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Unlocking anionic redox activity in O3-type sodium 3d layered oxides via Li substitution


Academic year: 2021

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Texte intégral



Fig.  1  Structure  of  the  water-washed  pristine  material.  a,  Rietveld  refinement  of  the  9
Figure 2 Electrochemical  behavior of NaLi 1/3 Mn 2/3 O 2 . a, Voltage profile of first five galvanostatic  11
Fig.  3 Structural  evolution  in  the  first  cycle.  a,  (left)  SXRD  patterns  of  pristine  (blue), ex  2
Fig. 4. Structural analysis by microscopy. [010] HAADF-STEM images and corresponding HAADF  2


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