h) = (A01(h), . . . ,A0K(h))∈CK be defined by A0k(h) =ak(xk,h). ThisK-vector satisfies the equation

hS(z,h)/λ1−1/2Q(z,h)−1A0(h) =O(h12), ashgoes to 0, with the normalizationkA0(h)k= 1.


Plan of the Lecture


Resonances for the Schr¨odinger operator The trapped set

The Homoclinic case The geometrical settings Assumptions and Notations Main results

Resonant States

The multi-bump case Settings

Pseudoresonances Resonances


The multi-bump case


−→ The Hamiltonian vector fieldHp has a finite number of non-degenerate hyperbolic fixed points in the energy surfacep−1(E0).

−→ The trapped setK(E0) at energyE0 consists of these points (we call them vertices) and a finite number of homoclinic or heteroclinic curves (we call them edges)

−→ These edges are the transversal intersections of an outgoing stable manifold associated with a fixed point and an incoming stable manifold associated with a fixed point (the same or not).


−→ Every edgee is directed as an integral curve forHp. It starts at a vertex, and it ends at a vertex.

−→ We say that an edgee is successive to another edgee0and writee0→e if the endpoint ofe0is the starting point of e.

−→ A pathγ is a finite, successive sequence of edges inV.

−→ If the first edge of a pathγ is successive to the last edge, we say thatγ is a cycle.

−→ A cycle is called primitive if it does not contain any non-trivial sub-cycle.


Damping associated to a cycle

I For each vertexv ∈ V, we denoteλv1≤λv2≤ · · · ≤λvn thenpositive eigenvalues ofdHp(v), and we set

Av =1 2




λv1, Bv = 1 λv1·

I For a cycleγ, we denoteV(γ) the set of the vertices that belong to an edge inγ. Then we set

A(γ) = X


Av, B(γ) = X



I Finally, we define the damping for the cycleγ to be

D(γ) = A(γ) B(γ)·



Theorem (BFRZ’07)

Forε1, letSε={(x, ξ)∈Λ; |x|=ε}andρ∈Sε be such that g)6= 0. Let u, withkuk ≤1, be such that

((P−z)u= 0 microlocally near Sε

u= 0 microlocally near each point of Sε\ {ρ} Then, the problem

((P−z)u= 0 microlocally near(0,0) u=u microlocally near Sε

has a unique solution u withkuk ≤h−C.

Moreover, ifρ+∈Λ+satisfiesg)·g++)6= 0, then u(x) =Ju(x) =h

Pλj−λ1 1 −iz



ei+(x)−ϕ(y))/hd(x,y;h)u(y)dy microlocally nearρ+.


Definition of the pseudoresonances

IWe suppose that there is only one primitive cycleγ0such that D0:=D(γ0) = min

γ D(γ), where the minimum is taken over all (primitive) cycles.

IWe denote ΨRes(P) the set of complex numbersz such that hA(γ0)−iB(γ0)(z−E0)/h= 1.

ILete be any edge in the minimal cycleγ0with starting pointv. There exists unique edgee0 inγ0such thate0→e. We set

Je←e0(z,h) :=eiAe/hΓ Sv


2π M+e

Me eπ2e+12)ige0v1g+e·ge0−Svv1

, whereAe:=R

eξ·dx is the action along e,Sv =Pn j=1


2 −i(z−E0)/h, and

Q(z,h) = Y




Asymptotics of the pseudoresonances

Theorem (BFRZ)

LetC>0 and letδ(h) be a function which goes to 0 ash→0. Then, uniformly forτ ∈[−C,C], the pseudo-resonancesz in

E0+ [−Ch,Ch] +ih

− D0h−C h

|lnh|,0i ,

withRez∈E0+τh+hδ(h)[−1,1] satisfyz =zq(τ) +o




zq(τ) =E0+ 2qπλ1


|lnh|−ih Xn



2 +iln(µ(τ,h))λ1


|lnh|, for someq∈Z, where µ(τ,h) :=Q(E0+τh−iD0h,h).



Theorem (BFRZ)

LetC, δ >0. In the domain

E0+ [−Ch,Ch] +ih

− D0h−C h


\ Γ(h) +B(0, δh) ,

we have

dist Res(P),ΨRes(P)

=o h

|lnh| ,

ashgoes to 0. Moreover, for allχ∈C0(Rn), there exists M>0 such

that χ(P−z)−1χ.h−M,

uniformly forhsmall enough andz such that dist(z,Res0(P))≥δ|lnhh|·


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