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Entire Spacelike Radial Graphs in the Minkowski Space, Asymptotic to the Light-Cone, With Prescribed Scalar Curvature


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Entire spacelike radial graphs in the Minkowski space, asymptotic to the light-cone, with prescribed scalar curvature

Pierre Bayard


, Philippe Delanoë


aInstituto de Física y Matemáticas, U.M.S.N.H. Ciudad Universitaria, CP. 58040 Morelia, Michoacán, Mexico bUniversité de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, Laboratoire J.-A. Dieudonné, Parc Valrose, 06108 Nice Cedex 2, France

Received 4 July 2007; accepted 10 March 2008 Available online 27 April 2008


We prove the existence and uniqueness inRn,1of entire spacelike hypersurfaces contained in the future of the originOand asymptotic to the light-cone, with scalar curvature prescribed at their generic pointM as a negative function of the unit vector pointing in the direction of−−→OM, divided by the square of the norm of−−→OM (a dilation invariant problem). The solutions are seeked as graphs over the future unit-hyperboloid emanating fromO(the hyperbolic space); radial upper and lower solutions are constructed which, relying on a previous result in the Cartesian setting, imply their existence.

©2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.


On prouve l’existence et l’unicité dansRn,1d’hypersurfaces entières de genre espace contenues dans le futur de l’origineOet asymptotes au cône de lumière, dont la courbure scalaire est prescrite au point génériqueMcomme fonction négative du vecteur unité pointant en direction de−−→OM, divisée par le carré de la norme du vecteur−−→OM (un problème invariant par homothétie).

Les solutions sont cherchées comme graphes sur l’hyperboloïde-unité futur émanant deO(l’espace hyperbolique) ; des solutions supérieure et inférieure radiales sont construites qui, d’après un résultat antérieur en cartésien, impliquent l’existence de telles solutions.

©2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

MSC:53C40; 35J65; 34C11

Keywords:Radial graphs; Spacelike; Entire solution; Prescribed scalar curvature; Upper and lower barriers

0. Introduction

The Minkowski spaceRn,1is the affine Lorentzian manifoldRn×Rendowed with the metric ds2=dX2dX2n+1, wheredX2=dX21+ · · · +dXn2,

The first author was supported by the project DGAPA-UNAM IN 101507; the second author is supported by the CNRS.

* Corresponding author.

E-mail addresses:bayard@ifm.umich.mx (P. Bayard), philippe.delanoe@unice.fr (P. Delanoë).

0294-1449/$ – see front matter ©2008 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.



settingX=(X, Xn+1)∈Rn×R, and time-oriented bydXn+1>0. Distinguishing the originOofRn,1,let H=

x∈Rn,1, |−−→Ox|2= |x|2xn+12= −1, xn+1>0 ,

be the future unit-hyperboloid, model of the hyperbolic space inRn,1.Ifϕis a real function defined onH,we define theradial graphofϕby


X∈Rn,1, −−→OX=eϕ(x)−−→Ox, x∈H . This is a hypersurface contained in the future open solid cone


X∈Rn,1, Xn+1>|X| .

We say that ϕ is spacelike if its graph is a spacelike hypersurface, which means that the metric induced on it is Riemannian. Conversely, a spacelike and connected hypersurface in C+ is the radial graph of a uniquely deter- mined functionϕ:H→R.Of course, such a graph may also be considered as the Cartesian graph of some function u:Rn→R


x, u(x)

, x∈ Rn ,

and the correspondence between the two representations is bijective passing from the Cartesian chartX=(X, Xn+1) restricted toC+, to the polar chart(x, ρ)∈H×(0,)ofC+defined by:


−|−−→OX|2, −−→Ox= 1 ρ


Recall that the principal curvatures1, . . . , κn)at a point of a spacelike hypersurface are the eigenvalues of its shape endomorphismdN,whereN is the future oriented unit normal field, and themth mean curvature (denoted byHm) is themth elementary symmetric function of its principal curvatures:Hm=σm1, . . . , κn).For each realλ >0, the coneC+is globally invariant under the ambient dilationXλXofRn,1and the abovemth mean curvature is(m)- homogeneous; specifically, it transforms likeHm(λX)=λmHm(X).It is thus natural to pose, as in [6, Theorem 1], the following inverse problem forHm: given a positive functionh >0 onHtending to 1 at infinity, find a spacelike hypersurfaceΣinC+, asymptotic to∂C+at infinity, such that, for each pointXΣ, themth mean curvature ofΣ atXis given by:

Hm:= 1 n


Hm(X)= 1 (−|−−→OX|2)m2

h(x) m, with−−→Ox=


−|−−→OX|2. (1) By construction, this problem is dilation invariant; moreover, as explained below, the positivity ofhmakes it elliptic.

Actually, introducing the positivity cone [9] ofσm: Γm=

κ∈Rn,i=1, . . . , m, σi(κ) >0 , and recalling McLaurin’s inequalities (satisfied onΓm):

0< (Hm)m1 (Hm1)m11 · · ·H2

1 2 H1,

we note that, if a hypersurfaceΣ=graphRnusolves (1) with the asymptotic condition, then the time-functionumust assume a minimum onΣand, as readily checked (using e.g. [3, p. 245]), the principal curvatures ofΣat such a min- imum point ofumust lie inΓm. Now Eq. (1) combined with McLaurin’s inequalities forces the principal curvatures of Σ to stay inΓm everywhere. Let us call any spacelike hypersurface ofC+ having this property,m-admissible;

accordingly, a function ϕ:H→R(resp.u:Rn→R) is calledm-admissible, provided graphHϕ (resp. graphRnu) is so. The condition ofm-admissibility is local (and open); one may thus speak of a functionϕ:H→Rbeingm- admissibleat a point(hence nearby) whenever graphHϕ is so at that point. We will seek the solution hypersurface Σ as the radial graph of somem-admissible functionϕ:H→Rvanishing at infinity (to comply with the asymptotic condition). Eq. (1) then reads

Fm(ϕ)=h, (2)

with the radial operatorFmdefined by:



m, X∈graphHϕ.


For briefness, we will not compute here explicitly the general expression of the operatorFm(keeping it for a further study)—its restriction to radial functions will suffice (see Section 3.3 below). We will rely instead on the well-known corresponding Cartesian expression (see e.g. [2]) combined with a few basic properties ofFmrecorded in the next section (and proved with elementary arguments).

Furthermore, we will essentially restrict to the case m=2 (and freely say ‘admissible’, for short, instead of

‘2-admissible’). SinceH2 is related to the scalar curvatureS byS= −2H2, our present study is really about the prescription of the scalar curvature, at a generic pointX of a radial graph, as a negative function ofx∈H(withx given as in (1)) divided by the square of the norm of−−→OX.Aside from the originOof the ambient spaceRn,1, we will distinguish a pointoinHand setr=r(x)for the hyperbolic distance fromotox∈H; accordingly, a function onH will be calledradialwhenever it factors through a function ofronly. Our main result is the following:

Theorem 1.Forα(0,1), leth:H→(0,)be a function of classC2,αwith


Assume that the functionshandh+defined onR+by h(r)= sup


h(x) and h+(r)= inf

r(x)=rh(x) satisfy




+dr <+∞,




+dr <+∞,

where(h−1)+(resp.(1h+)+)means the positive part ofh−1 (resp.1−h+). Then the equation

F2(ϕ)=h (3)

has a unique admissible solution of classC4,αsuch thatlimr(x)→+∞ϕ(x)=0.

Remark 1.From Lemma 4 below, anytime the functionhis radial, the integral convergence conditions of Theorem 1 appears necessary for the existence of bounded solutions.

An analogous problem in the Euclidean setting is solved for the Gauss curvature in [6, Théorème 1], and in [13,5]

some related problems are studied. In the Lorentzian setting, the prescription of the mean curvature for entire graphs is studied in [1] and that of the Gauss curvature in [11,8,4]. In [3], the scalar curvature is prescribed in Cartesian coordinatesxn+1=u(x1, . . . , xn).

The outline of the paper is as follows. In Section 1, we prove that there exists at most one solution vanishing at infinity for Eq. (2) withm∈ {1, . . . , n}. In Section 2, relying on [3], we prove the existence of a solution whenm=2, provided upper and lower barriers are known. The latter are constructed, as radial functions, in Section 3.

1. Uniqueness

We first require a few basic properties of the operatorFm. It is a non-linear second order scalar differential operator defined onm-admissible real functions onH. The dilation invariance of (1) implies the identity:

Fm+c)Fm(ψ ), (4)

for everym-admissible functionψ:H→Rand constantc; linearizing atψyields dFm(ψ )(1)≡0.

Furthermore, we have:

Lemma 1.For eachm-admissible functionψ, the linear differential operatordFm(ψ )is elliptic everywhere onH, with positive-definite symbol.


Summarizing for later use, the expression ofdFm(ψ ), in the chartx∈RnofH, at a fixedm-admissible functionψ reads like:

δψdFm(ψ )(δψ )=


Bij 2

∂xi∂xj(δψ )+ n



∂xi(δψ ), (5)

with then×nmatrix(Bij)symmetric positive definite (depending onψ, of course, like theBi’s). We now proceed to proving Lemma 1.

Proof. We require the Cartesian operatorvGm(v):=Fm(ψ )defined onm-admissible functionsv:Rn→Rby:

graphRnv=graphHψ. (6)

The ellipticity ofdGm(v)and the positive-definiteness of its symbol are well-known [10,14,2]. Its expression thus starts out like



Aij 2


(δv)+ lower order terms,

with the matrix(Aij)symmetric positive definite. Them-admissible functionψ onHsuch that (6) holds, is related tov, in the chartx=(x1, . . . , xn)∈Rn, by:


1+ |x|2exp

ψ (x) , with−−−→OX=eψ(x)−−→Ox.

Varyingψbyδψthus yields for the corresponding variationδvofvthe following expression:δv(X)=w(X)δψ (x), with




Xi ∂v



Since the graph lies inC+and it is spacelike, we havev(X) >|X|and (using Schwarz inequality) n


Xi ∂v

∂Xi <|X|,

thereforew >0. Moreover, up to lower order terms, we have:





∂xk∂xl(δψ )(x)∂xk



∂Xj withxk =√ Xk

v2(X)−|X|2. We thus find in (5):







and the ellipticity ofδψdFm(ψ )(δψ )follows. 2

We need also a more specific (ellipticity) property of the operatorFm, namely:

Lemma 2.For each couple(ϕ0, ϕ1)ofm-admissible real functions onHand each pointx0∈Hwhereϕ=ϕ1ϕ0 assumes a local extremum, the whole segmentt ∈ [0,1] →ϕt =ϕ0+t ϕ consists ofm-admissible functions at the pointx0.

Proof. The analogue of Lemma 2 is fairly standard in the Cartesian setting, using the expression of the operatorGm introduced in the proof of Lemma 1 (see [2]) together with the well-known fact:∀κΓm,∀i∈ {1, . . . , n},∂σ∂κmi(κ) >0.

Here, we will simply reduce the proof to that setting (and let the reader complete the argument). Let us first normalize


the situation at an extremum pointx0∈Hofϕ. From (4), we may assumeϕ(x0)=0. Moreover, we may assume that ϕ has a local minimum atx0(if not, exchangeϕ0andϕ1). Finally, setting graphHϕa=graphRnuafora=0,1, and performing if necessary a suitable Lorentz transform (hyperbolic rotation), we may takex0=(0,1)∈Rn×Rthus withua(0)=1. Fort∈ [0,1]and nearx0, setΣt =graphRnut for the hypersurface graphHϕt. We must prove that Σt ism-admissible atx0. ForXt ∈Rn,1lying inΣt, we have:−−−→OXt=et ϕ(x)−−−→OX0with−−→Ox=−−−→OX0/

−|−−−→OX0|2. In the Cartesian setting, we thus have (sticking to theRn-valued charts used in the preceding proof):

ut Xt

=et ϕ(x)u0

et ϕ(x)Xt , here withx=X0/

u20(X0)− |X0|2, Xt=et ϕ(x)X0, and(X0, u0(X0))∈graphRnu0; moreover, the lemma boils down to proving thatutism-admissible atXt=0. A routine calculation yields atXt=0 the equalities:


∂Xt i (0)= ∂u0

∂X0i(0), 2ut

∂Xt i∂Xtj (0)= 2u0

∂X0i∂X0j(0)+t 2ϕ


where, in the second one, the matrix [2ϕ/∂xi∂xj(0)]1i,jn is non-negative. We readily infer [2] that, for each t∈ [0,1], the principal curvaturesκ1t· · ·κnt of the hypersurfaceΣt atx0(each repeated according to its multi- plicity) satisfy:∀i∈ {1, . . . , n}, κit κi0. The latter implies that then-tuple(κ1t, . . . , κnt)lies in the coneΓm, since 10, . . . , κn0)Γm. 2

Theorem 2.The operatorFmis one-to-one onm-admissible functions of classC2vanishing at infinity.

Proof. Let us argue by contradiction. Letϕ0, ϕ1be twom-admissibleC2functions vanishing at infinity and having the same image byFm. Fort∈ [0,1], setϕt =ϕ0+t ϕwithϕ=ϕ1ϕ0. Sinceϕ vanishes at infinity, ifϕ≡0, it assumes a non-zero local extremum (a maximum, say, with no loss of generality) at some pointx0∈H. By Lemma 2, the whole segment t∈ [0,1] →ϕt ism-admissible in a neighborhood Ω of x0 whereϕ thus satisfies the second order linear equation=0 with L1=0 and the operatorL given byL=1

0 dFmt) dt. Combining Lemma 1 above with Hopf’s strong Maximum Principle (see [7]), we getϕϕ(x0)throughoutΩ. By connectedness, we infer ϕϕ(x0)=0 on the whole ofH, contradicting limr(x)→+∞ϕ=0. So, indeed, we must haveϕ≡0, in other words Fmis one-to-one. 2

2. Existence of a solution reduced to that of upper and lower solutions

Theorem 3.Leth:H→Rbe a function of classC2,α,for someα(0,1), such that there existsϕC4,α(H)with graphHϕstrictly convex and spacelike, andϕ+C2(H)withgraphHϕ+spacelike, satisfying

F2)h, F2+)h and lim


Then the equation F2(ϕ)=h

has a unique admissible solution of classC4,αsuch thatlimr(x)→+∞ϕ(x)=0.Moreoverϕsatisfies the pinching:


Remark 2.Sinceϕ is a bounded function, the hypersurfaceM=graphH(ϕ)is entire. More precisely, denoting by ϕminandϕmaxtwo constants such thatϕminϕϕmax,the functionu:Rn→Rsuch that graphRn(u)=graphH(ϕ) satisfiesuminuumaxwhereumin(resp.umax) is such that graphRn(umin)=graphHmin)(resp. graphRn(umax)= graphHmax)).Noting that the graphs ofuminandumaxare hyperboloids, we see that the inequalityuuminimplies thatMis entire, and the inequalityuumaximplies thatMis asymptotic to the lightcone.


Proof. The asserted uniqueness follows from Theorem 2; so let us focus on the existence part. A straightfor- ward comparison principle, using (5) and Lemma 2, implies ϕϕ+ on H.Let u,u+:Rn→Rbe such that graphRn(u±)=graphH±).SetH for the function onRn,1defined by:

H (X)= (n2)

|Xn+1|2− |X|2


X |Xn+1|2− |X|2


. (7)

The spacelike functionsuandu+satisfy:

H2[u]H (·, u), H2[u+]H (·, u+), uu+ and lim


u±(x)− |x| =0,

whereH2[u±]stands for the second mean curvature of the graph ofu±.Theorem 1.1 in [3] asserts the existence of a functionu:Rn→R,belonging toC4,α,spacelike, such thatH2[u] =H (·, u)inRn,lim|x|→+∞u(x)− |x| =0, anduuu+. The functionϕ:H→Rsuch that graphH(ϕ)=graphRn(u) is a solution of our original prob- lem. 2

3. Construction of radial upper and lower solutions

In the sequel of the paper, we first solve the Dirichlet problem on a bounded set inH(Section 3.1) then proceed to proving the existence and uniqueness of an entire solution in the radial case and study its properties (Sections 3.2 and 3.3); finally, we construct the required radial barriers (Section 3.4).

3.1. The Dirichlet problem

Theorem 4.Givenα(0,1), letΩ be a uniformly convex bounded open subset ofHwithC2,αboundary,h:Ω→R be a positive function of class C2,α,and ϕ0:Ω →Rbe a spacelike function of classC2,α whose radial graph is strictly convex. Then the Dirichlet problem

F2(ϕ)=h inΩ, ϕ=ϕ0 on∂Ω, (8)

has a unique admissible solution of classC4,α.

Proof. We first prove uniqueness, by contradiction: letϕ0, ϕ1be two admissible solutions of (8), and, fort∈ [0,1],set ϕt=ϕ0+t ϕwithϕ=ϕ1ϕ0.Sinceϕvanishes on∂Ω,ifϕ≡0,it assumes a non-zero local extremum. Following the arguments of the proof of Theorem 2 we obtain a contradiction with the Hopf’s strong Maximum Principle. Let us focus now on the existence part. Settingx=(x,

1+ |x|2)∈Rn×R,and Ω=

eϕ0(x)x, xΩ

, u0



1+ |x|2, problem (8) is equivalent to the Dirichlet problem:

H2[u] =H (·, u) inΩ, u=u0 on∂Ω, (9)

whereH2is the scalar curvature operator acting on spacelike graphs defined onΩ⊂Rn,andHis defined onΩ×R by (7).

Let us consider the Banach space E=

vC2,α), v=0 on∂Ω , and the open convex subset ofE


vE, sup




We first note that for everyvU, graphRn(v+u0)belongs to the dependence setKof graphRnu0.Here, by definition, X∈Rn,1belongs toKif for everyξ∈Rn,1withξ, ξ0 andξ=0,the rayX+R meets graphRnu0.The setK is a compact subset of the open coneC+.


For each(v, t )U× [0,1], we know from [2,15] that the Dirichlet problem

H2[u] =t H (·, v+u0)+(1t )H2[u0] inΩ, u=u0 on∂Ω (10) has a unique admissible solution (belonging toC4,α). We define the map

T : [0,1] ×UE, (t, v)u

whereuis such thatu=u+u0is the admissible solution of (10).

For eacht ∈ [0,1]the fixed points of T (t,·)are under control: indeed, suppose T (t, u)=u,then the function u=u+u0solves the Dirichlet problem

H2[u] = ˜H (·, u) inΩ, u=u0 on∂Ω (11) where


H (·, u)=t H (·, u)+(1t )H2[u0]. (12)

The followinga prioriestimates are carried out in [3, p.251]: there existϑ(0,1)andC >0 such that sup


|Du|<1−ϑ and u2,α,Ω< C. (13)

The constantsϑ, Conly depend on diam(Ω),infKH ,˜ ˜H2,K,u04,Ω,and on a positive lower bound on the min- imum eigenvalue ofD2u0onΩ.The expression ofH˜ implies that they are independent of the parametert∈ [0,1].

In order to prove that T (1,·)has a fixed point, we now consider the (nonempty) convex subset of the Banach spaceE:


vU, D(v+u0)<1−ϑandv+u02,α,Ω< C , and the mapT : [0,1] ×Uϑ,CE.Then the following properties hold:

(i) T is continuous with compact image due to the above estimates on the solutions of the Dirichlet problem (10);

(ii) T (0,·)≡0 by definition;

(iii) for everyt∈ [0,1], T (t,·)does not have any fixed point on∂Uϑ,C,since each fixed point ofT (t,·)belongs to Uϑ,Cby the definitions ofϑandC.

An elementary version of the Leray–Schauder theorem (due to Browder and Potter [12]) implies thatT (1,·)has a fixed point, which proves that (8) has a solution. 2

3.2. Existence and uniqueness of entire radial solutions

The aim of this section is to prove the following result:

Theorem 5.Forα(0,1), leth:R+→Rbe a positive function of classC2,α constant on some neighborhood of0 and letϕ0be a real number. Recallr=r(x)denotes the hyperbolic distance ofx∈Hfrom a fixed origino∈H. The problem:

F2(ϕ)(x)=h(r) for allx∈H, ϕ(o)=ϕ0, (14)

admits a unique admissible radial solutionϕ:H→Rof classC4,α.

Proof. Existence: letBi denote the ball inHwith centeroand radiusi∈N, andϕibe the admissible solution of the Dirichlet problem:

F2(ϕ)=h, ϕ|∂Bi=0, (15)


given by Theorem 4. By radial symmetry and uniqueness,ϕi is a radial function:ϕi(x)=fi(r)for some function fi: [0, i] →R. By uniqueness again, forj > i, the functionϕjϕimust be constant onBi. Thereforefj(r)fi(r) forr∈ [0, i].We may thus definegonR+byg=fion each[0, i].Now the functionϕdefined by

ϕ(x)=ϕ0+ r


g(u) du

is a radial solution of (14).

Uniqueness: assume thatϕ1andϕ2are admissible radial solutions of (14):ϕ1(x)=f1(r),ϕ2(x)=f2(r)where f1, f2are functionsR+→R.For each realR >0, set

ϕ1,R(x)= − R


f1(u) du and ϕ2,R(x)= − R


f2(u) du.

The functionsϕ1,R andϕ2,Rare both admissible solutions of the Dirichlet problem (15) onBR.As such, they must coincide onBR,hencef1=f2on[0, R],which implies the desired result. 2

3.3. Properties of the radial solutions

The following lemma describes the monotonicity of a solutionϕof Eq. (14) depending on the sign ofh−1:

Lemma 3.Leth:R+→Randϕ:H→Rbe as in Theorem5, and letf :R+→Rbe such that ϕ(x)=f[r(x)],


(i) Ifh1,thenf is non-increasing;in particular, ifϕ0=0, the functionϕis non-positive.

(ii) Ifh1,thenf is non-decreasing;in particular, ifϕ0=0, the functionϕis non-negative.

Proof. Here, we need to calculate explicitly the expression of Eq. (14) in the radial case. Sete1, . . . , en+1,for the standard orthonormal basis of the vector spaceRn,1.Fixx∈Hand take, with no loss of generality,

o=en+1=(0, . . . ,0,1), x=(sinhr,0, . . . ,0,coshr)

withr, the hyperbolic distance betweenoandx.Consider the orthonormal basis ofTxHdefined by:

r=coshre1+sinhren+1, and ϑ=eϑ, ϑ=2, . . . , n,

and the vectors, tangent toM=graphHϕateϕ(x)x, induced by the embeddingx∈H→eϕ(x)xM, given by:

ur=ef(fx+r), uϑ=efϑ, ϑ=2, . . . , n.

The future oriented unit normal toMateϕ(x)xis the vector:

N (r)= f


r+ 1


x. (16)

LetSbe the shape endomorphism ofMateϕ(x)x,with respect to the future unit normalN (r).Using the formulas Drr(x)=x, Dϑr(x)= 1


whereDdenotes the canonical flat connection ofRn,1andr the unit radial vector field ofHwith respect to the point o,we readily get:

S(ur)=dN (∂r)= ef

1−f2 f




and, forϑ=2, . . . , n,

S(uϑ)=dN (∂ϑ)= ef

1−f2 f



The principal curvatures ofMatr >0 are thus equal to:


1−f2 f


(simple), ef

1−f2 f

tanhr +1


Settings=s(r)for the hyperbolic distance fromotoN (r),we infer from (16):

s(r)=r+Argth(f). (17)

In terms of the new radial unknowns(r), forr >0, the principal curvatures read

efcosh(r−s)s, efsinhs

sinhr, . . . , efsinhs sinhr

, (18)

and the equationF2(ϕ)=hreads

2scosh(r−s)sinhrsinhs=nh2sinh2r(n−2)sinh2s. (19)

We now prove the first statement of the lemma. Sincef=tanh(s−r),we must prove:sron[0,+∞).Suppose firsth <1.Sinces(0)=0 ands(0)=h(0) <1 (from (19)), there existsr0>0 such thatsron[0, r0].Moreover, we get from (19):

s 1

2 cosh(r−s)


sinhs(n−2)sinhs sinhr


We observe that the functions(r)=ris a solution of the ODE:

s= 1

2 cosh(r−s)


sinhs(n−2)sinhs sinhr

on[r0,+∞).So the comparison theorem for solutions of ordinary differential equations impliessron[r0,+∞).

Suppose onlyh1,fixA >0 and considerhδ=hδ,whereδ is some small positive constant such thathδ>0 on[0, A]. Denoting byϕδandsδ the corresponding solutions of (14) and (19) on the ball of radiusA,the function sδris non-positive; we now prove thatsδrconverges uniformly tosrasδtends to zero, which will yield the desired result. SetBAfor the ball of radiusAinHcentered atoandU= {ψC2,α(BA), ψ+ϕis admissible inBA, ψ|∂BA=0}; consider the auxiliary map:

Φ:ψUΦ(ψ ):=F2+ϕ)Cα(BA).

Since Φ(0)=h and since, classically [7] (recalling (5)), the linearized map dΦ(0) is an isomorphism from {ξC2,α(BA), ξ|∂BA=0} to Cα(BA), the inverse function theorem implies:ε >0,∃δ0>0,∀δ(0, δ0), the solutionψδU ofF2δ+ϕ)=hδ satisfies|ψδ|2,αε.Sinceϕδ=ψδ+ϕψδ(o),we obtain|ϕδϕ|2,α2ε, which implies the convergence ofϕδtoϕinC1and thus the uniform convergence ofsδtos.

The proof of statement (ii) is analogous and thus omitted. 2

Our next lemma provides a simple necessary and sufficient condition for an entire radial solution to be bounded.

Lemma 4.Leth:R+→Randϕ:H→Rbe as in Theorem5.

(i) Assumeh1,andlimr→∞h=1.Then

r(x)lim→+∞ϕ(x) >−∞ if and only if +∞


(1h) drconverges.


(ii) Assumeh1,andlimr→∞h=1.Then

r(x)lim→+∞ϕ(x) <+∞ if and only if



(h−1) drconverges.

Proof. Let us prove statement (i), thus assumingh1,with limr→∞h=1.We stick to the notations used in the proof of Lemma 3. From (17), we get at once:





du. (20)

Statement (i) amounts to proving that +∞

0 tanh(u−s(u)) duconverges if and only if so does+∞

0 (1h) dr. We split the proof of this fact into five steps.

Step 1.The solutionsof (19) is an increasing function.

Let us consider in the(r, s)plane the curveCwith equation:

nh2sinh2r=(n−2)sinh2s, r, s0.

The slope of its tangent at(0,0)is


n2h(0).Since the solutionssatisfiess(0)=0 ands(0)=h(0),we infer that the graph of s stays under the curveC near 0. Noting that the following vector field, associated to the differential equation (19):

(r, s)

2 cosh(r−s)sinhrsinhs, nh2sinh2r(n−2)sinh2s ,

is horizontal onC, and that the heightsof the curveC is increasing withr, we conclude that the solutionsof (19) remains trapped belowC.In other wordsnh2sinh2r(n−2)sinh2sfor allr,and (19) implies:s0.

Step 2.rshas a limit at+∞.

By contradiction, assume lim inf(r−s) <lim sup(r−s)=δ.Thus there exists a sequencerk→ +∞such that rks(rk)δands(rk)=1.Denotings(rk)bysk,we get from Eq. (19):

1= 1

2 cosh(rksk)


sinhsk(n−2)sinhsk sinhrk

. (21)

We distinguish two cases:

First case:δ <+∞.We then havesk→ +∞, sinhrsinhsk

kerkskeδ and sinhssinhrk

keskrkeδ asktends to infinity (here and below, the equivalence∼between two quantities means that their quotient has limit 1). So (21) yields

1= 1

2 coshδ

neδ(n−2)eδ .

Usingeδeδwe get 1cosheδδ,which is absurd.

Second case:δ= +∞.First assuming thatsk is not bounded, and sincesis an increasing function (Step 1), we have:

sk→ +∞, sinhsinhrsk

kerksk→ +∞and sinhssinhrk

keskrk→0 asktends to infinity. Eq. (21) yields

1∼ n

2 cosh(rksk)erksk,

which is absurd since cosh(rksk)erk−sk2 .If we now assumesk bounded, sincesis an increasing function with s(0) >0, we get thatskconverges tol >0,and, sincesinhsinhsrk

k →0,we obtain from (21):

1∼ n

2 cosh(rksk) sinhrk

sinhl ,

with sinhrke2rk,cosh(rksk)erk−sk2e2lerk;so 1=n2sinhel l,which is absurd.


Step 3.rstends to 0 at infinity.

Having proved thatrsconverges, let us setδ=limr→+∞rsand prove by contradiction thatδ=0.There are two cases:

First case:0< δ <+∞.We gets→ +∞,hence sinhsinhrserseδ, sinhssinhresreδas rtends to infinity, and thus, from (19):

s→ 1 2 coshδ

neδ(n−2)eδ .

The latter expression is larger than 1, which contradictsrs.

Second case:δ= +∞.We first note that sinhsinhrs →0 (ifsis bounded this is trivial; ifsis not bounded,s→ +∞since s is increasing, and we have sinhssinhresr →0 sincers→ +∞). Moreover we have lim infnh2 sinhsinhsr n since rs.We thus infer from Eq. (19):


2 cosh(r−s) sinhr sinhs.

Assumings→ +∞,we get sinhrsinhsers and cosh(r−s)er2s,hencesn,which is impossible sincesr.

Finally, assumingsbounded yieldssl >0;sincers→ +∞,we infer cosh(r−s)er2s and sinhre2r, hence from (19),essn2sinhl1 and thussn2sinhlel ,which contradicts the boundedness assumption ons.

Step 4.limr(x)→+∞ϕ(x) >−∞if and only ifε(r):=rsis integrable on[0,+∞).

This is straightforward from (20) combined with tanh(u−s(u))ε(u)which holds asu→ +∞due to Step 3.

Step 5.εis integrable on[0,+∞)if and only ifβ:=1−h2is integrable on[0,+∞).

First observation: limr→∞s=1. Indeed, at infinity, we havers→0, sos→ +∞,hence:


sinhsers∼1, sinhs

sinhresr∼1, and (19) yieldss→1.

Using Step 3, the assumptions onhand the preceding observation, we get ε(r)→0, β(r)→0, and ε(r)=1−s(r)→0

asrtends to infinity. Plugging the definitions ofεandβin (19) and using the expansions coshε=1+o(ε), sinh(r−ε)=sinhr

1−ε+o(ε) , yields


2β. (22)

Fixing a realδ >0,there readily existsrδ>0 such that, for allrrδ, ε+(n−1−δ)εn

2β, (23)



2β. (24)

Integrating (23), we get, forrrδ, ε(r)e(n1δ)r

C(rδ)+n 2 r




Integrating again and using Fubini Theorem yields, withδsuch thatn−1−δ >0,




ε(r) drC(rδ)+n 2



β(u)e(n1δ)u +∞




C(rδ)+ n

2(n−1−δ) +∞


β(u) du.

We conclude thatεis integrable providedβ=1−h2is integrable.

Analogously, using (24), we get ε(r)e(n1+δ)r

C(rδ)+n 2 r



, and



ε(r) drC(rδ)+n 2



β(u)e(n1+δ)u +∞




C(rδ)+ n

2(n−1+δ) +∞


β(u) du.

Takingδ >0 arbitrary, we find thatβ is integrable ifεis integrable.

The proof of statement (ii) is analogous and thus omitted. 2 3.4. Construction of radial barriers

Lemma 5.Leth:H→Rbe a positive and continuous function on the hyperbolic space such that


and such that the functionshandh+defined onR+by h(r)= sup


h(x) and h+(r)= inf

r(x)=rh(x) satisfy



(h−1)+dr <+∞,



(1h+)+dr <+∞,

where(h−1)+(resp.(1h+)+)means the positive part ofh−1 (resp.1−h+). Then there existϕ, ϕ+C(H), with strictly convex spacelike graphs, satisfying:

F2)h, F2+)h and lim


Proof. First, considering 1+(h−1)+instead ofh and 1−(1h+)+instead ofh+,we may suppose without loss of generality thathandh+are two continuous functions such that:∀x∈H,withr=r(x),

h(r)h(x)h+(r) >0, (25)

h1h+, lim

r→+∞h(r)= lim

r→+∞h+(r)=1, (26)

and +∞


(h−1) dr <+∞,



(1h+) dr <+∞. (27)


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